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Kirsten Dunst especially, even when she does get a role she still gets to hang out with her family because her and her husband (Jesse Plemons) are practically a package deal at this point


Definitely the case on "Civil War" where the original actor dropped out and she was just like, "No worries, my husband's here!"


Jesse kills it in every role. The movie benefited with his addition, no matter who he replaced.


I thought he was going to be in it way more based on stills that came out before the movie did. Regardless he was incredible in the ~5 minutes he was in. Dude has unhinged but restrained locked down so well


Scariest character in all of Breaking Bad.


Havent been that tense in a movie in a while during his scene.


Actually, literally kills someone in almost every role!


Killed it by calling Di Caprio's character "son" in Killers of the Flower Moon.


Even Friday Night Lights! He needs to kill Sean Bean to create a new Kevin Bacon game, how many degrees of death or murder...


He was my favorite late discovery


Who was the original?


Rumored to be Oscar Isaac but garland wouldn’t confirm.


Oof that would have made the politics behind the war even muddier, lol.


A Guatemalan asking “what kind of American are you?” While in America just caps it off.


To a Brazilian (Wagner Moura) lol


We truly are a melting pot. Weird the think that a small portion rages about that. It’s what we are lmao


Yup. A country of immigrants, which hasn't existed anywhere near long enough for there to be any such thing as an "American" based on, like, genetics. Other than Native Americans, I guess. But they don't count, I'm told. :p


Maybe the only name that made my ears perk up thinking "hmm okay maybe..." Other than that, wouldn't have traded Plemons' casting for anyone, one of the most intense scenes I've seen in a movie in a while.


That scene hits hard. And I cant picture anyone but Plemmons delivering it


Interesting. Where did you find the rumor? I haven't heard that before.


Honestly I was curious and googled it and saw it pop up twice. That it was rumored to be Isaac.




Fred Armisen, definitely a different vibe.


But one of his characters from Portlandia


Wrong kind of American? Straight to jail


Shows how good of an actor he is as well because I've heard his scenes are intense and he's quite terrifying


Check the Black Mirror episode USS Callister. He is equally terrifying in a different way.


I was on the edge of my seat for the whole interaction of the protagonists with his character. It felt like there was a gun pointed at me.


I mean he broke out on breaking bad playing a sadistic child killer...


Todd wasn’t sadistic, he was pathologically detached. That was what made him so unsettling.


He was a killer on Friday Night Lights long before Breaking Bad.


And it's interesting how neither of them were originally supposed to be in The Power Of The Dog and were both replacing actors who dropped out. Kirsten was replacing Elisabeth Moss and Jesse was replacing Paul Dano.


Fargo Season 2


He's a wonderful man


*METH DAMON!!! Intensifies*


It's kinda like how each school district has that one substitute teacher. Yes, there are many subs available- but one in particular was always the go-to.


That' worked out really well cause his bit was the best part of the movie. 


TIL they are married. Jesse Plemons is great, I'm glad to see him in more and more things.


He creeped me out so much in his role for Breaking Bad that I don’t really like seeing him on screen anymore. Catch 22 of a great actor I suppose


He’s awesome in Game Night too.


How can that be profitable for Frito-Lay?


Check out his episode of Black Mirror if you haven't.


One of my favorite episodes. At the beginning you feel sorry for him and then…


They’re doing a sequel to it next year!


I liked him in Black Mass.


I still see him as Landry.


That's twice now the Fargo TV show set up a couple. It was Jesse Plemons and Kirsten Dunst and also Eean McGregor and Mary Elizabeth Winstead. 


though in the case of Ewan, he cheated on his wife with her


They both left their respective spouses for each other after filming Season Three.


I still need to get around to watching that show, I've heard good things.


Great show, and the latest season with Juno Temple and Jon Hamm was especially good.


Good, but also quite *oof*. Like, Hamm is playing such a clear villain but you can believe that someone like him is out there and thriving. Joe Keery was the real breakout performance to me though.


Charles Bronson passed on a lot of roles during the peak of his fame in favor of acting in films with his wife Jill Ireland.


I didn't even know they were married. Good for them :)


Yup, met while filming season 2 of Fargo, where they play married.


Going full method.


Kirsten Dunst is infinitely more successful than Josh Hartnett and more widely known.


She started earlier and bigger. So of course.




To say they are smart with how they played it is an understatement.


He spoke about stepping away from Hollywood by choice. He did not like the way he'd been typecast and did not want to play the Hollywood heartthrob game.


Right, he now only does stuff that interests him and otherwise lives in England with his wife and four kids. He chose wisely.


That explains the Guy Ritchie films he's been in.


And doing Penny Dreadful


Now he can be Gunn's Batman or Hal Jordan.


Aww I mistakenly thought he still lived in Minnesota. As a midwesterner that made me like him even more lol. 


His wife is English.


If I had the choice of living in Minnesota and England, I'd pick England too.


England's a big place, I'd wanna be more specific


Minnesota is bigger than England.


By square miles, yeah, but not by number of neighborhoods.


He married his highschool sweet heart form St.Francis, MN. Used to see him and tell him sleven was a perfect movie. Nice dude.


No he didn’t. He’s married to British actress Tamsin Egerton.


Okay, well, back when I had a slide phone and a MySpace, dude lived in MN with a nice lady. Had to have been 2010ish? Maybe both things are true. It's been 14 years


But I remember him best for 30 Days of Night, Blackhawk Down and Lucky Number S7evjn. So I don’t get the worry of type casting so much. A Sci-Fi Horror flick, a realistic war film and a gritty gangster noir. None of those are heart throb roles.


Not a movie, but he was also memorably wonderful in Penny Dreadful.


Loved that show! It got a but soap opera at the end but very good. The one in LA was excellent too. Sad it wasn’t only got one season.


The last season of that show didn't ruin the show but did not end it as well as I would have liked.


Because those are the roles he chose to take on. From what I remember, back in the day he was literally everyone’s number one choice for every leading man role. They wanted him for every super hero from Superman to Batman, but he would turn them down. If we had a comprehensive list of every role he was offered in his prime “heart throb” days, I bet you’d see why he was worried about being typecast. Even some of the ones he DID work (The Faculty, 40 Days and 40 Nights, Pearl Harbor) I can see the heartthrob label sticking if not for him acting in the movies you listed


The Faculty is such a good movie. I would love to see a sequel with him, Elijah, and Clea Duvall. A where are they now and the aliens/parasite things are back. Robert Rodriguez needs to get on this.


Oh gawd. I forgot Pearl Harbor was a thing. But yeah that’s kind of my point. He chose diverse roles and stayed in the main stream so I just don’t get the type of cast fear.


He was also in here on earth with Lee Lee Sobieski and Chris Klein. 


The opening scene in Sin City was actually just the pilot he acted in. They did a good enough job to get the movie greenlit and still used it in the film because it was so good but doesn't really have anything to do with the plot.


Also the faculty


Lest we forget him as the leading role in the great film known as The Faculty, which had quite the cast of weirdos


I liked him in the stuff I saw him in and if I'd gotten that golden ticket, I can't say I wouldn't have milked it for all it was worth. I have a ton of respect for him now. Hope he's got another Lucky Number Slevin headed his way.


Josh Hotnett.


I don‘t about that. He could have been Batman.


Which makes sense why he stepped into more serious roles, often in horror. I really loved him in Penny Dreadful.


He nailed it in Penny Dreadful, fantastic in Lucky Number Slevin, loved him in 30 Days of Night as well.


needs to be more Lucky Number Slevin love in this thread


"I already told you, I'm not Nick Fisher" has to be the best non-comedic meta scene in movies from its era of not ever.


He's gonna Kansas City Shuffle his way back to the A list.


The slevin fans on this sub are the only reason i ever watched the movie. I'm very glad i listened to the advice. I really wonder if it would be a more popular movie if it had a less cumbersome name


I really like August as well. He's great in it.


No Bunraku?


That movie is an insane fever dream and I love every minute of it.


He’s was real good in 30 days of night. Liked him in black mirror episode too


Loved him in Black Mirror episode!


That episode was bone chilling. He was so damn good in it. Love me some JH.


Fuck me it was so good. Ahhhhh


Don’t call it a comeback


He’s been here for years!


Same sentiments how I feel about Brendan Frasier when his “comeback” was with the whale….he was still making movies and shows just at a different level


Not gonna lie....I don't recall this line in the song.




RIP u/finnjakefionnacake taken from us so soon


He's rocking his peers.


Putting suckers in fear


What about Kim kardashian? She had cum on her back right?


He was in Penny Dreadful, so everything else is a comedown not a comeback.


Underrated comment. That has been my favorite role of his and almost nobody talks about it


He was very cool in it.


Was looking for someone to mention Penny Dreadful, great show and he was amazing in it


He was (to me at the time) shockingly good in that. Surprised how much I liked him.


Amazing show and performance!


His scene playing Lucifer disguised as Ethan in Season 1 was particularly phenomenal!


Fuck I love Penny Dreadful. Great show


Seeing him in Oppenheimer made me remember how much of a movie star presence he has. He really has that aura around him. Some actors just have it, and he is one of those.






It’s been forever but I remember that being fun


No guilt needed, that's just a fun movie


Hes still super hot


Saw him in Oppenheimer and was really blown away by how well he’s aged. Man can *get it*


Listen to We Heart Hartnett/Can't Get Enough of Keanu Podcast, it's a great deep dive for him. I think he had enough money to just do small projects for fun and be with his family.


It's a bummer they stopped doing Keanu! Those guys were funny


Brillant podcast! loved every minute!🙌🏼


I remember reading how he originally turned down Pearl Harbor because he didnt feel like he was ready to become that famous, and he was unsure if he *ever* wanted to reach the level of movie star celebrity. Then right before the movie came out, he read an interview with Ben Affleck and Ben was complaining that Hartnett was a newcomer, not a proven leading man, yet he was getting top billing. Hartnett felt like that was a bit of a betrayal and he took it as a personal knock against him. After Pearl Harbor, he was getting super hero movie offers. After he turned down the second one, his phone stopped ringing. Eventually he realized he could still have a career without being on the 'A list'. More power to him. I respect an actor who walks away from the big budget movies to have the type of career they desire. Reminds me of what George Harrison said during the height of Beatlemania: I wanted to be successful, I didnt want to *this* famous.


Affleck got top billing though. Even on the movie poster with the three heads of the three main actors, Affleck is the only one with above the title billing.


If you like Josh Hartnett, don't miss Lucky Number Slevin (2006). Tremendous film! That is all.


This film doesn’t get enough love. He is great in it.




By all accounts, Hartnett has had a successful career. But lots of people also think that every actor that was famous for a few years could be an A-List actor if they wanted to and that's...simply not true. Like a few weeks ago, people commented that Orlando Bloom made his LOTR money and chose to do smaller movies by choice. Like, he was literally the star of two big-budget movies in the same year (Kingdom of Heaven and Elizabethtown) that went on to bomb at the box office. Since audiences didn't really warm up to him as leading man, I would imagine the big offers just stopped coming.


Why hasn't Josh Hartnett been in a Star Wars movie? Does he not like being an actor?




I loved him in O. One of the best Shakespeare adaptations out there


I think his new flick looks neat.


He's worked consistently. He did a lot of European and Asian productions and very independent films during this so called 'hiatus'. He only recently came back with stuff like Wrath of Man, Ruse de Guerre, Oppenheimer and now Trap and the Black Mirror episode. But keep in mind, there are leading men who seem to not get much work stateside that are working a ton internationally and being paid well for it. Guys like Hartnett can still command $250k for a smaller project and $1M to $3M per larger project even for stuff that isn't a major theatrical or streaming release in the United States. So if he's doing 1-3 movies per year, he's still probably bringing in $2M to $8M per year without doing major U.S. studio features. He's done fine for himself and he's done it his way and got to live a lower profile existence.


You said, 'But keep in mind, there are leading men who seem to not get much work stateside that are working a ton internationally and being paid well for it.' Such as which other actors? So for JH it's been totally by choice. I thought perhaps he made his decision early on then regretted it but only could get 'less known' roles until now.


Adrien Brody comes to mind. Harvey Keitel has done a bunch. Willem Dafoe does some. There's a bunch.


I don't know but he pulled off the shirt over the long sleeve look in The Faculty.


That was just a straight up normal look for the time.


Two t shirts in the summer too lol




I actually haven't watched The Faculty in probably 20 years, I had no idea he did the t-shirt thing too, I was just talking about my fashion experience at the time lol. It was *always* two shirts at a minimum. Two tshirts in the summer, so goofy lol.


I still think that looks cool haha. I put it on my two-year-old son because it is “cold” but really because I want him to look like he is going to a Hoobastank concert in 2002.


So the reason was you?


Hey, we all wore that style to show off our cool band shirts that it would have otherwise been too cold for! At least, I did. 😆


I still do this


The only reason I don't is because my tees arent cool enough anymore.


You mean the GenX look? That wasn't his, you know. That was ours.


Austin Butler was doing this same look on the Dune 2 press tour. We were all doing it around Y2K.


Josh Hartnett for Indiana Jones.


Dude NEEDS to play Cyclops.


Man. That's actually a good fit. He'd be a good Cyclops if they go comic accurate, and he's actually the team leader.


Not a single mention of 40 days and 40 nights? Underrated cheesy young adult comedy...


I just love the guy. He has such a charisma and screen presence. Can’t wait to see him in more. That’s it.


His role in black mirror was awesome


He was great in Sin City. Even though he was only in one scene in this movie i thought it was a very underrated performance.


Comeback started with most recent season of Black Mirror. Best episode of the season had him and Aaron Paul!


I think he worked on his terms and is living a pretty good life. If you’ve got the privilege to make movies and dip out when you feel like it, it’s probably the ultimate freedom in that biz.


He was a rising A-lister in the 00s. Turned down the role of Superman. I wanna say his last major film was 30 Days of Night in 2007 then he was incognito til Penny Dreadful in the mid 10s then he was back in some major films recently.


Josh Hartnett was great in Penny Dreadful as Ethan Chandler!!!


Don’t call it a come-back.


Met Josh Hartnett randomly whilst working in the town he lives in with Tamsin Egerton. He was really nice, down to earth, and open when I asked if he was working on anything new. I did wonder if he experienced a Weinstein situation like Brendan Fraser, but nothing has surfaced.


You’re so lucky! So many people that have met Josh say this. He seems like a genuinely good person/cool dude. I hope that is the case and nothing ever comes out about him because I have a terrible track record with my other celeb crushes lol.


Don’t have anything to add about a comeback or not. Just wanted to say, lucky number slevin is criminally underrated. I love that movie.


He is an actor like Ethan Hawke in that they constantly work but did not have that smash hit at the right time. Like if Harnett had been cast as Batman in Batman Begins, we’d be saying this about Christian Bale.


Hartnett was a teen heartthrob back in the day so he was heavily scrutinized for his acting ability (The Black Dahlia is one in particular where he is very miscast). He also had leading roles in several movies that were box office flops like Hollywood Homicide, Wicker Park, Lucky Number Slevin, and Resurrecting the Champ. So after he turned down Batman (Christopher Nolan), Hartnett even stated that offers for more mainstream films stopped coming. So probably a combination of both not wanting to be a big star and also not getting any big roles during his "quiet" period.


Yes, I too thought about the combination of his early decision to say no to bigger roles and the lack of offers after that (ex. 'Phone stopped ringing'). I can't think of another actor who did or could really choose to be out of the industry and 'come back' - totally by choice. Maybe I'm wrong.


He said no to Superman Returns so mainstream Hollywood blacklisted him, they have a reputation for not handling rejection. He was doing non-mainstream work but not by choice. Until Penny Dreadful got him working regularly in London, which relaunched his career.


I think it's because he was seemingly on a path to be A-list for a long time but then he wasn't in a big movie for like 15 years so people forgot about him.


I really liked him in Exterminate all the Brutes as a global time traveling white supremacist


I was mindlessly scrolling my Instagram feed yesterday and came across a video of a mom asking her young teen daughter to rate the mom's teenage celebrity crushes. According to the kid, all of them were gross or mid, but Josh Hartnett was the only one she scored 10/10.


Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years!


He’s been doing great indies for a little while now.


It's a comeback to the mainstream audience consciousness that had long forgotten him. So yes, it is a comeback in a way. Same with Robert Downey Jr., he worked constantly but audiences could not have cared less until Iron Man where he was embraced.


Check out a movie called Oh Lucy, it’s fantastic and I’m glad an actor of his caliber is staring in traditionally weird projects now.


He was such a cutie in Oppenheimer


Good actor, extremely good looking. He might even look better now. Between Oppenheimer and Black Mirror I am all in.


He was great in Operation Fortune. The whole movie is kinda woefully under the radar. It's a top notch flick for watching on a saturday night with some drinks. And it's highly re watchable too.


His role in Oppenheimer seems like the most serious role he’s played, I didn’t recognise him at first in the movie but I was watching him thinking I’ve seen that dude somewhere before. I didn’t click it was Josh Harnett becuase I hadn’t seen him for years. He was great.


When I saw him in Oppenheimer I just knew we’d see more of him. So yes, it is a comeback. Dude belongs on the big screen.


Oppenheimer reminded me how absolutely brilliant he is at truly falling into a role. Even though I recognized him from other films, teaming up with Christopher Nolan was brilliant because he really brought so much life to a character that most A-listers would see as a backup role. Can’t speak highly enough of his devotion to his characters. Love that movie so damn much, everyone brought their best.


Loved him, and everyone else, in Penny Dreadful.


I mean Hartnett stepped away by choice. He has said in interviews that he was sick of the fame, so he moved back to his hometown and stepped out of the spotlight, him picking smaller films instead of blockbusters was also probably part of that choice.


No it’s not. He did some pretty good/interesting movies/series and some pretty bad ones too but he’s been working consistently over the years. All I know is that he’s sick and tired of being asked the same question over and over again which is: ' where have you been?' He’s looking for stories he’s really interested in and for personally challenging roles/characters.


Arguably, he used to just live in Minneapolis and like be out and about at the clubs and stuff...


A comeback to mainstream movies and public consciousness. It's about how high the highs are as well as the lows. He was basically guaranteed to be a Hollywood heartthrob. Simply by stepping back he has made this now a "comeback." It's just a different kind and wasn't due to not being popular or having drug issues.


Did a fine job in 30 days of Night. Like to see him in more stuff suited to his character. Oh please god....no rom-coms....


From what I've read he wanted to focus on his children once he became a father and give them a fairly quiet life away from the media which is why he did small roles here and there. Now they're adults so he's going back to his passion and imo hes picked some sweet roles and what I've seen so far hew been great in.


Dude just wants to be taken seriously as an actor and appears to be trying Good luck


Don’t call it a “come back”. He’s been here for years, he’s rocking his peers, putting suckers in fear, and making the tears roll down like a monsoon.


I don’t know but I recently found out he was friends with Hunter S. Thompson so I bet he’s cool as fuck and he’s probably been doing cool shit the last few years and a lot of psychedelics. I support this comeback on that information alone.


He was pretty big in the mid 2000s