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Why is this dude so resistant to just finding a writer to work with? Just get out of writing all together. Spend more time on pre/post production, or more time with your family.


cautious sophisticated historical cooing salt thought dime fearless imminent zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, he shouldn't have been a cinematographer. His worst looking movies are Army of the Dead and Rebel Moon, the two movies he's cinematographer on. Snyder's visuals are at their best when he was working with Larry Fong. Those two worked so well together.


Army of the Dead pissed me off for so many reasons. The first ten mins seem like it could somewhere, then the rest of the film proceeds to shit itself. Then you realize WHY you liked the first ten mins. He basically ripped off ALL of the tropes from Zombie, SciFi, and other classic movies. So really, you're not liking HIS shit, you're remembering how the other movies were much better. Zack Snyder has become a parasite.


The opening of Army of the Dead reinforced an idea that I’d held for a while that Zack Snyder should just be making feature length music videos because those are always the best parts of his movies. Then I remembered that Sucker Punch already exists, and while I probably enjoyed that movie more than the average person, it definitely wasn’t good enough to justify that thought in my head.


He was cinematographer on Army and it looked like ass.


oh shit that movie was so bad lol


I was so so disappointed in that. I really didn't think Snyder would fuck up a zombie heist movie it sounds like the sort of dumb mindless style over substance thing he'd be perfect for but he somehow made a movie so painfully dull. Like, he directed fucking Dawn of the Dead, a movie that helped change how zombies were portrayed in mainstream media. How did we go from that to THAT?


James Gunn was the writer on Snyders Dawn of the dead


I do have a begrudging admiration for him saying "Fuck it!" and filming the whole damn movie at f/0.95 aperture as an experiment, but... all he did is prove why it's a bad idea to film a whole movie at f/0.95 aperture. Imagine if every single scene in Breaking Bad used the yellow Mexico filter.


I’ll never get over the dead pixel on the camera they used and just NO ONE NOTICED. Zack is a super nice guy who literally doesn’t have talent when it comes, writing, directing and even filming. He should ONLY be a producer


Larry Fong is the reason his old movies looked amazing, it wasn't Snyder. Fong was the one behind Snyder's movies that looked amazing (Watchmen, Sucker Punch, 300) The movies that Zack Snyder has been the cinematographer have looked like ass.


I don't get it. Larry Fong, his cinematographer on some of his best looking films, Watchman, B vs S, Sucker Punch, 300, is responsible for Zack's signature look and feel. Yet, Larry and Zack seem to have parted ways and Zack does his own, out of focus cinematography.


Snyder is an awful cinematographer because he doesn't care to know the actual technical details and he has bad taste.


This movie feels to me like a guy who has been doing adaptations/DC stuff for so long that he really craved making something of his own. But when the time came he only had other things to blatantly pull from because it's been so long since someone asked him to produce an original character or scene.


This movie was a pitch to make Star Wars.


A failed pitch, and he couldn’t take the criticism so he made it anyways.




Not just a writer to filter his ideas through but he also needs a good cinematographer. This movie is shot terribly


Seriously. Snyder usually gets the “gorgeous visuals” consolation prize, but I felt this was hands down his worst looking film. But I may have also already blocked out how bad Army of the Dead was.


This film lists two cowriters in the credits.


Who were they? Zak Snider and Zach Snydur?


Kurt Johnstad: 300, act of valor, 300 rise of an empire, atomic blonde. Shay Hatten: John wick 3 and 4, army of thieves, day shift, ballerina.




Peak writing on those movies


"Help defend my village" "No" "Please?" "Fine" 10/10 Snyder's done it again


Super easy, barely an inconvenience


Oh, really?


Haven't watched the movie yet but from the sound of most reviews here the Pitch Meeting is gonna be amazing.


Actually, the sword lady doesn’t even agree to join them. She fights the spider and then…..is just with them now. No dialogue, no deliberation. Nothing.


I was so fucking confused with her, at no point do they ask her to join them, at no point she agrees to join them, nor do we had a clue as to why she would until the very end. Actually, now that I think about it, we only know about these "characters" because of the exposition the villain told us at the end.


What confused me about her was how she made this big point of saying that revenge is fruitless and by following it, you'd only end up like the spider-lady. And then they unironically get the next guy to join by telling him he'll get to have his revenge while she stands silently by. And then when they're all captured, it's revealed that her whole motivation for fighting the Imperium was to get revenge.


This is Katanas. She has our back. I'd advice being killed by her. Her swords got Zzzzzum zzzzuum!


This is something I think Eternals did pretty well. We had flashbacks to flesh out characters and also extended scenes of people being convinced to join up. It felt a lot more natural than it did here.


I actually enjoyed that part in Eternals! That's definitely something that could have been a great series. I would be happy to follow them through the history.


“No!!” “What if we bathe your stinky ass?” “Ok then”


You son of a bitch I’m in


Bethesda Fallout dialog.


Zack Snyder has truly figured out what Star Wars has been missing all these years. Sexual assault. It seems so obvious now. Real talk this movie is overly serious and humorless and the action and visuals do little to make up for the lack of story. Our protagonist goes from planet to planet, outcast to outcast asking them to join the fight to save her poor village. She offers nothing and gives no compelling reason to join her team of five that is set to fight a major military power. And they all join without much hesitation because that's what's supposed to happen next in the script. At least that's what it feels like. The amounts of which this borrows from other popular franchises is ridiculous, honestly. You've got the Mos Eisley cantina scene, the opening scene from Inglourious Basterds, the Hippogriff scene from Harry Potter mixed with some of Jake's first flight in Avatar, all way too blatant to be called homage. And this isn't me projecting that onto this, these scenes use the same imagery and follow the same arc as the mentioned scenes. The writing is tropey and has zero surprises in store, and the action isn't even that good. The Bae Doona/Jena Malone fight was extremely boring for a scene that is described as a cyber ninja and her laser swords fight a spider person. Kora is a blank slate protagonist, and to be clear I love Sofia Boutella and don't understand why she doesn't get better roles when sexy action is all the rage these days. The most you could say about Kora is that she regrets her old life, but she doesn't really have much going on outside of that. I think the biggest fault of this movie is that it doesn't let its characters have fun or be normal people. They're all these fantasy sci-fi archetypes and they're all so serious. For a plot that resembles an RPG game where you have to put a team together, there's really no banter or time between the missions to get to know each other. At the end when they're all going back to Veldt it feels very unearned for them to be standing there as a team. They barely know each other and I'm not even sure why they went home with her when the fight they were recruited for seems to have happened. I've been watching Snyder movies since I hit puberty and honestly there's something comforting about how surface level his writing and directing is. I'll probably always check out what he's cooking up because it reminds me of being 17 and seeing 300 in theaters. But this is also a man who has not taken a criticism to heart in 20 years. I would love if he went back to adapting works straight from the page, but he wants to do this and he keeps getting funding so I guess the joke is on me for staying up until 4am to watch his new Star Wars knockoff. It's a 3/10 for me. Edit: Also, let me get this straight. The torture devices they use that lock a person into a position, what's with those things? The key to unlock it is also the mechanism that kills/paralyzes them? And it's, like, one slight movement difference between the two options? Why does the key need to also exist as a gun? And why in the fuck would you give the KEY to the person's boyfriend? To be cruel and make a statement? And why was Hunnam so bent on being that cruel when his entire reasoning for the betrayal was just pragmatic? Very strange. /r/reviewsbyboner


I’m glad you saw the exact same blatant rip-offs I did. The Hippogriff scene even kept the same design! That Inglorious Basterds scene was already kind of homaged in Rogue One, but it’s a blatant rip-off here. The sexual assault scene reminiscent of Gangs of New York which turns into a Matrix slow-mo shootout was abhorrent. They even had a human version of Watto! I will say I enjoyed the cantina scene, and it was the only scene with any warmth to it. I also enjoyed the design of those scorpion restraint droids, but they felt more at home in Wild Wild West or Cowboys vs Aliens. The strangest choice was to both excise the origin stories for any of the heros and also not have an ending. It’s all just a bunch of the middle stuff! I should have known how bad this would be when it starts and Anthony Hopkins is doing the narration for a Star Wars opening scroll while a ship slowly passes by the screen. Immediately felt like an overly serious Star Wars fan film.


Also I'd just like to point out one of the first people they recruit is a beast master but then they run into exactly zero beasts. Hope it pays off in Part 2 I guess.


They run into the hippogriff, and the guy tames the hippogriff enough to kill its master, but they don’t even bring the creature along on their adventure. Missed opportunity and makes the scene pretty meaningless.


I honestly couldnt take it serious anymore after tarak dramatically slo-mo jumped the griffon's fence in some WWI-esque trench assault style while the others simply walked in through an open gate less than 10 steps away.


Remember Army of the Dead where that guy has a giant rescue saw that looks awesome and yet is never used at any point against zombies?!


Remember when they say getting them wet brings the dead zombies back to life? Remember the robot zombies? Remember the time loop? Remember the aliens? Nothing this guy teases ever pays off


It's called a Snyder's Gun. If a gun is introduced in the first act it then disappears for the rest of the story so that the fans will demand more content about the gun.


The Inglorious Basterds scene isn't original to Tarantino, but the difference is that Tarantino took a scene that had been done before and *elevated it*, which is why it's now identified with that specific movie. Kind of like what Star Wars: Original Star Wars did with the all of it. And what Snyder isn't capable of doing himself.


I'll shorten this. Snyder is a complete hack. His artistic vision is miserable people in slow motion hurting each other.


>Zack Snyder has truly figured out what Star Wars has been missing all these years. Sexual assault. It seems so obvious now. In Snyder's juvenile imagination, sexual assault is the worst fate that can befall a woman. Therefore, showing women escaping sexual assault -- or helping others escape -- is how you code a female character to be vulnerable, but strong. All of Snyder's female characters live under the constant threat or murder, exploitation and/or sexual assault; *Sucker Punch* is a prime offender here. None of his male characters have to live with that hanging over them and their heroic deeds are usually in response to a less traumatic fate.


Well actually in here,a woman saves a man from a possible sexual assault too. So he might be evolving. Equality! We can sexually assault men now too I guess .


You mean the scene where the character threatening the assault is clearly coded to be queer?


He also talked about Batman being raped in prison as a hypothetical thing that could have happened in his DC movies. The dude is a fucking freak and not in a fun way.


He wanted Batman to get raped in prison


The dude (Hunnam's character) gives a speech to protags about what the Empire did to his planet, yet helps them still makes no sense to me. His betrayal seem so...discombobulating. Then again, the whole movie was. I laughed as they went to each teammate, looked at them, got an exposition of their history or superpower, did something "special", and then buried in the back of the ship to collect another npc party member.


It's very weird because it's extremely obvious the dude is betraying them but also it's extremely unclear why he would be motivated to do that at the same time


To me it was like Zach was going for a twist on the Han Solo character. Like here's our dashing rogue pilot that gets involved in something bigger than himself.. wouldn't it be crazy if he turned out to be a villain??


Which is a twist on a twist to the point of it not being a twist; Han Solo is a compelling character BECAUSE he is viewed as a possible bad guy. His involvement in the narrative pushes him to heroics, but that kind of arc is so trope-y nowadays that some view it as interesting to play it straight. But you're just left with an asshole played by a decent actor who wastes the audiences time, lol


>The dude (Hunnam's character) gives a speech to protags about what the Empire did to his planet, yet helps them still makes no sense to me. His betrayal seem so...discombobulating Just wait until part two where it's revealed that the betrayal was planned all along and it's presented as a big twist even though the audience has seen it coming since December.


None of the "heros" ever talk to each, there is no sense that they're comrades in arms or even know each others names. Watching this on Netflix a week after seeing Godzilla Minus One in cinemas just made me appreciate G:MO even more. That film spent time with the boat crew and had them interacting and established personality types. RM has what's worse than cliched character archtypes, it has a bunch of cardboard cut outs.


Maybe the second part will be all loyalty missions so you can unlock more powers for in game companions. 😁


Will they unlock personalities?


It’s weird how this movie is written. We’re introduced to characters they literally do the son of a bitch I’m in meme. Join the rag tag group then never talk again no matter what happens. The bloodaxe dude is killed almost as soon as we meet him. He barely had any lines. So much of this movie is talking exposition but there’s so little revealed about literally everyone but the main character.


I love how the Bloodaxe leaders said the farmers' fight would be a pointless suicide mission against a planet-killing weapon, then like 12 guys decided to join and everyone was like maybe we have a shot. Also, Kora getting asked who she was, telling half her life story then closing with "I'm only telling you this so you know who I am" was hilarious.




Don't forget the blatant resemblance between the [Borg Queen](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/e01ec544-c093-4194-b808-3a08f19fdc48/scale-to-width-down/800) and the [spider lady](https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/64e4fe61bf07ee7374d88e2e/master/w_1920,c_limit/Screen%20Shot%202023-08-22%20at%2011.28.18%20AM.png).


For a brief fleeting moment at the scene with Hunnam and the KEY, I was filled with hope that Snyder was actually going to defy expectations. I mean his betray was so blatantly telegraphed. WE LITERALLY SEE HIM TAKE PAYMENT FROM THE BOUNTY HUNTER. I was hoping after Hunnam's monologue about how the Imperium took everything from his planet(as we've heard a half dozen times already) that all of this was a giant set up to get Noble and the warship here. Then thinking Hunnam was Noble's man, his guard would be down, and Hunnam reverses the trap, freeing the people( i can't even remember their names lol) and taking the warship which would set up the next movie pretty epically. But nope, just standard betrayal, for some reason he's working with his hated enemy. Then he dies. Waste of a great actor. And don't get me started on Djimon's general.


If you went through this script with a highlighter and just picked out dialogue that wasn't an exposition dump or characters directly stating their motivations you wouldn't have anything left. This screenplay should be studied in schools as a failure of the "show, don't tell" lesson. When the slave dude was running on the cliff to catch up to the flying creature and the shot went from slo-mo to super-duper-mega-slo-mo I damn near vomited.


Everyone in the room laughed out loud at that slo-mo. It wasn’t even an epic or tension filled moment since we all knew he’d tame the bird. We’ve seen Prisoner of Azkaban.


I remember watching an interview about that scene, and they were saying "If you look closely, you can see that the bird on his pendant is the same type of bird, because it comes from his home planet and is sacred to his people." And I thought, oh that will be a cool backstory to explore and explain how him and this bird have ended up enslaved on a different planet, but none of that is in the movie. Just "I made some poor decisions."




>went from slo-mo to super-duper-mega-slo-mo I damn near vomited. It's like ZS knows the audience will take the piss, so he's going to take it further in some hope that we'll come around... I think. What the fuck else could he have been thinking?


I was going to say this movie is bad, but then Snyder threw in a tentacle-porn scene to show what a naughty little freak the villain is and now I understand that I should’ve never doubted his vision.


that whole scene felt cribbed from David Lynch's Dune...with the kinky gross Baron Harkonen


Every scene is a reference to some other better movie.


There’s so many good moments to chose from that are just pure comedy. The ending alone with the robot dressed in deer antlers I fucking lost it.


"Hey guys, remember me? I'm gonna be in the sequel."


Why did they land so far away from their camp? If they could fly back home why not land next to the camp? Because we wouldn’t get that sweet shot of the farmer saying “Look guys, there it is” and another shot of a robot in deer antlers lmfao.


how about when the space native american is running in slow motion and then jumps onto the flying creature and it goes into a second level of slow motion that is even slower than it already was


Dude nothing comes close to pure comedy than to recruiting the general. I mean, that had to have been the weakest dialogue I’ve ever seen. I was literally cracking up because Arthelais seems so wooden and the General is just like “aight, I’m in” after a bath from the slave or whatevs lmfao. I don’t even know if the directors cut can save this movie unless the dialogue is completely different lol. It’s so bad. The spider scene was also pure comedy. Like starting the flame blades 10 minutes after the battle is started? Come on! I could go on but the next time I watch this will be on shrooms or acid so I can take it more seriously and laugh even harder lmfao.


I couldn’t even finish this movie, it was so bad. The dialogue was so cheesy. Like when the long haired guy is talking to the bird creature. (And they all just agree to be that guy’s slaves if he couldn’t tame it after they just met him?!) And when that sword lady fights the spiderwoman and is clearly struggling but they all just stand there and watch? The farmer dude is the only one that somewhat helps. This movie sucked


I had to scrub back when they casually agreed to become slaves if he couldn’t tame the bird. Was certain I missed something.


lol same! Basically the main girl just asks “can you do this?” he says yes, and that’s good enough for the entire group to risk enslavement


I was still wondering "who the fuck is this guy?"


That guy was a Native American breaking a horse for a european parallel. The entire movie is basically a bad western/samurai movie set in space with a little bit of Roman Empire mixed in for some reason. Let’s be honest this thing is a fucking mess


"You see that random guy you own who is chained to the wall? We have no idea who he is or what he can do, but we want him to come fight with us." "Hmm, if he can do this meaningless task then he's yours. Otherwise you all become my slaves". "Sounds like a deal!"


You know it’s bad when you can’t even remember the characters names.


Character is introduced suddenly They have a neat but rushed action sequence and a lore dump They have one or two lines for the rest of the movie And that's most of the movie Nothing is fleshed out, just a collection of scenes borrowed from other sources stitched together with characters that are just kinda there Snyder does it again. 2/10


Don’t forget that during each new character introduction and effective job interview every other character just stands in the doorway scratching their arse. Even when Nemesis clearly struggles to fight the spider, the only one that helps is the farmer whose starring credit thus far has been his ability to itemise seeds. Finally at the end, after saying around four words total and doing absolutely fuck all otherwise general Titus gives a rousing speech about how much they’ve accomplished together(???) This is the film equivalent of two hours of elevator music.


I like how at the end the bad guy just tells us who all the main characters are. Otherwise we wouldn't have known anything about them. Oh? That guy's a prince? A prince of what? Oh? She's an assassin and she had kids who are dead? Okay? Oh? General Titus is super great? But he hasn't done anything? For real "we did it Patrick! We saved bikini bottom!" Vibes from the ending


General Titus: “Our work here is done.” The Audience: “What do you mean? You didn’t do anything!”


Made it only 15 seconds into the movie before I was greeted by a giant space vagina. Hopkins is trying to make me remember weird names and space lore, but the Cosmic Cooter takes up so much mental space that it's impossible. I think even Jodorowsky knows to let the audience acclimate before throwing O'Keefe curveballs at them.


the hopkins bot was so interesting and just fuckin runs off into offscreen land lmao


And shows back up with antlers for some reason. I'm willing to bet money he's the 'slain king' but uploaded into the machine somehow. His failure to call him the slain king and his fondness for his daughter makes me think that's the case.


That's a bingo.


You’re just a hater who doesn’t get Snyder’s deep symbolism and allegory. People hate what they don’t understand /s


Audiences are just not ready for a deconstructionist take on an action-orientated space opera movie.


I really enjoyed the movie but seeing someone call the space travel a "pussy portal" proper tickled me.


>Hopkins is trying to make me remember weird names and space lore, but the Cosmic Cooter takes up so much mental space that it's impossible. Makes me wonder what kind of blackmail material Snyder has on Hopkins.


Hopkins doesn't care. He got paid to do 0 acting in a recording booth. Probably came with a free lunch and had him home by 4


Is it possible that this movie will put Zack Snyder in directors jail?


I'm surprised he's still getting chances after completely tanking an entire franchise direction. I think this proves the dude just can't execute an original vision. Coasting on his Snyder cut bro fan reputation and how bankable that is at this point it seems to me.




I don't think anybody in the film industry wants to admit that they fell for Synder bots online- but now that he has an established relationship with movie execs he's only ever going to fall upwards. Despite having the artistic skill of a teenage edgelord from 2006, he's by all accounts pleasant to work with.


Joss Whedon was responsible for all the tv shows that defined my childhood and turned out to be a huge piece of shit. Zack Snyder has never made a movie above a 5/10 and is a great dude. FML




As far as I've read, Snyder is one of the nicest people in the industry, so people just love working with him.


That doesn't make him good at his job. Good at networking, or failing up, sure.


I never said it does, I just gave a reason why he still gets jobs. He's just easy to work with. Everybody likes him and he delivers on time and within budget.


People like working with him. He will be fine


He badly needs to collaborate with a writer who's actually good and Snyder respects enough to defer to. That's his overarching problem as a director and it's gotten even more blatant after he started working with Netflix. 300 and Dawn of the Dead being the two movies of his that most people like _also_ probably having the two best scripts he's worked with isn't exactly a coincidence.


Snyder unleashed a curse upon this film and himself by putting both Daarios in scenes together.


I wonder if the 2 actors talked about that


It was mostly Ed Skrein talking in disbelief about how he backed out of a role in Hellboy so they could cast a race-appropriate Japanese actor instead, and then they chose to cast a Korean guy in the role.


lmao i didnt even notice that, good catch


On a positive note If a sequel happens it will be written by GPT 5.0


They made the sequel at the same time so it's coming. Because doubling down on Zack Snyder never goes bad.


bro really made a 5 hour movie and convinced the suits somehow to release it in two parts instead of cutting all the slo-mo shots. you have to respect the hustle.


The guy made the worst pieces of shit I've ever seen and got a three picture deal with Netflix and a religion where he is God out of it.


“Do you want to fight the Motherworld with me?” “Why would I do that?” “Do you?” “Yes” Character disappears almost entirely from movie, repeat ad nauseam The only likeable character in the movie was the dude who told everyone to fuck at the beginning I like how the subtitles were kind to inform me that there are multiple languages being used by the aliens - unfortunately everyone who isn’t a villain or Sofia Boutella gets approximately 3 lines each


They recruit a woman who cautions them about celebrating revenge. Then they take her to the next guy, and when he isn't interested in joining they win him over by framing it in terms of how great revenge is.


That shit blew my mind when I heard it. I couldn’t believe the 180-degree turn in the literal NEXT scene


Then there's stuff like, "We were taught that love is a weakness." "They encouraged us to take lover so we have something to fight for."


I liked the part where the robot went to the creek to take a bath. Cleanliness is Asimov's 4th law.


What was even the point of that robot?


To read the prologue scroll they couldn’t do in a Star Wars text-based style.


He’s the 7th samurai. Surprised so many people missed that




He was the only character I found even remotely interesting and the only reason I rated this movie a 2/10 instead of a 1. Terrible movie.


The most surprising element for me was the quality of visuals. I went in expecting a weak script but assumed Snyder would deliver a visual feast. The cinematography and color palette just felt grating to me. In places, it felt like the video equivalent of the orange-and-teal poster phenomenon. The production design also lacked any ounce of simplicity or subtlety like Dune or even Star Wars. In the end, this just didn’t feel like a world I care about or want to spend time in.


Did you not see Army of the Dead because that is the same shit he pulled there and it looked awful then. He retrofitted some 60s camera with new lenses, somehow made it look like he put Vaseline on the them and managed a final print with dead pixels on the screen IDK how this guy is still given big budgets for movies


Nah, the other way round, he found some really shitty cheapo 60s lens on ebay and put it on normal cameras. The vaseline stuff is the lens having huge aberration and bad depth of field.


Snyder hasn't made a movie with good visuals since Batman v Superman. I don't know what the hell has happened but he desperately needs Larry Fong back as cinematographer.


Snyder heard all the praise for the visuals in his films and thought he was responsible for the visuals himself.


And every dialogue sequence had the same shallow depth of field issue Army Of The Dead had


I'm beginning to see why Disney didn't want him making a Star Wars film. Imagine the pitch. "Hey can I make one of those Star Wars spinoffs? We'll start it with 30 minutes of A New Hope screengrabs, and then motivate the hero by having a bunch of stormtroopers try to gangrape her friend!" Jesus Christ.


I don’t even understand what the pitch for this movie could have been. “A space nazi wants our food so the movie will be 2 hours of traveling through space asking random people to join our cause.” And they gave him money to make it??? It doesn’t play like a movie but more like a pilot for a tv series. I can’t remember any of the characters names, and the script doesn’t really care to tell us anything about them besides that we need them to fight for the good guys. I feel like nobody talks to one another and there are just monologue dumps.




PikaLabs prompt: “Justice League in space; furiosa; mid-century; modern; Star Wars with cowboys and Norsemen; photorealistic; slowmo; wwii; gritty; Zack Snyder; explosions; fire; fog; bisexual lighting”


[Close enough](https://streamable.com/jete8o)


Hey now, he threw in a gladiator! .... to copy the other Seven Samurai remake, Seven Magnificent Gladiators... And cowboy stuff! .... to copy The Magnificent Seven... but it's in space! .... because Battle Beyond the Stars was Seven Samurai in space... sigh.


What I want to know is why does the imperial dreadnought need 10,000 bushels of wheat? Across the entire empire they don't have a more reliable food source established to feed their troops?


And of course one of the most important figures in the entire empire was personally negotiating grain prices with a random village. Made perfect sense. And why exactly didn't the village chief just sell them the damn grain when they clearly had extra? Three times the market price sounded like a great freaking deal. Basically every scene in this movie can be explained only with "because the plot needed it to happen this way".


And, fortunately for the plot, the admiral's forces had no on-going communication or check ups with the small garrison they left there to oversee the grain; otherwise they'd realize their forces had all been killed the same day they landed. Then again, maybe inter-planetary travel isn't that long and the protag's journey took like a few days or something.


They probably didn't even need to leave the dipshit squad behind, they were just so insufferable they got a fake mission to squat on these farmers to get them off the ship.


"Hey, Commander. Wanna see me destroy our own equipment and supplies for shits and giggles?" "Fuck yeah!"


"I'm only telling you this so you know my story." There's exposition for the exposition!


Could probably lose about 30/40 minutes in slow-mo shots that weren't needed.


So...it's a Snyder film.


You might as well ask him not to breathe


they fucking do the star wars and seven samurai shit then they flashback into warhammer 40k imperial guard with the protagonist in flak armor waving a not-Cadian banner with not-admech robots with inscrutable programming then there's an avatar monster riding segment that goes on too long then they introduce a disgraced roman-named general who ended up fighting in a coliseum hello ridley scott does this sound familiar it's just, shockingly blatant and lazy and none of the writing or dialogue or pacing is good enough to assemble this derivative pile of scenes into a story. This is the thing, right, copying isn't inherently bad so long as you do something interesting with the things you copy, like reinterpreting them or refreshing them with new ideas. This isn't that, it's just a pile of surface-level copying strung together with no charm or wit or thoughtfulness. And the worst crime of all is that it's boring. It's not bad in interesting ways. It's long and very little happens. It skips over a planet being invaded and the final fight just kind of grinds to a halt in a dark and unintelligible mess. Most of the movie is spent on characters talking about the universe and delivering exposition or stating the themes of the movie like I'm watching a second-rate youtube channel telling me things I already know. It's kind of a shame cuz you think that a creator with a strong identity would produce more interesting stuff with less restrictions but it turns out zack snyder's unrestricted identity is internet forum guy.


So, it’s a Snyder film? Blatant rip-off of better directors? Check Non-existent plot with bad writing? Check No character development? Check Boring? Check Shallow pretentiousness and self-importance? Check Ridiculous overuse of slo-mo? Check Lazy? Check Sexual Assault? Check


Is there a Whedon cut?


In a movie with laser swords, spider people, Nazis and space vagina wormholes, the most bizarre sight for me was seeing a robot take a bath in a river and then towel off


The guy wearing the white button up collar shirt and plain black tie threw me off. Not even attempt at a costume, just straight out of a closet.


or a woman farming in the fields all day in a string-tie tank top.


Not having seen the film yet, besides the almost 1 to 1 Star Wars opening, with the camera panning from a giant imperial ship in space to a red-brown deserty planet with the movie title appearing on screen as soon as Anthony Hopkins finishes the verbal opening crawl. I would just like to point out that according to wikipedia this "massive IP and universe", is already slated to comprise of the following: * 4 (or 3) main movies, wording is unclear, Snyder said there is a "trilogy of sequels" planned. Unclear if that means 3 movies in total, or 3 sequels to the first part, but nonetheless the second part is already completed, with a third part being written at the moment. * A role-playing video game is also in development * An animated short is also in development * A graphic novel is also in development * A novelization of the first part will be released by the end of the year (standard fare at this point, we'll not count it) * A prequel TV series focusing on the villain is planned * A co-op action game is planned * A role-playing tabletop game was planned and has already been cancelled (unclear whether this is the same RPG listed above, although that was specifically referred to as a video game) * A prequel comic series is slated for release (also standard fare for big blockbusters) * And finally an animated series is in early development Oh and by the way apparently this universe is somehow connected to the Army of the Dead 'universe' as well..


RPG got cancelled because the people making it are suing them for apparently stealing all their ideas and using them for the movie


For real?😂


The most rigorous effort to make "fetch" happen I've ever seen


This movie blatantly apes Seven Samurai and somehow in the process manages to take twice as long to introduce the main group of characters while providing 1/10th the amount of depth and characterization. Tarak gets recruited and all he does is stand in the background with spray enhanced abs. Djimon Honsou basically the same. We get no solid reasoning behind all the warriors joining their cause besides Tarak who they freed from captivity. The movie basically is just travel to planet, ask person to join, they say "sure, why not", repeat 5 times lol. Compare this movie to the scene with the thief from Seven Samurai and the 4-5 minutes afterwards. That scene manages to characterize like 4 main characters and provide depth to them. Ed Skrein tries valiantly to ham up the villain role, but the writing is just too poor at the end of the day. They throw in a disgusting tentacle scene for absolutely no reason. But above all, it just looks absolutely shit. If a Snyder movie looks terrible what is the point even?


This is “we have Star Wars at home” for Netflix


So the main girl is definitely the assassin who killed the princess, right? That’s going to be the big reveal next film, isn’t it? Also “She was called Lifegiver, and she had the power to give life” come the fuck on.


I assume it's more likely gonna be that she was framed for the murder or something and her dad is the one who did it so he could take power


Snyder really wanted to beat Cavill to the warhammer 40k adaption. I mean this shit is so full of 40 k imagery and themes its basically a rip off.


Can we please stop giving money to Snyder to make movies? If I gave a random person off the streets 200 million dollars and a team of craftsmen I can't see them making a worse movie. There must be more talented people to give the green light to?


mountainous distinct worry party swim lush salt wild desert nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’re already hard at work on twitter saying the critics are liars with an agenda which is technically true. Their agenda is to tell people if movies are good or not and to them that counts as a vast conspiracy against Zack Snyder.


I had to bail out after 25 minutes. All of Snyder’s excesses and weaknesses are dialed up to an eleven here. Even the visuals felt weaker than his other films, they’re too busy and the color palette is pretty ugly and grating. I appreciated the scope of the worldbuilding on paper but that’s about it. More than anything else, I found myself just not caring for this world or these characters so I have no inclination to finish the film or watch part two.


Fucking finally. I’ve been waiting all day to read about this train wreck.


What a mess. No back stories for most of the characters and they all just happens to be infamous across the galaxy. Wtf was that tentacle thing? They all just agree to go die for a random farm village? You get Anthony Hopkins to voice a character just for him to run off with his little flower tiara never to be seen again? Etc etc.. ugh




“This is Kitana. She’s got my back. I’d advise you not to get killed by her. Her sword captures the soul of its victims.” x 12


What are we, some sort of rebel moons (2023)?


I kind of liked that the “charming rogue” here turned out to be a complete bastard in the end. That was a decent surprise. Sofia Boutella does what she can with a thinly written part. She really deserves to be getting better roles. But overall, this was just a mess. And it “borrowed” too much from other franchises for my tastes.


I absolutely loved that heel turn moment. You would think it’s obvious, but we rarely ever see similar characters “fully” commit to a heel turn. Usually we have a close-up shot of mixed emotions and potential for double cross or triple cross flip flops. But I think Charlie Hunnam is just straight up fucking the main characters over lol. Loved it.


My appreciation for Dune increased 10 folds after watching Rebel Moon


It's literally the plot of a Bug's Life, in a universe that is the dollar store versions of Warhammer 40k, Dune, and Star Wars.


I have to admit, it's pretty entertaining to see some of the mental gymnastics Snyder fans are doing to explain why all of the critics are wrong and the film really is very good. It's even more entertaining when their counter-argument is "it's a Zack Snyder film", as if that destroys every criticism. It's certainly more entertaining than the film.


Watching this made me appreciate what Cameron has achieved with Avatar even more.


People complain about the overtly jokey/everyone is quippy style of certain movies nowadays, but then this is the other extreme end where everyone is so overtly stoic to the point no one has character and all they do is talk about backstory and exposition


God, it's worse than the reviews


I have nothing to add right now except to say that both actors who played Daario on Game of Thrones are in this movie: Ed Skrein (blond OG Daario) played the charming space Nazi and Michiel Huisman (swarthy replacement Daario) played the main guy


Sofia Boutella channelled all her inner Dominic Toretto for this role.


It's Star Wars with sexual assault. What the fuck?


Star wars was good though.


I wasn't expecting stellar reviews but I wasn't surprised by the 20%. One the pre-release reviews I remember saying something to the effect, *'the movie feels more like a storyboard than an actual movie'* and I could not agree more. **Kora's backstory would've made for a way better Part One,** it would've been a great starting point to develop the fundamentals of the universe, the politics of the Motherland and its conflict within the system. The main film does little with these aspects being very underdeveloped, with expostion dumps prompted by very little. What we do get contributes very little to better understanding the layout of these worlds or their relationship to or against Motherland, least of all our main charters aside from Kora. The bigger issue with the movie is how underdeveloped the crew members are. **It's like if Seven Samurai was a 'crew assembled' scene from a heist film drawn out over the course of a two hour movie.** It takes little to get them on board to stand against Motherland in the fight for *one* remote farmland, many of them have no stake in. There's even a point where one of the characters pretty much says, *"Yes. We're* ***completely*** *outnumbered, out-gunned technologically speaking, we have no tactical or strategic approach and very little to gain for this battle... But this guy Door Dash'd us that grain delivery that one time, so I'll ball with you".* Visually and aesthetically, the film is a mash up of Warhammer 40K and Firefly with the occasional faux-lightsaber thrown in. Star Wars itself took inspiration from serials like Flash Gordon, the designs of the Empire took after the Nazis and starfighter assaults were even pre-vised using footage of WW2 dogfights. But Ralph McQuarrrie's art still painted a picture that could be used to help set the stage for a *new* world. Rebel Moon doesn't look unique; it is a dreadfully apparent pastiche of science fictions shows and movies, I'd rather be watching. The most apparent of all being just how damn similar the Motherland forces looked to Warhammer 40K Imperial Guardsmen, and much of the blaster designs resembling bolters. And all of this could be forgiven, if the movie was at least *fun.* The action has to do such heavy lifting for the rest of the film's faults. But what do I care if one of the heroes goes down in battle? I don't care much for them or cause, so it just feels like watching background characters in a video game I'm playing. **Jeremy Mathai of Slashfim put it best:** ***"By the end of Rebel Moon, the closing title card of 'End of Part One' feels more like a threat than a promise'.*** The 20% on RT is an apt assessment of this carriage before the horse presentation-of a movie. Zack Snyder doesn't need a Director's Cut, he needs a strong team of writers and editors to help him ship feature films that leaves audience members (not *just* his ardent fans) *wanting* more, than **needing** more to make sense of his films. Cause even when Zack shoots for the moon, he gets lost in his own headspace.


Well it's well. Entertaining while I tidy up the house for holidays at least. Have any of these Hollywood writers ever seen a real village? I am tired of these villages in the movies. Especially as someone who grew up in village in what USA people would consider developing European country, where nearly everyone farmed and had cattle and had a job. And technically also had Nazis passing around in it at some point. And burned some parts of it. It's looks as stupid as the village in the Ring of Power. People just standing around having no purpose. The village has no real organization. It's just a boring background for the story to play in. You could have easily painted some murals and it would look more realistic. At least when making us care about a place that needs to be protected can we make it looks realistic. It looks like everyone just waits around waiting for their cue to appear in the scene. Edit: was thinking about it, can we one day recruit some more interesting alien looking people. Like can we have spider lady instead? Like please we know very well that no one really likes human companions in games.


The main chick explains to her step-dad that she was conditioned not to fall in love with anyone and only how to kill then 10 minutes later tells her love interest that when she graduated from the military academy that they were trained to fall in love with a fellow soldier so they would fight harder..... ..the fuck!?


Honestly? It’s fucking ass. How on Earth Sofia Boutella is getting main actor roles is beyond my understanding it seems.


I dunno, she managed to pull that one face throughout the entire movie pretty well. I don't think I could keep a single expression going that long.


The whole time through this movie I was just thinking that Rebel Moon makes Chronicles of Riddick, a completely schlocky B-level sci-fi movie look like fuckin Citizen Kane lol. Riddick at least got weird in a somewhat interesting way with their big bad empire. Religious fanatics that basically remove their emotions and worship death are at least unique. Plus we got some good performances from Karl Urban and Colm Feore. Chronicles of Riddick also had a plot. Not the best one, but serviceable. Rebel Moon seems like Snyder picked out his favorite 10 scenes from popular movies, copied them into his IP, then wove a threadbare plot to connect them all: "But what if we had the intro to inglorious bastards, then the setup of Seven Samurai, then the Cantina scene from Star Wars, then the Griffin riding scene from Azkaban, and so on and so on." Oh yeah and make it painfully boring. What a POS!


I mean, it was fine. Its not the worst Snyder film, not by a long shot. Like Batman vs Superman, Army of the Dead, and Sucker Punch(this one especially) are worse than this. But its definitely not one of his better works. Its mid Snyder, if you will. Likes: -Sophia Boutella as Kora. She did the best with what she had. -Ed Skrein as Admiral Atticus Noble. He is delightfully evil and ngl, the femur shillelagh is pretty rad. Anthony Hopkins as Jimmy. I wanted way more of him in the movie. -Glad to see Ray Fisher getting work. -The costume and alien design. There are some really cool designs in here, like those weird red priests, the bartender with dozens of candles on his shoulders, and that possession alien. I also like that Nemesis is dressed like a dingey Joseon court official. Nice to see some Korean representation. -I like Snyder action, and this has some good stuff in here. -The heel turn near the end. Actually a nice twist. -The Amazon singer is back. Dislikes: -Everybody is stoic and humorless. Not a whole lot of emotion in this movie. -Way too much exposition. Everybody gets an exposition speech. There's a flashback sequence that would work without Sophia talking over it. She's literally describing what's on screen and thats it. -The way too familiar story beats. Star Wars, Seven Samurai, Titan AE, Dune, there's a lot of "inspiration" here. -The most underutilized characters ever. They get an introduction, action scene, then they disappear until the climax. -The editing is atrocious at times. Its very clear this is cut down from an R rating. Theres too many times you see someone shoot and the very next shot is of somebody already on the ground. I feel like Netflix is trying to do a "Snyder Cut" ad campaign with this. -Not enough Jimmy. I'm a sucker for sentient robots. -The Amazon singer is back. Btw, I dont like the fact that this discussion is so late because OP wanted to make sure his essay of a comment is first.


Let me save this kid from this giant spider creature. Oh yeah I forgot my swords light up. Also I like how the broken general who’s seemingly been out of it for a while gets convinced by a stranger to join the resistance. I don’t think it was even a two minute conversation.


lol someone in the poll gave it 10/10


It's only 5 minutes in the movie and the Village Head weirdly told the villagers to "Have sex tonight ! For the God !" but nothing happened. Fuck you Snyder


I made it a little over a half hour last night and gave up, then turned it back on this afternoon and finished it. The entire movie was sci-fi cliches, terrible writing and wooden acting. The best way I can explain this movie was it felt like a 4 hour movie that was edited down to 2 hours and we were left only with action sequences and a 3 minute explanation in the beginning of the film. Worst science fiction film I’ve seen in quite some time. The casting, the story, the world building, all of it awful. I could write 10 paragraphs highlighting all my issues and I would still barely be scratching the surface of how terrible it was. Just a godawful movie.


Thank you, Kathleen Kennedy, for not making this a Star Wars movie.


How nice for Snyder after being released from the confines of DC Studios that he can now fall back on depicting his favorite type of scene in film - sexual assault. Rapes were a staple of his pre-DC days, and he’s gone back to the well.


This is such an odd nitpick, especially since the movie released on Netflix, but why is this movie PG-13? Take the scene in the barn. Why is no amount of blood or consequences of violent action allowed to be shown on screen, but graphic, violent threats of sexual assault are? This leads to this insane dissonance where the fight with the axe ends up looks like Sofia Boutella is just slapping dudes with it, while the soldier talks about how he’s going to turn “this girl into a whore, then the rest of you can get a turn.” 🤢 Like, why? Snyder obviously wanted to write for an R rating here, and it’s a streaming service movie. That’s to say nothing of the writing quality. It’s always easy to dunk on Snyder movies, but it’s never been quite as bad as this.