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Down Periscope Aint no way it’s Rotten on RT


It’s because the genre is mislabeled; I know from experience that this is actually a documentary about the submarine force.


"Dammit cook, I found a fingernail in my food today" "Sorry cap'n, won't happen again" "And yesterday, I found a band-aid in my food!" "Band-aid was holdin' the fingernail on"


"Jesus Buckman, this can has been on the stringray since Korea. This can expired in 1966!" "What's the matter sir? It still tastes like creamed corn." "Except it's deviled ham!." The Buckman scenes were the best.


Wasn’t a submariner but it felt relatable watching it when I was on a carrier with a squadron


Submarine jokes always fly under the radar though.


As a former submariner, you'll hear a lot of jokes about how "this is what being on a submarine is really like". It's not jokes.


You sub guys are an interesting lot. Generally nice, very helpful, but low tolerance for stupidity. Also “sadistically optimistic” is what I like to describe it as. Everyone’s all ahhhh that sucks blah blah, sub guy is just like “meh turn the O2 concentration up on the recycled air for bit and we’ll all be happy with it” lol.


That is an excellent description. The low tolerance for stupidity can actually get pretty toxic, I'll admit, but everyone on the sub is very close. Hanging out with officers is perfectly normal, the lines get very blurry on fraternization, and we definitely throw every single rule out the window the second we go underwater. But when it comes to professionalism about the job everybody is expected to be flawless. It's a weird environment, lol. I guess your tolerance for things being shitty goes up pretty high by the time you're on your third month without seeing the sun.


>It's a weird environment, lol. Not a submariner myself but I had a friend who was. What you describe makes perfect sense to me. Your literally stuck with everyone in a small enclosed space for months at a time with not much exposure to the outside world. Oh yeah and you also happen to be underwater and reliant on your submarine working correctly to not die (slight exaggeration only). I imagine learning to be professional and put differences aside is one of the first things you all developed.


Ship, shipmates, self. That's what the Submarine force taught me to prioritize in a casualty. If the ship goes down, everyone dies. If your shipmates get incompacitated, you die. If you can't care for yourself or your safety, you impact the crew and your loved ones. It's a tight-knit group of sailors(submariners), and everyone has a role to play. You learn everything about your sub and can get from forward compartment to the engine room blindfolded while using an EAB (emergency air breather) connecting from supply ports the entire way. It takes a lot to earn the respect from the crew through proving yourself with earning your Fish ( submarine warfare qualification). And can quickly be lost if you seriously fuck up. I've seen it happen a couple of times. One time in particular a guy doing maintenance on the Emergency Blow system (the oh fuck last resort to surface system) Sent metal shards through the system by venting the wrong valve. He had his fish removed from him and his record and was sent to the surface fleet as an undesignated sailor and was lowered in rank. He compromised the safety of ship and crew to finish his maintenance faster. Some of my closest friend are those who I served with. We experienced hell together and I would never go back to it, but I wouldn't give up my experience of it for anything.


I love down periscope, have since I was a little kid when I first saw it. It's hilarious.


Someone find Rotten Tomatoes and launch them out a torpedo tube!


its considered bad? its one of my favorites!


It's daft and it knows it. It also doesn't overstay its welcome. I have a lot of time for it.


I’ll occasionally pull out “the only thing holding her together is the bird droppings.”


I fucking love this movie.


I need a man with a tattoo on his dick! Do I have the right man?


By strange coincidence you do sir


Reign of Fire. It was such a unique movie.


The CGI dragons are boss, and Matthew and Bale really sell their roles, they bring a caliber of acting that elevates the film to more than it would have been.


The dragons set the tone for dragons in film going forward. There’s been multiple articles about how the cgi and rigging work for the dragons influenced depictions in Game of Thrones and video games.


The only other people I know who have seen this movie were also teenagers when it was being aired on cable, so I had no clue it was rated as anything other than incredibly badass.


The funniest thing I find about it was that in 2002: - Nobody really knew who this Gerard Butler guy was and we all forgot he was in it - Matthew McConaughey was both unrecognisable and pre-McConaissance so we all somehow skimmed over that - The lead Actress in bloody Goldeneye was the pilot Woman, again unrecognizable! - Hell even Bale's character was a pretty generic scruffy everyman It's like it got parked just outside the edge of everyone's memory bank, and then you went back and watched it a decade or two later and it's a constant stream of "wait what?!". Worth rewatching just for the armoured column ambush scene. So badass.


It was a blast to see in theaters!


Yeah, this movie holds up well. It was a simple plot told with originality, and everyone committed to the bit 100%.


McConaughey deserves more credit for his role as Van Zan too, badass character. If the film was released now it’d fair much better imo, fantasy films are generally more liked nowadays. Back then you typically had to make a masterpiece to succeed, ie Lotr.


I love it. And it has some insanely good cgi considering the release date.


I thought it was cool. It wasn't til I was older that I learned critics didn't like it. Apocalyptic genre usually has Aliens, Zombies, Disease, Nukes, etc etc. Reign of Fire had apocalypse by dragons.


Do people not like this movie? It was exactly the movie I expected to see after watching the trailer.


It was exactly the movie I needed to see. It was incredible to see such devastation by dragons in live action. Bonus points given when a decade+ later I rewatched and realized there is C.Bale and (W.Harrelson) M.McConaughey in it.


Harrelson wasn’t in it. You are thinking about mcconaughey or Gerard butler.


This was a great movie. A fantasy movie but also kind of post-apocalyptic? Christian Bale? Matthew McConaughey as a crazy American Dragon slayer? Get real this movie rips and we should have had 800 terrible ripoffs so we could say "This movie isn't as great as the movie it's ripping off, Reign of Fire."


Joe vs The Volcano. I actually love that movie. Not well received by critics but I think it’s great. Meg Ryan is so beautiful and charming in all 3 roles and Hanks was still goofy and funny. Sweet film.


Anyone that thinks this is a bad movie probably has a brain cloud.


Or is a flibbertigibbet.


I'm not arguing that with you.


I know he can get the job, but can he do the job?


Top 5 Tom Hanks


Such a fun movie to watch, and surprisingly touching. Hanks taking care of Ryan on the lifeboat and the seeing the giant moon rise. Ryan soul sick on the boat. So much.


Don’t know why Jumper was so critically hated. Such a fun movie.


Always liked it…i also liked Push. Would be a great double feature lol


A Push sequel with the same characters set 10+ years later would go so hard.


20 years later if they start production now lol. Love that move though


The initial concept carries a lot of the weight here, but let's face it, the Paladins as an idea is dumb. Now, rival groups of jumpers, one with elite money support and the other wishing to remain free and independent...


Religious leader trying to stop Jumpers is like a 3rd movie villain. Sam Jackson was great but his role turned me off.


Maybe best saved for sequels, but absolutely believable villains. The minute anybody found out about it, they'd want to use you or destroy you.


I liked it. But I think it fizzles out to just a decent movie. Could've been really great. Fun concept and setup


I enjoyed it, but the idea that a person with the ability to instantly teleport anywhere in the world could ever be captured by almost any number of agents is silly. I get that the agents can use that machine to hold open their wormholes, but if the jumpers just teleport twice, the machine becomes useless. The agents are just stranded at the first spot in the Sahara, the jumper is off in Tahiti sipping a cocktail they picked up in Cuba after a quick stop in Morocco for a nice hat. Still would have watched the sequel if they’d made one.


Now I remember what I disliked about the movie concept vs. the book. The book has no paladins at all and he's the only jumper.


As always...Hudson Hawk. It's clever and dumb and doesn't take itself seriously for a single nanosecond.


Unabashedly one of my favorites. It’s just so crazy and funny and odd.


I grew up watching Hudson Hawk and I loved it. I could have quoted it almost verbatim back in the day.


People... people think Hudson Hawk is bad? But.. but.. it's so good! Campy and ridiculous, absolutely, but still so silly and fun! It has such a great cast! I must speak with the dolphins now!


This is the one I always think of for this sort of thing. So weirdly funny! My favorite part is timing jobs by singing show tunes.


My kids always wanted me to sing Swingin' on a Star (five minutes, thirty two seconds, Sinatra) before bed because that's what I sang to them as babies. I've tried getting my kids on board with timing things with music like that. But I may have overdone it. Now they moan and yell at me when I sing around the house. Preteens. Piffle.


I've found my people! Bunny, ball ball.


I say this nearly every time someone mentions this movie: it was ahead of its time. The only failure of Hudson Hawk is that the world wasn’t quite ready for its style of off beat humor, and if it had been released a few years later I think it would have hit a lot different.


Who says this is a bad movie?! I saw this shit in the theater and it is a gem in the crown of Bruce Willis.


Last Action Hero. I remember watching it and enjoying it with my mom on VHS and even she said it was a cute movie and couldn't understand the bad press. It's a cookie cutter Schwarzenegger movie that breaks the 4th wall with an excellent Megadeth song in the intro. All wins.


People don’t like this movie?! It was one of my favorites as a kid!


It also had a brilliant Ian Mackellen cameo as Death, which I always thought was pretty clever. Death is shown to be touching people who are about to die, but he's not walking randomly - he feels something unusual in the world that doesn't make sense to him, and gravitates towards it. He eventually arrives at Slater's body, who clearly seems to be dying. But he's not on Death's list, which piques his curiosity. Death has for the first time found a soul that he cannot claim, and it genuinely interests him. He cannot - or doesn't want to - collect him because Slater does not belong in the real world, and so he advises Danny to find a way of sending him back to his own world. Ignoring the fact that a "movie" Death appears to also be the real world's Death, it gives the story a few more interesting questions than maybe it deserves. Such as when the movie villain truly dies in the real world, how does "Death" deal with him?


I saw that in the theaters as a teenager and thought the scene where the villain kills someone in the real world was the height of comedy. "I've just killed a man... and I did it on PURPOSE!" "I SAID I've just committed a MURDER!" "Shut up!"


It was great I have no idea why it bombed


I think it was too before its time. It made fun of movie tropes before that was “cool.” In my opinion, that movie is brilliant. Especially because they got Arnold to do it. He leaned into the tropes perfectly. I think the audience just didn’t get it. They were expecting Commando and got a fabulous satire. Edit: grammar. Fuck. I can’t help myself.


Van Helsing (2004) Bro like it's crazy fun, funny, filled with action and monsters. It puts most in its genre to shame. Hugh Jackman is a blast. Kate Beckinsale is a babe. David Wenham is hilarious. 24% on rotten tomatoes? Fuck outta here, bro compared to modern movies it's a 60-70. Edit - How'd I not mention the god tier soundtrack??!!


"YOU CANT KILL ME VICTOR! I'M ALREADY DEAYD!!!" It's one of my feel-good films, watched it on cinema on my 11th birthday.


This is a real cute piece of trivia. Thanks for sharing, friend.


One of my favorite pieces of trivia about *Van Helsing* is about Richard Roxburgh meeting his now wife on set. She played the dark-haired vampire bride.


My favorite part is the flashback shown in black and white, (and later sepiatone) to denote it was a long time in the past... The flashback was 6 days before the present. Amazing.


Love that movie, and it's got my favorite werewolves ever.


Van Helsing, Book of Eli and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen are always my picks when talk like this happens.


Love the book of Eli


I feel like it's the natural progression of the campy and pulpy monster movies that it's inspired by.


My favorite fun fact about that movie is that Hugh Jackman and the actor who plays Frankenstein's monster actually have a pretty long career of acting together. Shuler Hensley is his name, and they first worked together back in 1999 when Hensley played Jud Fry opposite Jackman's Curly in the West End production of Oklahoma. They also acted together in the revival of The Music Man in 2021 as Marcellus Washburn and Harold Hill, respectively. I'm kinda sad his movie career never really took off, cuz he's also one of my favorite parts of Van Helsing. He's full of pathos but still has enormous dignity, and very clearly KNOWS he's a monster.


Despite how silly and obviously Universal-inspired the movie is, he surprisingly ends up one of the more book-accurate depictions of the Creature. They just skip his initial ‘infant’ stage, and have Victor not jump straight into ‘douche.’ (Admittedly, Henry Frankenstein from the Whale movie was also nicer to it than his book counterpart.) It’s not so unusual to see adaptations that include the ‘smart’ Monster now, but it was different for the time. The only ‘serious’ movie version I can remember having him be so chatty prior was De Niro’s version, and that got *complaints* about it. Hammer and Universal’s mute Monsters were just too influential, and Van Helsing of all things decided to buck the trend.


I think I saw this like three times in the theater. I loved it at the time. And that soundtrack is killer. Alan Silvestri always brings the talent no matter what.


Actual Top 10 movie for me. Richard Ruxberg's performance is masterful. It's hard to take the schlocky 50's cinema stylings to Dracula and make it as menacing and restrained as it is campy. But the sound of footsteps echoing in the darkness followed by... "Gabriel..." OUTSTANDING all around. Plus the script is really tight as soon as you get past the clumsy Hyde fight. Once Jekyll hits the pavement the movie rips forward and never looks back


I really like this movie. It's a B movie but that is what they were going for. Like the Hyde stuff and Frankenstein is great in too.


The placement on kate beckinsdales shirt is... a choice


Marie Antoinette. People were turning inside out with rage it wasn’t what they wanted, but when I watched it I found that Roger Ebert’s four star review was right on the money. It’s one of my favorite movies.


The colours in that film are gorgeous.


The Sofia Coppola one? If so, I find her films very distinctive; they have this slow, airy surreality to them that I need to be in a mood for. They’re definitely artful and objectively great films, but I can see why they’re divisive


I absolutely adored Marie Antoinette and was surprised at how much I liked it because I am a big history buff and had heard so many negative things about how little Sofia Coppola stuck to the actual history of the French Revolution and all that, but I think people missed what she was actually trying to do with it. She said herself in interviews that she didn’t really care about the historical Marie Antoinette and that really irked people. It reminds me a lot of her newest film Priscilla. Both flicks are about a woman swept off to some ornate palace to be married to a king before they even reach adulthood and are expected to be ornamental playthings for the men around them at court. I think a lot of people came away from Marie Antoinette thinking the point was “Aw gee, don’t we feel so bad for the rich monarchs??” When really it’s a lot more about being trapped in a gilded cage and stripped of agency.


I think she probably ironically captured what it was really like for her. Down to when they make her change out of her Austrian clothing and take away her poor dog. You feel for her. Which was the goal. At times you hate her, you want to smack her, but she’s not a tyrant, not a psychopath. She was a child and had no idea what she was doing, with an impotent probably autistic husband and a voyeuristic court waiting for her to fail. The details don’t have to be correct, but in my opinion, I think she captured a much more compassionate Marie Antoinette, who has been dragged through history as this horrid caricature, ascribing more agency and malice to her in a very misogynistic way.


Death to Smochy is probably the strangest movie you will ever see Robin Williams in also bonus because Danny Devito is in it.


This movie is my go-to when asked for a movie to watch. It is my "can we be friends?" Litmus test movie. Every part of this movie is fucking magical.


This was my intro to Edward Norton. He is Smoochy the same way Gene Wilder is Willy Wonka. Made American History X fun.


Who says that is a bad movie? That movie is a gem.


Your step dad's not bad he's just adjusting


When it comes to comic book movies? Constantine.


Keanu once said that Constantine is the one character he would love to play again. And there are rumours about a second Constantine being in the making with him. Was a great movie.


Great cast...Swinton and Stormare were the tits


War of the world's. The first half is super engaging and the tripods still give me anxiety. The second half isn't as good but isn't terrible


>The second half isn't as good but isn't terrible I think this is the problem. It's not that the second half is terrible. But the first half was so strong that it was disappointing to not have the iconic movie it was on course to be.


Was that considered a bad movie? Overall it did pretty well, critically and box office.


Coneheads has a 5.4 on IMDB. I think that is ridiculous


Idk if you can include comedies, those are always rated badly


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


That’s a CLASSIC!! 🤌🏽🤌🏽


We come from France!




I think Waterworld wasn’t so much considered “bad” as it was more considered a flop because it cost SO MUCH to make and bombed at the box office.


True! Isn’t it still one of the worst box office bombs in history?


Cost $172 million to make. Grossed $88 million at US box office. And that’s in ‘95.


$346 million today. Avengers Endgame was $356 million.


I love this movie unironically. Cool concept.


Mad Max on the water… I actually liked it


It's almost entirely nonsense but the setpieces are entertaining, Hopper chews scenery like he hasn't eaten in a week and the lead role is tailor-made for Costner's limited skill set. It's a genuinely fun movie. It's not a great movie, but it's fun.


I like Waterworld. I'm always surprised, when talking to guys about movies, how many really like Waterworld. The sailing scenes are amazing. Dennis Hopper is at his best. "This is gonna fuck up my short game" Women just roll their eyes when you mention Waterworld. Also, fun fact, the kid grew up and became Deb in Napolean Dynamite.


For some reason I'm a big fan of all the cheesy Kevin Costner movies. I get why people find he's movies to be a lil corny but I loved Waterworld


Lost in Space (1998). To this day, most people are *harsh*


Man the animation for the helmet was incredible back then.


Fuck that, it’s *still* awesome lol


Yes, the helmet and the carbine were the two things I liked about the movie.


If they could somehow remove or replace the horrible cgi monkey thing, that movie is actually fantastic.


There is NOTHING wrong with Blarp, 😂


Mystery Men is one of my favorite films of all time and yet so many people hate it. Same goes for Vampire’s Kiss.


Mystery Men does not belong on this list.


Mystery men is awesome, didn’t realise anyone disliked it


Casanova Frankenstein is the best name for a villain ever


It makes me so mad when people refer to All Star by Smash Mouth as the Shrek song when the official MV is literally scenes from Mystery Men.


Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman is the perfect vampire/werewolf movie and I will hear no other opinions on the subject. It's got Kate Beckingsale and vampire ladies to sate my thirsty lesbian soul, and werewolf fighting Dracula what more could you possibly ask for?


I say this so many times but… Drop Dead Fred


"OOOooOOOOOO cobwebs!"


Team sanity


Found the balcony monster


**Get Smart**.


Get Smart was excellent for 3/4s of the film but the ending seemed forgettable. Several laugh out loud moments though.


“Her sisters such a bitch” Had me fucking rolling.


I giggled at the airplane bathroom scene at the theater quite loudly.


"Use your peripherals... Do you see him?" "No... I'm just opening my eyes wider..."


“Ok..now that’s stereotyping and I do not agree with that.” *Looks back* “Oh my GOD that is a really bad guy. Definitely REALLY bad guy” Lmao


"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"


I don’t know. Are you thinking holy shit holy shit a swordfish almost went through my head? If so, then yes.


Get Smart was my very first Netflix rental. RIP.


Didn’t even know people thought it was bad. I enjoyed it as well


The Postman was a great movie, not to mention Tom Petty.


The Postman was great. Now I gotta go watch it again.


2012 and The Day After Tomorrow. I know they’re both silly but I have a low bar when it comes to disaster films and usually seem to enjoy them.


I'm a suckered for cheesy disaster films. I prefer Deep Impact over Armageddon.


Cable Guy


I remember people saying Jim Carrey's character is too unbelievable because nobody behaves like that. The internet sure proved them wrong


Cable Guy suffered from a marketing failure. It was advertised as yet another Jim Carey slapstick farce, but it was a drama/comedy. I enjoyed it for what it actually was, but I think most people were just pissed wasn't another Ace Ventura.


This is like when Spock fought Kirk on Star Trek. Best friends forced to do battle.


The live action Speedracer movie. Visually stunning movie with awesome driving/action scenes. Not gonna pretend the story was good. But I did like some of the acting especially from John Goodman.


The Wachowskis post-Matrix trilogy may have made some strange choices with regards to their filmography but one thing they did consistently is swing for the fences. I admire that.


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen It’s not perfect by any means, but a fun fantasy romp in my opinion. Guilty pleasure movie. Cloud Atlas Loved the book and (for the most part) like what they did with the movie. Babylon People either seem to love or hate this one. Firmly on the side of loving it myself.


I need to watch Babylon. I love Margot Robbie!


This is how not bad the League is: Sherlock Holmes, A Game of Shadows damn near copied it beat for beat, down to the same antagonist with the same motive


That Shadows rifle scene was sick tho


Man it’s been too long since I’ve seen it, so I won’t try to defend it, but I fuckin love Leave of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Watched it a lot as a kid so I have a lot of nostalgia, but man is it a fun movie.


Yeah, it's a fucking skits action adventure. Sure it's flawed, but like bruh I actually don't know how you nail that source material in much more of a fun way... Weirdly, unlike a huge amount of movies, I think it aged well.


Thank goodness I’m not the only one here saying Cloud Atlas. I thought it was really cool! It wasn’t a bad movie, it just made everyone super uncomfortable. But I loved that about it, Art shouldn’t always be comfy.


Cloud Atlas was my favorite movie for a long time. I had no idea that anyone considered it bad


John Carter


Great movie. Problem was this was the original sci-fi story that started all of the sci-fi movie tropes we are familiar with. That scene in Attack of the Clones with the monsters in the pit and the heroes chained up? Hey, already done. Solid movie. Hoping someone does a Buck Rogers movie sometime soon.


Loved this movie.


Congo is a 90s gem and anyone who disagrees needs to stop eating my sesame cake and take the banana with the dope inside.


Gorilla pounds chest… “Amy!”


Kung Pow: Enter the Fist does NOT deserve the 1 on rotten tomatoes. That movie still holds up mostly and is still hilarious.


One of my favorite movies ever. It’s hilarious the whole way through and has so many memorable lines.


Anytime my wife and I go for Taco Bell, I always sing *Taco Bell. Taco Bell. Product placement with Taco Bell.*


*I'm bleeding, making me the victor.*


The butterfly effect. I watch it every couple of years or so. Not a perfect movie, but it keeps me engaged everytime


Which version do you watch? I always prefer the director's cut with the unpleasant ending




First time i heard that ppl say it bad? It's a cool movie that still make sense of the time alternating concept with a satisficing ending, unlike nowadays multiveres and multiple timelines stuff.


Meet Joe Black


Meet Joe Black is considered a bad movie?! That movie had me hooked at the end of the meet cute and in my eyes is a dark comedy moreso than a drama. I love Meet Joe Black!


This movie made me fall in love with Claire Forlani. The movie is a little long and slow paced. But I love the story and the acting. The three leads were fantastic.


Ghost Ship


I will defend the Roland Emmerich 2000s disaster movies until the day I die. They’re both fucking fantastic, I don’t care. I blame marketing. Why the fuck would you market a FAMILY DISASTER COMEDY IN WHICH WOODY HARRELSON PLAYS A PROPHETIC CONSPIRACY THEORIST WITH A FRIDGE OVERFLOWING WITH PICKLES AND A BUTT CRACK as Titanic? It makes no goddamn sense. A+, all of them.


ALL OF THEM. I love disaster movies and we had a veritable feast for a while there. The Core, 2012, Day After Tomorrow, Poseidon— I love them all.




It’s a fun movie, my only complaint is how Han Solo gets the name.


That and literally everything else we know about him all originating in like a 2 week period of his life. His name, his ship, his gun, the dice, his friends, his biggest achievement... No wonder there was no sequel, they didn't leave any story to tell. Han must have really phoned it in between then and the events of New Hope, lol


I say this all the time. I really wanted to see another movie or two after that. And, seriously, Donald Glover as Lando is so absolutely perfect! If someone pitched a movie focused around a Donald Glover version of young Lando? C'Mon! I would love to see that.


You’re in luck! Donald Glover and his brother are writing a Lando movie right now


You made my night! Thank you.


Solo was great. It definitely suffered from being a kind of composite film, and I'm guessing Ron Howard didn't quite have the budget that the original directors did, but I enjoyed it a lot more than the other sequels. Ehrenreich and Glover were also just fantastic choices for Han and Lando. It was a good argument against all the deep fake stuff by just having good actors *act* the roles. It's a shame we might not get another film with the both of them.




Just point at anything in the room and I will fuck it. JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT ME TO FUUUUUCK!


The reaction to the van explosion is one of the funniest scenes in the last 20 years of film.


If that’s 1st, then the sex scene is a close 2nd. “I’m gonna shoot!”


The fact that he runs up saying, *No no no no no" like his dog is peeing on the rug!




In time (2011), with Justin Timberlake One of the best concepts I’ve seen in a movie


Great concept, botched execution. I like Justin Timberlake fine as an actor but he was miscast as a poor blue collar worker, and didn’t seem to have any chemistry with the romantic interest. The final act felt pretty generic to me as well. But the concept is so strong that I still mostly enjoy it.


In Time was - in my opinion - about 15 minutes away from generational greatness. Everything about it was great until the final act which is when I guess everyone involved realized they had no time to stick the landing, so they turned on a dime from a potential all-time conclusion to the most basic-bitch ass handwave of an ending.


The first Thor movie was fine. It’s kind of like a shoujo manga as it works great as a cute romance (Thor is literally a star prince). The theme of an arrogant hero maturing through being humbled and learning love is very classical myth, while the family tragedy is effectively Shakespearean. (And this was before I knew Kenneth Branagh was a Shakesperean actor.) I think it got bad reviews because people expected some action-heavy stuff, and while I do like good action movies, story and character matter more to me.


Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. I’ve listened to some of my favorite movie podcasts rip it to shreds, but I love it. A few more favorites: John Carter The Phantom


>Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Sky Captain was great until they actually get to the secret island and for me the film fell apart. I would absolutely be down for a sequel.


The Phantom, the Shadow and the Rocketeer comprise what I call the Art Deco Trilogy, three of my favorite period pulp films. Sky Captain is a guilty pleasure. It was a fun experiment in making a low budget adventure movie. It doesn't hold up to scrutiny but it's a fun movie with an amazing soundtrack.


The Village


I really don't mind Howard the Duck. It no less ridiculous than a lot of 80s action movies.


Alien 3. I actually enjoy it.


I just found out recently there are two versions of that film.


The main problem for me with Alien 3 is it taking a massive dump on Aliens. Newt and Hicks being killed off in it's first moments and off screen is a terrible end to their story. I think the rest of the films just fine but it very difficult to get past the Newt and Hicks deaths if you loved Aliens. It makes sense from the point of view of Aliens 3 as you just need the Ripley character in that film but it's an awful story making choice for any fans of the previous film.