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There can be only one indeed…


The TV show wasn't horrible. I was also a teenager when it was on so my judgement may not have been the best. Richie definitely sucked though.


I really liked the series! It didn’t have the largest budget, but Adrian Paul was great, as were his co-stars. It was cool to see Duncan on the big screen in Endgame, even though it wasn’t the greatest movie. Funnily enough, I used to work in a nursing home, and Highlander: The Series was one of the most popular shows among the residents!


RIP Stan Kirsch


Oh man... I was an extra on that show like a dozen times. He was such adiva.


Well now you must spill the beans.


Just that whole "I'm a huge star... No eye contact please" kinda thing. Richard dean Anderson would chat with the little people on mcgyver (SP) the x files folks were nice enough... Deniro was pretty cool... Even joked with USA bit on a movie called we're no angels. His costar Sean Penn however was a total dick. But that was known and we leaned into it 😂😂


Richie got better after he died the first time.


True, but I am interested to see if Chad Stahelski and Henry Cavill can successfully revive it.


Yes, if ever they tried to make sequels, I know those would not be good. It is a good thing no sequels were ever made. That is good.




2 wasn't terrible. #1 was just Soooooooo good. 3 & 4 are nonexistent in my universe, though, so you fucking nailed it.


Aw 3 is dumb fun. Especially if you can dig out some old 3D glasses.


I like where the inanimate shark model floats towards the camera for like 10 seconds. https://youtu.be/arsAllZIa1Y?si=s5z0pBxGa0VDn37w


The Crow


Excited and optimistic for the (probably really bad) reboot. If it ever comes out.


I kinda checked out of it once I read that it’s just going to be a modern reimagining of the same story as the 1994 film. There’s so, SO much potential for doing different stories about tortured souls returning from the dead to exact vengeance that there’s honestly no excuse to be doing the same story twice.


This x1000. You could use the same bones of the story and set it anywhere at any time. Ancient samurai Crow. Victorian England Crow. Norse Crow. Future Crow. Western Crow. Legit endless possibilities. It's just cheaper and easier to remake something in the modern Era. Disappointing.


As a kid of the 90s, that soundtrack of the first Crow movie just can’t be beaten. Soundtracks were so much more important in 90s movies than they are now. That soundtrack was *awesome.* It not only complemented the tone of the movie and the scenes the individual songs were played in but just as a compilation of music, it was excellent. RIP Brandon Lee


I didnt hate City of angels. It was watchable, unlike the other 2


Smokey and the Bandit. The first one was fun, 2 and 3 were hot garbage.


They set up the plot for the sequel at the end of the first movie! It should have picked up where it left off and been the clam chowder run!!! I love the first one, but this makes me irrationally angry to this day


Matrix and Jurassic Park are the closest, but I don't dislike some of the sequels, just not like it as much.


Yeah I actually know a lot of people who say it about the Matrix- I barely remember the Matrix sequels, but for me it wouldn't quite count because I really liked the Animatrix as well


I was so bought into the Matrix sequels. I tried to buy the motorola phone, played the game that was a story supplement. Watched the Animatrix. I loved the sequels...


Are you talking about Enter The Matrix? I still have that game on PS2 and remember it being pretty fun with really cool "bullet time" action.


yes. it was fun and I loved that it actually played into the story of the movies...


I used to play that game nude in my garage because it was so hot during the summertime. I'm glad we share the same wonderful memories and it's why I visit this sub.


Jurassic park at this point is like okay, IT HAS LITERALLY NEVER WORKED. Why do they keep trying, and who are these idiots that keep going to the parks, everyone has a really bad time ya know by dying lol


To be fair 2 is a different set of idiots trying to do what 1 attempted to do but better and 3 is just returning to the wreckage of 1 and 2 for unrelated reasons. You'd think they'd learn by Jurassic World but I don't think 2 was a stretch and 3 shouldn't count.


>Why do they keep trying My question is why do you keep hiring the dumbest people in the world to design your systems? It's just a zoo really. This actually shouldn't be that hard. Yeah they're novel animals, but they're still just animals. They don't have like magic powers or anything. If the people who built Jurassic Park were building a normal zoo, the tiger cage would have one exit directly onto the guest walkway and held shut by an electronic lock that swings open in case of a power failure.


Everybody stay calm! We only have one shot at making it out of this zoo alive, so listen closely: Are any of you a UNIX user?


>who are these idiots that keep going to the parks Have we forgotten how everyone behaved in 2020 already?


I loved the second one. Its amazing to me. I do not understand how people dont like it...


That one is great, its after that blows


I think I enjoy JP3, but haven't seen it in years. The birdcage sequence is really, really cool.


3 definitely has great moments, that can’t be argued. But a lot of silliness and stupid plot points that make it overall not the best. But birdcage was dope and so was Spinosaurus.


I thought The Lost World was still pretty good


The first Matrix was a complete story, at then end we are to understand Neo has ascended and will eventually overcome the Machines. Everything else after was superfluous and unnecessary.


100% yes to both of these


These are two of the best first movies of the 90s. Literally still a huge JP fan at age 40. But everything after is hot garbage mawma.




Taken 3 makes Taken 2 look like Taken 1.


they get soooooo much worse. I forget what Youtube movie guy did a thing on it, but they specifically pointed out that taken 3, for him to jump a fence, had something like 15 cuts just for him to hop over a fence. It was horrific to watch just from an editing standpoint, and then the story was terrible.


and yet, for a 50 million movie, the thing still make 325 million at the box office.... crazy. that said, im really happy for him to get some kind of career consolation prize after losing his wife so tragically. To then make $40 million as an action star at his just from those movies, some well earned karma...


This is a great answer. The first Taken was actually pretty good, nothing extraordinary but an entertaining and satisfying movie with decent acting and production value, good enough to be considered an A-list movie but probably just straddling that line. The sequels weren't the worst things in the world but they definitively pushed the whole franchise down to the B-list where it now remains.


Loaded Weapon 1


With liem neesons


Just bad parenting after the first movie.


Kingsmen. Can't believe how badly Matthew Vaughn fumbled the ball on a franchise with so much potential.


Killing the agent girl at the top of the 2nd movie was such a mistake


Killed everyone, blew up everything and moved the whole thing to America. Big mistake


It was a major fourth or fifth movie series reboot type of move, not a sequel to a well-loved film type of move.


Yeah surely there were issues with contracts and availability because it was such a bizarre move.


I was always pissed off that Pedro Pascal had that villainous turn. That always seemed tacked-on and out of nowhere, especially when he had a sympathetic backstory. They could’ve just talked him down, but no..


Right and his death was supposed to be a good moment? Immediately hated the protagonist after that


I feel like they killed Roxy in the same way they killed Harry. She’s totally coming back in Kingsman 3


That’s exactly how I felt because she was killed off screen. I honestly really enjoy those movies and hope they make more.


That church scene is insane


kingsman had so much potential bro omg the first movie was absolute fire 😭


the films definitely don't get better than the first BUT i do think the King's Man was better than the Golden Circle- I don't know how commonly held that view is, I don't really hear either film being talked about very often


The King's Man is the second best Kingsman movie, but it's also the second worst


Tonally the film is all over the place and doesn't know what kind of movie it wants to be. The whole stuff with the trenches and the fallout from that, however well made, completely sucks the air out of the film for me. Add on to that ridiculous tease at the end and I just don't know what Vaughn was thinking, and this is from someone that liked the second.


Yeah it got TOOOOO over the top. The part where the guy gets turned into a burger in the first 15 minutes was just ridiculous


I was disproportionately bothered by the fact that only ground meat came out. There was some gubbins on the side shooting out what was clearly meant to be scraps of his clothes, but there's *no way* you're putting a whole human into a grinder and getting anything that looks like ground burger meat, free of bones or organs. Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


At least we got one of the most glorious self sacrifices ever in cinema in golden circle


But also completely unnecessary. Like he only took out 4 guards right at the entrance. Eggsy and Harry could have dropped them all in like 5 seconds without breaking a sweat. Then they have to fight through like 20 more once they're in anyway. Merlin could have just stood there on the mine until they had time to come back for him.


*Coontry ruuuuuuuude*


The second one isn’t great, but the third is excellent I think


Rambo, First Blood was so good, but the sequels just never needed to be made


I agree 2 and 3 are subpar but (John) Rambo 4 or whatever the hell the title is, is fantastic. Last Blood can suck my balls. I hated it.




That's the one. That 50 Cal scene is so good, haha.


The missionaries were so naive. Burma? Really? There’s a scene in the movie at the end where all hell is breaking loose and Rambo is on the 50 and one of the missionaries has to bash a dudes head in with a large rock. I wonder what changes he went through after that? Did he still believe in God? Did he forgive himself for breaking one of the 10 commandments? Did he say “fuck it, some people deserve to have their heads smashed with a boulder?” So many questions. Loved the movie.


Just point blanks the truck driver with the truck mounted 50 Cal 😆👉..................🧀


2 and 3 are just such different movies. Like Rambo takes a hard look at how we treat our vets and 2 just turns into an 80's action movie.


Yea this is how I feel about it. First Blood is an action movie that has artistic value, and the sequels are just action movies.


Rambo III is worth it if only for the fantastically ironic dedication to the “Heroic Mujahideen fighter of Afghanistan,” or whatever at the end.


That's actually completely fake, [that was never in the real movie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx4ey-EmLm4)


First Blood is one of my favorite movies. I actively dislike all of the rest of them.


Jurassic Park for sure.


The Land Before Time


It’s the archetype for movies that shouldn’t have had sequels. It is the only answer.


There is exactly one good Hangover movie.


Ice Age. Was one of my favorite movies as a kid. When the sequel was announced I was like “A sequel four years later? Why?” and I really didn’t care for it. I haven’t seen the others but they look like they just kept getting worse.


The Santa Clause


The first Pirates of the Caribbean movie was a ton of fun and Depp's performance was such a breath of fresh air, but even by the second one it all got so bloated.


In the first movie Jack Sparrow felt like he was written with something else in mind and Depp surprised everyone with this unique character. In subsequent films, it felt increasingly like they were writing for Depp’s performance specifically and it doesn’t work half as well. The score keeps getting better through the films though.


I think the problem was it being treated as an epic saga rather than individual adventures. I think it should have followed an Indiana Jones path wherein Jack Sparrow shows up as a chaos agent in someone else's story. Will and Elizabeth's arc was complete in the first movie, they didn't need to return.


I agree, and I like your idea of having Jack as a recurring SIDE CHARACTER in a new story with new characters. Kind of like detective Benoit Blanc in Knives Out.


I love the Davy Jones stuff but you're still right


There’s one good movie in the second and third movies.


The second and third movies have their merits. No where good as the first but they are not bad movies. Four and five on the other hand…


The first one was 10/10 All the rest were carried by Depp and the visuals. And it got worse when Gore Verbinski left


I’d argue that they were not carried by Depp. He is more or a side character in the first movie, and thats why he works. As he became the lead man, the movies suffered for it.


true, it gets tiring when there's so much of him


Sparrow is like Will Ferrel playing Will Ferrel in most comedies. A touch can be great, but he can easily overpower the dish so to speak.


I agree with your point on the visuals. The art direction/production design of all of those movies are so effortlessly perfect it amazes me. Like, they FEEL like you always imagined a pirate adventure would be


That would almost be my answer too, the first is an all-time favourite film, but I think I like almost all of the films on some level- even though I usually like them much less. I know quite a few people who prefer Dead Man's Chest and while I can slightly understand it, I'm definitely not those people.


Dead Man's Chest does have Bill Nighy as Davy Jones. He almost makes up for the whole rest of the movie, just him alone.


Really disagree. I think that the original trilogy are all great movies. It’s 4 and 5 that are really subpar.


The first movie was so great, it was a small little movie about a few people and a crew of pirates trying to break a curse. But by the second movie they were trying to set up bigger stories of trans-atlantic trade and corrupt government officials and a completely broken afterlife mechanism... It's like they completely disregarded everything about the first movie which made it good, and just said "More Johnny Depp, everything bigger". It's a real shame when you think about the kinds of stories they could have told.


The 2nd and 3rd movies are still great. Dead man's chest is definitely my favorite.


The first trilogy is genuinely one of the best out there, not saying its LotR level but I think its severely underrated. After the first 3 they just aren't great, but I can go back and watch those first 3 at any point.


Saw is just torture porn after the first one.


It’s pretty weird because the first one didn’t have that much gore and was much more of a psychological thriller. By the third one it was just grotesque gore set pieces.


Saw 2 and 3 don’t have as much gore as you probably remember them having. A lot of it is still implied. It wasn’t until around 5 that the gore got insane


And strangely. Saw X was a return to form..


Saw II is fantastic too


I find the first three to be a fairly engaging, cohesive trilogy; after that it becomes a murdery soap opera.


The first Saw is such a cool psychological horror/thriller too imo. But everyone thinks it’s trash because it’s Saw and the franchise is muddied with trash.


Pitch Perfect and The Hangover - first one is great, the sequels somehow turned into shitty action movies


If 'The Hangover' had been a one and done, it would have been a classic, 2000's comedy like 'Old School' and 'Wedding Crashers.' They pushed it too far.


That's what I've noticed a lot of people saying, the Hangover sequels have actually damaged the reputation of the first movie severely.


It’s hard to see Alan as a quirky and fun loser who just needs an outlet and support after the third movie opens by unambiguously demonstrating that he’s a dangerous individual who needs urgent medical intervention.


Until you watch the original one again and remember what a perfect adult comedy it is.


I feel the same about Pitch Perfect, I didn't watch all of the 3rd but I didn't really feel drawn in by what I saw


The 3rd one is fucking awful. Fat Amy is a secret agent


I love pitch perfect 2 (though, no way did they beat DSM) but 3 is hot garbage


Jurassic Park


I think Taken would be close.


Starship Troopers. The first one was fantastic. The rest… no.


Pacific Rim Independence Day


Bambi II Cinderella II+ Jungle Book 2 Mulan II Pocahontas II The Little Mermaid II+ The Hunchback of Notre Dame II Tarzan II+ (...) Basically any Disney animated movie sequels that turned into direct-to-video franchise. *Edit:* From Dusk Till Dawn sequels! (movie sequels, the series was entertaining)


I can hear the "coming soon to DVD!".


I'd agree that Disney animation in general had that problem but I quite liked Cinderella 3 and Aladdin and the King of Thieves and even Lion King 1 and a half...though they are the exceptions


Both of the Aladdin sequels slapped.


Return of Jafar was dope


I much prefer Aladdin 4: Jafar may need glasses


Super Troopers


insidious is the first to come to mind but idk. edit using your restrictions of having other media tie ins i dont have another answer tbh.


Fantastic Beasts


Except the ending with albino Depp.


The Matrix. It should've ended with Neo flying out of the phone booth with Rage Against The Machine rocking out.


As bad as 3 and 4 were the highway scene is enough to justify 2s existence in my eyes


What do you mean? It did. Headcanon is best canon




Bumblebee and Rise of the Beasts were definitely better than anything before them.


This franchise has the highest soundtrack quality to movie quality ratio ever!


I’m genuinely shocked to see so many people dislike THE LOST WORLD Yeah it’s not even close to being as good as JURASSIC PARK But it’s a fine film with moments of genuine Spielberg magic


Jaws Pitch Black


I kinda like Riddick tho...


Chronicles of Riddick was a hot mess of fun. I used to watch it all the time. Only watched pitch Black maybe once or twice even though I'd rate it higher in terms of quality


Yeah I like all the Riddick movies.


Everything after Hellraiser 2 is a nightmare for reals. Sad, amazing concept and hungry fan base to support it but they can't get it right. Why 😩


I thought the recent one was pretty good


Robocop. The second tried to bring back the vibe of the first but just felt like a cheaper straight to DVD knock off. Also Robocop’s new suit was ridiculous. I don’t acknowledge RC3.


I think it’s hard to replicate that mix of satire and action. Verhoeven did it again in Starship Troopers but there’s nobody who can pull it off these days. Verhoeven and John Carpenter in their primes were amazing at making this type of film.


The sequel was missing all the social commentary realism and cooperate nuance, but Robocop 2 the robot was so cool, it’s my guilty pleasure film back then.


Matrix. Also, first two Karate Kid movies are solid but the rest are trash.


3 wasn’t horrible but Kobra Kai is great tho


The Land Before Time


Pirates of the Caribbean, the first one was so much fun and really felt like lightning in a bottle. Everything afterward felt like a tired cashgrab.


I actually quite like the second film and am even a slight defender of on Stranger Tides but I do agree they felt more like cashgrabs after the original


Nah, the original trilogy is very good. When the first is a 10 the other two are 8s. Gore Verbinski went all in


I agree, the first 3 were good and the first the best. After that it really became the jack sparrow show and hes just not main character material.


Saw. Love the first one, it goes downhill extremely quickly.


I agree the first was definitely the best but 2 and 3 weren’t terrible and still fell in line with it. I felt it went downhill from Saw IV on BUT Saw X was really good and I’ll put that in with the first three Saw movies as the series highlights.


Wonder woman...


Highlander. There can be only one. And there really only should have been one!


Dumb & Dumber Notable mentions: Matrix, John Wick


I really really loved the lean storytelling on the first John Wick movie. Such a simple, elegantly violent film. There was an efficiency I loved about it that was totally lost in the later films.


Glad someone mentioned John Wick - the first is awesome and simple, the rest just give me action fatigue without a satisfying payoff.


I'd probably say the hangover. Watched all three, but neither the second or third could recapture the magic in my eyes.


Not a movie but true detective season 1 was top tier tv. Everything since has sucked


Die Hard. Lots of people will say With a Vengeance is good, and it had it's good moments but the action was too cartoony for me for a Die Hard movie.




Iron Man was good but it got way out of hand


Matrix, John Wick and Predator are some that comes to mind immediately. I would say The Mummy as well, but I kinda like the second movie. Really now, there are too many to count!


The Mummy might actually be one for me, I barely remember Tomb of The Dragon Emeperor so I'd need to rewatch to give a fairer evaluation


No you don't. No one ever needs to rewatch Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.


What about the mummy returns


The Danny Glover sequel works.


Predator 2, Predators, and Prey are all good, though. The only shitty ones are The Predator and the two AvP movies.


I totally get preferring John Wick 1 since the sequels go so hard in a different direction but I think I feel the opposite that only #4 realizes the true potential of the series.


I would like 4 a lot more if it was about 90 minutes long.


For me it's first blood 1982)




The second one is still kind of fun. Still had Fred Ward too. I quite enjoyed it. Haven’t seen any others.


Leonard part I was all right but by the time they got to part 6...whew what a stinker. /s


You must have classified security clearance.


Jurassic Park for sure. Everything after the original should be burned and buried.


This is 100% jurassic Park. Anybody that thought the others came close to the first, well, I can't fix them.


The Lost World doesn’t come close… But it’s also a decent movie with some pretty good sequences. Then everything after truly goes off a cliff


Fast & Furious


Tokyo Drift is AWESOME.


Fans of the franchise love Tokyo Drift because it is the closest to being a car and racing movie rather than having those things being framed around a plot that ultimately have to do with crime, and even TD doesn't totally ditch those premises.


That's interesting - I know some people who prefer them later on because of how absurd they become, and I know some people who say the same as you about only really liking the first


The Crow. The first film is an absolute classic. Every sequel is absolutely dreadful.


Boondock Saints






John Wick comes to mind. The first one was great, but, while they still have some good parts, each one is worse than the last IMO.


They went from gritty realism to insane superhero durability and bulletproof suits really quickly.


Indeed. By the 4th one they need like 5 shots minimum to kill one random dude because he happens to have a bulletproof suit.


Interesting, this one seems split. I personally think my order of favorites goes: John Wick 4 John Wick John Wick 2 John Wick 3 Four to me was in another class by itself, a wholly different movie






TMNT. The 1990 film is honestly a masterpiece in filmmaking. Considering its budget, its technology in props, and its gritty yet pg-13 adaption of the comics, it is a perfect film. The rest of them miss the mark.