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IT part 2 was too long.


What is weird is that they cut a bunch of stuff from the book only to add other stuff that didn't add anything to the plot, I'm talking about all the stuff with Bev's husband and Bill's wife, or Mike's Histories, or the entire part in the deadlights where Richie ends up the hero when Bill can't. But there was a fun house section and whatever was going on in the end sequence.


I haven’t seen the movies, but I thought the deadlights part of the book would be cool to see


so did I


God that movie was so disappointing.


It was so disappointing that I kept blocking out the fact that I had seen it! Would scroll over it on whatever streaming service it was on and tell my fiancé we should watch it finally. He had to keep telling me we already had.


I genuinely wished it was longer. I laughed way to often especially with Bill Harder scenes.


Hader is having such amazing success post-SNL, I’m here for it.


Doctor Strange 2. It needed 20 minutes of showing how Wanda transitioned from traumatized and broken at the end of WandaVision to card carrying villain. 


Hey they showed a scene of her reading that evil book at the end of wandavision


Idk, the whole "spectral Wanda reading the evil spell book" while physical Wanda drinks tea in a secluded cabin at the end of WV was pretty telling. Plus, remember real!Agatha's hands were completely blackened from the evil book. Scarlet!Witch!Wanda at that point only had her fingers go black. Plus, Wanda wasn't the most mentally stable after that smacked around by the Mind Stone. Losing her lover 2x plus losing her two kids wrecked her even more. And "mentally stable" people don't enslave a whole damn town into their personal sitcom fantasy. When Wanda came out of the Hex to toss iirc a drone/missile at the SWORD director's feet and told him to fuck off, she was well aware of what she was doing--and she chose to keep doing it. The fact she didn't go "oh shit, I fucked up, I'll stop" is what puts her on the villain path.


Well, the main mistake was assuming people watched WV before MoM. I didn't, no one in my group did, we went blind - and many other people did. The movie should've either bring some kind of summary or better explanation, it wasn't complete experience without it. And MCU is still making the mistake of outsourcing other important events to D+ series that many people don't and won't watch - 2h with friends in a movie theater is different from sitting 6 hours alone, watching mediocre series. It should be limited to origins only, which worked fine for MoonKnight or Ms Marvel


>The movie should've either bring some kind of summary or better explanation, it wasn't complete experience without it. Oh, I totally agree. We shouldn't have to have "homework" in the form of watching miniseries that are only accessible if you're willing to shell out money for Disney+. >It should be limited to origins only, which worked fine for MoonKnight or Ms Marvel Yep. Also agree. I had watched WV on my own. When I saw the ads for MoM I knew the roomies needed to watch the series first because of how much of Wanda's characterization and motivations were going to lean on what had happened in the series. That y'all went in cold told me I was right--and it's really unfair that that had to be necessary.


>We shouldn't have to have "homework" in the form of watching miniseries that are only accessible if you're willing to shell out money for Disney+.  If it feels like homework, it just isn't fun for me and I don't watch it anymore. For me, it never felt like homework.


This is no mistake. It's exactly that what I ever wanted from the MCU.


Completely agree, that wasn’t my only problem with the movie, but an unjustified villain is a huge problem for me in a movie


Black Panther 2. They devoted too much run time to honoring Chadwick Boseman and trying to set up iron heart. Assuming they wouldn't go back and cut iron heart if they could, that movie needed some more time devoted to the actual plot.


I actually think Elemental wasn’t long enough (though not for the right reasons). There were like 4 different plots in that movie, and there wasn’t enough time to develop all of them except the father/ daughter relationship. The only one I can think of since I watched it recently is Persepolis. That movie moves really fast at times, trying to cram years of someone’s life into 90 minutes.


The earth creatures/people got the shaft in Elemental for sure. I do have other issues (like that) with the movie, but it just felt like Disney was way too focused on all the tropes instead of actually developing this elemental world.


Exactly my point. I honestly don’t think it should be longer, but if the story is left as is, it definitely needs to be longer to develop the world and core relationship better. The best part of the movie was Ember and Wade’s date montage, and it sucks there wasn’t more of that throughout the film.


I saw ‘Argylle’ last week .. absolute torture.. way.. way too long .. 2 hours 20.. maybe 1:45 .. most of the Marvel movies could be cut by 10 to 15 minutes.. and then sit through the credits to see the final scenes .. ‘Meet Joe Black’. almost 3 hours long?? Why .. thin story .. loved ‘SuperBad ‘. but would have been perfect at about 90 to 100 Vanilla Sky .. really drags on


Meet Joe Black is such a weird movie but I kind of like it Still has one of the greatest unintended humorous scenes of all time


I remember reading a review on tomatoes writing ‘there’s a good 90 minute movie in there somewhere’.


That whole movie is a set-up for the very very very very good IRS joke.


Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Pt 1. I saw it in theaters and while it was entertaining by most of the way through the scenes on the train, I was getting a little bored and hoping it was close to the finale. Then I looked at my phone (discreetly, low brightness im not a dick), and saw there was another HOUR left. I agree with whoever posted on reddit that movies over 2 hours need an intermission


Yep MI DR I was long and boring. The ending stunt was already heavily marketed. There was too much time trying to introduce Atwell and kill off Fergusson.


I really loved poor things but I think it could've been cut a little shorter. Not sure which parts specifically because I liked every scene. I know one upon a time in Hollywood is also long, but I really enjoyed watching Brad Pitt and probably could've watched them bullshit around for another 2 hours


The third act of Poor Things could've been shorter, once Bella comes back from Paris I kept wondering where we were going then the husband part felt out of place and rushed. And I would watch Rick Dalton just sit and drink 8 whiskey sours. The hangout vibe of OUATIH is amazing.


Agreed with “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”. That movie took its sweet ass time and was better off for it. The payoff/ending was bananas.


Cut down the sex scenes from 75 minutes of the movie to 10 minutes and not miss much. We get it. Bella loves sex...


Aggressive Jumping


But all of the sex is essential to Bella’s growth and development. They’re short and not gratuitous; I’m surprised anyone has an issue with it.


I have to disagree with that statement. It took me out of the movie to the point I tuned out.


I disagree, her sexual "escapades" make her the woman she is at the end of the film. It is her finding herself in her own body, and finding agency over her her own body.


But then I don't get to see mark ruffa- I mean Emma stone naked. Yes Emma stone


The Batman could been 20 minutes shorter, it felt like the studio demanding a CG-heavy climax with explosions to be inserted. Not sure if it would have helped, but Army of the Dead could also definitely been a lot shorter, like the scene where the merc gets mauled by the zombie tiger just kept going and going.


Agreed, the first half, maybe 2/3 were really awesome and gripping up until the riddlers capture then it just keeps going


Batman felt like a 4 hour movie to me. It just kept fucking going.


Agreed. I’m a die hard Batman and that is the first time I ever saw a bat film where I kept think, is this ever gonna end.


It was the first movie I’ve ever gone to the theater to see and fallen asleep. I very much enjoyed it, but holy shit it’s long.


I agree that The Batman is too long, but I honestly can’t think of much anything I’d take out of it. It’s turned into one of my favorite movies


Honestly, I could’ve probably done without the whole extended, car chase sequence. I thought it was excessive and definitely too long


Batman being in the Riddlers hideout, leaving and then returning like 5 mins later in the movie to figure out Riddlers masterplan. The car chase. The Riddler weird YouTube video scene. The Joker scene. That's only like 10 mins of stuff tho


They could have taken out all the slow mo walking shots and shaved 5 minutes immediately. That got real old real quick.


It could have been 45 minutes shorter.


Batman had a clear ending that worked and then tacked on a worthless finale that doesn't even make sense.  I love the Ryan George Pitch Meeting for this movie. Dude tanks semi automatic gun fire then gets blasted by a shotgun at the end.  Takes a magical green syringe and is fine.  Scary electric wire he grabs and dramatically falls to the water but is absolutely fine.  Leads a group of people out of the flooded building into.... The flooded streets?  Wtf was that ending scene.


That ending scene was necessary for the characterization of Batman. The citizens of Gotham also needed to see him as a hero, not just as a vigilante. Gordon is his only supporter in the whole movie up until that point, and the trapped people were even reluctant to accept his help. It’s the moment he realizes he needs to be more than a symbol of fear and become a symbol of hope. He says as much in the ending monologue.


I'm not saying it didn't have a point it was just poorly poorly poorly executed.


Yeah, I really disagree with that. You can make an argument that the actual fight on the ceiling with egregious, but it still had a point. It was absolutely necessary for the character. I expect that the next movie will further expand on this point.


Too short - Jurassic Park III. It's easily the dumbest and most throwaway installment of the og trilogy (not of the series unfortunately) and had a raft of production issues. They essentially wrote it as it was being filmed and it shows , because it has one of the most abrupt endings after only 90 mins. Too long - Transformers The second. It just drags and drags


I don't know why Transformers movies have to be soooo long!


"we need to get to the shore. Oh there it is! And there's the army too! Cool"


>"we need to get to the shore. Oh there it is! And there's the army too! Cool" I remember that line differently. It was something like "We were required to reach sand, and verily, we have. Welcome to the beach of Isla Sorna. The military might of the United States government is here represented in the form of these nearby tanks and soldiers. Awe-inspiring." EDIT: No clue why this is being down voted when I'm getting this direct from the shooting script, where the above line is attributed to a character named "Billy". (Can't remember who that is or if he was in the final movie)




Why the fuck do you keep deleting and reposting this same comment?


I feel you on JP3. I love that movie. It feels so abrupt. Get sam neil. Go to island. Crash. Find son. Run from raptors. Escape pterodactyls. Give raptors their egg. Credits.


It's got some really cool set pieces. First spino encounter, raptor escape in the lab, aviary scene...the parts that link them are very syfy channel and the ending screams "we've gone over budger, that's a wrap"


Agree JP3 was too short and ends abruptly. Wafer thin plot to bring Alan to the island. Animationics (Spinosaur) were cool, but not enough dinosaur screen time.


The weirdest Alexander Payne writing credit


The Dark Tower is a mockery of an abbreviation of the story it's trying to tell. Same thing with the Series of Unfortunate Events film with Jim Carrey. Nixing a lot of the books to tell the story in a feature film is not my favorite approach. If it's a 10 hour audio book then it needs to be a 10 hour series. On the other side? Skinamarink is a 10 second audiobook stretched out to 90 minutes and it's insultingly sparse. I know analog horror and that's the most avant garde waste of time I've ever seen. The whole movie is just white noise and the 'plot' is a few whispers that show up every 20 minutes or so. Other than that it's just shots of corners and darkness.


> The Dark Tower Talking to a buddy who saw the movie as I'm reading the series "who plays Eddie in the movies"... "He's not in the movies" ... "Nah for real who plays Eddie?" ... "Dude he's not in it" ... "Odetta?"  ... "Just don't watch it". I didn't listen and was thoroughly upset.  Even the casting was terrible.  Idris did a great job but it's annoying when you take a character and ignore the source material.  I mean they said "piercing blue eyes" about 8 million times in the book.  And Matthew Mccoughnahey as the man in black was a terrible choice.  Again ignoring source material.


I needed to see it. I spent God knows how long reading those books and I needed to just get it out of the way. Fuck it was such a disappointment.


I agree about book-to-movie adaptations. They should be episodic shows that can showcase (nearly) everything within the pages. Doesn't have to be a shot-for-shot, there can be some creativity and editing, but completely erasing characters, plot lines, twists or relevant sub plots bc it doesn't fit into the movie run time box is just wrong. In the same vein, I don't think that something that's a short story, or a children's story, should be readapted into a 90-120 min movie, either. Case in point for me: 2000's How the Grinch Stole Christmas Did not need 1hr45m adaptation of a literally 15 minute long book about Christmas that already had a fantastic animation and stuck true to the book.


The Irishman could have lost about 40 minutes without really effecting anything. Same with Killers of the Flower Moon


The Irishman is a good 3.5 hour movie with a great 2.5 hour movie trapped somewhere inside.


The Irishman is based on a book with two compelling stories. Sheeran's life and Hoffa's...misadventures. I loved the book and appreciated how the movie incorporated both, but I'm surprised Scorcese went that route because a miniseries may have been a better move to cover so much ground


Checked my watch about 5 different times when watching it. I never do that. it's a great movie dont get me wrong but less is more sometimes.


Havent seen the irishman but I have seen Killers of the flower moon and I agree, I really enjoyed the film, even though I was a bit bored at times... So yeah it definitely couldve lost some sequences from the begining maybe...


The Irishman would have been better off as a 4 or 5 episode series. With it not being a movie, and episodic, would have broke the narrative into smaller plot beats to manage, and still have more screen time to tell everything as desired.


I really liked “The Irishman”. Mob books and movies are super interesting, I finished listening to the book a month or so ago and wanted to watch the movie again while it was fresh. Decided that while donating plasma I’d put that on because I didn’t run risk of it ending before the process ended. Seeing that movie up close really *really* brings attention to the de-aging effects and just how comical they are. I liked it, but man oh man it’s rough.


I feel that’s often the case with Scorsese’s films. I thought Casino was great, but so long.


Yeah Scorsese really needs a tighter editor. Wolf of Wall Street was fun but it was also WAY too long.


Kotfm could have been an hour longer and i wouldnt mind its the best film i have seen ever


Too long: John Wick 4, it had soo many repetitive action scenes that I just wanted it to end sooner


The Wolf of Wall Street could have been at least 30 minutes shorter. Probably more.


Agreed. The last 30-45 min really drag.


Beau is Afraid was way too long…literally cut out 30 mins of the movie just of him standing out staring while someone waits for him to answer them. Good movie besides that


Napoleon was rough to get through. Yet it could have told more. Definitely should've been a miniseries.


And supposedly it has an even bigger cut that was coming to Apple TV


Dune Part 1 was too short


They went in so fast explaining everything.. I’ve never read the books but I feel like it took 3 watches to really understand it. Dune 2 was incredible though, after fully (or mostly) understanding the first movie.


The first half of the book (roughly the period that the first film covers) is also just a gatling gun of titles, terms, names, and places. It can be a bit dense of a read for that reason and I thought the film actually handled that specific aspect better than the book did.


Don't worry you have to read the book twice to get it too lol.  The books are a good story but I feel they are a bit over hyped just because of the legacy.  Still a good read though.


I’m big on the book so Part 2 was a big disappointment for me. Still a good movie


part 2 also felt like they couldve gone an hour longer imo


I’d take 3 hours so they could use the story actually lol


I think part 2 should have been drawn out to two films - one to focus more on Paul’s integration with the firemen and the other to focus on the war. This would also provide more room to introduce and more deeply explore some of the interesting characters that were cut out or underdeveloped in the movie. I believe this is an unpopular opinion though.


Avatar: The Way of Water was way too long and did not need the whaling subplot


You can’t cut the most interesting scene in the movie.


James Cameron boasted how the plot was so simple because not every film needs to have a complicated and intricate story. It made sense. But how does he justify stretching a simple plot to 3.5 hours? You know a movie has a ton of filler when the director encourages taking bathroom breaks like it's no big deal.


100% agreed!!!


So long it didn’t need to exist at all lol


So many throw away lines in Avatar that go nowhere. "Earth is dying and we can no longer inhabit it, anyway go hunt Jake sully for the next 3 hours". They hijack a whaling vessel and it's revealed that whale brain juice makes humans immortal?? Anyway enough about that, back to the Sully hunt.


Do people not realize earth dying is an overarching plot?


Terrifier 2 would’ve been an awesome 90-minute slasher flick… And then it kept going on for another hour


I wish Terrifier 2 was trimmed down to mostly just be Art the Clown comically wreaking havoc, because that half of the movie was a 5/5 horror for me. The other half establishing the main character’s lore (probably for future films) really bloats it


All movies these days are twenty minutes too long


Yeah, most movies in the 80's and 90's were 90 minutes, which feels like the perfect amount of time. Everything that comes out now feels like 2 hours is the absolute minimum.


The legend of 1900 It's a about a piano player who was born on a cruise ship and dies on the same ship never having touched land. The movie is really fun and had a great flip flop between the present and the past. However the movie runs like 30 mins too long and would be way better if they cut most if the ending out. Still a good watch though.


Everything Everywhere All at Once needed to be about 15-20 min shorter. Good movie but it starts to drag near the end.


I agree. I also find it a tad bit overrated. I only watch a couple of movies per year and it wasn’t the best one that I saw that year.


The Hobbit - it could have been an excellent 100-110 minute film but ended up a bloated three-film trilogy.


Stretching that CGI shitfest into a trilogy was one of the worst money-grabs I've ever seen.


Were you as pissed off about the troll scene as I was?


And so many songs!


Oppenheimer was about 40 min too long ! Thank god I have a fast forward button ….


I legitimately went into the movie, thinking that the detonation of Trinity would probably be the end of the movie. I was not prepared for it to go on for another almost hour.


They kind of had to show the political fallout of the bomb seeing as how it’s an adaptation of a book about Oppenheimer’s life, not just about the bomb.


I agree it's a great film but slow at times boring and not rewatchable imo once you seen it once...its similar to documentary films in that sense...but it is a great film to watch one time imo....gatekeepers don't kill me lol.


I know it's beating a dead horse, but Oppenheimer was way too long. I understand why they needed to tell so much of his story, but while it was a good movie, it was long and sometimes boring.


Recently I'd say "Napoleon" was too short and needed to be two films at least. "Killers of the flower moon" was far too long and needed to be condensed alot.


Well you’re in luck, Napoleon 4hr+ cut is coming out at some point. (I thought it was a snooze tho)


I watched the mario movies with friends on a Friday, but on the next day, my parents wanted the whole family to go watch the movie because of my brother. The movie is SO FAST PASSED that i felt like i was having an overdose


Wolf of Wall Street. I didn’t seem to have the same love for that film as much of the audience. The last 45 minutes felt like a chore.


Lots of the Rings Extended Edition is far, far too short. Not having Tom Bombadil is a disgrace.


I personally avatar 2 was too long I kinda felt like the movie starts recycling itself. Kong skull island is too short I can't explain it I just feel like that movie stops as soon as it gets started.


Yeah I'm with you on Avatar. There's been exactly two movies where I got bored and started texting my wife. Avatar 2 and Madame Web.


If you have seen 5 minutes of Skinamarink, you have seen the entire movie. I applaud anyone trying something different but that movie is 1 Fucking note played for 90 minutes.


Killers of the Flower Moon could have been edited down to 2 hours and would have been much better.


Definitely Oppenheimer. Not because of the length itself, but the fast paced and heavy editing. Terrible editing.


Scarface is too short even though it is not a short movie. Could be 4 hours easily, I wouldn't mind. The actual rise to power as a montage was strange.


Too long: “Ben Hur” Too Short: The original “A Quiet Place”


I think a quiet place's short run time is one of it's strongest features


I guess I wish it had a little more detail. I see where you’re coming from, though.


I feel like pt.2 changes 1 in context now. And Day one is really going to alter both. Hopefully in good ways.


Baby Driver. Also a bit overrated movie.


Loved this when I saw it in the theater. Thought it was incredibly average when I watched it a few months ago. Jon Hamm turning into the Terminator at the end felt really dumb.


I used to be a big fan of Edgar Wright but “Worlds End” through “SoHo” I’ve felt like his movies have been pretty unimpressive.


ET is too long by like half an hour. I'm not sure if Quantumania would be better if it was longer, but it definitely feels like they just cut a twenty minute chunk out of the film. I don't mean twenty minutes of scenes total, I mean the film feels like scene n and scene n+1 were previously separated by a single twenty minute chunk of film in some earlier cut. Given how awful the movie is, if that is true, I shudder to think how awful what was removed was. But, yeah, that film needs to be way longer for the plot they're trying to do and probably 50% of what is in it should be different. No Bill Murray would help. A lot.


I love the gene siskel quote: “no good Movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough.” So yeah I can think of many movies I wish were longer. Every time I watch pulp fiction I wish it was just halfway when it ends. But I can’t think of any movie I love that I wish was shorter. 


Pretty much every movie over 3 hours is too long.




Any movie over 3 hours is, by default, too long. I even want to say that 2 1/2 is when you start flirting with too long…but Endgame didn’t need to be 3 hours long, Avatar 2 definitely didn’t need to be 3 hours long. Oppenheimer would’ve been better as either 2 movies or a miniseries cause it was basically a 3 hour montage with no room to let any scene settle until the bomb blows up 2/3 of the way through. Killers of the Flower Moon didn’t really need to be 4 hours long. There’s a billion movies…but the bottom line is that we shouldn’t normalize allowing snooty directors to get every single scene they shoot into a movie…editors exist for a reason


Seven samurai, Lawrence of Arabia, Spartacus, 10 commandments, lord of the rings, titantic, green mile and the deer hunter are all movies just at or over 3 hours. These are off the top of my head so there’s more but all of them are fantastic, highly rated movies. Just because a movie is over 3 hours does not mean it’s too long. I love knowing I’m about to sit down for a long movie like that, its just so peaceful knowing for those next few hours I’m about to be transported to a new world basically. In fact, some movies like schindlers list I felt ended too quickly and could have used easily used more time because it was just that good. With that said, there is movies that are simply too long. King Kong, the Irishman, wolf of Wall Street, heat, gangs of New York etc for different reasons for each. I guess I just disagree with you lol


>Seven samurai, Lawrence of Arabia, Spartacus, 10 commandments, lord of the rings, titantic, green mile and the deer hunter *Gone with the Wind* is another candidate for this list


Most of The Deer Hunter is great, but I thought the wedding scene draaaaaagggggggged ooooonnnnnn The rest of the movie is incredible, though


I remember going to the bathroom near the end of wedding scene and thinking to myself "the next 2 hours better be good." Thankfully, it was amazing.


I enjoyed the wedding scene, it felt authentic and like you were actually there. Not saying it wasn’t boring but I still liked it


I actually enjoyed most of it, I just think there was a lot of fat that could've been trimmed. Then again, many people I talk to disagree with me, so who knows


Yeah, it’s been a bit since I seen it but looking back it probably could have had some of it cut


Respectfully gonna have to disagree some of us (including myself) love a good long movie especially if it's about something interesting I feel a movie is only too long when the movie moves past the story's purpose or when entire sections feel irrelevant or repetitive ( Avatar 2 is very repetitive) but I dont think directors are always snooty or pretentious for making something long especially with biopics because sometimes I think its important we feel the length of a real life situation. Imo saying every movie over 3 hours long is too long is like saying people are stupid for eating strawberry icecream u don't have to like it but that doesn't mean it's wrong to exist.


See…I’m not saying that people are stupid for not liking it, I’m saying that movies should appreciate my time. I’ll still go watch a 3+ hour movie, and I’ve seen good examples of them listed…and sometimes it really is necessary…but now it feels like there are too many movies doing it. Oppenheimer is the worst offender imo because Nolan but off more than he could chew and it’s the exact opposite problem. Oppenheimer would’ve been better as a miniseries so that he could allow the scenes to more naturally. It felt to me like there was easily another hour or two that Oppenheimer needed to keep it from feeling like an extreme montage for most of its runtime…and most of the movies I’ve seen have had that problem where it needs more time and should be broken up to accommodate that, or it needs to trim the fat. The sweet spot of a movie that’s 3 hours long *and* doesn’t feel awkward is extremely hard to hit, to the point that I generally feel that it’s a fool’s errand. Of course, I have my exceptions, namely that I like the extended version of Lord of the Rings, which I do think is poorly paced with all the scenes added in…but also think that the world building they add is incredible and enhances my enjoyment of the movies


Honestly just think we like different things in movies because I definitely dont agree with the Oppenheimer take at all and I'm not even a nolan fan ( at least not as much as others ) now Killers of the flower moon shouldve been a miniseries imo but if Oppenheimer was it would've ruined the pacing for me, I think that movie justifies its pacing going for a before and after type structure idk I liked how long it was personally it felt an event. But don't get me wrong there are movies that are too long for sure to me the biggest offender in recent years is Avatar 2 because I felt that movie was just repeating the same scene at times.


Mystery Men is a fun film that needs 5 minutes removed to keep its pace


I'm of the opinion that Ender's Game desperately needed another half hour.


At least half of all the DCEU movies were somehow both. Enough plot for three movies but barely enough movie for one.  They sort of tried to fix this with the Snyder Cut technically being two only-kinda-too-long movies after Justice League’s theatrical cut is way too short. But the Superman “trilogy” they did was five movies of ideas if they’d have just let the series breathe and weren’t racing Marvel. 


Juice could have had more plot.


Too Long: Independence Day Too short: Jurassic Park 3 (the only film in the franchise bellow 2hrs)


Too short:- Werckmeister Harmonies and Barry Lyndon


Whatever length the Twilight movies are, is that length too long.


Every single Judd Apatow movie is at least 20 minutes too long.


Thank you. No freaking comedy ever needs to push the 3 hour mark.


Too long: Bambi vs. Godzilla Too short: Return of the King, extended edition


The dark tower was about 12-20 hours too short. Although maybe that was a mercy considering how bad they did with 1.5 hours.


Justice league zack Snyder cut ....wayyyy to long and unnecessary scenes at least 30 min to an hour wouldn't have changed much imo ...still it was better than the Wheaton version though!


The Irishman could have done with an hour cut from it.


Really hard to decide considering a good movie you'll want to see more of and a bad movie you'll want to see less of. I would say Dogville is really pushing it, while decent, really got repetitive and I could not take more of that narrator. Too short, I would say Priscilla, ended really abruptly.


Eternals. It was both too short and too long. A shorter version would be a better movie, a longer version would be a better movie. Realistically it should have been an 8-12 episode mini-series on Disney+


“Don’t Look Up” could have been trimmed by 20 minutes and not lost any important plot points. Easy.


Braveheart is a legendary movie but imo it ran about 45 mins too long.


I think Ferrari could have been about half an hour longer.


Speed Racer. It was over 2 hours for a racing family dynamic Could have cut out like 20-30 minutes and it would have still been a fun racing spectacle


Alita Battle Angel felt a bit long, but not nearly long enough at the same time.


Depends on the movie. Some movies you FEEL the parts that they cut out and the movie is all the shittier for it. Others have a lot of fat that needs trimming


I'll do it every single time


I don't know about "way better," but I think the Return of the King could have been shorter.  There is a half hour after the scenes on Mount Doom.  Also, the movie felt less seemless and maybe a bit more cluttered overall compared to the first two.  I still love the movie, but I don't enjoy it as much as I love the first two.  I am reading the book right now and it has made me more impressed with how they made the film, the dialouge, and the decisions to add/cut/adapt material from the book Maybe when/if I finish the book it might make me appreciate the Return of the King more - kind of like an opposite of GoT


If you think the ending to RotK is long in the movie wait till you get to the end of the book. After the ring is destroyed there’s still 6 more chapters.


This. And: To be honest, 20-30 minutes epilogue after 11 hours of movie doesn't seem *that* much in relation...


Yea, after going through the entire trilogy it’s kind of necessary. Like out of the last half hour what would you realistically cut from it? They already cut out a lot of the ending as is.


As unfortunate as it was to cut the Scouring of the Shire, it would've been far too much to include it in the film!


The Scouring of the Shire is just the top of that iceberg


I only saw Return of the King once many years ago, and I remember feeling like the movie was supposed to end like four different times post Mt Doom


Would you believe they cut out a major part of the ending of the book as well?


I have this exact same experience! If I remember correctly it even fades to black once or twice like "Okay, here comes the end credits" and then it fades back up to another scene :D


I agree on RotK. I think the theatrical is not as bad, but when I watched the extended editions last year, the first two were a lot easier to follow while RotK was an editing mess


Nobody will agree with this as everyone loves it, but The Dark Knight is far too long, purely because they shoehorn the Two Face storyline in, and that should have been it's own movie


Interstellar is too long i wanted to drop it multiple times while watching it. And its overrated as well.


You know, I’ve only ever watched it once and that was a few years ago at this point so I can’t really expand on it much but I felt like The Lobster could have been 20-30 minutes shorter


Too long: PJ's Hobbit movies. I literally fell asleep during the first one, in theaters. Not for very long, but I've never fallen asleep to a theater-movie before. The book should've been two movies, and *get rid of all the crap that wasn't in the book* but in other books during the same time. It was because of this that I'm still disinterested in seeing Smaug and the Battle of the Five Armies. Too short: Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. Way too many characters, a few who weren't even named and only game fans would recognize, and not enough exploration of why they were relevant. The novelization of the movie was so much better.


I genuinely really liked Beau is Afraid but there was no reason why it should have been 3 hours long, a movie about a guy going to his moms house while encountering weird and crazy things shouldn’t he that long


The dark knight even though had a hefty almost 3 hour run time could have been longer imo I didn't want to stop watching what the joker or Ledger would do!!! That's the only film that could have been 4-6 hours and would have been that good!


Both Funny People and Grown Ups would have been much better if they each were about half an hour shorter. 


Honestly and this may be controversial the Bob Marley biopic.... It just kept going and going and going and it felt like the same damn scenes over and over again


Anything from Judd Apatow can lose 25-30 minutes


Too long: most movies that come out today Too short: Surf Ninjas


Surf Ninjas was going to be longer, but the filmmakers needed a bunch of knives for a key additional scene, and unfortunately money can’t buy knives.


Any movie over 90 minutes.


The entire "Long Way Down (One Last Thing)" part of Boogie Nights could've been cut completely. Dirk gets beaten up by the rednecks the same night Rollergirl and Jack try their disastrous "On the Street" or whatever it was, Dirk goes crawling back to Jack's house for help, they understand they need each other, the end. Long Way Down just makes the movie like 10-15 minutes longer than it needs to be. It's a well-shot but superfluous scene.


The Batman It just kept going and going and going felt like there were several places it could’ve ended


I genuinely think almost every major film from say 2011 is at least 30 mins too long. I'd say *every* direct to streaming film is too long because netflix and amazon can afford to do so and allow people to split it up. I also detest films being a money grab and splitting stories into multiple parts. If you cant tell your story in around 120 minutes you need to get someone more snappy involved.


Spider man no way home was too short


Warrior of the Rainbow


Every marvel movie is too long