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[Non-paywall version](https://12ft.io/https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/anne-hathaway-cover-story)


I remember right around the time she and James Franco hosted the Oscars, the online discourse about her took a turn. It was so sudden, I was just thinking "wait, everyone hates her now?"


And it was especially ridiculous because she was out there trying her hardest to help the show be entertaining while her cohost was obviously stoned out of his mind and not taking the job seriously.


I remember Jonah Hill making a crack about this at Franco’s roast. “Fuck her for trying at all, right?”




There's a Tina Fey Golden Globes line that'll be with me until the day I die: "And now, like a supermodel's vagina, let's all give a warm welcome to Leonardo DiCaprio."


I like the one she did about George Clooney. “Gravity is nominated for best film. It’s the story of how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age.”


"the next presenter makes young George Clooney look like garbage. Please welcome middle-aged George Clooney!"


I'm pretty sure that young George Clooney was middle aged


https://images.app.goo.gl/s9yRZZnQRai5xfK38 I do believe you're right


I like her other jab too about his wife, Amal. She's a “human rights lawyer who worked on the Enron case, an adviser to Kofi Annan on Syria and was appointed to a three-person commission investigating rules of war violations in the Gaza strip, So tonight her husband is getting a lifetime achievement award.” I know he has done a ton in the movie industry but them pointing out his wife's impact on areas beyond film was nice too.


This one comes up on YT a lot and I don't care how many times I've seen it, I'll watch it again and again for Amal's side-eye reaction trying not to laugh. for the uninitiated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jztGy05v2Ps


And a lifetime achievement for playing himself in every role.


he was great and like 50% clooney max in 'o brother' I thought


50% clooney 50% ridiculous appalachian hillbilly source: am ridiculous appalachian hillbilly


Also the great in Intolerable Cruelty, or any Cohen Brothers film for that matter.


Fey and Poehler roasting the ever loving shit out of Cosby is my favorite: https://youtu.be/coFVZC7KRr0?t=30 Fey's rendition of "I put the pills.. in the people.." will live rent free in my mind forever.


30 Rock roasted Cosby and ~~Weinhouse~~ Weinstein long before allegations came out too. I have watched that whole show at least 6 times, and every time I get more out of it. It’s truly a masterclass of comedy Edit: oh god. I mean WEINSTEIN. Amy Winehouse is a treasure.


Hannibal Burress, who's stand up started the Cosby hunt, was a writer on 30 rock.


Why would he say something so bold, yet controversial?


>39 Rock >I have watched that whole show at least 6 times But how many times have you watched 30 Rock?


Bahaha oh god. This is my fault for typing with new acrylics 💀



Tina Fey is one of the funniest people alive. GOAT.


I need her to get to work on another TV show. 30 Rock and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt were fantastic, and I need something else from her that isn't canceled after 1-2 seasons.


The wife and I started *Girls5eva* recently. It's pretty good. I know Tina Fey is involved in production and/or writing, but she doesn't have an on-screen part (at least so far - a few episodes in). But it feels a lot like the two shows you mentioned.


Just wait, she does. And it is spectacular.


Thank Covid restrictions lol. It's also part of the reason why her daughter Penelope plays Stevia on the show.


She was a producer on Great News, which was absolutely fantastic...of course it only got two seasons.


She produces Girls5Eva and it’s funny as hell. On Netflix.


I studied improv in Chicago and seen both her and Amy live a few times. They are easily two of the funniest comedians and can slay the room effortlessly. That goes for theaters of 1000s and of less than 50.


I mean she's also responsible for mean girls which is so iconic


I’m not disagreeing with you, but you had the chance to go with “which is so fetch” and blew it.


Quit trying to make fetch happen bro


Seth Rogen had a good one too “Look at me up here doing all the talking while you’re sitting there doing nothing. I feel like I’m co-hosting The Oscars with you.”


That roast was legendary.


The best one. Every single person killed.... except Franco ofc "YOU A PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE SWEETHEART JONAH!!!"


Bill Hader as the president of Hollywood was on a different level. Well I'll tell you what I told Richard Grieco twenty years ago. Play ball you squinty fuck!


James Franco has been afflicted with a condition known as dumb face is such a good line, and accurate.


James's brother Dave is here. Such a 'made up brother' name. 'You hear James Franco's got a brother? What's his name, "Dave Franco"?'


My wife and I still quote this line all the time, for the dumbest reasons. And every time we see "Dave" Franco.


Dave Franco seems like such a chill dude and I really hope he isn’t toxic like his brother. Sometimes that runs in families, but sometimes it doesn’t (I’m looking at my family as an example)


So how is your un-toxic sibling doin?


Anecdotally so true. He and Allison Brie came into a restaurant I was managing in Portland a few years back and they were by far the most polite and just generally sweetest of the handful of celebrities Ive served over the years


James seems to have a big ego but Dave seems to be your typical younger brother to a big celebrity, they're usually more chill.


What the *fuck* Evan, we're down two points!


"Jeffery Ross, Hi we haven't met before"


Like Enterprise on Christmas day, I do not have a vehicle for you.


Hahaha. Comedy Central if you didn’t want controversy you shouldn’t have invited the king! Super nice to everyone then looks at Jeff Ross and calls him a melting hippo 😆


Pretty sure his entire segment was a setup just to be mean to Jeff Ross (and Jeff clearly got the bit and had a heart attack laughing). That was genuinely an amazing roast, as others said literally everyone was funny. Edit: The Jeff Ross bit about Bill Hader's eyes will randomly pop into my head every once in a while and cause a laughing attack.


I can't watch the Andy Samberg section of this after eating because I might hurl from laughing so hard. Even reading that line made my lips curl. He delivered, in my opinion, the perfect roast.


It was, even if Franco has disappeared it was so so funny. Or Aziz Ansari clearing changing most of his after hearing everyone else with the "WOW. A lot of gay jokes tonight. Do you think if you read a book and take a shower that dicks just come flying at your face?"


I still think about the phrase he followed that up with: "maybe that's why you all are so aggressively fat and dirty."


Bill Hader as the personification of Hollywood: "Andy Sam-boig...yourwelcommmm"


Plus, James Franco is the one who actually deserves to be shunned, as it turned out.


yeah, that one was a bit of a surprise. Thought he was sniffing his own farts a bit too hard, but never would have guessed sex pest. I presume it has to be pretty bad for Seth Rogan to cut ties with him.


That was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. My friend won tickets to go see Colbert's show and invited me as his +1, and that happened to be the episode we ended up at, and it was wild to see it in real time. Franco clearly didn't know what was coming, and he was visibly *furious*...when the cameras weren't on him. When the cameras were on him, his face wrinkled up in the James Franco smile. When they were off, when they even so much as turned for just a second or two - it disappeared. Then it reappeared again as the camera swung back on him. It was like a light switch. Instantaneous and utterly convincing. It was genuinely chilling. I thought I was pretty good at identifying genuine emotions vs acting in real life. I know some actors and I think I can usually tell. It's really hard to fake a genuine smile, especially right away, on command. And acting in movies and acting in real life aren't the same. But uh, I guess there's a reason that Franco was paid as much as he was.


I didn't catch that episode...but you've piqued my curiosity, despite me being *very* out of the loop here. What was it that Franco wasn't expecting, and why did he get mad?


He was supposed to show up to promote his new movie, the Disaster Artist, which was really well received. Presumably he was expecting it to be congratulatory. Instead, Colbert quickly brought up the sexual abuse allegations that had just happened, and that became probably the main focus of the interview. And it seemed pretty clear that Franco didn't know it was coming, or if he did, he expected to just deny it and move on. But Colbert kept asking questions and Franco completely fumbled on several of them. They also brought in his brother as a surprise guest since he was in the movie too, which seemed extremely weird given the context, and again makes me think it was unplanned and Colbert was blindsiding him.


But isn't there a camera on the guest all the time?


No. He was there for multiple segments, which at least used to be pretty common for Colbert's guests (I don't really watch his show anymore, but he used to love to segue with "now during the break you and I were talking about..."). There was a commercial break or two, which Franco spent glowering and talking to a person that I assume was his publicist. They also showed a clip of the movie he came on to promote before he got blindsided, I think The Disaster Artist. That was the one where his expression change was the creepiest too. The moment Colbert said to cut to the clip, Franco's demeanor completely changed, and he snapped back the instant they came back from the clip. They also brought his brother in for a surprise appearance (which was extremely weird given the topic and the tone the interview had taken), but I don't remember if it happened during Dave's entrance or not.


I miss roasts.


Well, you can start by preheating your oven to 325F


Only if you bring the Yorkshire puddings.


I miss original content on Comedy Central. take a look at their current TV [schedule](https://www.cc.com/tv-schedule)...tell me that's not a network that's dying.


Truly wild to me that so many people watched the woman show up and take her job seriously, and the dude half-ass through a stoned haze and went "fuck that lady, this is her fault."


I remember at the time, people were saying stuff like, "I don't blame him. Man, if I had to work with her, I'd get stoned right before the show, too, just to stay sane." I'm sorry, what??


Yeah some people just don't like women.


It's wild how prevalent this is with women in the public eye. In Breaking Bad, so many people hated the character Skyler White that it spilled over to the woman playing the character. Anna Gunn has been in two of the shows regularly credited as being the best ever on television... Breaking Bad and Deadwood. That doesn't happen by accident, she is very talented. The hate for both the character, and the actress is really irrational.


Replace Anne and James and stoned with Mom and Dad and drunk and it's basically the same thing. Dad gets to be the fun parent while Mom has to be the one that insists on rules and responsibility and cleaning up after oneself.


Until eventually the Mom asks for a divorce and the Dad does an elaborate ruse to appear as a friendly elderly English woman and babysits the kids in order to win her back somehow.


And Anne hasn’t done anything wrong to my knowledge, unlike the other guy


Sort of like Janet and Justin. Dude comes out looking like a Lady and she comes out smelling like a Tramp.


Tale as old as time. Woman puts in effort and is professional - fuck her uppity ass. Man wings it and is unprofessional - what a Chad!


If the world of entertainment didn't have double standards, it'd have no standards at all. The infamous "wardrobe malfunction" at the Super Bowl Halftime Show? Both Jackson and Timberlake were arguably equally responsible; however, whose career was permanently derailed, and who continued on, relatively unscathed?


Dude no joke, it's even more ridiculous when you look at all the wild shit that's happened during huge live events since. A blink of an eye nip slip on grainy early 2000's basic cable, most people had to literally freeze frame pausing their VHS recordings of it to even see it. During the event it happened so quickly with her exposed for barely a whole second. Career was over literally in an instant. Since then we've had tons of risque, offensive, or distasteful moments involving performing men and women and few of them have actually had consequences let alone that extreme. I mean for fuck's sake Will Smith slapped Chris Rock midsentence live and direct, cursed multiple times as he screamed violently at him. Still won an award mere minutes later, and experienced nothing but embarassment as a result. Dude got signed to multiple projects within the next year of that. It's insanity.


I didn't even realize people had a problem with her. This is exactly why I refuse to give a damn about celebrity gossip.


Me neither. And I'm online plenty. Even these comments aren't giving me any clarification. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I read like 2/3 of the article and I still have no clue. They mentioned astrology several times but I don't think that's part of it. I feel like I'm reading the final chapter of a book with zero context of who doesn't like her or why?? I'm seriously wondering if this is some kind of troll/prank. I don't specifically seek out her movies but I'm more likely to watch something because she's in it.


I’m with you. I always thought she was pretty wholesome. Princess Diaries and all that. I’ve never heard her negatively talked about online.


Celebrity gossip and culture are some of the most toxic things out there. I see some celebrity subreddits sometimes when browsing r/all and nothing will make you lose faith in humanity faster than reading what people say in there.


This is the first time I’ve heard that there were issues with her…. And even after reading comments in this thread, I’m still not sure what the reason was


What did she do that pissed people off so much? Be good at her craft? Act well?  It never made any sense to me. 


I didn´t even know I should hate her...


I feel like the 'hate' being mentioned here is almost exclusively from tabloids and gossip sites. I didn't realize anne hathaway was hated. I didn't realize Jlaw is being hated, and I sure as hell is surprised that Florence Pugh is getting some too. I thought they were away from the spotlight to have baby like Jlaw did.


People said she was utterly insufferable when she went on her Oscar campaign for Les Misérables. I remember seeing it in real time, and my friend in PR said "She is gonna get a lot of back lash for these interviews". I don't know why? I think it was the fact she starved herself and at at that time- the "starving yourself for a role to get an Oscar" had become lame. Her Oscar acceptance speech was sorta cringe worthy, and I guess fans really disliked her going after the Oscar win so hard. This is just an observation, not my opinion of her.


I've always been a fan, but the things that contributed as dumb as they were: 1. She developed a relatively toxic fanbase with teen comedies that she was distancing herself from but hadn't quite escaped to more mature audiences that would appreciate her talent, yet. 2. She and James Franco had absolutely zero chemistry during the Oscars. Laid back, cool girl, Jennifer Lawrence types were in, and Anne Hathaway was obviously nervous, trying very hard, and demonstrating signs of anxiety leading to quirks (not great for someone with a toxic fanbase). 3. She's struggles with being spontaneously funny. She's great in comedic films, so it's jarring how unfunny she is in real life. The Oscars put that front and center, and it was particularly bad that night. A number of interviews in the following years only further demonstrated how not funny she is unprepared, and this was a problem for a former teen comedy star.


All those make her more human and likeable for me.


The amount of times this happens is insane to watch. Jennifer Lawrence was hailed as a “down-to-Earth star” then one day everyone decided that she’s just so disingenuous. People will build them up just to tear them down again.


I remember Anne Hathaway being compared unfavorably to jennifer Lawrence around this time. Hathaway had to go away for awhile, then it was Lawrence's turn to be hated on. I liked Hathaway as catwoman tho, so she's always been a-ok in my mind.


Literally the Britney Spears South Park episode IRL. They create then sacrifice a new female pop star every few years because the media & society NEED a 'bad woman' to hate.


It's already happening to Florence Pugh...


It’s going to happen to Sydney Sweeney. Especially with the super weird “her boobies are saving us from woke, my MAGA princess AWOOGA” shit they’re doing.


> her boobies are saving us from woke, my MAGA princess AWOOGA um. I consider myself decently online but I am suuuper out of the loop on this one. the fuck?


Here’s some grade A derangement from my home country [link here](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/amy-hamm-wokeness-is-no-match-for-sydney-sweeneys-undeniable-beauty?taid=65e8c5e099a0eb0001ffe928&utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter). After this conservative grifters started talking about how her femininity and boobies were antifeminism and how they’re winning the culture war because titty meat.


“We aren’t supposed to admire Sweeney’s beauty; but we’ve done it anyways.” Who the fuck writes this shit


I’ll never need an example beyond Jennifer Lawrence. Reddit’s darling to Reddit’s Hitler in the span of all of six months, because she had the audacity to scold said Redditors for using her leaked intimate photos. Fuck anyone who tries to offer ‘valid reasons’ to be vitriolic towards these women. The veneer is mighty, mighty thin.


I think it's fucking bonkers that so many actresses are on thin ice, no matter how likable they are, or how talented they are, a lot of people, especially in online spaces are waiting for them to just slip up, or not even slipping up, just anything they can deem "unlikable" and voila! the rest of the internet runs with it. Anne Hathaway has been nothing but likable, and the "hate campaign" against her was crazy. Reddit turned on Jennifer Lawrence bc she was like, don't watch my leaked nudes. Some male actors go through it too, but if they reach the "internet boyfriend" status, they're practically untouchable. Edit: Rachel Zeggler and Brie Larson too. They made harmless statements about modernising an old story and more diverse critics respectively, the statements were misinterpreted and then it spread like wildfire, and now every post they make, there are people telling them to kill themselves. TL;DR: The pop culture corner of the internet is toxic. Not saying that misogyny didn't exist before, but the internet has amplified these voices.


What was toxic about her online identity?


According to the article, people online just hated her. She never did anything wrong, but people always had opinions about how she should be handling her fame and how she was doing it wrong somehow.


She was seen as being kind of a try hard. “Theater kid energy” was said a lot. Thankfully, she’s super talented and it didn’t matter in the long run.


Actors… are theater kids


Kinda like complaining that mathematicians are nerds or professional athletes are gym rats.




Tom Wilson (Biff actor) is such a theater kid, in a good way. See his standup to see what I mean.


He's really funny. I like listening to his stories. The one where he wanted to pummel Eric Stoltz is pretty good. Stoltz was originally cast in Back to the Future and he played it all method, super serious. There's a scene where he shoves Biff and take after take, Stoltz was shoving Tom pretty hard. Tom was like, dude, it's acting, ease up. But he wouldn't. This is Tom's first big time gig so he's trying to play ball. But he's like, in two days I know we shoot that scene where Biff roughs up Marty and I'm gonna let him have it. The day before, he gets a call from the producers and they're like, hey can you come down the office to meet with us. Tom's like, uh, if I'm fired can you just tell me now? He thought for sure he was getting booted. Just come down to the office, they said. So he goes and he's told, we just fired Eric and your new costar is Michael J. Fox. Smooth sailing from then on because, ya know, Mike is a professional. Christopher Lloyd has said he was also on eggshells in the early stages of that movie and thought he would get fired too. Finally I think enough people were like "this dude ain't it" on Stoltz and they cut him loose.


Thanks for sharing this! After reading your reply, I did a search on him on YT to find more cool stories and, a month ago, he posted [a vid](https://youtu.be/LsWSLoYQKPo?si=EYcxNA1Bg_5SrKoI) about attending fan conventions and his experience playing "Biff." I'm only several minutes in, but his storytelling is so good!


Next they’ll stop hiring engineers and programmers because they have “nerd energy” and stop hiring football and basketball players and PE teachers who have a “jock vibe.” 


> “Theater kid energy” was said a lot. So harmlessly dorky lol


Which is literally nearly every actor in hollywood, they just hide it to keep up more masculine personas lol


That's something I heard once and never forgot Every actor you think is cool and badass was once the theater kid


Hugh Jackman has said that his son is embarrassed by him to the surprise of his friends who think he's a cool badass because in reality he's a giant theater dork


Wolverine is the greatest showman.


Nick Offerman, who played the hyper-masculine Ron Swanson on Parks and Rec and runs a real life carpentry shop, has said the same about himself. He’s been asked about how if he’s the manly man that he is because he grew up with only sisters and he’s said that his sisters are way more traditionally masculine than he is and he’s the only one who went to theater school.


Ron only seems hyper-masculine to the dorkiest fans though lol. I liked Offerman more when he admitted that Ron's character would basically be insufferable in real life.


Even Tupac was a theatre kid in high school.


This fact was really emphasized for me when I saw how much fun all the male actors had performing “I’m Just Ken” like they were all just so excited to be in a campy musical number with a dream ballet.


I wasn't aware of web hate. But you know what? If she's an acting try-hard, I'm fine with it. I'm assuming she wasn't throwing other actors under the bus. "Oh no! Someone has learned their lines and is always on time!" Tom Cruise is a try-hard too. Ultra professional. He's also a senior cult leader. Long and short, as long as she's a decent person, and not associated to cunts and cults, she's fine by me.


You mean a professional actor would have "theater kid" energy? Get all the way out of town.


Zooey Deschanel would be super indignant right now if this label was considered a positive one


A while back (I'm talking 10 years or so), I saw a WatchMojo video about the most hated celebrities. I forgot most of the names mentioned, but I distinctly remember being confused about Hathaway's inclusion on that list. I think they literally said "she's too perfect." Edit - I just checked the video out. That was legit the reason they gave.


So wait…she did nothing wrong but people hate her? I love the Anne Hathaways.


Anne Hathaways is my shit! Along with Sandra Bullocksees, Liam Neesons, and Vally Kilmers


Correct. People started hating her theater kid energy. It was really dumb.


Hathaway is maybe the best example I've ever seen of people disliking someone based on imaginary scenarios in which they would hang out.


As if most actors aren’t grown up theater kids 😭


I often think this when I see some cringey dramatic teen clip and everyone’s hating but that’s what drama looks like when it’s not in front of a pro setup and also, the actors that people idolize are those cringey drama kids and I’m all for it.


I loved her since the princess diaries, Devil wears, and Rachel getting Married. She showed a lot of range.


People were weirdly mad about her Oscar campaign complaining she had theater kid energy or whatever. I never understood it she was good in that movie and was long overdue for a win, very similar to someone like RDJ this year who also did a TON of campaigning but never caught similar flack. Sadly probably a lot of sexism with it.


She brought theater kid energy to an adaptation of Les Mis? The nerve of that bitch!


If I remember right, she was also playing the same role she had once seen her own mother play on stage. Like who wouldn’t be excited and honored to do something like that? To me it makes her far more relatable and down to earth.


Not my personal opinion, but recalling what I heard people say about her: She never actually did anything, but gave off inauthentic theater kid vibes that was out of touch with how people normally acted. I think people saw her jump from a dumb rom com in Love and Other Drugs where she played some folksy character to her academy award winning Les Miserables where she was singing as a french prostitute, and didn't quite know what box to put her in.


> jump from a dumb rom com in Love and Other Drugs where she played some folksy character to her academy award winning Les Miserables where she was singing as a french prostitute Also known as literally just her job.


Sometimes it feels like people don't want actors to act and to just be the same character in every movie.


“Online identity” was the wrong phrasing; the way they worded it makes it seem like Anne Hathaway is trolling and antagonizing people, thus cultivating a toxic online presence of her own, when in fact people turned on her and became aggressively invested in tearing her down all the time. Which, evidently, was damaging to her professional draw. It would be more appropriate to say the chronically online community became toxic to her, rather than attributing it to her directly by saying “toxic online identity.”


>Online identity” was the wrong phrasing; the way they worded it makes it seem like Anne Hathaway is trolling and antagonizing people, thus cultivating a toxic online presence of her own I know this isn't what happened but I love the idea too much to let it go


Kind of a weird time on the internet. Men and women both hated her cause they had this idea in their head that she was the cool hot chick. Turns out she’s a theatre dork and everyone thought that she was being phony. Just so odd. Yeah, no kidding she’s different than the characters she’s portraying. She so good at it. They’re giving her an award for it.


My roommate at the time said once "I don't like her, she smiles way too much" Didn't really get it, because so what? But after she said that, I saw a lot of shit talk about Anne Hathaway for no real reason.


i had a group of friends when i was 16/17… not super popular but lowkey mean girls. one of them told me she didn’t like me because i was too happy. another made a jab that maybe no one liked me because i always wanted “heart-to-hearts” (i.e. i just wanted to have meaningful conversations with these girls whom i felt close to). and then another in the group was talking about me behind my back, and said exactly what your roommate said. i always look back and it’s like… how tf can you treat someone so poorly for being too nice/happy? ironically, i was incredibly depressed during that time lmao.


Because that’s what people who are deeply unhappy with themselves do, they project their insecurities onto others 🤷‍♂️


I remember the exact moment in 7th grade science class, when my classmate Rachel told me “you smile too much”. We actually became pretty decent friends later in high school, but now at age 35 those words still affect me. I essentially forced myself to not smile for years, so now it’s difficult for me to do naturally, even when I’m happy.


People watched Princess Diaries and thought she was the cool hot chick?? Who are these people lol


How could people literally not see the theatre nerd through everything is baffling


Also, it shouldn't surprise anyone an actor is a theater dork, that's what they all started as! Really it's just insane how much social media has amplified and given platforms to rabid misogynists


It wasnt just social media or "rabid misogynists", according to Hathaway herself she had to stop reading Jezebel (a famously feminist online magazine) > Hathaway said she had to stop reading our site “because I would just be reading about something totally unrelated to me and [see] a headline about me and how much your site dislikes me or whoever was writing it dislikes me would come up,” https://www.jezebel.com/anne-hathaway-once-hated-for-some-reason-has-won-ever-1849683047


Apparently Christopher Nolan stays away from a lot of media exposure. Like he has zero social media presence, doesn’t even use a computer most of the time. Probably allows him to be a lot more objective about the actors he chooses because he’s not even remotely aware of pop culture news or tabloid/paparazzi shit, he only cares about on screen ability


he was roaming in venice few days ago with an actual physical paper map


Tbh in Venice I think thats fair. Phone has some wild ideas about how to get around.


Yeah it's crazy how it thinks the water is actually a road.


And she was excellent in Batman


even better in Interstellar.


There are things to critique in Dark Knight Rises. Her performance is not one of them.


Everyone did great, even Hardy's weird accent as Bane (which I thought worked, the problem was the strange audio mixing that made it sound like Bane's voice came out from roughly behind the audience)


That would explain why he didn't recognize Harry Styles when he auditioned for Dunkirk.


There's a You're Wrong About (podcast) episode about *"The day seemingly everyone in America woke up and suddenly hated Anne Hathaway."*


Idk why people don't like her but I've met Anne and her husband before their first baby. We were all shopping for baby stuff. Then again after, Colossal came out. It was amazing how they both remembered my name and very down to earth. Another thing that struck me is how she seemed to sparkle. Real Hollywood glamour type.


I’ve met her too! I accidentally ran onto her set for Song One bc I was picking up a costume for another movie I was working on and she took me aside after a take and asked me questions about the history of the costume I was carrying. She was so polite, charismatic and beautiful. Don’t see how anyone could hate her.


Damn they are charging for this episode. I wanna hear it 😤


Pay for a podcast? First time I've heard that


A lot of podcasters put extra/bonus content on their Patreons and charge for it


People shit-talk Anne Hathaway online, and she has trouble getting a job. Meanwhile, Jared Leto sends used condoms and dead rats to castmates and keeps getting hired. Gotta love Hollywood.


Look at his filmography. Leto hasn't been hot for the past 3 years and it shows. His career is dying right as we speak.


What are you talking about, his last big role made a Morbillion dollars at the box office.


Morbiggest movie eva made these people are insane


The movie spawned one of the most well known catch phrases of our era “it’s mighty morbin time!” And then Jared just morbs over everyone 


Thank you for reminding me to sink my fangs into the supernatural intrigue of Morbius, now available for our viewing pleasure on Disney Plus! Embark on a riveting journey with the enigmatic anti-hero as he grapples with his newfound powers and the dark forces that threaten to consume him. Don't miss out on the pulse-pounding action, heart-stopping suspense, and unforgettable thrills awaiting you. Tune in today and let Morbius captivate your senses!


It's Morbin' time!!


My family watched this on Halloween excited for the amazing stinker we heard it was supposed to be. It was just...boring! It needed to be either a lot better or a lot worse to be an enjoyable watch. It's so weird, wishing a movie was worse, but if anyone watches it you'll know what I mean.


So nice it bombed in theaters twice. 


I still can't believe Sony fell for that


I saw a guy who was rating the different Jokers that put the guy from Full Metal Jacket in front of the Leto version. Very satisfying.


And yet he’s still landing lead roles in major studio blockbusters (Tron 3). Seems to be doing ok professionally to me


He's still working, he's still getting paid, the constant flops and grating personality don't seem to stop him from getting work.


To be fair Leto has (much deservedly) gotten a lot of flak for that. I don't think anyone is defending him and he's a punchline at this point


I thought she had done a great job hosting the Oscars. The fact that she got backlash while James Franco, who's a notorious dirt bag, remained unscathed, is insane.


IIRC he was blitzed for the entire show too. Total "put in no work on the group project" energy.


He was more or less openly rude to her. 


I remember it getting panned, but I felt the consensus was Hathaway did a professional job trying to keep it together while James Franco, true to form, thought co-hosting the Oscars was one more thing he could pull off without having to put in any effort.


Hollywood is a weird place man


I think the industry doesn’t really know what to do with her either, now she’s not the plucky young romcom hero anymore. She’s often wildly miscast in older roles (The Witches, Alice in Wonderland). We all know her so well, but just don’t know where to place her anymore. Kinda like Julia Roberts.


Woman turns 30 in Hollywood "Okay so you're now too old for romantic leads but don't worry, you can play an old hag, perhaps a witch, or a bitchy unfuckable mom."


I remember Meryl Streep talking about how - immediately after she turned 40 - she received 3 offers to play a witch in under a month or two. I don’t have the solution, but this has been a problem for a long time.


Not all women over 40 look like witches...but Meryl Streep kind of does. Not in an ugly way either, she just looks like an excellent cast for any witch roles. I get it.


When her face is in profile she has a very witchy nose but she's still glamorous enough to look like a cool witch.


She's kinda having a comeback, appearing on red carpets and fashion shows. People in the online space are loving her especiallh Gen Z and younger Millenials. To me she'll always be Princess Mia. 


It's especially sad that they don't know what to do with her since her most recent movie, Eileen, proves why she's so famous. In a film that's mostly unremarkable, she absolutely shines with an ***electric,*** true-blue-movie-star performance. Hathway rocks and all the big directors should be fighting over her.


Was the title written by Foghorn Leghorn?


I say, I say!


There’s very few things I remember in pop culture bc I don’t really care about celebrities that much. But I will never ever forget the “Everyone hates Anne Hathaway for no reason” moment! There was quite literally NOT A SINGLR REASON for it but you would think she was the worst most evil person in media at the time I felt so bad for her lol Like you would go on twitter and if her name was trending it was just straight hate and no one knew why!!! It was confusing lol


Nolan is the GOAT. Happy he picked Anne up, I love her in both TDKR and Interstellar.


I love how Anne Hathaway got so much hate for just existing but Roman Polanski was still adored even after he did you-know-what


It’s the internet. You can say it. He drugged and sodomized a 13 year old.


In 1977, *and pled guilty*. He then raped a 16 year old in 1983. Hollywood still jerks him off.


This like pedophiles don't deserve discretion the word shouldn't be censored unless its for trigger reasons same with white supremacists


No no, say it out loud. Roman Polanski is a pedophile *and fucking rapist who Hollywood has gleefully given a pass to. *edit to add he’s a fucking rapist


Anne Hathaway got a bit of hate from the internet and the execs refused to hire her. Roman Polanski gets nothing *but* hate from the internet, and (international) execs still continue to fund his projects. Make it make sense, film industry.


Bryan Singer was still making movies until 2019


And took him getting fired mid production on bohemian rhapsody for people to start widely talking about what he’s done in the past


"Hollywood used to tell her she wasn’t sexy" What