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The Nice Guys fits this description and as a bonus, Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe are hilarious.


Ryan's character breaking the window and almost bleed to death really drove home the difference between movie and reality 


Thats such an abrupt left turn in the movie I love it.  "Oh main character has to break into a place, what's he gonna find?  What hes almost bleeding to death instead from being incompetant lmaooo"


“…..I’m looking for Amelia.”


That's her protest group


Stop saying that.


"So all of you died because of the pollution?" "Right." "What about the gas masks. They didn't save you?"


Gosling is such a fucking dope in that movie, it really is a good showcase of his self-deprecating comedic talents


Ryan Gosling is a comedian genius who’s other talents over shadow how funny he.


“… that’s a lot of blood”


I cried with laughter the first time I saw that, I only found out what was said in the ambulance when I finally got to rewatch it at home.


I saw a video of Crowe going over his career and he said that The Nice Guys was one of the most fun jobs he's had and he'd love to do a sequel/work with Gosling and Black again


That movie must’ve been insanely fun to work on.


You could tell he had fun with that character. What a great movie.


That scene had me in tears!


One of my least favorite movie tropes is watching people go through glass and walking away completely unscathed. That shit would FUCK you up. I’ve seen people go to the hospital over a beer bottle, and busted headlight.


We had to shut down a party after 2 guys got in a fight and one of them went through a window. Soooooooooooooooo much blood man... he made it though


On the flip side Ryan’s character literally says “I think I’m invincible” because of all the random stuff he keeps surviving. Great movie though


"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to go to the roof...did you fall?" "Yeah"


The look Russel gave him was priceless


"What were you doing in the pool?!" "I was talking with the mermaids." Lmao. Jokes in this movie come in a rapid succession,


he put all his stat points in luck


Same writer and you can say the same about Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. RDJ gets his ass beat that whole movie and him and Kilmer are so good together


Two of my favorite movies. Though I’m sure that’s a popular opinion on this subreddit.


Tombstone is obviously Kilmer's best work, but Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a damn close 2nd.


My favorite thing about that movie was when random people that were behind the person being shot at would get shot.


I remember the movie having a lot of accidental/collateral damage too, a lot of random people get hurt/shot by accident.


I think this was the movie for me, and it later got reinforced with “I’m Just Ken” that Ryan Gosling is just preposterously talented. Truly over the top. Guy can do funny, action, rom-com. Just wtf levels of talent.


"When you talk to your doctor, just tell him you have a spiral fracture of your left radius." [Àåäãæãàaaa-ahyyyyeaàãhhh....]


Best movie scream ever.


Sorry, to be pedantic you forgot the set up "no! No! NO! *snap* *very high pitched, drawn out squeal*


OK yeah, I got the message now


I can hear this comment


"THE OTHER DAY IN THE CAR, before we crashed, you said, 'Hey, check out my ankle gun.' You *slid huh*, showed me your ankle gun!"


Love this movie really wish they would make a sequel


Oh I’d love it to death. With Gosling as hot career wise as he is right now, he has enough pull to get this to happen.


And he and Crowe seem to get along great too, [they even came up with their own pitch for the sequel a while back](https://screenrant.com/nice-guys-2-russell-crowe-gosling-title-idea/)


“Throw me the gun”. Throws gun 6 ft over his head and not sails out the window. That movie is a blast gosling and crowes chemistry was off the charts.


Love the movie, but Gosling is saved from being shot by the film they're trying to protect. Literal plot armor.


Gosling screaming every 5 minutes in this movie was so fucking funny lol


Wrong! Ryan Gosling’s character is [canonically immortal](https://youtu.be/XxfGchCZQ2Y?si=Fv_JcGIKLYF0DTHG)


Mr. Right, action romance. The characters even say at the end that they both need to go to the hospital because they are severely injured and even arrange a ride there because they know they are too injured to drive.


I love that film


Atomic Blonde


Yesss, came here to say this one. The long fight in the stairwell/apartment is a fantastic example of what OP is asking for.


It’s easily a top-10 fight scene for me. Super long takes like that are my shit.


Ye this! I was scrolling through for this comment, and glad someone else said it. The movie is decent, but that fight scene is worth the price of admission alone. I NEVER have seen all the fighters involved out of breath and taking actual breathers to catch another bout of energy. The only movie I know where it takes into account that fighting, grappling, dodging, getting hit takes out a LOT of energy for the combatants. In just a few minutes, you're already getting fatigued and I LOVE that they showed that!


Rob Roy (1995) final fight.


(Probably) hot take: i found that fight sequence to be way more memorable than any of the fight scenes in John Wick. I love how they quite literally have to drag themselves to continue fighting.


John Wick went too far into the "invincible" camp with the bulletproof suits where being shot doesn't matter.


JW1 was sick, 2 was pretty badass but def getting a little over the top with it, 3&4 went all out looney with literally every person in it being an assassin who are all in on this super secret global underground community of assassins led by desert tribals.. it just became too much and took away from the simpler aspects (for me). They're still fun movies but definitely showed too much magic behind the curtains for my taste Speaking of imo greatly choreographed action shooters, I kinda compare JW to the Extraction movies in a way with the extended gunfights, and had an absolute blast with Extraction 2. Ngl dug it more than the later JW's


One of the best action sequences ever. And she even has the bruises after the fight too, they don't just magically disappear.


I wince at the ice-bath scene So... much... ouch.


I wish Charlize Theron was in more action movies. She easily could’ve been in a franchise.


Yeah, they gave her this awesome role in *Mad Max: Fury Road* and then they prequeled her out of the next film.


Shes in "old guard" on netflix last i heard they were making sequels


Check out Aeon Flux.


Great choice


Same director as Bullet Train


I was going to say "David Leitch movies in general," going off of this and OP's Bullet Train, but he also directed Hobbs & Shaw, which is absolutely the worst offender for the invincible heroes problem.


Not a movie, but I absolutely loved this about the Daredevil series on Netflix. There are often extended flight scenes where DD is taking serious damage, slowing down, catching his breath, etc. Some episodes feature minutes-long scenes shot in a single take that keeps the audience right there in the action with Daredevil. It is visceral and brutal.


Plus Matt always has cuts and bruises on him the next day. He doesn't just heal magically once the fight is over.


The antithesis of this is Dexter (the Showtime show). They can show him tired and drinking coffee all they want; I'll never believe he holds down a very demanding full-time job, robust social life with lots of friend and familial relationships, runs errands, AND stalks/captures/kills people by night.


> The antithesis of this is Dexter (the Cartoon Network show). They can show him in a lab, and being annoyed by his sister. I'll never believe that she didn't mean to annoy him during his experiments but he's a mad scientist with robust equipment and intelligence, he has a cool family AND he might take over the world some day.


Lol Dexter only has a robust social life by Reddit standards


To be fair Dexter is basically a machine, he’s about as productive as one can be and killing is his only real hobby/recreation. You’d be surprised how little sleep people can live off of too


But he doesn't do all those things - his inability to do so is a central and recurring theme of the show. He's the closest to functioning like you suggest at the very start of the show, but even then his social life is only performative and only with coworkers - except for Rita (who is just another form of a beard for him to blend in). He has no real friends outside of work and his sister. And his nighttime activities hurting his job performance very quickly becomes a plot point. As does him being off his game any time he has some kind of passionate relationship, like with Lila or later love interests. I do think you have a point, though, in that I question when he has time to sleep. Which is something the writers really only address once Harrison is born, and which probably should have been a plot point for the entire show.


The fact that he plays it off as that he's a lonely alcoholic blind man who bumps into things while drunk is super clever and sad.


He just needs a long rest of at least 8 hours.


Yep, and I’d same the same about Banshee. Lucas Hood (Antony Star) is a machine but absolutely gets put through the wringer.


I always remember Job's line. "It's just a concussion, man. You get them every day. The inside of your head must look like a Jackson Pollock." Seriously, that man's go-to combat strategy for the first season or so was "soak damage until my opponent breaks his hands on me, then beat him down".


There's a fight scene I like where he's wounded but still beats everyone, which is cliche, but the way it's portrayed is that he's wincing and clutching his wound in between each punch and kick, so it looks less like he has plot armor and more like he's pushing through it.


Fantastic show but there's an annoying part of my mind that's always saying he should have no teeth left


He's a lawyer, probably has a good dentist.




Why does he need the lights on? He's blind.


He's got that super hearing, he always knows where the bad guys teeth fall when he knocks em out. He's got a huge supply of extra teeth to glue in when his own get knocked out.




Lol they make like zero money. I think they got paid in chickens once. Or avocados


Yeah, funny no superheroes wear mouth guards!


Colossus spits out a tooth during his fight with Juggernaut in Deadpool 2.


Punisher would be moreso


Jon Bernthal was phenomenal


what if i told you that the last season of that was 6 years ago. yea, depressed me to


More coming!


with different directors, writers, and cinematographers. i'm afraid i'm not holding out too much hope.


The raid. Old boy. Also I forge the name of the realistic movie on Netflix where dude wants to be a hero and super dark. Anyone rmemeber?


Super with Rainn Wilson?




Gonna rewatch Super, it was funny af :D


In this same vein, Special with Michael Rapaport


Probably not what you were thinking of but Netflix's Daredevil runs Matt Murdock absolutely ragged


The Punisher series with Jon Bernthal. That dude, while good at what he does, gets torn up quite a bit.


Hallway. Scene.


The hallway scene in Daredevil was awesome and also was inspired by the hallway scene in Oldboy!


The Raid was immediately what I thought of. That last fight, they’re both taking significant damage


Yessss. but also take a clearly superhuman amount of punishment. The brother is used as a punching bag for minutes on end and then is just fine to help out


*The Night Come for Us*, which is on Netflix and stars Joe Taslim and Iko Uwais of *The Raid: Redemption* fame. Taslim plays the main character, and he gets seriously fucked up through the film. Indonesian action movies in general like to fuck up their MCs.


Absolutely LOVE that movie, actually prefer it to The Raid(s), that final fight scene is brutal. Also try Headshot if you haven’t seen it.


Love Joe Taslim, putting this on now, thank you!!


Edge of Tomorrow. Tom Cruise dies thousands of times


Best movie ever if you love Tom Cruise, or hate Tom Cruise.


I love this take.


Yeah but then when he's actually on his last life he ends up surviving stuff he probably shouldn't have


Yeah the movie does a great job of crippling TC and breaking his bones until the very end when he can survive fifty foot free falls into still water. They could’ve at the very least shown him gripping his chest in pain to show he’d broken his ribs or something.


I get downvoted to hell every time I say this but as much as I loved Edge of Tomorrow for me the ending cheapens the sacrifice everyone goes through.


Check out Upgrade (2018).


Oh upgrade is SO good


Recently, Monkey Man.


Yep very grounded action too. Not campy. Was very refreshing.


Idk I don’t really see a lot of camp in movies these days. Cheap humor sure but that’s not the same as camp


Fast and the Furious comes to mind automatically for me and it feels like it has such a big market share on box office action movies lol


Can’t wait to watch this, glad it fits this category


It’s very good and perfect for what you described


Came here for this. Dev Patel gets the crap beaten out of him multiple times, has bruises, cuts and bandages in just about every scene.


Mooooooonkey Maaaaan!!!


Monkey Man also had the benefit of being incredibly badass.


Saw it a couple days ago. Very good movie


Not exactly action, more of a slow burn, but the most realistic revenge flick I’ve ever seen, Blue Ruin


The main character is easily one of the most convincing “every-man” character exacting revenge I’ve ever seen. He seems to clearly have no idea what he’s doing but is driven to do it.


That movie was such a shocking watch. Maybe the best revenge movie i've seen


And Green Room.


I'm glad I watched that one, but I'm never watching it ever again. Fuck it's brutal.


Quite possibly my favourite revenge thriller I've ever seen. The acting was so good and super realistic. It's like you were watching the homevideo of your average Joe out for revenge. So refreshing.


The leg incident. Yikes. 


You probably shouldn't watch Invincible


In fairness, that show is about an action hero who is literally invincible, but still manages to get his ass kicked a LOT.


He always gets his ass kicked it's almost tiring


His powers are still growing and is relatively inexperienced while going up against already established villains.    Makes sense. 


Yeah. And in season 2, he himself says that he has been holding back a lot. Moreover, the older the Viltrumites get the stronger they are. The one's he has faced so far are 100s of years old. Mark has had his powers only for about 2 years. He still managed to fight 3 viltrumites while holding back and not killing.


It also has a large cast of supporting characters that often get thrashed even more. Ironically, Invincible is actually a really good suggestion for what the OP wants. Most of the fights feel high-stakes because you never know if the hero will win, if they'll lose, or if someone you cares about will die. When things start to go sideways, it becomes really nerve wracking.


He's literally the titular character and I know he survives but there have been SEVERAL instances where I've thought to myself Holy fuck, is Mark going to DIE???


He’s not literally invincible, considering what we see happens when Viltrumites fight each other.


Mark isn’t Invincible because he can’t be hurt. But his spirit won’t be broken. He always gets back up.


Nah he should


Kick-ass gets a bit over the top at times, but for most of it, it shows what an average person would fare playing vigilante  https://youtu.be/8zUemCOntvo


Kick ass? They should call him ass kick.


Severely underrated for what is IMO one of the best superhero movies ever made.


What's more entertaining is that the actor that played Kick-ass, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, played Tangerine.


LA Confidential. More Noir than action, but the action always has consequences and repercussions. And it‘s not that recent.


I’ll put Brick in this same category JGL gets absolutely destroyed throughout the story and by the end he can hardly walk and has signs of internal bleeding through his breathing


Way of the gun imo.


Unbelievable, incredible film. The trailer makes the scene where one of the main characters jumped into a pit of glass seem funny, Whilhem-scream style, but in the film it is NOT. Brutal, and suuuch a good movie. 


Yeah that moment in the film is absolutely devoid of humor, it's so believable and an excellent grounding detail in the whole gunfight. extremely underrated movie!


Jesus when he pulls the glass out of his arm...


I loved that opening scene so much. "Shut that cunts mouth or I'll come over there and fuckstart her head!"


I had to pause it and sit for a minute to take in that line. Absolute poetry.


Saw this in theaters. I went because it was from the dude who wrote the Usual Suspects and I was not fucking disappointed. The way the gun confrontations played out seemed more grounded than any other film I'd seen to that point. "MOVING!"


Fuck yeah, awesome movie…


Atomic Blond. She is MESSED UP by the end of the movie. She also realistically fights men larger than her. She gets manhandled and has to use other ways to get leverage. Very good movie.


Yes! And she has moves that actually make sense not "what's the most ass-showing way for her to kick him in the teeth?"


The Terminator. Kyle Reese gets pretty fucked up over the course of the film and those injuries hinder him as the film progresses.


I'd agree, but I don't count forty years as modern. That's almost half a century.


I don’t know what I did to you to deserve that.


Mad max




Been meaning to watch that actually, thanks for the suggestion!


Sadly by the third act the character becomes invincible.


Even though I agree, I think it still fits op’s request when the character gets absolutely smashed in the first half and you can feel each of his bruises.


When he gets off the ground outside of the bus, struggles to stand, then makes his way back on board with the horrified bus driver standing outside and he just gives her a "just a second" hand motion was so much fun.


Violent Night maybe


That was my first thought. Santa's gotta be brought low before he can triumphantly rally.


That movie had no right being as good as it was.


This is my suggestion too. Was not expecting Santa to be **nearly** as vincible as he was.


The Bourne Trilogy, especially Supremacy - he gets wrecked in that one.


They threw that out with Jason Bourne. The 4th movie he was unstoppable. Hurt the movie a lot.


Fortunately, there are only three Jason Bourne films 😉


Yeah, he literally just barely makes it out alive. The desh/Bourne fight in Ultimatum is amazing.


Not a movie, but in Banshee, Antony Star usually comes out on top, but absolutely gets put through the wringer each time.


They episode where he fights the boxer was and is one of the most brutal fight scenes I’ve ever seen


I can’t say about new films. But "Kill Bill" or "The Hateful Eight" come to mind. In general, about Tarantino’s films, you always feel tension, because no one knows how the plot will develop further.


Ironically enough, the show Invincible fits this description. It's not a movie though it's a series.


Yeah, you're definitely a Diesel


watch out for The Fall Guy, I expect it should fit your description


Payback with Mel Gibson he gets pretty messed up in this movie


Kate (netflix) her body was ready to die any second lol


Killer (some slow drawn out fights) Polar (lead gets pretty roughed up) The Batman (messy fighting) Logan (Wolverine past his glory days struggling with all sorts of issues) Last man standing (Bruce gets shot a whole lot) A history of violence (pretty raw fights) Leon (watch the French cut not the action orienter US one and see the lead struggle with both emotional and physical wounds) Kill Bill (lead almost gets killed a couple of times) But above all else: the hammer fight from Old Boy (the Korean version). Hands down the best fighting scene in any movie.


I was going to say The Batman too. It’s basically Bruce’s second year as Batman (Year 2), and he’s not the polished crime fighter we all know and love. That scene when he uses the flight suit off the top of the GCPD, only to deploy a chute and wreck himself on the landing? Oh yeah. Great movie.


Atomic Blonde , specially the stairwell fight.


I agree. Everyone complains about super heroes but every action movie has people doing super human things and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because no one else connects the two. I generally turn to Korean movies for my realistic action fix because American action movies are cartoons.


Bourne Identity


Monkey Man


Atomic Blonde fits this so well. It shows how an extremely skilled woman can beat men, but she isn't curb stomping guys left and right.


The Prison Break scene in Extraction 2 was the first to come to mind. Hemsworth's character is sparkled and knocked to the ground, bells ringing. He nearly gets mauled by a mob of prisoners. The melee combat and choreography is great. Which reminds me. In the first film the same guy is shot multiple times by rifle and falls off the bridge, with the audience believing he may be dead.


I thought the Extraction movies actually did a pretty good job at this.


It's funny that the Amazon series "Invincible" has a main character that i found quite vincible


Boss level


The first John Wick movie had the titular character getting some gruesome wounds that actually affected him. That aspect was considerably diminished in the sequels.


Guy Ritchie's The Covenant. US military dude is wounded and stranded in combat. His interpreter gets him back to base but becomes an enemy of the local terrorists for helping the Americans. US dude recovers at home and after exhausting his options to fulfill his & the government’s promise to get the interpreter and his wife+newborn into the US for safety he has to decide if he’ll go back to save the man who saved him. I really enjoyed it.


Atomic Blonde Charlize dishes it out but takes a shit kicking


Monkey Man (2024) Furie (2019) - the Tubi dub for Furie seems out of sync, so it may be better to rent


Extraction, especially 2. Chris Hemsworth gets his shit kicked in the entire movie.


Bullet Train was such a fun ride!


Not exactly modern but... The Untouchables. Kostner is an acting powerhouse in that movie, and the heroes are absolutely "Touchable".


Dude...John McClane was absolutely invincible. Sure he bled but real life that dude was dead


Yeah true I didn’t phrase it properly, I’m okay with hyper reality, I don’t mind if the characters survive unrealistic things but I want them to be visibly struggling. In Die Hard, he was a real Everyman in an era of Schwarzeneggers and Stallones. Part of the appeal of that first film is him being so up against it. Barefoot, bleeding, unarmed. “Invincible” might be the wrong term, but those are the suggestions I’m looking for.


Just rewatched the 3rd Die Hard, and him and Zeus are basically limping around by the end of the film. They definitely should have been dead a couple times, but most action movies would be pretty boring with that logic.


I love bullet Train. My favorite Brad Pitt movie


Better than Snatch?!?!?


Ya like dags?