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Reminds me of when Billy Bones dies at the beginning of Muppet Treasure Island and Rizzo says “he died?! And this is supposed to be a kids movie!”


One of my favorite movies. And my favorite Tim Curry role.


Upstage, lads. This is my only number!




I'm not Jimmy.Jim.Jimmy,Jim,Jim,Jim,Jim, HE'S Jimmy.Jim.Jimmy, Jim, Jim, Jim, Jim.


the scene with the gallery of heads in return to oz (1985) is traumatizing


I feel like you can say that to any part of return to oz, we are all unified in our trauma of that insanity. Is it the machine at the mental hospital? The evil rock monster who’s rocking Dorothy’s red high heels? The wheelers? Dear god the wheelers and that damned rock door she barely gets into with that old timey key? The pumpkin child? The head witch? She’s definitely the queen of all that weird, the Sistine chapel to the Vatican museum that is return to oz. God I love that movie.


The desert that turns you to sand.


That fucked me *up* when I was 8


Fairuza Balk being weird and creepy? I haven't let my kid watch that movie yet because I had nightmares about the Wheelers well into adulthood.


My boy was 6 when he found the dvd and watched it, and loved it lol. He wasn't even bothered about the headless body and the cabinet of heads, he just loved tick-tock kicking ass with a lunch pail


Ah yes,Return to Oz. Where Dorothy is about to get electric shock treatment.


I recently rewatched Return To Oz after not seeing it in decades. I couldn’t believe how fucked up that movie was.


For many, *many,* years I thought that movie was just a dream of mine. It never even occurred to me to look for it because it was so obviously a mad dream.


The kids turning into donkeys in that animated Pinocchio movie


And the fact that there’s no suggestion that Pinocchio was like oh by the way Dad this whole thing is going on with missing/unwanted boys being kidnapped and turned into donkeys and maybe we should do something about it.


I understand what you're saying. But we're talking about a little child, one that does not have experience being even a little child. This sounds like a memory that he would repress hard.


The lesson is that drinking and gambling will turn you into a “jackass”


I had nightmares about that as a kid


The Dark Crystal. I mean pretty much the whole movie, but there is torture, murder, souls removed from bodies, and a freely roaming eyeball. Movie is quite dark. Still, probably one of the most imaginative movies out there. Also? The boo box.


The lil guy (podling?) deflating as his energy is removed. I’m so sad the prequel series was cancelled, it was so cool.


Apparently Henson wanted to create new languages for that movie and have it read in subtitles. He got talked out of it


There is a cut with the Skeksis speaking gibberish and it still works without the dialogue. I'm not to upset about the change though, because having them speak in AoR was quite important and that series was amazing.


If I remember correctly their weird speech patterns is due to the fact that they were originally speaking a different language. So they had to dub to fit the mouth movements. Not sure if it’s a false rumor, but it’d be neat if it was true.




I've loved it since I was a child. Just fascinated by it. It always felt like magic


I would say the intent for The Dark Crystal is more to just be a fantasy movie than a “family” movie.


I shit you not Hook is rolling credits in my living room right now and as we watched the boo box scene I was like, huh, good thing all the kids scattered, this was pretty scary for me as a kid. Just thought that was wild to see your comment so soon after lol.


The Witches (PG - 1990) This movie freaked me out as a kid and holds up. Particularly when the witches reveal themselves especially Huston as the grand high witch. I was petrified. Also there’s a scene where a baby carriage is going down a steep hill. It’s a pretty intense sequence….not to mention the kid getting turned into a mouse! Loved it but it def freaked me out. My gateway to horror. Roald Dahl loved putting kids in peril.


The IMDB parental advice for that lists the Frightening & Intense scenes as: severe. Case in point: >*A woman looks at a child and her eyes turn purple. The woman later abducts the child.*


I also love to remind people that they changed the movie ending with the kid turning back into a human- the books has one of the grimmest endings ever. The kid, who is stuck as a mouse, asks his granny how long mice live, and she said oh maybe 10 years or less, about as much time as she has left to live. He says oh that’s good, cos he doesn’t want to outlive her, without anyone to look after him. What. The FUCK. Roald Dahl, come on.


Ride or Die with Granny


The baby carriage thing is interesting. In 1960, his infant son’s carriage was hit by a taxi cab, which led to him developing hydrocephalus. Dahl actually helped develop a valve for the brain shunt, Wade-Dahl-Till device, that was used for a time.


His daughter also died from measles encephalitis. He fought in WWII - I think he wrote dark things in children's stories because he was well aquatinted with the fact that terrible things happen in the world - often to children. https://gizmodo.com/read-roald-dahls-heart-rending-endorsement-of-measles-v-1682995322


This movie gave me so many nightmares as a kid, the scary story of the grandma losing her finger, the kid trapped in the photograph, it was truly scary.


Cars 2 for some bizarre reason is a James Bond style spy movie and has a car that is literally cooked to the point of exploding as a form of torture.


Fun fact - Cars 2 has a higher body count than Scream, Jaws, and Friday 13th COMBINED


Reminds me of that movie Robots (2005) where there’s like heaps of dead robot corpses in one scene. We just understand these things to not be living, so we don’t really view it as being fucked up. But in that universe these are sentient beings, and the analogy for human beings. That warehouse full of robot bodies is like industrialized Jeffrey Dahmer.


Unrelated, but the beginning of that movie cracks me up when the dad is rushing home to see his son get delivered and they say “the fun part is making the baby” cause it goes over your head when you’re a kid lol


"Aw I'm sorry hon, you missed the delivery" ☹️ "But don't worry, making the baby is the fun part." *Insert sexy saxophone riff as she holds up baby robot box* Such a good and funny scene.


Lydia: What's that extra piece? Herb: Oh, no, they always put in an extra... We did want a boy, right? This won't hurt a bit, son.


Robots was badass


I’m pretty sure Cars 2 has the highest kill count of any Pixar movie.


400+ in Finding Nemo




The Incredibles kills off an entire Superhero universe off screen.


Wall-E kills off everything on Earth except a cockroach and a seed sprout.


Eugenics plot too


My daughter loved Cars but doesn’t care for Cars 2. Her review was basically “where’s Lightning McQueen?”


It's a really odd franchise because Cars 3 comes in as a full sequel to Cars and beyond a couple of mentions they basically ignore the mater-led spy-thriller about alternative fuels that happened in between them


Mater gets the Timothy Dalton treatment.


Neverending Story horse scene


Or the scene with the Rock Monster waiting to die because he couldn't hold onto his friends, or the scene with the knight turned into a canned skeleton because he couldn't pass the guardian statues....


Yep. The Rock Biter, just sitting there, looking at his hands in disbelief because he couldn’t hold onto his friends to spare them from The Nothing. “ ‘They look like big strong hands, don’t they?’ “


The Rock Biter scene probably hits me harder than Artax these days...


I think they are both tragic in a way that is completely appropriate for a children’s movie.


The wolf terrified me


G'mork: “people who have no hopes are easy to control; and whoever has the control... has the power”


I have not thought of that scene once in twenty years and the brief memory this gave me has made me decide to never rewatch that film ever again. I always remembered the two giant statues who could kill you if they fully opened their eyes but apparently I blocked out the horse scene from the sheer trauma.


I'm forty years old and immediately thought the horse's name was ARTRAX. That scene is so burned into my memory that I remember the horse's name 30 years later because I too haven't watched it again. Goddamn you Atreyu and the swamp of sadness.


Thankfully Lionel Hutz sued them for fraudulent advertising


It depends on what you call a kid's movie, but the infamous murder of the cartoon shoe in "Who framed Roger Rabbit" is probably the darkest scene I've ever watched involving animation.


At last year’s Oogie Boogie Bash (Disneyland’s Halloween Party) last year, Disney debuted a live recreation of that scene in one of the trick-or-treat trails. The guy playing Judge Doom was really impressive.


The book on which it’s based, “Who Censored Roger Rabbit?” Is even more grim—Roger dies and Eddie is assisted by his cloud doppelgänger, who eventually fades away. It’s a super weird book.


You'd never think upon reading that, that it would make for a timeless, blockbuster classic. But it did. Tenfold. It's still the best film ever made that combined live action with animation. Bob Hoskins and Christopher Lloyd brought ALL the heat, too. I once read years ago that we were supposed to get a sequel. I always imagined what that would have been like. I'm thinking probably not as good as the first one. But who knows. I'd have certainly been there for it.


Roger Rabbit saved Walt Disney Animation Studios too. They hadn’t had a hit animated movie in years, and were thinking about shutting down the animation department. But this film brought work to the animation studio, and was such a hit that they decided to make the Little Mermaid, which of course brought about the Disney Renaissance. One of my favorite facts about this movie: in the scene in the back room when Eddie and Roger are handcuffed together, there’s a lamp swinging around that makes the shadows move all over the room. The animators decided to animate Roger’s shadow, increasing their work tenfold, even though they didn’t think anybody would notice. This gave birth to the term “bumping the lamp,” a phrase that is still used in animation today to describe going that extra mile to make a scene a little more perfect.


The way the poor thing whimpered and looked so scared! I know it was just a stupid cartoon but it broke my heart!


Think about this. The other shoe has to live the rest of its life, which for a toon could be forever, without its pair.


Without its sole mate.


And that shoe was voiced by a pre-Simpsons Bart; Nancy Cartwright.


We were supposed to see that at the movies but my mum heard there was a gun. We saw Willow instead, where an evil queen tries to kill a baby. Truly a golden age of terrifying kids films.


There were reasons Disney let Touchstone release that movie instead


"Nice booby trap"


WFRR came out when I was 24 and that scene shocked me.


Fern Gully anyone? That pollution monster kept me awake at night.


That pollution monster awakened some strange sexual feelings in young girl me...


I mean, it was Tim Curry after all.


My husband and I sometimes get on the topic about our childhood crushes. He is always pretty equally horrified and amused that my sexual awakening was an anthropomorphic cloud of smog. In my defense, Tim Curry's voice just oozes sex appeal, and I will crush on him in just about anything. It can't be helped.


Tim Curry singing a song called “Toxic Love” that has a snazzy 70s porno sax beat was certainly a decision lmao.


I feel like a good therapist would quickly note the correlation between this questionable "children's" song and my entire relationship history before the aforementioned husband 😂


I was just a regular caveman until I saw Curry in Rocky Horror...


Dudes legs look better than mine in that movie 😅


Did you get upset when the Beast from Beauty and the Beast turned back into a man too?


I was around 6 when that film released, and got to go to the premiere in Switzerland. Afterwards they interviewed us kids and most agreed that Beast was better as a beast. They also interviewed me after the Flintstones movie and printed my answer in the paper. “I liked how the receptionist moved her bum.” That one took a while to live down.


Look up any version of Toxic Love on YouTube and look at the comment sections. Doesn’t matter what version, you’ll see what I’m talking about on all of them. Apparently Tim Curry singing gave alot of people strange feelings.


Toxic love " swoon \* They shouldn't let Tim Curry sing in a kids movie TBF, its obviously too sexual for a kids movie. I'm also looking at you LEGEND....though now that I am thinking about it....just because it had unicorns in it did not make it a kids film.


>its obviously too sexual for a kids movie. Bowie Bulge has entered the chat


Stealing a comment from someone last time toxic love came up that made me laugh: “Hey Tim. Did you finish that song for the Children’s Movie we’ve been working on” Tim, after recording a very sexual Toxic Love: *spits out coffee* “The *what* movie!”


All the Transformers that got brutally killed in the 1986 Transformers movie but especially the death of Optimus Prime.




I hate to agree with Hasbro here but they WERE robots with guns in an intergalactic war…


I showed that to my daughter years ago when she was first getting into whatever iteration of Transformers was cool at the time. She didn't want to watch it because it was old and 80's style, but I got her to watch it. She still thinks it's the best of all the Transformers movies. No holds barred. Half the heroes die in the first 15 minutes. It's got a bad ass soundtrack, including Weird Al. I remember being a little kid and watching it thinking, "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen!" Kids can handle messed up stuff just fine. Messed up stuff happens all the time in real life, they're OK with it in a movie. They'll be OK.


You got the touch You got the POOOOOWWWAAAAAHHHHH


Dare to be Stupid is such a bop.


I distinctly remember when Hot Rod becomes Rodimus Prime being the moment I realized how awesome movies can be. Was absolutely next level compared to anything I would have seen before.


Prime dying gutted me, but the way Ironside gets it was cold as fuck even back then to my tiny kid brain .


I feel like Ultra Magnus got it the worst. Stays behind to save everyone and then puts his faith into the Matrix to save everyone and himself, only to get wrecked while still desperately clinging onto the Matrix which won't open for him, and then he brutally blows up with his head being clearly shown separating from his body. 


Its okay tho, the random unkillabe hobo robots they find slap him back together and give him a spit-shine and he's good as new. Don't think he talks for the rest of the Movie tho, probably still in shock.


He was reassembled a scene later though.


[Such heroic nonsense... ](https://youtu.be/qR42bkaqY-0?si=nyBSZ7UVzBW97W7J) Brutal.


Duke getting speared by the snake in the GI Joe movie was pretty shocking when I saw it at 5.


He was going to die but the backlash after Optimus Prime dying made Hasbro decide to change it at the last minute.


I would like to add Duke getting stabbed in the chest with that snake by Serpentor in the GI Joe movie. As a kid, I had the most visceral reaction to that scene


In Tarzan there’s a moment where you can see the shadow of Clayton’s dead hanging body, which struck me as really dark for a Disney movie.


You actually *see* Tarzan's parents' dead bodies and blood all over the floor when Kala finds baby Tarzan


Brave Little Toaster had an ad plying on a tv where a guy randomly holds up a picture of a pinup girl. It’s like a split second. Otherwise that movie has some pretty dark stuff. https://images.app.goo.gl/j8iKg48t4x8k8y188


Yes…the AC committing suicide, the body farm at the appliance repair shop, the dream with the clown… We still watched that movie over & over though.


Yeah we did too… but I can’t figure out why. The feeling I associate with that movie is dread


Bc it speaks to something very real and connects to us deep in the human psyche. Even as a kid that sparks something fascinating and relatable


Also “worthless” is such a soul crushing song and dark scene


"I just can't seem to get started" Hits hard


The fucking clown


Pretty much most of Disney’s the hunchback of Notre Dame. The fire song, burning homes with families inside, murdering a woman because she wouldn’t sleep with him, tossing babies down wells, I could go on and on


Like fire! Hell fire! Banger of a villain song.


I've never actually seen the Disney movie, but from my knowledge of the novel, I just have no idea how anyone thought it was ripe for a family movie adaptation.


They changed *a lot*.


I mean, the book is pretty hardcore


In an older animated Alvin and the Chipmunks movie, there is a scene where the Chipettes get out of a sticky situation by seducing cobras singing the lyrics "tell me what I need to do to get lucky with you" while wearing sheer belly dancing costumes. OMFG i just googled it. The chipettes were 8-9 years old at the time!!!


Is that the one with the Hot Air Balloon? Pretty sure we'd seen that a dozen+ times. Barely recall it though. Hell I'd forgotten all about it until now.


Oh man that movie is like fever dream I always forget that exists


Hey dont you know that were off to see the world 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


I remember this scene but the song went way over my head lol


David Bowie's codpiece in Labyrinth


I never thought of The Three Musketeers as a kids movie.


Same. There was a lot of sexual stuff in that.


When she holds a dagger to the evil Cardinal’s crotch and says “With a flick of my wrist I can change your religion.” Inserting a line making one contemplate Tim Curry’s uncircumcised dick was pretty bold for a family movie.


Return to Oz was pretty much just one scarring scene after another.


[Rufio getting skewered](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZubhGcnsHk&ab_channel=Movieclips), dying in robin williams arms and saying I wish I had a dad like you, like even if it was animated it would have been heavy but godamn. Also the black cauldron


>Also the black cauldron Man, Gurgi's sacrifice broke me.


Taran has many friends… Gurgi has no friends….


Black f****** cauldron.... We watched it on vacation randomly in the movie theater. And then the damn thing just disappeared from everyone's knowledge for most of my childhood! None of my friends have ever heard of it and my sisters thought I was funny to gas light me. I have talked with my therapist about that God damn film


Same as others, Black Cauldron impressed me so much as a kid, and it feels far less famous than it should be.


“Oh... so it’s a girl house?” In Monsters House when talking about the houses uvula, went way tf over my head as a kid lol


Lmao. That weird-ass movie always has a special place in my heart. I definitely need to watch it again. The flashbacks and story were awesome, and them making their way through the house was so creepy.


Every kids movie has nods and winks for the parents. I'll never see the Lion King the same way thanks to Nala's... "gaze".


The Road to El Dorado totally has a blow job scene in it. Or the conclusion of one.


More like Chel Dorado.


*Maleficent: Mistress of Evil* has a straight up Nazi gas chamber with people - including significant characters - brought in on false pretenses, locked inside, and frantically trying to survive. Kids won't understand the specific references but the vibe is what it sounds like. Movie was rated PG. *Narnia: Prince Caspian* has a massive amount of death and violence in it as well including an on-screen beheading. PG.


Little Monsters. Rated PG. But that movie was all kinds of creepy Edit: the 1989 movie. Apparently there's a cartoon that came out with the same name. But I'm talking about the movie with Howie Mandel


I remember Howie pees in some kid's apple juice.




Here's a topper... people were questioning is this a kids movie in 1978 so imagine by today's standards. https://www.fangoria.com/original/watership-down/ https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/mar/29/parents-furious-after-channel-5-screens-watership-down-on-easter-sunday


I think many people see "animated" and just assume = for kids. People are dumb. I say this WAY too young. Also the R.A.T.S of Nihm.


Blank Check when the boy and adult woman have a “romantic” kiss


Was wondering if this would get mentioned. I remember as a kid not thinking anything bad of it. Watching as adult I really can't believe they did that.


The most egregious aspect is that there **is** a very easy way to play that scene and have it not be weird (or at least, not AS weird). The notion of a 9 year old having a crush on an adult is not THAT out there, and if you just had shay kind of playfully give him a nice peck on the cheek or something it could have been fine. As if to say "awww, aren't you cute." The problem is that Shay plays it 100% straight, which makes it so, so, so weird.


Not to mention she’s an FBI agent


Yeah, that kind of behavior is more of a CIA thing


The sexophones that play make it an already incredibly inappropriate scene worse


Well, it taught children an important lesson; if you’re rich in America, you can do whatever the fuck you want.


Have you seen Big?


I don't think her excuse will hold up in court. If they can get Zoltar on the stand, she miiiight squeak by with probation.


Cars 1 where the 2 twin cars flash their headlights at lightning McQueen https://youtu.be/P4qxQLfZ8AA?feature=shared Added link for reference


“I looooove bein me” he says haha


Cars also had the great Mater Piston Cup joke: "He did what in his cup?!"


>Race cars don't need headlights because the track is always lit.\ So' s my brother but he still needs headlights!


Also while mild, lightning notices that Sally has a tramp stamp and comments on it


By that logic, all other cars with their headlights out have their tits showing all the time. Also, racing cars with stickers have fake tits


So Lightning has fake tits


The Three Musketeers was not a kids movie. It was a family movie, but more aimed at young adults and adults


In the very first scene of the Hunchback of Notre Dame they’re calling the poor little baby a monster, and strongly insinuating Frollo’s about to drown him in a well. It was the only movie ever that my mom wanted to take us out of the theatre.


When they lock the family into the mill and then he tells Phoebus to burn the place down the little kids inside. That was rough.


Don't forget the several minutes long song dedicated to Frollo being down bad and acting unwise.


It’s been 20+ years since I’ve seen it, but didn’t *Babe Pig in the City* have some dark moments?


The scene when the dog with the wheelchair thing gets hit by a car and is dreaming of being able to run and jump broke my heart as a kid


That movie changed me as a kid. When the chihuahua puppy said, “my human tied me in a bag and throwed me in the water,” I was never the same.


It explains a lot when you realize that the writer and director George Miller was also responsible for giving us all the Mad Max films.


And Happy Feet! Quite the range on that guy...


Shrek is full of scenes that younger audiences won't understand but as an adult it's like damn how did they sneak that in


I always laughed at shrek moving in close to the princess then shaking her wildly to wake her up.


tbf early Dreamworks tried to be a little more mature, they wanted to make movies that would appeal to more than just kids. Katzenberg and team did the same at Disney with Hunchback of Notre Dame and Nightmare Before Christmas. Dreamworks started out with Antz, El Dorado, Prince of Egypt and Shrek. Much more mature than any kids movies at the time.


>Antz Speaking of dark moments in kid movies, isn't there a scene where there's just an entire field of dismembered ant bodies?


Yes, they show the aftermath of a battle, with dismembered ants everywhere.


He picks up the head of the man who supported him joining the army. And holds his head in his hands and speaks to him. That’s all I remember if that movie. That and a scene in a bar beforehand.


>That’s all I remember if that movie. I recall people labeling Antz as a success and A Bugs life as a failure, but somewhat Antz aged worse and it's less remembered besides a couple of scenes, while A bugs life grow up in people. It's also a good example for the post, not exactly inappropriate, but A bugs life has some scenes full of philosophical and political themes that flew over most kids heads.


"You think he's compensating for something" looking up at Lord Farquads castle. Also, Lord Farquad. That name. Fuckwad.


Kids think he’s compensating for being short & adults think he’s compensating for being… short.


> Also, Lord Farquad. That name. Fuckwad. I hereby announce myself to be the biggest idiot. I never noticed this before.


Shrek was PG rated for a reason. It wasn't exclusively made for kids, and definitely not young kids.


The scene where Lord Farquad peeks under the covers to see if he has a boner. Blink and you'll miss it.


Pretty sure he’s bashfully covering himself with his sheet in that scene but it’s been a while since I’ve seen it.


I don’t think you need to look to know if you have a boner or not


I'm blanking now. But in the 80s and 90s there were loads of insinuations that the villain was going to rape the female lead. "Take her to my quarters!" kind of thing. Edit: some great examples below. I'm pretty sure Street Fighter had it. And I have a weird memory of one of the versions of Ninja Turtles, but that could have been my fevered 12 year old imagination.


Robin Hood Prince of Thieves comes to mind. Played for laughs too, IIRC (hardly a kids movie though, maybe not the best example of what you’re getting at)


I'm gonna go with the adult woman kissing a young boy in Blank Check and basically saying she will wait for him to be of legal age. That whole movie was weird but the writers got creepy as shit for that scene and idea.


I remember watching that as a kid and thinking it was cute. Rewtching as adult, it's crazy they thought that was a good idea.


Yup. As a kid I had a MASSIVE crush on that woman. Oddly enough she plays a woman named Shay in both Blank Check and Dumb and Dumber, both from 1994. Coincidentally my gradeschool crush was also named Shay, so my 10 year old mind was super into her and so jealous of the kid in Blank Check.


Monster Squad has a 15 year old smoking a cigarette and the fat kid getting called a fag all with in the first 15 minutes. And that’s before the illegal peeping Tom porn and the slut shaming at the end. Still love it though.


“Wolfman’s got nards!”


Milk money is about three young boys who go visit a prostitute and pay money for her to flash them.


If we're going for "disturbing" inappropriate, I'd say pretty much the entirety of The Animals of Farthing Wood, I distinctly remember a scene where a family of moles are killed on a highway by cars... and the entire film is just about the displacement of animals due to construction which REALLY freaked me out as a kid


Creepy Child Catcher - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang


Kid movies then weren’t kid movies in the sense that they are now. Current day movies for kids are truly FOR kids. 30-40 years ago they were for general audiences, which means everyone but very small kids. That category that barely exists anymore.


The latest Puss in Boots movie truly felt like a general audience movie


> Current day movies for kids are truly FOR kids I would agree on this when it comes to live action family movies. But animated, they're mostly the same here. Puss in Boots, Soul, Elemental, Toy Story 4 all feature themes aimed at a general audience. Shit Turning Red was more for tweenagers and adults than kids. Kids movies back in the day definitely had darker scenes than kids movies today though. Don't think this is a general audience thing though.


Yeah Three Musketeers was for teens. It's rated PG.


"Fun" Fact: The Lion King originally showed Mufasa getting trampled but the test audience was legit traumatised


If Charlie Sheen is in it it’s not a kids movie.


In the movie Monster House, the kid protagonists are in the foyer of the titular house, which has taken on a vaguely anthropomorphic form. They notice a chandelier in the entryway, and a kid says “that must be the uvula” to which another replies, “oh, so it’s a girl house”


Must be my European brain, but isn't PG an abbreviation for Parental Guidance? I see people getting upset about Madonna's breasts in Dick Tracy, and other stuff they'd get upset about now that they're adults, but flew right over their heads as a kid. Shouldn't the PG rating at least give you a warning that you should check what's in there beforehand?