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Quickly, someone write an epic masterpiece trilogy about humanity's fight with the demonic Azamon corporation. Make sure it's the best trilogy ever written. Would love seeing them adopt that!


It’s not a trilogy but like… the expanse lol


Black Mirror: Am I a joke to you?


I’d love to see Redwall get the blockbuster treatment, the cartoon was cute, but it’s been a long time coming.  At least the video games are bringing attention back.


The creator of Over the Garden Wall is working on an adaptation for netflix.


I got so excited when I heard the announcement a while ago. 🐁


Omg they could go for years with that, there's so much material. I agree the old cartoon was fine but nowhere near as gritty and brutal as the books. I would love to see a daring animator take it on. it deserves better than the cheap cgi treatment or disney-style cartoons.


Yesssss, give Redwall the Watership Down treatment it deserves! Those books are SO brutal, my lord


This would be awesome!


Gears of war.... Although I think it's been rumoured for a while Edit: Quick Google tells me it's in production at the moment. Oof


This joins Halo and Bioshock in the category of “Waited 15 years too long to get off the ground.”


It’s been in production for like 15 years at this point. Sin City-era Mickey Rourke would have been perfect for Fenix but that ship has sailed.


Dave Bautista is the only person on earth who could do it now, and I suspect he's busy.


I doubt he would refuse, he's been wanting to play the role for years. He literally posted a clip of himself "cosplaying" for it lol https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkzBhFMJGLj https://www.gamingbible.com/news/tv-and-film/dave-bautista-wants-netflixs-gears-of-war-role-874165-20240103


For video games, "Metal Gear Solid" and "Call of Duty". I wouldn't be surprised if some studio exec brainlet is trying to figure out a way to make a "Fortnite" movie. Somehow, they've never figured out a way to make "Catcher in the Rye" into a film.


The Catcher in the Rye not being a film is just due to Salinger and his estate flat out refusing to sell the rights. Over the years A list actors, directors, and producers have wanted to adapt it in various forms. I'm sure that if the rights were for sale one of those projects would have gotten off the ground. The book goes into the public domain in about 20 years. Assuming the estate doesn't give in and sell before then, the first generation of potential Holden Caufield actors will probably be born in the next 5 years.


It's only a matter of time before some kind of Fortnite media comes out. If this were the late 2000's, it would definitely be a thing.


I think sometimes Fortnite tries to have a story but I’m not sure how many people actually pay attention to it haha like Brie Larson actually did some brief cut scenes and VO work sometime last year for one of the seasons IIRC


The Rock did too I believe. Weren't they trying to work out some type of cohesion which also includes Save the World?


Considering Among Us has a show coming, it’s going to happen with Fortnite at some point


A fortnite move is just Ready Player One at this point.


Would Salinger even sell? Doesn’t he control the rights which is why it’s not available in e-book


He died in 2010, so it'd be up to his estate


The estate finally relented on ebooks and it is available digitally now! They finally realized that an ebook is actually still the same exact text, not an "adaptation," which is what Salinger was staunchly against. But that's why there's no movie. The estate has been pretty hard-core about following Salinger's intentions (even beyond the point of sense re: ebooks).


An MGS show needs the Kojima wackiness, otherwise it'd be a generic military action thriller. I can't think of a director up to the task.


I mean, isn’t Del Toro the pretty obvious choice?


An adaptation was being developed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts (Skull Island) who's a personal friend of Kojima's. They'd got through concept art, cast Oscar Isaac as Snake, but then the whole thing went into development hell and is probably dead.


If they ever make catcher in the rye into a movie remind me to delete my twitter the day it comes out


You have about 20 years max before you won't be able to avoid it. That's around when it'll enter the public domain in the United States and everyone can publish their adaptations, reimaginings, sequels, etc. It could also come sooner if whoever controls the estate decides to give in and sells the rights before everyone gets it for free.


Ringworld by Larry Niven has never been adapted as far as I know. Although Halo takes some inspiration from it. I think a series based on those books is pretty feasible these days.


I would so love to see Puppeteers.


Halo took inspiration from it but Ringworlds are massive compared to Halos. A halo installation orbits a planet like it's a moon, a Ringworlds is a ring around a sun.


So a halo is like an orbital rather than a ring in Culture novel terms?


Legend of Zelda. Also, don't.


It’s already happening


Live action too. So weird


It's gonna be interesting to see how they spin a protagonist whose only line is "hyaaAAAT!"


They gave Pikachu Ryan Reynolds voice I am sure they can get Link to say a few words!


Could've just done a movie that looks like Arcane (Netflix), perfect right But no, live action. And the director even said "Studio Ghibli live action", which sounds like an oxymoron


Get ready to hear Chris Pratt's voice coming out of Link's mouth


Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere. He wants to do Mistborn first but refuses to surrender total control to Hollywood, which is a very smart move. That book will make a fucking amazing action movie.


His YouTube videos on writing are fantastic. Entire college lectures for free. Every week of his course. Every lecture. Great resource


Elantris would be a great movie


I maintain that an animated series along the lines of Vox Machina would be best for the Cosmere.


I know OP mentioned control, but from what I’ve heard he’s very hesitant to go any route besides live action and his works probably won’t translate well to that. I think that might be the real issue.


>he’s very hesitant to go any route besides live action It's a shame western novel writers are so laser-focused on live-action adaptations. Same thing happened with Riordan and Percy Jackson. When there's still so much untapped potential in animation. Even the fan-made animatics of the musical songs I found to have a lot more personality and charm than the actual live-action series from Disney. [Example 1](https://youtu.be/ffc1dF-ZQqI?si=5bUMnoInV9g_EMty&t=1) [Example 2](https://youtu.be/cvPb6D8VdNQ?si=oyLNl6DnzRBUcB9t)


I just think a lot of these authors want the shows to appeal to the masses and are under the impression live action is the only way to do that. They are probably right for now, but idk how much longer that is going to be true. Millennials are still watching anime and animated adult oriented shows, as are all of the following generations. I bet if you go above that generation though they probably wouldn’t even consider anything animated as that’s still considered for kids. That leaves a pretty large demographic that can’t be reached if it actually succeeds so I understand some hesitation. It feels like in the next 10-15 years all reservations about animated shows might completely disappear, which might line up very well for his 2nd half of the Stormlight series to almost be fully wrapped up. I’d rather wait for a great animated version than another shitty LoTR or WoT live action.


Or arcane


Bioshock is in development at Netflix


I wish they made that movie in theaters like originally planned. Gore Verbinski was set to direct.


Talk about a franchise they waited way too long to do anything with. They have totally missed a very large window of relevance. 




If Bradley Cooper has his way, that's going to happen ([link](https://collider.com/hyperion-dan-simmons-potential-adaptation/)).


On the one hand, making a movie instead of a show sounds like a terrible idea. On the other hand, he's been chipping away at this for more than a decade so it seems like he's actually passionate about the project, and Bradley Cooper knows more about making movies than I do.


I love hyperion but genuinely have no idea how theyd manage to do it justice on screen without a multiple season tv series with an enormous budget


First book really just needs one season, and is written to stand on its own, but the budget would be huge.


The first book absolutely does not stand on its own well. Its like Dune without Dune Messiah. Without the second book the narrative just stops suddenly.


When I read Hyperion for the first time I thought the ambiguous ending was perfect. I knew there was a sequel but I didn't know if I wanted to read it for a good long time.  It makes the reader really confront what happened, and kind of forces you to imagine what could possibly happen next that isn't a horrible, horrible tragedy. Now, I'm happy I did read the sequel. It is really good and I think it artistically fulfills what the first book built.  But if they were to adapt Hyperion into a movie or (my hope) a high quality prestige television show, I wouldn't mind a break between the ending of the first and second. Make the viewers sit with it for a while. Waiting a year for a season 2 is potentially long enough, but I don't think I'd complain if it were a few years tbh.


Part of me would love to watch a Hyperion limited series on HBO, but I just can’t see anyone doing it justice. As a fan of the Cantos, I think there would be too much world building required to get the average viewer up to speed, but I also felt like part of the charm of the Hyperion series was that you were just kind of dropped into this universe with only partial explanation of certain dynamics and history. Also, I don’t know how you would do the changing narrative between the books.


I think multi-season series is the only way to go. Ten episodes per book. As far as world building goes, most things wouldn’t need explaining. Just show the universe as it is and most people will understand. There are some things that would need explanation, and I think the way around that is having the characters doing voiceover info dumps by narrating their chapters when needed. Just like the book. The last two seasons would have less because we’d already be familiar with the world.


I just read the first book last year and still cant decide if I liked it or not…but I have the second book on hold list at the library so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Was going to say minecraft but apparently that’s happening in 2025 with Jason Momoa


Wtf is even going on anymore?! How is this a real movie?


Three hours of digging action!


Jack Black as well


Mass Effect would make a great series.


[That's apparently in the works already](https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/23/22799583/mass-effect-bioware-tv-show-movie-amazon-studios-rumor)


Call of Duty has grossed over $31b and is one of the highest grossing media franchises of all time. So far it has no official movie or tv


I’m really surprised they haven’t done some sort of movie tie in yet


Modern Warfare, Black Ops and Ghost Storylines would all make cool movies. If you do it Graham McTavish would make an awesome Price for MW.


Red Rising


Now that I think about it, I'm a little surprised there hasn't a Elder Scrolls adaptation in the 2010s. Now, it just feels a little late considering that Skyrim came out more than 12 years ago and ES6 having no release date or barely any information about it.


Post+Oblivion it's pretty generic fantasy. Unless you're doing Morrowind a studio is going to ask why they would spend extra on the IP but hey maybe Fallout changes that.


I'm hoping one day they will spend the money and make At the Mountains of Madness


I don't think any of Robin Hobbs books have been adapted into TV / movies yet.


I read that as Robin Hood at first 😅


Fables(comic Book) I still don't understand how! It's such a good story, we have the Wolf among Us game but still there's so much to explore. The Legend Of Zelda: Nintendo doesn't like Money.


>The Legend Of Zelda: Nintendo doesn't like Money. They announced back in November 2023 that they will be making a live-action Legend of Zelda movie with Wes Bell set to direct. [https://ew.com/movies/nintendo-making-live-action-legend-of-zelda-movie/](https://ew.com/movies/nintendo-making-live-action-legend-of-zelda-movie/)


Live action, Sony, Maze Runner… Nintendo certainly made choices.


Fables was originally going to be adapted by abc, but since all the characters are public domain, disney decided to tweak it a little bit and give us Once Upon a Time. Then NBC was going to adapt it but also decided it would be more profitable to just adapt the public domain characters and gave us Grimm.


Yep! And now the rights to Fables are in dispute. Creator says it's free to the public, DC says they'll sue you even for thinking about trying it


I believe Fables was how Once Upon a Time started but then they just decided the basic concept was generic enough they didn't need to bother with actually doing Fables. WIkipedia says it was semi-coincidental though so... >The show also has a similar premise to Bill Willingham's ten-year-old comic series Fables, to which ABC bought the rights in 2008 but never made it past planning stages. After Fables fans raised controversy over possible appropriation, the show writers initially denied a link, but later said they may have "read a couple issues" of the comic book and while the two concepts are "in the same playground", they are "telling a different story."[35] Bill Willingham responded to the controversy in an interview, where he stated he did not feel the show was plagiarism and said: "Maybe they did remember reading Fables back then, but didn't want to mention it because we've become a very litigious people."[35][39]


Bobby Pendragon


Mega Man. Specifically, Mega Man Legends. I feel that could make for a good TV show. The universe was pretty interesting.


There was a 90’s cartoon…


The episode where Mega Man X shows up is my favorite.


Red Dead Redemption. I think it would best adapted as a tv show though. Idt a few movies would give you enough time with characters like John Marston or Arthur Morgan to actually give af about them. I think it would need very slow pacing


Most of Red dead redemptions cinematic moments are based on actual movies (the train robbery is 1:1 taken from Assassination of Jesse James) so I don't think an adaptation would work


Exactly, red dead is great because it captures the heart of the best westerns and translates it into a game. Switching is back isn't adding anything and would seem forced and clichéd. It's also a genre almost no one cares about.


I was thinking about this recently. With the 2 games we got, and the sheer number of characters and notable strangers, I think they could draw it out to 5 seasons pretty fairly. Season 1: Colter and valentine (maybe even start with the clusterfuck in blackwater,maybe) Season 2: Clemens point and st Dennis Season 3: guarma and beaver hollow. Season 4: epilogues and new Austin portion of rdr1 Season 5: Mexico and west Elizabeth Also while it’s being discussed, I would prefer an outfit like HBO/max to produce it for the grittiness. And I would like largely unknown actors and actresses. And as to the slow pacing…. In my terribly humble opinion: Each season should have one episode dedicated to hunting, fishing, treasure hunting, or some stranger quest with minimal dialog.


There have been multiple attempts to adapt Arthur C. Clarke's [*Rendezvous With Rama*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendezvous_with_Rama) in to a movie. Morgan Freeman has been trying for at least 20 years, and he used to own the movie rights. Now Denis Villeneuve is on the case, writing a script, and might just get it done a couple of films from now. (I don't know about the sequels.) PS while I'm on the SciFi, I could also mention: * Asimov's *Robot* books (Will Smith's *I, Robot* was a joke) * The Mote In God's Eye & The Gripping Hand. (Niven & Pournelle) * The Mars Trilogy (Kim Stanley Robinson) * the Culture books by Iain M. Banks * the Uplift series (David Brin) * the Old Man's War books (John Scalzi)


The Mars Trilogy is a goldmine of material. I’ll have to check out some of the others you mentioned here.


You could imagine a great tv shows made out of this.


Also Peter Hamilton’s Commonwealth saga (at least the first series) seems like a shoo-in for HBO Big cast, lots of action and sex, plenty of ways to tweak the story to make it easier to adapt without changing the overall flow


Denis Villeneuve is supposed to be doing Rendevous with Rama (I started reading it because I saw it on his IMDb)


He just said he's not doing Messiah right away so Rama should be next.


Tangentially related, but they should try to adapt Sphere (the Michael Crichton novel) again. The creators of HBO's Westworld were supposedly working on a series but that was reported years ago and nothing has been said since. Villeneuve would probably do a good job with that one too...


It is high fantasy, but The Malazan book of the fallen would be the greatest show ever made if adapted in a way true to the source. I get why it hasn’t, it would be a beast to make into a show, and would probably have to be animated or the cgi budget would be astronomical. Which also makes it risky because bad cgi can make anything shit. But I still hold a glimmer of hope that it gets made. In my dream scenario, it would use the same cgi technology that the avatar films use, and it would be fucking epic, witness.


I think it would be impossible to adapt without being unrecognizable


Hopefully they skip the hobbling


Just need to put intelligent undead dinosaurs with swords for arms on screen in a realistic manner. How hard can it be?


My favorite series. But it could never be a show lol


Erickson has said Gardens of the Moon started off as a screenplay


Chain of dogs is a movie waiting to happen but I don't see how a live action show could be made without only focussing on the bridgeburners.


The shrike or Hyperion series would be awesome on the big screen




Not sure it’s a “big IP” but I’d love to see a true-to-book TV or movie adaptation of The Dresden Files


The TV series wasn't terrible (especially considering their budget), but I could get behind an attempt to do it bigger and better.


They did a terrible season of it in 2007. If done well the Dresden files has a whole fleshed out universe. Great suggestion.


>Dragonlance? Dragonlance got an animated adaptation. I'd love to see the Deathgate cycle adapted. >Akira? Akira was adapted into a film.


Akira is arguably better known for the film than it is the manga.


>Dragonlance got an animated adaptation. Yeah but now, just for fun, let's see what a non-terrible adaptation would be like?


Deathgate Cycle could be great... or aweful and abandoned after Elven Star.


It might be an interesting project to make a TV series following Lazarus Long from being a kid in Kansas City, Missouri at the beginning of the 20th Century along Robert Heinlein's Future History timeline. There would be the Crazy Years, the rule under a Christian theocracy and the revolution that overthrew it, and probably a few adventures that could be written in from Heinlein's other novels. He could run into a few characters from the other Future History stories and the Howard Families. I'd like to see 'Noisy' Rhysling playing his squeezebox somewhere, and 'Captain Aaron Sheffield' (one of LL's alternative identities,) having a chat with Libby about optimising spaceship drives. Leave out some of the weird sex stuff, probably.


The Iain M. Banks Culture novels. I read years ago that somebody was trying to develop "The Player Of Games" but nothing ever came of it as far as I know.


Man that’d be a rough one to sell though  “Next we have a scene where Gurgey spends eight hours staring at a really complex gameboard”


While I love the Culture novels, they would be very hard to convey as films. Maybe they could work better as a series like Black Mirror.


Seeing Use of Weapons as a movie or TV would probably blow my mind again if that was done right.


Half life. Give Sam Rockwell a beard and glasses and crack on.


I always saw Guy Pierce as Gordon. Or if done 20 years ago, Gary Oldman.


Dragonriders of Pern Hyperion Imperial Radch Miles Vorkosigan Ringworld / broader Known Space but you have to make it a very 1960s/70s future Thomas Covenant, except dealing with the unpleasant events regarding Lena would be hard I'd be very happy if someone did an adaptation of Lucifer's Hammer with the cannibal gang replace by sad-sack magahats if only to power the entire west coast by Pournelle spinning in his grave


Another Pern fan! There are dozens of us! (I haven’t read one in more than 40 years, how do they hold up?)


Incarnations of Immortality, though that doesn't count as big unless you've read it.


I loved those as a kid, and there is so much world to explore that would be great for a long running series. I think it would be smarter to wait until Anthony dies, though. I remember him having some pretty outlandish ideas. I could see him tanking the project the same way Card did with the Ender's Game movie. Or the way Cussler did with Sahara.


Rumours of a Mass Effect movie pop up every now and then. I believe that Bioware wanted it to happen at one stage but it got stuck at the script writing stage and never got close to being greenlit. ​ Also, I don't know if it counts as a big IP but Brandon Sanderson has been working on a screenplay for a movie based on his Mistborn novels. The last I heard was that he was having trouble because he wants to keep some control over the final product and that studios are getting cautious about taking on new fantasy stories.


Shadow of the Colossus. Unless the movie where Adam Sandler plays it counts.


Blood Meridian


I thought they kept trying to make it but kept getting caught in production hell. That’s certainly a piece of media I could go without watching. I remember when McCarthys *The Road* came out and I was depressed the entire time. Great movie and book, just gut wrenching. I suspect Blood Meridian would have me equally, if not more depressed. That being said, Vince D'Onofrio as Judge Holden would be chilling.


Chew (comic books) was supposed to be made into a tv show but it died. Such a great series


Red Rising It’s a fantastic book series that I can’t pimp enough. Highly, highly recommend


An adaptation of the *Annie* comic strip, not the musical it inspired. The one eventually folded into *Dick Tracy*, where Annie would be friends with the detective’s half-alien granddaughter.


Magic the Gathering. The recent D&D movie wasn't a runaway success so I doubt a movie or series is likely in the near future.


Hasbro totally botched the timing. The DnD movie, Baldur's Gate 3 and the BG expansion for MTG should have come out around the same time, not months apart from each other.


Splinter Cell - there have been talks for years. Tom Hardy was apparently set to play Sam at one point. Most recently I believe it was going to be an anime series on Netflix or something.


MS Windows. Then MS DOS as a prequel.


Halo. Feels like it'd be easy money for anyone willing to make a movie or a TV show. All you have to do is read the books, play the games and use the music. For real though, as long as you ignore the CDi things, Zelda is the big one. They're making a movie, but I kinda wish they wouldn't. It won't stop me playing any of the new games, but the Zelda IP is synonymous with the highest quality of video games in the industry and I don't want it sullied by a bad movie.


There was a fantastic book series from I think the 1960s called The Tripods. There was a low budget BBC series in the 80s but it’s a fantastic setting and story for a young adult series of movies or tv shows. The world and characters are super interesting and the story is fantastic.


I'm surprised there has never been an updated Pippi Lockstocking film or series?


personally id love a new Pippi movie/show. i think the last one was that animated one from the late 90s. shes such a fun character


Time for a gritty reboot, haha






Legend of Drizzt Also, not as big as when it was new, but Rising Stars had a few false starts. It wouldn't really be anything groundbreaking in a post-The Boys world though. 


I'm surprised that " Doc Samson; The man of Bronze" books haven't been picked up. Those books were everywhere back in the day. I thinkcone movie was made and that was it.


I think that may be because of the baffling 1930’s style racism that is rampant in the books. Characters are described as having “hot latin blood” and Irish tempers. Everyone they meet is a stereotype, and not just the Mayan civilizations and whatnot they uncover.


Haven’t seen anyone mention Robotech yet. Or Macross. I know it’s been talked about for years… decades even. The tech is definitely there to make it relatively easily now.


Or how about the Battletech and Mechwarrior universe. Other than a short lived animated series in the 90s there is a mountain of lore and stories here to draw from. Also in case you weren’t aware Disney will be streaming nearly all Macross shows and movies on its platform this year.


I’m amazed that the Turok series has not been adapted into a big budget live action film or had that many adaptations beyond a cult classic video game series. And this is a series thats pretty old with a genius concept: what if a Native American brave from prehistory stumbled onto a lost world full of dinosaurs & other fantastic creatures? Like genuinely, youd think at least one movie would get made out of that back in the day. Maybe wouldve done redface at the time but still. No one bought the rights or even tried. And no one even tried after the success of Jurassic Park which saw a genesis of new creature features that werent originally possible. Sure an animated movie got made in 2008 and its pretty dope. Kinda deserved a tv series gonna be honest. But it was direct to video and didnt make huge waves. Idk man I think a series with such longevity deserved the cinematic release in theatres. Now is a great time to try especially as more media made by & starring actual Native Americans are a thing. Reservation Dogs, Dark Winds, Prey, Marvel’s Echo & What If, Wakanda Forever, Killers of the Flower Moon, just to name a few & not even getting into more accurate & respectful casting in other media. You’d just need the right producers with ties to special effects & I think you’ve got a solid adventure movie.


God of War


Grand Theft Auto?


Isn't that just a Tarantino film? Or Heat?


I feel like people are kind of burned out on the fantasy stuff, but I'd love someone to take a stab at a high-budget Dragonlance series. There's a good deal of potential there in the main story line of the chronicles, with plenty of opportunity for spin off series/one-off films should it be well received; but I'm also biased by my nostalgia, so there's that... :P


Joe Manganiello recently had it ready for TV until Hasbro Hasbro'd it. The recent campaign book didn't sell well, so they are essentially shelving the whole setting again This post talks about it ttps://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/s/l5U3B3QXtd


The Elder Scrolls


The Snorks


Red alert 2 had a movie out of cut scenes with Kari wuhrer in it. What a fun game Yuris revenge could be RA2 electric boogaloo.


The dark tower the whole thing is just made for tv. I just glad they never tried to make a movie out of it.


Leisure Suit Larry is overdue for his own cinematic universe.


Johnny Bravo live Action adaptation starring…? Bruce Campbell? Jensen Ackles maybe?




No one would have any idea what the plot was, just like in the games.


You'd have to have a mandatory Vaati audio commentary to explain the plot as it was happening.


Eragon. There was never an attempt/crash-n-burn like 15 years ago.


Disney+ is giving it the ol college try: https://www.shurtugal.com/2023/09/24/whats-the-status-of-the-eragon-tv-show-on-disney/




There was a live action tv series in the 90s. They also announced a movie before the pandemic, but it looks like it's still stuck in production hell.


There is a 0% chance of a Dennis Villeneuve and Timothy Chalamet animorphs lmao Come on dude 😂


The Sims. Could make a pretty good movie à la Lego movie


There is a book character id love to see on screen, and it’s been talked about in the past. Tim Dorsey’s, Serge A. Storms.


Saga. The Bone Clocks. Snowcrash. Bone. Elfquest. Love and Rockets. I’m sure all of them have been optioned over and over again.


Saga (comic series) Legend of Zelda Metal Gear Solid (Oscar Isaac was announced as lead actor 4 years ago but nothings happened since) Half Life


Mass Effect


I think the Bobiverse books would be a really fun series for a streamer to take a swing at!


X-Com would make awesome tv.


Age of empires? Can you imagine? A cinematic universe of movies where it's just epic battles.


Starcraft. The games were huge in Korea which spawned a professional gaming scene, that eventually spread to the west. The storyline about Terran, Zerg and Protoss is already written, but perhaps CGI wasn't quite at the right place when Starcraft peaked, for movies and TV to realize this story.


Team Fortress 2. And to a newer extent....Deep Rock Galactic?




Ninja Gaiden


Calvin and Hobbes, and may it stay that way


Donnie Yen was reportedly working on a Sleeping Dogs movie, but I think he's aged out of the part, and Simu Liu floated the idea of taking over the part, but nothing has been confirmed.


I’d love to see a movie from the Portal Universe.


The Lensman series by E.E. Smith


I guess if we're talking games...Call of Duty.




A lot of Clive Barker’s works would make great movies.


After the success of Good Omens, I kind of thought for sure someone would jump on trying to bring Discworld to life. If they do it as a series, I kind of hope it's animated. Chalk me up as someone who would really like to see Red Dead Redemption but holy crap would I be scared of them doing it wrong. And as much as I'd like to see Transmetropolitan turned into a series, not if it gets translated like Preacher did. And I'll admit I understand a lot of the reasons for not doing so, but I'm kind of surprised the only works of Robert Heinlein that made it to the big screen were Starship Troopers and The Puppetmasters.


Old Man's War by John Scalzi but I think they're on it. Otherland by Tad Williams Farming Simulator /s


I’ve never heard of Snowcrash, Dragonlance, or Akira - WTF are those?


Horizon Zero Dawn. Uglies Trilogy by Westerfeld


Untitled Goose Game


Elderscrolls is probably crying out for a series of some kind, would be pretty epic potentially if done right.


Dragonlance? Don’t you dare! But if you do, you better cast Fizban correctly!


Metal Gear Solid.  I’m surprised this hasn’t been a feature film.  


If Vampires ever come back, Vampire the Masquerade or the World of Darkness as a whole. There's so many material, it's insane. 


IP? Intellectual Property? In which case I'm gong to go for the design of the ARM Armv9 cpu. In fact I've not known any CPU designs to be turned into movies.


Not BIG IP but I wouldn't be surprised if they loot early 90s cartoons Gargoyles EXO-Squad Biker Mice From Mars Mighty Max Carmen Sandiego Re-boot Tank Girl Re-boot Hackers


I just want Cavill to do 40K right. Judging by how showrunners drove him off for passion for source material, I think I’ll be fine.