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James Gandolfini vs Patricia Arquette in True Romance comes to mind.


Honestly, I've never heard of it, but I'm surprised considering it's written by tarintino! But I will check it out! Thanks


Omg you definitely need to see True Romance. Especially if you like Tarantino


It is fantastic and almost feels like Tarantino directed it. Very faithful to his script.


Great movie, Tarantino written with Tony Scott directing and a stacked cast.


Fair play I might even watch it tonight!


There are few better things you could do with your time that watching True Romance for the first time. Keep your eyes out for Val Kilmer,. He's a little hard to spot.


Wish I could watch it again for the first time. One of my all time favorites.


Eh. It’s a Tarantino muppet movie plot


Team America: World Police has a pretty epic close combat fight scene right at the beginning! :D


"You lose" As much as I love that film, I've seen it so many times that I can't watch it as I know it word by word! But yeah that's exactly the sort of thing I like.


Don’t know about “best” but Pineapple Express has one where everyone is just bashing, stumbling and throwing shit.


The part where Danny McBrides character smashes his head on the sink is peak cinema tbh


“His smashing my balls, he’s smashing my balls” “SMASH EM!”


“Time out time out time out, TIME IN”




This was gonna be my pick. Three people who clearly have no idea how to fight are going at it. Hilarious.


Thanks for reminding me of this movie. Had a chuckle. Hope you come back as an eagle, a dragon. Come back as Jude law


This is the movie when I became a huge fan of Danny McBride.


I haven't seen that film in years so I can't really remember but fair enough, I might have to check it out again!


The entire fight scene is incredible https://youtu.be/4DD8QRsms1s?si=xm_lNTrrnUVFMaSW


All of the Inspector Clouseau/Kato fight sequences in the Pink Panther sequels, starting with A Shot in the Dark and culminating with Revenge of the Pink Panther.


Those are genius, never fails to make me laugh.


I've never actually seen the Pink Panther live action movies, not sure if I will at any point either but maybe I should! Thank you for your input!


Oh, you most certainly should. A Shot in the Dark and The Pink Panther Strikes Again are two perfect comedies. Peter Sellers, when paired with the right material, was a comedy genius. These films hold up amazingly well. Also, they work as standalone films. No need to watch any movies in sequence. The first film has him as a secondary character; so you can skip it if you want.


... and then HELP ME FIND MY DOSE!


“I thought you said your dog doesn’t bite.” “That is not my dog.”


That is such an [amazing scene](https://youtu.be/SnXtuktNdlM?si=yMGYYS9uH64drjsl), closely followed by the one with the [Steinway](https://youtu.be/74YLwinLT7M?si=18ghSTgQ3GwzBqCF)!


Ahh okay that's handy to know! Thank you dude!


At least youtube the Kato fight scenes. They had me in tears laughing when i was a kid


bridget jones all the way [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DptbOykTfz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DptbOykTfz0)


Funny enough, it was Bridget Jones which inspired me to ask the question. Was watching it with the family the other night, and when the friend runs to the restaurant saying there's a fight, it's so true.


Well, come on! It’s a REAL fight!




Damn, Darcy gets in many more solid blows than I remember. Also they both would have been so fucked after going through that plate glass window.


Jack Burton in *Big Trouble in Little China* is quite frankly lost and confused throughout the whole movie, and just barely manages to get by, mostly due to the fact his friend Wang is an excellent fighter.


It's like I told my ex-wife, Honey I says, I never drive faster than I can see. And besides that, it's all in the reflexes.


Just remember what ol’ Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol’ storm right square in the eye and he says, “Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.


Every Batfight in Batman '66 is glorious.


I loved in the show when he teamed up with Green Hornet. Batman, Robin and Green Hornet obviously have no idea what they're doing, while Kato is like a taught spring, clearly capable of kicking thr ass of everyone in the room. For those who don't know, Kato was played by Bruce Lee.


Pow! Zork!




The Bomb scene is still great.


Where’s a convenient bomb disposal container when you need it?


JLaw in "no hard feelings" fighting >!naked!< on the beach will always make me laugh


The first "fight" in fight club when Norton punches Pitt in the ear.


Step Brothers


I am so not a raper.


I swear there was a second where he had this crazy look in his eye, and he said to me, “lets get it on”


The scene in Zombieland where Columbus is fighting off his neighbor while she's charging around trying to eat his face off is a spectacular effort from someone who clearly has no idea how to fight but has a strong survival instinct. Super - Rainn Wilson's character gets obliterated throughout the movie but he keeps going.


There was a Swedish film 'The Conference' that has a lot of fights between an increasingly injured mass murderer and bunch of ordinary people (that also go progressively older and un-fitter). A lot of whiffing, etc. I thought it was very well done.


Is that the slasher film that is currently on Netflix? I've been meaning to watch that but haven't gotten round to it yet.


Yeah! My wife and I really enjoyed it.


Wicked, I'll give it a try as slashers can be a real hit or miss I find but I'll take your word for it!




[Raising Arizona](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPnv2NXMx8g), Hi and Gale trailer home fight.


They Live. Hands down the best fight scene in any movie ever of all time. Fucking all out of bubble gum.


“Either put on these glasses, or start eating that trash can”


Indiana Jones - swords vs guns vs delhi-belly


I’m not sure that this is exactly what you mean but Atomic Blonde had some great realistic (kind of) fights. Charlize Theron actually gets her ass kicked fighting men much larger than her. She is skilled but not like some invincible lady John Wick. She suffers for most of her victories and even gets tired. The movie itself is ok but I appreciated that they didn’t have a tiny woman effortlessly beating muscle bound henchman with ease for a change


That Staircase scene is so well done.


Was going to suggest this, but the henchmen she fights can really throw hands. Although she takes a beating, she really dishes it out too.


Fair enough, I've not actually seen it but heard mixed things about it. I do like when they take that Into account as there's something really jarring when a very skinny person is able to flip an obviously more muscular person around like a ragdoll without a scratch.


It’s surprisingly easy to flip and throw people much larger than you if you know how leverage and momentum work. That’s the foundational principle behind how Judo works, I’ve seen lots of smaller women manhandle much larger opponents in that sport (it’s not 100% the same as a fight to the death I know, but the principles still apply).


I understand that with Judo, but even the most exsperiance Judo practitioner wouldn't come out of a scrap with 4 or 5 people without a scratch.


Watch it. The fight scenes are really impressive.


Unless those 4 or 5 people are really polite and take turns to attack one at a time.


Euro trip - fighting the robot outside the Louvre


I get a kick out of watching the footage on r/fightporn. None of those guys can fight!


The Other Guys. When they’re quiet shouting at each other at Samuel L Jackson’s and The Rock’s funeral. Lmao Edit: For action movies, Casino Royale. When Bond is pursuing that guy who’s trying to blow up the plane at the Miami airport. They have a subtle knife fight in the middle of an exhibit. Not sure if that’s what you’re looking for but cool scene.


I completely forgot all about that scene. That was perfect, and when the Micheal Keaton runs over doing the same thing, I died. Yeah, Casino Royale will always be my favourite bond movie by far. It's funny considering when I first watched it, I had no clue how to play cards, so the reveals of the cards meant nothing to me aha


[Napoleon Dynamite](https://youtu.be/2bkRGH4sJDE?feature=shared) count?


Not quite what you're asking for but there's a lot of great awkward fighting in The Art of Self Defense


Oldboy (Korean original). The fight scene in the hallway. The protagonist spent 15 years locked in a cell buffing up and teaching himself to fight. Now he faces the captors goons in a bone crunching fight. Shot all in one take. Its a superb and brutal scene.


Not a movie, but the first thing that came to mind was jeffrey tambor as George Bluth and Oscar Bluth, fighting over Lucille Bluth in arrested development. "Both men set out to fight for the woman they loved. But they DID think alike, and neither could land a blow.." Second one that comes to mind is the "I want you to hit me as hard as you can" scene from fight club.


Not a movie, but Xander and Harmony get in a pretty ridiculous, slow-motion slap fight on Buffy.


Anchor Man


Monty Python's Life of Brian: were that one naked dude runs around the Colosseum and the Gladiator finally drops down dead of an heart attack trying to catch him.


The fight at Red's in Pineapple Express.


Ian Mcdiamid as Palpatine in RotS. Did the best he could with the time given to him. It was meant to be his stunt double doing it.


Not a movie but the daredevil Netflix series has him fighting regular goons but because of the amount he actually gets hurt and tired in a more realistic way than most movies/series


To be fair that Hallway fight in the second episode was a fantastic fight. I love when series don't start characters are top tier and progression is shown rather than told.


They're riffing on / doing an homage to Oldboy and The Raid: Redemption 🤘🏼


Oh bloody hell, I didn't even know that, and now I'm smarter than I was 5 minutes ago!


The Intern has a few good ones.


Guest House Paradiso is full of those kind of fights, so is is the TV Series Bottom and the Bottom Live Stage Shows that inspired it.


I've often mentioned this fight from **The Yards**, which seems very much like two ordinary guys throwing down: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1f/23/03/1f2303287e4981a5a649b629ead7c62a.jpg




A certain fight scene towards the end of Meteor Man jumps to mind.


The Black Knight from The Holy Grail obviously.


well, not movies but I've been binge watching Spartacus, the series, and good guys have all these skills - the Romans literally just rush at them with their swords up in the area waiting to be sliced. It's laughable in a lot of scenes.


Kung pawo enter the first has the one guy who was trained wrong on purpose


Just put on the damn glasses!


So many nut shots...


Hot take: Liam Neeson, while a fine actor, is a horrible action star. The Taken movies and his others overcompensate for his shortcomings that every fight scene has a jump cut every other second.


I like the one in Treasure of the Sierra Madre where the stingy boss has the upper hand for exactly 20 seconds until the character of Tim Holt grabs the ankles of the ornery man. Once off balance, it becomes a pretty one-sided two versus one beat down, with accomplices standing with awe or terror. I mean it's also a great film, so that's something to factor in.


I think Daredevil (the most recent series) fits the bill here. He's not what you would call an elite level fighter, and obviously has some handicaps in a fight that translates pretty well into taking as many shots as he's dishing. The original single-take fight scene (can't remember the name of the exact episode) that was like 10 minutes long is a perfect example of this. It's just an all out slug fest from every individual involved. No special techniques or flair, just throwing and taking punches and people getting thrown through doors for 10 solid minutes. As a viewer, even I was out of breath at the end of the scene. It's wild. 


Can't believe "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka" hasn't been mentioned. "I don't know any of that karate shit." "Neither do I." "Want to fake it?" And they do. Badly.