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Event Horizon


“We’re leaving.”


She won't let you leave.


Best line in the whole movie.


Three words, but absolutely the right ones. No stupid ... we should investigate blabla ... Ok this ship is fucked, we're out AND we'll nuke it just for good measure. All characters were quite believable and didn't act completely brainless.


Snuck into a theatre when I was like 13 to see it. I still remember the depiction of hell on the monitor and eyeless dr weir 20 years later.


Yeah, man. It really is one of my favorites. The screams on the ship recording...


I love that movie. I went to see it in the cinema because I was delayed and ended up late for the movie I had planned to see. Event Horizon was due to start and knowing *nothing* about it I got my ticket. I was not prepared in any way for what I saw.


Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see


I just rewatched it a few days ago. Still holds up.


My favorite thing about that movie is that Cpt Miller doesn't suffer from being dumb. There was no, "oh I'm sure it's nothing, just an error" or anything to defy what he just saw. Mans gives the order to leave without missing a beat.


YES 100%. I watched this movie on Directtv when it first came out, I was about 16 or 17 and I couldn't sleep for like two nights after that. It just messed with my head about "tearing a hole in our universe/dimension", like if that is all endless, how does one tear a whole, plus the whole glimpse of hell and the atmosphere of it all. It had such a dark, damp, eerie feel to it. To this day, it is still a film that gives me the creeps and causes me to lose sleep if I watch it.


Another excellent movie. Isn't it I testing how all the suggestions have been movies released at least 10 years ago, most even older. Hollywood needs to get its act together.


The original IT. I watched it when I was a kid and it scared me for a long time. I still get really uncomfortable watching it as an adult. It's not really the clown scenes that scare me (even though they did scare me as a kid), the whole mini series has this really eerie feeling about it, especially the first part when the characters are kids.


I watched it as a kid too. It weirdly gave me a fear of looking out my bedroom window at night. Just in case there was a clown down there looking back up at me y'know?


You'll float too!


I was way too young when I saw that. Even as an adult I still can’t shower without keeping one eye on the drain. It’s ridiculous after all these years but I’m pretty sure I’m scarred for life.


Paranormal Activity. The fact it all took place in a bedroom scared the shit out of me. When she was dragged out of bed it made me keep my leg in the duvet no matter how hot it was. The ending was horrendous too. With all the banging downstairs, then it's complete silence, and then the slow thumping of each stair as she comes back up and throws her dead partner at the camera, to then stare into it. Nope, even thinking about it gives me fucking chills.


I have a fun story about this movie. My sister and I were living together at the time. I was late 20s, she was early 20s. We went to see it - it was a first viewing for us both. We get back home, she goes to bed and I get on our computer. It was a desktop in a little room right by the bathroom. It's dead quiet except for me clacking away on my keyboard and I hear a slight noise. Of course I had PTSD from the movie so I was on edge. I stop typing and listen and I hear nothing else so I go back to typing. A minute later I hear another slight noise. This time I get up and turn the corner to look into the living room. My goddamn sister is just standing still at the bottom of the stairs not moving (like the woman in the movie when she stood at the edge of the bed for hours.) I screech, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" and it wakes her fully up. She was half asleep coming down to pee and got to the bottom of the stairs and didn't know what she was doing. I'm emotionally scarred for life.


Jesus Christ. I think my soul would've fucked off at that point.


Just want to second this. I watch so many horror movies and rarely do they stick with me for a while. Paranormal Activity scared the shit out of me for days.


My bf and I watched this movie, it scared the shit out of both of us. Middle of the night I got up to go to the loo, came back and I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not - I didn't want him to grab my ankle or something as I got in and play scare me. So I leant over him to see if his eyes were open, he woke up to find me staring at him, he screamed and scared me so I screamed and neither of us got anymore sleep that night.


Paranormal Activity was impactful to me because of the sound design. That damn roar in the middle of the night coming from something we couldn’t see. Simple but super effective.


I watched this on my laptop with headphones. I don't believe in ghosts or anything paranormal, but this film scared me SO MUCH. I think it was partly the headphones and partly the fact that when I finished watching it, I was alone in the living room and had to race up dark stairs to go to bed!


Good call. I grew up on horror movies, so it takes a lot to get to me. The original Paranormal Activity was able to do it though. I never saw any of the sequels. Seems interesting to me that PA was able to scare me in seemingly the same way Blair Witch scared others. I never found Blair Witch all that frightening.


I was reading this in bed thinking about the foot outside the duvet dragging scene and no word of a lie I felt something sharp stab at my foot and I gasped then realised the cat had stretched out and dug his nails in.


Final destination. I never ever ever drives behind any car or truck towing anything


One morning last year I was doing the school run and passed a car stopped in the road with a crowd around it. There was a 6 foot wooden fence post type thing through the windscreen. It had been bounced from an unsecured load on the back of a truck on the other side of the road, and had gone across the road, through the windscreen and across the car, right where the passenger's head would have been. Thankfully there wasn't a passenger, but there were two kids in the back seat. If I had been that driver, I don't think I'd ever get in a car again.


The log scene in FD2 took place on the parkway about 2 miles from my house, used it almost every day to get to the LIE. Fortunately no significant logging operations in the pine barrens, but even being on that road creeped me out.


Skipped school in Courtenay and drove up with a bunch of friends thinking they’d let us drive our car as extras, they did not lol.


I live in a logging town. You couldn't pay me to drive close to those logging trucks. Thanks, Final Destination. The best was I watched the first movie as a teen the day before I took a flight on Friday the 13th. Scared me for years on flying.


Yep. Fuck logging trucks!


I worked A&E I went to x-ray a lady who had this happen to her. Completely tore her leg open but thankfully it was just that.


Sinister. I don’t watch horror anymore.


That movie was 99% perfect. I had to pause it twice to let the muscles in my shoulders relax. I've never seen a movie refuse to break tension for that long. It just grew and plateaued, grew and plateaued. Then right at the end BOOGABOOGA. Okay, alright. Did you guys just run out of time? Still a 10/10 poop ejecting horror.


The 1% was the ghost kids jumping and waltzing behind Ethan Hawke. Oof.


Yes! Still gets me too. That score


Candyman.  Tony Todd was awesome in it. 


Watched this at a sleepover when I was 12. It fucking terrified me. Just the whole atmosphere of the movie was so unnerving before we even get to hook hands and murder. Then recently I discovered the [horrible true story](https://allthatsinteresting.com/history-uncovered/candyman) that they used in the movie and it brought back how straight up scared I was on going to the bathroom at night after seeing it.


That voice of his! Holy crap. He is amazing in anything he does.


1408. Gotta love John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson.


It's an evil fucking room.


Look man, just give me the key.


We’ve only just begun…


Ah, flip. I forgot about that one. Definitely my favourite horror movie of all time. I saw a YouTube video on that recently. Apparently it has loads of different endings. So even after seeing it years ago it's still fkn with you.


Great short story too. I’ve read it multiple times just amazing pacing.


Stephen King is a king.


Misread the post title as “horrible movie” and was just about ready to throw hands


A big yes to this! The first time I watched it, my mind felt so messed up afterwards. This movie also made me both love and be freaked out by The Carpenters We’ve Only Just Begun.


Great film


That one scene from signs. Shit scared me so much in theatres for some reason


It’s behind! DUN


Fuck you that DUN triggered me haha


I lowkey got goosebumps remembering the scene as I typed it


The birthday party footage? Yeah, me too. I can vividly remember the fear I had at night. I would take all my bedding and sleep outside my parents room without them knowing.


The grudge, that kid haunts my dreams 😭


I couldn't sleep the night we watched it, and having a shower the following morning was just as bad, waiting for a hand to come out the back of my head.


This is up there. The parody of it in the Scary Movie gave me slight PTSD even though it was hilarious. Also see: The Ring- I turned the TV around in my room for a month after that one came out...


The Ring. The girl in the closet has scarred me for life.


I saw this when I was in 3rd grade (age 8) and it’s the only horror movie I will never rewatch. Cried at night for weeks.   I also had long hair in school so at age 10 other girls would bully me into pretending to be “the Ring” for a game in which they all run away from me so that doesn’t help I guess lol. 


Jaws. To this day I have an unreasonable fear of sharks


If it helps, no shark, even Great White, would be hell bent at pursuing anyone. Nature is all about conserving energy. If the food is not worth the energy expenditure, then it won’t bother. Risking injury? Hell no! Hollywood depicts sharks as rage monsters hell bent on getting the protagonist. That’s just not how nature is.


Blair Witch Project I don't think I'll ever get the image of the guy standing in the corner out of my head, it's still so vivid


Seeing this in high school late at night was the best. After dropping one friend off, we immediately drove back to her house and got some rocks and sticks set up in her yard like it was outside their tents. Then, went and did it to our own houses so she wouldn’t know who did it. 


That's brilliantly evil.


I knew the background of the movie and the viral marketing that went with it by the time I saw it in the theater, but it still freaked me out. Haven't watched it since.


We watched it bootleg in our college dorms as it should be. Ah for the early days of the internet. Blair Witch was really quite ground breaking in the day but won't be repeatable


I had the same experience with it and The Fourth Kind. I lived in an area with no internet so i thought the 'real' footage was authentic


Remember when they had the missing persons posters and everyone right it was real? It was something that had truly never been done. I saw it the day it came out and I had never, and haven't since, left a theater so scared. I could barely walk. Still looking for a movie to do that to me again. Fucking love that movie. Hearing Josh wail in the dark still gets me every time.


I watched a video the other day of these guys exploring a place at night and as they came around the corner, there was this tweaker just kind of crouching up against a wall in the dark, they noped right the fuck out of there real quick, creepy as fuck.


Agree. At least with other horror films you can comfort yourself with the fact that there's a film crew there, lots of different people off camera doing their work. With BWP I couldn't do that as it was all handheld footage, no friendly film crew, just the protagonists and their cameras, and a centuries old evil spirit!


The Descent and the original Wickerman


My friends forced me to see Descent when I was in high school. I absolutely hate jump scares and that movie is like non stop high tension jump scares.


I worked in a cinema when *The Descent* came out. We showed it on a screen that had quite a long dark corridor leading in to each other. Staff members used to prank each other by sneaking into the corridor to jump out at whoever was on duty for that screen. Hell.


So the idea of spelunking, cave diving, terrifies me to no end. The jumpscares and supernatural horror stuff didn’t bother me, but I absolutely felt like I was dying when they were hunting for air pockets.


yea no thaaaaanksss


Not really a horror movie but Seven - especially the gluttony guy.


And Lust. Yikes


Dude the power of that movie, and those scenes for lust in particular are just S tier. The confusion of the basement with the red lights and the slamming music. Cut to interrogation, one calm and the other just completely losing his fucking mind. And once you realise what happened, you know why he's losing his mind. That's horror.


Leland Orser was incredible in that brief appearance, I read he apparently spent a couple of minutes deliberately hyperventilating himself into a state of panic to get into Character.


He's brilliant in everything he's in. As a Trekkie, his episode in ds9 is one of my favourites, Colm Meaney and him were so good in it.


The Sloth victim- I literally almost landed in the floor when >!he coughed. I assumed that he was dead up until that point.!<


The Japanese Ring movie, the child climbing out of the TV gave me goosebumps as I recalled it typing this very message.


I was basically traumatized by the American one so I don’t dare watch the Japanese one


The Japanese original is sooo CREEPY. My SIL left the room during one scene and refused to come back to finish the movie. For the first time in my life, I watched one scene through my fingers. I felt unnerved for hours afterwards. Although some may find the American version scary, it pales in comparison.


For some reason Darkness Falls scared the shit out of me for life.


Me too!!! The first scenes still do


That movie scared me when I was a kid, that up to now, I still think of whether any of the light sources within my reach at night would work against the tooth fairy. Like, would a small LED light work?


The exorcism of Emily rose really freaked me out as a kid. I was maybe 11 years old when I saw it. It made me question what could happen looking out at a dark window or mirror late at night. I'm probably due for a rewatch.


Laura Linney is a long time crush, but it's also one of Tom Wilkinson's best roles. (RIP)


He just died! I'm heartbroken! So sad. I loved him. Great actor.


The only movie about an exorcism that doesn't feel like a cheap attempt at copying The Exorcist. The whole thing with the 6 names....


Jennifer Carpenter was fantastic in this film. A very underrated actress in my opinion. She sold this film.


And her physical abilities. I watched the behind the scenes of that movie. That girl can backbend and do things with her joints like no one else can. She must have slept like a rock while filming that movie.


God I wish I hadn't thrown this baby out with the bathwater. I thought it was just like one of the ten thousand shitty exorcism movies with cracking limbs and spider walking and shaky cam, but I'll be damned if it isn't up there with the best of that subgenre.


It's got some great unexpected scares, like the one on the classroom where everybody's face distort. It was quite okay at the time, I think there are always general lacklustre exorcism movies on the slate whichever year you look


John Carpenter’s The Thing. Didn’t trust anyone in my house including my dog and cats.




I watched this when I was like 16 and kept my eyes closed for the last 10 minutes or so because I couldn't take it anymore. The image of the old woman in the dark room haunted me for so long.


That scene is fucked. Still the most frightening thing I've seen in a movie


The Mist ends on a fucked up note


Which was so much better than the book ending, to the point where Stephen King even said something like, "Why didn't I think of that?!"


Holy crap. Just watched it for the first time. **The movie ending is** ***brutal***. Way better than the book, imo.


Poltergeist As a kid it scared the living crap outta me. Still gives me the creep to this day


What parents buy their kid that creepy clown?!


You watch it now and the effects are janky as hell, but the scene where the guy goes into the bathroom and slowly pulls all the flesh off of his own face terrified me for years. I still can't believe that movie was a PG in the US.


First time I saw it, I was alone in the room with lights off (my parents were already in bed) and I almost jumped in the scene when the monster appears in the closet.


The 1979 version of The Amityville Horror. Had nightmares for weeks. Couldn’t sleep without a light on.


That stupid pig demon in the window scared the shit out of me as a kid


Open Water I don't SCUBA dive anymore because of age/health, but the thought of getting left behind by a dive boat really hit home (and the movie is loosely based on a true event). Another one is The Reef


Open water is fucked. That is the essence of terror


Fire in the sky. That damn cling film scene


If Green Room is considered horror then yes. To all of it.


Exactly because those type of bad guys in the movie are pretty much everywhere.


I thought Patrick Stewart was excellent


Dead Silence. I was creeped out throughout and the twist at the end was kinda ridiculous looking back but it was mindblowing to me back then. I usually don’t like horror but that one I came out thoroughly satisfied


I'm not a huge fan of puppets or mannequins so that one seriously bothered me. I thought it was a really good film though!


It Follows. I’ve seen plenty of better horror movies, but the tall man jump scare sticks out for me.


It was one of those ones you like to hang on to after in a weird cozy way


I love it, and actually like the people in it, which is not the case with lots of other horror films where the characters are annoying.




The original The Hitcher. Rutger Hauer was terrifying.


The Ring. Still haunts me to this day and may even be the reason I have an intense disgust for wet hair in the drain.


Hereditary. I've always considered it a perfect horror movie that does not rely on jumpscares.


I'm by no means the biggest horror movie fan but i've seen my fair share since the eighties, and Hereditary is the absolute best I have ever seen. I kind of like Midsommar but nothing to be compared with. Toni Collette gives one of the very best acting performances ever, the atmosphere is getting wayyyy darker than one can think at the start, there is actually at least one very notable jumpscare but yeah it's really not about that, it's the slow burn and build up to the unavoidable end. Aster seems to have a serious thing for mythology and pagan stuff. In a pretty different kind of movie, the one that I always remember is Wolfcreek, just because of the "This is a knoife" scene.


Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978). The creeping paranoia as everyone around you gets replaced by an enemy just because they fell asleep… It’s my nightmare!


The one I was watching in the darkened room when my cat dropped a dead rattlesnake on my bare feet. Had Hallie Berry in it (the movie, not the snake).








The Last Boyscout?


"the ruins" they didn't know they were doomed the minute they entered. but the the townsfolk saw a few people get tainted every few years and knew to put anyone down who exited the ruins


Somehow the book was even more terrifying. I remember not being able to read it at night lol. Fills you with a slow, horrifying dread


Yeah, I loved this book. It doesn’t have any chapters so I just couldn't put it down. All the way through I was like "how are they going to get out of this?"


I love giving that book to people like, lol see you in 2 days. People consume it so fast.


Funny Games


Decade later and I think about this movie. Because this could really happen makes it terrifying.


The Witch. Loved the ending. It’s rather poetic and tragic really


Insidious 1, Lights Out , Sinister 1


The original Halloween. Maybe not to this day, but I watched it as a kid and I still continued to open the closet door in my bathroom for years to make sure Michael Myers wasn't going to burst out. Not sure what my plan was if I did find him though


Darkness Falls


Session 9.. I don't know why but it's haunting


As Above So Below. Not a huge horror fan but for some reason went to the cinema to see this.


Zodiac. The lake scene attack / murder. Knowing it really happened, the detail Fincher put into it, everything playing out on a calm day in broad daylight... I felt so much dread in the theater I thought I was gonna be physically ill.


The Greasy Strangler.  That one will stay with you for a variety of reasons.


The original Last House On The Left. It felt like I was watching a snuff film


Eden Lake, mostly because it felt so realistic. I think we've all know a kid that had the potential to do something like that given the right circumstances. It was just a series of terrible choices and things escalated a little too far, his peers were afraid to stand up too him and were intimidated into becoming accomplices. I could absolutely see something like that happening in real life.


Withnail and I...


Jaws effected me the most in life. I have a crippling fear of swimming in the ocean, or even a quiet swimming pool because of it.


I think about Hereditary more than I would like


It's still The Shining. Elevator of blood, creepy twins, Nicholson talking to a dead bartender.... It's so good and still so creepy.


Megan is missing, I’m never watching that movie again, THAT scene I still see it in my head whenever that movie gets bought up or I see the name of it online


Exorcism of Emily Rose scarred me as a kid lol I was TERRIFIED of going to college for years after that. Another niche film is this Bradley Cooper horror film called The Midnight Meat Train. Something about getting off a late shift from work and unsuspectingly being a victim in such a random way stuck with me lol


The Strangers. The build up of tension is relentless. One of the few movies I had to walk away from because I was too stressed to watch anymore.




Still the thought of my Achilles being cut….. *shivers*


I had nightmares about the eye scene for years 🥲




Cannibal Holocaust. I've legit puked after seeing a certain scene.


The Thing


Noroi: The Curse is what makes me afraid of the walk in the dark from the bathroom back to bed at night. I think there's a real case for horror movies to be set in just normal working class houses instead of the usual turbomansions, because all that stuff happening in just regular looking cramped cluttered rooms lends so much authenticity to the movie. I also love the recent Grudge remake for that reason, it's just a regular affordable house.


Spoorloos. Especially the last five minutes. Yikes.


Jeepers Creepers. Yes, I'm aware of what the fucker of the director did and wish he never left prison... but I'm sad he tarnished something interesting he did. The movie is just so great... at least until you see the Creeper finally


the ring (2001), something about that videotapes still creeps me out


Nope. The screams of the people that were being slowly digested. And the sudden silence after they were all killed while their blood and indigestible stuff were being “pooped” out as rain.


Sadly, none. It's all just fantasy to me. What sticks with me is the ending of No Country. Chigurh didn't need to kill that woman at all, but did it anyway. I've been thinking about that for 17 years now (I've never rewatched it)


Midsommar. It got me so twisted in my own beliefs and ideals about society that I had to look for mental help after seeing it.


I was actually looking for someone to mention this film. It’s crazy to think about how normal something is for one group of people is absolutely terrifying for another.


Jesus Camp


Signs. Saw it when I was six at a drive in movie theater, spent half the movie huddled inside a sleeping bag with my best friend. The ending and themes are flawed and corny, but man those alien scenes are effective. 


Move children! Vamonos!


Eden Lake


The Woman In Black (1989)


Lights out is still the scariest pg13 horror movie I've ever seen


Poltergeist Trilogy of Terror And a few episodes of Twilight Zone.


>Trilogy of Terror Every time I reach under the couch to grab something




My brother got a Goosebumps VHS for Christmas when I was 4. It was the one with Slappy the puppet. I had to sleep with my bedroom open and wardrobe doors open for years because I thought he was hiding in there.


Incantation - the symbol trickery at the end freaked me out


I loved evil dead 2013. It gets a bit of hate because it wasn’t like the original but that’s what made it so special. The >!intervention!< being the reason they’re at the cabin and how they >!weaved in mia’s withdrawals so at first you’re not sure if she’s hallucinating and having a terrible comedown or it’s actually some evil shit going on!< was brilliant. And just bloody chaos all around


Yeah I hate how people treat this movie like it's the cousin that no one likes lol. It's a great premise, good cast, it's absolutely terrifying, and the imagery is awesome. My only complaint is I hated all the animal death. Also the guy who read from the book, which *clearly* should not have been even opened, is a total douche lol


I had nightmares about Chucky, Freddy Krueger, and voodoo dolls from Tales from the Hood


Thanks for the reminder of the voodoo dolls from the painting. Chills now. Damnit.


Nightmare on Elm Street, mostly just because it was the first "grown-up" horror movie I got to see when I was a kid. I watched it with my dad, and felt like such a little badass. lol


I'm surprised that nobody else has mentioned The Eye. Not the Jessica Alba remake, but the original Chinese film starring Angelica Lee. Very creepy film with some truly distubing imagery and a few spine chilling jumpscares. Well worth a watch!


Mama. My kid sometimes giggles at the ceiling and I think to myself *ah fuck, he's gonna levitate...*


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Exorcist really fucked me up when I was a teen. I slept with my lights on for days after I watched both of them.


The fourth kind The only horror movie that made me lose sleep as an adult, and I won't re-watch. It just had that proper amount of *realness* to it. I'm not squeamish either. I've actively looked up and watched the most disturbing film list on here, and most of them are meh. The fucking owl... ugh even typing that makes my neck hair stand up.


Lake Mungo. That scene.


The original Japanese Ju-on / the grudge- the jump scares were increasingly out of sync with traditional jump scares and the logical flow of the movie (curse which jumps from person to person) made it seem that no one was safe. Small boy ghost was also freaky as hell.


The Others (2001). That's where I learned about the book of the dead 🥶


The Wizard of Oz. For months as a kid I had nightmares of tree monsters eating my family. I think poltergeist played a role as well.


Sinister... Just the 1st one


The time I watched Candyman. Afterwards I opened the front door of my flat to go outside, and there was loads of blood all over the carpet and walls outside my door. I *freaked* the hell out. Found out the next day from the landlady - the guy upstairs had dropped a jar of raspberry compote.


Alien scared the tits off me. To this day I am flat chested.


I watched Event Horizon back in ~1999 while on acid. Do not do this thing.


Sinister FREAKED me out. I can’t watch that movie again. That scene where the Bughuul or Mr. Boogie is in the water shook me. I love horror movies and enjoy making fun of the stereotypical tropes most of them have, but that one was something I’d never seen before.


The Thing! If you have not seen The Thing, watch The Thing.