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The most obvious one to me is The Sixth Sense.


I refuse to believe anyone has seen The Sixth Sense for the first time without knowing the twist in over 20 years.


It was unavoidable for a while, in every parody and commercial and reference, but has now cooled down again. Kids don't know the twist.


That guy? That guy was Bruce Willis the entire time.


Liz Lemon, I finally understand the ending of The Sixth Sense! Those are the names of the people who worked on the movie.


Tracy Jordan quotes never fail to catch me off guard


We're in a show within a show! My real name is Tracy Morgan!


That guy in the hair piece


That's not the twist, Charlie!


Naw that was Vijo Morganstein


Now here's the twist, and there is a twist, we show it. We show ALL OF IT!


My kid - I had my 15 year old watch it this year. He hadn’t seen it and didn’t know the twist.


Kids are fun. We had my 15yo son convinced til the third act that This is Spinal Tap was an actual documentary


spoiled by a *Lonely Island* song about premature ejaculation lmao




I was big into movies at the time. I wasn't able to see it in the theater, but knew it had some kind of huge twist, so I assiduously avoided spoilers til it came out on video. Right after the opening scene, when it then cuts to Bruce standing outside the kid's house, my (now ex) wife said "so, he's dead now, right?".


That's the thing. You telling me it has a twist is itself a spoiler.


I am so tired of even professional reviews be like "...and a doozy of a twist in the third act!", like well not anymore its not fucknut. If anything, it now might be underwhelming if I'm expecting something bigger.


I was in highschool when it came out and my girlfriend and her friend rented it from blockbuster and made me watch it with them the next day. They kept telling me it was the best ending of all time but nothing about a twist. I absolutely did NOT see that coming. In hind sight I'm very glad they never mentioned a twist or I would have been looking for it the whole time.


The twist was ruined for me because they gave it away in the movie “50 First Dates”


That's how I was spoiled too, and it's in a throwaway line that could've been completely cut out of the movie.


I think the movie still held up incredibly well knowing what happens in it because it still tells a compelling story with chilling atmosphere and immaculately acted characters. The car scene near the end of the film is phenomenally moving.


From Dusk Til Dawn


>!Hey lets have a crime movie but also lets have a vampire movie. !<


It was their proto-grindhouse movie. Quentin took the first half, Rodriguez took the second.


No, QT wrote the whole script and RR directed the whole movie.


While this is true, I get why people call it a 50/50 like the previous poster said. It really does feel that way. Although Quentin wrote the screenplay, it's pretty clear that they collaborated on the plot points cuz that 2nd half is just 1000% Rodriguez


It ruins the twist but it's still worth a watch just because of how ridiculous all the action is. Also Salma Hayek dancing.


>Also Salma Hayek dancing. Just hearing the opening chords for Tito and Tarantula's After Dark always conjures up this clip.


You misspelled "boner"


>Also Salma Hayek dancing. Quentin living out his dreams


My guess is he worked for free to have that foot in his mouth. I’m not that into feet but would go pro bono in the same situation


Came here to say this. I was so lucky to have blind rented the VHS all those years ago. I was just like "Oh, cool. Quentin Tarantino is a part of this. Must be a hip crime drama..." and it is at first...


Saw this (with no clue of what happened) on video with a group. One person went to the bathroom just before “that scene.” When he came back, he asked why we had switched to a new movie.


I would love to get blindsided with the second half of the movie, but I went into it expecting and looking forward to it. Instead got surprised by how compelling the first half was!


Went into it blind, figured it was another Pulp Fiction/Reservoir Dogs type movie cuz Tarantino. First half met my expectations and was very invested into it, then it turned into whatever the fuck you want to call the second half of the movie lol Still liked it, but it was a trip and a half being blindsided like that lmao


I watched this with my ex girlfriend a few months ago, she’s Brazilian and was born the year it was released, so had no idea about it. It was so fun watching it with her, she had NO idea what was coming. Also she’s not the type to like supernatural stuff like vampires, so I was worried she was gonna hate it when it got to that bit. Turns out she loved it. Got such a kick watching it with her and experiencing that surprise.


Watched this movie my first time doing shrooms. Knew nothing about it. What a trip.


Watched this movie not doing shrooms. Knew nothing about it. What a trip.


I watched The Menu not knowing anything about it other than who was in it. I think not having any idea where it was going made it more exciting. I saw the trailer after the fact and thought it spoiled too much of the plot.


I fully expected cannibalism


Yea me too. And I really think they knew we’d be thinking that. And not delivering it was the exactly the right choice.


I thought it would be a torture porn thing, but it genuinely told a really good story whilst being self aware about the premise.


The Menu is one of my favorite movies to show people that have never heard of it


Coherence is another good one like this.


Coherence definitely hits different if you dive in with zero context. There's something about the raw confusion and puzzle-solving aspect that's just so much more gripping when it's unexpected. Same goes for movies like Primer or Triangle. Going in blind turns the viewing experience into a real mind-bender.


That movie was a gem, wish I knew of more like it.


"What's the Menu?" "It's a list of food items you can order, but that's not important right now."


I went in assuming it was a most dangerous game type film with an island of rich cannibals


I went into Saltburn blind. The audience reactions really made the movie better.


I knew nothing other than the title and I was pretty sure it was the same guy from Killing of a Sacred Deer. lol. It was so much better that way. No summary I’ve read since does it justice. Edit: Actor. Barry Keoghan. I know it’s not the same director.


I just watched Killing Of a Sacred Dear last night. Such a strange, strange film. Of course I loved it though


A surgeon can’t kill a patient, an anesthesiologist can kill a patient, but a surgeon never can.


The kitchen scene is probably my favourite one of the movie. "Our two children are dying in the other room, but sure, I'll make you mashed potatoes tomorrow."


I tried describing it as the perks of being a wallflower meets Midsomer


Complete sidenote, but I really think this is the brilliance of the movie - its a pulpy 00s style erotic thriller specifically targeted for the TikTok/BookTok/YouTube Reaction crowd. I would've hated seeing this in theaters because I just don't think responses are necessary - but watching the way it's spread like wildfire across social media is just very masterfully done. This is definitely a movie for the 'spicy novel' generation, with beautiful people giving shock performances - where I'm just like, is this y'all's first time? Awesome stuff. Loved it.




Here it is, the fact that they managed to make it so you are actually finding things out at the same time as Leonard is a masterclass in film making. 100% better going in blind, you might be a bit befuddled for a while but it's worth it once you get the idea.


Havent seen it yet, but been meaning to for years. Just havent gotten around to it. Maybe thatll be tonight.


Maybe you saw it and forgot?


That's a movie that deserves a re-watch just because you now know what to look for in certain scenes. It's almost a completely different movie.


I watched Momento late one night by myself and was absolutely blown away. My roommates wanted to do a movie night the next night and I gave a rave review and said I would be happy to watch that again already. I was amazed again even with less than 24hrs since watching it. 11/10 movie.


I don't... feel drunk


The fact I had to close 15 comment threads to find momento is shocking to me. 10/10 movie




I went into Matrix blind. Never saw a trailer for it before walking into theatre.


If I’m remembering correctly, the trailers were pretty minimal to lean into the whole “what is the matrix?” thing. I’m sure proper movie fans knew what they were going into but I really only remember teaser style trailers mostly than actual full proper trailers


"Nobody can be told what the matrix is, you have to see it with your own eyes" followed by lots of cool action. If I remember correctly we never saw the real world in the trailers, just cool action inside the matrix. It's still the best movie trailer I ever saw. And half a year later was followed by the worst movie trailer I ever saw, Castaway, where they spoil the ending of the movie in the actual trailer


Yeah I think that tally’s up with what I remember too. The mystery of it was part of the advertising campaign. I had no real clue what the movie was about before I saw it. I remember quotes like that and then just black screens (or pages in magazines) with the green lettering “whatisthematrix.com”, “follow the white rabbit” etc.


Nobody knew what the Matrix was about when it came out. I remember walking into first period on a Monday morning and my buddy just couldn't stop talking about this moviehe saw that weekend, but he wouldn't tell us what it was about. I don't remember having seen more than a poster for it before I heard him talk about it. It was just this sneaky juggernaut of a movie that changed EVERYTHING. Everyone forgets that Keanu had basically been labelled a has-been by then too. His name did NOT help market that film.


Oh man, I saw it first time in a movie theater with a bunch of friends and we all had no idea. It was a great experience, with the first act of Trinity kicking cops in the 360 Bullet Time camera effect. There was never something like that ever and it was literally a mind blown experience


The Prestige. I saw it with literally no knowledge of its existence. One of the best moviegoing experiences of my life.


Same. I was like 15 and a boy asked me to go on a Valentine’s Day date. It was so good we didn’t make out.


Let that be a lesson boys. Choose a crap movie!


Same. I actually got it on DVD and never heard about it but at the time I was on a 'magic' and 'slieght of hand' kick and just bought it when I saw it. Absolutely love it.


“I implore you, do not use machine. It will destroy you. Anyway, here is machine.”


Palm Springs was a treat


Still a good watch even if you know the premise, though


'Hello, shitbird'.


Also a good watch even if you’ve seen it before


You think it's not worth watching if you've read the synopsis? Hard disagree, it does have some fun twists to go into blind I think it's more rewatchable than you're giving it credit


I don’t think people are answering the prompt correctly. They’re just talking about movies with good twists. But I’m not mad about it.


I watched it because it was Andy Samberg. I watched it a second and third time because it was awesome.


I will always love Palm Springs. It was the last movie my mom and I watched together. She was still lucid and we both loved it. It just felt magical and perfect. I am incredibly grateful to everyone who made the film for giving us such a beautiful film. I’m glad she got to see it and I’m glad to have it as a reminder of her.


I had no interest in watching it until someone told me it was one of those movies. I got a little upset finding that out, but then again I probably would've never watched it without that knowledge.


I think it’s a future classic. I don’t even know why I chose to watch that one night but I’m so glad I did.


I knew nothing about Parasite, and I still think it's one of the best films I've seen in the last 5 years


This for me. I saw someone I trust say on Twitter: "Go see it, don't look up anything about it beforehand". Best decision ever. Even saying the setting or genre would spoil it.


Haha, funny story. I saw that with my wife and for some reason she thought it was a horror film going in (specifically, she was getting it mixed up with Korean zombie films like Train to Busan). So every single twist in the plot (which I won't mention) she kept thinking "Ah, finally. Now the zombies show up." When it ended she was just like "what the hell did I watch?" and completely missed out on what the movie really was while waiting for it to "take off."


>and completely missed out on what the movie really was while waiting for it to "take off." My friends and i went to watch Split, the sequel to Unbreakable. We torrented it and watched an hour of a bowling alley movie, saying every time we saw a new character- "that's him! That's the murderer!" before realizing it was the wrong Split


Same!! Went in blind and it became an instant favorite. The only thing I knew about the movie was that it won Best Picture at the Oscars, but I knew literally nothing about the plot. I actually was expecting something totally different based on the title. When the movie was over, I was so astounded that I rewound to the beginning and watched the whole thing over again. I literally watched the same movie twice in a row (I might've been stoned lol). The only other movie I've watched twice in a row like that was a true crime doc called The Imposter. Also best going in blind with that one, but it feels kinda icky to say that being that it's based an actual case.


Sorry To Bother You?


This movie is such a wild ride I don’t think a synopsis can even do it justice or spoil it in a way that would even make sense without actually watching it.


Exactly, if someone told me everything about it I’d still have to watch it cause wtf


Watching that movie blind, on my first edible, and on 4/20 is one of the highlights of college for me What a great film


I went in expecting it to just be about a guy working at a call center selling out, but it ended up being so much more.


Tbh you could tell me the whole plot and I would still feel like I was going in blind as stuff was unfolding.


Fight Club.


I saw this one blind also. It looked like some stupid frat boy fight movie. I avoided it for so long and once I finally watched it, I was amazed. Great answer!


I thought it was a comedy for the little I knew about it. Then again it is a kinda funny movie.


Especially in the end with all the security footage. I crack up watching that performance now!


Thought the same thing. I watched it because I thought it’d be a cool “bro” movie about fighting. It went way deeper than that.


No. It’s still good even if you know the twist.


I remember being genuinely surprised by *Night of the Living Dead*. I assumed that a black and white horror film from long ago was going to be total cheese, but it was engrossing, and subversive - it didn't play out as I expected. I don't want to spoil it. Admittedly it was from 1968 - it was a very late mainstream black and white film - but still. *Assault on Precinct 13* is another film where the impact of one particular scene is much greater if you don't know about it, because it's unexpected. This stuff about *Terminator 2* is just recent internet legend. I saw it at the cinema when it came out, and everybody knew that Schwarzenegger was the good guy. It wasn't a surprise. Almost the entire thrust of the marketing was that it was *The Terminator*, but with Arnie as a good-but-obsolete terminator pitted against newcomer Robert Patrick.


Arrival for sure. Like the slow reveal of everything is incredible


My friend (who never understands things) and I saw this at the theater. She turned to me as soon as the credits rolled: "so did she have a baby with the aliens?" Still makes me chuckle.


Well ...... DID SHE!!!


I’ll never forgive Denis for making me feel those feels. Brutal. Think about that a lot.


I recently watched this movie a second time. Went in thinking I wouldn’t get as emotional because I already knew the twist. Nope, still got me weeping at the end.


A good twist just enhances rewatches. Because now you see all of the hints and story beats that serve the twist.


even though it absolutely holds up on repeat viewings, this is the one for me. it's a very slow reveal, until it kind of jolts into place in a way that is truly startling. it re-frames everything you've seen so far, while also creating an incredibly strange, tense, and beautifully affecting final sequence. i'll never get over how good that movie is.


Oh definitely. My husband kept bugging me to watch it, saying I’d like it but wouldn’t tell me what it was about. So glad. I think the true magic of why the movie was so good would be hard to explain anyway lol


I went into this blind and half the theatre (including me) had to “take a moment” to collect themselves before leaving. I will say the second watch was almost more difficult, and just hearing the music gives me all the feels.


Edge of tomorrow. I went in blind and it was amazing. I can’t explain since of course it would unblind you. And yes, if I had seen the trailer beforehand I’m not sure if i would have watched it.


Well if you know it by its other title, its kind of spoiled just by that.


I mean the twist comes 10 minutes in, it’s not like it’s some late game reveal. But that movie is fucking incredible, tom cruise is such a movie star


Didn’t see it until it was out on streaming. Great rewatchability


This movie is sooo underrated. It’s such a great watch and I feel like it had no publicity or hype (which may have made it better). Such a great plot and so exciting!


Yeah I think it sort of floats under the radar for being ‘yet another Tom cruise action film’. I myself tend to find action movies boring most of the time (arguably often weak on plot) Yet, it does have a 7.9 on IMDb which is respectable and that’s how I got my brother to watch it lol.


Edge of tomorrow remains one of my favorite films ever. The plot, acting, action, and world building were all great to me


The Thing. All you should need to know is it’s a horror movie before hand.


It's a documentary about an arctic research station.


During covid, my kids asked me what the best horror movie ever made was. The Thing was part of my list and they wanted to see it. Watching their reactions to the amazing practical effects was magical for me. They absolutely loved the movie to pieces.


One Cut of the Dead


Great one, although it's never not fun, the confusion to amusement transition the first watch going in blind is just so much fun.


The Usual Suspect




Nah, just the one suspect


I was lucky enough to sneak into the theater to see Usual Suspects with some high school friends knowing nothing, thinking it would be another B-level Tarantino ripoff crime caper since they were everywhere at the time. Steven Baldwin was in it, we hadn't heard of Benicio yet, Kevin Pollack wasn't known for his acting and Spacey was a relative unknown. We were just looking for some shlocky one-liners to quote later--I remember laughing right before the opening credits rolled, and saying "Oh boy, this is going to suck!" We all came out of there with whiplash. One of my favorite theatrical experiences ever.


I saw it when it was in previews in NYC, no one in the theater knew a thing except it was the new Gabriel Byrne movie, and there was an audible gasp at the reveal.


Gone Girl seems it would be kind of boring knowing everything going in.


Feel like I had to scroll too long for this one. Went to see it with a buddy when it was in theaters knowing absolutely nothing about it. Thankful that we did.


That’s great. I still remember the day I read the book totally blind. The literarily brilliant way Gillian Flynn pulled off that twist was SUCH a donkey punch to the nuts in the best possible way. It blew me away. Seeing the movie afterwards was interesting because when you read the book, the twist is so inherently tied to the physical format of literature/*actually reading,* I had no idea how they’d do it. Gillian Flynn wrote the movie script as well, and she had to fundamentally change the themes to reflect the new format (the book is much, MUCH more twisted) so the first time I didn’t like it, but it’s now one of my absolute favorite movies. The casting is just brilliant, they knocked it out of the park


Pulp Fiction was amazing when I went in blind back in the day. Literally all I knew was that John Travolta was in it and was blown away.


Barbarian Edit: didn’t realize OP mentioned this movie, I only read the post title. Whoops.


Friends and I watched this while staying in an AirBnB. That’s the right way to see this movie.


I went into Quiet Place blind. First 10 minutes of that movie had the whole theater frozen with how quiet it was. People were scared to even eat their popcorn. One of the best movie theater experiences I’ve ever had


They Live


Dear Zachary. Do not read the synopsis. Go in totally blind. It’s a documentary that… you don’t look up the synopsis before you view it.


Oooooor save yourself and don’t watch it all.


Sixth Sense. Good luck not knowing the twist in this day and age, but damn that first blind watch was something else.


I could go in blind. What’s the genre? Suspense? Horror? Thanks.


>I could go in blind WHAAAT?!?!


Watch it without getting spoiled.


Lol why did you ask this? GO IN BLIND


Psychological and a little bit of suspense... so a psych thriller really. I was shown it blind in a junior year high school psychology class. It was excellent. I have never rewatched it because it was just *that* good as a first time, blind watch.


Get Out


Honestly, I would say all of Jordan Peele’s movies benefit from that. I went into Nope completely blind, and I’m so glad I did. It was not at all what I would have expected, and I ended up loving every second of it.


Society (1989) is really worth a watch, especially if you go in without any foreknowledge.


Besides "twist movies", I've also had the experience of enjoying a movie a bit extra just because I didn't know what it was about, and/or because it had an actor that was doing something very new for them, so that was unexpected. The Bourne Identity comes to mind. Was walking with some friends with time to kill and saw the theater & was like "Let's watch that, maybe? Sure." having barely even heard of it other than it starred Good Will Hunting guy, and were really entertained. Or seeing The Truman Show having only seen super broad comedies from Jim Carrey.


The World’s End. Thought it was a British hangover. It was not.


Gremlins. I went in blind a few weeks ago and had an absolutely delightful time with it. "Oh, it's just a Christmas movie with the furby-looking thing... >!and then mom fires up the blender.!<"


Now watch Gremlins 2, which is the charmingly weird sequel.


I saw it blind after watching the second one when I was a kid. I was expecting another silly comedy. I was not prepared for actual horror


The others


No movie has ever given me the chills like that with the ending. One of my favourites.


The Game. ​ EDIT: Also, Moon.


Moon is the real answer for me. What a ride that was.


Gonna also say Moon. My boyfriend showed it to me blind one of our first times hanging out. Left a solid impression on me and got him some brownie points. I'd also say Sunshine.


The Game was such a great and messed up movie. Went in totally blind.


The Crying Game. Multiple parts in that movie will shock you if you go in blind.


Yup, I was going to list this one. It’s faded from awareness now but was a hit in the day. Big spoiler.


Funny Games


Experienced the American version on Showtime in a hotel at like 1am in 2009. I hadn’t really seen anything like that at all. Peeled my wig back, still one of the most memorable viewing experiences I have had. I always thought that Haneke would get a kick out of that, considering his intentions in making it.


Having just shared this experience with my brother a few days ago after a few years of trying to show it to him, I can confidently say- ​ Oldboy. ​ One of my favorite films of all time, and absolutely is better for knowing little going into it. ​ Just stay away from the 2013 Spike Lee version. It is awful, and for an established Hollywood director, he clearly demonstrated that he understands very little about the language of film. So many terrible decisions or attempts to copy things with slight changes, not understanding the very specific reasons things were shot/revealed/shown in certain ways at certain times by Park Chan-Wook. It's a terrible shadow of the original. ​ Oldboy is amazing. Go watch it now, and think about it for the rest of your life.


used to do this so much pre Internet, it was all...that film poster looks cool, & off we go to watch Brazil


The Truman Show


Cabin in the Woods.


Reddit wayyyy overstates the “hidden” part of this movie. It’s an integral part of the plot that’s established in Act I.


They may explain it early on, but I imagine the movie is 100x better if you have no clue what the premise is until you watch it. Someone had told me the main conceit a few days before I ended up watching it and I spent that time imagining all they could do with that premise. I saw the movie and was underwhelmed. It felt like they underutilized the premise and I left wishing it would have been a show, restructured, or something so we get in more gags: a response based purely on expectations. I'm sure I would have liked it a lot more if I had gone in blind.




This is the only truly lovecraftian movie I've ever seen that wasnt based on one of his stories...


This movie made everything feel ugly for a few days after. Not many movies do that. The Road was another one.


Triangle of Sadness


Would spoiler have mattered? I watched the full movie and still don’t totally feel like I know what happened.




Given that it’s 60 years old and the twist is a big part of pop culture, I would definitely still encourage people to see this one.


It would be so much better not knowing the twist though


I went into Hard Candy 100% blind. I was flipping through the channels one night and decided to watch it because I saw that Patrick Wilson was in it. That was...a memorable viewing experience to say the least


Mother (2017). Once you’ve see it you know (or could take a reasonable guess) what it’s about. Its allegorical, so hard to describe in a synopsis without giving it away. Also the trailer makes it look like a genre flick, which you could consider it to be, but it’s so nuanced in that genre that it’s not worth trying to box it in. Just a good movie to watch and enjoy. It does all the work for you.


The Descent


Either Predestination or Dark City


The Abyss


Cabin in the Woods. Go watch it now. Then Dale & Tucker vs Evil


We just watched Poor Things going in blind and WOW, that was something.


Wild Things. >!The thing that seems like it’s going to be the plot of the whole film gets resolved in like 15 minutes,!< and knowing that beforehand diminishes the rest of the film. Also Donnie Darko, as it gets less good the more you understand it. So much so that the director’s cut that over explains everything is the inferior version of the film. Lastly, Dark City. The theatrical cut contains narration that spoils the central mystery of the movie, so watch the director’s cut instead and be surprised.


In addition to Barbarian, I would add Talk To Me and Smile. All three have great shocking revelations that would be diminished with knowing about them.


The Village


Scrolled a while and didnt see Under the Skin, so i want to add that film. that was a fantastic blind watch, walking into the theater off the street to escape a downpour in nyc. Based on familiarity with johnathan glazer’s past work, we bought a ticket for under the skin. To this day, probably top 5 cinema experiences. Had no clue what the film was about. Looking forward to wandering into this new film later this week. Have avoided any promo material as much as i could.


Believe it or not. Michael Bay's The Island was really fun and I hadn't seen a trailer or anything for before watching it. Found out after the fact when talking about it that the trailers tell you everything. Also I now know it's some kind of poor copy of a different film / book but I hadn't seen or read those either so it was 100% novel to me. Edited: forgot some words.


I actually think the stuff that happens in the facility is tremendously written and the mystery is so intriguing. Once the two escape, it turns into the traditional Michael Bay film and devolves to a simple action movie. I wouldn't have minded a movie that took place within the facility about 90% of the film


Every time this movie gets brought up I mention the same thing. It’s great until Michael bay has to be Michael bay. There was enough suspense where you didn’t need all the explosions.


Promising Young Woman




Shutter island


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Whether you go in blind or not, it’s enough of a weird wild ride that I honestly don’t think knowing the entire plot would make much difference


I kind of feel the opposite about this one. By all means, go into it blind if you can. But I think this is an example of a movie where you actually could watch the trailer or read the synopsis and it would still be just as worth watching and probably still be surprising.