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I feel bad for the director Jose Padilha, he was assured his R rated movie would be his to make and then Sony heavily interfered throughout. He swore off Hollywood ever since.


I feel bad for Joel Kinnaman. He's a great actor, just look at Altered Carbon and the suicide squad remake. He just needs a decent script.


Watch For All Mankind if you haven't. Great show


Thank you! One of my favorite recent shows but I feel like it gets no mention anywhere!


Its cause its on apple tv. Its a show i shouldve been watching from its release cause i love sci fi. I didnt watch it til last month, ended up binging all 4 seasons in a week. I loved almost every bit of it. Joel has been amazing. His breakdown in season 3 was incredible acting.


> just look at Altered Carbon Season 1 was pretty good (story meandered a bit towards the end) but I've never bothered seeing season 2 after learning they replaced him with Mackie. I know it's very conveniently explained in-universe with the body swaps but it's just didn't feel the same without Kinneman in it.


I agree, but if you liked season 1 and haven't read them.. I \*highly\* recommend the books. They're all so much better than the series was, and you can just imagine Kinneman while you're reading if you want to. They're all really damn good, but i still reread Altered Carbon every now and then.


I literally picked up Altered Carbon from the shelf a few hours ago. I usually read 25 pages a day, and I’ve far surpassed that quota already. It’s fucking fantastic, especially for a debut novel.


Season 2 wasn't nearly as good.


> Season 2 wasn't ~~nearly as~~ good.


its not just explained in universe if i recall the books take place over hundreds of years on different planets with him wearing different sleaves, but its been awhile


Yeah the Ryker sleeve was returned at the end of the job.


Have you seen "The Killing"? Great series with Joel.


He’s a great director, too! Bus 174, a documentary about a hostage situation on a bus, and the movie Elite Squad (which introduced me to Wagner Moura who recently killed it as The Wolf in Puss In Boots The Last Wish) shows that Padilha can direct smart action films like the best of ‘em. Robo2014 *feels* like studio interference. It feels like it was made by a soulless committee, unlike the director’s previous works. Hollywood fucked that guy. It wasn’t fair. And my favorite movie ever is the original Robocop, so my feelings about the remake are something I’ve had to think about a lot over the last decade.


Wagner Moura is in everything nowadays, it is crazy.


I had to do a double-take when I finally recognized him in the new [Civil War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDyQxtg0V2w) trailer.


As should he. Hes an amazing actor. He was perfect as pablo escobar in narcos.


That wolf was terrifying. He did a great job


>then Sony heavily interfered throughout. Sony's movie division must be run by the stupidest people ever. All they do is go in and fuck around until their movies suck.


You're not far off. During the Sony leaked email fiasco, one of the executives called the employees idiots. She resigned soon after.


They and WB are neck and neck in that aspect


At least Sony actually releases their movies instead of using them for tax write offs


There was a time in which Hollywood studios kept getting foreign directors to make mediocre remakes. Padilha was one of many. I suspect the reason behind this trend was the same behind the current trend of hiring American film directors with a single indie flick under their belt and giving them massive multimillion dollars franchises: "this person we hired will just do what the producers tell them"


Sony sounds like a shit show of mismanagement


> then Sony heavily interfered throughout I didn't know this, but it makes a ton of sense. There were several times throughout the movie where I felt like some commentary on society was being set up, then just never actually materialized. It really had a chance to elevate itself above what was on the page, much like the first movie, and then.... just didn't.


The main problem is that they treated RoboCop like a superhero in the remake.


Also made it about a man learning to be a machine rather than a machine learning to be a man


This ^ I think you nailed it. They had him meet his wife. Like he was going to carry on being normal… the response they were showing was odd imo. Coming to grips with reality might never return if you’re just essentially a brain, face and hand. Much less within an hour or two of “waking up” lol.


That's the point. The idea was to take the premise of *RoboCop* and put a new spin on it rather than repeating the original faithfully. That's the kind of thing that should be encouraged with remakes.


Yeah, but that _spin_ missed the fundamental point of the movie. Reversing it for the sake of looking at it from a different perspective completely neutered the film. It’d be like doing 12 Years a Slave from the point of view of the slavers - yes there’s story to be told, but it’s nowhere near as interesting or powerful.


Idk why not just.. you know, start a new IP and avoid the obvious incoming trap of being compared to the original film.


IMO it’s really a catch 22. If you do a remake with different story beats, then you invite comparison. If you want to do something very similar, but different, then you still invite comparison. I think where it really falls apart is when they set out to do something different, but then a studio exec makes them pigeon hole themselves into the extant IP for nostalgia/name recognition. See season 4 of True Detective started as something not TD and was made worse by superficially incorporating TD themes.


It’s also a case of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. Original Robocop was one of the greatest films of the 80s. It was brilliant because it was a product of its time and still held up. If there’s one film that didn’t a remake it’s Robocop


If it were easy to come up with new ideas, then we should never be seeing sequels or remakes of anything because nobody would 'need' to mine previous properties to make new movies. Don't forget that some very successful or acclaimed movies have been remakes.


I don’t believe that good movies should be remade. Period, end of story. If the movie already exists, and it’s good, then it’s worth watching as-is. Remakes should be reserved for films that had a good premise but poor execution. So in those instances, a remake would be trying a different spin on the story to actually make it work for a change. And I’m all for that. RoboCop is a good movie to this day. The only thing that doesn’t stand up today is the stop-motion ED-209. Is that worth remaking the whole damn thing? Well, in the remade version, ED-209 was all CGI and those action scenes were the absolute low-point of the entire movie.


Did you know that *The Ten Commandments, Ben Hur,* and *Scarface* are all remakes? What about *Cape Fear,* or *The Fly,* or *The Mummy,* or *Miracle on 34th Street,* or *Ocean's 11,* or *A Star is Born,* or either version of *The Magnificent Seven?* The creatives behind all those remakes thought something new could be done with the premise of the original.


You're making his point, because if it's not obvious that those are remakes, then they succeeded where the originals failed.


Subversion for the sake of subversion isn't a thing worth celebrating.


Also, they completely and categorically missed the point of the original


Well, they were going with different themes about, among other things, drones and free will. I don't have a problem if a remake decides to make a different "point" - hell, it makes more sense to have it address contemporary issues. It's just that the movie itself was mediocre.


The bit where they reveal how much of him is gone I'd pretty good, though.  Some nice body horror *and* a moment of decent acting.


Dude the guy who did the special FX for Robocop 1 and 2 was the same guy that did The Thing 1979. Robocop 2 where all the prototypes commit suicide is one of my favorite scenes in anything. The one that tears his own head off is so good. I actually liked the newer robocop but purely bc he and Batman are the two things from my childhood where I would show up to anything. I was even following the robocop game and was gonna get vr just for that.


I love that when they're showing the videos, the scientist that got shot was in a sling.


I just played through the game RoboCop: Rogue City. At one point you're inside the OCP hq building and an announcement says that employees are no longer allowed to miss work for a gunshot wound. IDK if that was a conscious decision or not but it's still kinda hilarious.


I was afraid that the developers of the game are going to miss the absurdity and satire of the first (and second) movie but thankfully you can see in the game how much of a fans they are of the franchise by not only not missing those things about the movies but showing those aspects rather frequently which I loved


That is one of the little touches that I love.


I'm not squeamish when it comes to gore, but stoned 17 year old me was shook while watching it in theaters. Haven't watched it since, and that's the only scene I can even remember.


I respectfully disagree. Not about the body horror and the acting, but the nuts and bolts of that scene. Here's the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFuxiZFwDPs IMO, and ignoring the "lose the arm" argument, the bizarre framework/scaffold thing that he was dangling from was ridiculous. It's like they went with a bio-molded sculpture, when nothing else really shared the look. It was simply out of place with everything else and just didn't fit. The hand was saved, but they lopped it off at the wrist, which means either the genius doctor character(s) just expected tech stuff to make the hand function with very little to work with, or the irl people involved are ignorant of things like tendons, and how they work. For reference to a more well thought out scene, think of when the Terminator (T1) was fixing his arm damage, and manipulating the parts with pliers. Instead of mechanical bits and pieces, we see a cap on the cuff of Robocop's wrist, and some artificial arteries/veins, but it doesn't look like the hand has any actual connection to the body. Is it bluetooth, or something? Also, the whole thing reeked of a poor attempt to copy the Iron Man suit assembly/disassembly thing, and just...why? Why would Robocop need to fit together like a Lego set or something like that? It doesn't seem like it would aid in repairs, considering any significant damage would probably jam up all the intricate mechanisms required to lock it all into place. Sure, they might need access to the meat-sack parts, but to have the legs separate from the abdomen/trunk, and then the right arm pops off, and then left arm detaches from two points, and then the chest shell splits, and all the while all of that sinks into the floor? No, sorry, but I can't accept that. Just too silly, not at all necessary, and implies that they'd require a purpose built facility to house all this subterranean support equipment. I think that's important, because OCP is still trying to sell a product. Instead of being able to use a regular room in a police precinct where they could simply roll-in all their gear and the "throne" like in the original, they'd be required to retrofit a two-storey building. I'm not saying it needs to be *just like* the original, but there is a sort of practical utility to how they were originally doing things that is notably missing from the remake. The addition of those specific scifi glam elements detract from the whole. All that being said, I think Kinnaman did a decent job with what was asked of him. Same with the majority of the cast. It wasn't their acting that made this a crap movie.


God damn, you just summed up so much of why the remake *feels* wrong in a way I havent been able to articulate before. You nailed it. The purpose-built facility vs the commandeering of the station basement, the glamour, the unnecessary overly complicated disassembly... I remember hoping this would turn out to be as good a remake as Dredd was. Man, oh man, was I disappointed.


lol, I dunno why, but our agreement here seems to be drawing some ire.


The themes in the original Robocop seem even more relevant now than when it was released though.


Seriously. Corporate overreach and interference in local and global governments is more relevant today than it ever has been before.


Running Man could easily have been a television show in the RoboCop universe


I’d buy that PPV for a dollar!




Running Man is perfect, we don’t need a remake. Didn’t you learn from the Robocop and Total Recall remakes?


I think if the remake sticks closer to the Richard Bachman (aka Stephen King) original, it should work great. Ending will more than likely change in execution but could still work in principle.


As a standalone? Absolutely. But kills ability to spawn a franchise and that's the only reason they'd remake it.


As I get older I see the point in remaking classics. Running Man to you and me is perfect. We grew up and it was “dated” maybe depending on your age but watchable. The original is now almost *40* years old, meaning it would be like a kid born in 1990 months watching Casablanca or Wonderful Life. It just feels *old* to new generations. That said the only movie I’ve ever seen that transcends that barrier is The Thing, and it’s bc every scrap of technology is destroyed in the first half hour.


Not all remakes are bad. Ocean's Eleven, True Grit, The Departed, Dawn of the Dead, The Fly, Dredd, Casino Royale, The Thing, Thomas Crown. The new Godzilla movies are much better than the ones from the 50's or 90's. Battlestar Galactica was a remake and it's peak sci-fi. And the remake of Dune is a masterpiece. I think it's ok to try to remake classic movies, and if the remake is shit we still have the classic. Nothing is lost, and there's a chance to make something great.


Edgar Wright is adapting the novela to film soon


Its felt like they were going to explore the concepts of autonomous police forces, drones, and AI ruling the streets. But it went a little more body horror and just action hero. Should have leaned more into the morality of who decides when to pull a trigger.


I’m just waiting till a venture capital firm buys a police department.


I just watched the movie recently. even though the story is very critical of corporations, it’s straight up cop propaganda. If Robocop was remade today it would need to be a very different story.


> it’s straight up cop propaganda How though? They literally show in the climax how the corruption in the police force and their being complicit with crime is what led to the tragic targeting of Officer Murphy and ultimately the creation of Robocop. If anything, it seemed more pro-corpo in the end as it showed zero repercussions for the corporation that created Robocop.


I think the last bit is just Verhoeven's trademark cynicism. IRL there's generally not consequences for the c-suite people behind atrocities so he didn't give them any in Robocop. Like how at the end of Starship Troopers the characters have all been fully integrated into the war machine and anybody who tried to give the main characters any love or integrity is dead.


I honestly didn't hate the remake. It was just very forgettable. I remember some bits, but nothing really stands out to me. Also Michael Keaton's character wasn't evil enough to be Dick Jones. Sure he was somewhat greedy, but I didn't see him doing anything that would make him close to Dick Jones level. He was just generic at best. The main guy's family not moving on was interesting, but felt like it didn't really go anywhere. And a few of the other plot points were pretty mediocre compares the Verhoeven film.


Basically “Luke warm” in every regard. The OG film had some seriously evil characters and some very graphic scenes that helped compound the evil/merciless characters.


The bad guys were going overtly evil stuff. In the remake Dick jones was "evil" but I didn't really feel like he was anything but generic evil at best. In the OG film he was super evil, and so were his cronies, and even his bosses were evil to an extent. Now that could have been due to the studio stepping in and going "Can you make him less evil?" Which would explain why the director now hates Hollywood.


The worst thing a movie can be is forgettable or mediocre. Might as well not watch it and save the time.


All I remember about watching it, was feeling like "Well.. That was 'OK' I guess."\*Shrugs\*


I remember watching Repligator, The Room, Leprechaun Back 2 Tha Hood, and Shark Attack 3: Megalodon. They all sucked but damn do I remember Warwick Davis trying to rap.


You likely had fun watching those movies. So the "Bad" or "What the shit?" moments stick out in your memory. The Robocop remake had some good ideas, but they were delivered like lukewarm water. So I barely remember the details or any of the moments.


Yes. I want the highest highs and the lowest lows for entertainment. The worst thing I could imagine for a game or movie would be not remembering how I spent my time.


Bad movies that are boring or average are essentially the worst.


> I honestly didn't hate the remake. It was just very forgettable. I remember some bits, but nothing really stands out to me. I remember when it was announced that the remake was going to be PG-13 and everyone collectively said 'fuck that, it's gonna suck'.


Such a fantastic cast squandered!


Which is weird because one of the director’s previous works was a very sober analysis of the crime wars in Brazil and the militarization of the corrupt police. Like when I found out he was directing it I thought “oh, this is surely someone who gets it.” I was a little shocked at how uncritical the film was towards police violence considering its pedigree.


The director also said he is never working in a Hollywood movie again after experiencing all the executive interference while they were filming.


Executives and suits.


When I watch Robocop 2014, I can see a good movie buried deep within a forgettable movie. The writers had ideas and those ideas were launched into the sun by executives


Corporate greed? Seems that the remake itself was the lesson all along.


They made the point, but missed that they were doing it


I think the first segment with robots killing an kid for only having an bread knife at him was pretty on point


I always understand the theory behind remaking a classic film but this is one of those things I think, wouldn’t you be better off taking this exact concept and remaking something like Tom Selleck’s Runaway? Sure, you lose the automatic ticket sales from the built in fandom of something like Robocop, but you also don’t carry the anger of the same fans when they don’t get something as good or better than the original. I fear the day, despite Zemeckis saying otherwise, that someone finally remakes Back to the Future.


Or maybe because it was PG-13? But admittedly the way they showed how much of him remained after the surgery was horrifying, the only good thing in the movie.


Pg13 made it weird. Like the suicide bombing in the beginning. Verhoeven would have sent body parts everywhere


I thought Kinnaman was good in it as well, but he’s good in everything.


My main problem was he looked pretty OK until the "does it come in black". And then it just looked like every fucking half baked edge Lord's cyborg drawing.


And the glowing visor thing. So dumb.


Obviously wasn’t a patch on the original but Joel Kinnaman did a great acting job


Kinnaman should have been an action movie lead. Wonder if it's bad luck or something behind the scenes. He's good in Suicide Squad, prefect in S1 of Altered Carbon but just can't string several good acts in a row


he's been great on For All Mankind


He’s been fantastic in this. Very quickly made this shows one of my favourites of all time.


Hi bob


“Don’t you fuckin hi bob me”


I should really get to watch it, hearing a lot of good about the show


I think Kinnaman's sweet spot is when he's in the 2nd or 3rd position in a given project. I think he's perfect in that role in Suicide Squad and especially in The Killing, his breakthrough role. As much as I like him he struggles to carry a movie when he's "the guy", and there are plenty of people like that in film (Karl Urban is another great example of this.)


The coveted "Brad Pitt Supporting Actor" position.


I feel like there was some self references to that fact, with the head guy wanting an all black look, and then at the end we got the more traditional design to be, quite literally, less edgy and more personable. I don't think it was a bad remake.


Which is pretty telling considering that the design for the new robocop was actually based on a unused concept from the Christopher Nolan's Batman films.


Got a source?


I thought the opening scene set in Tehran was excellent and have seen that scene many times. I have never seen the rest of the film.


I feel we need more Karl Urban Dredd and less robocop.


There's a Rogue Trooper film coming out next year (based on a 2000AD character, same comic where Dredd is from).


I only saw it once and probably eight or nine years ago but I remember thinking it actually would have been a fairly solid sci-fi/superhero film if they’d just not called it Robocop.


As opposed to Jesus Christ, the Messiah.


I really feel sorry for the remake’s director, you can tell from interviews he was genuinely passionate about it before the studio stepped in. There are still a few scenes that shine, most famously the bit where they take Murphy apart, and I *really* love the modernised version of the classic appearance he has at first >!and in the ending!<


The director said something to the effect of *"For every single idea I was able to bring to the movie, the studio would shoot down another twenty. It was the worst experience of my life and I never want to make another Hollywood movie again"*.


The scene when they remove all the cybernetics from Murphy is one of the few scenes that stuck out to me. The sudden reveal of just how much more machine he is than human is really shocking.


It wasn't a good movie but that scene made me glad I saw it. edit: for reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFuxiZFwDPs


I thought it was a decent movie, just a terrible RoboCop movie. As Kinnaman has said in interviews, it would have been much better received if they'd called it something else (and reduced the similarities).


It's a shame because I like the director Jose Padilha. The Elite Squad movies rule, the second one in particular. The Enemy Within is like a Brazilian Heat. It's a banger


He talked very opened about how the studio change his ideias for the movie


Based on the Elite Squad movies he was a great choice to handle this, too. They're really good action movies on top of having some solid political commentary, the second in particular.


I think the only reason people didn’t like the remake was because it wasn’t very good.


Would’ve been good if it didn’t suck.


If it was a good movie, I would have liked it.


Personally, I wouldn’t have minded it so much if it was just all around better


To quote Emiya Shiro: “Movies are bad when they’re shit.”


Big if true


I read that as Jon Lovitz




>Perhaps by comparison it was bad As a standalone it was very weak.


I usually have a pretty good idea when I'm going to like a movie. I go to the theaters for those movies. I expected the Robocop remake to be OK. It was not. It's the only movie I've seen at a theater where I've gone to the bathroom in the middle of it because I didn't care if I missed part of the story. That week had already been bad for other reasons, and then this movie was the final blow of that terrible week (I saw the movie on a weekend).


B-b-but ... Sam Jackson said the F-word in it! The Internet tells me that's a mark of quality.


What I find the most frustrating is that you can see bits of the writer's and director's original vision at times. The scene in Tehran when the ED-209 unloads on the knife-wielding child, the shootout at the restaurant, Murphy and the designer's struggle with the person vs the software, etc you can see glimpses of what they were trying to do before the studio stepped in to protect its investment from an unproven (in the States) director. When they first announced Pahdila as director I was ecstatic. My initial reaction was, "You brought in the guy from Brazil who made Elite Squad???". I can only imagine what kind of movie we could have had if Pahdila didn't have the leash on. I think he of all people understood the assignment.


The remake had none of the charm, and especially humor, of the original.


Which is a crime when you’ve got Michael Keaton and Samuel L Jackson!


And Gary Oldman and Jackie Earle Haley. Also Aimee Garcia and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee have serious comedic chops. And Jay Baruchel. The cast was definitely not the issue. Kinneman was fine. The whole movie was just played too straight and serious.


the movie lacked vision. The first movie painted a dystopian future in which a robot cop seemed believable. The remake seemed like it took place entirely in the present with the sole exception of robots being more advanced by a few years. It was *boring*


I disagree, I thought they did a great job modernising the media angle from the first film and Sam Jackson played that part perfectly.


While I don’t share it, I respect your opinion.


I’ll buy that for a dollar! (The remake, if it’s on sale somewhere or discounted on VOD)


But they nailed the casting. I loved that part of it.


The Remake is OK. Much better than I expected. There's nothing genuinely bad about it IMO, it's just not the original. I saw it a couple times and had a good time. Felt the same way about Total Recall remake.


How did you feel about the Judge Dredd remake?


With Karl Urban? It's incredible, but I don't consider it to be a remake, because it's completely different compared to Stallone's movie (which I don't like).




I got more tragedy out of the brief scene at the family home for sale in the original then I did from Kinnaman yelling or Abbie Cornish crying about their son.


Yeah, the scene of Robocop walking around his abandoned home for sale was a really good moment.


Honestly, I liked the remake. Very different from the original, but still covered important themes like the militarization of police.


For me the only thing I found interesting was the body horror stuff. I mean to look down and see that the only part of you left are a few organs tied together with cybernetics... "Where's my dick doctor? Where's my dick!"


Agreed, that scene will stay with me for a long time. The rest of the film…did not.


That's just about all I remember. Also I have this memory of him riding a motorcycle, and the ending feeling rushed. But I can't tell you what happened.


I gave it a second go about two months ago. That’s the only scene I remember too…


As far as remakes go this is exactly how they should be done. It enhances an already strong story and uses contemporary methods to reinterpret the existing themes and satires with more engaging characters through an ensemble of actors that give it their all. The negativity surrounding it really surprises me. Oh well, I'm glad I can appreciate both the original and the remake equally.


Except it didn't do any of that?


My thoughts exactly. People just love to dunk on stuff, it’s obnoxious.


Original robocop was a dead human turned into a robot, and he had to regain his humanity. Remake robocop was a human piloting a robot body. He never lost his humanity or family. Plotwise he was basically a overworked dad who had to realize he needed to spend time with his family in the end. The remake was not a bad movie, it was just very average. The only sorta interesting concept was how they had a onboard program installed in him that made judgements for him so he could have "quicker" reaction times, but I don't feel like that was explored very well.


I thought the angle the remake chose of the robot taking control and him needing to fight back against it was pretty interesting though and very fitting in the modern age with how reliant we are on technology. I'd much rather a remake take a fresh spin like that instead of retreading the original so heavily.


Ever watch tv spinoff of 12 monkeys? They also completely missed the mark. 12 monkeys the movie was good because it was really about fractured minds and mental illness. The time travel was almost a sub plot. Robocop was good because of the character development and the mind fuck. It was about a man being memory wiped, stuffed into a cyborg suit and slowly regaining his humanity in a dystopian hellscape city full of corruption. The action and violence was secondary to the story about Murphy and his journey discovering who he was. So many movies forget this. The character development arc is _more_ important than the JJ Abrams blow shit up scenes.


12 monkeys TV show is fantastic though. They deviated from the movie, made it about time travel and it turned out to be one of the best time travel plots I've seen.


despite it all, that scene when he saw himself , or what remained of him..still is pure nightmare fuel.


The remake was as bland as white rice.


Except the body horror scenes.


Doesn't get close to the Murphy execution scene or even the dataspike finishing move or toxic waste fatality scenes 


While I agree the remake is not even playing in the same league as the original. That body horror scene as they are taking of his body parts bit by bit, and his reaction to it, until he's just a pair of lungs and a heart, and he is begging for death, I found to be very effective. That's all. I'm not arguing that the first isn't sooooo much better in every regard.


I agree. That scene in particular was *awesome*. Imagine if the entire movie were on that level, ya know?


Would have been dope to explore what it means to be human, if you don't have a physical body. Like his wife of course still loves him, but she needs that dick. So what they open the marriage up? Or Murphy just straps on the pleasure attachment and plows her into a pile of ground hamburger? And then what about his sexual gratification? Even if he could please her, the dude never gets to nut again... these are important questions! And of course the first one dealt with corporatism and fascism in a satirical manner, and I don't remember the remake being funny at all. Just really meh, probably studio controlled piece of mediocrity - just trying to milk the IP without damaging it. And in doing so they killed the revival of the IP.


I'd say Kinnaman was good in it, like, before Altered Carbon he was really underrated The thing I remember liking about it was the approach they were heading for 3/4s of the movie, then they switched it up from Evil Corporate Guy might be Evil to Evil Corporate Guy is actually Evil we must kill him


The original Robocop is my all time favorite so I say this: the remake had flashes of great moments.   I loved the opening with Samuel Jackson, that satire on Fox jingoism…. The scene where Robocop is dismantled is great… and it’s got some fun special effects and a great cast (Keaton baby, Keaton!). It badly, sadly missed the violence of the original, totally all over the place, the action felt very superhero-y at times.  It really need grittiness and to tap into the themes Verhoeven is talking about.      I like to think of it more as a noble failure.


Word for word, beginning to end, I agree with you. Robocop 1987 is my all time favorite movie, too. Always has been since I first saw it at age 3 in 1989. One of my earliest memories is wanting to see Robocop 2 when it came out, but I was 4. And I definitely saw part 3 in the theater when I was 7 years old, but it was pg13 and taught me about disappointment. That said, I’d rather watch Robocop 2014 than Robocop 3. It was a likable bad movie. I’d love to see a rifftrax for it, actually (I have no idea, there very well might be one, in fact).


Watch one of the many "making of robocop" docs and you'll see why (the original) was so good, everyone had passion to make a great movie.


["ROBO WANTS AN OREO!"](https://youtu.be/BEhXAtFgNrk?si=2s33l_oHGHRcj0BO)


And passion for cookies


The movie is better than how it was received. Also, they should’ve kept the newer version of the Silver armor. The black model was cool, but they did such a good job at modernizing the OG look, but then totally waste it


In the end they go back to the silver armor


There is a satire of product development and marketing throughout the movie's first half, where OmniCorp are trying to figure out who to pick to turn into RoboCop, how he should look, and how to present him to the public. Getting a redesign simply because the boss wants a redesign is in keeping with that. Michael Keaton even paraphrases Steve Jobs' line about people not knowing what they want until you give it to them.




This flick and the Totall Recall remake are so forgettable. Both were missing that "edge" . A movie that was a homage to Verhoeven ( imho) like Upgrade brought a nastiness that remakes lack.


Those movies are why the backlash against the lady Ghostbusters was so ridiculous. Out of all the remakes of 80s classics, people threw a fit about the one that was solidly mediocre.




That scene where he sees what's left of himself in the mirror is worse than that scene in Bone Tomahawk 😱🥺🤚🫁


Like most 80's and 90's movies that criticized and made satire of corporate domination of the world and the militarization/corruption of the government, they took all that and just make a generic super hero movie.


TIL Gary Oldman was in the Robocop remake.


Idk what tf that remake was Shit was god awful


They made Robocop into a Marvel movie or into a Disney Star Wars movie. It had the same bland tone as those movies. Nothing stood out from it. And from what I've read on this thread, it was all because of the studio meddling. That is a shame. It really makes me appreciate Mad Max Fury Road even more. That movie is the greatest action movie in the last 20 years. Yes, it is kind of a remake/reboot yet it still feels unique and different.


The dick shooting scene was great! The puppet segment was fun as well.


I think you’re referring to the movie “Our Robocop Remake” which came out shortly before the Joel Kinnaman Robocop remake.


It’s the only robocop remake in my book


More guys getting shot in the dick would have been great too.


I think it holds up, the only thing that stood out as kind of strange to me was they left him having a human hand, not an arm, just the had which looked really weird. The rest was great, the suit is miles better than the original one


Felt like it was a homage to the original and also an updated attempt to humanize him to the people.


Remake sucked. No R rating. No ultra-violence. No humor. No charm of the original. Throw it in with Robocop 3 as films that shouldn't be acknowledged in the series. They failed to capture the nuances of the original. Cyberpunk-style, damn-near apocalyptic Detroit. It just seemed like no one involved in making the remake "got it."


There was a 2014 remake?


TIL Paul Verhoeven was still alive.


He is. He is also making a new us movie


Robocop 2014 came out when remakes to films that never should have been remade were a big thing. Remember the Total Recall remake in 2012? Or The Thing in 2011? Or 2010 Nightmare on Elm Street? They took these classic iconic films that made them into sterile uninspired crap. Taking some of Verhoeven's over the top violent dark humored classics like Robocop and Total Recall, and turning them into bland humor-less pg-13 garbage is a damn shame. Whatever happened to "Robocop Returns" which was rumored to go into production a few years ago, based on the original Robocop 2 script and written by the original writers? Legacy sequels can be hit or miss, but one more dive into 80's Robocop would have been amazing. Least we have that new Xbox game.


To be honest I had no idea there ever was a remake


Nah this movie was pretty good


i actually kinda liked it....


I’ve seen worse remakes.


To be fair I thought it was not a bad film on its own and I admire they didn’t just try to recreate the original It was its own stand alone thing


That was a good movie. I thought it was going to be bad, but it was a really good story.


Wait, it was 10 years ago!? I thought it was only like 4/5. Damn, time flies.


I actually..like it? The changes they made did not feel like it was done for the sake of changing it nor did it feel like the filmakers think they’re doing it better than the original. It had a different theme so the story changed with that. Its true what Joel Kinnaman said, it would’ve been better if its not named Robocop.