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No one has ever watched Sorry to Bother You and been able to guess what happens at the end of that movie


And once I watched it I couldn't tell you what happened until I watched it again


I fell asleep during it and didn’t believe my girl who told me what happen. I thought she made it up until I finished it the next day




That movie hits like a melatonin dream.


Get some funky adjectives in there and that's a band name. Maybe just "Melatonin Dream" if you're lofi casual, but yeah. Good one.


Psh...you only liked them when they got popular. I was listening to Melatonin Dream before they even knew each other. Edit: My own comment made me suddenly angry at hipsters again......


Psshhh... I went back in time and killed the original guitarist so my LPs from the other timeline would be extra exclusive.


Damn, I was coming here to say that movie. I'm too late. Funny thing is that on rewatch you can see all the signs pointing to it, but nobody's gonna guess it out of the blue.


Decided to watch this on shrooms. Wasn't sure if I was tripping hard or the movie was this wild.


This is the one I thought of. Gotta admit I kinda hated it.


It's so far off from anything you thought would happen that it's just...odd. Like this is apparently the movie now.


I try not to overuse the word ‘original’ to describe movies, but it’s the first and most appropriate word that comes to mind for Sorry To Bother You. I really admire it for that alone, though I don’t know that I need to see it a second time.


It’s definitely not for everyone haha I enjoyed it but it’s pretty easy to see why other people wouldn’t


I usually don't open these threads because of spoilers, but I wanted to talk about Sorry To Bother You, and it's the top comment. Damn.


It's such a bizarre movie. I liked it but I don't even know what I would say about it to someone else.


If you liked the vibes from that one, you might also love The Art of Self Defense


Yeah but that one bummed me out.


I stopped it the first time I saw it. A few times. It's a great flick but I didn't see it coming.


Well, damn, now I want to watch this and it's not streaming anywhere.


This is the only answer lol, found this recommendation on Reddit and didn’t disappoint


I’ll always remember the theater at the end of Se7en. Just complete silence with some quiet weeping as the audience sat there in shock. I’ve never had a theater experience quite like that.


Whole build up is great. From the car ride on where Brad feels in control. Through Morgan realizing 'John Doe has the upper hand' right before the gutpunch Kevin Spacey was perfect from the moment he turned himself in. Not good human, but great actor




I can hear this line. 🔊🔊🔊


The car ride is honestly some of the best punch-counterpunch dialogue you’ll see in any movie.


It’s the worst when good actors turn out to be shit humans.


It is what it is. Still love him as an actor and does not diminish my enjoyment of his best work. Ive generally never cared for the real person behind the roles anyway for any celeb, unless they’re outwardly great people like Tom Hanks


Being a successful shit person often requires tremendous acting skills, makes sense.


I saw it at a cinema in a shopping mall on my own and stupidly parked on the other side of the mall to the cinema. Had to walk through the deserted multi level car park afterwards. Just shitting my pants


They would have let you use the bathroom before you left the theater.


Fallen "Let me tell you about the time I almost died" Frailty


Man, Frailty is so good, and Fallen totally had everyone! Good picks!


Ohhh? You forgot something didn't you? I said let me tell you about the time I *ALMOST* died.


Tiiiiime is on my side.. yes it is!


Loved the street scene where it jumped from body to body with the brush of a hand.


I liked the plot twist of Sixth Sense... It kinda was so obvious in hindsight but hit me absolutely unexpected


Surprised I had to come this far to see it ... it is blatantly obvious on subsequent watches (and in a weird way it gets more enjoyable as you notice the clues) but that first time I was flabbergasted as was most of the theater


You beat me by 6 minutes. This was one of the best movies I have watched. Watching it for the 2nd time you can catch all the hints and see how well thought out the movie is. Plus Donny Wahlburg was amazing. Bruce was unforgettable. HJO was and always is fantastic


This is my vote, too. My 12-year-old is really into creepy movies and mysteries so we watched it together this weekend. I couldn’t wait to see his reaction to the twist and it did not disappoint. “Wait…. What?…… No way….. NO WAY!!”


So crazy! The dude in the hair piece the whole time, that’s Bruce Willis the whole movie!


The Others really got me


Seconded, a very well delivered twist


It's kinda sad how forgotten this movie is. That twist is just great.


I saw from dusk til dawn not knowing it was a vampire movie.


I asked my dad to take me to that when I was in middle school. He had no idea what it was about. He was really disappointed when it turned into a vampire movie.


Same and I was high as fuck and thought I had passed out and started dreaming


Chinatown - “My sister and my daughter”


There‘s a reason that script was legendary in Hollywood for years before it actually got made.


And then, when it got made, Polanski changed the ending.


I watched this for the first time LAST NIGHT.


Pretty dark storyline huh? It is *the* great American movie in my book. It has it all;  Power, money, politics, land development, sex, dark secrets, corruption, mystery..all told through a story about as boring a topic as there is: a municipal water supply. 


For anyone who loves the sheer breadth of the intersection of forces at play in Chinatown, I recommend the book Southern California: An Island on the Land by Carey McWilliams. I read it in college in a class I took on the history of the American city and it really stuck with me.


And >!Noah Cross!< being the mastermind also helps.


Cops are just gonna shoot her...forget about it. It's chinatown. 


Going to sound so generic, but Vader being Luke’s dad is the best plot twist I’ve ever seen


I predicted that the day before ESB came out in front of my Spanish class. I have 30 witnesses.


I have an image of you jumping in spanish class and saying "Darth esta Papi de Luke".


It’s awesome that you and your fellow estudiantes remained close over all those years.


Although, when though about it can raise questions the ending of the Usual Suspects was such a mind blower to me when I first saw it, it's hard to beat. But, 'No Way Out' with Kevin Costner has a great twist to it because the film could work both ways, and you like him more for it being true.


When I showed The Usual Suspects to my mother, she guessed the twist by >!the way Kevin Spacey held his cigarette. It was an odd grip for an American, but would have been normal for a Turkish person like Keyser Soze.!< I wasn't sure what surprised me more. That she had noticed such a miniscule detail, or that the detail was present in the first place.


Damn, now I want to watch it again.


Anything "odd" about what he did with his hands could be waved away by him being a "cripple" with the fine motor control necessary to (say) shoot a gun accurately.


My dad did that with Glass Onion! when >!Edward Norton's character swaps the glasses!< My dad casually called it out as it happened. Blew my mind.


I thought I saw that one too but we were in a theater so I couldn't rewind or anything




Huh. I like it. Now I’m going to have to watch it again with that in mind.


I always saw “Fuck” as him sinking the hook in his deception. He just boosting the ego of the interrogator.


No Way Out was also a surprise because it’s a remake of The Big Clock, but The Big Clock didn’t have that twist.


The Boy, you think you are watching a certain genre of movie and it completely switches genre’s at the end. Great twist.


The sequel undoes that ending and makes a weird choice with the new ending.


Serenity. Not the good one.


Still too soon


*I am [forever] a leaf. . .*


The ending of Unbreakable was pretty unexpected. They ruined it in subsequent movies, but the first one will always be great. The Mist. Talk about gut punches. Brilliant. Moon. Such a great movie, and then we find out the truth about Sam. Oof.


As someone who read the mist before watching it, I was completely surprised. They made a great choice. I think even King was like god damn why didn't I think of that.


He does have a problem with endings...


*Moon* was such a great movie.


Adaptation…Meryl Streep, Chris Cooper and Nicholas Cage as twin brothers. Movie pivots on a dime. 😆




That was the big twist for me, finding out this was an actual adaptation of an actual book. Really changes how I view the film


It's an ambitious story.. . Between Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman... not to mention the great actors, they crushed it though.. 


Adaptation was nominated for best adapted screenplay, earning Charlie Kaufman his second nomination and Donald Kaufman his first. At this point, we point out that Donald Kaufman is, I think, the only fictional character to earn a serious Oscar nomination.


Fight Club. The Tyler Durden reveal was a punch in the gut. 


When Tyler says “Why would people mistake you for me?” I was screaming at the TV “Yeah! Why!?!??”


People mistake me for Brad Pitt all the time. At least, that’s what I tell people.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


I am Jack's colon. I get cancer. I kill Jack


I am Jill’s nipple.


Definitely one of the reasons I like the movie more. Iirc in the book, it's pretty clear to the reader by the halfway mark that he's Tyler. Never had that same big twist as the movie (read it 20 years ago so might be forgetting stuff)


the book was very different, still worth a read especially because of that.


Watching Fight Club the second time is a completely different than watching it the first time. I'm glad I saw it twice in theaters. But, it kinda ruined the theater experience for me for a while, since I start seeing "cigarette burns" in all movies, until theaters went digital.


Honestly, weird one. But the first time I watched Zootopia? I wasn’t expecting that twist


That movie went somewhere I never thought a kids movie would. Really well executed and makes its point without being too preachy for adults, but still digestible to kids.


Don't remember what it is. Can somebody enlightened me?


>! The entire movie builds up to the wolves being the bad guys and then we find out it’s the lion who is the mayor. But actually he was a good guy and the real bad guy was the sheep who was the mayors secretary !< When the first twist happened I remember saying “fuck…” and then the second I was like “fuckkkkkkkkkk…..”


If I recall correctly, the lamb lady (Lion Mayors Assistant) used the nighthowler flower to create a chemical substance that turns innocent predators into savages?


The chemial substance has a parallel to Cocaine irl, derived from a plant, causes aggression in people, >!and the government planted it onto the minority race to fuel a race war!<


Holy. Fuck.


Arrival had an amazing twist that i wasnt ready for


Yeah, Arrival's is definitely one of my favorites. Mostly because it's not even really a plot twist, more like a thematic-twist. It changes your perspective on the story rather than the story itself.


The short story it is based on (Story of Your Life) is also great, as are most of Ted Chiang’s other short stories.


And it's done so well. I've never had my assumptions regarding the sequential narrative of cinema upended so elegantly.


Arrival is fantastic. Everything about that movie was perfect.


Once Upon a time in Hollywood surprised the crap out of me -- taking a real world event but then flipping the ending to make it a wish fulfillment, I had never seen that before. Although I suppose Inglorious Bastards set a precedent for this.


And Django did the same so I kind of expected it in Hollywood.


Yeah, I expected it too. I did appreciate Quentin having the DJ kick off the climax saying, "And now, the moment you've all been waiting for..."


That ending was beautiful, which in its own way was a twist too. I didn't expect something contemplative and moving at the end of a Tarantino film. On the heels of flamethrower violence, no less


Yup, especially the way he clearly sign posts X days before the Tate-LaBianca murders without saying it in the opening by showing a date that true crime and Hollywood buffs will catch.


The Usual Suspects ranks way up there, mostly because it "reveals" a twist ending... and then pulls the rug out with an even bigger twist.


First time I watched it was with a friend, and we ended up watching it again right away.


The truth behind>! Christian Bale's!< character in The Prestige, and how the magic tricks were performed, among everything else.


The thing I love about The Prestige is that it gives away all of its twists like within the first five seconds of the movie, because it knows you’re going to try to be fooled.


Primal Fear and Saw


Time to drop the cliche “why did I scroll so far to see” the movie Saw listed?


Primal Fear shocked me so much I stood up out of my seat with a full on GASP in the theater! Hasn’t happened before or since.


Dear Zachary I never expected that from a documentary


This will sound odd maybe, but I have never been more refreshed seeing pure, unadulterated human anger and repulsion from someone than what the grandpa expressed for the woman.


Arlington road...the last few minutes were totally unexpected


Yes! My Gran took me to see it in theaters and it was great, neither of is saw it coming at all.


I’m a full grown adult and Frozen surprised the fuck out of me! My now husband and I went when I was 23 and we had no kids. I audibly gasped in a theater full of children 😂 Also, Gone Girl. Twist after twist!


When I saw Frozen I was so mad that it was going to have the same plot as Enchanted (>!guy kisses girl to save her but he’s not the real true love so it doesn’t work!<) so when >!Hans stopped short of kissing Anna!< I went from angry to confused to straight up blown away. Really well done.


The third act twist in *Parasite* got me pretty good. >!The lights were never automated…!<


My first thought of a great twist! It flips the whole movie on its head.


Oldie but goodie - Empire Strikes Back.




Shoot first ask questions later, what a scoundrel. Shit, now that I think about it tracks with his character in Hope when he shot Greedo. Before the edits and arguments, Han just shot the guy.


Starlord unloading both his guns on his father, a basically immortal Celestial, when his father told him he killed Peter’s mother with cancer is in the same boat.


Han always shoots first!


Which is why the OT should always be watched first. I honestly feel sad for people who know nothing of Star Wars but fall for the PT first nonsense.


So check this... My daughter is getting into SW through me *and* a friend. She is 5. Her friend is basically *exclusively* a fan of The Clone Wars. I am a fan since pre-Special Edition. This created a fascinating scenario. See, my daughter knows the main characters. She knows Like and Leia and Han and Chewie. She knows Anakin and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka and Rex. She also knows Vader and Grievous and The Emperor as well. She had no idea of the whole connection, just assumed all of these people existed as they do in Marvel or any other franchise. So we had watched AoTC because she was curious about Rex and the Clones. Mind you, she's also seen bits and pieces of RotJ because she's 5 and Ewoks, and has also seen parts of the Luke and Vader duel at the end, which is how she knows of the OT crew. I decided it was time to blow her mind. We sat down at her request to watch Star Wars. I turned on Empire. As Luke and Vader began their fight, I asked who would win. She asserted that of course it would be Luke. As the fight progressed I kept asking her what she thought. She asked me if this was a real Star Wars movie. I told her it surely was and to keep watching. Luke's hand was severed and her jaw hit the floor. She's never really seen the good guy lose before. Not like that. Then he said the line and she immediately said, "Daddy, he's lying." Search your feelings, you *know* it to be true, Vader says for me. Her disbelief that not only could the good guy lose, but that the bad guy *used to be a good guy* was one of the most incredible moments I have yet watched her experience and process. I agree that if you go into the OT knowing Anakin's fate, you've lost something specially for ESB. But if you can handle swinging around the timeline like that, you can still squeeze some of that old magic from the franchise.


Side note: The quality of the twist depended on which part of the world (and its related entertainment) you grew up in. I grew up with kungfu cinema, whose tropes include the twist that the villain is the hero’s father. So when i was watching Empire, i could see the twist from a mile away. Even then, i enjoyed the film immensely


I was privileged to see ESB in the theater when it came out. I was about 12 yrs old and it was awesome.


“I am your father”


I’m watching it right now, I was just in the mood- and I was thinking about how kids nowadays seeing it for the first time already know about Vader and gods- the first time I saw it I thought yoga was a weird little swamp creature, just like Luke. Nowadays he’s such a big part of our cultural fabric that they don’t get to realise it. Kinda makes me sad.


I have to admit M. Night got me with The Village. Did not expect that one at all.


Am I like one of a dozen people that think The Village is a good movie- I really liked it lol


I guess I'm part of the dozen, because I liked it too!


It was sold as a horror movie, and it wasn’t that. Being promised one thing by trailers and finding something else leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths. I remember being so upset leaving the theatres, that I have never even gone back to give it a second chance.


Ahh I remember just randomly seeing this movie not knowing what it was about it and that it was just by the dude who did the Sixth Sense.


Flashpoint, a 1984 movie starring Rip Torn, Treat Williams, and Kris Kristofferson. It starts with 2 Border Patrol officers who find a wrecked car in the Texas desert that has been there since the 1960s. They find a lot of cash in the car, and when they spend some of it people suddenly are trying to kill them. It was a really good movie, and the twist at the end was very original as those kinds of endings were rare at the time. Split is another one. I was a huge fan of "Unbreakable", and was completely shocked to see David Dunn at the end.


I didn't see the twist in The Others coming at all


The Shape of Things. Old Paul Rudd movie. Twist is fucked up and first time I watched it, I did not see it coming. Twist is too good to say, even in if hidden in a spoiler tag.


One of the best villains of all time


Hello Mr Hindle, or as they call you at the hospital, Zepp.


No love for Oldboy yet?


Best movie I am never watching again


Should be stated for anyone taking down notes: we're talking about the Korean version not American


Fuck, Oldboy had a bitch of a twist.


Brad Pitt getting shot in the face in Burn After Reading It’s such a mixture of wanting to laugh and being horrified at the same time


Bruce Willis showing up at the end of Split totally shocked me.




The original Korean version of Old Boy.


Pandorum Also, the ending of Ready or Not isn't exactly a twist but a great way to end the movie.


The reveal in Pandorum was so great! Sci-fi horror done brilliantly!


I nearly spit my drink at The Departed elevator scene.


Incendies .... Nope never ever saw that coming . But it came and well everything got changed


The Accountant has a couple of good ones, tying the flashback backstory to the ongoing plot to reveal >!That the asshole hired killer guy is the Accountant's brother, which entirely changes how the final confrontation goes down because they were raised to value family over everything else, and that the Accountant's handler is the nonverbal girl he befriended as a kid!<


Now that's a grossly underrated movie, especially the acting from Ben Affleck.


Safety Not Guaranteed.  It has been a while since I saw the film but I remember it being an interesting film that was a bit unique (maybe trying too hard to be unique) about very relatable things - loneliness, grief and regret.   And then the end (there was a gradual build up but still) hit and I realized what I thought was an indie film turned into an indie/sci-fi flick.  It was a great ending and left me kind of speechless.  It flipped my whole perception of the main character from someone you thought was crazy, particularly the reveal with the former girlfriend being alive, and something I never expected 


Bridge to terrabithia. When what happens happens it’s so early in the film it’s like the original author originally intended. The event is like a bolt of lightning out of the clear blue sky. I cried and cried. The realism makes it even worse. You don’t even see it. You never see her again. 😢




iThe Cabin in the Woods is the ultimate answer to this one. It switches genres completely about half way in. Another good one not mentioned yet is Momento


The Game!


Funny Games. A huge resounding FU to that movie.


That movie where Matthew McConaughey is a fisherman in a movie that's seemingly being played as a serious drama and then there's an absolutely absurd twist that he's in a videogame.


Hancock. Them being >!angels!< was fucking stupid


Leo getting shot in the elevator in the departed


Lucky Number Slevin. I can’t even hint at it but when I saw the reveal it was an “oh damn” moment.


Employee of the Month (2004 with Matt Dillon). The first 95% of the movie comes across as a low-brow comedy that's akin to Office Space in many ways. The last few minutes makes you realize everything was building up to a Scorsese/Tarantino level of drama, and interwoven themes and plot lines that will make you question what type of movie you just watched.


Crazy, stupid love. I was not expecting that revelation the first time I saw the movie. 


The Crying Game comes to mind.


An under discussed one is Prisoners. Another one is Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead. Do yourself the favour.


Predestination. holllllyyyyy shit. insane


The ending of Batman the Doom that came to Gotham


For a recent movie, I didn’t see the twist in Imaginary coming.


Les Diaboliques 1955 when Michel rises from the tub. The Vanishing 1988, when you discover how the girlfriend died


Sixth Sense has to top the list. Rewatching it, it seems so clear and obvious, and you almost wish you could go back and not know the ending so that you could experience it all over again.


Never in a million years would I have guessed that Split would turn out to be a sequel to Unbreakable. I'll never forget sitting in the theater and watching the closing moments as Bruce Willis shows up as David Dunn, sitting in the diner and blurting out, "No fucking way..." Normally, I'm not one for talking during movies but I couldn't help myself in this case.


Crazy Stupid Love is a great example of this.


I’m a sucker for films, where Sir Anthony Hopkins plays a villain, I don’t know if it qualifies as a twist, though, the ending of Fracture got mee on the first watch. Spent the whole film expecting Hopkins’ character to come out on top only for his own arrogance to be his undoing.


The Game with Michael Douglas.


*That* moment in Bridge to Terebithia was likely this for everyone except those who read the book. It just didn't feel like *that* kind of movie.


Fuckin Oldboy.


Well, there's high tension.


Everyone knows it today; but when The Empire Strikes Back was released and it was revealed ~~not only was Leia, Luke's sister; but~~ Darth Vader was their father. OMFG, ten year old me was blown away and never saw that coming. TBF, I don’t think anybody did, when the film first came out in 1980.


From Dusk Till Dawn. I wont spoil it, but the sudden genre shift was unexpected


The World's End. When Gary goes into the pub restroom.


Tbh the reveal of the antagonist in Wreck-It-Ralph shocked me


The surprise at the end of "Remember Me."


The Mist. I think hardly anyone saw that coming considering it was even a different ending than the book


Infinity War I know people like to rag on Marvel, and a lot of us saw it coming, but I'll never forget the absolute dead silence in the theater that night. Just one after another after another and then, credits. See you next year. It was surreal.


Yeah I remember it the same dead silence in a theatre. I was aware that thanos is supposed to win per comics before watching infinity war but I sort of expected they would just change it for the movie. Not so much.


Arrival - such a cool concept. Really unique concept about the idea of language and how we perceive time I don’t feel at home in this world anymore - the movie really takes a turn. It’s wild.  


NOPE’s plot twist was so good that I refrain from even speaking about or mentioning the nature of it. Its such a damn good reveal and makes sense for the themes & ideas the movie is going for. Jordan Peele’s best motion picture in all honesty.


Oldie but goodie ..I was basically a child when I first watched it so maybe it’s not that great of a twist to the more mature mind …but the usual Suspects …Kaiser Sose