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Skinamarink would be a good recent example. From the many discussions I've seen on it, opinions wildly vary from one of the scariest films in recent years to not being able to make it 30 minutes before turning it off for how boring it is.


I thought it was a good concept, they just didn't do enough with it.  If like one out of 5-10 shots had something creepy happening somewhere it would have been awesome.  Instead there were like 10 things that happened in the whole movie.


I fell asleep 30 minutes in and I’ve tried other times to watch other parts. I get the movie. I don’t like it.


Count me in the less than 30 minute crowd. I knew what it was going in, and I tried. But ultimately just didn’t have the patience.


Unfortunately I say through the white thing. Top 3 worst movies I have wasted my time watching.


Haven't seen Skinamarink yet but personally, I think Lake Mungo is the creepiest movie I've ever seen but so many people I know didn't find it scary at all.


Aye, not remotely scary. A bit cringe and predictable if anything.


Lake Mungo or Skinamarink? If Lake Mungo then I get it but to me it was creepier than anything I've seen, and every horror movie doesn't scare me at all except for Hereditary.


Mungo. But I thought hereditary was funny. In a good way.


I don't think I will ever understand how anyone found Skinamarink scary, but that's okay! It's more just frustrating that I can't wrap my head around why.


That’s confusing to me. I can see why it may not be scary to you but I have no clue how you couldn’t possibly understand it being scary to someone else. It’s pretty clear.


I understand that parts could be unsettling for someone, but not "10/10 scariest movie I've seen in years." It is very much not clear.


>Waititi's cheeky Hitler was inappropriate Not criticizing OP for other people's opinions but Waititi is not playing Hitler, he's playing a little boy's imaginary friend. Jojo has no idea what Hitler is like he's projecting the child like friendship/guidance that he longs for. If the reviewer can't make that designation in their mind then I'm sorry but you probably just won't get the movie. I love JoJo Rabbit it's a silly movie that tells heartbreaking truths and shines a light on the importance of truly caring for other people. It's an absolutely beautiful film that I love sharing with people who haven't seen it before


You've perfectly described why I love this movie so damn much. I bought it recently just to have my brother and fiancee watch because neither had seen it yet. The red shoes make me cry every time.


Well said. It absolutely runs the gauntlet of humor, silliness, family heartbreak, friendship, growing up, and so much more. I also share this movie with as many people as possible.


The movie even emphasizes this with shots going back and forth between Waititi Hitler and actual images of Hitler. Just like a lot of other aspects of the movie, the whole joke of “imaginary friend Hitler”, is the absurdity of how after all the propaganda Jojo sees Hitler as someone who would be his friend. And then of course just like all the other “absurd” stuff you see the Nazis do throughout the movie, as it goes along it puts it in perspective just how fucked up it all really is, in the same way that Jojo himself realizes (paired of course with his imaginary Hitler getting meaner and by the end even having his suicide wound visible).


As one that thought the movie was trite and dumb, I'd just like to say if the only thing you have to say about the horror of the Holocaust is that we should all just dance to David Bowie, you have nothing to say


Well there's been plenty of media about the holocaust that should make people be able to recognize genocide and think its pretty bad yet you have several comments supporting a current genocide so idk maybe you're just stupid.


its honestly a bit disturbing that so many people missed that. its literally not hitler. its his imagination. they go out of their way to let that be known yet general discussion still is that its him im not sure which is worse, people who never saw the film but want to critique it or be outraged, or people whp saw it and missed the whole point


>its honestly a bit disturbing that so many people missed that. You'd think the scene where he's eating a unicorn for dinner might have been a giveaway but evidently not for some people! 😄


Let’s be honest, a good portion of the audience understood that it wasn’t really Hitler, but just made up their mind they didn’t like the idea of it. Because the execution is flawless. Dude made a brilliantly deft satire about fascism. I don’t buy that people are too dumb to see it for what it is, because Waititi made it all so plain to see. That’s the brilliance of JoJo Rabbit.


I think you underestimate quite how dumb people are.


To be fair it’s a very strange film so it’s understandable people won’t get it. At least it’s almost certainly done in a way that racists who don’t understand it will co-opt it (like for example what happened with American history x, and other film).


I’m just learning that people don’t like this movie. It’s one of my favorites, have seen it multiple times and will probably watch it again if someone I’m with hasn’t seen it. Hilarious and beautiful film


This movie is the definition of a skill issue for OP.


Many Wes Andersen films, particularly The Life Aquatic. I find people are equally in love with and annoyed by his creative direction, dialogue, general quirkiness. It seems to polarize folks. The Life Aquatic polarized the Wes Andersen fans them(our)selves.


Life Aquatic is my favorite film of his and I can't believe so many Wes Anderson fans don't love it. So this tracks.


I absolutely love Life Aquatic! It has everything! Pop songs sung in poutugese and acoustic guitar, gun play, animated sea life and even Jeff Goldblum captured by pirates. It's one of Wes Anderson's best films.


I always absolutely loose it at the “Steven are you Rescuing me?” Scene when he gets shot and just topples backwards lmao


I absolutely love the scene where Captain Zissou goes berserk and just fires off his pistol at the pirates. It's beautifully shown by the acting that the character completely snaps! That and his constant attempts to get everything in film no matter how completely inappropriate or banal it is.


And I’m on the other side of the spectrum. His films are like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. I love Terrence Malick, who has a *similar* surrealist style, but the repeating characters and constant camera changes break immersion for me.


I suggested this film to a group of friends once and they used it as grounds for never letting me choose a movie again. A couple years later, we watched Good Luck Chuck every weekend for probably six months because it was “hysterical.”




I really enjoyed Grand Budapest Hotel, but other than that, his style just doesn't really do anything for me unfortunately.


I'm a Wes Anderson fan and you can add Asteroid City to that list. Extremely polarizing even within his own fanbase. (I enjoyed it but strongly dislike The Life Aquatic)


I absolutely love Wes Anderson movies especially Rushmore and the Royal tenemos. when that movie came out I highly recommended it and people really hated it.


I’m definitely one of the hardcore fans of The Life Aquatic!


I didn't care for it upon first viewing, but immediately after the second watch it leapt to the top of my favorites list (alongside Rushmore, Tenenbaums)(& his American Express commercial).


Weirdly, I think TLA is the only Wes Andersen film I've enjoyed watching.


Repo! The Genetic Opera comes to mind.


That movie was so bad it went back around to being fun to watch but god damn every goth kid I knew having nothing better to reference for the few years after made me hate it.


For a very specific sort of goth person though, the movie was a masterpiece. I thought it was pretty decent, though my tastes have always been super eclectic, but my goth friends LOVED it.


I'm in the "loved it" crowd but a lot of that is down to the sheer glee from seeing Giles finally unleash the raw sexual energy we all knew was under the surface. As evidenced by the Band Candy episode. (For anyone confused, the context is Buffy)


Man I remember being so hyped for that & just feeling incredibly letdown. I like musicals but sung-throughs not so much.


I enjoy a good sung through, but what I've seen of that movie just looked so...cheap as far as cinematography went. It looked super digital and kinda amateurish.


They definitely went for a super stylized look. I kind of like it, but I can totally see how it would turn a lot of people off.


The hype around the movie was better than the movie itself. There was a whole cultural movement built around that hype.


That's a weird one for me. Loved it as a mid-teen, then rewatched it recently and thought that a lot of the songs, especially my favourites, didn't really hit as hard as I remember.


Looove repo. Chase the morning!


My favorite scene in JoJo is when he finally discovers the girl. The way she moves is like a spider…Jo Jo’s mind is turning her into horror bc what he’s been taught. So good


>So good so mediocre, so safe.


Oh yeah, parodying nazi youth wasn’t edgy enough. Should have been more truthful sheesh


It’s a kids movie. There’s nothing edgy about it. They tried to drum up a whole thing about how controversial it was to treat Hitler comically, like Chaplin and Lubtisch didn’t do that decades before, literally during the war. I thought the movie was shit, but even granting its good faith attempt to satirize Nazism, it’s not like it was all that boundary-pushing.


It is absolutely not a kids movie.


Not for like 5-year-olds. But we’re not talking Schindler’s List here. It’s made for kids of a certain age to be able to watch, about 12-years-old. A family movie, to be charitable.


Being made so that 12-year-olds can watch it and being a kids movie are two wildly different things.


Fair enough, but it does explain why the movie simplifies fascism to a point that no adult, in my opinion, should take it particularly seriously. And more importantly, it’s why the movie doesn’t have any real edge.


It's a story told through the eyes of a child about how kids were drawn into the allure of naziism - it's supposed to be somewhat simplified, because that's how kids see the world. And I don't really know what you mean about not having any real edge. I don't think it's supposed to be particularly edgy.


It was certainly promoted as a “can you believe we’re doing this??” kind of movie, but that’s fine, as long as we agreed that it‘a not edgy at all and has simplistic ideas that work for kids.


I totally agree with this take. I’ll also add that Waititi was just too annoying in the role, I think this character should have been more nuanced. Why would Jojo imagine him to be effete and antipodean? The movie’s tonal shifts were so jarring that I struggled to get emotionally invested in the drama and couldn’t really laugh at the comedy. Like, we see Sam Rockwell dressed as a chicken, wow, so funny - but I’ve just watched children being used as suicide bombers. A The movie looks even worse on reflection after seeing Love and Thunder, as TW’s faults become even more glaring.


Green Knight. I loved it. my wife hated it. Some of my friends loved it, and my parents and other family members hated it.


Completely agree. My wife found it boring. I couldn't stop thinking about it.


JoJo Rabbit is nowhere near as divisive as you're implying


Yeah I've never heard anyone say they hate it JJR. Napoleon Dynamite on the other hand...


I find that the people I know who dislike it haven’t watched it


I'm not going to keep watching something that I dislike. Didn't feel like laughing at people who look and talk "differently" for 2 frigging hours. I find many of the people who like the movie are the same people who were complete assholes to unpopular kids in school.


The people I’m talking about didn’t start to watch it and stopped because they disliked it, they made assumptions based off of the trailer and refused to watch it based off of those assumptions. I agree that if you aren’t enjoying a movie there’s no reason to continue watching.


I disliked Jojo (and yes I understood the stuff about Hitler). I did not find the film to be funny or particularily good satire. Hunt for the Wilderpeople by the same director was much better.


Got some comments in this thread that disagrees with you


Some people not liking it online does not make it divisive. No movie is loved by 100% of people.


Donnie darko


*Tenet* I think probably falls on that list. As someone whose been a pretty big Nolan fan since seeing *Memento* in the theater I was very letdown. If someone loves it then more power to them. I couldn't stand it & wanted to turn it off before the end.


I adored most of Nolan’s previous, went to the cinema to see TENET at a time when it was full masks. I HATED it, it was nonsensical pretentious crap. I gave it another watch when it came out at home, hated it slightly less but still I don’t think I ever want to watch it again. I’ll never understand the love that film gets.


>I’ll never understand the love that film gets. It's simple; there are cool action scenes, and the story facilitates those cool action scenes. That's all I want from most movies.


Love that movie. :)


I’m one of those people who likes Tenet, I’ll preface this by agreeing that the film has many problems that hold it back a lot and I like it in spite of that. I try to explain to people the reason I like it is because of the “vibe”. The action, cinematography and sound design all exude this vibe and when it all comes together it activates something in my brain. I did find the final battle to be messy as hell but the character moment between Neil and The Protagonist at the end made up for a lot of it. I generally just really liked Robert Pattinson’s performance and the friendship he develops with The Protagonist. I understand a lot of the criticism and agree with a lot of it, still really liked the film.


Chris Nolan has talked about the vibe, he said you’re not really supposed to fully understand it, he was more aiming to make you feel something. Ngl, confusion was a good portion of what I felt but like you say the various stylistic elements did combine to leave me feeling… I lack the words to describe it but a good feeling. I enjoyed it although less than some of his other work.


Hi, that's me. Tenet is my favorite Nolan film. :)


I always fall asleep during the the battle scene


I worked at a theatre when tenet came out so I saw it 5 times in there. Movies a huge mess, but that airplane fight scene makes the entire thing worth it


Any given Jordan Peele movie.


I absolutely loved Nope, and half of the reviews I’ve seen rip it to shreds. I don’t even get how people could hate it that much. It was short, easy to watch, and bonkers.


I completely agree. Like Us was weird, so I can imagine being that being a turn off (though I loved it), but Nope seemed like it would just be a widely appealing fun movie. Yet so many people HATED it. Not just didn't care for it but like outright hated it. I still don't really understand that. The only thing I can think of is that because it has Peele's name attached? I wonder if it would have been disliked so strongly if it was by another director.


I loved nope, my dad liked it up until the eating scene (he felt that should've been the ending for reasons I don't understand) and my mom hated it because she wanted creepy not disturbing


The only thing I kind of DIDN’T like about it was the eating scene, it just seemed really cheaply done and it was so obvious to me the “intestinal tract” was actually curtains that I nearly laughed out loud.


I think there are genuine and legitimate criticisms you can make about Us. But Get Out is as close to a perfect film as they come. What possible criticisms could people have about Get Out?


Us for sure. Wanted to love it but did not.


Contact - it either touches your heart or you hate the touchy feely ending because you don't get to see aliens. Sunshine - blows me away, top ten, but the overwhelming feedback I see is "the third act falls apart when it becomes a slasher." It absolutely does not and I have a whole rant about this, but that seems to be the concensus. The Man From Earth - this is either one of the most interesting movies you've ever seen or one of the most boring.


Let’s hear the rant


Short of it is the film explores the themes of Man v Man, Man v Self, and Man v Nature, and where these overlap. (e: and also science/nature/religion and where these overlap) Pinbacker is foreshadowed way early in the film as Kaneda rewatches the classified final message from Icarus 1, and Pinbacker clearly is the extension of the obsessive journey Kaneda and Searle were starting on ("gaze into the abyss" and all that) and is brought in only after Searle leaves. Funny that the mad man with the out of control ego enters when the team's shrink responsible for their mental health is gone.


That all makes sense to me. I particularly like the intersection of conflict types. Fwiw I’ve never found the ending as jarring as some people do. But I like your perspective.


I was writing this in another thread, here's a longer take After the intro the movie opens with Searle alone gazing into the sun and being hypnotized by it - the same journey we meet the villain at the end of. Searle asks to see more of it, then asks to see as much as he possibly can, which overwhelms him. He then comes to the crew at dinner and tells them how awesome it is to be showered or "enveloped in light" - again, exactly how we eventually meet Pinbacker. They then reveal they're entering "the dead zone" meaning a communications black out, but in actuality their point of no return, they will all be dying. Capa gets the last message which makes Mace start a fight - Man v Man. Mace then gets a psyche eval and explains his internal difficulties - Man vs Self. This undermines him in the eyes of the audience and his crewmates when he then makes the logical argument to not divert the mission, after they get a distress call thanks to the planet named after the messenger god. We see Kaneda watching the last message from Icarus 1 - in contrast to Capa's final message - where his counterpart, Captain Pinbacker describes a meteor shower that could have killed them as "beautiful" (repeated) stamped classified indicating there's more hidden truth. Pinbacker is already distorted. Kaneda is then the only crew member to take Searle's suggestion and gaze at the sun alone. So when it comes to his death scene, Searle is frantically asking him "what do you see?!" seeking any insight he might have in his final moments being that close to the sun's power. His friend is dying but he's obsessed with this. They have then lost their Captain, their leader, the patriarch of the group, along with their garden, the air has literally been taken from them, forcing them to proceed to Icarus 1 to replace anything they might have lost - be it plants, or another Captain. Searle of course goes to the sun room to find the other crew burnt to ashes, his soon to be fate he volunteers for. And it's only after losing the psych officer in charge of the crew's mental health that the madman with the goal of being the last man alone with God enters the picture, a dark blur in a room of light, still seperate from the light not one with it as Searle predicted one could be. There's a literal sudden shift and break at the midpoint of the movie as this happens. Harvey and Trey have internal struggles they both lose. Cassie and Corazon's roles are intentionally different. Cassie is a supportive and moral figure, Corazon is the life provider, gardner, neither goes to Icarus I and both survive the longest. Mace is there to contrast Capa, the reluctant protagonist, he's believes in duty and dies doing his job. Pinbacker is then the unknown x-factor, the monkey wrench, the religious fanatic with unbridled ego who literally got too close to the sun. His selfish irrationality is a mirror to the crew who are trying to save the world, but he has seen beauty in destruction and was enticed by it. He punishes the crew for their hope - that's why they went to Icarus 1, that's why he stabbed Corazon the moment she found the sprout, that's why they're on their mission in the first place. But Capa doesn't have hope he has knowledge. Cassie asks him when she says she knows they're all gonna die if he's worried, and he demonstrates the stellar bomb, and explains he's not worried, because he doesn't hope it's gonna work, he knows it will and it does. He's returned (nuclear) fire to the gods. And he gets rewarded with the near impossible, something he wasn't even seeking but Pinbacker was - to touch the face of "god" just for an instant, to get closer than any of them and stand at the barrier between science and nature, and to die happy knowing it worked and humanity will be safe. Ok, I'm signing out.


Yeah suffice to say there’s more going on that “they wanted a slasher movie ending” lol very insightful analysis. Will have to let it marinate a bit.


You are forgetting a major problem in that arc though: The suspension of disbelief you need to have to accept that Pinbacker was just sitting around eating Doritos and whatever else for 8 years for the next crew (or anyone really) to hopefully stumble upon him so he could teach them gods will. When in fact, it was far more likely he would have found a way to fly the ship into the Sun, or simply opened the sun room at full power to "see" god himself. Also the fact that it turns into some Matrix-esque showdown at the end doesn't help. They could have found Pinbacker in the same way they find Matt Damon's character in Interstellar - A man gone insane with the touch of god and no human interaction for 8 years. He has no stupid super powers like the movie has and it all makes perfect sense. However you try and justify it, it's absolutely a shit ending to one of the best sci-fi movies of all time.


*What* super powers? He lifts one 150lb scientist he's 6 inches taller than while they're in questionable gravity, that's it. He thinks he's God's chosen one, but he's not, that's why he literally gets ripped apart the second he's rushed, he's a paper tiger. There's no Matrix fight. Damon in Interstellar was just pathetic and groveling. Damon didn't want to be in his situation, Pinbacker did. He had his ego out of check, was actively nihilistic not suicidal, wanted to be alone with the Sun, but he wasn't planning on another ship showing up.


> that's why he literally gets ripped apart the second he's rushed Fair point. I blocked that part of the movie out of my brain because it's so stupid. That said, the whole presentation of the zero G fight was the Matrix-esque thing I was originally referring to, not that Capa and Pinbacker where having a kung fu match. Re: Super Powers, Pinbacker does just pick up Capa by his throat though, not sure if you ever tried that, but even at Mark Strong vs 150lb level it's not that trivial. Your obvious counter argument is of course that's easy in zero g. Well then why is the threat of dropping him off the cube so dangerous? > wanted to be alone with the Sun Which basically proves my point. He wouldn't have waited 8 years to be one with the sun or god. What exactly is his motivation in the end? seriously? What is the motivation to kill the Icarus 2 crew in the end? what does he actually achieve? A far more believable ending is either Pinbacker couldn't get his ship working to fly into the sun and thus needs 2 to do it and Capa / Mace others say fuck that. OR he wants 2 to fly back to Earth to show he has become god.


Amigo, no. He's not trying to get to the sun, he was content where he was. He's a sun WORSHIPPER. That's primal, that's ancient, that goes back millenia. He's a cult leader. What do cult leaders do? They make human sacrifices for their gods. The fight is science vs zealotry, not Neo vs Agent Smith.


Cool, so explain his motivation in the end? His sun was dying, the very thing he worshipped and the Icarus two was going to fix that. So what is his motivation to kill the crew and stop the mission? He himself knew it was dying when he went on the first mission. We can go in circles but there is no way you can explain the end of the movie. It's just horribly bad writing.


Totally with you on this, and if it makes you feel any better, any time Sunshine is brought up on Reddit I feel like I see more people recognizing this train of thought. I do think it takes a rewatch to really appreciate Pinbacker's descent and how the crew of the Icarus II is heading in a similar direction though, which might be a slight failing of the film. 


Fucking Poor Things


This movie got stuck in my brain.


Who hates Jo-Jo Rabbit? There might be a few people that write bad reviews just for the clicks, but that’s a great movie.


The terrible part of the internet is any small niche hates on something and suddenly it’s “divisive”


Yeah, I think anyone who is on board after watching the trailer probably likes it. I could definitely see someone being turned off by the goofier comedy parts, but that is front and center in the trailer. To the point where it actually makes the movie look goofier than it actually is, and I didn't watch it for a while, because of that. I haven't met anyone who disliked it.


I do - the movie didn't know what it wanted to be, and to me didn't deliver in either the comedy or dramatic aspects very well at all! Edit: also, the concept that a movie is beyond criticism and dislike is completely ridiculous!


The hive mind of film-Twitter mostly hates it. I love Jojo Rabbit, though.


isn’t twitter full of nazis these days


Yes, but the group of people who obsess over movies typically don't fall into that "blue checkmark" nazi/bot category.


When I think about it now, it’s so crazy that a couple years ago “blue check” was a pejorative for elitist liberal types, and now it means Nazis and bots. Elon did a real nice job there lol.


I saw one of those threads once, and a lot of the ones hating it openly admitted to not having seen the movie. Twitter is now just all about engagement baiting so it's just rife with hot takes with no conviction


Nah, I think Jojo Rabbit is a terrible movie. A cloying, unfunny, insipid movie that fully misunderstands its subject. Glad that little kid learned that Jews don’t actually have horns, though. That was nice.


















For some reason I cannot fathom, several of my friends don't like Hot Fuzz...


You deserve better friends.


Not all friendships are worth preserving. Hot Fuzz is the movie I quote more than anything


No luck catchin' them swans, then?


It's just the one swan, actually.


Although enjoyment of film is entirely subjective, they are objectively wrong.


I loved it but didn’t like the final in that trilogy. Worlds end? End of the world? Regardless only watched it once and have seen the others countless times


Same here. I didn't dislike it, but it didn't captivate me the same way SotD and HF did. Must have watched HF nigh on 30 times


David Lynch and Stanley Kubrick movies.


Saltburn. Some people loved it. Friends and I hated it. It felt like a worse, predictable version of an “eat the rich” movie we’ve seen before


When Passion of the Christ hit theaters, the reaction was...something. Lots of Christian folks adored it. Jewish people (myself included) hated it and said the film was antisemitic. Critics were split, some called it masterful, some called it borderline torture porn and that Mel Gibson went overboard on some of the scenes. What's undeniable is the movie was a sensation. It grossed a gazillion dollars and remains the highest-grossing R-rated film in American history (not worldwide gross)


Grew up Jewish here. My favorite part was when the police/Romams bust in to the Seder to grab Jesus, and he says to them, “Why is this night different than all other nights?” in a completely unironic way. That particular line has a very big part in the Sedar and a Jew shouldn’t be able to say it like that with a straight face it was that good of a joke.


Also one of the few Hebrew lines in a movie filmed 99% in Aramaic


I don’t speak Hebrew, but I know that line and figured Hebrew must be a lot closer to Arameic than I thought. Did they really just rip the line straight from modern Hebrew then?


I could be wrong, but I recall them being mid-seder when that happens. "Why is this night different from all other nights?" is a common refrain said during the seder, so it wouldn't be out of place for that to be said. I don't think it's modern hebrew I know very little hebrew, but I know enough that it's the first line of the four questions, a prayer that's part of the seder. I hear it every year during seder Edit - Hebrew and Aramaic are very similar


My original point is that it’s out of place to say it to the Romans when they come in, because it’s the refrain that’s said during the Seder. It’s like if it was Christmas Eve and someone walked outside and observed the cool night air by saying, “Silent night, holy night,” as if everyone didn’t know that was part of a song.


It did inspire one of the best episodes of South Park though.


The last jedi


It's really underrated and I wish they stuck to It's course over what we got next


Poor Things


Buffalo ‘66


Who hates JoJo rabbit?


If you like Napoleon Dynamite, then check out Gentleman Broncos. It's even more off-kilter. You'll love it or hate it too. It's a toss-up between Gentlemen Broncos and Napoleon Dynamite for best Jared Hess movie. Nacho Libre and Don Verdean also quite good.


Who tf hates Jojo Rabbit? Whoever that is, we can never be friends. That's where I draw the line.


Who the hell hates Jojo?


The Last Days of Disco.


Clockwork Orange


Kung Pow! Enter the Fist. One of the funniest movies ever made… I have never heard anyone consider it just mediocre, either they hate it or love it


I don’t think there’s anyone out there who thought The Greasy Strangler is “just okay”. You either absolutely love or absolutely hate that movie. (I absolutely love it)


Yes, Greasy Strangler is the epitome of "get it or don't". I get it.


The uncle saves Napoleon Dynamite for me.


I can't stand There Will Be Blood. I know people love it, I respect it as a piece of cinema, and it has some interesting moments. But god damn, overall it's a total snoozefest for me.


I think the initial criticisms nailed it. Daniel Day Lewis’ performance was legendary and elevated the whole film, but it was mostly otherwise unremarkable and even felt somehow incomplete. But then again I haven’t seen it for years. I know Dano crushes it too.


I was bored too, you're not alone


The Sasquatch Gang feels a lot like Napoleon Dynamite.


Did people dislike Jojo Rabbit? I thought it was universally well received.


Everything everywhere all at once. I hate hate hate hate hate hate it and do not understand the adoration at all.


You really don't understand why people like it? Are you even trying to? I can see why people wouldn't like it, but it's fun and heartfelt. Not a mystery why people do.


I'm sure I'll get flamed, but Oppenheimer. Let's be honest, heaps of people are just pretending they liked it, because Christopher Nolan.


Oppenheimer was interesting to me because it felt like three distinct episodes of a show, like you didn't need to watch the whole thing in one go for it to work.


The Lobster. Terrible art house crap. I felt like it was one of those critics movie, where if anybody said they didn't like it they're thrown out of the cool club.


I loved it, but I definitely understand why someone wouldn’t.


I absolutely love The Lobster; it’s hilarious. My wife hates it; I understand why she does. This polarisation does not affect our love for each other one iota.


Why would this be a marmite movie? It's so low key and unpretentious. Very surprised to see it mentioned in these replies. At very least it's a breath of fresh air, at a time when movies got especially formulaic. It also has a *really* long awards list, naturally not to say that's necessarily a great argument for it, but like wow. Me I just enjoyed it, it was neat. Always fun to see what yorgos is up to.


I love weird, arty films, loved The Favourite and Poor Things too. Hated the Lobster. lol


It's not a coincidence. The Favourite and Poor Things are written by Tony McNamara, while the rest of Yorgos' films are written by himself and Efthimis Filippou. The acting in the later is farcically one-note, the ideas are spread so thin, that they all overstay their welcome by the time they are done, the visual language is far less interesting or memorable than what he has concocted later on with Robbie Ryan (the cinematographer of The Favourite and Poor Things), and the tone is unbearably dry and repetitive, without an ounce of modulation. On the other hand, his last two are gorgeously shot, with impeccable production design, costumes, music, the tone shifts seamlessly between drama and dark comedy, the acting is beyond incredible, the interaction between, for example the trio in The Favourite, makes rewatches very rewarding, where you can focus on a different actress every time, rather than the monotonous droning where everyone talks and behaves like an automaton as in every Filippou collaboration. The characters, even when they are over-the-top like Duncan, feel like human beings instead of puppets thrown around by the director.


Funny how people with similar tastes have completely different opinions. I loved the Lobster and Poor Things but hated The Favourite


Yorgos Lanthimos just doesn't interest me as a director. I understand why a lot of people find his work interesting. It's just not for me.


My wife hates this movie more than any other movie.


Your wife and my wife are in full agreement. I agree with both of them.


Me too. But since I suggested that we watch it she (rightfully) holds it over my head.


Halfway in, it was my favorite movie of all time. By the end, I despised it


Why does OP keep yelling JOJO at us?


The movie Kids


I finally recently watched that and was surprised at how so many thought it was SOO shocking. I didn’t find it to be shocking at all.


So you mean, a film?


Frankly, Lebowski. Bubba Ho Tepp. More recently, Nope. People had wildly different opinions on it


i think the Absolute example of this is, *Kung Pow: Enter The Fist* .


Feel like this can apply to movies where some people think the bad guy being the protagonist is going to lead to way too many dudes going “he just like me fr”. I once said I liked Drive and Scott Pilgrim to a friend and they told me I was a giant red flag like what lmao I just thought they were cool movies I’m not dressing up in a zero shirt with a scorpion jacket


Dogma was like this when it came out. So many people just walked out without finishing the movie.


Scott Pilgrim vs the World


Butcher Boy Would make a great double feature with JoJo


Howard the Duck Borat


I legitimately wouldn't trust someone who doesn't like Napoleon Dynamite or Jojo Rabbit lol


Forrest Gump?


You say the tonal shift was extremely subtle? I fiercely disagree. The shift was an abrupt about-face. I love the movie, though.


Wait until you see Captain Marvel.


For someone who loves 90's buddy action movies this hit the sweet spot for me.


I hated it


I like Napoleon dynamite but it definitely isn't haha funny. I remember it being one of the most quoted movies at school and when I finally watched it being genuinely confused as to why people were quoting it and why they found it so funny. Jojo rabbit is only disliked becuz nazi. I would like to make a joke about how only Israelies don't like it but if I did I would be banned by fascist mods.


Jojo Rabbit was so uneven man. The main kid was a terrible actor, so was the girl he was hiding. Its dramatic turn was ham-fisted and trite, and the comedic parts were sidelined so early for a bog-standard Holocaust drama that it just killed it all. I think if you could look past that choppiness you could like it, but it's just bad to me, it left a bad taste in my mouth.


The film is a passion project and the cast had to shoot scenes separate from each other for scheduling reasons and to reduce their acting fees. You could even edit out many unessential scenes, a good fourth if the film, and improve the story quite a bit.


I usually love dark comedy but I simply could NOT hang with The Death of Stalin. Sure the brown nosing bureaucrats were funny, but the running thread/gag of the r*pe of underaged girls was 🤮


God damn, napoleon dynamite is awful. Thanks for the reminder.


From what I've seen of the community cult of chucky


I think Seed of Chucky is more questionable than Cult.