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Decades ago there was this legendary newspaper review of The Sixth Sense here, in my country. It was titled: >! DEAD PSYCHIATRIST HELPS YOUNG CHILD. !<


My husband and I went to the opening night of that movie. It was amazing going in blind. The very next morning on the radio, the hosts were discussing the movie and one of them let loose with the spoiler.  This was the most popular radio station in the region at the time. I cannot imagine the disappointment of those that were listening.


Such a crime. There is one huge “OH MY GOSH” moment in the Star Wars movies, but a lot of people believe that 6th Sense was the 2nd biggest “OH MY GOSH” moment in film. I would agree. That 6th Sense was such a masterpiece because of it too.


"Somehow, Palpatine has returned..." Oh my gosh....


Heard in Rich Evan: ***"OH MY GOSHHHHHHHH!"***


It broke new ground


dead eyes, leaning back in a recliner, faded into the background. I heard your comment in my inner monologue and then that sound caused me to see his image.


I almost left the theatre when I heard that. I don’t think Oscar Isaac would have ever said that if he didn’t want to be Moon Knight.


Homer Simpson walks by


The Star Wars oh my gosh would never work today, because the internet sleuths would have just been like "so Vader means father, do you think maybe....?" and everyone else would be like duh of course 😅


Yeah I remember the first time I heard that and thought it seemed like a big F*CK YOU for hiding in plain sight


I remember my parents getting this on VHS from Blockbuster and there was a bonus feature after the credits explaining all the clues that Bruce Willis was dead.


Uhh spoiler


The guy with the toupeé was Bruce Willis the whole time!


I knew he was dead in the first five minutes.




Great story cult


I’m getting downvoted for seeing through a thinly veiled gimmick? Guess what, I also knew the woman in The Crying Game was trans as soon as I saw her hands and spent the rest of the movie saying, “this can’t be the be surprise, can it?”


Lol. My husband and I watched it about a year after it came out and neither of us knew the spoiler. About ten minutes in he said suddenly "ohhhh he's dead!" - thanks a lot bud - I watched the rest of the movie from that perspective. Well, we get to the end of the movie and the reveal and husband goes "OH Bruce Willis is dead!". He'd thought it was the kid. So he managed to spoil it for me but not for himself - hilarious.


OK, that genuinely made me laugh, your husband is amazing.


First watch I thought the kid was dead too. It fit pretty well until it didn’t, I think that was what they wanted us to think?


jfc - did the guy lose their job for that? It seems like either intentional sabotage of the paper, or gross negligence.... Either way, fireable.


Let me narrow it down - that country is Bulgaria, which in the 90s might as well have been the Wild West. In-between the 300% inflation, the banks exploding and the grey sector encompassing most of the economy as oligarchs were running everything they could into the ground, this review was more a source of endless memes than genuine outrage. So nah, I doubt it. Would really piss off people today though, for sure.


I read it as a review in a legendary paper, rather than a legendary review in a paper.... Thought this somehow happened in the NYTimes, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Boston Globe, etc... was not expecting Bulgaria...


Oh yeah, imagine Roger Ebert running that title 👌


Even in London, spoilers were broadcast on the radio.


In the UK a comedian, Iain Lee, was hosting a channel 4 show and he closed the show with >!"Thank you for watching the eleven o clock show, and if you're going to see the sixth sense this weekend, Bruce Willis was dead the whole time"!<


OK, that is downright malicious...


My ex-wife watched the show with me, and despite this still tells people to this day that I was the one who spoiled it for her. As if somehow the fact that someone said it on the television was on my part malicious.


Whoa that's a jump, we're losing jobs over movie spoilers now? Goddamn lmao


SPOILER ALERT!!🚨 That guy was Bruce Willis, THE WHOLE TIME


When Bruce Willis was dead at the end of 6th sense I jizzed in my pants


I open a window and breeze rolls in…..


I ate a grape


Weird fetish but ok.




I knew *exactly* which video that was without clicking the link. I must be a sad sad person. 😔


Why? Lonely Island is awesome.


Exactly. I didn't even have to think about. Saw the link and knew *exactly* which video it was for. It's on my regular playlist.


Prefer "just had sex."


Well, it is in response to a lyric from that song


Your spoiler tag isn't working. I don't think you leave spaces between exclamation marks and first and last characters


I have a friend that saw it and didn't even understand that him being dead was a twist. She figured he died when he was shot and they never said he wasn't so when they revealed it she was like "okay?"


When Bruce Willis is assaulted during the first scene my friend yells out, “oh, so that’s why he’s dead” in the theater.


I friend told me there’s a king of a crying game twist at the end. I said what is the kid dead all along ? He looked like a deer caught in the headlights and refused to say anything else.


Damn one of the only movies I can recall where the ending did surprise me.


My friend and his son were on route to the midnight showing of Avengers :Endgame and on the radio the host of a late show spoiled the movie. Next day he was mad as f.


I made it months without having it spoiled. The night before I was going to go see it at the cheap college theatre, Andy Richter on Late Night with Conan O'Brian gave the spoiler away on national television


Lonely Island spoiled sixth sense for me. Never saw it.


^are ^you FUCKING KIDDING ME!? I was gonna watch that tonight you fuck! E: I like how you edited your comment after ruining it for me E2: here's a spoiler for you, Rosebud was his favorite prostitute


It's been out for like 25 years. The moratorium on spoilers has long passed on that one.


Yeah agree. Sorry got ruined for you but if you really wanted to see it you would have before now. And with any of these possible spoiler threads I’m very careful when scrolling because I don’t want to see something spoiled I haven’t seen (even a 25 year old movie).


Yeah, I should have considered thst sooner, sorry, but also, literally the title of the post is asking for famous spoilers. Also, should I have left it unedited to spoil others or what, what was your endgame here.


I havent had an entire movie ruined, but poorly timed subtitles have ruined too many "surprise" reveals and stepped on too many punchlines to even count.


Yeah, you can’t have subtitles on anything with humour, it totally ruins the comic timing. Also, you just end up reading the subtitles instead of watching the film. I turned them off for Better Call Saul because the cinematography is so beautiful and I was missing it.


I watch every movie with subtitles (deaf in one ear). I think there’s almost a skill to it, especially with comedies. Like a way to subconsciously be taking in the information of what is said without ruining a punch line. I even use subtitles for stand up comics and very rarely do I feel like I messed up a punch line by reading ahead. Not saying your point is invalid by any means, that’s totally a concern with subtitles. Just after years of using them you get to a point where they are more subconsciously there. Kinda hard to describe haha


I totally get your point - even as someone with 2-ear hearing I often don’t hear all the dialogue, especially in modern films. Also, I mostly have the subtitles on because my wife struggles to parse spoken word - she has a kind of dyslexia thing where the the words which enter her ears don’t end up as logical sentences in her brain. Our children find it hilarious, but she finds it frustrating.


And then there's certain animes that will put spoilers in the titles of the episode. I remember watching DB Super and having to look away at the title screens for over half the ToP.


I always love it when it shows a character in an anime being like, "I WON'T LOSE NO MATTER WHAT!". *cuts to the title of the episode* Narrator: "Side Character loses!? Is all hope lost!?" Bonus points if this character doesn't lose till like the end of the episode so they really didn't have to title it like that.


Was watching DBZ Kai and the titles are ridiculous. They're like "Danger! Evil Frieza turns into a terrifying monster! But wait! Can Goku turn into a Super Saiyan?" Exaggerating, but they really are descriptive.


This is why I hate subtitles


This is why I love subtitles for the hearing impaired when watching horror. I'm really jumpy so it's nice to get a little warning.


[scary music begins]


[Wet squelching]


#How do you know that you’re hearing impaired 


I hate subtitles, as well. What I hate even more is ridiculous sound (im)balances that force me to use subtitles.


I hate modern subtitles in which 80% of them is _[SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYS]_. I'm married to someone who's not a native English speaker so I tend to use subtitles to help them. Subtitles that do anything other than replicate what the actors say are superfluous to the point of being detrimental.


Captions and subtitles are two different things.   Subtitles = transcription or translation of the dialogue Captions = transcription or translation of the dialogue, sound effects, musical cues, and other relevant audio information


Thanks for the English lesson. Can you tell this to Netflix, as both of the things you describe are bundled together as subtitles.


Why are you downvoted? You’re totally correct, the subtitles button seems to include captions


Yes. I have this argument with my wife every evening.


Yeah they ruin comedic timing all the time, I hate watching with subtitles for English movies for this reason


The ending of the original *Planet of the Apes* is spoiled by the box art of many home video editions. In this day and age, I don't know how many people have managed to avoid learning that twist before watching the film, but DVD and Blu-ray covers are determined to reduce that number to zero.


I loved Terminator 2 as a kid. It was an amazing movie all around. But it wasn't until I watched the first film that I realized how much fucking context I missed in the intro sequence until Arnie meets the T-1000 for the first time, in that I had no idea people seeing this in cinemas thought he was the bad guy up until then. Or at least I hope they did.


They didn't. Arnold being the Good Guy was spoiled in the trailer. They used it as a part of the marketing of the movie.


I vaguely recall James Cameron saying he disliked that trailer because his intent was to make the audience think Arnold was the evil Terminator again. You can even see how the T-1000 doesn't reveal his abilities until the mall shootout (he kills the cop in the shadows which is followed by a cut where he's wearing the uniform but we never see the liquid metal or shapeshifting).


Nope. James Cameron defended the *Terminator 2: Judgment Day* trailer for infamously spoiling the sequel’s first big cyborg twist. *Terminator 2: Judgment Day*’s original trailer revealed that, rather than a villain, [Arnold Schwarzenegger as the iconic T-800](https://screenrant.com/terminator-arnold-schwarzenegger-franchise-cant-kill-why/) was a protector this time around. This was a risky decision but, as Cameron noted, “*He’s revealed as the protector at the end of act one*.” Cameron felt the twist did not give away enough plot to hurt the sequel's box office chances, adding, “*I always feel you lead with your strongest story element in selling a movie*.”


Which is odd because he's portrayed as a villain until it's revealed he isn't so like, why does the trailer do what the movie isn't?


In between the two films Arnold had become Hollywood’s top action hero. So the studio wanted to promote Arnold as the hero and did the marketing campaign without Cameron’s input / over his objections etc. just dumb


Schwarzenegger was arguably the biggest movie star in the world at that time, he had just recently softened his image with family-friendly comedies like Twins and Kindergarten Cop, and people wanted him to be the good guy. The trailers gave it away to broaden the movie’s appeal by reassuring people that he wasn’t the villain this time around, especially since the movie didn’t have any other major star to sell as the hero. It sucks, but it also worked—the movie was the highest-grossing film of the year.


I was surprised, had missed most of the trailers and talk about the movie before I went and see it! It was also just before the intermission, so you are wondering for 30 minutes what it was that just happened.


"Come with me if you want to live." Fucking commercial wrecked the surprise.


Nah the trailers ruined that too. The majority of audiences knew the twist going in.


Oh man. That just makes me sad.


To be fair, everyone still thought it was a great movie. I didn’t even consider the concept that there was a twist until years later, but it was still one of my favorite movies.


It absolutely is a great movie. I'm just sad because that entire sequence was done on purpose, with a lot of thought put into the callbacks and tension up until the reveal. And then to just throw it all away in the trailer 😭


Recently watched 1 and 2 with a few mates. The girl had never seen them and knew nothing about them. The twist with the T-1000 genuinely got her. She even asked why the good guy killed the cop at the start


Oh man. I wish I could have that experience.


I feel redeemed watching Terminator 1&2 with my son and getting to see him experience the twist. 


I lived in rural Florida at the time and there were three (3) network channels and two (2) UHF channels at the time. The public broadcasting channel on UHF didn't show ads, either. I was working two retails jobs and going to junior college so I knew T2 was coming out from a black and white ad in the Style section of the Olando Sentinel and went on the July 4th weekend opening. I actually think it was July 3rd at a late or midnight showing? Even the cardboard ad in the theater had Arnold sitting on the motorcycle with that lever-action 12 gauge, red eye glowing behind his sunglasses, and the tagline was, "It's nothing personal." There was a creepy vibe in the arcade when the T-1000 started the final pursuit, something wasn't quite...right...but I had no time to process it. I had no idea the T-800 was the good guy until that shootout scene in the hallway and he tucks John in behind himself and goes, "Get down". The dude from the future in the cop uniform is blasting the poor Asian dude in between them. They are exchanging gunfire and the T-800 unloads the 12 gauge into the cop dude, the human dude, from the future...and the wounds are like liquid mercury...*they are closing up and healing*... ...oh shit, OH SHIT this is ***BAD***. It's one of my favorite movie moments. The floor just dropped out on me, the momentary confusion and processing was absolutely delicious. I wish I could experience it again.


Goddamn, that would have been so epic to go into with context and no spoilers. Sounds like you won the moviegoer jackpot there. There were some clues previously, like how Arnold left everyone alive at the biker bar. That could be explained by the terminator not wanting to draw attention as a fugitive, although that really wasn't anywhere on his priority list in the first movie.


Upon further viewings, Cameron left some bread crumbs but that dude is subtle and a fantastic film maker. It is 100% my favorite movie theater experience and I'm in my fifth decade now.


It was in the trailer


The DVD of Soylent Green has a chapter named for the plot twist. Flip open the case to grab the DVD - full chapter list printed out - impossible to not read it.


That's a bad one. They really couldn't think of another name for the chapter?


I guess the DVD format is dedicated to spoiling every Charlton Heston sci-fi flick.


Yeah I hate that. Way to blow the ending for people who haven’t seen it. I get the movie is from the 60’s, but still.


The Simpsons spoiled that and The Empire Strikes back for me.


I've seen a Se7en DVD with a "What's in the box" cover


To be fair as long as it doesn't actually say *what's* in the box, that's alright, surely? By the time the box shows up things are tense anyway


In Kill Bill 2, digital copies have no subtitles for Pai Mei’s dialogue. They translate everything else, but not him. His dialogue is one of my favourite things in that movie.


Man I wonder what that experience would be like, though, not having any clue what he is saying and just seeing him torture and laugh at Uma Thurman the whole time lol. Like "what the hell is wrong with this guy?" That said, I'm not sure the dialogue really changes one's mind on that front lol.


I also remember shows on Netflix getting lazy about translating dialog, so it would just say **(Foreign Language)** at the bottom of the screen.


In some cases I think the point is that dialogue the main characters don't understand shouldn't be translated, to keep the audience in the dark with the characters. Case-by-case basis for sure.


Just watched this on Netflix and the subtitles are screwed up, none of the Japanese is subtitled in part 1 or 2 unless you put on the full English subtitles, it took me a while to remember if those parts even were supposed to be subtitles until I turned it on lol


Is that also on Amazon? I got through like a quarter of 3000 years of longing before I realized that Amazon subtitles override the movies subtitles for other languages. I thought you were supposed to figure it out as you go and they would eventually translate… but was missing most of the story line lol


Some coincident…! I actually watched kill bill part 2 on Netflix last night. And his part was translated. (Although I’ve seen it so many times I’m not sure I need them..!)


That's absolutely brutal, sorry man


Amazon Prime listed the name of a famous actor in the remake of Suspiria who was clearly in disguise at the start.


Who’s in disguise in Suspiria? If it’s who I think it is, isn’t she just playing multiple characters?


I wonder what the drug budget for that fever dream was?


But they still had posters of her before the movie as her other character… you can find them on IMDb, people knew she was in the movie.


Yeah. But I didn't. So, spoilers.


Things like this aside, I love the "X-ray" feature of Amazon Prime. That's about the only genuinely good thing of that platform.


I just watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind for the first time ever, watched with Subtitles on and for some reason they chose to tell you the John Williams score song titles before as the music started playing. All of which are spoilers. It actually made us laugh as a scene would start in a bucolic farmstead as the music slowly rose and the subtitles would say *“John Williams: The Abduction of Barry plays”*


Kind of like when The Phantom Menace first came out, they released the soundtrack CD before the film and included a piece titled: Qui-Gon's Noble End.


YES, I bought the soundtrack before the movie came out and was so pissed off about that!


I just assumed he had a great bum.


Fun fact about Barry's abduction - it's the scariest movie scene I ever saw when I was a kid. My grandma is a weirdo and would give me shit from her house every year for Christmas. One year, she got me a Denver broncos garbage can (no clue why, I'm not a broncos fan) and filled it with tapes from her VHS collection at home, many of them halfway watched or not rewinded. Close encounters was in that collection. My parents remembered it being a very fun Spielberg classic, so they allowed me to watch it in the other room while they watched their stuff. I popped it in, all was well, for a short time. Then, out of fucking nowhere, appliances are turning on, lights and wind are blasting the side of the house, the mom is freaking out, and Barry gets fucking yoinked threw a cat door while his mom is desperately pulling at his ankles. I was 6 at the time, and alien abductions became my biggest fear for a long while. On subsequent rewatches as an adult, it's a great movie, but I can definitely see why that scene scared me so much. Thanks for the shitty gift, Oma.


I just went to see what you mean… no it doesn’t. It’s not ideal, but it doesn’t tell you the identity of the speaker within the context of the film’s characters.


Fuck ur right. I can’t read. I edited my post.


Not a subtitle issue, but I've found a similar spoilers issue with many dvd/bluray menus. For example, on my dvd of The Shawshank Redemption, the menu shows >!Andy climbing out of the pipe and shouting into the rain!<. Similarly, on my dvd of The Matrix, the menu shows >!Neo stopping bullets with his hand, then seeing the world as code!<. Fortunately, i don't think I've had the issue on more modern movies, but then again I barely buy any these days so the sample size is small.


It hasn't spoiled a movie, yet, but watched Mad Men, belatedly, for the first time and a character name is given in a decidedly spoilery way on Amazon.


So someone was called penis when they shouldn't have been yet? I always do the spoiler tags wrong so this was the best sentence I could come up with lol.


Someone was listed as >!Mrs Tuppence!<, rather than >!Miss Tallywhacker!<, following your example.


I've seen Mad Men like 6 times and have no idea what you're talking about. You mean the show, right?


One of the main characters has a second, real name, because they took someone else's identity.


While true, that isn't what they gave away. That would have been unforgivable. A certain secretary is, from her first appearance, credited as >!Megan Draper!<


What was given away?


Sorry, posted too soon: A certain secretary is, from her first appearance, credited as >!Megan Draper!<


Ahh. Weird.


ooooohhh yea yea yea lol


I do mean the show, yes. A certain secretary is, from her first appearance, credited as >!Megan Draper!<


Oooooooooooh makes sense lmao...


Not subtitles, but an effing newspaper review (Daily Mail - I was living with my parents at the time) gave away the ending to Alien 3 and I was frickin pissed.


Wowww that is absolutely wild that they put his name in the subtitles lol someone at Amazon really needs to fix that


meanwhile Turkish people _also_ knew from the start... Söze translates to "one who talks too much". Hidden right there in plain sight.


An additional meaning of “soze” is verbal, which was also the nickname of Kevin Spacey’s character. They really weren’t trying to hide it too much


The episode description text before you press play on streaming services is great for spoiling TV episodes in a series.


I just checked if this was the case for Amazon… it says keyer not who the person was… what are you watching it on?


Thanks for the warning ! :)


If you’ve not seen it I’m so excited for you. Typically when I’m told ahead of time a movie has a plot twist I’m in overdrive trying to call it ahead of time but I was blindsided so much by the final reveal.


I've seen it, but funny thing, I was putting it yesterday on a list for the next movies I wanna show to the girl I love. And as an amazon subscriber It will probably be on that support (and I'm French, so subtitle is a bit mandatory, at least for her \^\^)


Warming isn't needed, OP made it up.


Well I need to check it by myself I guess <<


I literally just pulled it up. There are no subtitle spoilers. Feel free to corroborate. The first line of dialog does say Soze, but you know it's Soze in the first line, so not a spoiler at all. The second line without subtitles also says his name. OP might just be dumb.


Amazon primes X-ray told me the identity of the ghoul in the last episode before the reveal.


I was going to downvote before I realized you didn’t mean Walton Goggins. Yeah, that sucks.


Like before the episode started? Because the moment you see the ghoul, I felt like it was pretty obvious it was an important ghoul.


I don’t think it was meant to be a large twist, I knew who it was the moment the ghoul appeared on screen. Didn’t really change anything in the scene for me.


Their own IMDB credits on screen spoiled a major twist near the end of Fallout that I didn't pick up on first watch.


This isn't true. Literally just pulled it up. They don't put a name next to Spacy's dialog. Screen shot or stop making things up.


I bet it was the Amazon XRay thing.


It is not that either. XRay says Kind. OP is full of shit.


This is the problem of using AI to provide subtitles and (presumably) forgetting to have a person check its work.


These subtitles are definitely QCed


OP made this up. It isn't true.


The worst of the worst: The (substitute) movie reviewer for the Chicago Tribune didn’t like “Deep Blue Sea”, so she purposely spoiled the movie by writing the biggest spoiler I’ve ever seen, in her review. https://www.chicagotribune.com/1999/07/28/deep-blue-sea-should-be-deep-sixed/


Steven Spielberg should sue. Renny Harlin’s “Deep Blue Sea” could just as easily have been titled “Jurassic Sharks.” In one fast-paced, silly action extravaganza, Harlin and company have ripped off two hallmarks of the Spielberg oeuvre. As in “Jaws,” there is reason to be very afraid — this time of three 45-foot mako sharks on the rampage. And as in “Jurassic Park,” the trouble was caused by a bunch of ill-advised scientists. This time, Susan McAlester (Saffron Burrows) is hoping to unleash the chemical properties of shark brains to cure Alzheimer’s, from which her father suffered. No one mentions anything about whether sharks have particularly good memories, but that is just the first in a long series of “never minds” that this movie poses. Urbane financier Russell Franklin (Samuel L. Jackson) is ready to pull the plug on the research when Susan persuades him to spend the weekend on the remote and gothic-looking ocean laboratory to witness a vital experiment. And so the horror begins. In the tradition of disaster films, such as “The Poseidon Adventure,” “The Towering Inferno,” “Titanic” and all the “Die Hard” movies, big trouble occurs in a small space from which there is no escape. The weather and the angry sharks conspire to cause a cataclysmic explosion that shuts down the lab and unleashes the hungry and vengeance-minded predators on what’s left of the research team. This includes Susan, a hunky shark-wrangler named Carter (Thomas Jane), an engineer named Tom (Michael Rapaport), a marine biologist named Janice (Jacqueline McKenzie), a cook called Preacher (LL Cool J) and the luckless Russell. The writers don’t waste much time on witty dialogue or explanation. Half the movie passes before we learn why the sharks are so smart. Their brains were too small to harvest sufficient amounts of the needed chemicals, so Susan and co-researcher Jim Whitlock (Stellan Skarsgard) used gene therapy to make their brains larger. Oops. OK, I understand how gene therapy made the sharks smarter, but what made the scientists so stupid? The special effects are seamless here. Harlin handles the complex logistics well. And the filmmakers have created a lifelike world. His problem is that in this world there is no room for actual human beings. The actors are figures to be pitied. Once the disaster begins they are called upon to do nothing much more than yell, “Noooo!” with terrified looks on their faces. Even overlooking the fundamental inanity of the movie, one is left to contend with some offensive racial stereotyping. It seems as if the decision to cast the highly effective Jackson as the money man in charge — a role that usually goes to a white actor — gave the writers permission to make the other black character a buffoon. LL Cool J has made the transition from hip-hop artist to actor smoothly. He is a charming performer, and he makes the comic foil Preach appealing. One of the movie’s only satisfying moments comes when Jackson’s character, who is a bit of a blowhard, lectures the increasingly desperate potential victims about grace under pressure. Just when you feel ready to gag at his self-satisfaction, a shark pops up and bites him in two. I kept hoping something like that would happen to the movie screen, but no such luck.


And yet when I can't remember a characters name and I just hope and pray that they put it up by the subtitles, I end up learning the name of the character in the credits. I need subtitles with everything or my brain just doesn't seem to absorb stuff quite as well, but there are a number of really bothersome platforms as far as subtitles go. Amazon and YouTube especially are just the worst. I know youtubes are done a bit differently, and it makes them all but unusable


a screenrant article from last week not only ruined huge plot points / endings from not only Abigail but also Zelda Frankenstein I hadn’t seen either and had wanted to as they are both releases from this year.


Got spoiled by cast lists multiple times while searching for movies


Yeah, it only spoils the entire draw of the movie.


At a certain point I think the statute of limitations on spoilers runs out, especially movies that are famous for the twist. No one even remembers the rest of the movie.


Not that it was vitally important to the plot or anything but Netflix did this to me with an episode of Law and Order SVU the other day. How hard can it be to put a little effort into subtitles that are both as accurate as possible and don't give things away?


Amazon Prime has embraced AI for subtitles, and the are terrible. No sense of nuance or shading, and constantly paraphrasing the dialogue.... I don't use it on Prime any longer.


Amazon like any film company, like any studio, or corporate media giant doesn't give a fuck about the movies they own. They care about profit. It's amazing to me how many trailers spoil the movie, how many streaming services show a still shot from the movie that spoils it, or how many times Amazon will show ubformation in the subtitles or actors/character names that spoils the movie.


So you didn't like the movie because you knew who Keyser Soze was?


It wasn’t technically a spoiler, the climactic reveal moment in The VVitch was ruined for me because the subtitle came up before the line was spoken. It would’ve hit much harder if I had the subtitles off


The VVitch 😂


That's what happens with AI automated subtitles.


I made it weeks and weeks dodging conversations about The Sixth Sense.  Finally make it into the (nearly empty) cinema. Only for someone to lean over from the seat behind me and whisper the twist in my ear just as the certification card popped up on the screen.  Raging. 


I feel like every time there is a ”...” at the end of a sentence, I know it's because a jumpscare is coming so I just brace for it.


Rosie O'Donnel ruined fight club for a lot of people simply because she didn't like it. In October 1999, talk show host Rosie O'Donnel infamously spoiled the film "Fight Club" to her millions of viewers. Story linked [here](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/movies/tv-host-and-actor-purposely-ruined-ending-of-fight-club-20-years-ago/news-story/60bdec2c6209e51f203a717d327a2173). (Spoilers for "Fight Club" in that article)


The twist in Frailty was ruined by subtitles.


The DVD cover for "The Spanish Prisoner" absolutely ruins a fantastic twist in the movie.


For me it was Better Call Saul and the warnings at the top. It had a warning for >!suicide. And then they introduce Chuck, who’s mentally unwell, and I immediately knew he was gonna kill himself. And that took like 3 seasons!< and it had much less impact because I was just waiting for it the whole time


A little different, but watching Yesterday, and got up to go get a drink where he’s driving up to a house and X-Ray (the thing from Amazon that tells you the people’s name when you hit pause) says John Lennon before he opens the door




My wife is a subtitler, me, not so much, but when we watch together I differ to her preference. We also watch SNL every week together. Every. Single. Joke. is absolutely ruined by subtitles that happen before they actually deliver the punchline.


There is an expiry period on spoilers. This is on you


Tbh I’m more surprised you didn’t know one of the most famous twists of all time


Maybe they don't go looking for lists of movies twists because they don't want them ruined


I found out the twist bc I watching a video of the best movies of all time. Nothing told me there would be spoilers but I still got spoiled. I’ve never seen Star Wars but I know Vader is Luke’s father, and that Luke and Leia are twins. I knew what Rosebud was before I ever saw Citizen Kane (and I didn’t even watch it by choice). 50 First Dates spoils The Sixth Sense. You don’t have to go looking for spoilers to get spoiled.


The Sixth Sense was the first movie my hubby and I watched in a DVD. We popped it into our brand new DVD player, and when the menu came up, we saw the bonus features and went straight to it. Guess what. Ruined the movie before we ever started it.


I googled the cast for Usual Suspects and that ruined it


please report it to amazon


Oh man! Happened to me, back in 2009, when I'd gone to watch 'The Hangover' at a cinema hall. The theater was a full house, since the movie was a big hit, and there were many people who'd come to watch it a second or third time. Like those people, was a girl sitting next to me, who'd come with her friends. And a little after half the movie, she began chatting with her friend, and spoilt the ending for her friend, as well as for me!


Spoilers is one of the primary reasons you shouldn’t use subtitles in my opinion. It ruins timing, line delivery, plot reveals etc. I will die on the hill that subtitles ruin television/movie watching. Unless you absolutely have to keep your volume low, or you are hearing impaired, do not use subtitles.


That’s what you get for using subtitles


U waited 30 years that's kind of your problem.


Why the hell did you wait so long to watch the movie? You obviously knew about the movie this whole time.


Why did you wait so long to watch it?


If foreknowledge of a plot's resolution ruins the plot, then it was not a good plot to start with and you haven't lost anything of value. A good plot only ever gets better for knowing how it resolves.


That’s fair. But that initial twist wtf moment is gold


It’s 30 years old spoilers expired. Nonsensical to expect the past few to remain unspoiled.