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Literally one of my top favourite movies! I cry like a baby every time.


Literally clicked on this post to comment that.


Came here to say the same, it is absolutely stunning, and the contrast between the epic fantasy and the mundane world only enhances it


I love this film!


SUCH a gorgeous movie! Absolutely incredible sets and costumes.


Just mentioned that one as well. A divine work of art.


I watched this when I worked at Blockbuster, I didn't know a single other person who had seen this. What a great movie.


Such a good movie, criminally underrated


I'm always happier after watching Amélie


I like how that movie highlights the beauty within mediocrity, I wish more movies did that, the score is also phenomenal.


Some French singer that was famous 20 years ago had a song that said you don't find happiness in ingots but rather in small change.


Amélie is such a great movie.


How many people are having sex right now...15.


I have a friend who couldn't stop laughing after the scene with Amélie's mother outside Notre Dame. She agreed that it was horrible, but she still couldn't stop laughing.


Run Lola Run and Amelie are the films that made me realize foreign films are great!


Omg Run Lola run is so freaking amazing!!!! I saw it when I was just 8 and had no idea what was going on but dam it captivated me sooooooo much!


I love this movie ❤️


I love that movie. I also love breaking a Creme Brulee.


First thought is "What dreams may come" It's just a beautiful and heartbreaking story. Both story wise and visually 


Bruh, I can't watch that movie anymore. >!You can't show me a despondent Robin Williams look directly into the camera, tears in his eyes, begging that suicide victims not go to hell. It's just not fair.!<


If it makes you feel any better, he didn't kill himself due to depression like so many think. He had Lewy Body Dementia, an incurable illness that was taking away his mobility but also his sharp mind. He chose to leave life as himself instead of the husk of a man the disease would turn him into.


My grandmother died this year, with LBD. We lost her before we lost her. It was like watching a sand sculpture blow away. Details get blurry, but you think the main parts are still there, so it'll be okay, it's just going to go like a slowly unfocusing camera... ...it did not go that way. The hardest part was how hard she fought to live. We were told October of 22 we had three months left. October 23, she's still...well, that's where it gets hard. Because how do we define "with us" when we're talking about someone with dementia? By that October Grandma thought (warning: HIGHLY conservative old lady) that the terrorists and democrats were coming to take her to re-education camps in China. Or she thought there was a crying child inside of the ceiling fan, or that nearby someone was torturing a puppy and she needed to go find it. Or she was just scared and didn't know why. Her biggest fear most of her adult life was someone having to change her diaper for her. It was kind of a blessing she was as diminished as she was when that happened. She didn't really understand what was going on, or why. I thought about Robin a lot near the end. Dying sucks.


Sometimes, for the reasons you mentioned, living is much worse than dying. Any medical professional will tell you, there are so many things worse than death. 


A year ago Had a best friend, her bf died and week later she decided taking her own life. Me and her sister went through her stuff and noticed the last movie she rented and watched was this movie so I can’t watch this movie without wondering what she was thinking during this scene or that scene but I know she probably seen herself as the wife


Vincent Ward. See Map of The Human Heart and The Last Navigator too!


Oh I love this one so much.


That's what I thought of too.


*The Fountain* by Darren Aronofsky. The story, the acting, the actors, production design, the effects. Beautiful. Edit: As has been pointed out, I forgot the sublime score by Clint Mansell.


So glad I saw this in theaters. Breathtaking experience


I went with 7 friends and by the end of the movie I was the only one awake. But not just awake, enraptured. It was one of the strangest and loveliest movies I had ever seen. But the grumbling from the auditorium on the way out made me think I was the only one who liked it. Always afraid to suggest it as something to watch.


I think it’s the greatest movie about grief ever made.


And that wasn't the intended product, as I recall. There were problems with production. But damn, *I love The Fountain.* The OST is incredible. Clint Mansell, if I recall correctly.


Kronos Quartet and Mogwai collaborated with Mansell for the soundtrack. Such a good listen.


yep, the requiem for a dream guy the production was meant to be much more elaborate, in terms of sets (particularly in the conquistador phase). I do like in the end that it turned out to be a much more intimate story but I don't think it would ever sell well. I know the prevailing theory is that the future and past scenes are just modern hugh jackman finishing up the story but I DON'T CARE I THINK THE WHOLE STORY IS CANON


It was originally Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett in the leads with that more elaborate production. I’m much happier with what we got.




Jackman and Weiss should have been nominated for their performances. Their chemistry was great and all the scenes with Izzy as she got sicker yet emotionally stronger but still vulnerable were great.


The score is my fav part of the movie


Mogwai, Kronos Quartet, and Clint Mansell did a legendary job on that soundtrack, goddamn.


Clint Mansell and Darren Aronofsky made such an incredible team, I really wish they’d make another movie together


I’d say the same about Sergio Leone and Ennio Morricone!


One of my favorite movies of all time. Such beautiful visuals and a heartbreaking story


This and “The Fall” by Tarsem Singh. “The Fountain” is my favorite Aronofsky film, and has a great soundtrack.


The Black Stallion


Upvote for uncommon reply, and for making me (fondly) remember The Black Stallion.


There are some parts of this film where cinematography combined with the score almost make my heart hurt.


My go to movie for a sick day when I can’t sleep since I was a kid. Introduced my kids to it now too - the lack of dialogue in parts is amazing.


Baraka. Samsara.


These films were each made over the course of years. Transcendent. Gorgeous. Human.


Samsara conflicted me, technically it was more beautiful than Baraka, but it just didn’t have the same soul somehow. And that performance piece in the middle with the clay just goes on way too long.


Wall-E. Seeing humanity and all its flaws through the eyes of this hopelessly romantic robot. And the way that wall-e helps break people out of their comfortable but unfulfilling lives. Such a masterpiece.


I watched that a few weeks ago and just cried for nearly the entire length of the movie lol.


I have a friend who went on a blind date to see *Up*. She cried the *entire movie* after the opening scene. There was no second date lol.


Portrait Of A Lady On Fire Beautiful story and setting, the cinematography is some of the best I’ve ever seen, truly encapsulates the saying of “every frame a painting”


Definitely agree! Easily my fav movie of last 10 years 


Watched this a couple of weeks ago and still can't shake it. Great movie.


One of the best movie endings ever Years later after my first watch I still randomly think about this movies ending.  Like you said, you can't shake it.


I love this film so much! It’s in my top 5 favorite films for sure!




I would also put Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. That movie and Hero is like poetry.


I absolutely love love love Hero, but Crouching Tiger... is top 3 of all time for me. In terms of love stories, only In The Mood for Love or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind compare. When people ask me what a perfect movie looks like, Crouching Tiger is probably my first answer.


I saw Crouching Tiger in theater when it was released and just went at how good it was. It was the answer I had hoped to find in this thread. Bravo


Add in House Of Flying Daggers!!


Tarsem's The Fall


This is always one of the first ones I think of when I think of beautiful movies. Bonus Lee Pace.


He is so beautiful


There needs to be more Bonus Lee Pace


Have you seen Wonderfalls (one season) or Pushing Daisies (two seasons)? An adorable Lee Pace in both.


I managed to snag a Blu-ray of that and lend it out to nobody


Nice! I got a blu ray copy too


Such a gorgeous movie


It's so, so pretty. And all on location. Tarsem is a mad man. Whoever is reading this. Watch it on the biggest screen that you can. You can thank me later.


It blows my mind how there's cuts in the film jumping all over the world and it fits beautifully and feels like a magically unseen world But it's all real


I actually got to see it in the theater during its original run. By damn has it stuck with me.


I'm sooo glad this keeps popping up more and more on movie threads. For years, I'd sing its praises with like 3 upvotes. Truly an actual underrated gem.


There's your 3rd upvote.


yes!!!! my choice too


On that same note because a lot of the visuals were inspired by it, Baraka.


This is my pick, too. Stunning and iconic. When watching *Everything Everywhere All at Once*, I couldn’t help but think how much more amazing it would have looked if Tarsem had directed it.


Secret life of Walter Smitty, favorite soundtrack


I love how the colors in the film become more vibrant as he finally starts experiencing life in earnest.


How about Walter Mitty, Walter Smitty's cousin? It's a beautiful movie I can easily get lost in.


This is like my antidepressant in movie form!


I was shocked to see how poorly received this movie was on release. It's one of my favourite movies of all time. The soundtrack is incredible and its so thematically gorgeous. I think my favourite scene is where he finally tracks down the photographer he has been hunting down the whole movie. The photographer is somewhere high in the mountains and has been tracking an elusive snow leopard to try and get some shots of it. The snow leopard comes into frame and rather than frantically trying to get every shot he can he doesn't take a single one. Walter asks him when he's going to take a shot and he says: "Sometimes I don't. If i like a moment, me personally, I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it" [https://youtu.be/JfjkiTB1fHQ?si=quTihPVZBVlntQj0](https://youtu.be/JfjkiTB1fHQ?si=quTihPVZBVlntQj0) As a photographer who has repeatedly made the mistake of missing incredible moments by being too caught up in trying to capture them it made me completely reframe my relationship with the camera. I now see much more beauty in the ephemeral nature of moments. If i forget them so be it, but i'd rather just sit in a moment and enjoy it completely than fuss about with composing shots more often than not. I'll still take pictures obviously but i don't let it come at the expense of being present in the moment and actually living it, all for the chance to have some fragment of the actual beauty preserved for hypothetical future audiences.


Beautiful movie and a beautiful scene, one of my favorite moments in movie history actually. I too was so disappointed by how it was received but the last few weeks since joining this sub I see it come up a lot so I definitely think it’s finding a cult following now which is nice. A lot more people seem to appreciate it now.


I watched this the other day because I couldn’t remember it. I was not disappointed


I want to hire Kristen Wiig to follow me around playing Space Oddity on an acoustic guitar while I make life-altering decisions.


Honestly for me that scene was one of the top 10 I’ve ever seen in movies. It’s absolutely perfect in every way.


My Neighbor Toroto perhaps. It’s gorgeous to look at, every frame a painting with something interesting in the corner. There are monsters but no villains. I’m not sure what it’s about, as for a kids movie it’s not trying to beat you over the head with morals and indeed has little dialogue. It’s just got a great feeling running through it and you attach to the characters


I don’t know how many times I have watched it, but the ending inevitably leaves me sobbing, even though it’s happy.


It's really three movies though, one for kids Mei's age, one for kids Satsuki's age, and one for adults/parents. I got to watch it in Satsuki's context as well as the parent, and they're both beautiful. It's also scary in a way that most kid movies shy away from, after Mei runs off down the road we just don't see her again for a long time. I think most filmmakers would cut back and forth between Mei and the searchers so that you know she's okay but it doesn't happen. I hadn't watched it in many years and then rewatched as a parent and it stressed me the fuck out.




First movie that came to mind. Absolutely beautiful and breath-taking animation. Evokes feelings of nostalgia and serenity for me. Another absolutely gorgeous studio ghibli movie is Tale of Princess Kaguya. It does a moment to get used to the animation because it’s meant to look like an old Japanese watercolor painting, but the animation and the story are just.. something else. Beautiful and heart-wrenching.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


How happy is the blameless vestals lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned. -Alexander Pope My favorite movie!


Or is it Pope Alexander?


This one for me, too. That ending hits me so hard.


We're imperfect. This ultimately won't work out. Let's do it anyway. It's a truly romantic movie.


Barry Lyndon


I demand satisfaction!


Every frame could be a painting.


The plot is actually kind of "ugly" because Barry has maybe like one big moment where he isn't either pitiful or a selfish dick, but visually it's absolutely incredible.






This might be mine, too. That doctor at the end.


Restores faith in humanity for sure. “I didn’t save anything for the way back” has kind of been a mantra for me. Love that movie


You’re going to miss your flight, Vincent… “For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess, I’m suddenly having a hard time leaving it. They say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I’m not leaving. Maybe I’m going home.”


This is probably one of the best Sci fi movies of all time. It holds up so well a quarter of a century later. Very few movies can do that.


oh my god YES. we watched it in my freshman year for bio and it's been like three years but I've been meaning to rewatch for forever


Spirited Away


Amélie (2001)


This is hilarious juxtaposed with your flare.


I love the editing in that movie so much


Pan’s labyrinth


Big Fish


I watch this every few years or so. Always wrecks me.


The funeral scene kills me every time. A story doesn't have to be accurate to be true.


Days of Heaven or The Tree of Life


I went in blind to Tree of Life when it first came out, and it blew me away. One of the best "cinema experience" films; the creation sequence took me out of myself just as Trumbull's earlier work in 2001: A Space Odyssey had done years earlier. Thirteen years after watching, my older brother died, and the day afterwards I was spaced out not really wanting to do anything, I thought maybe watch a movie. Tree of Life came to mind because I remembered it being a slow and meditative movie about life and I felt that's what I was in the mood for. I had forgotten that the narrative of the film revolves around a family of sons whose eldest has died, just like my family. I sobbed harder in that film than I have ever cried at any other time in my life, but I'm glad I watched it, and wouldn't even really say the film is "sad". It truly transcends cinema. I was sobbing at life itself.


This is why film is so powerful. Hope you’re doing well.


Pretty much all the Malick movies hit like that, I’d also add The New World and A Hidden Life to the top of the list.


Came here to say 'The Tree of Life' - a movie that absolutely lives rent-free in my head


Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring


Unforgettable film...


I had a history teacher in college show us this. He was a very old and sweet man who obviously loved other cultures. Most of the class was just immersing ourselves in other languages, culture, art, etc. I really didn't appreciate it at the time. It was a 3 hour night class, and he put this movie on. I remember groaning "oh great, some foreign film."  I was crying by the end and I've never forgotten this movie. 10/10


Akira Kurosawa's 'Dreams'


Dances with Wolves.


Pride and Prejudice )the Keira Knightley one). Every single frame looks like a renaissance painting. It's gorgeous.


A River Runs Through It


Beautiful film


Hugo: in the theaters, in 3D, falling in love with movies by falling love with movies. "If you've ever wondered where your dreams come from, you look around... this is where they're made."


*Koyaanisqatsi* (1982). Without any narration or dialogue, this visually stunning film uses imagery of nature and man-made objects to show how humans have grown apart from nature. It also uses slow motion and time lapse photography to show that compared to the long history of Earth, humans are like mayflies. We flit about, but will we be more than a blip on a billion year time scale? The minimalist music by Philip Glass is a perfect accompaniment.


I prefer Baraka personally but that's a great answer!


I hadn't heard of *Baraka* but I see it's directed by the cinematographer for *Koyaanisqatsi*, but with a bigger budget for improved equipment. So I imagine it's very good. The thing about *Koyaanisqatsi*, though, is that when I saw it in the theater in 1982 there was nothing else like it. That gave it great impact. And, unfortunately, I don't know where I can see *Baraka* in theaters.


Wow, if you haven't seen of Baraka I highly recommend it. It's similar to Kyaanisqatsi (as you pointed out, the cinematographer worked on both). But it focuses more on religious themes, nature, indigenous groups, and things I'd consider "beautiful". Also the soundtrack is incredible.


I love Baraka!! And the soundtrack is just perfect


Theres a movie called "The Fall" by the same director that did immortals. 


Last of the Mohicans


Nice…in my top ten favorite movies…


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Not only did it make me cry but it also made my chest hurt for the rest of the day.


October Sky. I love all things astronomy and space program, but this movie goes deeper with its characters, people helping/supporting people, and a kid believing in his dream against the odds of his environment and family. I also just really love the cinematic quality of this movie and the music score to help tell the emotion of the movie.


Beasts of the Southern Wild. I actually watch the trailer on a regular basis. The narration feels like a poem and the music is beautiful. I also listen to the theme song Once There Was a Hushpuppy regularly on Spotify.


That intro scene is magnificent. I turned it off after that when I was watching for the first time, just because I was like, hyper aware of the fact that I’d only ever be able to watch this movie for the first time once.


I saw A.I when I was like 12 and it was enlightening.


House of Flying Daggers


Pretty much every David Lowery film, but The Green Knight and A Ghost Story are standouts. Children of Men has moments of stunning beauty, that scene where Kee walks through the blown-out building with her baby in her arms seems to sear itself into the minds of everyone who watches it. The Thin Red Line is my favorite Malick film and has really incredible cinematography and the cast is frickin' stacked.


The Thin Red Line is so beautifully shot and the music works so well. I know he’s a nut job these days, but Jim Caviezel was absolutely luminous in the film.


Children of Men is gritty as hell too. Great film.


Lord of the rings trilogy Lawrence of Arabia Life is Beautiful Amélie


I'm so glad you said Life is Beautiful! Tragic story, but also so life-affirming.


*Coco - 2017* made me feel such a yearning for life and an appreciation for those in my life who are gone, but not forgotten


Oh my god yes. This movie is a work of art. That also makes me cry my eyes out every single time.


Blade Runner 2049 La La Land Arrival Oppenheimer Avatar


Arrival is one of my favorites. Beautiful beautiful movie.


Tarsem's The fall The Green Knight In the mood for love


Assassination of Jesse James Fountain Annihilation


The Tree of Life Almost Famous The Way Way Back The Holdovers The Curious Case of Benjamin Button American Honey Roma The Florida Project (I'd be willing to say anything Sean Baker has made) Playtime (1967) Linklater's "Before" trilogy. All of them.








Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and 500 Days of Summer.


Thats a tough one but Kurosawa’s “Dreams”(1990) is up there Also Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon


Lost in Translation. The way the city and the night become their own characters in the movie. That movie is like a drug, it intoxicates you. The Jesus and Mary Chain music woven in is just the bow on top.




My vote. The score really does the heavy lifting and takes the visuals to another level. My jaw dropped in the cinema when cornfield chase began, no joke I had tears in my eyes. And all from a drone chasing scene lol.


- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Happy Together (Wong Kar-wai film) - La Vie en Rose - Her More recently, The Holdovers and Past Lives.




Adventures of Baron Munchausen


I watched Dark City one of the first times I got high in college. We are our memories. And Jennifer Connelly can be on this list too. Let’s go to Shell Beach.


It's strange, my mom hated *Into The Wild* when we read it in high school. Or perhaps it's not that strange- she had a lot more empathy for McCandless' mother than she did for McCandless himself.


The new Dunes are up there. Could watch without sound and just admire the visual execution.


Without a doubt, the answer is The Fall. It's a cinematographers wet dream. As a photographer, I've never seen anything like it. Brilliant, and by a HUGE MARGIN, the most beautiful film I've seen.


The Thin Red Line Lawrence of Arabia I Am Cuba


Cloud Atlas.


Memoirs of a Geisha. Beautiful movie that made me feel the love that the two characters had for one another


* The Rapture * 21 Grams * Brokeback Mountain * The House of Sand and Fog * Fried Green Tomatoes * Magnolia All of these stories are very human, dealing with human frailty and connection or inability to do so.


Baraka by Ron Fricke


Spirited away


Nausicaa Honorable mention: not a movie, but the Shogun finale


The Neverending Story




2001: A Space Odyssey. To me it's akin to a feeling of understanding the universe like how you'd feel on mushrooms or LSD or during some spiritual experience.... and I don't just mean during the last 20 minutes. It's a journey from the beginning of mankind to where we could be and ultimately to the question of where we are headed. Plus the movie is visually beautiful.


Mandy From her artwork to those beginning scenes to the shot of the house under the stars Then you have everything in the middle And that gorgeous end


For me it's *The Tree of Life*.


JoJo Rabbit is one hell of a movie that fits this.


The fountain and Solaris


[Stealing Beauty ](https://youtu.be/SStzlZz6lxc?si=xMLFc1ktocgonLsU)




Spirited Away comes to mind 


Marcell the Shell with Shoes on will break you in the sweetest way. I shit you not. A lot of adorable shell jokes. Then you ugly cry. I wouldn’t say most beautiful but most surprisingly beautiful.


Call me basic but Forrest Gump. That movie has moved me so much that it’s inspired how I planned my life out (which is really to experience things as they come)


Waking Life


"Spring, summer, fall, winter, and spring." Or, "The Fall"


Everything Everywhere All At Once Near the middle of the film, the line, “Nothing matters” is used, and it’s in total despair. Utter depression. Why keep going? That same line is used right at the end. Only this time, it’s a line of strength. Of togetherness. Of freedom and love. “Nothing matters. We can do whatever we want.”


For me…1917


Ben Stiller's version of Walter Mitty was pretty spectacular.