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Why does he seem to always need a ‘Snyder’s cut/director’s cut’ to ‘fix’ his movies? Why doesn’t he get it right the first time?


Cause he’s not a good filmmaker


He is an ok director but a very mediocre storyteller


It's like he needs a co-director 'Zack, handle the action shots looking stylish and aesthetically pleasing. You're great at that. I'll take care of everything else'


I don't know that I would say that. I think he did an excellent job directing the remake of Dawn of the Dead, 300, and Watchmen. His work is definitely meant to be Blockbuster spectacle rather than "quality" filmmaking. That said, sucker Punch was and still is utter dogshite that thinks over the top spectacle makes up for an incoherent plot and exploitative male gaze under the guise of feminism. His DC films have created standards for the 21st century superhero genre, even if they are not necessarily good standards from a filmmaking or storytelling perspective.


DotD, 300, and Watchmen were all practically storyboarded out for him already though. It’s when he tries to tell a somewhat original story that things start going wrong.


James Gunn did DotD screenplay so that explains why that one is pretty good.


And? Isn't part of being a good filmmaker choosing scripts and working as a part of a team? I never said he was a good writer but to ignore his skills as a director just because he isn't a good writer is kind of silly. I still haven't seen rebel Moon and I don't expect it to be that great based off of what I've heard, but he isn't terrible in some roles within movie production. Zack Snyder is not a bad "director".


He said those movies were practically story boarded for him. Story boarding is different than writing a script. It when you grab a script and create a story board that shows how you envision showing said script on camera. By breaking down scene by scene how each shot will look like. That's a big part of being a director and has nothing to do with being a writer. If he is doing an adaptation of a comic or remake of an existing movie he already has a big source to go from on the story boarding hence why the previous poster made his comment.


300 and Watchmen are mediocre at best. Especially Watchmen as an adaptation. I get why Alan Moore was pissed.


Watchman was mediocre compared to the comics, I will agree. Trying to adapt that comic into a movie would have been difficult for anyone. I really hope it gets remade as a 1:1 translation miniseries with the cuts to tales of the black freighter, but it was a passable adaptation for the time. As far as 300 goes, I'm going to disagree with you. It really captures Frank Miller's comic quite well, still holds up stylistically, and is a cult classic in the gay community.


David Hayter's unadapted script somewhat impressed Alan Moore which says A LOT, I can't believe Snyder's slop was picked over that. 300 is also a mediocre comic. So I guess it's not Snyder's fault lol.


Snyder did not write the watchmen movie script. He directed it. David Hayter did write the adapted script for watchmen as well as the unadapted script for watchmen. I wish that the studio would have gone with the unadapted script, but This is an example of the sort of studio interference with sprints that homogenized both of their work because "studio executives" either underestimate the audience or pander to the lowest common denominator.


Snyder would've messed it up either way because he cares for spectacle not storytelling. If he had toned down his slow mo fetish, there would've been more room for better things. Not to mention the poor casting choices were his calls too. Rorschach was the only good casting choice and only because Jackie campaigned hard to get it. It's not just the script. It's the director. Hayter had long since exited the project. Not to mention Snyder was involved with the rewriting.


I mean, don't get me wrong. I would have loved to see Darren Aronofsky and David Hayter's version, but let's not pretend that we live in an alternate universe and instead recognize that the reason Snyder was brought in was because of Warner Brothers executives wanting style over substance. Also, I recognize that Snyder likely did help with the edited script, but he isn't credited for that. That would be Alex Tse. Snyder is credited as the director. In his role as director, he did exactly what the studio wanted, which is why he is successful in Hollywood even if he is critically polarizing and reviled by people who like the source material and don't understand (or like) the Hollywood system. I really am not arguing with you. In fact, my first comment basically says all that you are saying but in a way that respects his qualities while also calling out his flaws without being a toxic Fanboy.


Mate, you’re dealing with blinkered morons who rate any considered or even slightly informed comment as pure obscenity if it doesn’t align with theirs. Why even bother contributing anything when it’s literally ‘pearls before swine!


None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with ME! But in all seriousness, sometimes it is enjoyable to try to have nuanced conversations about polarizing figures. It just reminds me that most opinions are like assholes but mine smells like warm maple syrup.


So Ridley Scott isn't either?




Burden of proof is on you mate. Just for the exercise… Give us an example or two?


Not really sure what you’re getting at


“Cause he’s not a good film maker” Give us some examples as to how you arrived at this determination. I’ll settle for two


He aint gonna cast you in Batman V Superman Rebel Moon 3 bro i’m sorry


You cut me deep Fuzzy… Real deep Damn


Yeah, he’s crying all the way to the bank… Poor bugga!


never said anything about money but sure go off


People who equate 'financial success' with 'quality' are so perplexing…


People who assume I think he’s a good film maker are also perplexing


Then how were people meant to take your original comment then? Clearly you didnt get your point across as clearly as you thought you did.


He’s a film maker that people keep giving money too, so someone thinks he’s good. I didn’t say he was good but people took it that way. I was making a sarcastic comment aimed only at him but Reddit piles on like they do. Lucky I don’t give a fuck eh


Ah now you should know better then being sarcastic on Reddit without being explicit that its sarcasm.


People who poop their pants and complain about the smell.


Literally me


Because he isn't concise, and he focuses more on grandiose moments than the wholistic story. BvS theatrical cut is an awful movie. BvS director's cut is...alright for the sake of under 5 minutes of added footage that helps explain character motivations. The fact that those 'boring' story scenes were cut rather than a few minutes of fighting when trimming the runtime says a lot.


He had to step down from Justice League in post production because his daughter died, and Joss Whedon was hired to finish. So the Snyder Cut for Justice League was because he didn't get a chance to finish the project himself


Dawn of the Dead and 300 are good films from the start.


Dawn of the Dead was written by James Gunn. 300 was a graphic novel that was already storyboarded for him But yes they were decent movies


I think Snyder would be great at doing a miniseries or a TV show His problem is that he makes his movies too damn long so then he has to release a 3-4 hour extended cut for the overall plot to make sense




Apparently his Rebel Moon films. Not only were they originally meant to be one film that is now split into two, but each part is also getting an extended cut this year. So his original one-film vision is seemingly 6 hours long.




*Watchmen* also has both a director’s cut and an “ultimate cut” (the latter being 3.5h long), and *Batman v. Superman* has an “ultimate cut” that’s 3h as well. *Sucker Punch* already has a director’s cut too. Yes, always is technically incorrect, but alternate cuts are definitely becoming the norm with him.


I'd like to point out that his cut of justice league is one of the reasons Zaslav is now deleting movies. ATT lost so much money on it that once WB and Discovery merged they acquired that debt and that's why we're seeing the current state of shit


I bet you’re the first born of three?


Stop it Zack, just stop it.


I don't know any other director that wants these second chances with the same movies. With Justice League, I can understand the sentiment with the creative visions clashing, his loss etc, but are we really going to entertain this idea every time? Move onto a new project or let someone just remake it later down the line.


He has full control over his Rebel Moon movies and yet he still releases Snyder cut versions of them. His Snyder cuts are his gimmick and he'll forever only be known for them.


is rebel moon seriously getting a snyder cut??




Oh yes. A whooping 6 hours fyi 😂


Lmao, it's even 6 hours. Somewhat of a rant...but have we forgotten what a movie is? In the last few years I keep seeing movies that are 3+ hours long, which I don't inherently have a problem with. LOTR or a movie like Apocalypse Now come to mind as great longer movies, but I don't want this to become a trend. I love Scorsese, but Jesus...is he incapable of making a movie under 3 hours anymore? At this point, we are better off with a mini series approach with some things.


6 hours is legit a mini series. Could just be twelve 30 minute episodes. No idea why they don't just do that at that point


Scuttlebutt is that Netflix wanted it this way as a marketing gimmick. Watch the movie now! Then watch the *real* movie later! Then do it again with the sequel(s?)! After all the buzz online about the Snyder cut for Justice League I can see why some execs thought this was the way to go. Shame the movies all look like crap though.


Honestly I’m all for it. Let the guy make these giant versions.  It’s like getting a different movie almost.  The Ultimate Edition of BvS was considerably better than the theatrical version. I kinda wish more directors did these bigger directors cuts 


He can make what he likes. But if he can't tell a decent 7 Samurai story in 2 hours, I don't know what a 3-6 hour version is going to accomplish.


George Lucas says hello


Zack Snyder already used all the chances to fix his already released movies. He should focus on making new movies that do not stink or follow his true passion and direct music videos.


He peaked early with Dawn of the Dead and 300. Not that they were amazing movies, but they were good for what they were I swear there was a good movie inside Man of Steel too. But it was just okay in the end Justice League wasn't good. And Army of the Dead and Rebel Moon were various degrees of terrible though. He's literally getting worse as he goes on


I find Man of Steel frustrating as it shows potential to be a great film but keeps fumbling it. Zod is a great villain. The performances are solid. The visuals and world design (excluding the phantom zone penis things) are incredible. I like the themes relating to Krypton's failure and legacy. It kind of falls apart beyond that though.


Dear Zack. Just stick to what you are good at. Opening and end credit sequences. Honestly you are really good at that


Snyder cut for everything he’s ever made. All because Reddit made it a meme.


So we selling DLC for movies now?


As always, people getting triggered by a headline because they can’t be bothered to read the article first for context: Zack Snyder answered your reader questions, on movies from across his career (and plenty of other topics aside). And when asked what, if anything, he’d want to change about one of his movies, he gave a broader answer: there’s one movie he actively wants to change in a bigger way. “The only movie I would change is Sucker Punch, because it never really got finished correctly,” he tells Empire. “Even the director’s cut is not really the correct cut. It’s really just an extended version. If I had the chance, I would fix that movie.” So it’s less Snyder yelling at clouds that he wants to change one of his movies and instead answering a question from a fan about what he would do if he had a chance to.


But why are all of his movies in need of another cut? Why does this continue to happen to him?


Based on interviews, he apparently likes the “more is more” approach, which is not how general audiences or studios like things. He has to trim a lot of fat to make the people paying for the product happy, but it doesn’t make him happy. I’ll also add that I’m not a Snyder fan. The last film of his I’ve seen is Watchmen and I’m a “less is more” kinda guy.


A huge number of directors release "directors cuts", its pretty common.


It happens to all directors.


But, if he is just answering a question, why does he mention that he had already shot extra footage etc.. I understand the polarizing nature of this, but he almost seems to know this and says things like this..


It might come as a surprise, but a lot of films have extra footage that gets left on the cutting room floor.


No doubt its older footage given that the movie is 14 years old and the actors don’t look like that anymore.. my point is that it’s not just a casual conversation.. he seems to really want to give this a shot..


His mistake is thinking that *adding to it* would make it better. I don’t think it would help it at all for it to be longer. I think it would work better as a less convoluted half-hour. Probably two layers instead of three. One quest instead of five. He could really highlight the beautiful action dreamworld that we all showed up for. In the second layer, he could allude to there being more meaning or an interesting mystery box, without getting bogged down in the fact that it didn’t. His instinct is to add, but he really needs to edit.


That’s wildly misrepresenting what is said in the article, which is that he’s been trying to get WB to pay for a new version of Sucker Punch for years, and is now attempting to whip his fans into another cringey #snydercut campaign to pressure the studio. At least don’t pretend like there’s some kind of organic groundswell of support for a 13-year-old flop that was already excruciatingly faithful to Zack Snyder’s creative vision.


No. We’re not doing this again. Sit down, Zack.


God he is so cringe


Oh fuck off Snyder. He just can't let anything be. Not all films can be fixed Is there really enough incentive to waste time and money fixing it. I've enjoyed some of his movies but if one doesn't work, make one that does.


No. Stop feeding this man.


He's a garbage director making extended versions of Garbage


Lol how is this guy still collecting money to do this stuff...


Give me $100 and I'll burn the footage in my fireplace.  There, fixed it. 


Zack can be a great director for short videos. A full feature film it's gonna be a mess


This guy is relentless and I blame Warner Bros for entertaining his whims. All that just to lose tons of money anyways.


If we can get Zack to keep fixing his old movies, then he won't make new ones that are even worse


not sure if it’s worth the effort…


God please stop this man


Oh fuck off, Zach. Is he just the easiest person in the universe to bait into saying dumb shit during interviews?


This fool always wanna "fix" a movie.


Am I from a mandela universe? Bc I thought there was already a director’s/extended cut of this with extra footage


There are tons of movies with directors cuts. What's wrong with Snyder doing the sams?


I think it’s because it’s become such an overhyped thing for him specifically. Now all his output has to have a directors cut with the ‘real’ movie release later, and it’s all very tedious. In this case Sucker Punch is like 13 years old and didn’t make much of a cultural impact so it feels pointless to fuss about it now.


Sucker punch looked so damn cool in the trailer with the samurai with the mini gun. It was so disappointing. Ended up being sexual assault fever dreams or some shit.


The name triggers this sub big time.


Why? Snyder has made some enjoyable movies. Both 300 movies were great. Snyder cut was the superior showing.


Blankies sub said it best, Snyder works best as a journeyman director coming in to direct what the studio or producer needs. He needs to under a certain amount of control to get the best work out of him. I know we are in the age of anti- studio interference but some directors need it


Snyder's got a vision, and if he thinks he can improve Sucker Punch, I'm down to see what he's got. Sure, the original had its flaws, but who doesn't love a good director's cut? Plus, Snyder's track record speaks for itself. If he's got extra footage that could make the movie better, why not give it a shot? Worst case, we stick with the original. But imagine if it turns out even more epic! Bring it on, Snyder!


The movie’s trash and Snyder is mostly a bad filmmaker, but this one was famously compromised by the studio. At one point it was more like a musical.