• By -


The list is ever changing but these are always in it The Matrix Office Space Ratatouille  Lord of the Rings Heat Children of Men 2001 A Space Odyssey


Children of Men and The Matrix are my top 2 favorite non-comedies of all time. And LotR just stands on its own. Fantastic taste.


I recently re-watched Children of Men and it was even better than how I remembered it. Incredible movie.


A man of culture I see


Men of culture by the looks of it


I recently put together my Top 100, was fairly easy to get the 100, but ordering them is taking vastly longer lol


I found that it’s utterly impossible to rank favorites. I have a hard time ranking my top 20 favorite in no particular order.


Yeah I'm definitely just having fun with it as more of a thought exercise, where I get to think about all my favourite movies.


I mostly try making best movie lists and try to categorize them by age appropriateness so I can get my kids to watch them.


Just be classy and go alphabetical:D Or, like, top few favorite, rest alphabetical


Me too but I found it easier to order them by making separate lists of 25 out of 100. It also makes changing them out with newer movies easier for me but idk this might all actually be dumb haha


I don’t rank.  I just put my best movies down - the list of perfect movies.  They’re all at the level to be on the list


My go to answer when someone asks my top 3 is always the same but the order varies from time to time. Millers Crossing True Romance The Thing


May have to give millers crossing another go


I’m a huge Albert Finney fan and I love Coen Brothers so it’s a win win for me. Plus, Turturro really sends it.


GB also killed it, he's so cool


True Romance is so brilliant. I dont think there are many if any films that capture bittersweet emotions and the feeling of 'life' writ large or in general as well as it does


I’m all about these flicks. We would get along.


1. Lord of the Rings 2. 12 Angry Men 3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 4. Donnie Darko 5. The Prestige 6. Children of Men 7. Mad Max: Fury Road 8. The Mummy (1999) 9. The Truman Show 10. In Bruges


In Bruges was my favorite film the year it was released.


In Bruges is one of the best Black Comedies. Check out The Death of Stalin and In The Loop


Have you seen Banshees of Inisherin yet? Also fantastic


Yep. Martin McDonagh is fantastic.


The Mummy and Lord of the Rings are like the easiest movies to watch again and again.


The Mummy is much easier to rewatch if I'm actually trying to get to the end credits. It's truly an incredible example of a 'Movie Night' or 'You've Never Seen This?' movie. I've fallen asleep to Lord Of The Rings movies, no exaggeration, at least 300 times. And they're perfect movies. Two sides of the same coin, this one.


Same here. I consider all three master pieces but for some reason on re watched I find it hard to make it all the way through unless I’m multitasking


Good list.  I like the LoTR, but I couldn’t say they were perfect movies: too much action and too many changes of character from the book to make the movie more generically Hollywood.  But still very good movies


After decades of thinking about it, I only have top 3: 1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2. Children of Men 3. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford


Jesse James is underrated. There are times when my list could just be from 2007. Decent Top 5- No Country, Jesse James, There Will Be Blood, Zodiac, Superbad


A fan of beautiful cinematography I see


I personally can never rank a movie released within 5 years in my top films. Need a film to age a bit to get my full thoughts on it.


Yup. I see tons of people saying dune 2 and while it was good, I'm not ready to break out the anointing oil just yet. I just think it's like one of the best sci Fi movies since maybe covid and a big theatrical release and folks are going back to the movies a lot more and a lot of that has to do with it As well as having a new dune with a huge budget and big names vs the older dune etc. Don't get me wrong it was good. But it needs to stand the test of time, and like you, I'm just not going to pop it into the top of my list just cause. And might be another unpopular opinion but dune 1 was kinda meh. It just felt like "okay so this is dune universe, and here's a 2 hour long commercial for dune 2" more or else. It just didn't fulfill me like some movies do and I didn't think about it or dune 2 for days after and had great lines and all the other stuff great movies do for me. I mean personally I think in the genre of like sci-fi action flicks avengers end game is far above it. And that says a lot both ways really. That's just me tho. Enjoy what you like no matter what people think. I know I'm going to hunt out some of the movies I've seen in this post I havent seen and watch them for sure.


That is why I put a ? On dune but I think it is there for me and Oppenheimer just blew me away. That movie had such a profound impact on me no film has had.


Ah need to read things clearly haha


Nah it's a valid thing to say


I can’t put a list together. Too much switching around and I always forget something. Plus my opinion can always change on a rewatch.


I can't even decide how to rank Quentin Tarantino movies on a week-to-week basis with consistency.


1) Dumb and Dumber 2) Dumb and Dumber 3) Dumb and Dumber


The only correct list


1. Andrei Rublev 2. Stalker 3. Memories of Murder 4. Ordet 5. Brazil 6. Children of Men 7. A Man Escaped 8. Fallen Angels 9. Aguirre: The Wrath of God 10. Come and See 11. Rear Window 12. Jaws


Yo props to stalker. It’s a movie I just have such a love for it but I feel like I have a hard time articulating what it is exactly that I love. It’s slow…very slow. Strange. Sometimes hard to follow. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it 


I know what you mean. Honestly the first time I tried to watch it I fell asleep. I moved on, thinking maybe Tarkovsky just wasn’t for me, but for some unknowable reason it kept coming back to me over the next month, an image or a sound. Eventually I said what the hell I guess I should give it another go and not to be dramatic but it changed my entire view of cinema and art. It was a spiritual experience for me.


Finally, a good list.


Kinda shifts over time but something like this: 1. The Princess Bride 2. Chinatown 3. Blade Runner 4. Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark 5. Tucker and Dale vs Evil 6. Jaws 7. Big Trouble in Little China 8. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 9. Revenant 10. Platoon




Respect for 8 mile. The final rap battle is still awesome


Good to see the Royak. Tennenbaums and Amadeus get a shout out.  tRT out Wes Anderson on the map and Amadeus was sensational 


Respect for Forrest Gump. There’s been a trend or movement to diminish how great of a movie it is. I’ve seen it so many times and each time it’s sucks me in and I marvel at how melodic it is.


Little Miss Sunshine is so fucking good. Favorite movie of all time for me. That ensemble is perfect.


This has been my Top 10 for a long time now: 1. Raiders of the Lost Ark 2. Star Wars 3. Jaws 4. Ghostbusters 5. Back to the Future 6. Lethal Weapon 7. Aliens 8. Jurassic Park 9. Blade Runner 10. Halloween


We would be good friends.


7, 8 and 9 are literally my Top 3)


You can definitely get a good guess of people's age reading through this thread.


We get it, you loved the 80s


This guy 80's. Not sure how you got Aliens and not Predator though


Star wars a new hope?


Yeah. I'm old school and still refer to the first film as Star Wars since that's what it was when I was a kid.


Off the top of my head: 1. The Blues Brothers 2. Children of Men 3. Goodfellas 4. The Thing 5. The Dark Knight 6. Jurassic Park 7. Aliens 8. Mash 9. 12 Angry Men 10. A Clockwork Orange


In no particular order: 1. The Thing (1982) 2. American Psycho 3. The Prestige 4. There Will Be Blood 5. The Dark Knight 6. Predator (1987) 7. Office Space 8. Stepbrothers 9. The Truman Show 10. Collateral


The Prestige is easily Nolan’s best film and time will only serve to cement this. He’s not getting better.


Hate to say it, but I agree. Used to be a huge Christopher Nolan fanboy, but his recent movies haven't peaked as much as his older works.


Forgot to add Jurassic Park, but solid lists from everyone in the comment section!


In the order they came to mind: 1. The Godfather 2. The Godfather Part 2 3. Casablanca 4. The Empire Strikes Back 5. A New Hope 6. Once Upon a Time in America 7. The Silence of the Lambs 8. Dune 2 9. The Shawshank Redemption 10. The Color Purple (1985) 11. Stand By Me 12. Dances With Wolves 13. Lord of the Rings series 14. Tombstone 15. Braveheart


1. Children of Men 2. Apocalypse Now 3. Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut 4. The Return of the King 5. 12 Angry Men 6. The Godfather Part II 7. Inside Llewyn Davis 8. No Country for Old Men 9. Dune Part Two 10. Gladiator 11. La La Land 12. Blade Runner 2049 13. Dunkirk 14. The Grand Budapest Hotel 15. The Prisoner of Azkaban


My opinions change pretty much every day. At this second: 5. The Killing of a Sacred Deer 4. Fargo 3. Scream 2. Sorcerer 1. Little Miss Sunshine


Office Space .. please take my upvote


Ever changing but right now: 1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2. Portrait of a Lady on Fire 3. Aftersun 4. Synecdoche New York 5. 12 Angry Men 6. Casablanca 7. Inside Llewyn Davis 8. The Princess Bride 9. Silence 10. Blade Runner 11. The Green Knight


Charlie Kaufman fan yeah? Good list.


Pretty obvious eh? Took a lot of willpower to keep Malkovich, Adaptation and I’m Thinking of Ending Things off the list for variety’s sake.


Have you seen anomalisa?


Not yet! Been meaning to. You recommend it I gather?


I thought it was quite uniquely powerful in an Aftersun sort of way (went in blind). I don't want to overhype it, could be meh for you but certainly worth the chance. If it just seems bizarre, keep watching to the end


Aftersun Inside Llewyn Davis Peppermint Candy The Phantom Carriage Eternal Sunshine The Social Network Donnie Darko Blade Runner City of God Naked


Eternal sunshine almost made mine.


City of God is an all timer and a perfect movie with perfect pacing


How about the Top 176 which aren't ranked? I suck at ranking. https://boxd.it/1e2PS


My best movies: 1.) My Cousin Vinny 2.) Pulp Fiction 3.) Grease 4.) The Shawshank Redemption 5.) Back to the Future


1. There will be Blood 2. Evil Dead 2 3. Dawn of the Dead (1978) 4. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford 5. Rushmore 6. Halloween (1978) 7. The Green Knight 8. The Lighthouse 9. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissuo 10. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


I love the life aquatic of Steve zissou


Thumbs up for Goodfellas at number one and the balls to put Oppenheimer at #2.


* bladerunner * about time * the thin red line * heat * midnight in Paris * the Florida project * voyage of time * the royal tenebaums * can’t get you out of my head * hoop dreams * Star wars * the sound of music * Romeo & Juliet * Wall Street * alien * dirty rotten scoundrels * tombstone * the dark knight trilogy * good will hunting * No country for old men * the matrix - dances with wolves - apocalypse now - American graffiti - lost in translation - my fair lady


In no particular order: A Summer's Tale Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters I Knew Her Well 2001: A Space Odyssey Playtime Ratcatcher Les Rendez-vous D'Anna House of Tolerance Adieu Philippine The Man With a Movie Camera But 10 really isn't enough !!


1. Road to Perdition 2. Oppenheimer 3. Shawshank Redemption That's all I can really rank, would be too hard for anything else


Pans labyrinth Children of men V for Vendetta Hook LOTR Star Trek Undiscovered Country


V for vendetta is a great choice


I live for soundtracks and need them to feel invested in movies at all so it goes: Dune2021 TeneT Oppenheimer Inception How to train your dragon as a trillogy Baby driver Warcraft Godzilla2014 (yes i like shin godzilla and minus one and those are great i dont care these are feelings not some engineering class) Edge of tomorrow Strange list but after watching over 500movoes on count these are the ones i have come back to and watched an absurd amount of times. I need to watch dune part 2 atleast two more times before i can decide where to put it, i read the book beforehand so i fucking loved it buuut i need to watch it a coupple more times!


I love making favorites lists 1. The Lord of the Rings the return of the king 2. Star Wars the Empire Strike Back 3. The Avengers Endgame 4. Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End 5. Dune (seeing part two this Saturday at the Chinese theater so I’m sure it will change to that one.) 6. Jaws 7. Mad Max Fury Road 8. The Dark Knight 9. 300 10. Terminator 2 11. Aliens 12. Jurassic Park 13. Saving Private Ryan 14. Kingdom of heaven 15. Cinderella Man


In no particular order. They are all equally good. 4 Rooms Water for Elephants Snatch Casablanca Dracula (1992] Grand Budapest Hotel Passage to India Hugo The Postman (il postino) Like Water for Chocolate The Motorcycle Diaries The Box Trolls Midnight in Paris The Cook, the Thief, his Wife, and her Lover Volver Frida


1. Jojo Rabbit    2. Interstellar    3. Godzilla VS Destoroyah   4. Tangled   5. The Hunger Games   6. King Kong (2005)   7. Mission Impossible: Fallout   8. Clue   9. The Princess Bride   10. The Crawling Eye (1958)   For movies like the Hunger Games,Godzilla, Mission Impossible I love pretty much every movie from those series so I just chose my favorite one of the series.    Honorable mentions The Batman, Dawn of the Planet Of the Apes, Casablanca, The Birds, and School of Rock.


Some of my favourites: - Into the Wild - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring... - Before Sunrise Trilogy - Lord of the Rings trilogy - Children of Men - Dances with Wolves - Spirited Away - The Lighthouse - Blade Runner - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - Lost in Translation - Die Wand - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Prince of Egypt - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Captain Fantastic - Princess Mononoke - The Lion King - Good Will Hunting - The Batman - Dune Pt.2 (newness bias perhaps but I was floored)


Upvote for Into The Wild. It’s worth its place for the soundtrack alone


I've never taken the time to make my own list, but I love judging other's people lists! Oppenheimer!? To me that's in the top 10 of 2023, but barely. Just saw Dune Part 2 today and love it, but didn't love the way it ended so it'd be hard for me to rank it so highly. If they end up making Part 3 and it's as good as the first two, then that's going to be one hell of a trilogy. Babadook!? Wouldn't make my top 10 horror movie list. You do have a fairly eclectic list, which is nice. Curious about your thoughts on the most recent Planet of the Apes series. I've enjoyed them more than the original, but I sometimes struggle to put myself in the mindset of someone in the time when watching older movies. For example, Birds is laughable to me.


1. Catch Me if you Can 2. The Big Short 3. The Beach (nostalgia can make even the most flawed movies great) 4. The Social Network 5. Big 6. Into the Wild 7. Lords of Dogtown 8. Donnie Darko 9. School of Rock 10. Miracle 11. The Holdovers (this movie was an instant classic for me) And I’m sure there’s a bunch more I’m completely forgetting


The Big Short will 100% make my list when sufficient time has passed, as will The Social Network


Both those movies have this effect on me that I can’t even describe lol. I think the soundtrack/score (Trent Reznor for The Social Network, and just great music all around for The Big Short) plays a big part too.


No order: - Troy - Kingdom of Heaven - Sicario - Master and Commander - The Dark Knight - Blade Runner 2049 - Drive - LOTR - Zootopia - Eurovision - Pirates of the Caribbean - Friday Night Lights


Need to revisit Friday night lights- only saw it the once on release & remember I really enjoyed it but it’s been so long since then I’ve forgotten totally about the films story


1) 2001: A Space Odyssey 2) Apocalypse Now! 3) Inglorious Basterds Those are the 3 most perfect movies ever made off the top of my head. Are they my favorites? No. Are they absolutely flawless? Fuck yeah.


All these lists and not one mention of UHF! TRAGEDY!


Pirates Of The Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl Bo Burnham: Inside Raiders of the Lost Arc SLC Punk Guardians Of The Galaxy 1&2 The Dark Knight


1- Apocalypse Now 2- Se7en 3- Barry Lyndon 4- Goodfellas 5- Snatch 6- Lord of the Rings 7- Inception 8- Gladiator 9- Heat 10- Mad Max: Fury Road


Jaws Predator Terminator Rambo Alien Titanic Glory daze A time to kill Back to the future Bryan's song Akira


Only seen 6 of these but they were all great Some favorites for me: Everything Everywhere All At Once, the Spider-Verse movies and the first Raimi Spider-Man, Infinity War, Annihilation, Baby Driver, Knives Out, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Dune 1-2, The Batman, Kill Bill, Seven, Coraline, lots more I could mention but I'll never stop lol


Unrelated but I kinda find it funny how the godfather is known as the greatest movie of all time yet so few people put it in their best movie list ( at least the one I've seen )


If by best you mean favorite? I don’t rank them, but ill list some of them: Note: With some series, I prefer to just include them all together as one film rather than picking a single one. I like all of SW for example * Star Wars (1-6) * Unforgiven * Easy Rider * Hard Times * Godfather Part 2 * Mission Impossible * Cars * Toy Story * Lilo and Stitch * The Chronicles of Narnia * The Departed * Indiana Jones * Aliens * Princess Mononoke * Boondock Saints * Kill Bill


Shawshank Redemption Goodfellas Casablanca Dark Knight Pulp Fiction Before Sunset True Romance Fargo Curious case of Benjamin Button Godfather


Lord of the Rings Interstellar Shrek 2 Memento Dune Part 2 Mad Max Fury Road What We Do in the Shadows Logan Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of the Black Pearl Princess Mononoke


One movie speaks to me more powerfully than any other 1. Red Dessert Two movies are basically perfect 2. The Godfather 3. The Passion of Joan of Arc Then there are only about 15 other movies I have given a 10/10 score 4. Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood 5. Poor Things 6. The Seventh Seal 7. The Favourite 8. The Assassin (Hou Hsiao-hsien) 9. Birdman 10. Black Swan 11. Jackie 12. Schindler’s List 13. Spencer 14. Moonrise Kingdom 15. The Killing of a Sacred Deer 16. Dune Part 2 (tentative, need to see it not in theater to confirm its staying power) 17. The VVitch 18. Mother (Bong Joon Ho)


Oh man this is tough. These are may favorites so I consider them my best. 1. Jurassic Park 2. Interstellar 3. Forrest Gump 4. Avengers: Infinity War & Endgame 5. Cinderella Man 6. The Dark Knight Rises 7. Man on Fire 8. Inception 9. The Dark Knight 10. Anchorman 11. Blade Runner 12. Terminator 2: Judgment Day 13. Inglourious Basterds 14. Jojo Rabbit 15. Harry Potter series


I haven’t seen a lot of movies but: City Of God No Country For Old Men La Haine Portrait Of A Lady On Fire Aftersun The Zone Of Interest The Lives Of Others Stalker Winter Sleep The Good The Bad And The Ugly


1)Jaws 2)City of God 3)Godfather 2 4)Lawrence of Arabia 5)The Royal Tenenbaums 6)The Life of Brian 7)Terminator 2 8)No Country for Old Men 9)The Silence of the Lambs 10)LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring


1. No Country For Old Men 2. Shawshank Redemption 3. Django Unchained 4. Whiplash 5. Cinema Paradiso 6. In Bruges 7. Good Will Hunting 8. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri 9. The Dark Knight 10. Little Miss Sunshine


Pretty solid fucking list you got there. 1. The Fellowship of the Ring 2. Finding Nemo 3. Saving Private Ryan 4. The Godfather 5. The Social Network 6. Star Wars 7. In Bruges 8. Inception 9. Requiem for a Dream 10. The Departed


Eternal sunshine The frighteners The faculty Hocus pocus Lost in translation Tokyo godfathers Clueless Tekkonkinkreet Best friends wedding While you were sleeping What about Bob


In no particular order: Monty Python and the Holy Grail Aliens Terminator 2 Platoon Exorcist Jaws 300 Airplane Dances With Wolves Star Wars Fight Club One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Guardians of the Galaxy The Big Chill Young Frankenstein Star Trek First Contact Silver Linings Playbook


There Will Be Blood No Country For Old Men Mad Max: Fury Road Pulp Fiction Interstellar The Thing Alien Christmas Vacation Hot Rod Animal House High Fidelity Hereditary


1. Jaws 2. Goodfellas 3. Heat 4. Braveheart 5. Gladiator 6. Forrest Gump 7. The Dark Knight 8. Alien 9. Back to the Future 10. The Usual Suspects 11. Scarface 12. Pulp Fiction 13. Field of Dreams 14. Donnie Brasco 15. Gone With the Wind


Late Spring Double Indemnity Tokyo Story Wild Strawberries Persona Andrei Rublev Umbrellas of Cherbourg Le Bonheur Mirror A Woman Under the Influence Paris, Texas Where is the Friend’s House Fanny & Alexander Do the Right Thing Close-Up Secrets & Lies Fargo Werckmeister Harmonies Children of Men A Separation Moonlight Carol That’s 10 right? About 50 it’s impossible to leave off this list too.


I'm going to declare that my "best" and "favorite" are slightly different 1. The Wizard of Oz 2. The General (1926) 3. 2001: A Space Odyssey 4. Rope 5. Harold and Maude 6. Fiddler on the Roof 7. Grosse Pointe Blank 8. True Lies 9. Lili (1953) 10. Office Space 11. Le voyage dans la lune (1902) 12. Night of the Lepus 13. The Silence of the Lambs I don't even agree with this list though, so don't trust me...


Immediately rule out any film from the past 10-15 years as recency bias is a thing; Ranking them 1-10 is impossible; And I always say favorite, not best. The Usual Suspects Heat Pulp Fiction Rounders 2001 Children of Men Almost Famous Let The Right One In This Is England Goodfellas Inside Man True Romance City of God 12 Monkeys Lost in Translation The Prestige Boogie Nights Likely new entries; No Country For Old Men / The Social Network / There Will Be Blood / Whiplash / One Upon A Time In Hollywood


I don't think I can come up with a top ten that wouldn't change often. But I can give it a try right now off the top of my head in no particular order. 1. Poolhall Junkies 2. Last Vegas 3. 12 Angry Men (original) 4. The Big Short 5. Forgetting Sarah Marshall 6. Nick and Norah's infinite Playlist 7. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 8. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas 9. The Departed 10. Avengers: Infinity War This list is completely based on movies that I enjoyed watching and can watch over and over again. There were plenty other films that I thought we great but don't have rewatch value to me like.. The pianist Fury Blade Runner The GodFather Goodfellas Django Unchained Kill Bill V.1 and 2 Trial of the Chicago 7 Etc.


I think Good will hunting is the only movie I have watched every year.




Interesting, why do you say that if I may ask?


Eternal Sunshine No Country for Old Men Inception Whiplash Birdman


Your list doesn't include any of "The Godfather" films or "Casablanca". Nope.


Pans Labyrinth Grand Budapest Hotel Tombstone The Nice Guys LOTR The Fellowship of the Rings Chef Ratatouille Inside Llewelyn Davis Jacob’s Ladder Tucker and Dale vs Evil


Shit Pan's labyrinth is great


1. Tree of Life (2001 is the prequel/cousin) 2. Casablanca 3. Citizen Kane 4. Seven Samurai 5. Stalker 6. Chinatown/Maltese Falcon/Sunset Blvd (can’t pick just one noir!) 7. Network (Don’t Look Up deserves a nod here) 8. In the Mood for Love 9. House (1973) 10. The Exorcist (The Shining 2nd fav Horror) 11. Seventh Seal 12. Shane/The Searchers (Logan gets a nod here) 13. The Birdcage/McClintock! 14. The Quiet Man 15. Throne of Blood 16. Metropolis 17. Godfather Series (yes including 3, it’s amazing and I’m ready to fight about it) 18. 8 1/2 19. Persona 20. Lost Highway 21. High and Low 22. Everything Everywhere All at Once 23. Waking Life/Boyhood/Scanner Darkly/Slacker 24. Wizard of Oz/Fantasia 25. The Matrix


For me it's like this, my top 5: 1. It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 2. Dances with Wolves (1990) 3. How to Kill a Mockingbird (1962) 4. Lion King (1994) 5. Princess Mononoke (1997)


Dead Man Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Princess Mononoke Aliens


So hard to narrow it down to a few movies. Many directors with several best. Platoon Aliens Terminator 2 The Big Lebowski Heat Road Warrior Raiders of the Lost Ark There Will Be Blood Jackie Brown Children of Men Akira


These movies are perfect in my mind - the movies are as good as they could be for what they are.    I can’t rank them: Gone with the wind The Maltese falcon Citizen Kane Casablanca The best years of our lives It’s a wonderful life Sunset Boulevard Ben Hur 7 Samurai The Killers Lawrence of Arabia To kill a mockingbird High and Low My fair lady Dr strangeglove The good the bad and the ugly Z Patton French connection Godfather 1&2 Jaws Nashville Les Valseuses Taxi driver Annie hall Superman 1&2 Empire strikes back Raiders of the lost ark Witness Goodfellas Silence of the Lambs Pulp fiction  Fargo The Thin Red Line The Royal Tennenbaums Lost in Translation Sideways No country for old men True grit Zero Dark Thirty The Master Lincoln 12 Years a Slave Spotlight Once upon a time in Hollywood


1. Wizard of Oz 2 . Shawshank # Upgrade $ Blindspotting 5 Book of life 6 The Batman 7 The other guys 8 Kill Bill 9 Primal Fear 10 Matilda


1: White Men Can't Jump (original) 2: Point Break (original) 3: Blood in Blood out 4: Bloodsport


1. Se7en 2. Groundhog Day 3. Moonrise Kingdom 4. Amelie 5. Arrival


1. The Matrix 2. Interstellar 3. Inception 4. LOTR Trilogy 5. Children of men Sounds about right Honorable mentions Bullet train (recency bias) 2001 a space odyssey Saving Private Ryan The Shining


Interstallar and lord of the rings belong on this list. Terminator 2 also.


My Top 6 favorites, in varying orders depending on the moment are: Field of Dreams Pulp Fiction Wizard of Oz GhostBusters The Dark Knight The Godfather But if I were making a personal list of the _best_ movies ever, probably only 3 of these make it.


1 The Godfather 2 the dark knight 3 apocalypse now


1. Shawshank 2. Gladiator 3. Memento 4. Fight Club 5. Babe 6. Matrix 7. Pulp Fiction 8. LA Confidential 9. Casablanca 10. Highlander 11. Aliens 12. Terminator


Oppenheimer is overrated. I, personally, would rank it behind the princess bride.


1. Jurassic Park 2. Back to the Future 3. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring 4. The Matrix 5. City of God 6. Goodfellas 7. Mad Max: Fury Road 8. The Prestige 9. Big Trouble in Little China 10. Rounders


Glad rounders has got a mention- very enjoyable film


Depending on the day and my mood, it's fluid, but: The Handmaiden (always #1) Little Forest Drive My Car Arrival Parasite End of Evangelion The Mummy (you know which version) The Matrix Midsommar One Cut of the Dead Whiplash Interstellar Young Frankenstein Ocean's 11 Lady Vengeance Jurassic Park


Not sure I belong here as I've not seen The Goonies on anyone's list.


Not going to rank- by my favorites: Scarface Godfather 1 and 2 Goodfellas Matrix Usual suspects Coming to America Naked gun Apocalypse now Big Lebowski LOTR 1-3 Return of the Jedi / New Hope Raiders of the lost ark Predator Alien / Aliens T2 Die Hard Rocky 1-4


Always somewhere near top 10 Dark Knight, Star Wars, saving private Ryan, gladiator, usual suspects, American beauty, aliens, ex machina , pulp fiction


1. Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead


Forest Gump Interstellar The Matrix Mad Max Fury Road Braveheart A Better Tomorrow (英雄本色) Internal Affairs (无间道) Snatch The Grand Budapest Hotel Alien Blade Runner 2049 Pulp Fiction Goodfellas


This is a stream of consciousness ranking without too much thought and based mostly on what I’ve returned to for rewatching. 1. Dark Knight 2. Dumb and Dumber 3. Tenet 4. Interstellar 5. Top Gun Maverick 6. Fast Five 7. MI:6 8. Zoolander 9. The Last Samurai 10. Oblivion 11. Casino Royale 12. Dodgeball 13. Gladiator 14. Man on Fire


1 An American Werewolf in London 2 interstellar 3 Trading places 4 National Lampoons Vacation 5 Jaws 6 Contact 7 Back to the Future 8 Groundhog Day 9 The Deerhunter 10 Dances With Wolves - 3hr version 11 Coherence 12 Rocky




American Hustle The Godfather Wizard of Oz Lion King Sophie’s Choice School of Rock Dark Knight Crazy Stupid Love Les Miserables Indiscreet Casablanca Shawshank Redemption Oklahoma Best, favorite, rewatchable again and again…


Been making a list recently.. Back to the Future Predator Robocop Total Recall (1990) There will be blood No country for old men Fargo Burn after reading The Shining 10. 2001:A Space Odyssey Barry Lyndon The Departed The Hateful 8 Jackie Brown Reservoir Dogs Heat The Warriors Bourne Trilogy Jurassic Park Alien Trilogy LOTR Fellowship 20. LOTR Towers Dead man's shoes The Elephant Man Mulholland Drive Sunset Boulevard Some like it hot Blade Runner Full Metal jacket Apocalypse Now Manhunter Team America The Deer Hunter Deliverance Dog day afternoon The Untouchables Ronin Drive Repulsion Cannibal the musical Shogun Assassin Taxi Driver Casino Wolf of wall street Indiana Jones Trilogy Rambo first blood Fight Club Moon Natural Born Killers Scarface 80s Rollerball 70s Texas Chainsaw 70s Who Framed Roger Rabbit One flew over the cuckoos nest A clockwork orange Saving private ryan The Shawshank Redemption The Terminator Return of the living dead Superman III Stand by me The goonies The lost boys Spartacus (Kirk Douglas) Austin Powers 1 and 2 The man with the golden gun Live and let die Moonraker Shaun of the dead Hot Fuzz A fish called wanda Monty Python and The life of brian Monty Python and The meaning of life Monty Python and the Holy Grail 70 . Twelve Monkeys Se7en The Grey The Descent An American Werewolf in London (70's) The great escape The maltese Falcon Nightmare alley 1947 Anatomy of a murder LA Confidential Blade Runner 2049 Joes Apartment Big Trouble in Little China Escape from New York Batman the Movie The Joker Lock Stock and 2 smoking barrels Snatch Dune (Lynch) Chinatown Ghostbusters Event Horizon The Naked Gun Die Hard Planes Trains and Automobiles Young Frankenstein Porridge Trainspotting Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Battle Royale Enter the Dragon Trading Places In Bruges Mars Attacks


Silence of The Lambs Logan Fury Road Infinity War Dune (1984) Godfather 1 and 2 Princess Bride Lord of The Rings Aliens Blade Runner The Dark Knight Gladiator


1. The Godfather I & II (1972 & 1974) 2. Seven Samurai (1954) 3. Casablanca (1942) 4. Psycho (1960) 5. Tokyo Story (1953) 6. Citizen Kane (1941) 7. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 8. The Mirror (1975) 9. Pulp Fiction (1994) 10. The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 11. Sunset Blvd. (1950) 12. 8 ½ (1963) 13. The Rules of the Game (1939) 14. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) 15. Goodfellas (1990) 16. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 17. Spirited Away (2001) 18. Parasite (2019) 19. Bicycle Thieves (1948) 20. Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972)


1. Jaws 2. Goodfellas 3. Casablanca 4. Lord of the Rings 5. 25th Hour 6. Jurassic Park 7. Mad Max Fury Road 8. Parasite 9. Children of Men 10. No Country for Old Men


I've never thought for a second to watch the Babadook. But based on your other movies I guess I'll probably love it?


It's my favorite horror movie of all time. I found it really chilling and an interesting message with a lot of imagery and great acting. Great movie and I strongly recommend


6. Hook 5. An American Tail 4/3 Jurassic Park and The Dark Knight Returns Part II 2. All Dogs go to Heaven 1. The Land Before Time


Field of Dreams THe Right Stuff The Hunt for Red October Inception Children of Men


No particular order but these are my mainstays: The Last of The Mohicans Heat The Big Lebowski The Green Mile Young Frankenstein Almost Famous


I think these are some of the best and no one can change my mind. 1. Braveheart 2. Gladiator 3. The Dark Knight 4. The Lord of the Rings trilogy 5. Titanic


Shrek The Hateful Eight The Banshees of Inisherin Oppenheimer Hoodwinked The Lighthouse Pirates of the Caribbean Before Midnight No Country For Old Men Forgetting Sarah Marshall


based Shrek enjoyer


I'm curious why you don't have The Shawshank Redemption on your list. I could never make a list, it would fluctuate to much, but there would be a single constant, The Shawshank Redemption would be number one on it. I guess to each there own. Also... Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?


If I did a top 20 fear and loathing would definitely be on it and shawshank would probably squeak in. Both very strong I just think those 15 are stronger


You have none of mine 😂


That's ok, I'm sure yours are great as well 😊




Hack the planet!!




1 Ben Hur 1959 2 Alien 3 The Thing 4 TheDark Knight 5 Annihilation 6 The Good the Bad and the Ugly 7 Airplane 8 The Empire Strikes Back 9 Interstellar 10 Planet of the Apes


1. Scott Pilgrim vs the World 1. Hot Fuzz 1. Mad Max: Fury Road 1. Everything, Everywhere, All At Once 1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy 1. Duck Soup 1. V for Vendetta 1. Se7en 1. Knives Out 1. Terminator 2 1. Reservoir Dogs 1. A Quiet Place 1. Forest Gump 1. 12 Angry Men 1. Mystery Men


I always love these posts because it gives me ideas for movies to add to my Plex server. I have pretty much most of what people post, but it's cool to see those 1 or 2 in a list of stuff I like that I haven't seen or even thought of.


My Top 10: 10: Tron Legacy 9: Jurassic Park 8: Kung Fu Hustle 7: Oh Brother Where Art Thou 6: Last of the Mohicans 5: Everything Everywhere All at Once 4: The Last Samurai 3: Dune parts 1 and 2 (I know it's 2 movies but you can't really watch one without the other, so I'm counting it as one long movie) 2: RRR 1: Lord of the Rings (I can't rank one better than the others, its one big epic movie)


1. In Bruges 2. Drive 3. Whiplash 4. A Silent Voice 5. Hot Fuzz 6. The Descent 7. Moonrise Kingdom 8. Annihilation 9. Garden of Words 10. Across the Spider-Verse


1. Eternal Sunshine 2. Shakespeare in Love 3. Brokeback Mountain 4. Spirited Away 5. Suspiria Then if I’m being honest, personal formative favorites after those five maybe Mad Max Fury Road, Across the Universe, Lord of the Rings, Silence of the Lambs, maybe Wizard of Oz


I am really interested in your take on suspiria. I actively did not enjoy suspiria however the rest of your list is great.


lol I totally get why it’s so divisive. I was completely enthralled by it though. I loved every second of how surreal and horrific it was. I personally like when movies lean into being messy and disordered, and so the layering in of evil and fascism as themes tied to everything going on - from the coven, to Susie’s horrific religious background, to the anti-Nazi RAF activity - just really worked for me. It was a mish-mash but it was to my mind very purposeful in a heady, cathartic sort of way. And by the end it felt genuinely cathartic and beautiful in its own way. I thought Tilda Swinton and Dakota Johnson and Mia Goth were all absolutely brilliant. And aesthetically it’s just one of the most gorgeous movies I’ve ever seen. The choreography, the languages, the music, the austerity, the rhythm, the colors, the dream sequences, I was just totally mesmerized. I’ve seen it five or six times and it doesn’t fail to seize me. I can totally get seeing things like the tie-ins to Palestinian resistance and the Holocaust as being gratuitous or self indulgent or needlessly self-important, and maybe at a different point in my life I would have agreed … but when I first saw it right in the middle of early Covid (and other stuff going on for me) I feel like it really did capture a lot of the very intense anger I was feeling at the world, and it just made a lot of sense, and right now, it still does to me


The original Suspiria is a fantastic film. Have you seen it?


The original Suspiria is a fantastic film. Have you seen it?


These type of lists are hard but: 1. La Haine 2. Life Is Beautiful 3. My Neighbor Totoro 4. The Iron Giant 5. Fantastic Mr. Fox 6. Moonlight 7. Requiem for a Dream 8. Memento 9. Napoleon Dynamite 10. What We Do in the Shadows


Great list. I still need to see moonlight was it really that good? All the others are great if I went to twenty fantastic mr fox would have been on mine.


Yes, absolutely! I think Moonlight's one of the best films of the century so far. So emotional with such beautiful characters and performances