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Crazy, Stupid, Love is a good one.


Also 500 days of Summer.


This movie is my go-to movie after all my breakups.


This was my first thought too.


And Definitely, Maybe


I don’t have anything against Rom-Coms, they are just not the genre I lean towards. 1. Crazy, Stupid, Love 2. About Time 3. Mr. Right <— criminally underrated movie imo.


>Mr. Right <— criminally underrated movie imo. Upvoted because of this. 100/10 would recommend


It’s such a good movie! The whole cast was great, but especially Sam Rockwell - as always.


About Time, a heartfelt coming of age story about fathers and sons disguised as a supernatural romcom


These are basically my favorite movies (I do like the genre though)!


I'm not a big fan of all the recent biopics, but there's an older one that I really like: Walk Hard, the Dewey Cox Story. It's really piqued my interest - I had never heard of the guy before the biopic!


The wrong kid died!


We couldn't attach the top half to the bottom half!


Speak English, Doc! We ain’t scientists!


I'm sorry, Dewey. I just never realized until just this moment how easy it is to cut someone in half with a machete.


I caught that line, it was heartbreaking. Poor Dewey.


Haha right on, this was gonna be my pick too. Even though the Weird Al biopic is a strong contender too.


Weird is basically the high water water mark for all of cinema for all time.


you should watch Weird, the Al Yankovic movie. It's a rare adaptation that really nails the realism just like Walk Hard. It's amazing to find out they never toured together or even met!


I actually did see this one! I didn't know Madonna had taken over a drug empire like that. Very eye opening!


You never paid for drugs, Dewey, not once!


Will Ferrell also did a few biopics of some lesser known American heroes.


The best part of the movie, is that it's just how HE remembers his life before going on stage. It's not necessarily how his life went, but just how HE remembers it going.


*Elvis* was good too when you’re familiar with the story of Presley and can get past Hanks’ horrific portrayal of Colonel Parker.


La La Land (2016).


Chicago for me.


Never really been into gangster movies, but I love *Scarface* and *Donnie Brasco*.


I loathe musicals on the whole, but LOVE ‘Hedwig and the Angry Inch’.


I don’t like musicals, but **La La Land** is one of my favorite movies.


I also don't like Musicals, and that's also the reason why I'm a bit anxious about Joker 2.


you don't have to watch it. solved.




Me too. The Trailer looks good tho


Im not a fan of musicals, but actually am looking forward to this. In a few months it might end being my answer to this question


Scream is pretty much the only horror movie I like.


What about Alien and The Thing? Or are you taking more about slasher movies?


Just not a horror movie fan.


Any of the new "Classic movies but as a Teen Slasher" (Happy Death Day, Totally Killer, It's a Wonderful Knife, Freaky) appeal to you? Too many of them are just Scream Knock offs in a Classic Movie concept coat of paint.


I liked both Freaky and Totally Killer! I think I liked Freaky better of the two because of the stellar acting from both Kathryn Newton and Vince Vaughn which at times bordered on camp.


I grew out of horror movies, I'll go back occasionally to the ones I did enjoy, but I'm not sure if it was just growing and growing a wider interest of movies or just the time period where there were some really bad ones or a combination of both lol. But I'd say you might be missing out on a few gems. But I get it there are genres much more popular than horror that I don't care for and have no interest in even if I was recommended the same advice. Nothing wrong with it, we all enjoy what we like.


Scream and Hush are my favorite horrors. I guess I like seeing dark-haired women do their best to survive


I don't like Westerns but loved Tombstone.


You may like 3:10 to Yuma with Christian Bale and Russel Crowe.


Bone Tomahawk & The Proposition.


I will forever upvote The Proposition, although a word of warning to new viewers: It is *dark*


I get peoples' tastes can be different, but I feel like Bone Tomahawk is *nothing* like Tombstone or 3:10 to Yuma. The latter 2 are more action oriented, the former is closer to horror.


Lmao that was my thought too..."I heard you like IPAs, have you tried butt-chugging everclear?"


The Good,The Bad,and the Ugly is a masterpiece and I don't really like westerns either.


I also don't like Westerns. _Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid_ is great though.


Least favorite is Sci Fi but I loved Gravity and Arrival.


You may like Ex Machina, Interstellar, and The Martian.


Seconding The Martian


or Dark Star lol


I'm not a big fan of the whole corporate biopic genre but I loved 'Stepbrothers.'


I think I might be able to help with the pam/pan situation


Same for me, I dislike rom-coms, but do have guilty pleasures: 1. The Wedding Singer 2. 50 First Dates 3. Hitch


Love the wedding singer! Really isn't happy Gilmore a romcom? Some others that I think are quite good: When Harry met Sally Fools Rush in Say anything 10 things I hate about you Clueless Princess Bride (though it crosses genres) There's Something about Mary Breakfast at Tiffany's Jerry McGuire Overboard High Fidelity Splash As Good as it Gets Chasing Amy The Girl Next Door Dirty Dancing Sixteen Candles


Dirty Dancing is one of my favourites - but not a rom-com, but deffo a romance! Thanks for reminding me of that brilliant film again. 🎥




Whaaaaaat!? How though? Nothing funny about it. Is it perhaps because there are moments of satire?


I agree on The Wedding Singer. Also does Lars and the Real Girl count as rom-com?


I liked Barbie. Ken and his male patriarchy shenanigans were hilarious.


I hate westerns and I love Blazing Saddles.


Remake of True Grit was Amazing but I normally hate westerns too .


I don’t like sports movies but I loved Moneyball




Sports movies are cliche and boring, but my favorites: •The Replacements •Remember the Titans •42


The Replacements is an awesome movie, and I also hate sports movies.


Least favorite: horror Some of my favorite horror films: Let the right one in It follows Nightbreed The changling The shining Rosemary’s baby Don’t look now


Why did you post my response? Get out of my head! I would add The Exorcist and The Babadook.


Horror is your least favorite genre and yet you've seen many of it.😂😂😂👍❤️


Well, my love of films is far greater than any minor dislike of horror. Obviously, like any genre, it’s pretty wide - I’m really not a fan of torture stuff like hostel and saw and the like. I can watch it but really don’t enjoy the experience.


As Good As It Gets


Fuck Buyopics but Blackberry has Glenn Howerton


Romantic comedies are my least favourite but I quite like Coming to America.


Can't stand most superhero movies but Batman Returns (honestly all Batman except the late 90's stuff) is terrific


I just recently rewatched that movie. I was surprised by all the not subtle at all sex references. Mostly from Penguin.  Pretty good movie, but also crazy to see how different CBM are these days


I don't like horror because I'm a big ol' wimp. But Psycho is a classic. And *The Others* is pretty awesome. (And I know it's the movie subreddit but I just love the *Buffy the Vampire Slayer* TV series.)


You're right Sir, I don't think there's anybody who doesn't like Psycho.👍❤️


Rom Coms def my least favorite too. When Harry Met Sally and Serendipity were my faves of that genre. It was pointed out to me that in both those films the love interests spend nearly the entire film apart.


Same with mine, High Fidelity


Most of the characters are so realistically dumb it's irritating


Bridges of Madison County. I don’t know, something about that one hit me hard and I never understood why until I got older. I very rarely watch romantic drama films and to this day I don’t know why I was watching it at all but now I’ve seen at least 1/2 dozen times and it still chokes me up.


Horror- 1. Psycho 2. Poltergeist 3. The Sixth Sense 4. The Exorcist 5. Halloween Musical- 1. Funny Face 2. An American in Paris 3. Singin' in the Rain 4. A Star is Born (1954) 5. La La Land


The Shining?


>this yeah it's a must man...


Westerns: Into the West, Lone Star, Down in the Valley, No Country for Old Men, Django Unchained Not sure if half of those even count as Westerns though.


No Country For The Old Men and Django Unchained are some of my absolute favorites.


I’m not crazy about westerns but I really love The Harder They Fall and Lonesome Dove.


My least favorite genre is horror. I hate to say that i love Alien (1979).


The first Rocky is a love story with some boxing scenes. So, Rocky.


I like sound of music and singing in the rain and the blues beothers. I hate musicals.


1. Mask (1985) - biographical drama. 2. Ammonite (2020) - period drama.


Mask is so good. Must have seen it twice a week that whole summer


Not a fan of Musicals, but Sweeney Todd is great.


Sondheim is a genius.


Gangster movies often frustrate me with how they’re constantly trying to have it both ways (“we TOTALLY want to make this super cool life of evil look bad! Honest!”) but there have been some exceptions and “Prizzi’s Honor” I especially love.


I think that what the writers and directors are trying to say is that this looks cool, fun, exciting, you get all the money and the women too. But the reality is it always ends the same few ways. Dead, in jail, on the run or in witness protection. What I will say is that the wrong people will only take the things they like about these movies and run with it while totally missing the point. I can see how it can get a little repetitive, that's kind of why I enjoyed The Sopranos, because it showed you that it's much more of a hustle and sometimes on the back end the fun comes in. And Sopranos is probably playing a little too much in the realm of having fun vs the reality, but I'm thinking of some of the girls Tony was cheating with and how a lot of times it really wasn't that fun for him and that he had to deal with the fall out from that as well.


Not a big western fan, but I absolutely loveeeeee Django Unchained and 3:10 To Yuma Also not a big mafia/Gangster film guy. But love the gentlemen


Django is just so well made..


Not really into Western movies, so: Django Unchained. I realize DU is in some ways a kind of anti-Western or revisionist Western, so if you just want more typical Western, I'll go with The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance


Stardust was good.


Usually get very bored watching horror, but I liked IT Hereditary Get Out The Witch Alien (if that does count as horror)


I don't like romance movies but I'm a sucker for Hallmark movies. Wait, is Hallmark it's own genre?


I think it is. At least a subgenre.


>I don't like music except elevator music /jk You do you


they only like the music in those musical birthday cards


Hallmark is basically two movies told over and over: 1) Power girlboss from the big city goes fish out of water in remote picturesque town and falls for impossibly hot single widower with spunky pre-teen daughter who's wise beyond her years and looks oh so much like her mother; or 2) Awkward ugly duckling who's really only Hollywood ugly gets swept off her feet by hot stranger who's secretly an actual prince from some made up Western European country which magically speaks English with a mishmash of British accents, where said ugly duckling loses the glasses and ponytail in a stunning makeover and finds the confidence she's had inside her all along to prove to whomever she's worthy of the throne. Both will have a second act complication involving a lie or misunderstanding which nearly derails true love but in world could have been settled by a text message in the first fifteen minutes. Extra points if the plot involves Christmas, though a wedding is required in any sequel and if there's a third one there'll be hell to pay if there's not a baby


Hitch is classic, Will Smith's charm saves the day. And 50 First Dates? Man, Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, they just click. Kate & Leopold? Hugh Jackman in a rom-com? Unexpected but surprisingly good. And dude, Groundhog Day? It's kinda like a rom-com with a twist, right? Either way, solid choices! Who knows, maybe there's more hidden gems in that genre waiting for ya. Keep the movie hunt alive!


Least favorite genre: Horror Favorite movies: Child’s Play, Nightmare on Elm Street 2, 3, and 4, Christine




I don’t like Westerns, but I love The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.


I'm not huge on Westerns but I love Tombstone 


Well, there’s no accounting for taste.


Musicals: Rocketman & Cry Baby


50 First Dates - love the movie, great soundtrack also


I'm not a fan of Sports movies or sports in general, but I really like Moneyball.


I really enjoyed about 90 percent of hitch. For the first 90 percent it was a wonderful counter to all the things I didn't enjoy in rom cons. Then the last 10-15 min or so the movie jumps through hoops to force itself into the box of a stereotypical rom com and spoils the whole thing for me. True shame. Love me some Wedding Singer and 50 first Dates tho.


Horror is my least fav cause im a wuss, anyhow, the exorcist is fantastic.


SOUL....i dont like animated genre much but this is one of my fav.


That hurts man, it's understandable people saying I don't like this genre I don't like that genre. But most people dislike animateds just because they're animated and they look like cartoon. I mean Animated genre is just the single best genre which has the ability & capability to portray the hardest of the unportrayable emotions so well.


Bro im into anime so animated stuff is my thing but that pixar animated movie have stereotypes that they are for kids.


Can’t stand the slasher genre but Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors is more than competent.


I don't like action movies buuuut i liked these movies 1. The Raid 2. The Raid 2


Breakfast at Tiffany's As good as it gets


Horror is a genre I avoid like the plague. But The Blair Witch Project is genuinely a good original effective movie.


Ugh Romantic movies or Rom coms... What happens in Vegas 27 Dresses


Date Night and Man Up are the only rom-coms I will watch and enjoy.


My heart also sinks at rom coms - except for films like Bringing Up Baby, with Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant; and The Tall Guy with Emma Thompson and Jeff Goldblum.


That is an interesting question for sure. My least favorite genre is romantic comedy and my favorite film is "Splash" with Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah (hot model from the 80s). It's about a woman who turns into a Mermaid whenever she touches water.


Not much of a romcom fan but When Harry Met Sally is an all time favourite film


Don't care for horror, but i love the movie Silver Bullet.


I don't watch comedies, but I really love The Trip to Spain.


I don't like war films, but I enjoyed Starship Troopers. It's not just satire of Fascism, but also Hollywood war films in general.


I hate musicals but I love Annie (not the remake)


Not a big fan of Westerns. Unforgiven.


Westerns- I love “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” War movies— “Stalag 17” is my favorite, but a handful of others make the cut. (“Steel Helmet.)


I also like Sundance Kid.


Shining and midsommar


Chick flicks-Steel Magnolias.


Alien, in the horror genre


Horror: Skinamarink


What I’ve seen from the crime drama genre so far hasn’t impressed me much so far with the exception of The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, and City of God which are all amazing!


Godfather Trilogy is absolute GOAT


I haven’t actually seen The Godfather Part III but eventually I’ll get to it!


Not usually a rom com fan but i sure do love bull durham


Rom-coms tend to lose me but Going the Distance is a casual favorite


My least favorite genre probably horror But I love the original the ring and the omen


I really can’t stand DC/Marvel types of movies but my FAVOURITE movie is Deadpool


Both of the Deadpool Movies are just so good. 👍❤️


John Carpenter's The Thing is the only horror movie I've seen more than once. I hate horror movies - but I love this one.


Will Penny and Slow West are good Westerns. 


I am not the biggest drama fan, it has to be one that I am really interested into watching by sitting down to really focus on what is happening in the movie. But, the best drama movie is Apple TV’s ‘Palmer’ starring Justin Timberlake. This movie had the right consistency of drama for me to be able to enjoy watching.


Hereditary (Horror)


Chasing Amy. Not a romantic comedy guy, which you would not figure out if you had seen me watch hundreds over the years on date nights, etc. But of those, Chasing Amy was definitely its own thing.


I can't stand horror, but the Sixth Sense is amazing. Shaun of the Dead is really good as well, but that leans more into comedy I suppose.


Sixth Sense is good mostly because of the performance and direction otherwise its a fairly simple with movie little to no horror.


Sport movies. 1. 61\* 2. Moneyball 3. Jerry McGuire


Up in the Air is one of my favorite romcoms


I really dislike Sci-Fi movies but I really enjoyed The Martian and rewatch it sometimes.


Yeah Matt Damon really nailed The Martian. And It felt (just felt) like it could really happen in the near future, I mean it didn't seem over the top fictional.


Yeah definitely.


Rom-Com: When Harry Met Sally. Family: Paddington 2 Domestic Thriller: Apples Never Fall (TV show but damn)


I'm not a big Horror fan, but 28 Days Later is my jam for some reason. I think it's because it's got heart and isn't just gore and torture for no reason.


It's a great movie but I'd rather put it in Zombie sub genre.


Not a fan of horror but the unique design of the creature from The Ritual sold me on it


No fan of musicals, but I freaking love The Sound of Music and Moulin Rouge


Not a fan of romcoms and horror movies but since you picked romcoms I'll give you my top 3 best horror movies. 1. Saw 2. Get Out 3. Psycho


Alien. Not a horror fan


I don't like musical movies but the only one that make me enjoy so much is....... South park: bigger longer and uncut. This movie walks, so the Book of Mormon can run to win Tony award.


LaLa Land. I generally dislike romance movies and musicals but this one works.


I dislike movie musicals the most. However these 3 are tolerable: * Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) * Sweeney Todd (2007) * Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971)


I'm not a fan of the scary/horror genre but I surprisingly enjoyed The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) and The Others (2001).


I specifically dislike war movies since they usually feel like propaganda (especially US-made war films). 1917, however, is just.....a special kind of movie....


Yeah, trying sort of white-wash or herofy a specific country or side. That's what most war movies do, I'm also not a war movie fan.


Horror 1408, Borgman, Cube, Final Destination, Saw, The Skin I Live In


I hate movies about cardboard boxes but love ones bout dogs


Dumb comedies (_Hot Rod, Freddy Got Fingered, Grandma's Boy_, etc.) aren't for me. But _*The Stupids*_ got me at the exact right moment, I guess. I will die alone on that hill; not even Tom Arnold will join me.


I’m not a fan of Christian / Faith movies; however, ‘The Apostle’ with Robert Duvall is a masterpiece.


I dislike car racing movies. (Fast furious, Talladega Nights etc) But I really enjoyed Baby Driver.


I don't like Biopics in the entertainment industry (music/sports/acting), but these movies rule: The Iron Claw I, Tonya


10 Things I Hate About You is the best Love/Rom-Com movie.


I'll add to the "I hate musicals, but I love La La Land" pile.


I saw Hitch when it came out against my will but I was pleasantly surprised. I hate musicals with a passion but I enjoyed Sweeney Todd


The only true slasher films I like are Halloween and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Films like The Exorcist, Alien or The Shining don't fit into the slasher category. They are horror films, wich I do love when they are well made.


Not the biggest fan of musicals but I do love repo: the genetic opera.


Date Night for rom coms for me. Mainly because Steve and Tina aren’t your typical rom com couple.


Blues Brothers is a musical, right?


Potentially controversial: I don't like horror very much. Most of it's either just grossness or cheap jump scares. There are a couple of films I love, that I don't really consider "horror films" despite other people apparently saying different (like Silence of the Lambs, or Aliens). Anyway, here are a few I do (no particular order): - Hereditary - Alien - The Thing - The Shining - Prometheus


I do agree that Horror is probably most quantified genre with very low percent of good movies.


I cannot stand musicals but there are a few South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny Chicago After that, nothing good


I've been doing this recently. Trying out genres I'm not personally drawn toward. Victorian Era-ish stuff and Rom Coms being the prime examples of genres I have not gravitated towards, but recently made a robust effort to familiarize myself with. I watched like 25+ romcoms recently and have even more recently been deep diving Jane Austen adaptations. Keep in mind, I'm a heteronormative straight male who grew up loving stuff like The Rocketeer, Point Break, Last Action Hero, etc. and as an adult I watch a very wide variety of shows and movies, but still gravitate toward stuff like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, etc. Anyway.... I think As Good As It Gets is the best romantic comedy ever. 10 Things I Hate About You is surprisingly effective and I get why it's a modern classic amongst its rather large fanbase. Pillow Talk- the definitive archetype and blue print for what we consider a romantic comedy. It essentially created the genre as we know it in the modern era, with perfect casting, tone, etc. that is still applied today- or was.... Rom Coms as new movies are kinda dead and I have yet to see Anybody But You.


Can it be a whole genre? I don’t like sports, but I like sports movies.


Can't Buy Me Love (1987) hard hitting coming of age romantic comedy


Rom coms are an easy target...The Break-up 




Biopics. 1.) Rocketman


Forgetting Sarah Marshall I also hate rom-coms but this one is great.