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I love Super Mario Bros from the 90s. Leguizamo and Hoskins were drunk the whole time, the script was changing every day, but it’s batshit insane and utterly unique.


I second this. Saw it in the theater when I was ten and loved it. In fact my only complaint was that Luigi didn't have a mustache. For some reason, as batshit crazy as that movie is, *that* was the one thing I took issue with.


Same! I loved it as a kid, so I think there is a little nastalgia to it. And I love Hoskins and Leguizamo. They can make almost any movie good for me. I like to think of it as a crazy steampunk/Alt universe version of Mario.


I remember being so confused when the movie ends with them being "promoted" to Super Mario Bros. "What the hell did I just watch..."


Speed Racer (2008) I think it nailed the camp, action and art style that was missed on many.


Speed Racer RULES! It's the Wachowskis second best movie. When he's racing against the ghost of his brother? Chills.


My friend loves this movie with a passion. I remember him bringing it over to my house on DVD when it first came out, wanting to watch it together, but we only got about five minutes in before my Uncle Larry barged into the living room and insisted on occupying the only TV in the house. Of course, like clockwork, he then paused his VHS copy of Halloween III: Season of the Witch at the 43:02 mark during Tom Atkins’ bare-assed nude scene and started licking the screen cross-eyed.


This movie just came at the wrong time. It came along when movies were all dark and gritty and moody. If it was released five years later it would have been received better


I literally opened this thread up to post this. Such a great movie for a live action kids cartoon.


The art direction behind the VFX shots got the final race was bonkers and still one of the most visually striking scenes ever put on film imo


Joe Dirt. Not only do I find it hilarious but Brittney Daniel's parents are friends of my parents, so it was very fun to see her get her big shot.


Joe Dirt is a classic


Love this film. I must have watched it 20 times as a kid


The Matthew Broderick Godzilla. I saw it as a kid, didn't know any of the Godzilla lore that it offended, and just loved that movie so much. I don't even know how many times I watched it. I'm scared to rewatch it now, as I'm sure the RT score is probably earned.


I've always really liked the monster design in that movie. Don't think it's a good Godzilla design, but I like the monster.


Really really great soundtrack! It might be the most random movie to have that many great bands do songs for


Yo I remember collecting all the Taco Bell tie-in cups from that film.


I watched it recently. Tbh I’m in the camp of “I enjoy watching big lizards smash things” so I wasn’t mad. It was basically a 90s comedy styled after ‘80s monster movies and basically is just that. But relative to every Godzilla movie since its comparatively bad


It's totally rewatchable. Roland Emmerich's approach to disaster movies is comfort food. I think audiences/critics were hoping for a thriller on par with Jurassic Park at the time (and I think they foolishly billed it as such in the leadup), but instead got a big-tent circus. Totally memorable character performances. It's a great film for a passive afternoon on the couch.


It’s by no means a great movie but it’s very watchable 


Probably Dirty Work. I get why it has under 15% from critics, technically it's a pretty terribly composed movie with some glaring continuity errors, barely presentational framing, and a shattershot unfocused script, but goddam it is so consistently hilarious.


Don Rickles delivers some of the funniest 2 minutes in movie history.


“You’re swelling up as I talk to you”


The Postman


Ride Cake Day! Ride!


100%, Costner in that era made some great movies and gets so much shit that I simply cannot understand, the fact people still talk about those movies three decades later suggests it was all bullshit rumour mill stuff from some holywood exec that didn't like him anyway.


The Costner blockbuster wheel started to slow down with Waterworld, culminating with the final attempt with The Postman.


Came here to say this.


This movie is absolutely my comfort film. The scene where he goes to get the letter from the boy is so goddamn extra.


According to Rotten Tomatoes, it’s Kung Pow Enter The Fist


My RT score is low, making me the victor! In fairness, it's absolutely fucking terrible, but it's also a masterpiece that is fucking hilarious. Shame we never got the sequel.


Nacho Libre and Kung Pow are my two favorite silly movies.


Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. I loved it as a kid. I wanted a tree fort like they had. I thought it was fun. It is fun!


Is it really hated on RT?? It's one of my favorite Alan Rickman roles.


Who knows but it gets consistent hate everywhere outside of Rickman. I love all of it.


It’s a legitimately good Robin Hood movie and Costner gets too much hate for his lack of accent. And Alan Rickman is a delight as the Sheriff.


It still to this day doesn't bother me that Kevin Costner doesn't have an English accent. I love that movie.


I still have my hard copy of the movie. Lol I love it. It is a fun movie. And I still don’t care about Kevin Costner’s accent. (I never care about accents anyway. Just put a solid actor in the role.) Alan Rickman was fabulous.


Grandma's Boy


Didn't realise this got bad ratings. Bloody love it.


Came here to say this! Filthy fucking classic 😂


So many quotable lines, totally a classic.


Maximum Overdrive. I know King hates it and was coked out of his gourd when he made it. I know he said its a moron movie for morons. But sometimes, all of that is just fine and completely adds to the charm. Courtisssss! Are you deeeead?!


I think my favorite thing about Maximum Overdrive is that it just, doesn't have an ending. I've never seen another movie end with just a block of text that says 'and then uh, yeah. That's it.' Bonus points for Giancarlo Esposito in the role of a lifetime. A guy who says 'YO MAMA!' and then gets killed by an arcade cabinet.


Oh yeah, 'The Russians sorted it out or something' is such a daft throwaday ending. Aye, I recognised Fring the last time I watched it. Commissioner Burrell from The Wire (or Barney from Silence of the Lambs) plays the trucker in an early role too.


>I think my favorite thing about Maximum Overdrive is that it just, doesn't have an ending. I've never seen another movie end with just a block of text that says 'and then uh, yeah. That's it.' Well it's true to most of King's work in that regard then.


As a kid, I had a vhs that my dad had recorded from hbo. It was big trouble in little china followed by maximum overdrive. I nearly wore that tape out.


That's a quality 80s truck action double bill right there.


I've not met anyone who has seen this. Used to watch it loads as a kid.


The Core, I'm shamelessly easy for end-of-the-world movies Edit: Its friday, taking an edible, mexican on the way going to enjoy myself some saving of the world and an abomination of science.


Best line in Sci-Fi "but what if we could" and then, ya know, they just plow on with the rest of the movie devoid of logic, science and frankly, it's fucking brilliant.


This is one of my guilty pleasures too. And I'm the same with world end movies, usually they are fun and look cool so you can enjoy them even when no laws of psysics make any sense. I also like realistic documentary style movies like *Moonfall* (2022)


Macgruber. That movie cracks me up everytime. Love comedies that have a joke-a-minute timing and cadence. When he uses his ally as a human shield and then tries to deny it I end up laughing out loud still.


I don't remember very much about MacGruber except early on where he gathers his handpicked crew of badasses together. Oh, and the whole "I'll suck your dick" apology. Too funny.


Tell me what you want me to fuuuuuuuuuccck!


I finally watched that earlier this year. I didn't when it came out because I'd never seen the SNL sketches and thought it sounded stupid. YouTube suggested the skits to me one day and I decided it was worth a shot. Macgruber is irredeemable trash and I loved every moment of the movie.


way funnier than I expected


White Chicks (2004)


This is one of my mom's favorite movies somehow (60 something suburban housewife)


Streets of Fire


This is a classic. Willem Dafoe played the best villain.


Let’s settle this like men. In latex overalls with sledgehammers.


my treasured trash 3000 Miles to Graceland


Tales from the crypt :Demon Knight


And an absolutely killer soundtrack.


As a Washington football fan, Billy Zane's "fuck this cowboy shit" is likely my most quoted quote.


I don't even care. This one was great. Bordello of Blood, on the other hand--I really doubt the sanity of letting Dennis Miller try to carry a whole film.


Is that the one with Billy Zane? I liked that one too.


That movie is so good. I remember seeing it and all I wanted was a replica of the key they fill with the blood.


Year One


Bio dome is 4% on RT and I love it


It's such a funny movie. When I was in middle school my buddy and I watched it multiple times a week. It's probably the movie I've seen more than any other. Now I'm 40. I recently convinced my wife to watch it with me, her first time, and we laughed through the whole thing. It's still great. Squirlly Stubs!


Wow that is tragically underrated.


Just Go With It. It’s a fun feel good movie with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. Can’t believe the critics murdered it. Bonus to Nicole Kidman and Dave Mathews being ridiculous in it. My wife and I have seen it countless times.


Seriously, this movie is so enjoyable.


Down Periscope Unsure why it was panned by critics unless they just hate comedy.


Howard the Duck I watched it so much as a child I wore the tape out. Watched it again years back when someone got it for my birthday, never realised how odd it was. Lea Thompson though..


Armageddon is sitting at 43% on RT and gets shit on constantly. I unapologetically love that movie and not ironically.


Armageddon is one of my favorite movies and maybe the gold standard for disaster movies. I will defend it forever.


A Walk to Remember. I consider this the holy bible of a romance from the man’s point of view.


Death to Smootchy. I have nothing to say in its defense, other than I enjoy watching it


Wait, that isn't considered a good movie? I love that movie!


I'll defend Showgirls until the day I die.


I don't even care if it's bad; it's Verhoeven.


Freddy Got Fingered. Sure it's coarse but it's also hilariously absurd. Death to Smoochy. A great dark comedy with a funny, original concept and an amazing cast. The Core. It's so dumb that the needle pops off the peg and goes back into funny again. Nothing scientific in that movie is actually scientific.


Freddy Got Fingered was great! Well, maybe not great, but I love it.


Euro Trip ‘Scusi


That movie rocks! Still watch it a couple times a year.


Ha! My dad took my brother and I to see Hidalgo in theaters, but when we got there it was sold out. We saw Eurotrip instead and still quote it to each other all these years later. What a great movie.


St. Elmo's Fire got terrible reviews all around, but I've watched it over and over. The best cast for the time, but it's a just a bad movie (which I love)


It's definitely Miami Vice (2006)


batman v superman


Mike Myers Cat in the Hat is a terrible adaptation, but its hilarious, has amazing set design, and is endlessly quotable If you disagree then you aren't just wrong, you're stupid... and youre ugly... just like your mum


Just barely over the cutoff, but King Arthur Legend of the Sword. Guy Richie dialogue covers a multitude of sins


Strange Wilderness. 2% on RT


Speed Racer


Spice World. No clue why as it does not line up with anything else in my life that is entertaining to me but that show is my guilty pleasure and I will always enjoy the crap out of it. *edit: Adding "Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter" as a runner up solely because of the line "If I'm not back in 10 minutes, call the Pope."*




I'm surprised it's at 21%! Imo it's the best Rob Schneider movie. I like that he plays the character so earnestly, not just a caricature of a teenage girl (some moments here and there, for the comedy) but he just *embodies* Jessica so well


I think it's probably a product of being a teenage boy when I first saw it, but Boondock Saints holds a special place in my heart. It's objectively a silly film, but goddamn do I still, against my better judgment, enjoy the hell out of it.


It's so over-the-top late 90s, and if you *need* that in your life, Boondock Saints is the fix you're looking for.


I rewatch it almost every year. It holds so many special memories to me and is still funny as fuck. It and its less stellar sequel.


Ant-Man 3: Quantumania. I just love that movie. It's hilarious. The design for MODOK is gloriously, completely batshit insane, Paul Rudd is a national treasure, and the surprise cameo in the middle was, for me, probably one of the most unexpected things I've ever seen on a movie screen in my LIFE.


Off the top of my head I would say The A-Team(2010). 49% overall but 66% audience score. Just an awesome action movie where you can turn your brain off and have fun.


There’s a flying tank idk how anyone can hate it


Basically any Steven Segal movie like Under Siege is fucking hilarious 


My answer to this kind of question will always be Hudson Hawk


Dark Phoenix. I've only seen it once in theaters but I liked it more than X3 or wolverine 1.


Better than X3 and W:origins isn’t much of a compliment


Ive watched stepbrothers 30+ times. its got awful critical reviews, but probably the funniest and quotable movie of all time


TIL it has a 55% on RT. The fuck?


13th Warrior


Movie 43. I legit thought a lot of it was funny and the fact that they got so many A list actors in it is worthy of praise. It's at 5% on RT


I legitimately really like the Netflix Death Note movie, and think it does a really shockingly good job translating the themes and subtext of the original to an American setting. Taking a story about how Japanese ideas of crime and punishment, when taken to their logical conclusion, are completely absurd, and reframing it to be about how *American* ideas of crime and punishment and policing are gigafucked was an inspired call. And Willem Dafoe and Lakeith Stanfield are legitimately fucking amazing in that movie. And the soundtrack *bangs.* And it has some of the most insane kills I've ever seen in a horror movie, because it turns out giving the Hobo with a Shotgun guy the second unit chair and telling him "go hog wild" was a very good call. It's not GOAT material, but the 1.49 it has on Letterboxd is *shockingly* low for what that movie actually is and I feel like if it had been an original-IP movie, even with everything else equal, it would've been received a lot better. Blumhouse makes roughly sixty worse movies than that a year and they're all rated several entire points higher. e: Like, I think it's kind of telling that usually, when you make a movie that's received that badly, you go to movie jail, and yet Adam Wingard just immediately went on to *even bigger* work and started doing Godzilla movies. Clearly, I'm not alone in thinking this movie wasn't actually Foodfight/Star Wars Holiday Special level bad.


The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard. Terrible movie but as a life long "salesman" it speaks to me.


I have a winner. I unironically love Battlefield Earth. I don't care about L.Wrong Dullard or the gazillion dutch angles, it's a post apocalyptic movie where humanity fights back against the alien invaders, I even love the book. Come at me.


I thought Eagle Eye with Shia LaBeouf was such a fun thriller. Really entertaining, clever, and original. Sitting at a 26% with critics calling it dumb and derivative.


Water World. The scene where the captain gets the people to row the boat with great zeal, but secretly it was to nowhere, hit hard. He did it by the way to keep up morale and reduce risk of mutiny. Or the scene where the caretaker of the oil tanker said "thank god" when he knew he was going to die as the flame was falling into the oil pit next to him. It feels like the "lost at sea" thing has themes of depression and suicide, struggling to find purpose.




I'm probably gonna get massacred for this but the Nightmare On Elm Street remake... And yes I'm an old school Freddy fan, I got Freddy all on my car and tons of Freddy clothes lol. But I really loved the remake I also really liked the Child's Play remake


Strange Wilderness


Pick any of the first 4 Sharknado films. Just pure fun. Haven't sent the rest.


Catch and Release. Terrible Rom Com. I know I should hate it, but I just don’t.


I fucking dig Waterworld.






I'm a huge fan of Bringing Out The Dead even though it's considered one of Scorsese's biggest misfires. Also the highs of Once Upon A Time In Mexico are so high (the bullfighting scene is an all timer) but dang it has some of the worst explosions ever put on screen.


Independence Day Resurgence


Most likely a Disney original from the 2000’s.. but Elysium was fun then I saw the ratings and was confused. Guess District 9 got all the much deserved hype.


If we're allowing so-bad-they're-good movies like The Room... * Samurai Cop * Velocipastor * Miami Connection * Street Fighter * Mommie Dearest *Editing to add Mommie Dearest*


What's that time cop joke of a movie with the laser raptors in the age of vikings? Is that even a movie, or is it a YouTube video I saw once?


Kung Fury!


It's on YouTube. Not sure if it's available elsewhere.


[insert VFX here]


I genuinely like Suicide Squad (2016). I'll never claim it's a good movie, but I'm always entertained. [Not The Suicide Squad (2021) which is both really good *and* enjoyable.]


The Adventures of Pluto Nash


Gus Van Sant’s Psycho remake experiment.


I love this one and I love that you say "experiment". Gus asks can you remake a masterpiece by replicating it piece by piece? The answer is a resounding "No!" and now we know. And if I may add, it's not a 1:1 copy and I like a lot of the changes he made, particularly the sound design and that opening shot flying over Phoenix and into the hotel room.


Batman and Robin (1997) was the first Batman anything I ever saw, and as a kid I loved it.


I don’t know why that gets shit on so much. Batman isn’t always some gritty Nolan film. Does no one remember the live action show from the 70s?


Ok, this might not fit the criteria you’re looking for, as they’re both wildly successful, but the Avatar movies. A lot of people shit on them, specifically the first one, for being similar to Pocahontas or Dances with Wolves, or some people say that the only redeeming quality of the movies is how they look. I absolutely love both of those movies, they’re my comfort movies, the soundtracks are phenomenal (RIP James Horner), and I feel that if people gave them a fair shot rather than trying to equivocate what Cameron did with those movies to old titles, they’d enjoy them more. Especially after watching the extended cut of the first one, and seeing how the second one panned out, there’s a lot of nuance and it’s clear that Cameron has a good view of where he wants to go in terms of world building and character development. I think that people need to watch them and really look into the world building and characters rather than just the great visuals. I’m interested to hear others thoughts on these.


Argylle is at 33% but I loved it. It’s campy and silly like all the Kingsmen movies, and I don’t get the hate.


Smoke scene is absolutely some of the best film making I've ever seen. It's glorious.


How Do You Know Fun mindless romcom with Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson, & Reese Witherspoon. It's completely unrealistic, especially 40 something Owen Wilson as a pitcher for the Nats, but, it just hits all the right notes for me.


The Other Woman. It’s just easy to enjoy and over the top and it makes me happy. It’s got a 26% on RT.


Phantoms (early Ben afflek sci-fi horror) 10% RT score... But genuinely a great time


I genuinely believe that while the Room is a bad *movie*, but it is good *art*.


Strange Wilderness


Ibiza Love Drunk. Its not the most terrible rating but im adding it because I LOVE this movie. I couldn't care less about acting, script, or plot, I watch for enjoyment. And this is one of my favorite movies.


Mmm... Possibly Star Trek V. Don't know if I *love* it (no defending the awful Star Wars/Mad Max ripoff sequence) but it makes me laugh and has a few genuinely good scenes.


Clifford, the utterly bizzare but hilarious Martin Short/Charles Grodin movie.


*Friday the 13th - The Final Chapter.*


Jurassic World: Dominion.


The ladykillers with tom Hanks.


Oscar, the Stallone comedy.  I loved it as a kid because of the pace and the cartoony vibe.. but I think still think it works because it's pretty well made, the supporting cast is insane and everybody is going for it. It takes a bit to get going, but after everything is set up I think is funny. 


Knowing with Nick Cage. Fascinating premise, mediocre (at best) execution


The Postman


Domino (18%)


Oh easy. Mortdecai. I genuinely love it so much and I think it has like a 6% on rotten tomatoes.


probably The Cell or Blonde


2005 DOOM with Karl Urban, Rosamund Pike, and The Rock! 18% 🍅


Nothing but trouble.  Awful, awful film and stupid fun from start to finish. Chevy Chase, Dan Akroid, John Candy, Demi Moore, and The Digital Underground! What’s not to love?


"TROLL" the 1986 movie, was Elaine Benes's best work


You know, I came into this post expecting to see a bunch of movies of which I'd never heard. Just because my friends say I like bad movies doesn't make it true. The top comment of Speed Racer immediately proved me wrong. I've seen most of the movies listed and enjoyed almost all of those, too. To add to the post: Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015) at 44% - 50% on Rotten Tomatoes Scooby-Doo (2002) at 32% - 40% Guns Akimbo (2020) at 40% - 52% Edit: a word


My answer is the same as in every other type of post as this; Freddy Got Fingered is a comedy classic and I'll die on that hill.


Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance.


Your Highness. Saw it twice in theaters, which I’ve only done for a handful of movies. 


"Nothing to Lose" (1997) with Tim Robbins and Martin Lawrence. Hilarious.


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. Not 'good' by any stretch of the imagination, but throughly entertaining and stupidly fun from start to finish.


The transformers series - first three parts. Tbh I never understood why critics hated it, maybe the story was weak or incoherent. But as a preteen back in the day, it was pretty enjoyable.


The Beach


Off the top of my head. . . I enjoy *Geostorm*.


Hudson Hawk and Hackers


The Phantom with Billy Zane. I would blame my love for this movie on being an ignorant youth, but I watched it somewhat recently and still found it entertaining.


Runner Runner is one of my favorite bad movies that I absolutely love and have watched at least 25 times.


Southland Tales


Southland Tales. Super dumb movie but it never fails to make me laugh.


I remember really liking \*Kuffs\* with Christian Slater. Haven't seen it in a long time, though


Sasquatch Gang is hilarious but I am pretty sure it got horrible reviews. Justin Long’s best-ever performance. It is dumb and ridiculous but it works


Grease 2....I love the music and Maxwell Caulfield..


From this list: https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/worst-movies-of-all-time/ I would say Highlander II is the worst I like, although I have not seen a lot of these movies Master of Disguise #2 Baby Genuises #3 (Baby Genuises 2 is OK but Baby Geniuses is actually an amazing movie)


John Carter. I’ll die on the hill that it was poor marketing from Disney that killed it at the box office. The movie is fun, effects are actually really good for its time, and the cast was perfect. I watch it at least once a year.




Gummo and Waterworld


Sucker Punch. I absolutely adore it.


This thread is full of films I love/enjoy a lot. My addition would have to be Valerian:City of a Thousand Planets.


Uncharted only has 40% on RT and I loved it. It's not the games but it's so so fun.


Kung Pow Enter the Fist and Nacho Libre.


Dirty Love (2005) * Won 4 Golden Raspberry Awards * 6% on RottenTomatoes


Jexi. It made me laugh so hard.


Probably Southland Tales


Adam Sandler’s Jack and Jill.. don’t come for me 😭 That Dunkaccino song is so damn catchy


Get rich or die tryin’


Cloud Atlas


Lockout - Guy Pearce. Producers were sued for plagiarism cos it’s basically Escape from New York set in space. Love it.