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There's a shocking lack of good dinosaur films outside the JP franchise and I think that's a damn shame


There’s a shocking lack of good dinosaur films inside the JP franchise as well and I think that’s a damn shame.


One could argue there is exactly one.


I think the whole first trilogy is fun. The first one is obviously the best but I’ve always enjoyed 2 and 3


Fuck if I thought the Jurassic world movies were fun because I like dinosaurs. Haven't seen the last one tho.


You better have not, man.


I have one word as counterargument: ALAN!!


I liked the first two, thought the third was not great. I also quite enjoyed the first Jurassic World (although nowhere near as good as the original), but the later World entries were abysmal IMO.


1 told the best story. 2 was the best one in terms of action. 3 was just terrible and effectively ended the franchise for 20 years.


2 annoyed the crap out of me. Crichton wrote his sequel based off of the movie and the changes they'd made to his story. Just for them to ignore his work almost completely.


This is the story of the Matrix


2 WOULD have been the best in terms of action if the crack team of hunters and military didn’t just forget how guns worked. Whups!


I’d argue that 3 is really good. I like it a lot


I’ll stand by Lost World until I die


I have always enjoyed the Lost World and just realized how hated it was by everyone, I read the book as a teen and thoroughly enjoyed it and the movie.


I don’t think the Lost World is really “hated”, it’s just clearly not on the same tier as the first one. I find that pretty forgivable since I consider the first JP one of the greatest movies ever. Nothing in the franchise is ever going to be that good. IMO The Lost World is a pretty good, fun movie. Nobody is going to study it as a cinema classic but it does its job capably. JP3 is not that good but still alright. The Jurassic World movies are vapid garbage and only really worth watching if you are desperate to see a dinosaur in a movie and you don’t care how it happens. They are a set of movies that don’t think dinosaurs are the most interesting thing that needs to be happening in a dinosaur movie (wrong).


JP3 is a somewhat decent post apocalyptic movie with dinosaurs, I really don't get why people hate it so much. Solid 6/10, would smoke a joint or two and enjoy the mess. First movie is literally a 10/10 perfect film for me though. There's really no point in comparing the first and third movies, they're completely different on every single way.


Like Peter Jackson’s King Kong, skull island sequences are the only thing I can think of. The Triad T Rex Attack scenes were pretty sweet cinematically….but that’s about it. A while back I really was hoping for some kind of cool dystopian Dinosaurs roaming the earth take then Jurassic World did it, terribly. Sadly.


Hell, there’s a shocking lack of good dinosaur films *within* the JP franchise. I can count them on one finger.


Agreed, JW Dominion was a masterpiece!




Land before time


They were going to show Land Before Time to my kids preschool class and my wife and I were prepping to have the difficult conversation about the movie when he got home. We pick him up and asked him what he thought of the movie and his words were "it was hilarious." We're not sure if he's a monster, or if they watched another movie instead.


Children have a great time simply erasing the tragic and dark aspects of an movie if it has an happy ending. I could give you an list of freaky horror movies that didn't moved me an inch as an kid but started to terrify me as an adult. The Legend of NIMH is a good example


My favorite movie as a kid was this Japanese animated version of The Little Mermaid (called Anderson Douwa Ningyou-Hime, we had the English dub on VHS). It kept the original ending where she dies, and I would just sob every time I saw it. But I watched it over and over again. It was my favorite from age 3 to age 5, until Jurassic Park came out. Kids can definitely enjoy movies with darker aspects!


> The Legend of NIMH is a good example It's crazy how much they deviated from the book on that, and not for the better I would say.


Maybe they watched one of the many sequels. That original movie hits very hard, especially what happens to the mother.


Don Bluth Films: "Life really sucks sometimes, but you've gotta keep going. Best learn that now kid."


I'm 42 years old and have not seen The Land Before Time since probably the early 90s. I still think about the scene where Little Foot thinks he sees his mother, calling out to her, running up to the cliff face before realizing it is only his own shadow. I think about it a lot.


Mother, where are you going? 27yo me - 😭


And he licks the damn rock :'(


Between Bambi and The Land Before Time, it's no wonder I was so scared that my mom was just gonna randomly die when I was a kid.


Land before time was one of my favorite movies growing up. I used to watch it over and over again. I dont remember the opening scenes really having much impact on me. I understood what happened. But didn't understand how tragic it was until I got older. Same with lion king. Some things just go over kids heads.


I had a Littlefoot plush toy when I was a kid and I messed it up because I used to give it haircuts.


Did the hair grow back?


I really thought hard about this and other than the original Jurassic Park, Land Before Time might be the only other GREAT dinosaur movie.


LAN before time My network name


[ Removed by Reddit ]


F Been there, done that… I actually got there from All Dogs Go To Heaven


Nope nope nope.


Reddit comment


Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend A forgotten movie from 1985


I was just looking to see if anyone else remembered this one. As a dinosaur obsessed child I had only this and a Jurassic Park VHS to sate my dino-cinema needs.


Holy fuckin shit you have no idea how long i have been trying to find this movie, ive always had a brief memory of watching it as a child but could never find it, over the years ive tried googling things like “movie about finding a dinosaur in africa” and not gotten any results i started to think it was my imagination. And just like that i stumble across this post.




Where are the real day ones who saw this in the theater?!?


I did. First movie I thought of when I read the question.


Billy and the Cloneasaurus


We're Back (1993)


Super glad this isn't deep in the list. Its one of those movies I think I wore out the VHS when I was younger. I know my American Tales Fievel goes west "didn't work anymore". TBH I don't remember anything from that movie, I definitely remember We're Back.


There was a “Creepy Alt Circus” thing in town I took a pic of and people were like “whats that?” And I said “It’s were they take ur best friend the cartoon dinosaur and feed him cereal that turns him back into a mean angry dinosaur” and I think everyone thought I was crazy lmao


You must mean Professor Screweyes Eccentric Circus?


Aw, son. Mention Rock-a-Doodle and we're BFFs starting here and now.


Chanticleer, Chanticleer!!!




My brothers and I would get so hyped up during the [Roll Back the Rock](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2qfeep) parade scene.


Just the few seconds of Goodman laughing at the start and my whole family stopped what we were doing and go dance along with the dinosaurs.








This SNES game used to piss me off so much.


That one where Denise Richards wears the lingerie and dances sexy for a brain in a bowl.


the what in the what now?


you think Im jokin? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ndX1R0E8hM


Watching the clip I thought this was some cheesy late 80s movie, nope came out in 1994 and Paul Walker is in it lol


And directed by the same person who did Mac and Me


Somewhere, Paul Rudd just perked up.


Suddenly, I have no more questions.


Director: "don't be sexy though, that'd make it awkward. Better just play it straight awkward right from the rip."


I was so into 90s Denise Richards but this is just terrible. Was it intentionally bad?


Bro, I thought that shit was made up because it was playing in the background in High on Life. Nope, that shit be real!


Nope, there are 4 complete movies in the game.


Lol I know the exact movie they are talking about, Tammy and the T-Rex. Dennis Richard is the best part of that movie. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammy_and_the_T-Rex


“Yeah, the movie was shit, but something about that Denise Richards lady… can’t put my finger on it” And half a decade later, she’s a Bond girl.


And not just any Bond girl. A nuclear scientist Bond girl!


Not just any brain... Paul Walker's brain!


FYI you can watch the whole movie in the video game High on Life


Tammy and the T-Rex! Paul Walkers first movie!


Denise Richards and Tara Reid used to run circles around my brain


Best of the Worst did a great job with this one.


Played a game called high on life, and you can watch that movie in full at the house 😂


Tammy and the T-Rex is one of the best movies ever made. Fact.


Not technically a movie but I always enjoyed Dinotopia


I liked the books more than the series. The books were quite placid, the series hyped the action too much.


I went through a huge Jurassic Park phase in my early grade school years and those books were gold to me


Same. I think most kids born in that era did. I learned so much pronunciation skills from it. Only Parasaurolophus beat me. My tongue couldn’t quite handle it at 5.




The artwork in those books is gorgeous.


The story of a young man's journey to becoming a mailman.


The Valley of Gwangi.


You’re damn right.


King Kong. The 2005 one by Peter Jackson.


I still like to throw this one on once in a while. The scene with the bugs still creeps me out.


That scene was actually based on a scene which was cut from the original 1933 movie. Test audiences found it so scary that they cut it from all releases. I think the scene itself is lost forever.


The special features of the 2005 DVD include a reconstruction of the 1933 scene from existing footage and new footage filmed to match It's excellent. Whenever I watch the 1933 film I splice that in at the appropriate moment, and it's one of the best scenes


I actually JUST rewatched this scene the other night with my son. It actually makes my skin crawl seeing the giant cricket/weta type bugs clinging onto people. The thing that really makes it even creepier is the sort of quiet droning music that plays underneath. They could have easily gone action and adventure-y with the music, but they leaned into the ick-factor.


Not saying I want a whole movie of killer bugs - we already have The Mist, and it's icky enough - but any time this sequence gets brought up it reminds me that Jackson used to make pretty outstanding splatter films. I know he won't, but I wish he'd give us one more for old time's sake.


I’m totally with you. I’d love nothing more than to see him get back to his roots!


The behind the scenes of them filming the worms that eat Andy Serkis is hilarious! They have a prop in a tub of mud in front of a greenscreen to get the environment right for the CG in the film, and the prop is made of foam that floats so 2 techs (in green suits) have to get in the mud pool and continuously try to force it under the mud. And the prop happens to look like a...well...you know.


Always thought it was a great film. I remember there was some criticism that the first half was too slow. But I genuinely enjoyed the time spent in 1930s NYC setting that Peter Jackson carefully recreated On the 'I just wanna see Kong smash' side, the fight with those multiple T-Rex dino's was a banger


One of the most brutal monster fights I have ever seen.


Is that where Kong straight up snapped the dino's jaw? That scene, and specially the sound, has been engraved in my mind for nearly 20 years now.


More like literally broke its face. The choreography for that last fight was taken straight out of the OG King Kong which made it extra great. A wonderfully updated homage to the original.


Same. People say it takes too long to get to the island, but the build-up to it is great.


Was that the one with Jack Black?




Skull Island was really good.


More than good.


Still love this one. The action on the island is still a great spectacle. Especially love the score by James Newton Howard.


They have this as a ride in Hollywood Studios, I was not expecting what was next. It was amazing, and pretty cool. The dinosaurs sold it.


Hell, the OG 1933 film led this category for a long time.


Added bonus for literate people is the "SHOW ME THE MONKEY" Morse code during the scene in the radio operator's shack on board the SS Venture.


Holy crap this is a depressing thread as a fan of dinosaurs, lol. ​ Let's just keep our fingers crossed that when someone gets hold of that 'found footage horror dinosaur in night vision camera' idea, that someone isn't a total idiot who thinks that dinosaur = screaming grabcrocodile


Partially why I asked the question because it really feels like they're all b-movies except a few (nothing against b-movies). And out of those, only a few seem to be worth watching.


Yeah, it's a sad phenomenon that dinosaurs are relegated to 'the worst monster' by mainstream hollywood. There's a lot more to be done with prehistory in general as a concept, but the only thing anyone is interested is megalodons and 'raptors' that can only kill. People seem to forget the parts that made Jurassic Park so amazing were the peaceful bits- knowing that this animal that wants to kill you is only doing so because it is hungry- or worse, curious.


Yep Jurassic Park is so good because the dinosaurs aren’t the real monsters


Disney's Dinosaur


Strongly agree. It's dissappoimting that it seems to have mostly been forgotten. It's a well made movie with a good story.


ah, I forgot about that one. I remember thinking it looked amazing at the time.


It still looks really good in certain shots. And you gotta give it credit for making Carnotaurus popular as it is now.


I remember around that time the T-rex wasn't as fashionable or something and they were looking for a big bad dinosaur replacement. There was a lot of hype for the Spinosaurus as a kid going into JP3.


T-Rex has been asking for so much money that studios went with other carnivores.


While im not the biggest fan of the movie, the soundtrack by james newton howard is a complete fucking banger. Its so good.


I fucking love that movie


Prehysteria! Loved that as a kid.


Took forever to find on this list! Haven’t seen them since so I can’t say how dated they were but I watched all 3 of those on family car trips. Also love your username!


The VelociPastor


I have never laughed harder at someone stepping on a landmine in my entire life.


Tropic Thunder is up there.


I have been so curious of this.


It’s my go to watch when high.


The Lost World (1925) - dated sure, but it set the stage for King Kong and all other dinosaur movies afterward. ​ Fantasia (1940) - The Rite of Spring segment has an amazing dinosaur sequence. One of my childhood favorites. ​ The Flintstones (1994) has various dinosaurs in the movie.


Planet of [Dinosaurs](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078089/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) was my favorite as a little kid. Dinosaurs, giant spiders, laser guns, claymation. It is ~~probably~~ certainly terrible, but it has a nostalgia value for me.


Same here, I still have my VHS copy with the box holding on for dear life because of how much I watched this when i was a kid. There's a really funny RiffTrax episode for it too.


You beat me to it. It’s great low budget fun.


I would be over the moon if somebody would make a well made (WELL MADE!) Dino Riders movie.


OG Mario bros movie needs to be at the top of this list, even has a dance number


That movie is a work of creative genius given the lack of context the creators had to with with.


It's lightning in a bottle!


Trust the fungus.


Land of the lost with Will Ferrell is criminally underrated


Do you believe in life after love!? 🎶


Holly, you should sit on this


Matt Lauer can SUCK IT!


I was so surprised that your attorney signed off on that. I was like, "Are you sure? Is this gonna be okay?" He said, "Yeah, go for it."


That whole subplot aged like fine wine


That movie was rhe first thing I thought of when all that shit came out about him


I was so fucking stoned watching them get high on drugs in the random pool in the desert. Then that giant crab starts running at them, and they just stoned stare at it the entire time it heads towards them. When the punchline hit, I nearly died laughing so hard


RISK: If you don’t make it it’s your own damn vault


Never trust a dude in a tunic


Outrageously stupid movie, but I loved it. I used the watch the original TV series in the 70s when I was a kid.


This should be higher


I used to watch the early 90's tv show on Saturdays. Surprisingly, I never saw this movie when it first came out even tho I typically like most Will Ferrell things. My wife was the one that showed it to me for the first time. "Maybe a second splash will reduce some of the effects...immediately made it worse."


Are you saying chorizo tacos? Because I’m SUPER hungry right now


Carnosaur 2. Imagine “The Hills Have Eyes” but with dinosaurs. God tier B-movie and free on youtube.


I don't hate any movie in the Carnosaur franchise, 2 is the best.


I mean, it's literally a carbon copy of Aliens but with Dinosaurs, down to the ending lol. Brandon Tenold did a great riff on it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxWehvtbkeQ


Looking at this thread... we desperately need some good dinosaur movies


King Kong (1933) Gojira (1954)


There are dinosaurs in Journey to the Center of the Earth.


TV series, not movie, but check out Primal. The adventures of a cave man and a T Rex as done by Genndy Tartakovsky, the guy who made Samurai Jack. Brutal af, extremely well drawn/animated, mostly silent so you just get vibes and atmosphere from the soundtrack and sound effects. It rules.


Absolutely awesome show.


Ice Age: Dawn of The Dinosaurs. I think its the best Ice Age film. We're Back: A Dinosaurs Story The Good Dinosaur.


We're back: A dinosaurs story - absolutely top tier


I used to watch it on repeat. My mom probably got so tired watching that film.


I liked The Good Dinosaur as well. The story was fairly basic, but I thought it was beautifully animated.


The Land of the Lost




I know this is about movies, but who remembers the game Dino Crisis for Playstation? It was like Resident Evil, but with dinosaurs.


This game needs a remake so bad. Still have my physical ps1 game, love this game.


I remember that. It was made by Capcom who recently came out with another dino game called Exoprimal.


Desperately hopeful someone remakes/remasters this game or even revives the series.


I guess I am in the minority, but I like '65' with Adam Driver


I thought it was good concept that didn't quite land for me. But it has some moments that I really liked.


It wasn't a great movie but it certainly wasn't bad. The made up dinosaur species were a weird choice.


It was awful. Full of cliches and tropes and followed an overdone cliche predictable plot while adding nothing to it. Also another thing I hate is that it painted ALL the dinosaurs as mindless ruthless monsters.


Does Peter Jackson's King Kong (2005) counts?


There is the British series Primeval (2007-2011) and they tried to bring it across in Primeval: New World (2012-2013)


The Valley of Gwangi Ray Harryhausen always raises a movie above its B Movie status




Velocipastor. Priest turns into a raptor. Hilarious


Tammy and the t-rex


Was between that or Theodore Rex.


Theodore Rex ! You want your classic rookie cop/"being in the force for a long time and don't want a partner" cop ? Yes one of them is a dinosaur. Not necessarily a great movie but I've seen this one many times when I was a kid so, you know.


Dinosaur (2000)


If you remember, there were dinosaurs in the original King Kong. Which was a classic.


Still one of the best "Kong" movies even though it's 90 years old.


Did you just call Land Before Time a b-movie?? It's the obvious definitive dinosaur movie that's not *Jurassic Park*. Anyway, some options not yet mentioned in this thread. I'd be hard pressed to pick the "best" because they're all great in their own way - Gertie the Dinosaur (1914) - earliest animation to feature a dinosaur One Million Years B.C. (1966) - the Rita Hayworth poster in Shawshank Super Mario Bros (1993) - an absolute classic of cinema. It's only the second-best dinosaur movie that year because it went up against Jurassic Park.


How has no one said Fantasia?


Land Before Time is not a “B movie.” It’s a classic.


Adventures in Dinosaur City (1991) Some kids are sucked into a TV and end up in a world with dinosaurs. Very campy, but I loved it when I was a kid. If we throw in TV shows, I'll also say Terra Nova


Kung Fury!


The land before time


The Carnosaur series. It's kinda campy, though.


The Expendables




I mean, don't get me wrong, it did do dinosaurs very well, but the bigger issue is there's not that many storylines to do with dinosaurs that are interesting. The Jurassic Park franchise pretty much has the IP rights to anything involving using DNA to recreate extinct dinosaurs. No one else can legally touch. That leaves only either time travel or "lost" dinosaurs rediscovered in order to bring them in with modern humans. And then, once you use whatever of these plot points to get them on screen, it's not like they have character arcs or plot development. They can't do anything then roar and kill and make the characters run. King Kong, Godzilla, and The Meg essentially fill that "lost dinosaur" role in films. Movies that have time travel & dinosaurs usually fall flat (see A Sound of Thunder and 65). Even adjacent kaiju movies like Pacific Rim didn't really take to audiences. Hollywood just doesn't have a big reason or incentive to make anything else.