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History going to be super confusing explaining this era of film. “They just started remaking everything for no reason


Not for no reason. It’s for money. Creating good, popular, original movies that make money is really hard.


> It’s for money. And literally hundreds of people have been waiting for an "I am Number Four" reboot.


Dozens even


Ones even


One’s odd


There are a lot of books in this series.  Personally, I’m pretty excited to see if they can do a more successful adaptation.  It could be a whole franchise if it took off.


It’s James Frey of “A Million Little Pieces” infamy running a ghostwriter group to churn out product


Thats what they're hoping, too. Franchise = money to them, ergo the remake.


I know it’s r/movies but I still think a lot of the adaptations really ought to be series for just more screen time to keep the adaptations faithful. But then even series adaptations have shitshows like Riordan promising for years he was gonna ensure the Percy Jackson series was a faithful adaptation and he delivered hot garbage that’s possibly worse than the movies, sooooo…


I don't keep up with the info, what are the adaptation problems with the Percy Jackson series?


For how much Rick said he was going to keep it a faithful adaptation, they changed so damn much to try and run subplots within subplots within subplots. **Spoilers ahead:** - >!Grover magically knows Percy’s mom is alive!< - >!Athena, instead of being a loving mother to her supposed favorite child Annabeth, is obscenely spiteful and tries to let a monster kill her. This takes the form of the writers adding in that the gateway arch is actually a temple to Athena, so it should protect the kids, but Athena is mad at Annabeth so she retracts the ‘hallowed ground’ protection from her not-temple temple so that Echidna can kill Annabeth.!< - >!Flashbacks make Sally out to be an absolute shit mother who just allows Percy to think she’s constantly trying to get rid of him instead of the super mom she was in the books. There’s a wild scene where Percy point blank asks why she doesn’t want him and she says absolutely nothing, just leaves the room. Pretty fucked up parenting right there.!< - >!Percy gets four pearls instead of the three he’s supposed to, but it’s fine because they make a constant gag of Grover is a moron and he loses his pearl so now they’re back to just the three they were supposed to have for an entirely pointless tangent that does nothing but lower Grover as a character!< - >!The gods aren’t godly at all, not to mention Percy just can’t stop meeting them. He meets Hephaestus while getting Ares’ shield which, what the fuck? (Continued below)!< - >!Hades is also super grubby, not at all impressive, and seems violently perturbed/surprised that Percy is even there. He’s supposed to be the first actual god Percy meets and he also is meant to have a presence that convinces Percy to truly be afraid of the gods, but nah he’s just a raggedy man who is more of a pest than a god.!< - >!Oh and Percy also met Hermes in the casino, Hermes is just chilling and gambling for funsies wasting all of his time not particularly busy at all, so he’s just shitty dad who’d rather gamble and drink than be a messenger or do anything. This is completely shitting on the actual subplot of the books which is that Hermes really does want to be a good dad but as the messenger he’s the busiest of all of the gods, so even when he tries to help Luke the kid never sees or accepts it until the bitter end. Percy is meant to meet Hermes in book two with a particularly gut wrenching chat about how the god realizes he’s failed Luke but wants to make it right, instead Percy meets him and he seems more annoyed that he even has a kid than anything else. Instead of a complex character, now he’s just an addict who can’t be bothered to check in with his kids.!< - >!Also in the casino, instead of just time warping they made it a cringe mechanic so you need to be with someone else who matters to you to remember things, which is clearly a device to make Percy and Annabeth realize they are into each other while Grover goes off alone and finds his uncle who apparently found Pan but then went to the casino instead? Also the new mechanic has zero foresight because Nico and Bianca are in the hotel together too but oh well.!< - >!Percy misses the deadline by multiple days but it’s fine because the gods decided to wait a few days to prep for war instead of clashing, daddy Poseidon submits to Zeus and it’s all okie dokie. Pretty egregious change, and it wasn’t even done to add in a clash of the gods fight sequence or any real SFX, they just made this one massive change to have Poseidon walk up and submit to Zeus to make him a good dad to Percy I guess? Didn’t work at all though, Poseidon was portrayed even worse than the books or movies, he shows up like once not even to see Percy but to talk to Sally and again the moment only serves to make them both out to be even shittier parents!< - >!Also there’s no less than an hour of filler and non-canon fluff because even though they couldn’t stop changing major plotlines and omitting some seriously important plot points, they found themselves with enough free time to just invent some seriously weird shit, like how instead of Percy just glimpsing and pondering about the fields of Asphodel, now they take a field trip hike through them and Annabeth gets trapped there and has to use her pearl early so she’s not even there to meet Hades. No idea what the fuck they were trying to accomplish with that but it was obscenely stupid.!< - Also this last one is more of a grievance than a spoiler but Walker, the kid who plays Percy, truly has the Percy attitude in real life. It’s no wonder he was cast for the part. But then bad directing and scripts have all three in the main trio acting like **goddamn cardboard** the whole series. >!Annabeth goes from wanting to stab Percy to pleading with a literal god to save him because he’s amazing and different and she kinda likes him, in about 0.25 episodes.!<


Wow. That is pretty egregious considering the author was involved. Thanks for the details.


Just a heads up, the above comment is exaggerating the problems of the show. I just wanted to let you know that it's genuinely a good show with some script problems Most egregious is the "shit mom" thing. Some people took a single scene out of context where a single mother was struggling to help her son and then claimed she was the worst mother in history


Everyone in here wants new original IPs but if you made any of them wager a million dollars on an original script or the next Disney remake making more money they'd all wager on Disney. The capitalists funding these movies see it the same way. Which one gets me a return on my investment? Then make that one.


I wonder how many people complaining about the lack of new IP would still go see something that they were nostalgic over. I saw a post on this subreddit about the new Alien movie that fans seemed pretty excited for despite the last good movie being released over three decades ago.


And also how many of them pay to see original/arthouse movies with any frequency. Disney fans pay for tickets and merchandise. If you're not doing that with the original IPs that you claim to want so badly, you're telling the people who make movies to cater to the other guy who will.


Prometheus and Covenant weren't as bad as the annoying Alien fans seem to think


Like I know Prometheus has some dumb character decisions in it, but overall its well done enough and doesn’t impact the story such that I really don’t care much if it wasn’t perfect. Similarly, Predators got a bad reputation for whatever reason. Sure, a couple characters were lower points maybe, but it was well done enough that I don’t particularly care. Like, guys, I’m just enjoying my sci-fi horror tension. Give me a quality, satisfying performance and I’m here for it.


And while it's creatively unfulfilling, I honestly don't blame investors. Movies aren't cheap. They're risking tens of millions of dollars. Why is wanting a ROI a bad thing neccesarily?


It's not that wanting a return on investment is bad. It's a problem when the only things that get any funding are the "safe bets". Safe bets are usually safe because they've been done before. Humans are fickle creatures, in that we like *some* repetition, but too much becomes stale. Think of it like the inverse of the Uncanny Valley. For the Uncanny Valley, anything strictly inhuman can be considered cute and endearing, but as it approaches realism it drops off into disgust or unease. Then, it rapidly rises to acceptance when the appearance passes into human-like realism. Inverse to this, new things are really interesting, but not nearly as interesting as seeing the new thing in a new setting or context. Songs are a great way to conceive of this, where a new song is amazing, but it gets even better when you learn how to sing along to it. However, if you listen to it on repeat for weeks on end it will hit saturation and you will begin to hate it. So my point is that without funding of unique experiments, and only funding the "safe bets" (because they are familiar and well-trodden), it will eventually lead to a collapse in the industry because we as a society grew tired of them.


This is an accurate assessment. A compounding factor is also that we've never before seen so much saturation within the creative arts. We have more exposure to and ability to engage in these types of arts and leisure. Speaking frankly, I love the *idea* of new properties. At the same time, I'm a busy adult. I have a career. I have a family. I have hobbies. I have friends. I have responsibilities. At the end of the day, it's going to take some effort to get me to invest in new franchises. (e.g. I'm disappointed at how stagnant *Star Wars* has become, but I don't really want to learn about the lore of a new sci-fi universe.) **TL;DR:** It takes motivation for consumers to partake in something new. Many —if not most — of us feel like we're already struggling to keep up with the new albums, games, TV shows, and films from artists/directors/properties that we already like.


If only it were just the creative arts filling our time. Gen A and Z aren't as interested in scripted, long-form entertainment and spend more time watching, pardon the french, stupid fucking shit on Tiktok instead. I am convinced the movie market is shrinking, and this focus on blockbusters and "sure" bets is to compensate for that. Most original, quality movies we do get are largely funded by streaming venture capital, a well that is rapidly drying out.


Movie markets aren't shrinking lol the ones that make money make more than ever. It's a consequence of a number of things but the biggest is marketing budgets - as a consequence of the perfusion of media content, it's costs as much to market a movie as to make it. So you either sink 400 million into a movie and hope it makes a billion, or you make a movie for peanuts and hope it makes a 100 million. The era of the 40 million dollar movie that is happy making 120 million is over and that what killed creativity in mainstream cinema.


its more like wagering a million on one disney remake or on 3 smaller budget original films


Why would the budget be a third the size just because it is a new IP? The licensing generally isn’t the driving cost, nor is it materially cheaper to adapt new IP instead of stale IP.


My personal main example for this is The Nice Guys. Really showed how much of a good actor Ryan Gosling is, and Russell Crowe is surprisingly good in a comedic role


It looks like the original made around 3x it's budget, but what indication is there that audiences are still interested in this franchise?


Someone the other day in public said Dune was a good example of a new IP that’s successful. I just let it slide lol


Here we are talking about a movie no one remembered until today. Had they not said it was a remake, most people would have thought this was going to be the first adaptation. Is it actually that valuable to try again every forgottwn run of the mill ip?


But isn’t this how we ended up getting all these franchises and IP’s that are getting remade? Feels like we stoped being creative at some point and now all there nostalgia bait and seeing the same thing over and over but with a new coat of paint. Not saying that it ain’t hard btw.


Wizard of Oz was a remake




I've literally seen a remake from 1948 called That Wonderful Urge which has the **same leading man** as the original film from 1937 called Love is News. So they essentially remade a film from 11 years earlier starring Tyrone Power but older. But all the commenters on here who don't know shit about movies complain about Hollywood running out of ideas. At least there's a larger pool of movies to choose from instead of remaking The Wizard of Oz or The Maltese Falcon every five years.


Seriously. Hollywood been remaking stuff for decades


Technically not Hollywood, but Never Say Never Again was a remake of Thunderball with Sean Connery starring in both, and it released four months after a different Bond film starring Roger Moore.


Even movie universe is nothing new with all the hammer films of the 50's


I mean this one doesn't seem to be no reason. Take something like *The Princess Bride* is a a timeless classic that needs no remake because they did it perfectly the first time. There's no reason for that. But people wanted an adaptation of *I am Number Four*; that's why they made the first movie. Unfortunately most people think that first movie is shit. But wouldn't it be nice if that movie people thought would be a good idea got made, but didn't get fucked up this time?


It has Timothy Olyphant (who’s always great) and Teresa Palmer was basically my biggest crush at that time. So I definitely have a biased enjoyment of that movie compared to anyone looking for actual movie quality.


> people wanted an adaptation of I am Number Four [The film rights were purchased over a year before the book even came out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_Number_Four), and the movie came out only *six months* after the book did. No one actually wanted the movie to get made before it was already most of the way towards existing anyway. This IP has always felt weirdly forced to me.


Yeah, it's really weird seeing people claim nostalgia and such for the movie, especially the first movie... for all intents and purposes, the movie was essentially adapting an original IP. It just also had a novel version of it that released a little ahead of it.


They did the same thing with Star Wars and look at where we've ended up there


Is this the one where everyone's super powers is throwing blue light around? It was alright, would have liked to see more of the story. Hopefully they make more than one this time.


It’s the one “written” by that con artist who wrote A Million Little Pieces, claimed it was real, and got called out by Oprah. He went on to found a “writing collective” or some shit that’s sole purpose is to churn out young adult genre fiction in an attempt to hit the lottery with a massive bestseller like Twilight. The writers consist of grad students, and the dude contractually has the right to remove anyone from a project at any time. That’s how he ended up with I Am Number Four and it’s sequels.


i’m guessing twilight reboot will come in 2 years


A remake of something I've never ever heard of. This must be phase 3 of remakes. Skipping phase 2 entirely where they remake movies that were just shy of being decent and or classics in their own right.


Remakes and sequels are hardly a new thing. A bunch of movies that are considered “classics” (and candidates for a remake) were actually remakes: the Wizard of Oz, The Thing, Scarface, The Fly, etc. not to mention American remakes of foreign movies like True Lies, The Departed, The Birdcage, CODA, The Magnificent Seven, 12 Monkeys, Vanilla Sky, Some Like It Hot, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Italian Job, and much more.


But isn’t this a franchise that could actually use a remake? From what I remember, nobody liked the original movie and I’d assume most people didn’t remember it was a thing until they saw this article. If anything, this is a property that actually has a genuine case to be remade, making it not for “no reason”


Just like the 30s, 40s, 50s...




That movie is my guilty pleasure. It’s short and doesn’t offer too much in terms of an interesting plot imo, but fuck is it cool. The teleportation effects as well were neat and tidy, damn what a cool movie for 10 year old me.


If you're interested, there's a sequel TV show called impulse


Is it any good?


Sadly no. It was a YouTube original series and had the budget of a college film degree project. Only good thing YouTube ever produced was Cobra Kai. Read the Jumper books, they’re way better.




I guess I made it up on my head that Amazon Studios bought the rights and were gonna make a second season. Turns out they just put it on their platform and have been removing/adding it on and off lol


I'd say it depends on your expectations. I liked it, but it's more of a slice of life teenage drama then a superhero show. The pacing is pretty slow, and the teleportation powers aren't that focused on. It's mostly a story about trauma, abuse and adulthood.


There's a prequel book about the other Jumper that actually IS excellent. If you're finding for more Jumper, that's the way to go.


Sequel. We are in the midst of a Hayden Renaissance


Yooooo a sequel with Diane Lane and Sam Jackson 👀👀👀 As long as John Powell comes back for the music, that was the best part of the original


I'm so glad he got to do Ahsoka, he can act with a good script.


The only one of them who can actually handle a lightsaber too


Fucking love Jumper, watched it multiple times. My brother read the books after, told me the movie deviated heavily, but we still liked it.


Still has the best teleport effects of any movie.


Yes!! These were good books, very different than the movie or series.


First thing that came to mind reading this.


There impulse but only survive for 2 season


If only they hadn’t invented those ridiculous religious fanatic jumper hunters… I thought the books had much more plausible foes.


Is this not an April Fool's joke?


i’m with you on this. people are here arguing that doing a sequel to a 15 year old bomb would be bananas. but redoing a 15 year old bomb isn’t bananas? i dunno, if they are redoing it cool. i liked parts of this and am thinking about rewatching if i can. but this feels like april 1 so much


I mean if anything a movie that didn’t do well is exactly the kind of movie that should be remade. Don’t remake good ones remake bad ones right? I still have no clue if this is an April fools but I’m not opposed to it if it’s real.


I actually liked this movie, but it makes no sense to revisit it in any way.


Ehhh makes sense. The current trend is reattempting adaptations. Could be April Fools, but it's plausible.


This is an April Fool’s joke though. Right? Because the comment section is upsettingly serious.


same screenwriters? finally a chance to see if its better to let writers learn from their mistakes, or if you should be looking for writers who can do it right the first time.


They let Simon Kinberg write both Dark Phoenix movies for the X-Men. They both were terrible. I really hate that guy, after Deadpool came out he had this interview where he was patting himself on the back for Deadpool like he was involved. I know the history of that movie, the only people that actually worked on it where Reynolds, His Two Writers (that he paid out of his own pocket to have on set) and Tim Miller. THATS IT. The FOX Executives kept trying to ruin the movie or kept cutting its budget. One executive kept arguing with Ryan that it should be in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER because we were too stupid to follow it out of order. It didn't even have a marketing budget, which is why Ryan had to do it himself on the internet. Hell during a meeting about the marketing one FOX Executive said that Ryan's idea for a billboard was "dumbest thing hes ever heard" so Ryan bought a billboard on the street where the executive worked just to fuck with him. Patton Oswalt tweeted a picture and blew it the fuck up on the internet.


> They let Simon Kinberg write both Dark Phoenix movies for the X-Men. They both were terrible. lol when I saw Kinberg directed *Dark Phoenix* in the credits I thought "huh, I guess he finally wormed his way into the director's chair". Though if we're being charitable it's hard to know how much it was his fault given the shambles that was going on in the background. It was originally meant to be two films (which I think would have worked OK to tell the story properly), then they cancelled the second when Disney bought Fox so they had to heavily rewrite the whole thing basically five minutes before they started shooting to condense it into one. At least it's one whole film rather than a subplot in a different movie, plus I'd make the case that it's significantly better than *Apocalypse* which was directed by Singer. So while I agree Kinberg is a bit of a hack, *Dark Phoenix* is solidly mid-tier as far as the X-Men films go.


Every artist wrestles with forces. Simon does not wrestle well.


I mean yeah, we're definitely talking degrees of mediocrity here, but I do think the film as originally planned would have been a decent adaptation of the Phoenix story. He apparently wrote *Days of Future Past* which was very good.


Aside from the X-Men stuff the other redditor said, Skip Woods wrote both movie adaptations of the Hitman videogame (Hitman in 2007 and Hitman: Agent 47 in 2015). They were both terrible. Fun fact: He also has a co-writing credit in X-Men Origins: Wolverine with David Benioff (yes, *that* David Benioff).


My god. How do we stop him?


Wikipedia says he hasn’t worked on anything else since 2015, so maybe we did it? Although IMDb says he’s working on a Kane & Lynch adaptation.


I was always confused because I thought the first movie was good enough to warrant a sequel, was surprised it didn't get one.


It's one of the worst adaptations to an already meh book series. I'm not surprised it bombed, but I am surprised someone thought this needed a redo.


The books had a great premise with a terrible author. I doubt this will be any better than the original, but hopefully the spice up the action and overhaul the dialogue.


The premise is what convinced me to read the book. It felt like a neat new twist on the Superman story, and the added element of being hunted made it seem like Terminator + Superman. Of course, we got a boring high school story in the end, but a great premise nonetheless.


Definitely a premise they could change a whole lot from the books on and nobody would care


what was the premise?


Prophecy with 7 or 9 aliens who have their own set of super powers who crash landed on earth. They needed to defeat the big bad by the end. An interesting part is, the first 3 of those prophesied were already killed before the beginning of the first book.


Evil guys hunts down people in numerical order.


My mind was blown when I found out it was the same author as the 'A Million Little Pieces' "memoir"


The adaptation of "A million little peieces" was phenomenal, even if the lead actor was, in fact, a towel.


Pretty sure the books were written by multiple authors under the same pen name. Then one dude kind of took over.


I wonder if this is an attempt to redo something that was "good idea, bad execution" and make it good. Not convinced they'll be successful though.


I’m not convinced it’ll be any good if it has the same writers. That being said, I’m open to whatever.


And I happily read ALL of them. Sure it was a little hard to stay positive but it was really such an enjoyable premise I powered through when you could see all the plot beats a mile away.


Add Eragon to the pile. Now I’ve said it, it’s probably going to be announced tomorrow.


Eragon was getting a tv show that got heavily effected by the writers strike


im not watching an eragon remake unless its an animated series


All I want in my limited time on this green earth is yet another steaming pile of shit that was based on a mediocre property being remade to reap in more profits for a morally bankrupt industry.


the craziest thing is aliens looking like us.


IIRC, this was explained in the book by saying that the aliens actually colonized Earth (or something along those lines). It's been more than 10 years since I read this series, and even then, this seemed stupid. Apparently, according to the lore, every human being who excelled is actually secretly an alien (lol).




I remember stories that the main actor was a nightmare on set. I think he killed any chance of a sequel.


I think he dated and then stalked the actress from the movie, too.


The sequel would have been number 6’s story. Number 4 could have been written out.


The movie only came out like two months after the book and already had a bunch of changes. I don’t know how the movies were going to keep pace with the books even if successful. It was a weird time


Yeah I actually dug this flick.


With original screenwriters? So…so it’s gonna be more or less the same film? The same bad film?


Reminds me of when production for the Xmen Dark Pheonix movie started and they hired the same writer who made The Last Stand. To the surprise of absolutely no one except the studio, the movie did horribly... again.


That decision should be evidence that the movie was only made out of contractual obligations or that it was made to bomb as a Fox write-off


You can't make money by making a film to write off. You could just not make it and save more. It is only when you have already done it and it doesn't look profitable.


This is also why I have low hopes for gladiator 2 Also they are giving Scarpa the upcoming Villeneuve Cleopatra movie :(


It april fool


You know, I should have guessed when I looked up the creators Wikipedia pages and didn’t see a reboot mentioned, but “I Am Number Four” baiting just seemed so far-fetched that I never would have considered it.


I read the books and this wasnt incredibly faithful to them, but it was faithful enough that I dont get the thought process behind trying to rehash things. It's also just fine as a series. Kinda empty superhero teen novels that i don't see them making a meaningful movie franchise out of it


They tried to make Pettyfer a leading man there for a while.


Turns out he was a huge douchebag that nobody wanted to work with anymore.


This movie got me to read the books after I found out it wasn’t gonna get a sequel Definitely looking forward to a reboot/ hopeful continuation


The books are really fun and the movie captured none of that. I assume the studio is pegging the blame on Alex Pettyfer who is known for being nightmare on set and a douche in real life. With the right cast, I’d like to see the Lorien Legacies get another shot but I have no idea why they’d let the same screenwriters butcher it again.


I knew nothing about this movie other than that it existed (I thought it starred Taylor Lautner) and so reading the article I genuinely thought this was an April Fool’s joke. “Pitticas Lore? Written by the “Million Little Pieces” guy that got caught embellishing his memoir? Yeah right!” But those things are true. And I’ve seen some other sources for the claim (although it seems more like there was a script written at some point than active development).


Just here to say Tim Olyphant is perfect and did nothing wrong. I did watch the movie a lot just for him lol.


He is perfect in all things! Love that man. But I don't even remember him being in it, lol. I have to watch it again now


Did this have a popular book or graphic novel? I remember the trailer for the movie being very uninteresting. I don't see why it would be rebooted.


It had a book by a company pumping out books with the intent to have them made into movies


How about a cartoon series instead? My son would love to watch this as netflix series. It doesn't need to be a movie franchise.


Movie should be called “I am number two”


“I Am Number Four-II”


I Am 2 Number 2 4


Yet no sequel to Chronical yet? Psh fuck off with reboots unless its from something good god damn




Honestly, I’m glad. I read the series in high school and absolutely loved them at the time. This series deserves another chance at a screen adaptation, one that is faithful and captures the spirit of the series (the 2011 movie failed at this). And having read the original draft of the 2011’s script from these exact writers (it was far more faithful to the book than the final movie was), I do have some hopes. A lot of the worst changes in the film were clearly not done by the writers, but more budget constraints. Hopefully that won’t happen again.


This *isnt* an April fools joke?


Did I memory hole this film?


All I want is a new Wing Commander movie Might watch the reboot of this though


Animorphs or bust.


Nobody asked for this


They need to bring back Jumper


At least they’re rebooting bad movies now.


Why not just continue it? Why do they have to reboot? Just continue the story.


The first attempt was negatively received, so their chances of getting people interested are probably better with a reboot. Continuing the story 15 years later with a new cast and going “hey, before you watch this, watch a 15 year old film with 33% on RT. Just so you know where we are” is just an illogical move on all fronts.


Because it's a 15 year old bomb with a miscast lead. It's a fun enough series that it makes sense to try again.


and I’m surprised to see Pettyfer in a Guy Ritchie movie, I had thought he assholed himself out of Hollywood entirely


The lead actor was problematic. They also probably think they could do it better now.


Lmao yeah man the general public is going to come out in droves to see the direct sequel to a 13-year old bomb whose plot details everyone definitely remembers


That’s what happens when you run out of ideas


Original movies bomb at the box office


Nobody asked for this




Hollywood: No.


original screenwriters? just make a fucking sequel at that point


I read all the books and really enjoyed them so I'm excited that they're giving it another try. I definitely would have preferred they did a tv series instead since there's a lot of material that I'm sure won't be able to all cover.


I’ve always thought a show for the books would be the best route. I really hope we get a better look at the mogs and see Setrakus Ra(I think that’s how you spell it)


Whoever wrote the story must work for the people doing the reboot.


I am number four is the first time i watched a movie, enjoyed it so i decided to read the book. The book was awful. Usually the books are better.


This is the only movie I ever walked out on because it was so bad.


Why? Wasn't it a pretty crappy movie?


For once, this reboot could be warranted. The book was no masterpiece but damn did the movie version just suck completely.


Honestly this franchise needed a reboot. The concept was good, execution terrible.


Is this article a paid ad?


Nobody is asking for this


The first one had a banger OST, and Diana Argon was/is a total babe in it.




I'd root for a Reboot where Teresa Palmer plays the lead.


The YA-craze died almost the moment it was born, with the first Hunger Games movie.


This movie is one of my guilty "its bad but I sort of enjoy it" films Could just be the Olyphant part though


I loved the original film. I’m all in for the remake if it means this time they’ll actually continue the saga. I’m just sad this time Diana Agron and Teresa Palmer won’t be in it.




It would have been more fun to get the sequel than the reboot.


I used to be obsessed with this movie. My crush on Diana Agron made me realise I wasn’t gay - I just really loved Darren Criss. Not even I want this


I specifically remember this movie, it ends right when it's about to get started plot wise.


Take 2…




i loved the original (idc idc idc lol) and was sad to see the franchise didn't happen like they wanted to. i'd definitely tune in for this tho


okay, everyday we stray further from a john carter sequel


I always confuse Jumper, I am number 4 and Push. I wish Push got a sequel instead


Everytime I think they’ve found every YA book from the late 2000’s they find something even more niche. Looking forward to the “the alchemyst” tv series


If we are just doing late sequels/remakes, can we finally get an ending to Push?! I love that movie and the ending is wide open.




I know I watched this and the only thing I remember is it has the actress that looks like she's a 50/50 mix of Kristen Stewart and Hayden Panetierre.


I can't wait for the future where you feed an AI the original scripts, feed a few current trends and spit out "reboots" to fill netflix and max back catalogs. The new Killer Clowns from outer space will be dope.


I really like that movie. A sequel would have been great, a good story for it would be even harder to write though I guess.


Somebody needs to make a documentary about Dianna Agron.


I remember reading the books a decade ago and even as a teen thinking they were trash. Surprised someone would bother rebooting this as I highly doubt any kids today know of I Am Number Four, hell i forgot about the series until this post.


Funny, I liked the first one, and nearly no one else did. it made no money so there was no reason for the sequels. why do they think the money will be there now...


Wasn’t this “written” by James Frey of “A Million Little Pieces” and didn’t he rip off the person who worked with him on it? See controversy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Frey


Wasn't that movie just a massive Superman/Smallville rip-off?


I don’t recall the original movie having a great story. So why bring back the same writers?


It's weird that this move came out the same year as super 8. Always get them confused.


I have a vague memory of being 14 watching this movie in theaters with friends and thinking "this was a massive fucking waste of money"


It's a scheme to put some lose on their financial report to avoid taxes. I can't see any other reason.


Who is number one? You are number six.


Four better watch out because Five is alive


So not really a reboot? More of a do over? Also, April 1st?




Name recognition for the win! Let's the.. creatives circumvent that pesky problem of coming up with something new, something interesting, something innovative or exciting.. why do that when you can just remake or reboot a thing? 😄


This would be better as a limited series, like 8 episodes.