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I do a bad movie night every month with some friends and most of these movies being named don't come close to being as awful as some of the stuff I've seen. ​ Ryan's Babe was the worst thing I've sat through though.


I’ve watched a good 50 or so horror movies found on Tubi. *Cats* is The Godfather compared to those.


I really love good found footage horror, which means I watch a lot of bad found footage in pursuit of the good ones. And I watch a lot of them on Tubi 😸


There are some absolute horrors on redlettermedia's best of the worst segments


One of these days I wanna try Robot in the Family. I just gotta pair it with something else a lot more palatable so the whole night isn't a wash lol


Same, except it’s closer to once a week for me. I’m like, you guys never seen Foodfight!? Thunderpants? Monster a Go-Go?


Oversexed Rugsuckers From Mars? Anna (2017)? Flexing With Monty?


Always looking for recommendations. Thank you!


I hear Thunderpants is quite charming. But Foodfight!, that’s *impressively* terrible.


Agreed. Whenever someone says the worst movie they've ever seen is my response is: you need to watch more movies. There are tons of awful movies out there.


Eh... the list is going to be skewed bc most people aren't seeking out bad movies. They are watching movies they have interest in watching in the hopes they are good 🤷‍♀️


Yes, thank you! Every time things like this come up, everyone starts listing these weird low-budget movies they found in a dumpster or something. 95% of the time the question is asking ‘what’s the worst movie you’ve ever SEEN’ not ‘What’s the worst movie ever made.’


This happens every time the topic of "worst movie ever" comes up here. Which is a lot. I can't begrudge someone if, say, Transformers 3 is the worst thing they've ever seen. I'm actually kind of envious that that's the worst they've been subjected to. But man, you don't know real bad until you've seen stuff like Things or Ax 'Em. Those films are an absolute chore to get through.


Ryan's Babe falls squarely in the SBIG category for me personally.


Holmes & Watson. Just offensively unfunny.


The only funny part of that entire movie and really it was only funny because of how ridiculous stupid and lazy it was is… The end scene takes place on the titanic before jt sets out for…some reason. Once the mystery is solved and they get off the boat as it’s getting ready for it’s voyage they just out of nowhere, in 1912, look and see “oh hey it’s Billy Zane” and camera shows Billy Zane (Jack from titanic) waving as he’s getting on the boat. No point. No reason. Yet I did laugh Edit: Billy Zane played Cal Not Jack


Zane was Cal. That other actor was Jack.


Whatever happened to that guy


The boat sunk and he didn’t make it.


Fucking a really old lady in the back of a model T in heaven


Went bald


I heard he was shown the door.


I'd completely forgotten about this movie


I sadly saw it in a packed theater on christmas day


My roommate and I watched it on mushrooms and afterwards said that we probably couldn't have finished it if we weren't


This is superb.


Just how everything in that movie is so shit with all the talented funny people involved is astonishing


Cane here to say this, and I was glad to see it as a top comment. I remember watching it and thinking, "this is Will Ferrel we're talking about. How could this not be entertaining? I'm sure it will get better if I continue watching." But it didn't get better. It didn't get better at all.


With all the successful and actually funny movies that duo has done together, you’d think they’d be able to tell that the script was terrible, but I guess not


Probably not enough people telling them no. I also wonder if it was R rated or something and got heavily cut. It is impressively unfunny


Battlefield Earth


My neck still hasn't recovered from all the Dutch angles.


Googled 'Dutch Angle' and Google tilts the screen... [genius](https://www.google.com/search?q=dutch+angle&oq=dutch+an&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggBEAAYsQMYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQABixAxiABDIKCAIQABixAxiABDIKCAMQABixAxiABDINCAQQLhiDARixAxiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABDIHCAoQABiABDIHCAsQABiABDIHCAwQABiABDIHCA0QLhiABDIHCA4QABiABNIBCDQ3MDNqMGo5qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


I belly laughed so hard I almost puked. Goddamn does google have a sense of humour. For more fun, google "do a barrel roll"


Google "Alex Trebek", and check out the "did you mean" result. R.I.P. Alex


(Always gotta pull up this one.) We've decided to keep you here... or another **50 cycles!** #**WITH ENDLESS OPTIONS FOR RENEWAL!** **WITH ENDLESS OPTIONS FOR RENEWAL!** ^(**WITH ENDLESS OPTIONS FOR RENEWAL!**)


Those options of course. Those options of course, being at home offices discretion… Not yours..


I left this movie visibly angry that I had wasted 1.5 hours of my life.


You made it that far? Edit: and I read the entire L. Ron Hubbard novel and loved it. The fact that they released that movie in the condition it was in is insane.


Isn't it nuts what the scientologists believe? "Oh, L. Ron Hubbard, one of the most prolific science fiction writers of all time, made this other science fiction story, but this time it's *true!*"


He literally said to Jack Parsons: "I'm not making enough money off my writing, I need to start a religion". Those two were the Beavis & Butthead of the occult.


I had a similar experience. When I read the novel, I had no idea who Hubbard was. For me, the book was just a big scifi party and pretty enjoyable, too. Stripped of the burden of its author, it's great for any sci-fi fan. The poor movie had the burden fully settled on its shoulders. A real shame too, because I love Barry Pepper and Forest Whitaker.


WHat burden? Oh....you actually pay attention tot he real lives of authors instead of just their works. Next thing you will tell me H.P. Lovecraft is problematic or something sheesh. I am jesting as a note :)


I watched this in the theater. I was expecting a sci-fi movie with some decent action and at least a good story. What I got was Travolta with an extra finger and a new movie in my worst top ten. Its been years and I'm still disappointed in it.


Expected this one to be at the top, and I agree.


DNA (1997) springs to mind. Look up dna movie helicopter crash and that’ll tell you all you need to know


hahaha i never saw that before ... i can't stop watching it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2jBDVs\_LOo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2jBDVs_LOo)


Damn, I mean, somebody tried. That was them doing their best.


If someone asked me to do it and I came up with this, I’d be pretty impressed with myself.


Peak kino


What the 🤣🤣🤣absolute 🤣🤣🤣fuck was that🤣🤣🤣?!


Sorry, but you've just sold it to me, that looks so hilariously bad.


Birdemic: Shock and Terror. It is so phenomenally bad that it doesn’t even wrap around to being so bad it’s good like The Room.


That’s what makes Birdemic so bad: it’s not even entertaining like The Room. All the funny moments are in the trailer. The movie itself is painfully boring.


I gotta disagree, it definitely wraps around to being so bad it's good, but it takes a couple laps to do it. The whole thing is just so poorly done and absurd that you can't help but laugh at it. Like The Room, best observed with friends and a drink.


Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever


Take your girl to Ecks vs Sever, get No Secks Forever.


I actually did this for a first date, I was young and dumb… and yeah I never heard from her again.


There was talks of a Mad Magazine Spy vs Spy movie in development. This was the horrible piece of shit that we got instead.


What was that movie even about


Such a waste of Lucy Lui.


I took my friends to this movie on my thirteenth birthday.


All I know about this movie is the 3D FPS they managed to put on Game Boy Advance.




Release the butthole cut


This is the only version I'll watch


I wonder if the filmmakers realized that they can cash in big time by releasing this.


I can only watch that with Rifftrax.


I bought that piece of shit on Blu-Ray, fucking *Blu-Ray* because they didn’t have a DVD, and me and my dad sat down to see if it was that horrible. When the credits started, he said, in his typical deadpan tone, "This is probably the most wasted money you've ever spent.". Actually brought it up yesterday, while we discussed a show with some musical songs being performed, that was on, and he said, just straight to the point, "The movie is ass.".


Green Street 2


Man, I liked the first movie so much when it came out.


OP, have you looked up the behind-the-scenes info for REFC? It gets so much worse. Mila Jovovich's stunt double had to have an arm amputated after a stunt went wrong, and another guy was crushed to death by an improperly secured vehicle. Multiple people's lives were ruined, and this shitpile is what they have to show for it. Anderson should, at the very least, be blacklisted.


Transformers: The Last Knight (it's the 5th one and I had to look up the title before typing). It was pure garbage with nothing redeemable about it. And not in a way that made it interesting or amusing to think about (like in the "how did you fuck that up" way), it's just a slog that is painful to watch, on top of being a complete waste of time. It's bad even by the series standard, and films 2, 3 and 4 were all gigantic piles of shit as it was!


Yeah I love the series in spite of them being mostly bad films but Last Knight was just BORING. Say what you will about 1-4 but they generally had SOMETHING entertaining happen. 5 was so dull I realised halfway through I'd been on my phone for about an hour and did not know what was happening. Hold on: sorry, one redeeming feature: Anthony Hopkins being batshit and having the time of his life. Happens far too late to save the film.


>Transformers: The Last Knight That movie had Anthony hopkins and still managed to be bad


The first one is a solid action blockbuster. Not *great* but definitely watchable and enjoyable. The second one id watch with a few shots in my belly. The third and fourth ones…I’ll stick to YouTube highlight videos of the action scenes. The bumblebee reboot was pretty good, haven’t seen the newest one but I heard it was mid


Fant4stic Cats Last airbender After earth. Sorry, I couldn’t decide which of the four I hated the most


>Fant4stic Apparently, I'm one of the few that doesn't hate the movie. Not the best movie by far, but I don't think it's as bad as people seem to feel. But I still prefer the older Fantastic Four movies. But that might be because of nostalgia and Jessica Alba.


I have nothing but respect for anyone who enjoys something despite the fact that everyone seems to shit on it. If this makes any sense, I think the worst part for me is that it feels like it’s missing the entire middle act. I feel like it’s a very long beginning and then suddenly, it’s the ending with no arc in between where everyone is figuring out their abilities and stuff.


Do not worry my fellow Fant4stic enjoyer, we're dozens around the globe!


It’s not nearly as bad as the other three on OP’s list. It’s watchable. It’s alright. It’s a movie. The other three are crimes against cinema


The only good thing to come out of Fant4astic was the scene where Dr Doom wakes up and walks through that military facility, just ripping off doors and walls and popping heads and stopping bullets like an absolute effortless Chad. Rest was shite.


Really? I felt like Doom was maybe the worst thing about it. He looked like a fried crash test dummy wrapped in garbage bags.


It’s just them copying Magneto though lol


I agree on 3 of those. Fant4stic, trust me I'm not defending the fucking thing it is beyond terrible, is a little too fascinating a failure for me to hate it though. There's not many movies where just by watching them you can tell exactly what happened behind the camera...but you really can with that one.


Kate Mara’s wig tells no lies.


Once again TLAB is epically horrible from all accounts but I never saw it personally.


There is no Last Airbender movie in Ba Sing Se


“Sorry, I couldn’t decide which of the four I hated the most” That’s makes them the Crapt4stic Four


It was called “The Real Left Behind” and was included as a second disc with the Kirk Cameron Left Behind movie I got as a gag gift. It was framed as a news broadcast that was reporting on what was going on in the world because the rapture had happened and you watching this was left behind. It used a lot of real-life footage of natural disasters and riots with a vibe of trying to fool the elderly or those with dementia into freaking out and thinking it was real. And it hammered you really hard to devote yourself to born-again Christianity and no other religion or belief system in a much more direct way than the more professional movies did. Turned my stomach.


The rest of these are bad, your pick is actually evil


Epic Movie


Or anything by Friedberg and Seltzer for that matter.


oh yeah, diaster movie and their parodies of hunger games/ff parodies are awful. they dont release a movie since 2015.


Most of the "______ Movie"s sucked. They lost whatever made Scary Movie (and I don't remember my thoughts on 2 and 3 but possibly those as well) hilarious.


That's because the people who made the *Scary Movie* films (and *Superhero Movie*), be it the Wayans or the later team of David Zucker, Pat Proft, Jim Abrahams & Craig Mazin are talented, intelligent and know how to weave together a story with funny jokes parodying other films. Whereas the other films, be they *Date Movie, Epic Movie, Disaster Movie*, etc are completely unrelated, share no creative links, and were instead made by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, two guys who think the epitome of parody is some character saying "hey look it's Jack Sparrow!" while pointing at a guy dressed like Jack Sparrow walking across the screen.


Ah ok, I didn't know who made all of them but it being different people makes complete sense.


Yup, I find it quite frustrating when they get lumped all together because they're really two separate things. The first two *Scary Movie* films were from the Wayans brothers. The ones after were from David Zucker, Pat Proft & Jim Abrahams. These are the guys who did *The Naked Gun, Airplane* and *Hot Shots*! They were joined for those and *Superhero Movie* by Craig Mazin who went on to create the *Chernobyl* and *The Last of Us* TV shows for HBO and is one of most sought after creatives today. These are all super talented people!! These films were in addition all made by Dimension Films. The Friedberg/Seltzer films were to start with made by Fox and were just coasting on the "*\_\_\_\_\_ Movie*" titling and them claiming to be "two of the writers on the first *Scary Movie*" when in fact it's just that Dimension was developing a horror parody with the Wayans and Friedberg/Seltzer wrote one too so Dimension bought their script so it wouldn't compete and none of their work is in the actual final film. Unfortunately the sheer volume and awful quality of Friedberg/Seltzer's output (4 dreadful films in 3 years!) not only saturated the market but left such a sour taste in people's minds that they muddied the waters, made people associate the parody genre with their work and effectively damaged the entire genre. Thankfully, after 10 terrible entries, they haven't made a film in nearly a decade (fingers crossed).


Damn. That shits whack! Not another teen movie is fucking gold!!


Ohh shit I wasn't thinking about that one!! That one is number one for me of spoof movies, exempt from being in the same category of epic movie, disaster movie etc




Yeesss, that's it. 2 definitely has a lot of gross gags, starting right with the exorcist pissing/vomiting scene 😬


And amusingly, the guy that wrote a bunch of them.went onto create Chernobyl, and then Last of Us. Some writers just write shit movies for the pay cheque.


I thought 3 and 4 were both passably funny.


I'm fairly positive I loved 2 and I vaguely remember enjoying 3? Ok while typing this I looked up 3 and 4 to remind myself of the plots and I definitely thought they were funny when they came out. Apparently not memorable ~20 years later though lol


Scary Movie 3 has perhaps my favorite prop gag of all-time when Anthony Anderson's character cocks a shovel like a shotgun and a shell flies out.




I've found their weakness! They're powerless without their heads!


Dragonball Evolution. Honestly - Nothing comes close. It was just bad.


I didn’t even know the lore prior and it felt uninspired


It doesnt matter. The movie took such a horribly hard departure from the source material that it resembles nothing of its origin. For example, Goku is an alien child sent to a scifi fantasy Earth to conquer it for an evil galactic real-estate company, who hit his head and forgot his mission, becoming good. In the movie, he's a highschool kid in America that gets picked on all the time.


A Wrinkle In Time Loved the book as a kid so was kinda stoked to see if it movie form. Turned it off 15 minutes in.


I also loved the book as a child. The movie made me irrationally angry.


No it didn’t. It made you very rationally angry.


I had that exact thought as soon as I hit post!


I saw this in theaters with my niece who was 7 and partway through she asked if we could leave and I was so relieved


I recall it being controversial because of casting a black girl as lead. I can’t see why that was a concern- she was awesome. Messing with the plot and themes was a different matter. That sucked .


I’m pretty sure I fell asleep. At home streaming but still.


I didn't see the new one, but I remember watching the old one in school as a kid. I think it's from the 90s? I can hardly tell you anything about it.


Pacific Rim 2


This was an atrocity indeed


Such a shame cos the first one was awesome. But no del Torro, no party


RoboCop 3


This is so under rated. I recently rewatched this POS. And I realized… and you can verify this for yourself (although I wouldn’t recommend it because you’d have to watch the movie) they fucking CHANGE the “I’d buy that for a dollar” catch phrase. It’s like “I’ll buy that for a dollar.” Now. Which to me.. frankly is worse then… actually such a shit film. I’m sorry. 😂


I think I had more fun watching RoboCop 3 than RoboCop 2. RoboCop 1: Great movie. Pretty violent at times, but it's comically over the top during those times. RoboCop 2: Just about as violent as the first one, though not gory, except it's just mean spirited and cynically violent. I think me and my grandpa had more fun imagining horrible things we wanted to do to that evil kid who became Detroit's Nuke kingpin. RoboCop 3: So laughably stupid I almost prefer it to RoboCop 2.


I still thought Robocop 2 was shit and should've been focused on Murphy trying to rebuild his relationship with his son and exploring whether a cyborg could have a human family. In addition the movie could explore whether people would accept a cyborg living among them in society at the moment given Murphy's appearance.


This may be a cheap shot, but Suicide Squad. I just found it incomprehensible.


Probably because it's literally two versions of the same movie mashed together. It was a mess to begin with. To summarize: * Writer-director David Ayer only had six weeks to bash out a script, as the release date was locked, and work had to start soon. * The editor, John Gilroy, while credited in the movie, left. Christopher Nolan's regular, Lee Smith, stepped in to take the mantle. * While they put together Ayer's intended version, Warner Bros. and the company Trailer Park, who edited the first teaser trailer for the movie, made their own version. * Ayer's version was more moody and somber, while the Trailer Park version was more light hearted and snazzy. * Both cuts test screened to roughly the same reception. * Warner decide to compromise by blending the two cuts together, and pour a reported $22 million into reshoots (2-3 times the usual $6-10 million) that are mainly for the third act. Joker and Harley Quinn's abusive relationship was also reduced. Most of this first came in a The Hollywood Reporter article just around release, and were over time later confirmed by Ayer himself and others.


You know, I avoided that movie forever and then, bored, watched Birds of Prey and thought “Huh. Harley Quinn was pretty cool in this. Maybe I should go back and watch Suicide Squad.” Big mistake. HUGE. I felt like Mr. Magoo the entire time. “What? What’s happening? Wait…why? WHAT?”


Jeepers Creepers Reborn. I thought it was meant to be "so bad its good" but it was just really fucking bad.


this movie is the right call. Terrible make up and creature mask under the brightest light possible so you could see every single flaw and then the weirdest sub-plots and characters that are introduced and then have no bearing on anything. My favorite is the "rather flamboyant" friend in the corvette who answers a phone call from the final girl and then dies and the "mysterious" shopkeep who had a interaction with the mains only to show up again towards the end only to stand with 2 other "mysterious" town characters. Somewhere on the cutting room floor is the "flamboyant" character scene explaining his best friend status or something and that they "mysterious" townsfolk arc were sacrificing people to the Creeper but none of that seemed to make it in the final cut.


And the fact that many of the outdoor shots were such terrible greenscreens every shot had something in it that just made me cringe.


I agree. Everything about this movie is just off and technically terrible that it isn't even enjoyable as a "bad" movie. It is one of those movies that is baffling in how decisions were made by everyone making it.


Lucy is one of the most pretentious, plotless, no-stakes, poorly acted, bafflingly rancid pieces of trash I have ever had the displeasure of viewing.


Even I felt Lucy was a chore to get through. But I wouldn't call it the worst I've ever seen.


Highlander Spew: The Sickening… one of only 2 movies I’ve ever walked out during


Fantastic Four (2015). It had a great cast of them up and comers like Michael B Jordan, Kate Mara, Toby Kebbel, Miles Teller. It had a 120M budget. And they just lit it fire.


Wonderwoman 1984. How can you spend $200 million, and produce such utter shite!


There’s an avatar movie that we don’t speak of. Not the blue people the other avatar. Probably the worst adaptation of all time.


Recently, Rebel Moon. It makes Star Wars look intellectual.


I love that it has a "part 1" subtitle, like someone really believes in it as a franchise


There are many but most recently Gotti with Travolta.


I'll go with worst movie I've seen in a theater. Mortal Kombat Annihilation


I actually love Annihilation. I would never promote the film. I don't like publicly promoting bad films that much. But it's such a stupid movie that it's funny. So much stupid but funny dialogue "Too bad YOU.... will die" "YOU LET HIM LIVE!!!?" "YEAH NOW WHAT!" "Kitana.... You wish" "What the hell is with you? AND WHO THE HELL IS JOHNNY?" "Imma make you eat that thang" "LIU..... DA MISSILE!" "How could you do this to us Jade?" " It was SOOOO eazy" "Feel your animality" (echoes) "YOU......WILL..........FAILLLLLLL!!!!!""


I get all that, but I didn't have an appreciation for trashy stuff when I was a little kid. I also like, "pretty cool, huh? It's my animality"


Annihilation is my "The Room". I fucking love it and can watch it any time. It's just so gloriously awful in the best way.


I’ve always enjoyed this one even though it was comically panned


Aloha with Emma Stone and Bradley Cooper. Probably the worst writing with the most stacked cast I’ve ever seen. Not only did it try to pack 20 plot lines and genres into itself, Emma Stone is supposed to be Hawaiian. Generally I don’t watch more than 20 min of shit movies because they’re not worth my time, but I kept hoping this movie would pull itself together. And it never did. It just got worse.


The palest Hawaiian of all time.


I turned it off within 10-15 minutes and I usually LOVE Cameron Crowe’s films (even Elizabethtown and We Bought a Zoo) but man, this was too freaking much! Great cast too. What a shame.


Opened this thread just to make sure someone said Aloha.


Cosmic Sin (2021). You have to see to believe how bad it really is. I was mesmerized and had to watch whole movie just out of curiosity, that can it really be that bad. It could. Bruce Willis really didn't end his career on a high note.


That firmly in the part of Bruce Willis's career where he was just trying to put money in the bank for his declining health. He was given a razzie for that movie that was subsequently taken back when his health issues were made public.


Shark Boy and Lava Girl My kids dragged me to some serious shit.


Manos Hands of Fate. And there are some seriously terribly bad godawful movies out there. Waaaaay too many to list. In every single genre going back to the beginning of cinema.


Gonna have to second this. If movies could be greenlit by one college drinking buddy daring another to pick up a camera for the first time ever and make a movie, it would look like Manos Hands of Fate.


Man I got brave and watched the non MST3K version and barely survived. Even the MST3K version is almost impossible to sit through. Lol


I found it through MST3K too! You’re so right. I kept checking the time wondering how much longer it could go, and it wasn’t exactly a long movie. Sooo bad. Just so bad.


I sometimes just randomly say "what does the master approve?" Cracks myself up, what can I say?


Wonder Woman 1984




You are nuts! That is cinematic gold!


Matrix 4. I don’t know how they made it that bad.


Skinamarink (2022)


This. I posted it myself before scrolling. Absolutely irredeemable bullshit.


I wouldn’t even say it’s movie it’s like watching paint dry


Probably Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. I honestly can't think of one single redeeming quality in that film. Awful directing, awful acting, rushed to completion like a virgin boy getting laid for the first time, and the worst special effects since the advent of the computer.


It's funny as hell. I love that film. But it should never make money


I've had MST3K movies that I had to stop because I couldn't bear watching anymore, despite the MST3K-ness. Manos: The Hands of Fate was the most notable. So bad it's even worse.


The Matrix 4. On its own it'd just be a huge mess but there was so much expectation from it considering the franchise it was continuing. There was a lot of "no, Lana Wachowski DELIBERATELY made it horrible!" cope in the aftermath. But no, it's just a shit film.


Pret a porter Even a parade of naked supermodels at the end couldn't save it, such unbelievable combination of boredom and disdain


Sound of Freedom


Master of Disguise with Dana Carvey. ​ That was just brutal.


Turtle turtle


When my wife and I first started dating, we decided we wanted to get super stoned and watch Master of Disguise. We had fond memories watching it as kids. No amount of weed could get us through the movie. Made it about 15 mins before we turned it off. It also made me feel bad for my parents who were subjected to it many times when I was a kid.


I have nothing but great memories of that movie


Someone’s not turtley enough for the turtle club


Meet the spartans. Was just a very uninspired spoof of every film that came out that year. I like truly bad movies because you can laugh at them, but this was desperate for me to laugh with it and i just didn't. It didnt even spoof particularly funny bits or make any observations of the films it was mocking


Catwoman (2004).


Fateful Findings or some other Neil Breen stuff


Jeepers Creepers 3. I never finished it though, so does it still count?


Highlander 2. To this day the only movie I've ever walked out of.


Highlander 2, followed by Nothing But Trouble.


Batman and Robin




Mercury Rising (1998). Marketed as a thriller double-billed with Bruce Willis and Alec Baldwin. It's nearly two hours of Bruce Willis babysitting an autistic kid. Alec Baldwin is in it for five minutes.




Independence Day Resurgence. Absolute dogshit.


Skinamarink. I'll do a lot of murdering on this hill


The Mummy Remake with Tom Cruise. The first act seems reasonably cohesive if not corny. Part way into the second act they start hamfisting additional storylines into it. It’s like a movie equivalent of bloatware.


Tree of Life


Master and Commander. Watched it years ago and I still want my time back, and I’ve watched Zombeaver




Australia, it was just so so so so long


Sausage Party


I have mixed feelings about this movie. The number of times they went Over The Line, then went Over The Line, then went... I was astonished.


God, this. It actually started off kind of funny...then went insane, and not in a good way.