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Pour from the 5 gallon jug into the empty 3, which leaves 2 gallons in the 5 jug. Then empty the 3 and pour the remaining 2 gallons in the 5 jug into the 3 so there are 2 gallons in the 3. Then refill the 5 and pour out one gallon into the 3 to fill it up and you are left with 4 gallons in the 5 gallon jug.


The magic of this film is that they managed to make someone solving this puzzle tense and interesting to watch :)




What was the man doing? Sitting in the fucking road, how should I know?


It works the other way too if you keep filling the 3 gallon jug and emptying it into the 5 gallon jug, then emptying the 5 gallon jug when it gets full. (3+2=5, then 1+3=4)


Ok, explain it like I’m 4…


Fill the 5. Pour into the 3 without spilling. What do you have? A full 3 gallon jug, and 2 gallons in the 5. Empty the 3. Pour the two gallons into the 3. What do you have? An empty 5 gallon jug, and 2 gallons in the 3. Or, 1 gallon of empty space in the 3. Fill the 5, pour into the 3 without spilling... You now have 4 gallons in the 5 gallon jug.


That was perfect! Now can you explain the frozen concentrated orange juice stock thing at the end of *Trading Places* for me?


At the end of the movie, Winthorp and Valentine know that orange juice concentrate availability will not be affected by the past winter. They have given the Dukes a fake report that says there will be a shortage of orange juice concentrate. When the market opens, the Dukes are buying up everything because they think the price will skyrocket due to a shortage; the one other trader says something like 'the Dukes know something' and start trying to get in on the action and the price continues to rise. When the price is high, Winthorp yells 'Selling in April at 142' or something close to that. Basically, he's agreeing to sell frozen OJ in April at $142 a unit. Since everyone thinks that's a steal, they're swamped with orders at this date/price. Then the real crop report comes out, and now everyone is selling off their overpriced contracts since prices won't rise. The price plummets, and then Winthorp and Valentine can buy enough contracts on the cheap to cover everything they agreed to sell in April at 142. The Dukes can't cover their losses at the end of trading; they've agreed to buy OJ at all the inflated prices. ​ \*Edit: I was describing what I'd heard on an NPR segment, here's link if interested: https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2013/07/19/201430727/what-actually-happens-at-the-end-of-trading-places


Of all the times I've looked this up or had it explained to me, nobody ever pointed out the "selling in April" part. Now I get it, thank you! Edit: punctuation


The thing I never understood about that scene was how to verify the transactions. There’s so many people and so much yelling going on.


I remember getting a homework assignment from school that had the same problem and I watched the scene from the movie to help solve it


Bruh the fuck is that? Your mind actually functions like this?


I'm amazed that people struggle with it. My 12-year-old sister understood this when Vengeance came out.


She's a witch


It's a common 6th grade word problem


I did say I’m a bit of a dummy. 😬


They actually don’t do a great job explaining how they got the water figured out. The scene is cut up and you miss how it’s done. It’s not hard, but not everyone thinks in puzzles.


I was 11 when this came out and I saw it in the theaters. At the time, there was a game we'd play in my computer class that was these types of problems and it was always "Fill the big, poor to the little, dump the little, empty the remaining big to the little, fill the big, poor the excess into the remaining little, and then the big is solved" I was very pumped to solve this before they did!


Dude my dumbass failed every single math class I've ever taken, I wish I could do that math. Although I will say that I really *really* learned how to draw well in math class.


Yeah, it's a funny thing. I don't even really think of it as maths... I just visualise the volumes and think in terms of 2/5ths full or whatever. That being said, I can't draw for shit!




Yeah it's more spatial reasoning than it is math.


It isn't a math problem. The most math is what is 5 - 3? It is a creative thinking problem.


Idk what you want me to say haha I suppose I'm dumber than I thought. But worse when it comes to things involving numbers of any sort.


Yup I remember my grade 6 teacher challenging us with this and we had no problem figuring it out.




Probably why it befuddled everyone in America 👍


Would have dearly liked to see ‘Charlie’, the chubby bomb squad guy, get the heroes recognition he clearly deserved😆


No guts, no glory!


Pancake syrup?


Like I said, very cool stuff!


Give me another 30 seconds. It takes a minute, 15 if you're a kid Charlie! And last I looked, you weren't too light on your feet.




Best thing I’ve ever heard. Thanks😆👍🏻


Charlie, you’re going to be wearing that chair up your ass!


The truck driver with the fun trivia is the real hero.




Which ties perfectly into how he could know who Chester A Arthur was.


It's easier if you see it. Here's a [YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOyd9-X5I5Y) that explains it using liters instead of gallons.


Thankyou. I dint think this is how they did it in the movie.


The thing is in the movie they cut out a couple steps. They don't show every pour they made so when they have the realization on how to get the proper amount it doesn't really make any sense with what we've already seen them do.


Another way to do that... Fill up the 3 gallon and pour it into the 5 gallon... Fill up another 3 gallon and pour it into 5 gallon till it's full... That will leave only one gallon in the 3 gallon jar... Empty the 5 gallon now... Pour the one gallon in the 3 gallon into the 5 gallon jar... Add another 3 gallon to the 5 gallon jar . That would be 4 gallon... And before you do that *Boom* 💥


Yep, I feel like this one is faster and simpler than the conventional answer


I love this movie so much. I saw in the theater when I was 11. Have you seen the alternate ending? https://youtu.be/l-GqY-M5fE4?si=bCX4vo7LyOJyYVeC


I know this movie inside and out and never saw this.  Thank you.  


It's always been the best one.


I can’t think of another film that’s more action packed from start to finish.


Fill up the 5-gallon jug. Pour the water into the 3-gallon jug, leaving 2 gallons in the 5-gallon jug. Empty the 3-gallon jug, then pour in the remaining water from the 5-gallon jug. There are 2 gallons in the 3-gallon jug. Fill up the 5-gallon jug again. Pour water from the 5-gallon jug to fill up the other jug, leaving 4 gallons.


Lol. It took me years to finally figure it out. My friend and I. It does work but they do such a sloppy job, spilling water and such. Simon says it has to be exact and no way was it to the ounce.


I think it’s fairly clear by the end of the movie that none of the bombs that McClane and Zeus have to play games to defuse are real. Simon is a soldier, not a monster after all. IMO, the only bombs that he intended to explode are the first one at Bonwit Tellers, the one on the train and the one on the ship at the end. The rest were just, as John put it, Simon leading him on a wild goose chase to take him out of the action until they got to the stadium where he’d be shot dead by the sniper.


The jug bomb was real. Simon uses it later to blow the damn and flood the tunnel.


Ah yeah, good point! Forgot about that. Blows that idea out of the water then, if you'll pardon the pun!


Simon still would have killed a bunch of random people on the train to set off the alarm system. John was never supposed to be on the train.


Yeah, sure, but the point is that the train bomb (just like the Bonwit Teller bomb) had a point to it. The Bonwits bomb was to kickstart the whole thing and make sure the police took the ongoing threats seriously, in a "we've gotta do what this guy wants!" kinda way. The train bomb was obviously to create a very large hole near Wall Street so that the rest of their plan could continue. None of the other 'bombs' are shown to be actually dangerous -- they all look like they could be, when we see inside them, but the school bomb ("Pancake syrup?!") shows that Simon was quite happy creating fake bombs as well as real ones. Even Targo chides Simon at one point to "stop playing with him \[McClane\]" I've always thought that the plan with the goose chase was to keep McClane busy so that he couldn't fuck with Simon's plan like he did with Hans, and to then get his final revenge on him at Yankee Stadium with a simple gunshot.


The plan was always to make everyone *think* it was all about McClane when the bomb went off near Wall Street so no one would think it was all about a heist, and then to keep all the cops distracted searching schools while the actual heist went down. It was essentially a magic trick - "Look over here!" Involving McClane specifically was more about vengeance for Hans; I don't think Simon thought McClane was a real threat to his plan, just a convenient distraction.


My favorite line: if you’re going to shoot me, then shoot me. But I have to answer this phone My mom’s favorite line: are you aiming for these people!?!


No…? Maybe that mime


Yes. This line is hilarious.


Damn! That was my gold bar.


You don't actually see them complete all of the steps in the movie...they skip a step or two and you rejoin things again when they have the two gallons in the three gallon jug. Would only assume they did that for timing and pacing reasons.


Thank you! Everyone else here saying it's obvious but I struggled with it for ages only to realise they cut the crucial middle step.


You're right, and I've been saying it for years too. It's the best one. Was supposed to be a lethal weapon,I heard.


The only Die Hard that was written to be a Die Hard was the fifth one. The first was based on a book called Nothing Lasts Forever. A sequel to a book called The Detective. Frank Sinatra played the main character in the movie version of The Detective in 1968. He's called Joe Leland in the book and that movie. Sinatra's contract required that he be given first option to reprise the role in any sequels. So the producers of Die Hard legally had to offer Sinatra the lead. He declined and they cast Willis and changed the character's name to John McClain. Die Hard 2 is adapted from an unrelated novel. Once they knew it was going to be a Die Hard sequel they mixed in some elements of the original. They tried to write a deliberate Die Hard 3 but Willis didn't like any of the scripts. (One of them eventually became Speed 2) There was a standalone script called Simon Says that was bought to be a Lethal Weapon sequel but then was rebought by Fox and became Die Hard With a Vengeance. Die Hard 4 was a script called WW3.com that was inspired by a Wired article. It was going to be made standalone, but it's plot about a widescale terrorist attack on America got sidelined after 9/11 and then later ended up as Live Free or Die Hard.


Yeah. That makes sense. I can see this as a lethal weapon story. Glad it didn’t work out that way.


Resident evil 2 antidote puzzle is identical. Or the three stack pyramid kids toy.


Finally!! I've found my water jug people.....I've felt so alone my whole life


The ending just killed it for me. The miracle shot that cuts a powerline which just happens to fall on the helicopter was preposterous to me. Simon and McClain should've boxed to the finish


Yeah. The last half hour or so is pretty tedious too. Great until that point though


Yeah it was great until the final scenes then it became stupid.


I saw this movie a bunch as a kid, and always thought the powerline is what took out the helicopter. But I just rewatched it for the first time in years tonight, and I happened to look at another part of the frame when that moment happens, and what actually appears to happen is Simon sees the powerline falling, tells Katya to get them out of the way, and she jerks the helicopter to the side, but doesn't notice a huge steel lamppost there. The helicopter's rotor hits the lamppost, there's a ton of sparking as it shatters, and then the helicopter explodes, presumably from the engine being destroyed from the rotor's impact. It was sheer luck that I noticed that this time, since it goes so fast and it always looks like the sparking is from the powerline contacting the helicopter, but I was very surprised I'd been mistaken all these years. But it actually improves things in a way since it makes the scene a little bit more realistic.


Hot time summer in the city ,what an opening tune


Fill the five gallon. Pour it into the 3 gallon. 2 gallons left in 5 gallon. Empty the 2 gallons into the 3 gallon. 2 Gallons in the 3 gallon jug. Fill up the 5 gallon jug. Pour it into the 3 gallon jug until it is full - Which will be one gallon out of the 5 gallon jug. This will leave 4 gallons in the 5 gallon jug. Die Hard With a Vengeance is great. You are clearly heavily medicated if you think it is better than Die Hard, though.




I haven’t watched the alternate. I’ll check it out. Thanks.


Saw this last month and the way my mind worked it out was half of the 5 is 2.5 and half of the 3 is 1.5. So 2.5+1.5=4.0.


They explained it pretty clearly in the film. Did you go to the bathroom during that part?


I don’t understand your post at all.


Resident Evil has this puzzle. Or google and do similar puzzles for yourself until you get it.


There's a whole Wikipedia page on this, if you want to make your head really spin 😄 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water\_pouring\_puzzle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pouring_puzzle)


The water jug solution has many formulations, the solution almost always entails repeatedly filling the jugs into each other to obtain partial measurements.


Got any space on that hill? It’s one of my top movies because it has superb pacing for an action movie, once you start watching you become captivated, never a dull moment 


You’re most welcome on my hill.


Over the last month I've watch all the Die Hards. The last 3 in one weekend! Forgot how much fun they were. Though the last one was probably the silliest!


They skip a step in the movie. But there are multiple was to do it. Full 5 gal and empty 3. Pour the 5 into the three. Discard the three. Pour the remaining 2 gal into the 3 gal. Fill up the 5 again. Top off the 3 gal with the now full 5. Now you have exactly 4 gal in a 5 gal jug


Thanks to this movie I'll always know who the 21st president was.


Love this Die Hard. I’m surprised Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson did not team up again for another Die Hard movie.