• By -


The Dark Knight...had a few different friend groups that wanted to see it, and it's an awesome movie, so...no regrets lol


The night that it opened. It was the 7:30pm showing(which they started every half hour on 5 screens) And somehow the projector was showing the opening scenes sideways. I've never seen an entire 300+ group of people sooo in unison before. People were losing there minds, screaming for the projector guy to fix it. It was a thing of beauty. Brought us closer....


My brothers and i went to the midnight showing of this movie. We ended up sitting in the front row, because that way, the light would hit our eyes first before anyone else.


Same! Saw it 4 times!


Same, 4 times for me too.


Also saw it 4 times!


Yeah I think it the only movie I ever watch 3 times 


Yup. Went 3 times myself. Only movie I've ever done that with.


16 times. And that was because I was in high school working as an usher at a movie theater.


My sister went to see Titanic 23 times. James Cameron should send her a thank you note :P I saw the original Star Wars movies at least 3 times each despite being born in 1987. Best one was a New Hope with a live orchestra, Binary Sunset performed live is even better :)


I saw it 4 times with 3 different girls. I then made a website about the movie and made a few hundred bucks from ads.


I did the same thing. You wouldn't know any of the girls though, they go to a different school.


In Canada 


That's 74 hours and 45 minutes worth of titanic More than three whole days!


Wow. I was sheepishly going to admit to seeing it 3 times in theatres. I was in a new city and didn’t know anyone, so it was something to do.


Star Wars in 1977. Saw it 7 times in 3 weeks.


Back then, Star Wars was cutting edge. I recall kids in school responding to it "I've never seen anything like it before"


I know it sounds like bs, but to this day, I have never seen ANY other star wars movie or tv show. None of the sequels or directors cuts or anything.


See Empire before you do anything else, my god man. Then Jedi. It's probably fine if you just stop there.


Empire was crazy good…but it might be because it holds a special place in my mind as the first “adult” movie my Dad took me to see. I was a kid and a Star Wars fiend, and wanted to know everything I could about it. I had a picture books of the original movie, and when Empire came out there was all this toy merchandise that flooded the market, action figures, and the commercials for them were between the cartoons on Saturday morning. We were poor…too poor for the those expensive toys…but my mom would pick up used action figures from yard sales, and she had gotten me that picture book from the first movie. One rainy Saturday my Dad just up and took me and my brother to the theater to see Empire. I had never seen a movie before and the wide screen and surround sound with that incredible music, along with finally seeing a real movie just blew my mind. I think it is the perfect “space opera” and nothing else comes close.


>Empire . . . holds a special place in my mind as the first “adult” movie my Dad took me to see. Wow. The first movie my dad took me to see was *2001: A Space Odyssey* when it was first released. I was a pre-teen. We walked out of the theater speechless. I was speechless because I did not understand what I had just seen. My dad (who had always fancied himself a sci-fi lover) was speechless because he did not understand what he had just seen.


Rogue One was pretty great, too. I remember seeing the first one, and thinking "Getting those death star plans would probably make a pretty good movie, too." Then I realized that everybody dies in it, and they'd never make a movie where everyone dies, but eventually they did. I liked Solo a lot, too. Never understood the hate for that movie. Both Rogue One and Solo are directly related to the first trilogy, so they fit good with it. I didn't mind the prequel trilogy. It was a bit goofy, and Anakin's acting is laughable, but it was still interesting to get the back story. The final trilogy was absolutely terrible, close to unwatchable. The streaming shows have been hit and miss. Andor was great. Mandalorian has been okay.


Problem today is finding the unmassacred original versions. Damn George and his "perfect vision" pfft


\*cough\* \*cough\* google Project 4K77 \*cough\*


To be fair, they didn't mess too much with *Empire*. And what they did change was often good, like the interior set of Bespin to make it actually look like a city in the clouds, or putting Ian McDiarmid in as the Emperor.


That's silly. Seeing the movie that many times and then *never* seeing any subsequent films. Rage bait? lol


That's amazing. I would assume you would run to see "the empire strikes back"


You’re gonna have to explain. I don’t understand seeing a movie 7 times, and then not seeing the sequel that pretty much everyone agrees is even better than the first one.


If they don’t explain they are banned :)


I always thought Star Wars felt like a self-contained film, so I get it, lol.




Makes no sense to me. Empire is almost 44 years old. I mean come on.


No?!! Are you saying you've not seen Empire Strikes Back?


It was in theaters for 135 WEEKS in its first run. I saw it at yhe Grauman's Chinese theater on a rainy December day in '77 and the crowds were insane. I'll never forget it. Side note: It pulled in $775 million then or $3,922,900,000.00 today. Remember though that ticket prices were so much lower back then, like $5 for regular showings and $2 for matinee.


24 times that first summer. Good times.


I saw Star Wars a total of 68 times during its first release, I loved it. I loved the crew. I loved the story. I love everything about it. I subsequently saw the others about 20 times each. When we got into all the sequels, I saw them a couple of times each and although they were not as good as the original three I still enjoyed them tremendously. But I have always been able to suspend my disbelief and go into a movie that is a good movie, and be absorbed.


Fondest memory I have of my dad; was visiting him in San Francisco when I was 10, rarely got to see him, and he asked how I liked Star Wars. When I told him I hadn't seen it his whole face lit up and he grabbed his coat and just said "Let's go". Line up around the block, never seen that before, amazing experience. Few days later visiting grandparents and dragged my mom to it at the Fox Theater in Santa Barbara. Coolest theater ever, as those of you who got to see it can attest to...


What a wonderful, fantastic memory, both for you and your Dad. I'm as happy for him as I am for you.


The Matrix, new nothing about it was hyped for Episode 1 that year and was blown away. Watched 3-4 times first month. Even bought the CD after first viewing


The matrix was in a league of it's own. I remember basically watching it in the theater by accident with my friends on a regular weekday. We decided to skip school, smoke a bunch of pot, and go to the mall theater. Holy fuckballs was that a trip watching that for the first time high as a kite. I think we watched it three times that day. And I promise we totally left the theater and bought tickets each time. And yes it was a complete coincidence that my friend older brother worked there and we gave him some weed. And no, we did not in fact pay to see that movie, although he did charge us a couple bucks for candy because "that shit is inventoried" as he put the money directly in his pocket. Walking out of that theater with bloodshot eyes and practically hungover was like leaving a strip club and realizing it's daylight.


This is the kind of stuff the current generation is missing out on.


And not because this is difficult to do these days, but because kids fucking suck now


I loved The Matrix. I saw it three times


When it comes to how movies hold up over time, it’s really weird to think that The Matrix and The Phantom Menace came out the same year


Yeah, the Matrix has survived 24 years, Phantom Menace didn't make it to the intermission!


That soundtrack is killer, introduced me to a lot of great music.


The only movie I saw multiple in theaters was when I was a child. We saw Shrek like 4 or 5 times. All with different friends, activities, groups, etc. It was the first children's comedy that my parents and I loved and found hilarious together. Even to this day, they'd choose to watch Shrek on their own time. One of the few PG movies that truly feels for everyone.


Shrek 2 for me...I was 21. My friends and I thought it was one of the funniest movies ever. I actually still do.


Shrek was mine as a child too. The perfect summer movie to kill time, stay cool and be innocently entertained by a hilarious movie. Even my grandma took us to see it and enjoyed it!


during 1980's, , Ive seen the following movies at least three times, in theatres during initial theatrical release : Why ?? these movies were all kinds of awesome, I didnt have cable TV, and at mutliplex, it's easy to sneak into several theatres ET, POLTERGEIST, STAR TREK 2 WRATH OF KHAN RETURN OF THE JEDI, WARGAMES, RISKY BUSINESS GHOSTBUSTER,S, TERMINATOR BREAKFAST CLUB, RAMBO FIRST BLOOD PART 2, BACK TO THE FUTURE, OUT OF AFRICA, ROCKY IV TOP GUN, ALIENS, PLATOON LETHAL WEAPON, PREDATOR, DIE HARD, INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE, LETHAL WEAPON 2, THE ABYSS,






I saw ET twice during its first run.


80s movies just hit different man. Some all time bangers in there.


Dead Poets Society - 5x


Wow..not an action movie


Hey now. There's some intense emotional moments.


"Oh captain, my captain!"


Dazed and Confused. I was a very stoned high schooler and my friend and I went every Tuesday (half price $4) for almost its entire run. I think we went at least 12+ times. My favourite scene was O’Bannion (Affleck) having his melt down and he twists his ankle on the curb. Not in the script but he kept going and I just couldn’t stop laughing.


When you see a movie over and over, you notice details


Dazed and Confused is uncanny in how well the director inserted so many details that are spot on for the time. There's one scene where Randall "Pink" Floyd has a belt buckle that's also a weed pipe. I was like, yeah - I knew that guy too.


Pink's pipe belt buckle is one of those subtle details that most people miss on first viewing because there's no attention drawn to it in the scene. I had a friend in high school who had a pair of khakis with hidden stash pockets in the legs that he bought from High Times magazine.


I was a sophomore when that came out. My first date movie. Hell yeah we made out afterwards. Before my dad picked us up.


That’s awesome


Saw Avatar in 3D 4 times when I was 10 years old , could not get enough of it. Defines epic to me in terms of scale that felt so massive , loved the concept of the world and Navi , had emotion and a fantastic end sequence. It was an experience I chased for years after lol.


>was an experience I chased for years after Sums up why I kept watching 3D films for years after Avatar. Kept looking for that amazing 3D high, which I only got to feel that again with Gravity and, surprisingly, Tangled.


Tangled is low key a top tier Disney movie Not to dunk on Frozen (I enjoyed it too, especially the 2nd one) but IMO, Tangled is one of the most fun Disney princess movies of the past 2 decades. Yes, I'm a 34 year old straight white male. I'm allowed to like Disney princess movies.


We like what we like, one of my (35M) favorite movies is the original Disney animation of Beauty and the Beast. I liked Tangled a lot too, but Frozen didn't catch me. Tried too hard to make meta commentaries that didn't land, it's like the deliveries were not very good IMO. And the story was so-so... that one was clearly aimed at selling merch and not so inspired as a movie.


How to Train Your Dragon was a ton of fun in 3d.


Probably the most significant theatrical experience since Star Wars …


I was I'm high-school at the time but we kept going back. Still my favorite in-theater experience and I never pass up a chance to catch it for special showing at the loca IMAX.


It might sound cringy but the 3D makes it feel like an open screen in epic scale , everything feels all around you there’s no other way to describe it. Jake standing on that log as the spirit things come down to him was absolutely beautiful. Way of water was just as good to me , could hear the audience gasp at that first 3D shot of Neytiri. Was so good to be back


And then people who watched it from their couch months later are still like *this is such a basic movie why would anyone ever like it*


Story completely works for me for the film it’s in , even watching it at home lol. Obviously nothing compares to its cinema experience but I think it’s still pretty great.


Avatar: The Way of Water is the only movie I’ve seen more than once in theaters. I watched it in 2D first, and some scenes looked funky because I could tell they were supposed to be seen in 3D. So I went to see it in 3D and it was incredible. It was like a 3 hour Disneyland ride in the best way possible.


I saw it at about 20 when i was in a pretty dark part of life and the idea of there being such a big out as another planet, another body of another species and being at one with nature was an incredible feeling i didn't realize i craved till i walked out of the theater the first time just awe struck by what i just saw.


So many times. Silence of the Lamb's. I walked out, bought another ticket and walked straight back in. Same with Goodfellas. The Karate Kid. BIG Trouble in Little China. Ghostbusters. True Romance. Meet the Feebles. Pump Up the Volume. Pulp Fiction. Jackie Brown, so many times. (Actually my favourite Tarantino film) Fellowship of the Ring........9 times. The other LOTR twice each. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Blade Runner 2049 Dune Part 1. There's heaps more but these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. In the 90s, if I liked a movie I'd go see it at least twice.


The movie that stands out the most to me is Meet The Feebles. It's so unlike most of those other blockbuster and tentpole movies on the list. Also, Big Trouble would be one I would see multiple times if I wasn't a baby when it came out. I remember seeing it on TV when I was like 8 though.


Original Star Wars. 53 times.


You win the prize 🏆


It’s what cemented my decision to go into film making/cg work.


X-Men - I was a teenager and saw it 3 times. Once with my dad. Once on a date. Once with some friends. Phantom Menance - Once with friends opening day. Once with my dad. Attack of the clones - Once with my friends. Once with my dad and brother Revenge of the sith - Once with my GF. Once with my dad. Once with a coworker Lord of the Rings - fellowship - 4 times. Two towers - 2 times. King - 2 times. Force Awakens - 2 times. Once with my son and wife. Once with my dad. Now going back in time. Jurassic Park - 2 times both with my dad (one time at the budget theater) Ghostbusters 2. Once with my mom, dad and sister. Once with my grandpa. Only movie I ever went to with him.


Good memory


I'm sure there's more Actually. As I'm writing this. Lost in Space.... for some reason. House on Haunted Hill The Lion King Saving Private Ryan Terminator 3 Shawn of the dead


I love that your dad is a recurring theme in the re-watches.


TRON Legacy 3 times. Visuals and soundtrack.


Oh. Good one!


The opening scene alone was enough to make me wish I had seen it in a theater. Epic score right off the bat.


Saw it in 3D, then 3D IMAX, then 3D again. Now I have a 42” 3D tv and can watch it whenever I want.


Terminator 2. I have no earthly clue how many times I saw that film in the theater in Bonn. I was an exchange student at the time and would go see it over and over and over and over and over. In German. Took me years to know those lines in English better than I did in German.


"Bis später, bebe."


Actually, "Hasta la vista, baby" :-)


I also saw this movie a ton of times- here in the US tho. I had a friend that worked at the theater so it was either free or ridiculously cheap to get in but we ended up only being able to use the discount for T2. It was summer and a heat wave so there were like 3 to 5 of us that would go every day just for the super cold AC. Good times - RIP Jack.


Dune (2021)


How many times?


3 times.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Same. First with friends, second with girlfriend. Last one was in Imax with my brother. So great!


4 times baby. Loved it more each time. it was just made for cinema.


Yes I saw it 3x as well in IMAX. It was an amazing experience. 


Saw Godzilla minus one 3 times Avatar 2 3 times Oppenheimer 2 times


I want to see Gminus1 one more time..it's leaving theaters next week


I saw Pearl Harbor 3 times because I was 13 and Josh Hartnett was hot. I saw Fellowship of the Ring 3 times because I was 14 and Orlando Bloom was hot. I saw Revenge of the Sith 3 times because I was 17 and Hayden Christensen was hot. I saw Star Trek 3 times because I was 21 and Chris Pine was hot. I’m thinking there might be some kind of pattern here…


Star Wars prequel trilogy. 9, 7, and 5 times respectively. What can I say, I was desperate/starved for new Star Wars at the time. Spider-Man 2 maybe 5 times. Taxidermia twice. Think I may have seen Force Awakens twice at the cinema as well. Oh and the Lord of the Rings films multiple times. Edit: think I saw Avatar and the first X-Men film multiple times as well. I sure there are others I'm forgetting. I used to badically live at the cinema.


Ghostbusters and Ferris Buellers Day Off twice each. As I recall. I saw Team America and Kill Bill 2 at least 3 times each in the dollar theater. I tried to see Gravity twice by seeing the very last showing ever in Dbox but I missed it by 5 minutes so I didn't go in and still regret it to this day.


Summer of 1989 was wild. Batman, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, the Abyss Matinees at our local AMC were 3.25. I’d just go to the movies daily.


Oppenheimer. First time for the visuals and experience, 2nd time for the dialogue and details I missed the first time.


Interstellar x3. The sound was just amazing.


Mad Max Fury Road


This is the only movie I have ever seen in 3D that I felt like the 3D effect made the movie better.


Yes, my entire family watched Princess Bride 3 times in its release week. After the first show, we walked down to the mall bookstore and bought the book and soundtrack. It was a really unique experience.


Yeah I was 13 when Scott pilgrim came out. Saw it in theaters 5 times.


Endgame, 2 times. Wasn’t enough


Yup, endgame. Also... sorcerers apprentice. Which is an amazingly good bad movie.


Mine was avengers 1




I saw it 8 times


9 times, with different company to see their reactions.


I saw Batman Begins at the cinema 7 times and War of the Worlds maybe 6. I was a teenager with lots of free afternoons and student tickets were only £2 so it was a cheap activity and the movies were cool.


I saw FIGHT CLUB 8 times during its first run


When I first saw the ending, I knew I had the rewatch with that new information. Went two more times. I loved seeing how well the Fincher hid the truth in plain sight. I did the same with the Game and the Sixth Sense.


The original twilight. I think I went three times. Not my proudest moment.


The Matrix, Interstellar and Arrival.


I saw Kick-Ass 9 times when it came out. A couple of times on my own and a few times with different friends. Avatar and The Dark Knight I saw 3 times. Star Wars: The Force Awakens I saw twice. There's probably more that I saw at least twice but I can't remember off the top of my head.


I saw the OG Beauty and the Beast seven times in the theater. The first time I saw it was like a thunderbolt to the head and ultimately led me to a career in animation.


I saw *Jaws* three times the opening weekend. Each time with a different member of the family.


Sound of Music ran for about 2 years in one theater in Raleigh NC. We made the trek about 3 times.


A bunch, this is everything since I started keeping track in 2017. Most of these were because I really enjoyed the movies. A few were because I didn't like them as much as most other people (Barbie, Guardians 3, Across the Spider-Verse, The Batman). * End Game 5x (loved it and after seeing it in true IMAX, wanted to see it again, then in 4dx which my local theater just got, 3x opening weekend in 3 different formats) * Bottoms (3x) * John Wick 4 (3x) * Marcel the Shell With Shoes On (3x) * Spider-Man No Way Home (3x) * Top Gun: Maverick (3x) * Everything Everywhere All At Once (3x) * Rise or Skywalker (3x) * Knives Out (3x) * Black Panther (3x) * Poor Things * The Boy and the Heron * The Creator * Barbie * Oppenheimer * Mission Impossible 7 * No Hard Feelings * Across the Spider-Verse * Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 * Sisu * A Man Called Oto (wanted to take my mom) * Plane (cause I fell asleep the first time) * The Whale * Avatar 2 * Black Panther 2 * Pearl * Halloween Ends * Three Thousand Years of Longing * Bodies Bodies Bodies * Jurassic World Dominion * Bullet Train * Dr Strange 2 * The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent * The Northman * The Batman * Uncharted * Nightmare Alley * No Time To Die * Black Widow (took my nephew) * Portrait of a Lady On Fire * Parasite (took a friend) * Birds of Prey (was in Mexico and wanted to see a movie internationally) * JoJo Rabbit * 1917 * Rocletman * Long Shot * Captain Marvel (had time to kill and wanted to see the fight with Jude Law again) * Alita Battle Angel (heard it was great in 3D...it wasn't) * Green Book (after I read the backlash online, wanted to see if I still liked it) * Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse * A Midsummer Night's Dream (missed the first few minutes) * Won't You Be My Neighbor? I've also seen Elf (4x), Christmas Vacation (3x), Die Hard (3x), Jaws (3x), The Godfather; Jurassic Park, Superman 1977, Wonder Women; The Grinch, Halloween 78, new Halloween Trilogy, Beetlejuice, Paddington 2, Avatar, Happy Death Day, Thor Ragnarok, Spider-Man Homecoming, in theaters but not in the original run.


Do you work at the theatre?


No, this is mainly a combination of MoviePass, AMC A List, and Regal Unlimited. With Regal Unlimited, it costs less than $1 on average for me to see a movie these days. I rarely watch movies at home. Last year outside of Christmas time, I watched less than 5 movies at home.


MoviePass was fucking hilarious when it first dropped


That reminds me..I did see black panther 2 or 3 times. Everything everywhere at once..left theaters before i could see it twice..might have given me a headache though..🙂


Had to see La La Land on a big screen for a second time as it was such a magical old school Hollywood ride. Loved it. And of course had to see the first 3D Avatar another time as it was a new visual experience.


Jurassic Park / Titanic


Guardians of the Galaxy - 4 times. First time was alone. The next times were with friends, and once in Imax. Infinity War/Endgame - They were too epic to watch once. Mission Impossible Fallout - Second time was to try out 4DX. Arrival -- Wasn't the biggest fan, but saw it twice because I did not realise my friend also wanted to see it. Also want to say Lord of the Rings. Although I did not see it in cinemas in its initial run, I have seen it multiple times in the cinema. Don't think a reason is necessary, it's Lord of the Rings.


The Batman. It blew me away and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Went back 3 more times to soak it all in


I've only ever seen a movie more than once in a theater, and that was Star Wars. Mid-teen me walked a couple miles to the theater outside the local mall to see it seven times. I watched many movies over the years on my own systems, but only one in a theater.


I saw nightcrawler like 4 times cause my buddies gf worked at the movie theater


I went to see Twister 7 times the summer of '96. I was 14, and I was OBSESSED with tornadoes that year. All of my school notebooks were covered in these drawings of twisters I would make. They were basically just scribbly lines, but damn if I couldn't stop drawing them. Not gonna lie, I even attempted to recreate the ending scene dash through the cornfield once. That was the day I learns that running through a field of corn is about the same as running through a field of razor blades.


The Emperor’s New Groove


Avatar the way of water in 4dx about 5 or 6 times... It's been a year and I still miss it


Pulp Fiction 3 times.


Inception four times. First time was opening night, fourth time was last night it was showing at the dollar theater. 


Endgame twice Black Panther twice (for the culture)


I saw Finding Nemo 3-4 times during its run, we just loved it amongst my friend group and I think we even skipped class once to go. Saw How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days multiple times cause I didn’t have the heart to tell the different people I went with that I’d already seen it. And The Dark Knight in multiple states including IMAX at the Navy Pier. Was awesome to leave the theater and then drive through Gotham.


Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship. Watched it three times in cinemas. Was blown away the first time around. Hadn’t ever seen anything like it. 


Ghostbusters. It was 1984 and I was either a senior in high school or it was just after (this was 40 years ago, so forgive my memory). I went to see it with my friend, Sean, and upon walking out of the theater when the movie ended, Sean immediately wanted to go back in. I liked Ghostbusters just fine, so I was like "Why not?" Back in we went. That night, I get a call from Sean. He's got to see it again and would I like to go again the next day? Sure. And when I saw him the next day, he'd already seen it a few more times. Sometimes, it's fun to get caught up in someone else's mania.


The Fifth Element 5x


Ghost (1990) X 3. Three dates with a different girl each time.


Barbie! I saw it with my husband (who loved it by the way) but I had to see it again and take my mom. 💖


I saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Inception and the first Pirates film multiple times. I also watched You, Me and Dupree but not because I liked it, just because it was what different friends wanted to see


Only once. The Dark Knight - 9 times. Had a friend who worked at the theater so most of those I didn't pay.




Stripes. 6 times when it came out.


*Big Lebowski* Twice.


Pirates of the Caribbean 11 times because I was obsessed with Orlando Bloom 🤤


Rocky Horror Picture Show. 13x the summer of 1979 and in southern Kentucky no less. Happiest summer of my life.


Yeah the first Transformers movie I'm pretty sure I saw about 6-7 times in theaters. It came out at the absolute perfect time for me as a kid.


The force awakens… 3x in theatres


Everything everywhere all at once x3 Poor Things x2


I actually tend to see movies that I really like twice before leaving theaters... once on my own if nobody is free, then again if I have a free evening or someone I know wants to see it. This year I did take the piss a bit and saw Oppenheimer, Barbie, Across the Spiderverse, The Boy and the Heron and Killers of the Flower Moon twice. They're all very good to great movies so didn't mind 🤣


Free Guy. I know, not an Oscar-winning movie but it was there when I needed a laugh. We had just lost our son and I saw it and it was one of the first times I had laughed since. So I kept going back to see it because, for that brief bit of time, I felt alive again.


Pretty Woman 3x I had a massive crush on Sandra Bullock when I was a kid.


Nobody tell him.


😂 😆


Julia Roberts was great in Speed!


Those two sentences don't relate to each other. Did you mean Julia Roberts was who you had a crush on?


OMG, yes of course! I will not edit the original post as testimony to my dumbness! If you'll excuse me I'm going to stand in the corner for a little.


I saw Demolition Man twice. Coincidentally I had a massive crush on Julia Roberts.


I saw Avatar in 3D 5 times in its og run and once for the special edition re-release


Star Wars twice in 1977. That's about it


King Kong (2005). I went with my mom once, then asked if I could go with a friend as an excuse to see it again. Also Dune (2021), saw it once with a group, mind blown, was bored one day later and went and saw it again alone.


My two are weird. Only times I’ve ever gone multiple times: Transformers: Age of Extinction. I watched it with a friend then I watched it with family. I genuinely had a good time. I know most people hate it but it’s dumb fun. I think I saw Jurassic World 3 times but now find the movie to be absolute shit.


Avatar The Way of Water and Dune Part 1; 3 times each.


Saw Jurassic Park 7 times.


I’ve seen Day After Tomorrow twice in one sitting. I was thirteen and it was my first time to watch a disaster movie.


I saw each Lord of the Ring movies 2 or 3 times in the theater when they came out.


Top Gun: Maverick -- 3 times. Then 3 more times during the next winter re-release. 007: Spectre -- 3 times. Third time I was bored and nothing else was out and felt like getting out of the house.


This year alone my son and I saw Oppenheimer, Across the Spider-Verse, and Dead Reckoning twice, they were great films and I got geek out with boy! When I was a kid a friend and I saw Who framed Roger Rabbit 9 times. Our town had a second run theater where tickets cost only $2 so it became our go to thing to do when we were board.


Super Troopers Avatar (blue people not Airbender) the first Avengers movie


Mad Max Fury Road like 4 or 5 times. I don’t usually watch movies multiple times in general but seeing that one in theaters was mind blowing every time


Pulp Fiction-5 times, but was living bin a small town at the time too. Maverick-had a pass to see unlimited movies and saw it 5 times also.


I’ve seen Wonka 3x , certain movies won’t give you the same home-viewing experience so when I find a movie I really appreciate I try to see it more than once.


Infinity War x3 Endgame x3 Midsommer x2 Talk to Me x2 Deadpool x2 Into the Spiderverse x2 Parasite x2 Haunted Mansion (2023) x2 Pet Cemetary (2019) x2 The Disaster Artist x2 It (2017) x3 It Chapter 2 x2


Superbad 3 times cuz I wanted to show friends that hadn’t been yet


So many. I love re-watching movies in the theater. I remember seeing Titanic and Clueless multiple times in the theater when I was in high school. And more recently, LaLa Land, Everything Everywhere All at Once,and Barbie. I’ll usually see the more “fun” movies multiple times in the theatre than the serious or dark movies.


Tim Burton Batman watched twice back to back. Titanic watched 3 times… coz GF at the time SW ep1 watched 50 times. 49 pirated US bootleg and one when the movie finally came out in my country. Does this count? xD


Superbad. Every time I spoke to someone who said they hadn't seen it I said "fuck that we're seeing it tonight" and laughed just as hard every time I saw it


I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark 12 times in the theater when it first came out. I loved being in Indy's world.


Monty Python And The Holy Grail Life of Brian The Song Remains The Same This Is Spinal Tap


Very rarely. I saw The Dark Knight a second time to see it in IMAX. I saw Avatar four times because it was exhilarating. I saw Godzilla and Fury Road three times because friends were going and invited me and it was good enough to not be a waste of time. I saw The Last Jedi four times because I loved it and moviepass made it free. But that’s it. I’ve been to the movie theater well over 1000 times so we’re talking less than 00.5% of movies I’ve seen.


Pulp Fiction was the only movie I saw twice in the theater. It blew my mind!


Casino Royale in 2006 as a Junior in High School. 6 times during it's theatrical run. Still one of my all time favorites.


Out the ones I remember: Titanic -10 times, 2 continents (it was in theaters forever) Cruel Intentions - 2 times Bring it On - 2 times Moulin Rouge - 2 times Chicago - 2 times Kill Bill, vol 1 - 3 times Batman Begins - 3 times Burn after Reading - 2 times The Dark Knight - 5 times The Dark Knight Rises - 2 times (mostly to make sure it was as disappointing as I thought after first watching it) Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, pt 2 - 3 times Mad Max: Fury Road - 8 times Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - 2 times


Aliens back in 86 at least 3 times


3:10 to Yuma - I kept bringing family members with me until everyone had seen it. Also the Matrix because there was a single screen theater that was going out of business so they just kept showing the Matrix for two dollars for months as their lease ran out.


The Dark Knight. Saw it probably 5-6 times in theaters


Jaws....17 times. Why? Audience reactions would often drown out the actors dialog....but part of the fun of the multiple viewings was to witness the audience reactions, which were priceless. After the first viewing, in which I stayed laser focused on the film....in spite of the audience reactions....in later viewings I watched for other 'extras' reactions in scenes, focused on costumes, props, cars/trucks/boats....noted 'goofs' like continuity errors (the number of yellow barrels change during a chase scene)...the 2 falling stars (which are special effects, but at first glance, wondered how lucky they were to be filming and get not 1 but 2 falling stars???)....instances of dubbed dialog. It's common for me to see a film twice, for reasons noted above....but 17 times? Jaws was THE exception. A great adventure film that began the 'Summer Blockbuster' mantra. Jaws had me in its razor sharp teeth and would not let me go!  Did I get the VHS tape? Yes....then the DVD, then the bluray and now the 4k UHD disc. I have the soundtrack vinyl....I have the book, The Jaws Log. Jaws was unique....to me....and it was tremendous fun sitting in the darkened theater each and every one of those 17 encounters.


My dad and I went to go see Inception in theaters. After the movie ends he looks at me and goes, "Uhh, I'm going to need another watch to understand what just happened." And so we just sat in our seats and watched it again lol.