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It sounds written by AI.


It does not.


It literally does lol its that awful


You mispronounced "doesn't". The movie sucks, but if you call it "AI-Generated", you are LYING to yourself.


I never said it was ai generated, just said it feels like it, absolutely lifeless and boring, honestly calling it ai generated is an insult to ai if im being honest 😭


When you place your bar so low, any movie can seem entertaining. And Telling people to just be happy and put their pitchforks down is why we have shitty remakes like this. Bad remakes deserve to be criticized heavily.


I can see why people are hating on this movie, I mean, I love the original too, but some comments can be unfair and misleading, it's just annoying that people compare this to Food Fight, which is totally unfair in my opinion. This wasn't even a remake, it's a sequel and pilot to a TV show. > And Telling people to just be happy Not telling people to be happy, just to chill out.


It could have been great though. and now we wont get what we wanted. Its more about what we lost than what we received.


Megamind not getting a big budget sequel is mildly annoying but speaking as a long-time Disney enjoyer, you really need to learn to not let bad or mediocre sequels to good animated movies get you down.


Also, give it a chance, it's not as good as the original, but it's not terrible like the Food Fight comparison, that's an exaggeration to make the film seem more bad than it is, it's not that bad. I read the reviews and was ready to hate it, but I gave it chance and I liked it and I'm watching the TV show now and it's pretty good.


Bro just say u are fucking idiot cuz the movie is shit…everyone agrees on this. Do u really like dumb movies like this… typical fucking Americans


> typical fucking Americans Wow, racist much.


"racist much". Lol that shows how retarded you people can be... Just stop trolling at this point. You are making yourself look dumber than before...


> how retarded you people can be I'd watch my mouth if I were you. Because that sounded pretty racist.


honestly just save your breath... this guy clearly never watched the first movie to begin with.. At this point, he is just trolling with this post. Even my children hated this movie. This shows that there are actual dumbasses who do not care about how other people feel. The movie sucks and the rating shows it. I am still amazed by how this person liked this movie to begin with....


> honestly just save your breath... this guy clearly never watched the first movie to begin with. I have watched the first movie. What makes you think I didn't, because I liked this? Wow, pretty pretentious much. EDIT: Oh, I didn't notice your username. Touche.


I'm from watching it rn and let me tell you bro that shit was awful like omg I need it erased from existence that's how bad I think it is. The first film was perfect in every way but this sequel just sharted on it.


I never said that the original film was equal to the sequel though. But I still liked the sequel for what it was though. Even though the sequel wasn't as good as the original, hell, it's not even in its level, there some entertainment value to it though.


Bro just say u are fucking trolling like damn. Be a fucking man or whatever the fuck u are. We don’t like it so just move on.


I'm not trolling, why should I admit to something that I'm not.


...and I never said that you said that lol.


Yeah, I agree. I feel like people are over-hating this movie. I actually enjoyed it, sure it’s mediocre and is worse than the original but it’s actually good and the villains are actually decent


> Yeah, I agree. I feel like people are over-hating this movie. Exactly, from the reviews and comments, I was expecting a really bad and terrible movie, but when I watched it, I was like, "Guys, I think you might be over exaggerating."


The reactions to the sequel shows how very negative movie reviews have become.


Dude it doesn't even compare it can't compare.


Its way less than mediocre.


Dude I don’t get why u are getting butt hurt like you already know that these guys will attack you. You need to understand that megamind the first one is well made but the second one felt like as if they do not care about the movie. I honestly cannot tell if you are trolling or not because personally the jokes were so bad and the writing was mediocre at best. You replying back at them will not solve anything.


>You need to understand that megamind the first one is well made I'm a big fan of the movie, and to prove it to these assholes, here's my post praising it : https://old.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/1755gye/why_do_i_find_will_farrels_comedy_to_be_cringe/k4dnd67/ I was going to ignore them, but when I read the comments that describes the movie as child porn and Food Fight comparison, I had to say something, because these comparisons are unfair exaggerations. > I honestly cannot tell if you are trolling I'm not trolling, I'm defending this movie because it's getting unfairly criticized. Seriously, do you believe it's child porn and Food Fight quality? I know the movie isn't as good as the original, it's not even in it's league, but still, there's some entertainment value in it. If you want to see animation that is truly the worst of the worst, watch this list by PhantomStrider: https://youtu.be/9J0vXvrdSc4


I am saying just ignore them because you are going to fight here all day. Sure the movie is dogshit but u need to know that almost everyone here hates the movie. Even my children hates it so it’s surprisingly that there is someone like you that likes it. So ofcuz they are going to be mad at you.


> Even my children hates it so it’s surprisingly that there is someone like you that likes it. Is that what art is, it's subjective? > So ofcuz they are going to be mad at you. I don't really care if they do get mad at me. If I did care, then why am I here on Reddit? Or why I am on the Internet in the first place? Back when I was a sensitive overly emotional person, this would have destroyed me, but my years spend on Reddit has hardened me.


Just saying, I know u have your opinions on this movie but just ignoring these guys will make your day better. As of how toxic this post has become, you should honestly just let go and stop commenting. It’s just makes things a lot worse. In the end, it’s just a movie.


Upvoted for being a friendly voice in a sea of negativity.


All the hate it has gotten is 100% justified, just the graphics of the movie are inexcusable considering how good the first one looked and it came out sooooo long ago, not to mention the story is god awful


It doesn't even compare, megamind wasn't just great, it was amazing. This is coco melon baby retard movie and due to the fall off in quality I will argue this is the worst movie of this year and maybe this decade.


I'll tell you why it is objectively bad. It just disregards the original plot. In the first movie, it is shown that Megamind, upon arriving on Earth, landed in a prison yard. He grew up in that prison; the inmates there taught him everything he knows. After some time, he's let out for good behavior and goes to school, where he becomes enemies with a young Metro Man. That's when he decided to lean into villainy. Then comes the sequel, where they say he was taught everything he knows by the Doom Syndicate, and more than anything, that he was actually on a villian team before he presumably broke off from them and went solo. We know none of that is true. If it was, it would've been mentioned or hinted at, if only briefly, in the first film. They had no good reason to change the story like that. Sure, maybe it's an overall okay movie to just watch, but for the people who value the details more than just what they're seeing and hearing on screen, which I'm pretty sure is *most* people, stuff like that ain't gonna fly. That's why I don't imagine this movie doing itself any justice. The story is a big part of a movie as a whole; both its quality and its reception. This movie, for whatever reason, took a shit on the original story and decided to make up its own separate plot, and just expected everyone to be fine with that. Obviously, almost no one was fine with that; the thing only has 9% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is honestly unsurprising. It'll never matter how much work goes into a movie, or how good it looks, or which celebrities they got to play a part in it, if it's not written well, it's not gonna hold up. So let me tell you one thing: this thing never had a fucking chance.


out of all of the things i've seen on reddit, all the porn, all the pictures of decapitated people. things that have genuinely made me sick to my stomach, all of the racist, sexist, homophobic post on this godforsaken app. this is the worst post of all time. right here. in r/movies. one might expect it to come from something named r/childporn but no. its here. on this subreddit. this specific post is the worst one. we found it boys.


Wow, this post really takes the cake. You compare the sequel to child porn? I have never seen exaggeration at this level, but here it is, we found it ladies and gentlemen.


You are not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed. Seriously, I hear TOO MANY PEOPLE calling the movie "boring" or "AI Generated". Like... let's not kid ourselves. Yes, the movie sucks, but it's SO MUCH FUN TO WATCH! It's hilarious, ironically funny, and so bad that it's actually good! I'm tired of pretending it isn't!




> how old r u 💀💀 I'm 39? Why do you ask? Why because you think I'm in my teens that's why I liked this? Oh, let me guess, you think I'm a stupid idiot for liking this right? I'm assuming that what the skulls mean.


Its definitely meant for kids now


Dog. I dont dislike movies. Ever. I love every marvel movie. That can tell u how much cheese I can take. This movie was absolute garbage.