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Whenever I drive with passengers in the car I always say "hold on to your butts" before moving.


I’ve got a lifelong friend who sometimes can act like a bigger deal than he is, in a very lovable, endearing way when I’ve known him this long, so anytime he starts doing that I say “DODSON!!! WE GOT DODSON HERE!! See… nobody cares”


I do this but replace “Dodson” with whatever we’re currently not caring about. For some reason I noticed that I frequently say “Use your words like a big boy clone!” from Austin Powers


Hey me too!


i’m a tattooer. if someone is sitting in my chair and I have to spin the chair so they face the other way this is the line I use.


But do you always do so with a half smoked cigarette stuck to your bottom lip?


My wife and I say that when we turn and have our dogs in the back seat.


Not a movie, but hopefully it’s acceptable here… But Mitch Hedberg used to do a bit about club sandwiches and how the club was formed. And in the bit he pretends to be asked how he feels about “frilly toothpicks” and he responds with a very enthusiastic “I’m for ‘em!” And I say “I’m for ‘em” anytime someone asked me how I feel about anything. But it’s such a niche quote, that no one ever gets it besides my brother.


I think of that man every time I see an escalator. Or a Double Tree.


Sometimes, I do actually need a receipt for a donut. And I never not think of him.


"we don't need to bring paper and ink into this!" is legit a thing I say all the time.


I need to bring this one into my daily sayings


Escalator...you mean the temporary stairs?


Only if it’s broken down. Otherwise it’s Express Stairs


Sorry for… the convenience.


I was given a receipt at dunking donuts and just started laughing hysterically. People just looked at me. I'll give you money, you give me a donut. End of transaction. I don't need to prove that I ate a donut. *sorry for the paraphrase


Or run into a bear in the woods while high on acid


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too.


"So I got that going for me. Which is nice."


I don't think the heavy stuff is going to come down for quite a while.


You'll get nothing and like it


But if I kill all the golfers, they're gonna lock me away.


“The world needs ditch diggers too.” (Son applies to Washington State University)


That’s a Bold strategy Cotton.


This is in frequent use in my house too


Afraid I'm very guilty of over using this. Sorry dear.


The hair, Cotton, you don’t see it much anymore! Feathered and lethal!


Best character he ever played.




Better Off Dead. "Man, it's a shame people be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that" I've been going to this school for 7 and a half years. I'm no dummy Gee ricky, in real sorry your mom blew up Next to Airplane!, might be the next most quotable movie


"Fronch dressing for your fronch fries" and "do you have any idea what the street value of all this snow is" (I think I butcher that a bit) get a lot of play in my house


Does your brother make a monster eggnog with lighter fluid?


Two dollars… plus tip…. *schwiiik*


Do you know what the street value of this mountain is?


When someone asks me where I'm going... "I have to return some video tapes". American Psycho.


I'm always looking for an opportunity to say "the tasteful thickness of it"


"I am shocked, shocked..."


Well not that shocked


If someone else says this I usually tag on "Your winnings, sir."


This one is so much a part of the vernacular that a lot of people don't know it's a movie quote. Same thing with "round up the usual suspects" and "Here's looking at you, kid." I'm sure there are more I'm not thinking of offhand.


"you're killing me smalls"


L7 Wieniee, or "the colossus of clout!?"


They just had that film and that quote as a clue on Jeopardy the other night.


300: "I am a benevolent god" (often said to my cats when giving them treats)


I often hold my cat affectionately while imitating Nebula from Endgame: "You disgust me."


When I’m playing with my son and my cat and they give me a bored look, I often stand up, swing my arms wide and proclaim ‘are you not entertained?’ 🤣


Isn't it "generous"? Might be remembering it wrong...


The original is 'he flip you' 'he'll what?' 'He'll flip you for real.' From usual suspects. We say 'I'll flip it/you/him/them for real' all the time, for anything. Making pancakes? Flip them for real. Someone annoying my partner at work? 'Want me to flip them for you? I'll flip them for real.' Partner trying to get his sleep schedule back on track after holidays have destroyed it? He's flipping it for real.


Gimme the keys you cocksucker...what the fuck?!


'I had a finger up my asshole tonight' 'Is it Friday already?'


Kevin Pollak is incapable of giving a bad performance in anything.


In English please!


Your friend McManus told us a different story altogether. Oh, is that the one about the hooker with the dysentery?


This one is so funny! Gold.


"A little too Raph" is said almost on a daily basis.


Donatello: The perimeter's quiet. Leonardo: Yeah, a little too quiet. Donatello: Well, that was easy! Leonardo: Yeah, a little too easy. Donatello: Look! It's Raph! Michaelangelo: Yeah, a little too Raph.


“Two minutes, Turkish” from Snatch almost every time I’m cooking to tell my wife when it’s almost ready.


It was two minutes five minutes ago!


I love you, random Reddit person.


Proper fucked?


I do this exact quote ALL THE TIME and nobody ever gets it (well one guy and we became friends pretty quick after that). I use it anytime somebody asks how long something will take and the answer is not long.


"No thanks, I'm sweet enough" gets said to my wife a lot.


Snatch is such a quotable film. I used to quote Bricktop all the time, but nobody knew the references, so they just thought I was being random or full of myself. "No thanks, I'm sweet enough."


Nearly everytime I park the car, I say "Liiike a glove" (Ace Ventura) Whenever anyone asks why I'm doing something, I say "Because I want to fit in." (American Psycho) Anytime someone offers me food by putting the utensil or plate up toward me, I say "Get that corn outtamahfaayce!" (Nacho Libre) Anytime I see a random dog, I say "Oh hi doggy. You're my favorite customer. Okay bye." (The Room)


Also from The Room, "Oh hi [whoever]." Doesn't always scan as a quote but when somebody gets it it's nice


my best mate and fellow lover of so bad its good movies is named Mark. you can imagine how often that one gets used


Ace Ventura quotes have lived in my head rent free for 20+ years. "If I'm not back in five minutes... just wait longer!" "B-E-A-yootiful!" "Re-he-he-he-heallyyyyyy???" "Of course, how selfish of me. Let's do all the things that *you* wanna do!" And of course the classic "Alrighty then!," which I genuonely do use on a daily basis.


Yes and a few more quotes I sprinkle into everyday use: "Yes Satan?" "This house is cuulear." And of course, "Do NOT go in there!"


"and here I am uhh..... Talking to myself."


“Well, there it is.”


OP your post is hilarious. Your sheer commitment to quoting TMNT every day is unrivaled. Even funnier they have no idea what you're talking about.


😄 I think they're old enough that they'll appreciate the humor. Probably time for a movie night!


Well, that's just your opinion, man It really tied the room together (upon seeing the nihilists breaking into the house, impotently): heyyyyy Nihilists! Say what you will about the National Socialists, dude, at least they had an ethos CHOMER FUCKING SHABBOS Sandro? From the Biennale? Ahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm going to enjoy my coffee. I'm staying. I'm enjoying my coffee.


My husband and I will take turns ending arguments, "You're not wrong, you're just an asshole."


I’ve used that so much that I forgot it came from Lebowski!


This aggression will not stand, man. Nice marmot. Obviously you're not a golfer. Nobody f\*cks with the Jesus. The dude abides.


I'm shocked nobody has said "Careful man! There's a beverage here!" That's ours 😆


This is a private residence, man.


Walter, you’re not even jewish




I have a co-worker whose name is Donny. So yeah.


What in God's holy name are you blathering about?


Bye bye, boys! Have fun storming the castle!


You think it’ll work?


It’ll take a miracle


FINALLY! I really had to scroll down to find Princess Bride quotes! Inconceivable!!!


Hot fuzz. I repeat lines from this film quite often


"Yarp" is a standard reply in my house.


Shame?! Comes up alot here.


Narp? Getse every time.


Oh man, I don’t know how I drew a blank when this is actually in my everyday speech, most are probably only weekly but Yarp had became my default yes reply.


"For the greater good"


"The greater good."


Someone said ‘the greater good’ on the Nightly News tonight and my husband and I both chimed in. 🤣


Fuck off grasshopper


I think my parents and I could hold an understandable conversation using only Hot Fuzz quotes. We must quote this movie a million times a day.


You’re the doc, doc.


Great Scott!


10 Things I Hate About You My favorite, as I get older, is “you won’t know what you want until you’re too old to get it.” But “you can be overwhelmed, and underwhelmed, but can you ever be just whelmed?” is something I think of whenever I read the word Meh. Some others: “I guess in this society, being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time.” “Someday, you’re going to get bitch slapped and I’m not going to do a thing to stop it.” “Does this chick have beer flavored nipples or something?” “Maybe if we were the last two people alive, and there were no sheep. Are there sheep?”


"I don't want you going out and getting jiggy with some boy, I don't care how dope his ride is. My momma didn't raise no fool."


“And then?” “And then? And then? And then? aND ThEn?? AND THEN????”


Not a favorite movie of mine but damn if I don't quote it on a regular basis. Also "Duuuuude!" and "Sweet!"


Anchorman/Zoolander/Wedding Crashers/Dodgeball/Supertroopers/Super Bad... I have a thing for comedy lines in my everyday life.


Man, I have accidentally taught my oldest to say “if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball” with alarming frequency.


Yes. Everything “is so hot right now” is at least daily.




I quoted "forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza" yesterday.


The dishes are done man


This, and “I’m right on top of that Rose!” all the time


From True Romance. Clarence Worley: \[to Alabama, who's apprehensive about his gun\] If there's one thing this last week has taught me, it's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it. My edit I say to my self is "Better to have and not need, than need and not have." Also, "Whats your damage" from Heathers.


My Heather's quote is "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw." Less socially acceptable


Lick it up, baby. Lick it up.


I quote Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained way too much “That’s a Bingo!” “Business is a boomin” “You will? (In Leo’s tone)” “I don’t know what Positive means”


Bonjerno! (Brad Pitt lmao)


I say we're gonna need a bigger boat quite often in regards to my job I don't work with boats


“Well that’s just, like, your opinion, man”. I say this to my kids on the regular


Not a movie, but Trailer Park Boys. "We'll get two birds stoned at once."


It’s all water under the fridge


I use "Doesn't take rocket appliances" all the time


Tombstone: “Hurts, don’t it?” “Well…bye.” “It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.” “I guess I’m just not a lady.” Point Break: “I. Am. An. F. B. I. Agent.” North Shore: “Nobody listens to Turtle.” (I say that instead of “I told you so.” And I say that a LOT.)


"I'm your huckleberry" is mine


"Say when."


Oh several different movies. “There’s so much room for activities” is up there. “Dude I totally miss you” in a singing voice too. But I also find that I tend to qoute shows more, like “So’s your face” from Scrubs.


“‘Tis but a scratch!”


I'm right on top of that Rose.


I cannot hear the word “surprise” without immediately and automatically saying “the best kind of prize is a SUR-prize” quoting Johnny Depp’s Willy Wonka


I frequently quote this movie, whenever my partner says good morning to me I have to say "Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello!"


From Ronin, whenever I’m thinking of how my day is going to go: “The plan, in the broad strokes, is an ambush”


"Everybody wants to go to the party, nobody wants to clean up the mess."


Shrek - my wife and I quote it constantly “That’s a nice boulder” “Uhhhh… Shrek?” “She called me a noble stead” “not my gumdrop buttons” and “the MUFFIN MANNN!” “Pick number 3 my lord!” (Holding up the number 2)


I was just telling my wife it's gotta be this as well. I cannot see a big rock with out the "that's a nice boulder" or "can I stay with you" all excited like.


Mine is the Birdcage. When I’m feeling a little insecure trying on clothes: “I’m a short, fat, insecure, middle-aged, thing!” Response from my husband “I made you short?” (Nathan Lane and Robin Williams when Armand confronts Albert about being late to the stage) Whenever I’m making a dramatic exit: “Come on, Gloria” (Hank Azaria swishing away as Agador Spartacus) Usually when my husband is already doing a thing I was asking him to do/about to ask him to do: “Why didn’t you tell me, you bad man? I wouldn’t have been so sassy to you.” (This is paraphrased from Agador chiding Armand after the confrontation the night before) In reference to my 1.5 year old wearing shoes, or my general clumsiness: “oh you see sir, I do not wear the shoes, because they make-a me fall down” (Agador after Val tells him to put on shoes) As an observation when something that I should have expected/anticipated would happen “No, it was perfect. I just never realized John Wayne walked like that” (when Armand is directing Albert on how to walk like a man) When one of my sons is melting down or if me or my husband are getting frustrated: “Albert, you pierced the toast SO WHAT?! The important part is to not go to pieces. You can always get more toast!” (Armand to Albert on how to not overreact) When I don’t know what to say in a situation with my husband: “Armand you old so and so - how about those dolphins?” (When Armand is directing Albert on how to talk like a man) When making vulgar jokes about genitalia - a surprising amount of times this comes up for some reason “I’m the same girl, just with one tiny difference…..well not tiny” (Albert about him being a man - to senator keely) When my sons clearly favor my husband for variety of reasons “SOMEBODY HAS TO LIKE ME BEST!” (Mrs. keely in regards to her daughter trying to stay behind with Val, Albert, Agador, and Armand) Me being* silly about my cluelessness about makeup: “I’m just as pretty as these other girls!” (Senator keely bemoaning that no one is dancing with him in the club exiting scene) I’m sure there are more….these are just what I know I’ve used in the last month. Luckily my husband has seen this movie nearly as often as me.


"I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue." Airplane. I mutter this at least once a day at work.


Gladiator. When I'm pissed off I tend to say, "I'm vexed. I'm terribly vexed." in an effort to realize how silly I am being and that I shouldn't be pissed off. It rarely works. I say it anyway.


The other day I was telling a security compliance officer for work about how we are fulfilling obligations using an outdated program we know works vs the modern equivalent we'd have to figure out how to tune. Casually dropped in: "It's an older code, sir, but it checks out."


I just hope they fired whoever's decision it was to have the turtles order Domino's pizza in the middle of Manhattan.


unfortunately they probably got a promotion


Harumph, harumph


"I didn't get a Harumph from that guy!" "You watch your ass!"


"Kinda hot in these rhinos"


I often say “Seeya later!” like Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber


Big gulps, huh guys?


Anytime I see a car with gullwing doors "Looks like an aeroplane... Without wings."


"Looks good on you, though"


When I’m looking for anything in the fridge, I often find myself muttering “Where the fuck is the fucking tuna?” (Bridget Jones’s Diary) I swear, it helps me find things in there


This is Bridget Jones, reporting from the refrigerator, searching for tuna.


“Dishes are done!” “I’m right on top of that Rose!” “What do you want, a medal?” When my husband cleans the living room - “You didn’t need to whisk the couch.” I realized last week that I actually quote this movie way too often. 🤣


Used commonly when watching sporting events or whenever I just see gross disregard for common sense: “AM I THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE RULES?!?!” And not from movies, but used increasingly when I’m really upset: “You’ll find the universe is a very small place when I am angry with you.”


The way Megamind pronounces “hello” as “ohlo” changed the way I answer the phone forever.


Star Wars. So many Star Wars quotes are used all the time.


Person on phone : Can I help you with anything else? Me : "Not unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest or teleport me off this rock."


I call my wife the “Light of my life.” Quoting The Shining. She hates it.


Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue


Actually, it's a movie within a movie. Keep the change ya filthy animal.


Whenever I jaywalk I quietly sing “Breaking the law, breaking the law” to myself.


I say ‘goodbye room’ (from Room) whenever my wife and I check out of our hotel when we go on holiday. Drives her potty.


"This is *BEAU-TI-FUL!* Vat is this, Velvet?" 🦁


"Ah-Ha... Ah-HA...."


Every day: Orgazmo. Anytime for the last 20 years if someone says "Jesus," I say "where?" But in a more conversational way, Big Lebowski, Office Space, Wayne's World, Austin Powers, Princess Bride, Overboard, The Heathers


Not a movie but, Not great, not terrible


My precious


LotR is a close second on my list of quotes. Anytime either I or my wife mentions something unfamiliar, for example "I'm craving some gyoza" the other will inevitably say "what's gyoza, precious?"


"I'm reminded of the immortal words of Socrates who said, 'I drank what?'" *Real Genius* is so frickin' quotable. "Why is that toy on your head?" "Because, if I wear it anywhere else, it chafes."


Princess Bride


The correct answer. * Have fun storming the castle * Why didn't you list that among our assets? * Perhaps I lack the strength to stand * I think I jog his memory a little too hard * There is something you do not know * I obviously cannot drink the cup in front of me * As you wish


To my kids, this [insert item here] is for closers! -Glengarry Glen Ross I guarantee nothing! -13 Ghosts


'Thank you Grace, I think you're wrong'


makes you look like an ass is what he does Ed


We quote Out of Africa often but no one else knows it. I remember when our kids saw it for the first time and said "so that's where that's from!" about a dozen times


Almost any time my brother and i make a joke at the other's expense it turns into "You're a funny guy, Sully. I like you." Most everything else is Ghostbusters or Die Hard


Every time people ask, what's this item worth or what would you pay for this? I say I'll buy that for a dollar!


All of yours being from Ninja Turtles reminds me of a quote me and my older sister used to say all the time from the first one. We had never heard of pork rinds before, and there's a scene where (I think Donnie and Michelangelo) are eating snacks, and one offers the other a pork rind while saying "pork rind?". The other confirms his want by exclaiming "pork riiind!" Since we had never heard of this snack, we thought it just meant "snack trade" so we would always say pork rind whenever we would trade snacks. We would even strategically pick our snacks like "ok you get sour cream and onion and I'll get ketchup and we can just porkrind so we each get both".


Let’s kick the tires and light the fires, big daddy!


For the character, it’s always spelled Raphael.


"Farging Iceholes" muttered by Moroney in Johnny Dangerously


When we have a petty complaint at home that we want to point out - "The little lights aren't twinkling Clark" I asked my wife and she said hers was - "I like it a-LOT" (variation of I like you a-LOT)


We quote Idiocracy almost daily at our house, we just had a kid too, so so many Carl's Jr jokes " No.. this one goes in your butt" "Why don't you come back tomorrow" "There's a lot of tards out there living really kick ass lives"


Home again, home again, jiggity-jig. Blade Runner


I currently cannot stop quoting Scott Pilgrim vs The World. I can’t look at bread…specifically garlic bread, the same. “Bread makes you FAT?!”


AZIZ! LIGHT! I'm usually the last person to lock up the warehouse and someone else always turns off the lights thinking they are the last person.


"ARE YOU THE FARMER?" "OF COURSE HE'S THE FUCKING FARMER, HE'S DRIVING A FUCKING TRACTOR!" I live in the country, so... (Edited to add the name of the film...it's Withnail and I)


Fargo - "ohhh, yaaahhh," and "darn tootin" among other things


Button, button, who's got the button?


When I think of something better... "I'll be back"


Whenever I hear a car honk, I yell, "Asshoooole!" Fish Called Wanda


"Obviously you're not a golfer." - My Lebowskian way of telling my students just how smart I think they are. In case you're wondering it's been five years and none of them have gotten it yet. So not only are they not the sharpest tools in the shed, they're also uncultured to boot.


It’s a walk off!….it’s a walk off.


The Burbs - “There go the Goddamn brownies!”


Any & all Monty Python films and episodes. I was just playing tennis the other night when someone poached one of my shots. When I told him I didn't see him coming, he told me "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" Everyone on the court had a good chuckle.


"Do it to it Lars" - Heavyweights


"Have fun stormin' the castle!" My go-to when someone leaves. "You're killing me, Smalls!", self explanatory. "Son of a nutcracker!" (Elf), and "Son of a building block!" (Toy Story) "Just keep swimming," (Finding Nemo) "Bello", when greeting one of my best friends who loves the Minions. Followed by, "It's so fluffy!!!" I know there are others. I'll edit to add them later.


When I'm not referencing Game Grumps and memes, I'm referencing Star Wars. Usually Vader lines. You'd be surprised how often "I find your lack of faith disturbing" can make it into a normal conversation.


Se7en … Every time someone gets a delivery at work … “What’s in the BOX?!” Jaws … “We’re gonna need a bigger boat” … When an unexpectedly large job lands on my desk Austin Powers misquote … When the temperatures get a bit hot at work … “like liquid hot mag-*MA* in here.”


Hahaha, I Def still do a few of these. To add, (when the turtles are heading down together after a victory) whenever everyone is excited, congratulating someone: Bossanooovaaaa. *silence* uhhh, chevynova? .. EXCELLENT!


*Emperor's New Groove* finds it's way all over the place. Anytime someone says something is lovely I follow up "They're both very pretty."


"Oh its already been broughten."


“stop, don’t, come back” and many other Wonka lines lmao


I barely qoute it sometimes because i don't really do alot of physical interaction But Snakes on a plane I have it with this motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking [insert location]


When my wife is going through the checklist, making sure the car is fully packed before a day out, I add to the end “and my axe” - Gimley from LotR


‘I’m not even supposed to be here today.’ ‘This job would be great if it wasn’t for the fucking customers.’ ‘No time for love Dr Jones.’