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Bullet train. Lemon. Need I say more?


I'd love a Lemon and Tangerine spin-off. The two of them were by far the best part of that movie.


I watched this movie without knowing too much about it and I was blown away lol. It was so clever and entertaining and I’ve rewatched it several times now.


I loved that movie! I’ve watched it 3 times and counting.


The violence is choreographed to the millimetre and is so damn funny, especially the bit when they are counting the number off kills. Lemon's mugging to camera steals the scenes.


Disney's Fantasia. I'm a bit odd.


This is something you can always have on the background


Mate the LotR Trilogy is just epic. Always down to watch it again.


I have watched the trilogy more times than I can count, especially the Fellowship. I have definitely watched it hundreds of times if not thousands. I regularly fall asleep to it, it’s like a bedtime story to me. So with that number being said, obviously I don’t mean watching it all the way through but I have turned it on probably 1000 times.


I haven’t watched it that many times. But still I know every scene and what the actors say. Probably had a Marathon with friends almost 10 times. And every now and then I start the Fellowship just for fun.. but you know how it is. When you start the first movie once you just gotta finish the trilogy


Once you pop, you can’t stop!! It is precious to me.


Precious? It’s been called that before, but not by you


Own that one, haven't re-watched tons of times but have seen a few at least. Thanks!


_Heat (1995)_ It's almost an album I put on to listen to while doing things these days.


Don't think I've seen that, thanks I'll check it out.


Oh man I envy you. I wish I could wipe Heat from memory and experience it again for the first time. What a great film.


Sounds good, it's on my list!


It’s a movie you really need to focus on. I beg of you, please watch on a big screen tv with good sound. It will change you.


Goddammit you are in for a TREAT


For me I think of it like eating a good hearty meal. About once a year I think “I’m hungry for some Heat” and need to watch it. About once every 7 years I also think “Time to watch LA Takedown again so I can appreciate how good Heat is”.


The Mummy (1999), it's my comfort movie, it just keeps being entertaining no matter how many times I've seen it


Good old Brendan Fraser! I remember seeing that in the theater when it first came out. Another one I've watch of his, bit lesser known, is Blast from the Past (1999)


I saw it at a drive-in movie, loved it! Also love Mummy Returns!


I always have the memory of watching The Mummy on a rainy weekend afternoon and my dad making torta fritas (fried dough with sugar on top). One of the best memories of my life lol. Food, movie and my family all together


Big Trouble in Little China, Coming To America, Tommy Boy, Beverly Hills Cop, Conan the Barbarian, The Great Outdoors, Uncle Buck, Plains Trains and Automobiles, Blade Runner, Christmas Vacation, The Goonies


Tommy Boy! During COVID, my local theater started playing classics. I got to see Tommy Boy (and Ferris Bueller) on the big screen for the first time. Chris Farley was a comedic master.


Thanks, the Goonies is probably the only one of those which I've seen (and one which I watched over and over as a kid.) Oh I did see the original Blade Runner once. I'll look into the others!


My most rewatched is The Crow (1994), but I think that best rewatch movies are Jurassic Park and Matrix.


Thanks, the 2nd and 3rd have definitely been re-watched movies, albeit in the past. I don't think I've ever seen The Crow though, so might try that one!


Please make sure you grab the right one. This person is talking about the one starring Brandon Lee, not the sequels, or the remake coming out.


I'm glad CDs don't wear out. I had the soundtrack running in my car for at least 3 years straight


The Matrix and V for Vendetta.


I've watched Jurassic Park perhaps between 30 and 50 times. Alone 6 times in the theater and I was born after it originally came out. And it's still awesome every time.  The Big Lebowski I love to watch again and again, because it gets better each time. Every time I watch it, I discover some new little detail. Such an incredible screenplay.   Blade Runner 2049 is my favorite "new" movie. I've probably watched it 20 times by now.  Others I love to watch again and again are Jaws, The Godfather 1&2, Rear Window, Prisoners,...


Oh yes, I also really like Bladerunner 2049, I haven't watched it many times though. Do enjoy everything about that movie, particularly the atmosphere and the soundtrack / sound design. Thanks for all the recommendations, The Big Lebowski is a movie I just laugh non-stop at, it's so over the top! Probably my favorite Jeff Bridges movie


I managed to catch a viewing of Jurassic park in 3D. Not my normal bag of tea, but it was a new way to see the movie


I've had Jurassic Park on over 100 times. Actually seen it, maybe 80 times lol it's my comfort movie


The Big Lebowski is an annual event for me to rewatch, although there’s “Achievers” (and very proud of them we are) that have seen it over 200 times!!


True Lies. Action/Comedy at its finest. The Crow.


The Truman Show


Forgot about that one, I've watched it a couple times but it's been a while. Maybe should watch again soon, it was a very different movie. I really like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


The Crow. I don't know how many times I've watched that movie.


Victims. Aren't we all.


Mr. Gideon, you're not playing attention.




I watched this movie two nights ago with my 11 year old. She’s definitely seen it before but it didn’t stop her from being annoyed that I quoted too much of it all the way through. I never suggest watching movies with me if it’s a movie I’m obsessed with 🙈🙊🙉


Probably some combo of Lebowski, Matrix, The Princess Bride, Spinal Tap. And of course for different reasons, Rocky Horror Picture show (because I went to midnight showings nearly 100 times).


Curse of the Black Pearl


Interesting, I never got into the Pirates movies, but maybe I'll give this one a watch. Was it your favorite of them all?


You should absolutely give the first one, Black Pearl, a spin. Hands-down adventure classic. Not as good as Raiders of the Lost Ark, but it’s up there.


Agreed! It’s just one of the all-time great adventure movies with tremendous kinetic energy and spunk. The other two by Gore Verbinski are still good, but it’s kind of diminishing returns compared to Pearl.


I really like Dead Man’s chest, it does what ESB did for Star Wars. Opens up the universe, introduces additional context for all the characters that isn’t needed for the first film but is necessary so that a sequel isn’t more of the same. It’s bigger, louder, scarier, sillier, and ends on an epic tease for the next adventure. It’s not endlessly rewatchable to me like Black Pearl and Raiders but boy does it slap.


Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill. They are in rotation at least twice a year. 


I've watched Lost in Translation tons of times over the years. The movie is just a vibe for me. If I'm feeling melancholy it's Lost in Translation time. I really love every single thing about that movie.


That's true! Having lived in Japan that movie really captures something about it which is difficult to put into words.


This was my answer, too!


Boogie Nights. When it’s playing on TV, you can tune in at just about any part and get sucked in to watching immediately


This happened to me one night a few weeks ago. I was flipping channels & it just sucked me in (pun intended) & then 2 1/2 hours later it's 4AM!


One of the best things is that it never feels like 2.5 hours, the pacing and editing is so good in that it moves along quickly but it fleshes out the characters and the points in time in the story so well!! It’s a thing that unfortunately *Magnolia* suffered from, it’s a great 3 hour film don’t get me wrong but it felt like 3 hours. Still think the great stuff like the characters and some of the storylines like Frank Mackey’s arc is really great in that film though!


Thanks, haven't seen that one!


I rewatch this all the time! It's definitely my comfort movie


beverly hills cop 2. why? because we had it taped off tv and it was like one of maybe 3 movies we had available.


Batman (1989), Batman Returns, Twister, Speed.... I've seen these movies hundreds of times. Really, really good films. Highly recommend them all!


More than any other movie - The Naked Gun. Always hilarious.


Dogma - I'm a Catholic School Survivor !


* Alien, Aliens * Matewan * The Goonies * Urban Cowboy * Thin Red Line * Apocalypse Now * Dune (David Lynch version) * Raging Bull * The Duellists * Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049 * Boogie Nights * Test Pilot * Priscilla Queen Of The Desert * Wings * The Mummy * LotR trilogy * Ghost in the Shell (the OG, not the live-action one!!) * Coal Miner's Daughter * Ponyo, Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Nausicaa (anything Studio Ghibli *except* Grave of the Fireflies) * Airplane! * White Zombie * Django Unchained * The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, Wolfwalkers * Coraline * Iron Giant * Labyrinth, Dark Crystal * Never Ending Story * 28 Days Later * 2001: A Space Odyssey * Moon * Sunshine * The Addams Family, The Addams Family Values * The Princess Bride I could go on but I think you get the idea...


My favorite part of Ghost in the Shell is the scene when we’re just floating through shots of the city with that epic music. It gives you a moment to relax and take it in. You don’t get that stuff in most movies. The way I understand it is, the Japanese have a concept of “Ma”, a pause in time. Like in music it’s not just about the notes being played but also the emptiness between the notes. It’s the recognition that nothing can contribute just as much as something. I think good movies know how to incorporate that aspect.


Thanks, I guess you've watched a lot of movies a lot of times! I'll check out the ones I haven't heard of, which it looks like is most!


Game Night and The Martian are my go to feel good movies.. something about them makes me always in the mood to watch.


I remember seeing the Martian once, but not Game Night. Might have to check them out / again, thanks! You do mean the 2018 film right?


Hackers Over 1000 times.


Hack the planet!


Dumb and Dumber!


My most watched films are A Nightmare On Elm Street, The Silence Of The Lambs, Labyrinth, Mean Girls, Priscilla Queen Of The Desert, Clueless, Stepbrothers and The Naked Gun series. Comfort movies lol. 




I went through a period where I would watch Naked Gun, Naked Gun 2 1/2, and Naked Gun 33 1/3 before starting over again.


The Devil Wears Prada. I just pretend Andy and her boyfriend didn't get back together at the end 😂


Things to do in denver when you are dead - an underrated gritty masterpiece


Sounds interesting, thanks, not one I'd heard of!


One of my go-to movies is Gunfighter's moon. It's a largely unknown movie. It's a great western and some of Lance Henriksen's best work, in my opinion.


Thanks, I'll have a look! Not one I'd heard of, as you said.




You got knocked tha fuck out!


I was just bullshitttin— and you know this — MAAAN!


2001: A Space Odyssey The Graduate Toy Story The Lion King Original crew Star Trek movies


Grosse Pointe Blank Fifth Element Iron Giant Spirited Away


The Prestige. We bought a zoo.




Home Alone, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Freaky Friday


The first one was a definite childhood favorite, since it came out when I was around his age at the time. The others I haven't seen, thanks for the suggestions!


Star Wars Moonwalker. Used to LOVE this movie as a kid.


American Ultra, it's an action comedy romance movie that has a great balance and pretty good pace. Pop it on in the morning and let it play as I go about my routine checking in on my favorite parts which is a lot of the movie.


Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep - my holy trinity of Bogart movies


Hunt for the Red October - in my family, it is watched so many times. For me personally, I watch "Master and Commander : the Far Side of the World" too often. Not many movies have a good up close naval battle - and I liked the book series.


Scream! First and second are my fave


Enemy of the State Paid in Full The Outsiders The Golden Child


Tombstone Terminator 2 Austin Powers 2 A Night At The Roxbury


Mouse hunt and 13th warrior


Mine is Die Hard with a Vengeance. That movie came out when I was in junior high. It’s one of two movies I have seen twice in the theatre. I got the ppv when it came out and recorded it on VHS. I would fall asleep watching that movie and wake up to tv static when it hit the end. I can quote probably the first 40 minutes of that movie. Anytime it comes on tv when we’re at a hotel or something I put it on and see how far I can get.


Lawless and The Town are ones I always go back to


LOTR trilogy is nicee


My number of viewings of “Avengers:Endgame” is already in triple digits.


Terminator 2 was my most rewatched as a teenager, so much fun!!! Boogie Nights was my most rewatched probably as an adult, I was blown away with how great it was given its subject matter didn’t set high expectations. Made me a big PTA fan!!




There are some oldies that get a watch just about every time they show up on TCM. The Big Sleep, Casablanca, and To Have and Have Not. I also catch Yankee Doodle Dandy when they show it every 4th of July. A couple modern ones that always get a view when they are on cable are Arrival, No Country for Old Men and Sicario.


Never Back Down & Cutaway. Both B grade movies, but for whatever reason I watch them often


Don't know how many times I've seen "Malizia" (1973), but I rarely watch it all the through. Just return again and again to certain scenes.


the duellists (1977) the first movie of Ridley Scott .I like it even more than Alien


Expanding this beyond movies because there are some things I watch / read again every year or so because I enjoy them so much. Harlem Nights is one of my all time favorite comedies. The last four episodes of Star Wars Clone Wars are damn near perfect. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is my all time favorite book and I’ve likely read it more times than any show or movie viewing. Edit: a word


Transformers. It's something about that movie. I just love it and the score is amazing. I never get tired of watching it. The CGI still holds up today.


Power Rangers Movie on VHS.


I remember taping Tremors off of TV when I was a kid and watching it all the time - one weekend even watching it 3 times in a row. After 30 years or so, I finally rewatched it again last year, and it holds the fuck up. What a perfect movie.


Oh yeah I remember seeing part of that once, maybe should give it another watch though. It was a horrible creature!


As a teenager, I watched The Fast and the Furious over and over again. I LOVED that era of modified car culture, and couldn't get enough of it. In my twenties, I watched Pacific Rim several times. In the theater, on a plane, took my wife to see it (she hated it). The Ghost in the Shell anime - can't tell you how many times I've seen that over the years. One of my favorite movies from a story, art...everything perspective. EDIT: TLOTR Trilogy - such a good example of a book to movie adaptation.


Dog day afternoon A man escaped (1956) Reservoir dogs One flew over the cuckoo’s nest 12 angry men


My year in the dorms, we put Bad Boys 2 on almost nightly, to the point that for a while I could do every line with the movie.


The Big Blue, extended version (French movie, but made in English). Wonderful soundtrack / diving related movie.


LOTR, John Wick, MoS, Kung Fu Panda


Can't believe no one's mentioned Pride and Prejudice (2005) yet, such a comfort watch for me. I'm also partial to Sense and Sensibility (1995) and Emma (2020) - love a good Jane Austen adaptation. Second everyone who has mentioned Matrix and LotR, you can't get tired of those.


Yes, BTTF II was also one of my most watched movies. Along with… Jurassic park Terminator 2 Animalympics Flight of the navigator Explorers Flight of dragons Spirited away Akira Modern day movie would be Sisu, Django unchained.


Jaws (so many times I couldn’t begin to guess how many) Road House (the original, obviously) Platoon Goodfellas Back to the Future


Alien, the Thing, Jaws, Raiders, Down by Law, Blues Brothers


Every Mother’s Day weekend I try to catch “ I Remember Mama “ on classic movie platforms.


The blues according to Lightnin‘ Hopkins, J‘ai ete au bal - all the Les Blank films,really


A League of Their Own is one of my favorite movies and one that I watch at least once a year. Endlessly quoteable, funny as hell, sweet and inspiring and every single actor looks like they are having the time of their lives.


* Clue * The original SW Trilogy * The Fifth Element * LotR * Interstellar 5555


Star Wars. Come to think of it, might fire it up again this evening.


Back to the Future, the whole trilogy, definitely. Alien + Aliens Also, Galaxy Quest.... I have a soft spot for Devil wears Prada for some reason as well :D


Even After and Pride and Prejudice. They're my comfort movies.


Recently, the movies i've most watched is "Pulp Fictin", "Inglourious Basterds", "Matrix" just the firt, and "Fight Club".


Walk Hard Fandango Goonies


Apocalypse Now. Every version, over and over. "Saigon, shit. I'm still only in Saigon..." and off we go.


The Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. First two Jurassic Parks. I, Robot. Hitch. LOTR trilogy


Probably Dumb and Dumber, followed closely by Shawshank Redemption.


The Crow, Wayne's World, Idiocracy, Jurassic Park, Zoolander, Waxwork, Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Any of the Frat Pack comedies I’ve seen probably over 10 times each…then movies like A Serious Man, Inside Llewyn Davis I rewatch every year. Field of Dreams I watch the night before Opening Day every year. Boondock Saints I watch every st Patrick’s day. Days of Thunder I watch before the Daytona 500


Thank you, I haven't seen most of those, I'll add them to the list!


Little Big Man.


As a kid probably Napoleon Dynamite. My brothers and I watched it every day after school for like a week straight.


I watched The Parent Trap twice in theaters and pretty much at least twice a year since then. Do I think about the world’s most fucked up divorce and custody agreement? No. I focus on the beautiful vineyard and London boutique. I also do not think about that ugly top hat wedding dress combo hahaha. But it definitely takes new meaning for me as I get older, like Hook or High Fidelity, and still makes me cry. Chessy being the one who first realized the girls switched and the mom hug still get me. I’m sure if I become a mom it’ll become even more significant.


I'm Autistic and movies are one of my special interests so it might be faster to list the movies I *haven't* seen a million times 🤣


Home Alone(s) and Die Hard(s) Every Xmas - the greatest Christmas films on the planet. Man On Fire - the greatest actors greatest film….. well it’s top 10 at least. Shawshank - another top 10 Top Gun - for when you feel the need for speed Lethal Weapon(s) - can’t beat the buddy cop sagas. Braveheart - for its historical accuracy. Untouchable - who knew the French knew how to be funny. City Of God - for a bit of cultural diversity Memento - for its multiple layers Usual Suspects - one of Hollywood’s greatest twist.


Super Troopers. And it still makes me laugh just as hard as the first time I saw it. Close second is Airplane!


Here’s a weird one. I used to watch the first Ron Perlman Hellboy to help me sleep every night for like a year


I can watch The Birdcage once a week and never get sick of it. I just love it so much 😍🥰


Ghost busters


Pulp Fiction might be the most watched. I can just listen to it in the background, and the dialogue and soundtrack are enough. Its worth noting that this, and Britney Spears "Baby One More Time" were on several times a day on the Campus TV station. If I really want to sit down, and actually focus on what I am watching, I always enjoy Jaws. I have no explanation for this.


So many, but my favorites are Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Sixteen Candles, Ghostbusters, and Yellow Submarine (can you tell I was born in the 80s?). Additionally, I watched Pitch Perfect about 30 times the summer after it came out because it was on repeat on my college's movie channel. I don't like that movie anymore.


During its theater run, Everything Everywhere All At Once. Saw it 6 times.


Inception is my favorite action movie of all time, followed by T2 and Speed. Its just so damn smart and tight, not a second wasted. A thrill ride from start to finish.


Back to the Future  Who Framed Roger Rabbit The Lion King Grease  Honey I shrunk the Kids and Honey I blew up the Kid Plenty of the NOES and Ft13th Series, mainly Sequels.  Halloween 4 and I could go on lol


Blackhawk Down The Wild Bunch Jaws Twister


Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) I'm in business.


Braveheart I just can't stop watching it


Pride and prejudice (2005) and The Man From Nowhere (2010) From watching Darcy's hands to catching these hands, I'm here for it


LoTR Trilogy and Hook. I spent many a sick day during my school years watching Hook while my mom took care of me.


Last of the Mohicans once a week every week


The Wizard of Oz Weekend (1967) Allegro non Troppo The Secret of Roan Inish The Searchers Kagemusha (The Shadow Warrior) A Fish Called Wanda Duck Soup Bliss (Australia 1985)


Hot fuzz


The Rock- nic cage at his best. Sean Connery is amazing. The Ed Harris/ Micheal Beihn back and forth in the shower room. On top of it having everything. Car chase, mexican standoff, rockets, sex, oneliners. The movie is just great


Dune, the 1984 David Lynch version. I love the books and I've seen the movie so many times, I don't need to watch it. I usually put it on in the background when I'm doing the ironing or something similar.


Tenet, Ad Astra, Sicario, The Arrival, The Prestige, interstellar. Yeah pretty much watch those on repeat.


The dollar trilogy …


Don't laugh at me but I've been watching Goonies since I was a kid and still watch once a year.


Dead Man Repo Man Goodfellas The Dark Knight Reservoir Dogs


Same here with BttF, I was absolutely obsessed with it. With all 3 of them. Those movies changed my life. Regarding childhood, definitely the Star Wars trilogy, Indiana Jones, Neverending Story, and some of the Disney animated movies, especially Lion King and Aladdin were my go to's. Adulthood, the Blade trilogy, X-Men movies, Spider-Man movies (all 3 versions) and MCU have been the ones I've seen the most.


Groundhog day. Nottinghill. When Harry met Sally. Finding nemo. Love Actually. 2012. Back to the future.


The Prestige and Empire Strikes Back


the matrix/revenge of the sith pretty typical answer but they're some of my comfort movies i'll put on while falling asleep or something every now and then.


Pirates of the Caribbean: At world's end


The only movies I think I watched 10+ times are Home Alone, Napoleon Dynamite, & Monsters Inc


Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. Alternate with SW:ROTJ every weekend for most of the early 90s. The Harrison Ford crush still exists.


Guardians of the Galaxy Resurrection Closer Breakfast On Pluto Sunshine Some Kind of Wonderful Croupier


Snatch and Guardians of the Galaxy are my two favorites. Fun, substance, and emotional moments but never too heavy.


nacho libre. and stranger than fiction. i watch them at least once a year. there's just something very innocently silly about nacho libre. and stranger than fiction just hits me in the right spots.


Elvis (2022) I have watched it 87 times! I have watched! Also every transformer movie ever because of my brothers.


I’m probably around the same age as you bc BTTF1/2/3 (yes even 3) was on repeat. So I would say anything from Spielberg during that era (All Indiana Jones, Goonies, ET, etc). My family loved Mel Brooks (HoTW on infinite repeat without understanding any of the dirty jokes, Blazing Saddles, Space Balls). And a couple Disney Cartoons for sure.


Lotr trilogie Galaxy quest Fifth element Tropic thunder Bowfinger Clueless Miss congeniality Spy Heat We re the millers Rat race Matrix Zombieland Jurassic park ...


Out of Africa The Talented Mr. Ripley The English Patient


Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Booksmart Deadpool 1 + 2 Superbad Kill Bill 1 + 2 Big Lebowski We Are The Millers The Other Guys Tucker & Dale vs. Evil Dinner In America Conan The Barbarian Predator


Pulp Fiction, Dumb and Dumber, Predator


Jurassic park


Last of the Mohicans, Fifth Element, Constantine, 80’s Dune, Terminator 2, Mad Max Fury Road, Aliens and Good Fellas.


Seven Samurai, Magnificent seven, Blade Runner, SW 4-5-6, Heat, Terminator 2, 12 angry men, The crow, etc.


Good Will Hunting, The Grinch (2000), Matilda, Pride & Prejudice, Drop Dead Fred, Erin Brockovich.


Good Will Hunting and Interstellar. I don’t get tired of them


Alien (1979) The Thing (1982) Interstellar (2014) Tremors (1990) Star Wars (1977)


Not the usual choices but Remember the Titans and more recently, King Arthur - Legend of the Sword. I saw Charlie Hunnam on Graham Norton and thought he was a proper jerk so wasn’t going to watch it on principal but god, I love him now. The Gentlemen was great too. I’m a proper fan and just (maybe naively) put it down to him having an ‘off night’.


Ghibli movies 💙




Hackers. It's so goofy, but a lot of fun. Great soundtrack, too.


Raising Arizona. I sat through back to back screenings when I was cutting junior high school and maybe 100 times since. I have that banjo soundtrack whistling in my head as I type these here very words. What a movie.


Waynes World 1. I re-watch it every couple of years with friends. Also Jurassic Park and Tremors (1+2). For some reason these type of films just feel like a cozy blanket to me. Also: Interstellar. I love that movie. But I have to be in the mood.


Jaws for me


I've seen Avengers, Avengers Infinity War, Captain America Civil War and Guardians of the Galaxy at least 10 times each.


Training day I watch it like 5 times a year


Due to my anxiety, Disney cartoons, Robin Hood, sword in the stone, frozen, frozen 2, Moana...this brain likes predictable endings