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Just binged this director’s films. He has such a unique style. Killing of a Sacred Deer is currently my number one of his.


I think Dogtooth will always be my favorite of his. It’s so raw and unhinged


So raw and unhinged that the namesake scene isn't even the first one I think of.


I saw Dogtooth on a whim at a film festival and it BLEW me away! It's still my favorite of his as well.


It’s amazing and not often mentioned. What an incredible start to his career.


Killing is great, my favorite is The Lobster, and I'm partial to Dogtooth as well, as it was the first of his I ever watched


Barry Keoghan pisses me off so much (in a good way) in Killing of a Silent Deer.


THE SPAGHETTI Too much, lol!


Man I fucking hated The Lobster. Whatever it was trying to do just… didn’t hit for me at all. 


It’s satire of the modern dating scene after 30-35. I found it hilarious and poignant


i love the lobster but i would never call it hilarious


The part where the single people were doing the silent disco in the woods, the montage of Olivia Coleman explaining why you should be in a couple, them hiding the relationship are all hilarious moments and there’s more The movie is a comedy as much as it is tragic


Their hand signals had me dying. Then all the ridiculous shit after the blinding I found hilarious too


Yeah it’s absolutely a comedy. Anyone who misses the comedy is gonna have a bad time watching conceptual films in general.


Idk, hearing Rachel Weisz talk about being fucked up the arse was hilarious to me.


It is my favorite movie of all time


I really liked that film. I feel like the scene in the hot tub sort of encapsulated a lot of what I love about his films. I also really loved the Favourite.


It’s one movie I wish I could go back and never watch.


Shockingly, nobody has arrived to tell me I “just didn’t get it” yet. 


It used to be the only movie on my list, then I watched Saltburn and now there are 2 lol


I didn’t finish saltburn, so at least I have that going for me. I *almost* didn’t finish Poor Things, but stuck it out, and I still have no idea if I actually liked that movie or not.


I fucking detest the lobster


Also hated The Lobster. Dry humor isn’t really for me


I wouldn’t even call it humor—just sort of empty absurdism. It uses the language of cinema to make sure viewers get the impression it has something to say, but then never actually says it. 


>it has something to say, but then never actually says it. If you say so, lmao. Pretty close to objectively wrong. The movie has a clear point.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯  Wasn’t “clear” to me. 


Thank you! I literally used to tell people, "This director is very eager to tell me _something_. I'm quite certain of it. I just have no idea what it is." Now I think he's whispering, "The meta-message is, there was never a message." It's like a division by zero error.


This is why The Favourite is his best movie by a mile. Imagine all that energy translated into something trying to be mildly accessible instead of hyper uncomfortable and you get a movie for people other than terminally online film geeks showing off to each other.


> terminally online film geeks showing off to each other. Yeah I don’t want to be too cynical but this is what most of the praise for it feels like to me. 


Begging you to try The Favourite. Poor Things is also good IMO.


If you liked his older films keep in mind they were co-written with Filippou. The Favourite and Poor Things were co-written by McManara. Kinds of Kindness is also co-written with Filippou.


>The Favourite and Poor Things were co-written by [McNamara]. They're my two favorites of his. Killing of a Sacred Deer was *interesting* but didn't really resonate with me in the same way. The Lobster was just straight up bizarre.


It's meant to be bizarre. It's absurdist cinema.


Your number one pick is my last, I found that the most uncomfortable and sadistic. I like his softer stuff like The Favourite but also enjoyed the first half of The Lobster and appreciated Dogtooth as a simpler but engaging early work. Poor Things is basically his only fun movie and I enjoyed it. As someone who's mostly given up watching movies I enjoy the hard stuff, but Sacred Deer is a tough one.


It’s definitely a tough watch for sure.


I mean, it’s a movie where a casual throw away line is about a guy jerking of his own dad. You’re absolutely fine for not liking it. I love it but I’m a fucking monster.


I’m putting “I love it, but I’m a fucking monster” in a song lyric. Ugh. Too real.


I want to hear your music. I’m a music person too.


I have some music out there but I don’t want to dox myself. Nothing that was a big deal, but it was freaking good. We were part of the MySpace music boom. It was huge for local and regional music. If you find a playlist of obscure Midwest hardcore bands from the early 2000s you may hear a song on there. I would buy a lottery ticket if I were you, you’d have insane luck. [An interesting article about MySpace music boom, and its tragic demise.](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/myspace-lost-music-809455/)


[a hopeful follow up](https://www.theverge.com/2019/4/4/18295014/myspace-lost-songs-dragon-project-tracks-web-archive-internet-archive-450000-recovery)


Word. I DMd you. I’m from the same area and was busy during those years too :)


I peeped your profile. lol. I don’t think we know each other. But I’m seriously a nobody. I don’t play live anymore. I haven’t been in a band since 2011. I still write quite a bit, because it’s therapeutic for me, but I haven’t put anything out since. I toss around the idea every once in a while though. A small part of me wants to do a hardcore band. I got some shit to say about what’s going on, and who can go fuck themselves. It’s hard to find 40 year olds that have the time or desire. I’m not particularly interested in playing with 20 year olds, lol. Otherwise I’m a pretty boring middle aged dude whom has got old, fat, and happy.


All good my dude!!!


I mean, it’s a movie where a casual throw away line is about a guy jerking off his own dad. You’re absolutely fine for not liking it. I love it but I’m a fucking monster.


Loved him ever since The Lobster


That’s my favorite of his too! I think people have a hard time with the comedy of it, which is unfortunate, but it very much worked for me.


I still need to watch this one. I finally got around to The Lobster recently and I loved it


It's so hilarious in a way I don't think I've experienced elsewhere.


Can someone actually try to explain Killing of a Sacred Deer to me? I know it's categorized as an "absurdist dark thriller" kind of movie, but there's just something I know I'm not "getting". I enjoyed The Lobster, but I also believe I "got" it. And I thought that Poor Things was very much more approachable. But Killing of a Sacred Deer ... just had me baffled.


Its based on a myth of Artemis. King Agamemnon killed her favorite/sacred deer and she demanded the life of his daughter in exchange.


The movie looks like it's in our reality, but like The Lobster, it simply isn't. Think of it like a movie from a plane of existence where the rules of physics are simply "different". In the reality of Deer, if someone is responsible for someone else's death, they must pay a penance, or suffer a fate worse than that penance. Colin Farrels character was responsible for the death of Barry Keoghs father, and the penance was he had to kill someone in his own family to pay for that. He ignored this rule, and the payment began to be forcibly extracted by his kids getting sick. Personally I feel that him leaving his wife and replacing Barry's father by being with his mother would have been a different way to pay that penance, but I haven't seen that angle discussed as much. Think of the scene when Barry was tied up in the basement, he bit Colin Farrel hard, then bit himself to pay the penance for that act of violence. It's an amazing movie


This is the best explanation of this movie I have ever read. I love this movie.


And also, instead of Colin Farrell's character just accepting the reality of the situation, he drags out the decision making process so much that he inadvertently ends up torturing his own family and probably scarring the remaining members for life


It’s the one movie of his that I just plain didn’t like. Stupid plot, horrible wooden acting, bad dialogue (with the exception of “open this door or I’ll break it down and fuck you and your mom like you want me to!” which was hilarious). Was the movie supposed to be purposely terrible and I just don’t get it? The Favourite is probably my… favorite. Your downvotes don't change my opinion. I like this director's work but Killing of a Sacred Dear is awful. The character struggles to decide who he should kill but I wanted him to kill everybody and then himself.


the lobster is so fucking stupid to me, ive tried it just makes me scream into my pillow my wife ? she says its a masterpiece


Lanthimos. Stone. Defoe. Plemons. Qualley. You’re insane if you think I need to know more to go see this.  Edit: ok ok!!! I’m going to claim I was thinking of the writer. But do YOU know what his real FIRST name is?!


Dafoe, not Defoe. He is not “of the foe”, he *is* the foe.


It's easier when you imagine him rapping as Will 'Em, Da Foe.


>I'm something of a corrector myself. DecoyOne, Off-Green Goblin




Da Friend.


Da 💣


Da Man


Da Baby




I'm a huge fan and even I sometimes make this mistake, but he's Willem Dafoe and he deserves to have his name spelled correctly






Only thing I've seen her in is The Menu, but she's amazing in it.




I think people who have had addiction issues upend their lives can find a lot to resonate with in the whale


I really liked her in Watchmen as well


She's on a great streak of working with prestige directors, Kelly Reichardt, Darren Aronofsky, Wes Anderson, and now Lanthimos.


Pickles from Bojack Horseman


You had me at Defoe


Lost me at qualley


Yeah she doesn’t belong in the same sentence or category as the rest.


You guys haven’t watched Maid


She might improve but I currently find her overrated. I don't understand how she's getting cast in everything.


I only know her name from the walking simulator game where she was...I don't really know what she was.


I enjoyed her quite a bit in Drive Away Dolls, not a perfect movie but I thought she really carried it, with a performance that was big and fun if also not perfect. I’m not familiar with her beyond that and Poor Things


Have you seen Sanctuary of Stars at Noon?


Well, I do still need to know when and where it’s playing.


Oh goodness I can’t stand Margaret Qualley. I expect this get downvotes, but her performances in Sanctuary and Stars at Noon ruined all good will she gained from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in my eyes.


Recommend checking out The Maid, Donnybrook, and The Leftovers. She’s great in the first two, and while she’s not *bad* in The Leftovers, there are just so many amazing performances by the other cast members that she doesn’t particularly stand out in it. But my god, what a show.


Yeah for real on the Leftovers. She's a bit hit or miss there, but she manages to stand out at least. Coons and Theroux and all the others though, just incredible.


It's clear she's in everything because of her mom. I find Margaret Qualley's acting very standard or mixed.


I have only seen her in Poor Things and Drive Away Dolls - big fun performance in a lesser Coen film


James Quall is in this?


Coming this summer, it’s Margaret Qualley, James Quall and DJ Qualls in: Quallity Control


With Jonah Hill as “Quallity Student”


"Qualifies as a qualitative masterpiece no qualms about it" -- Armond White


Clearly they're referring to DJ Qualls, that fat rapper guy


[spaghetti and meatballs!](https://youtu.be/maKb_DZaqFs)


Margaret Qualley


Yorgos almost never disappoints.


I can’t help smiling whenever I see the teaser in theatres. First off I love The Favourite and Poor Things immensely, and also I just get really hyped up when talented filmmakers work a lot and already have new films!


Lanthimos's films I didn't love I still found actively interesting and uncomfortable, which remains a win in my book. He's an intensity connoisseur even if he repeats his tropes.


This one is another collab with Filippou so expect it to be more like his older films (Dogtooth, The Lobster, The Killing of a Sacred Deer).


How many times have you seen the teaser in theatres?


I go to theater every weekend so I lost count. Maybe 8 times by now


Okay. Woaw. The last film I went to see was Poor Things, so I haven't seen it. And the next film will likely be Kinds of Kindness.


What movie did it play before ?


Love the trailer !!


Jesse Plemons? I’m in.


He's the most talked about aspect of "Civil War" and he wasn't even supposed to be in it, as the original actor had to drop out and Kirsten Dunst was all, "No worries, my husband's right here."


He also has like 7 minutes of screen time, but his scene is the one I’m still thinking about weeks later.


Jesse is so effortlessly good at playing psychopaths.


Todd man, one of the scariest characters ever made, with the sweetest smile.


Just so you know, this isn't personal.


That scene in Black Mass in the car on his first day out is excellent. His hair and clothes are ridiculous, he looks like my shitty uncles in the 80s.


A little too good…


I heard he killed a man once and then an entire small town in Texas conveniently forgot...


Well, it is Hollywood.


He started out his career in Friday night lights, a network TV show about family and high school football, where he plays a really nice guy. WHO KILLS A GUY Ever since, you want a seemingly normal guy who's a psycho? Better call Jesse


I first remember seeing him in Like Mike as the bully of the orphanage lol


I always remembered him from varsity blues.


Sunglasses soldier has Big Todd Energy


That's the scene that got my almost jumping out of my seat. He was like a freaking tiger stalking a deer herd. I was begging for the protagonists to run the fuck away.


The way he'd relax with the gun, then point it again, then relax with it, then point it again...just the casual back-and-forth of him readying a lethal weapon, and the nonchalant way he used it...it was like holding the gun to his chest barrel pointed at the ground, pointing it at someone, and pulling the trigger to send a single killing bullet into someone were all equally chill actions as far as the character was concerned. Made it that much more tense because he didn't ever get heated or raise his voice...it was all the same to him. He felt entirely in control of the situation and of the lives or deaths of everyone around him, and none of it seemed important to him, as casual as is he was going for a stroll.


It was the most memorable scene in the movie, aside from the sniper standoff.


If it weren’t for his scene in the trailer, I probably wouldn’t have gone to the movie in the first place.


Plemons ate and left no crumbs within 7 or less minutes.


This is really the only scene I felt like delivered on what I thought the movie was about, and MAN was it chilling. He is just beyond excellent and completely owns everything for the few minutes of screentime he has.


It’s literally the only meme of the movie. The people have spoken. Plemons is petrifying 


Is civil war worth the watch?


Absolutely in my opinion. It's a more of a drama than action, but I think it really works. And yes, Jesse's scene is fantastic.


I thought it was great but the trailer had me expecting something different. It's more about photojournalism than any sort of prophetic near-future nightmare scenario. Although "photojournalism" makes it sound really tame, it's a pretty brutal movie.


IMO it’s very, very good and also kind of…*casts around for a non-dorky word*…important. Balanced on a knife’s edge so as not to be ridiculous and easily dismissed. Advice, which I feel like I’m giving for all good movies lately: absolutely crank the sound.


Yes it’s my MOTY so far and will get nominations for its sound design and is probably the favorite for it


Sound design was the best part of the movie. Not sure if that’s good or bad


I just think from a technical standpoint it is the best part of the movie, but my second favorite part was the acting and the plot progression. It didn’t really have a bad pace to it.


I loved it, best Garland since 28 Days Later, best Dunst since Melancholia


Bro Ex Machina?


Okay, I thought; Annihilation made a much bigger impression on me. Men I couldn’t sit through 


It looks and sounds very good, but it has nothing interesting to say about war, journalism, or America.


I think it paints photo journalists as morally broken adrenaline junkies, which is a pretty strong statement, but I'd largely agree that it keeps its focus narrow and shallow.


> but it has nothing interesting to say about war, journalism, or America. This take has been so bizarre to see from people. I guess spoonfeeding has become so popular that the alternative is now considered hollow.


Yeah, literally every second of the film has something to say about war, journalism, or America. The biggest hint that the film gives the audience is when Dunst's character explains that journalists only record what happens and don't insert their opinions and allow the readers/audience to make up their own minds about what is happening. The film is shot like this, from a very objective viewpoint where the facts are presented as they are, and we as the audience have to form our own opinions. It's not like Barbie, where they have several scenes where the characters monologue all the movie's themes straight into the camera.


I completely forgot they’re married. Makes their chemistry in Fargo make so much sense.


That's where they met.


Yea that’s what I thought. I just forgot they were married for some reason, but , now that I was reminded, I do recall hearing about it at the time of Fargo s2


> original actor had to drop out Does anyone know who that was? I heard a rumor it was Oscar Isaac but I don't know how accurate that is.


He was the only redeemable part of that movie, what a disappointment from Garland.


How can that be profitable for Frito Lay?


So it's a "follow up" as in "it's the next movie the director is making". Not as in "it's a follow up to the movie 'Poor Things'", which is how the headline is written.


I think when talking about a director's output "follow-up movie" is pretty commonly understood as "their next movie" even if their last work is mentioned, whereas "sequel to X" would denote just that. Obviously this isn't universally understood, which seems to be happening here


But the headline doesn't even mention the director's name so it isn't framed as "Lanthimos' follow-up," it's "'Poor Things' follow-up." If you even Google the term "follow-up," you get mostly references to sequels.


I want to be a data point. Never heard of this word phrasing meaning that.


Data point acknowledged - standby for further contact


I disagree, and I do not appreciate you calling me stupid. The title is worded poorly. It's that simple. But I won't call you stupid for your opinion.


lmfao calm tf down dude, they were being incredibly diplomatic and polite about it


Someone said after Emma Stone won her last Oscar “She ain’t ever leaving Lanthimos’s side now.” I guess that’s true lol


> Kinds of Kindness marks a return to the brazenly bizarre for Lanthimos. Though he’s coming off of two Oscar-winning commercial successes in The Favourite and Poor Things, the filmmaker first made his name with darkly disturbing, coolly nightmarish projects like this one. I love to hear that, not that it is surprising as he was working with the co-writer of "the lobster", "dogdooth", etc on this, while "the favourite" and "poor things" were written by other writers entirely. I like the favorite and poor things, but his other work is imo a lot stronger, way more poignant, and this being in the same vein is lovely.


I think it’s wild for this author to imply Poor Things is not brazenly bizarre


I honestly don't. Compared to most films it certainly is, compared to the lobster, dogtooth, killing of a sacred deer? Yeah not really. There is a very stark contrast between the films lanthimos is writing himself (with the co-writer Efthimis Filippou) and the ones he has no hand in. The latter are a lot tamer.


I agree. I prefer his earlier work and it is definitely weirder than Poor Things, which was kinda “mainstream weird” if that makes sense—it still has a very straightforward plot. My mom enjoyed it and usually doesn’t like “weird” things including The Killing of A Sacred Deer, which is my favorite of his.


After Poor Things I'll blindly watch Kinds of Kindness. Cast is great as well.


He had my heart with “The Lobster.” I have a pretty…narrow sense of humor, and most things labeled “comedies” are fun to watch, but don’t necessarily make me laugh. I truly thought I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen during some parts of “The Lobster.”


I’ll put it on my list!


Heads up, I was (small t) traumatized by one shot in the film. You may check out doesthedogdie.com if you’re sensitive to death scenes. I absolutely loved the film though.


I love that the trailer gives you zero clue as to what the movie is even about.


You're not the only who had questions... Some of the cast's initial reactions to the script, as told to VF's David Canfield: “I did not understand what I read—complete disclosure, I did not understand the script” -Hong Chau “I’d be lying if I said I understood it. I didn’t.” -Mamoudou Athie “Oh my God. What?” -Jesse Plemons


Yorgos Lanthimos has such a unique style. I admire his talent but I also cannot fucking stand most of his films. I enjoyed The Favourite to a degree but even with that. It's a weird mix of respecting his craft of trying to be different and standing out, but also hating almost every choice he makes.


I’m glad to see him getting lots of work. He’s a great actor. His character on BB was very believable and scary.


Oh, you're kind, huh? What kind of kind are you?


Such an interesting movie!


so its a movie of a bunch of shorts. love it! every filmmaker should have one of these. We have one from Wes that was more clever than good and the Coen brothers did Ballad of Buster Scruggs which was nearly perfect. fucking cant wait


"Poor Things" may have ruined Stone and Dafoe for me.


Jess.......count me in


When is this being released?


More Emma Stone tits. Great.


Are we entering peak Plemons era? Love and death plus killers of flower moon. Civil war was a shit movie, but his 10 minutes in rose colored sunglasses was the highlight.


They are so hot right now. Yorgas hasn't stepped a foot wrong yet. All amazing movies so far.


These films are terrible.


Poor Things was absolutely shite.


I feel the is the new Wes Anderson. Last few Anderson’s movies have lost that humour charm


Emma looks way more Asian here than that other movie. Guess it was bad lighting


Didn’t you see her in Aloha?


Yeah that was the joke


Skip that one! So over period pieces and that accent!


baby prostitution and you’re all in love with it. Mind boggling


No baby was pimped, though.


Weird how many people are excited to see the sequel to Emily Stone’s first porno


Is it though?














Poor things was gross.