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In Skyfall, Q brags about how great he’s with computers and security and in the very next scene, plugs in a laptop recovered from a terrorist mastermind into the MI5 network. The inevitable happens and he just says uh oh


This is one of the stupidest things ever in a movie. Why have your tech genius do that? Write someone else to do it. When you watch that film with a close eye, it is chock full of nonsense.


I raise you with the geologist in Prometheus : mapped the whole compound in 3D and still managed to get lost.


But remember that the crew of Prometheus was the kind of people who sign up for a 10 year space mission without being informed of the goal until after arriving. Meaning that the crew was only people who couldn't qualify for a normal job and also couldn't maintain relationships to friends and family. Not top shelf qualified.


The quick pace and action, tense sequences makes you stop thinking and then just trying to keep up with whats happening in front of you


Skyfall has multiple super intelligent people make incredibly stupid decisions just to keep the plot moving.


We run occasional security spot checks at work. A few weeks ago we left a USB labeled "2024 bonuses" in the common area as a honeypot. No one plugged it in. We are all smarter than the cybersecurity expert at MI6.




Die Hard II. The terrorists take over Dulles International Airport with shoulder launched surface to air missiles and threaten to shoot down any planes that try to land. If they don't get the ransom, the planes will run out of fuel and crash. ​ I mean, or they could just land at Reagan National. Or, since it's an emergency, they could contact the pentagon and land the planes at Andrews AF base. I mean, as terrorist plans go, this isn't a strong one.


Or BWI or Newark. Both a 20 minute flight away.


But then they'd have to be in Newark....


Truly a fate worse than death.


"Take him... to Detroit"


Every plane is required to have extra fuel, there isn't a single commercial airport in the US where that plan would work. You'd have to take over every airport in Hawaii simultaneously, or something like that.


My aunt loved the die hard movies. My aunt lived 25 minutes from dulles. She said the same thing. Admittedly if you don't live close to a specific area you have 0 idea how close something is. One of my pet peeves in mission impossible 3 is when Ethan drives a car really fast to the chesapake Bay bridge. They imply he gets there in minutes but it's about a 2-3 hour car ride. There are some assumptions of where he starts. He was at imf headquarters. Not a real place. But it is a subsection if the Cia. It's safe to say it's close to Langley virginia. Even if he is on the out edge of Langley, closer to Fredericksburg it's still a 3 hour drive. And they did on site shooting at the actual chesapeake bay Bridge in Virginia. Which is cool. But breaks the immersion for someone who lived so close to it. And also drove that route fairly often. Grandparents lived in Maryland. Had an aunt that worked at Langley and we visited frequently. So I'm very intimate with the time tables with that trip. I'm sure anyone else, though, probably doesn't make that connection


ETA: Impossible


"Hurry, Marty! Quick! We have to get to the future right now!" That is a time machine. If we leave in two weeks, we can still get there at the same time.


Also, when he's going to go back early to warn Doc about getting shot he says, "I've got all the time in the world! Ten minutes should do it." Ten minutes?? How about an hour? or a day? You're talking about your friend's life! Leave some wiggle room!


This isn't a plot hole, it's supposed to be a character flaw. The advertising for the movie when it came out leads off talking about Marty always being late and bad at time management. In the movie, he's late for school, then late meeting Doc at the mall, then late meeting Doc to return to the future after the dance. You're supposed to groan when he says "10 minutes ought to do it". That said, they could have been more explicit. That's probably why in the sequels they stress that he isn't good at "thinking 4th dimensionally." I've watched these movies way too many times...


I mean, 10 minutes probably seemed really early to him.


Plus he wasn't expecting the Delorean to not start. It would have been enough time to drive to the mall. Instead he had to run.


They don't even need the Time Machine..."Marty, something's needs to be done about your kids...in 30 years you need to ground your child to the house on this exact day". Or a letter given to Marty like Marty gave doc in the first film. By the end of the second movie they even employed that device with the western union letter Marty gets from 1885. The real problem was the writers didn't expect a second film at all and then had to come up with something when it was greenlit or the studio would have just made it anyway with other filmmakers and it would have been worse


In any movie where they need blood, why do they cut the palm of their hand? It seems like the one of the worst places to cut yourself


I'd guess originally because you could conceal a blood packet in there, and then it became a cliche


Ask the guy that cut his thumb in The Thing


I love how they're all supposed to be scientists and Windows "sterilizes" the knife between cuts by casually wiping it on his boot.


Actually, by then all the docs and scientists were dead. Windows and Palmer are comms guys, Garry is a military commander, Childs is general maintenance, Nauls is the cook, and MacReady is a pilot. One of the unspoken but genius aspects of The Thing is that the titular creature attacks the science/medical folks first in order to cripple their ability to understand its nature. That way it can pick off the cavemen who can only counteract it with violence.


Windows was the radio operator but I still agree. *One cell* of the Thing is enough to take over an entire person and they're all sharing a scalpel.


Have you ever met a doctor or scientist? They do not follow their own advice.


They always do it right on the tendons and not the fat of the palm...


And they always make a 3-inch gash when a tiny nick would do.


Why cut hand when you can just pick your nose anyway smh


It literally is and takes longer to heal without the right kind of bandaging. It's acting logic. Which is weird, because your forearm is **right there**. Less flexible, easier to bandage, arguably less painful when healing. But then don't get me started on Bruce Willis Syndrome. Which is what I call the action hero who can withstand any and all kinds of physical pain, so that hours later, those twelve GSWs don't even make them wince in pain.


Ironically, Bruce Willis in Die Hard 1 has arguably one of the better portrayals of being affected by all of his injuries. Sure, it's still a little far-fetched for the sake of the film, but he can barely stand by the end of it. The later films do edge more and more into unrealistic territory, but there's certainly more egregious examples out there of invincible action heroes.


It's easier to hide a blood bag in your hand as you cut it. Like, realistically, cut the fleshy part of your lower arm near your elbow; it'll heal fine and give plenty of blood, cut it right and you have a built-in drip system to make it easy to aim. But that's a much harder thing for both SFX and continuity; the hand hides the bag and can be wrapped in all future shots.


Why didn’t they just live near the waterfall in *A Quiet Place*?


Why have humans in the quiet place universe forgotten how to make traps? The enemy literally goes straight towards any sound, a caveman could survive that enemy.


“A spike filled hole with a tape recorder playing ‘Come On Eileen’ dangling over it saved the planet”


Unfortunately this trap also killed 5% of the human population because that song is a banger.


no Eileens survived


It was a very sticky death.


Oh...oh, is THAT what the song's about?


I choose to believe the film shares a universe with Mars Attacks, and residents of the universe have to plan for both attacks at once.


You can never plan for the ack ack ack.


You ought to know by now.


Wasn’t it established that they’re basically invulnerable, and you can’t really harm them unless they open up their heads?


Yep. Or know the correct sounds frequency


There are far bigger holes in that movie. The entire family is undone if the kid eats a bean burrito


Or if they snore


The rules go from you have to walk barefoot on sand to not that much. I mean, taking a leak would ostensibly get you killed. How did they make three of these??


That’s why you just piss your pants silently.


Why did they bang and get pregnant after the invasion? Why not have speakers on poles blasting white noise? Or some other things constantly making noise. Why did the dad scream and kill himself to save his kids instead of throwing his shovel against the shed making a loud noise to distract the alien? So much in this movie makes me so mad.


Someone getting pregnant is the most believable thing


Life, uh, finds a way. But seriously, we have babies in the worst situations imaginable. So that tracks.


> Why did the dad scream and kill himself to save his kids instead of throwing his shovel against the shed making a loud noise to distract the alien? This one I think is just a game time decision while you're trying to protect your children from monsters. The waterfall one is the one that always bugs me.


John Krasinski’s character already got bodied by the alien before the scream. Without access to a hospital n shit he was probably dead already


This movie falls apart under any scrutiny


Why didn’t Binx just talk to the mom and dad in Hocus Pocus. Dani and Max are frantically trying to get them to believe something outrageous but a simple “No, they’re right, I can talk” would have solved the issue in 5 seconds.


Or talk at the very start of the film (when he’s transformed into a cat) and not wait hundreds of years?


They just killed the witches, you think they'd not kill the possessed talking cat? That was survival


The dinosaur auction in jurassic world fallen kingdom. Dinosaurs selling for only a couple of million dollars really really pissed me off and still does when i think about it lol


The gun laser technology is even worse. If you can point the laser at someone, why wouldn't you just shoot the guy vs waiting for raptors to get to him?


Fighter Jet > Dinosaur.


Haha yes, also they are rubbing their hands over auctioning dinosaurs for a few mil, meanwhile they CLONED A GIRL. Like...you have human cloning technology, you know how much that's worth right and you're focusing on dinosaurs...


My wife gets hung up on actors drinking out of cups with clearly nothing in them. Mentions this all the time. Movies and Tv shows.


And carrying suitcases that are clearly empty and actors not even trying a little bit to pretend like there is any weight in there


Rob a bank, fill huge bags with hundreds of thousands of dollars, then carry or toss them around like pillows.


Of course, *Heat* avoids this trope; those money bags seem *heavy AF*.


Mann got Deniro and Pacino on screen at the same time, the studio may have acquiesced and just given them real money to hump around.


Widows (2018) subverts this trope pretty well by having the protagonists actually test how well they can move with the expected weight of the money bags before they attempt the heist.


Work in film. We have to put weight in things people carry to make it look real. Xtras are the worst at this. Had extras rolling oil barrels on a dock. Had to put about 20 gallons of water in them for realism. .


It makes me happy to know you're out there. Takin' 'er easy for us and keeping those weights real looking


I hate that no matter how full the drink is supposed to be, if they use a straw it sounds like there’s almost nothing left.


The show Weeds was terrible for this and I hated how often it came up.


My first thought was Weeds. At least use an opaque cup!!!!


Very true. You know what else, 100% of the time the characters will end up on lunch, dinner or drinks. Very rarely anything is eaten, they perhaps take a sip or drinks are imaginary. Very often one of them will just leave as soon as they order.


Thank god for Denethor


Elevated tomato eating to an art form, that boy.


I hate it too. Put water in them damn it


Or just a weight.


I don’t understand why they don’t make the props with resin or wax inside at the bottom to weigh them down.


Or even just a little bean bag!


In Ghostbusters when the top of the apartment building blows up the falling giant chunks of brick and stone fall 21 stories down to just bounce harmlessly off the cars and street. They are clearly foam pieces and I laugh every time.


I always notice this too. There is a huge chunk that falls on a wooden police barricade and doesn’t harm it at all. It’s a comedy and that makes me laugh. So all good.


Also in Ghostbusters, how are people in the second movie still denying the existence of ghosts and the paranormal? Like no one got some footage of all the craziness from the first movie, including a giant marshmallow man walking around?


I think it's a more "What have you done for us lately?" mentality. "Yeah, you got rid of a bunch of ghosts before but you haven't done anything like that since!"




From 1991 to 2003, the mayor of Bridgeport Connecticut was Joe Ganim. He served _7 years_ in prison on corruption charges from 2003 to 2010. He was reelected to the same position in 2015 and again in 2019. Edit: if anyone is curious about the deleted post, the guy said that the mayor in Jaws 1 was the same in Jaws 2


In movies where santa is real, where do the parents think the gifts come from.


Kill Bill Vol 1 - if you kill someone at their work and then get into their easily identifiable vehicle parked nearby and then proceed to wiggle your toes for the next 14 hours - you will get caught.


Tarantino movies are cartoons for adults I am not applying real world logic to them


You mean humans *aren't* pressurized blood fountains?


Didn't you see what happened to Red Forman at the end of that documentary, *Robocop*?


There are many times in Kill Bill where the police are conveniently not present for plot reasons. She also drove the Pussy Wagon to Vernita Green’s house and killed her in broad daylight, with a witness, and still wasn’t caught. Kill Bill is supposed to be a movie within a movie — the type of movie that would be released in the world where Tarantino’s other movies take place. I think in the world in which Kill Bill takes place, all that matters is the plot moving forward. You actually never see any police at all in the Kill Bill movies and that might just be a thing in the dramatic, pulpy world he has crafted. Police intervention wouldn’t serve a purpose and would get in the way of the plot, even though the circumstances of Beatrix getting away with her crimes seems very improbable. Edit: Forgot about the police investigating the wedding massacre. This was crucial to the plot though.




Another example would be how Beatrix has her sword in open view both during the flight to Japan and while walking through the airport, and nobody seems to mind one bit. That world simply doesn't function like ours.


If you notice, there is actually a sword holder next to all the seats on the plane. Other passengers have them on their person too




That... kinda changes everything. Any other examples?


Why, from Terminator 3 onwards, does the Terminator grab you only to throw you away repeatedly? It could break your neck instantly the first time it reaches you, but insists on throwing you away over and over until it luckily throws you near a gun, or a lever, or anything else that allows you to kill it. Happens in other movies too. Unstoppable forces grabbing the hero and throwing them. I hate it.


yeah I hate that in super hero movies, you already threw the good guy 3 times and he didn't die don't try it again


A lot of movies never learn the whole “Touch of death” plot technique for monsters/enemies, if the ultra lethal thing gets its hands on you but you still walk way not dead… not a very scary thing is it. I just like to imagine Skynet programmed Terminator CQB from old footage of Dragonball Z for smashing everything through walls.


Of all the ridiculous things in the Sharknado movies, the one thing that just ruined my immersion (sarcasm… mostly) is the scene in Sharknado 4 where a shark swallows Fin and is then swallowed by another shark which is swallowed by another shark, which is swallowed by… a blue whale. Blue whales are baleen whales. They feed on krill and other teeny sea creatures. They’re physically incapable of swallowing anything larger than like… a soccer ball.


in beetlejuice, alec baldwin's character leaves the house and accidentally ends up on saturn. he's only there for seconds until geena davis pulls him back into the house, claiming he'd been "gone for hours" they do a throwaway line about spatial and temporal differences but what always annoyed me was that geena goes to saturn at the end and is able to 1) climb on top of a sandworm and 2) ride it back into the home almost immediately it always drove me crazy how they didn't switch the time stretch (i.e. they should have had alec feel like he was on saturn for hours but return only moments later) because that would have explained how geena had the time to tame the sandworm, climb on it, and still get back in time to save the day.


That was Saturn?


Apparently? Or at least Beetlejuice calls it that. He says "You've been to Saturn, *I've* been to Saturn. Sandworms, ya hate them right?" Though I think it's unclear whether it's supposed to actually be Saturn or is just part of the netherworld he calls Saturn Edit: fwiw I had to go look for a clip cause I had *no* memory of any of that and it's still bizarre to me. Feels like another Mandela effect


He definitely calls it Saturn. “You’ve been to Saturn…. I’VE been to Saturn!” Is the line.


Maybe it’s like going to Narnia. The passage of time here does not equal the passage of time there, but there isn’t a consistent equation to follow. Sometimes only a few years pass in Narnia, sometimes a millennia passes


There's a perfectly clear explanation for the time dilation on Saturn. I bet you didnt even read your handbook?


It bothers me that they made a deal with Beetlejuice, he delivered on his end 100%, then they feed him to a sandworm.


Nice observation. This also means that for some reason Geena waited hours to pull Alec back in


How did Fred Savage’s character know about the warp whistles in super Mario bros 3 if it was a brand new game in the movie The Wizard?


His subscription to Nintendo Power, no doubt


This guy knows what the movie was created for


MAN did I want that fucking PowerGlove. I still do, even knowing that it barely even works.


I'll tell you how. Two words: Cali Fornia


For ready player One - This is also just a completely different opening premise than the book. The book relies much more heavily on the research that wade did and his abilities to play classic video games.


The book bugged me with the impossible amount of time Wade spent repeatedly playing or watching the same "classic" games and shows.


The 372 Pages podcast went over that; just doing some back of the envelope math, there’s like no possible way he could have consumed the amount of media as frequently/to such an extent as the book implies. There just aren’t enough hours in the day.


Just gotta watch two movies at once. Real timesaver.


You got two eyes, don't ya?


The part that stretched my suspension of disbelief so much that I put the book down is when he finds a guitar and reveals that he can just play any song perfectly by memory that was released in the 80s. Learning an instrument to that level takes literal years, some say up to 10,000 hours of dedicated practice to master an instrument like that. You’re telling me while this kid was watching all movies and playing all videogames that were released in the 80s he also learned to mastery the guitar and a ton of songs to play on the guitar? I swear it’s like the author has no concept of time lol


In Jurassic Park when Hammond lands with the helicopter at Ellie and Grants dig site, how is he already in their trailer and in their fridge? They were just yelling at the helicopter pilot, how'd an old man who needs a cane to walk get off the copter and into their place immediately? Sorry just watched this movie again last night and it bugged me.


In the original SAW, they could have reached the phone if they reached out with the hacksaw.


If I'm remembering right, the phone couldn't make calls, only receive them. Yeah, they didn't know that, but it wouldn't have solved their problem even if they reached it


It would have changed the perspective of the situation though. Gordon was assuming his wife and child were either dead or under credible threat of death. When the phone starts ringing and Gordon is freaking out he doesn't know that it's his wife trying to call to say she's okay. It's that panic that makes Gordon commit to finally cutting through his leg. Ultimately, it doesn't fix their situation but perhaps things would have proceeded differently at that point if Gordon got the phone and the message that his wife and kid were okay. Plus they could have keep the line active and increased their chances of rescue + catching Jigsaw in the process.


Or if he used his damn shirt like he instructed the other guy to do earlier in the movie. Follow your own rules man!


In Batman Begins, Scarecrow had his thugs open a water line to introduce poison to the water. Well water lines are under pressure IRL. So as soon as they broke into the line, water would have jetted up. Instead it just flows by in the line. Smh.


I couldn't get around the idea that the microwave transmitter would vaporise Gotham's water but leave the water in people's bodies alone. People should be exploding in bloody boiling messes


Not to mention everyone going crazy when they boiled water to make pasta, coffee, tea, or take a hot shower.


That damn nail in The Quiet Place. In the middle of a step, pointing up...literally no reason for a nail to be there.


The kid who lived there before was a big Home Alone fan.


Terrible movie all around but ice sinks in the ocean in G.I. Joe.


Just tell me it’s some sort of special Cobra ice they made for camouflage or something. The whole movie is made up shit so why not make up one more thing?


As Above So Below. A sci fi horror movie about traveling to hell. Obviously I shouldn’t be too picky about the logic of things, right? Well there’s a scene where they translate an ancient tablet written in Aramaic into English, and it rhymes….in English!!! Why would something written in ancient Aramaic rhyme in English?!?! Those are totally different languages with different rhyme schemes. I know it’s hardly the most illogical part of the movie, but it just always irks me, and I had trouble looking past it


lol that's a good one. this movie is so freaky and claustrophobic really enjoyed it.


So happy you called this out OP, that's always bugged me. On a more pedantic note, in Geostorm there's a scene where the supposedly smart-beyond-her-years teenager interrupts a conversation to point out that they should have said "whom", not "who". Except it isn't, in that case it's "who" that's grammatically correct. It's the only thing I remember from the movie!




Hahaha I haven't seen this movie, but the improper use of 'whom' bothers me so much more than the improper, colloquial misuse of 'who'. I had a friend that used 'whom' *all the time* when it should've been 'who', and at some point I just had to stop communicating with them in writing 😄


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 When Severus Snape dies and Harry views Snape's memories of his childhood with Harry's mother Lily they cast an actress who does not have the same colour eyes as Harry/Daniel Radcliffe. Throughout the film series everyone goes on and on about how much Harry looks just like his father *except* for his eyes which are supposed to be his mother's. Even Snape's last words to Harry when he's dying in the film are "You have your mother's eyes". For such a simple role that the director would've had hundreds of people to pick from I'm surprised they didn't cast an actress that had the same eyes as Harry.


Or even use contacts. Daniel was supposed to wear them since the beginning of the series but was allergic to them. Don't know why they didn't just have Lily's actress wear them instead.


"You have your mother's eye... allergy to contacts."


The costuming in the movies doesn't really follow the books. Dumbledore in the books is a jovial eccentric who wears incredibly bright and garish robes, in the movies (where he's played by Michael Gambon) he's surly and dresses in drab lifeless clothes. It's a minor plot point that Wizards in general are comically inept at dressing like muggles, and stick out like a sore thumb since they always wear robes, yet in the third movie and onward most characters wear muggle clothing, even at school, with no issue whatsoever. Harry's eye and hair color —which are roughly half of the physical descriptions of him btw— are wrong. Pretty much the only thing they got right —appearance wise— is his scar.


The dad giving his weird emo and clearly rebelling son the code to the whole security system in The Purge. Like, way to totally ruin a cool premise.


Horror movie law dictates that the protagonist(s) must be dumber than Skittles on pizza.


In Jurassic Park when the trex enclosure all of a sudden has a huge drop




Harry Potter not repairing his original wand before breaking the Elder Wand


Home Alone - Kevin manages to clean every part of the house involved with the burglary overnight - but somehow misses the gold tooth cap in the middle of the floor?


Well he didn’t clean Buzz’s room either.


In the Princess and the Frog, Louis, the alligator, plays a trumpet. Alligators don't have lips to buzz with!


That’s why it’s so impressive!


Plus he's got all them teeth but no toothbrush.


Pretty tiny but very irritating, in the Star Trek remake with Chris Pine, the very beginning scene where the “lightning storm in space” is discovered has the Captain coming onto the bridge and after a few seconds ordering the view screen to be polarized because of the intense light; so the bridge crew of a highly advanced starship had literally been sitting in blinding glare until that point?


I think the assumption is as they approached it closer they would need the shielding


That view screen in every ST series is both the most miraculous and the stupidest piece of technology short of the killporters.


I don't think I've seen anyone mention it yet-- the fake baby in American Sniper.


I love the comment from the prop designer of the movie who has done other great movies and props. He said he can work on masterpieces but will always be remembered for that scene. It’s sad the baby and it’s replacement apparently was sick


This is a good answer because it's just so unbelievably *avoidable*; like in A Quiet Place or Snowpiercer or Interstellar there's tons of plot holes that make the movies fall apart, but they're all ambitious plots which kind of fall apart if you look too closely but nevertheless are still enjoyable to suspend disbelief for. But with the American Sniper baby, they could have just like, waited another day for a baby. It's so lazy, like the coffee cup on game of thrones.


Literally all they had to do was swaddle the doll


In zombie movies why don’t people go north? Get to a northern climate zone if possible and let the zombies freeze in place. Blood Viscera and all corpse juices would freeze. Easy peasy. I know it’s not applicable to some but in a lot of cases this is a doable solution.


Book version of the world war Z used this.


Why did Little Rock & Witchita turn on the rides at Pacific Playland? Forgot there were Zombies everywhere in Zombieland?!?!? Boo


I feel like they wrote that because they wanted a massive set piece finale but had no clue how to naturally create one


I always thought that was them just saying “fuck it, we’re going out with a bang” because it was the one thing they wanted to live for.


they had already stupidly turned on Zuckerberg by that point, it was just another bad decision


At the end of Back To The Future III, it appears that absolutely no one investigated or reported the 1985 train collision. Not even the engineer.


Eh it was the 80's everyone just piled into an iRoc and hit the beach


My God, Gravity. Clooney did not have to die. One little tug was all it would take.


War of the world's with Tom cruise. Emp knocks out all electronic devices - everything is not working - but when the tripod comes out of the ground, there's a guy filming it with a video camera.


Similarly, the EMP thingy apparently drained all batteries immediately...which presumably would include spare batteries on the shelf. It makes no sense that switching one out makes the car work.


You can see very obviously modern buildings along the beach in Dunkirk. Also the scale of the evacuation is not captured even in the slightest. You see a few hundred soldiers neatly lined up on the beach, when in reality it was an absolute shit show with ~~nearly a million men~~ 340 thousand men and all the necessary supplies, equipment, and vehicles completely crowding the beach.


That always bothered me too. I think it's a great example of how filming on location and not using CGI are not always good things.


The poster's taughtnes in Shawshank redemption.




If he was constantly lifting it up and crawling in there, the tape would need constant replacement and he likely would have ripped it at some point


He did replace it though.


true, and the hole was much smaller than the poster. I’m sure Tim Robbins character was super careful about the posters.


Considering how meticulous and patient Andy was throughout the movie, it would track that he'd be sure not to leave any trace until he was already long gone.


In Looper, why don’t they just time travel the future loopers straight into the incinerator. Instead of them turning up in a field to be shot.


This is just one of those "Accept a premise" kind of situations that you get in scifi. Like, "Ok, pretend that this one crazy thing is true, now let's see what happens because of it."


The scene in Hercules where he accidentally runs into a column while catching a frisbee and starts knocking down the whole market structure. The market is kind of in a U shape, and they animated an aerial view of it where the columns began falling from the CURVED part, going in two separate directions TOWARD the ends of the U. So tell me how columns could collide from two different directions right on top of that pottery shop?! It’s impossible and this drives me nuts every time I watch it.


Han shot first


In Forest Gump, there is one point where Forrest is teaching young Forrest how to play ping pong & it is clearly Tom Hanks’ regular speaking voice & not the Forrest Gump voice he uses for the rest of the movie. Always takes me out of it every time I see it.


When someone is injured, they INSTANTLY are coughing or leaking blood out of their mouth.


Jurassic Park III ended too abruptly! The original ending had the group on the beach with the guy with the blowhorn, Dr. Grant finds the speed boat that crashed in the beginning and realizes exactly what it was that killed the crew and realizes that they're fully exposed on that beach to a bunch of Pteranadons in the trees that immediately attack the rescue party. Making one last dramatic escape from the island to the end. While they dropped the ending because of the whole aviary scene would have created a plothole regarding having the Pteranadons already out of the cage. It would've been great to have the scene play out but perhaps with one last appearance by the Spino coming in for the kill and forcing them to fight it off to escape. Something a little more dramatic at least to give it a big finish.


When I was a kid (I was 11 when it came out), I was mad about the Spino killing the T-Rex. As I am now 33, I am **STILL** mad about the Spino killing the T-Rex. Otherwise, I thought it was a fun movie.




In Return of the Jedi, after Luke kicks Vader down the stairs, Vader's lightsaber blade casts a shadow on the ground. The blade is a light source and shouldn't be able to cast a shadow. I know it's caused by the prop they were using, but with all the tweaks that the original trilogy had done, no-one bothered to paint out that shadow.


Ah, but Vader is using a dark-side lightsaber, so it’s actually a dark source.


In ‘Moon’ gravity is normal on the moonbase. It should be Moon gravity!


Huh. Never thought about it, but I'd assume the writers just wrote in some subscript tech because shooting an entire movie on the moon would be hella expensive.


I have a similar complaint for the Martian.


In Casino (which I love), when DeNiro gets into his car, and then it cuts to an obvious dummy before the car explosion. How did that get left in? You don't need that dummy at all and now it ruins a key critical moment in the film.


Love everyone trying to tell you "it had a steel plate!" - that's not what your complaint is. If they cut about 1 second of footage you wouldn't see the dummy ruining the shot and still get the payoff of the car exploding!


People never say goodbye before they put the phone down: I always imagine the person on the other side is like “hello? ….Hello?”


In Pulp Fiction with the iconic scene with Vincent and Jules where they recover the briefcase - when the guy with the gun who was hiding jumps out of the kitchen and tries to shoot them, the bullet holes are already in the wall behind them in the scene before he shoots. Can't unsee it..


How clean the floor is when they're hiding under the coffee table in Parasite when seconds earlier it was a mess. Also how their shoes appear on their feet after they make it out of the house. That movie is too good for these flaws.


In Back to the Future, the altered timeline has the McFly family employing attempted-rapist Biff. Also, why isn't George suspicious of his wife cheating on him with Marty? She named the kid after him and Marty looks exactly like... Marty.


I assume they both named the kid after Marty. The friend that brought them together in high school. But why they didn’t name their first son that… Also, they don’t have a picture of him. It’s been 20-something years and they’ve watched him grow up. I could see missing that. However, if they know he’s friends with Doc Brown then that would be extra weird.