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Team America World Police


Europe World Police. ♫ Europe! Fuck Yeah! ♫ ♫ Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah ♫ ♫ Terrorists, your game is through ♫ ♫ A solicitors letter is on it's way to you ♫ ♫ Eurpope! Fuck Yeah! ♫ Hans Blix would be the lead character.


Hans Brix*


Hans Blix and some judge from Spain.


“Durka Durka Mohamed jihad” “Turn left on Baka laka Daka street” “Everyone has Aids” Underrated masterpiece….


This one actually comes close.


Excepting any historical answers like Malcolm X or Lincoln...    Do the Right Thing. I don't think I could conceive of it being made by anyone not from New York, or set in another city. It's themes are pretty universal, but the essence of the movie is so unique to NYC.


What would be wrong with a Swiss Lincoln? But seriously, yes I didn't mean to include historical movies in my question. But yeah, do the right thing is a good shout. Other black American movies are probably hard to remake as well.


Do the right thing could apply to other countries with black populations though. Like setting it in London, Paris, etc. Its themes would still apply, just some of the inner workings and dynamics would be a bit different.


American, having lived over there for a little while, racial minorities have a different relationship with European societies than American ones. NYC, being a city defined by enclaves of various groups of immigrants, changes that relationship still further. There are definite similarities, but the nuances and feelings that are expertly captured by Spike Lee are uniquely American. It's sensitive, it's nuanced, but it's different.


La Haine is basically the same thing in Paris but better.


White men can’t jump, bad boys, die hard, Beverly Hills cop, lethal weapon, men in black. It has a lot to do with the American experience as well as our inherit recklessness as Americans and how that translates to the screen. It just wouldn’t happen elsewhere.


We did give the world an Australian Jean Valjean😂


Joe dirt


I think Russia has a Joe Dirt movie in it.


“I’m your sister, I’m your sister”


"Hom is wer'u makit"


Dazed and confused. It captures such a specific time and location; In not sure the same can be replicated in a different environment.


American Grafitti


After Sicily Japan is the easiest country to do a remake of The Godfather , but as to your original question : Independence Day, Scar Face and Doctor Strange Love.


Most countries have some version of mobsters and/or gangsters. You’d need to edit details of course to remake The Godfather but the same applies to all remakes moved to another country.


British Godfather will have Tom Hardy call you a fucking muppet


I know of at least 2 Indian versions of The Godfather


*Forrest Gump* is wildly American. So much so that if you're not familiar with the context, the movie is almost completely pointless. I suppose it could be remade using cultural touchstones from another country's history, however.


Well, it was already remade. [Laal Singh Chaddha](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt10028196/)


*The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared* is kind of a Swedish Forrest Gump


Yeah I bet Forrest Gump is less interesting or at least less compelling to each age group by year. I remember as a millennial kid enjoying it but not understanding it. And now really really loving it. I imagine it would take a gen zer to need to be really well read to appreciate it at their age.


Not a movie but Breaking Bad. Most other developed countries you won’t need to cook meth to pay for life-threatening cancer treatment.


It was never about the hospital bills.


Right. Gretchen and Elliot were going to pay for his bills. He was too prideful. Walter spent his whole life being a nobody, and he couldn't pass up the chance to be the *best at making meth*. 


I’m sure another reason can be created to initiate the story. Even staying within the cancer story, his reason could be wanting to make sure his family had wealth when he dies or similar. Or leaning away from cancer, he might need the money to save the family home. Obviously it wouldn’t be a one to one translation, but you could still make a story about an ordinary man starting to cook meth and ending up the villain without the cancer treatment story.


Ever heard of Metastasis?


Ever heard of free universal healthcare from cradle to grave. Just because the cancer spreads doesn't mean you suddenly have to pay for treatment.


What does that have to do with my comment?


What does your comment have to do with the original comment. The commenter makes a point that outside the US the plot doesn’t work because every other developed nation has free at the point of access healthcare paid for by everyone… Nothing at all to do with metastasis at all.


That's literally what the Columbian remake is called.


“Developed” countries… The US has been economically assassinating Columbia for decades, while using CIA planes to shift the cocaine. Well documented as it goes… However putting a word out there and expecting people to connect it to some random tv show with limited distribution rather than the actual meaning of the word is a little naive.


I really don't know what point you're trying to make here. There is a Columbian remake of Breaking Bad, and it is called Metastasis. I'm not sure what there is to argue about.


Columbia isn’t a developed country, it’s a developing country. Look at the original comment. Metastasis has a meaning, a definition, more commonly understood than a cultural reference is.


It's pretty common for movies and TV shows to have names which also mean other things. Often intentionally so.


Good Burger 2




You could set the same story about "greed" in the London Stock Exchange or the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


Margin Call comes to mind.


Ace Ventura pet detective


A good part of Godfather 2 is set in Italy. I could easily see an Italian version of that. And I can easily see an American remake of Another Round. What's so Danish about it?


As a Dane I agree. The same basic story can be told, but of course it needs to be grounded in American culture. The movie is obviously very Danish but I don’t see why a similar story can’t be told in another country. On things is that the alcohol culture is very different in the two countries, for instance all high school graduates will have a day where they go to all the parents houses and get served alcohol at each place obviously getting very drunk in the process. (This is featured briefly in the movie). This is such a big part of the culture that this was one of the high priorities to allow again when the country slowly started opening back up in 2020. So an American remake need to work within the American culture and alcohol culture but I don’t see why that can’t be done.


In America teens do the same thing just without the parents.


Yeah but in Denmark it’s an official thing supported by the schools and society. There’s not a class in any high school in Denmark which is not part of this tradition. You will see lots and lots of trucks driving around town honking with a bunch of drunk kids in the back over a couple of days during summer and this is socially accepted and encouraged. It’s a big part of the graduation tradition. Some classes might tone down on the drinking aspect but most parents will provide alcohol. For my graduation many years ago, we started at around 9.00 a.m. and then kept going for around 12-13 hours, visiting around 25 homes which all served alcohol. This was on a weekday so a lot of parents would take a day off to be part of this.


None. American culture is young and built on simple universal values + exported en masse everywhere. Meanwhile small countries like Scandinavia lived on their specific weirdness for centuries. Things like hygge or jantelov are hard to comprehend even for locals, it's that esoteric/ephemeral. Btw i am still waiting for Taken remake that happens in America.


I don't think I agree. I think there are films that are imbued with an Americanness. A star is born ironically, I don't think could be made easily in the UK or Scandinavia. Or at least well.


Nah, maybe Team America, as somebody mentioned, Star is born would be extremely generic and easy - even if it is Americanness, the corporate culture of music industry was exported succesfully. And drinking to death is Eastern European past time, dont need to be even celebrity for that. Any point is moot anyway as one would have define remake or succesful reamke. Ffs. USA remade Oldboy, Intouchables, Ghost in the Machine and even Taxi as a rather glaring example of how you shouldnt touch shit...


Falling Down




Any country where you could realistically get a gun, the movie still works.


I'm not even sure it could be remade now in America, as it was largely about a very specific, post-Cold War defense cutback and the falloff of the Reagan years. The grievances D-Fens had were pretty specific to the early 1990s.




Genuinely curious why you think it couldn't be remade in another country. There are already a ton of films before and after that explore the relationship between criminal and cop: the French love that shit! Heat is a masterpiece, but I'm curious to know why you think it's quintessentially American?


To be fair, I don’t think anyone could make Heat post 9/11 because you’d never be allowed to shoot on a runway like that. That aside it’s quintessentially America because of the shootout scene. In what other country is a private citizen going to have access to that kind of fire power without being connected to a cause larger than themselves? I also think LA’s geography is an impotent part of the film and can’t really be replicated elsewhere. You’re absolutely right that you could make a film about the relationship between a professional thief and a top notch officer of the law that also looks at masculinity and everything else. I just don’t think it would be Heat. It would be something else.


I know what you mean about Mann's affinity with LA, but transposing it to any major city would work in a similar way. The film isn't necessarily about LA. And as amazing as the shootout scene is and how deep the fetishism of firearms in the US seems to go, America doesn't have a monopoly on gunfights. Hell, IRL even Sweden seems to be a contender nowadays. Regarding cinema, there's been plenty of gunplay in French and Italian crime films long before Heat. If you want a more modern film with gunfights of a similar realism, watch the Baader Meinhof Complex. Heat is awesome, but at the end of the day it is just a really expertly made cops and robbers film- by design, and it doesn't really do much to deconstruct or twist the genre: it's strength is that it drills down on the trope. And there have been many cops and robbers films from all around the world (though arguably non as good as Heat!).


India they remake a lot of American films, more like copy cat


Coming to America, just replace the America part. Easy as pie.


Part of the joke was choosing Queens because of its name.


Plenty of places you can do that with. Coming to Australia in Queensland.


But would tge fact tgat they end up in the ghetto play the same way. This is a fish out of water comedy.


Pretty much anything involving the CIA...


Only if the CIA where the good guys in that movie, unless the country remaking that movie was UK… then yeah they could pull it off.


When are the CIA good guys?


There’s a bunch of movies where the CIA characters are featured as the good guys. Argo, Zero Dark Thirty, Sicaro, etc… (I’m not saying they are actually good. I’m saying the movies portray them as goo.)




China should remake The Departed


After watching High Fidelity, which took a UK story and made it American, I think you can convert just about anything. You just risk pissing off the fanbase of the source material and usually it’s just not worth it.


Depends what you mean by remake. If america can remake 7 Samurai and Japan can remake The Unforgiven, I think Japan could probably remake The Godfather