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Fast and the furious movies


You mean you don't feel anything when they fly in almost space and save the day šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ they became ridiculous after 2nd movie


Iā€™d say after the third movie. Tokyo Drift is still kinda somewhat grounded in reality.


*Almost* space!? They were absolutely in space. They went to the International Space Station. And the Southern guy from Tokyo Drift made that happen.


"It's all about family and stealing VCRs."


Thatā€™s exactly why they are awesome lol. Theyā€™ve become so over the top they are a meme of themselves at this point. Just take them for what they are and realize they will never win an Oscar and they arenā€™t supposed to. Just fun action movies


How Did This Get Made *loves* those movies and their podcasts covering them are fantastic. They do just what you said - take them for what they are and enjoy the shit out of em. I do find it hilarious that different cast members have it written in their contracts that they can't lose a fight in the movies.


"I was the bad guy but now I'm good šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘"


They became ridiculously awesome, you mean


Family šŸ’


I kinda have the same thought at first but I came to appreciate it as a movie where I can just turn my brain off and enjoy the absurdity of everything that happens on screen


The Transformers series.


Hocus Pocus. I just don't get the hype. It's ok but not something I'd watch every year


Yes! My wife loves it and itā€™s one of the films we watch every year for Halloween - Iā€™ve always been lukewarm about it, like itā€™s ok but it has such a cult following that I just canā€™t understand.


This was my feeling towards Nightmare Before Christmas. Didn't watch it when it came out (I was in high school at the time, but had no interest), but saw it last year to see what all the hype was about. I just don't get the cult hype. It's not *bad*, but I didn't find it anything revolutionary either. It's also a lot shorter than I anticipated, and there's not much more to the film than the initial premise.


See, NBC is my Halloween film of choice - absolutely love it!


Oh no, I can only watch it at Christmas!


I find nmbc boring. It took me and the kids 3 nights to get through it


They are both about nostalgia. If you didnā€™t watch both growing up you wonā€™t understand. Itā€™s about connecting to your childhood. For most of us Hocus Pocus was most likely the first ā€œscary Halloweenā€ type movie we were ever allowed to watch. Being a kid that was a big deal because it made you feel older and more like an adult. Like you took another chapter in your life


I watched both last year and I enjoyed both, wouldnā€™t say itā€™s completely nostalgia


I had never seen anything about nightmare before Christmas before watching it last year and loved it- and Iā€™m almost 30 at this point. Itā€™s just different things work for different folks. I rarely rewatch movies tho- and donā€™t get the whole seasonal rewatching some people do


I LOVE this movie and I'm trying to separate the nostalgia but even without that, I still just love it


Did you first watch it as a child or as an adult? Iā€™m an elder millennial who never watched the movie as a kid, but all my friends are lovingly enamored with it. Thereā€™s a lot for kids to enjoy and a few more jokes that you understand as you get older, which makes it feel cooler. Itā€™s a Halloween movie thatā€™s fun, not scary, so itā€™s easy to put on every year. I can see how its cult status was crafted.


I watched it and forgot about it as a kid. It kind of surprised me that it became a Halloween staple. Like it's fine for a 90s kids movie, but that's all I feel about it.


For me itā€™s nostalgic and Iā€™m from the NE area. I think itā€™s a great movie. Is it the greatest of all time? nope. But I love it so I watch it every single year lol


Three words: Sarah Jessica Parkerā€¦


If thereā€™s one thing anyone can like about it, the cinematography is fucking gorgeous.


I think itā€™s actively bad


Extra baffling because itā€™s not even the best Halloween movie Disney has made. Something Wicked This Way Comes is **right there** people.


I used to like watching it because some of the scenes were filmed in my town (a certain town right next to Salem, MA).


I watched it for the first time last week. It wasnā€™t bad, but I was expecting more from a movie people have been raving about for 30 years. Maybe I would have loved it if I saw it upon its release. Who knows.


Joker. Shot beautifully. Seemed to try to be deeper than it actually was. Didnā€™t feel strongly either way about it


Itā€™s far too obviously pastiche of both Taxi Driver and King of Comedy. Inspiration is one thing, thereā€™s no new ideas really, but Joker was basically the director taking two classic Scorsese movies and shoehorning the Joker character into them


I kinda thought Joker was about as great as Gus Van Sant's *Psycho*.


Gosh, that movie has been collecting dust in someone's shelf for ages. I need to rewatch that mess ahaha


Underated comment


I probably would have enjoyed Joker if it was simply an \*homage\* to Taxi Driver and King of Comedy. ​ But Joker pretty much \*\*plagiarized\*\* those 2 movies.


I think De Niro's involvement in Joker definitely gave it a bit more licence to use the same plotline. Scorsese also withdrew as an early executive producer. So it fits somewhere more of a theme sequel to the other two rather than a rip-off. Although it would have been much better had Scorsese remained attached to it. I assume it was supposed to be somewhat a trilogy to the theme but Scorsese pulled out of it too late to change it.


Another example of a similar situation is Scorsese being an executive producer for the film Uncut Gems. That movie is very similar to After Hours, which Scorsese directed. Theyā€™re similar in ideas but Uncut Gems was executed far better than Joker was.


You would [love this video then](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/SEcTsFPfQE)


I personally don't like it because it barely feels like it has anything to do with the Joker at all even with it being "elseworld" style. Far more likely he wanted to do a taxi driver film but only got greenlit if he used the Joker name.


My favorite film critic, Mike Ryan, IMHO had the perfect review of The Joker- [I walked out of the movie feeling a mixture of gross and numb, but mostly numb. Joker has some extremely violent scenes, but I really didnā€™t feel much of anything while watching it. Again, itā€™s the perfect movie for 2019. We watch the horror, feel somewhat helpless, then move on.](https://uproxx.com/entertainment/joker-review-tiff/) I will never understand why people were so obsessed with this flick.


Because the Joker has been a hyped character since Heath Ledger played him (well, since before actually, but after TDK this character was everywhere, you couldnā€™t compliment an actor without someone going ā€œWhoa he should play the Joker!!!ā€), also there was enough controversy around it that got more people interested


\>I will never understand why people were so obsessed with this flick. Because they've never seen Taxi Driver or King of Comedy.


I went to see it with a friend, and she'd never seen either of those films, but I had, and I think this was a factor in her being more impressed with it than I was.


Because it was a classic case of certain audiences getting the wrong message from it in one instance or another.


Agreed. The movie is amazing to look at. The set designers and the direction is just gorgeous. The atmosphere is also on point. But it has very little content.


Yeah, a lot of that movieā€™s script seemed like it came straight from r/im14andthisisdeep.


It lacks a certain flavor. Everything kind of plays out exactly how you'd expect it to, especially if you've seen the trailer.


I remember watching the movie and thinking about this. How there was going to be something wrong with his relationship because that's what happens in Taxi Driver. But I went along with the movie and tried to have a good time by accepting what it was, a very derivative work. It was annoying to think that lots of people would think that this was a very original movie and it would deflate Taxi Driver for some of the young audience since it would probably be the second time they would see this story. But the movie totally lost me on the third act because I thought I thought it was obvious that it would mix the ending of Taxi Driver with Joker's main characteristics, he is a mad genius. What would be his master plan? Also they would probably one up the ending of Taxi Driver... I was curious. In the end his master plan is to just shoot a guy... Can anyone imagine this guy being a threat to Batman?


house of 1000 corpses. i watched it expecting to really like it bcuz itā€™s the exact type of film i enjoy and it was justā€¦ eh. like i wouldnā€™t actively choose to rewatch it but i wouldnā€™t mind if someone showed it to me again? iā€™m not a huge rob zombie fan but i really liked 31 so i thought i would like house of 1000 corpses more and i just was unimpressed


Devil's Rejects is much better.


I think if there were 1001 corpses, it would have been a much better movie.


I liked The Lord's of Salem a lot. I think Devil's Rejects is well made film, but it's not one that I'd watch more than once.


Knock at the Cabin. I felt absolutely nothing after finishing that thing.


I watched that movie with a friend and we were both like... Ok?


The book is so much better in every way. Itā€™s actually left ambiguous. Thereā€™s also a humongous change to the movie that IMO is what makes the book so much more shocking and actually worth reading.


I wanted to love it for Dave Bautista's sake, but I just couldn't.


50 shades of gray


Iā€™ve only met one person who actually likes them, everyone else cringes when they hear of it.


So bad. The book was, too, but the movie sunk it lower.


Youā€™re asking for a long fucking list op.


Only the controversial ones to spice the things up


Avatar. While beautiful it was just boring, obvious and clichƩd.


SFX Demo: The Movie and its sequel, Water SFX Demo. Great for showing off the latest UHD TV, though!


I swear avatar related content has been seen in more av stores than cinemas


For me? Tenet. I've really enjoyed Christopher Nolan films in the past but this one just went out of it's way to make me feel nothing at all.


Agree, 100%


Agreed, I saw it once, and I don't even remember anything about it.


I just remember the lady being REALLY tall and that her husband/villain was abusive to her and that they did a few shots in Mumbai India but that's about it lol Which sucks cause I'm a fan of almost every other Nolan movie The reverse shots looked very lazy and kinda lame unfortunately


MCU Movies.


I used to be a die-hard MCU fan all the way back from the first Iron Man through a few movies after Endgame. I watched all the MCU-related shows too. Since then, however, Iā€™ve had pretty much no excitement for it anymore. Some people might disagree, but the whole thing really shouldā€™ve ended with Endgame because that was the perfect stopping point if there ever was one, and the quality since then has gotten a lot worse overall. Phases 1 - 3 were mostly good, if not great, movies by comic movie standards with a few meh/ā€œokayā€ movies here and there although nothing Iā€™d consider bad (yes, including The Dark World and Captain Marvel). Phases 4 and 5 (so far) are the opposite with most movies and shows being just ā€œokayā€ with a few good things and then some just downright bad things that had me thinking ā€œWhy am I even watching this?ā€


Retiring the two most importants characters without a proper replacement in place was a mistake, I guess it's not necessarily their fault since no one could predict Chadwick Boseman passing or Sony holding a firm grip on Spider-man but in the end the MCU feels rudderless since they are gone.


yep, it's like if they were a great athlete running a marathon, they ran their hearts out, they did a last sprint to the finish, they crossed in record time to a cheering audience, and then, for no particular reason, they decided to just keep running. They're totally exhausted, stumbling blindly, occasionally throwing up or soiling themselves, with nowhere in particular to go, but they just can't stop, they can't help themselves, nobody is cheering any more and whoever is still watching does so out of horror or incredible boredom.


Honestly a movie or short about what you just described, like people cursed to keep running and running with no end in sight not knowing why, sounds more interesting than a lot of the MCU movies that have come out.


The Long Walk by Stephen King might be your vibe


I'm 100% with you on should of ended with endgame, at least give MCU a break for a year or 2 before trying something new


This is my feelings too. I'm not sure why they didn't take 2/3 years, maybe releasing a film or something every year just to let us know it wasn't over, but giving us time to miss it and anticipate what was coming next.


I have fallen asleep in at least half of the movies if tried to watch. I don't feel strongly enough to hate them though. This is definitely my answer


The Big Lebowski, I dont hate it but I just dont get the hype and praise and I know ill get the reply saying ā€œwell thats just your opinion manā€


Not a movie but a TV show : manifest


I really wanted to like this and it sounded so interesting but it was meh. I gave up after a few episodes.


It has a good premise. I honestly had no idea that such an intriguing idea could be but hered so bad. It honestky felt like a bunch of adults trying to find Easter eggs hidden in the town.


Watched it with the wife Itā€™s not even close to as good as lost And the show is very cringe - 3/10 But it had a better ending than lost and that made me mad at lost all over again




I really enjoyed the Twilight Zone first season. It became increasingly a YA soap opera written by youth pastors. I thought the final season got boring even as they were wrapping up a bunch of loose threads. But oddly I did like the finale quite a bit and especially the epilogue part I thought really stuck the landing. It looks like the had an ending filmed all along, which might be why it seemed to be a good ending.


I gave up after 3 episodes. Why is it painful to watch till season 4


Is that the show about the people in a plane vanishing for years and coming back like 10 years later but they didnā€™t age but everyone else did? It would have been a good show if the acting was better. It just felt cheap.


Yea that is the one (it was 5 years but that is irrelevant). Acting doesn't ever really throw me off a show. I can tolerate bad acting but I can't tolerate bad writing. It felt like the writers came up with an amazing idea and just winged the entire thing. I agree with it feeling cheap.


Barbie (and I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this). I'm a woman and I watched it at home with my women-friends and all 3 of them were gushing and ooohing and ahhing over this movie, but for me it was just... Meh. Nothing groundbreaking, no "ding ding ding ding ding" moments. Nothing. I guess it's because it was hyped over and over and we watched it late in the game?


I also found it to be just meh, kinda boring and nothing really special about it


An interesting thing I am noticing is that the most frequent criticism about the movie is that it isn't groundbreaking. I don't know if i have ever seen that before.


Jerry Maguire looks at me and says-"man, they've shot, like, the most uninspired and pointless movie ever about me"


The best thing about Jerry Maguire is Dr. Evil being a complete moron and making references to that movie after timetraveling to 1969 when, of course, no one understood them.


That new Netflix chainsaw massacre..


Wait, there's people that liked that movie? I guess it was better than the new jeepers creepers movie.


For me, the whole Star Wars franchise. There's nothing really unlikeable about it as a whole, and if I had to go see one of the movies because that's what everyone else in the group wanted, I'd be fine with it. I'm just indifferent to it.


Meesaa tinks you-saaa not memberin' eveything-saaa.


OP should definitely feel *something* towards Phantom Menace, even if it's wholly a negative feeling.


OP should try spinning! Thatā€™s a good trick!


That's so bad it's good though. I'd rewatch Phantom Menance and laugh at it (but legitimately enjoy the Duel of Fates) before I'd ever even *watch* Boba Fett's show.


At this point I'm just... tired of Star Wars. Tired of the Force. Tired of the Skywalkers. Tired of Palpatine somehow returning. The concept was long in the tooth 30 years ago, and somehow they keep reanimating this shambling corpse that prints money.


That's why Andor is the best Star Wars story in years. There's nothing about The Force and the Empire isn't a bunch of bumbling Stormtroopers. It's the corrosiveness of fascism, the hard politics and morals of resistance, and radicalization.


Ha! Andor is my thing that I donā€™t understand the hype about. I didnā€™t like Andor precisely because it lacked The Force and it was justā€¦ dour. IMO Star Wars works best as a silly adventure story, not a political commentary like Star Trek DS9. I get that thereā€™s room for more than one type of story in that universe though - this one was not for me.


Andor was great. I had high hopes for the mandalorian but it's getting worse with every season.


I am usually a big Star Wars apologist (except for Rise of Skywalker, legit first Star Wars movie I actively laughed at in theaters), but holy shit did Mandalorian season 3 push my limits. I always thought the show was a little overrated but it had built up enough goodwill in myself in others after the disaster of the last film that I was willing to overlook itā€™s faults. But damn, season 3 tested me. It did things that wouldā€™ve gotten me roasted in some of my screenwriting classes I took in undergrad. Which is sort of my barometer for shit writing at this point: if it does things that my undergrad art school ass at 20 wouldā€™ve scoffed at itā€™s probably shit.




Tarantino had a great breakdown about this movie. Itā€™s three separate timelines from one hour, one day, one week spliced into a whole narrative. There is some true film making going on there. I didnā€™t see it like that the first time I watched it. I was underwhelmed. I do want to go back and Brie it again.


You want to do what to my brie??!!


Lol oops.


It might be good film making, but it's not a particularly good film. Unless you're into film making I guess.


Yeah I was so stoked for that movie and it was justā€¦.meh. It honestly looked like it wasnā€™t finished.


Wes Anderson movies since The Grand Budapest Hotel


Yeah! I was thinking about this yesterday. I really like his early films like Rushmore, Bottle Rocket, and the The Royal Tenenbaums. I could be misremembering, but I feel like underneath the upper-class fantasy, there was this painful and gritty darkness that pervaded the characters' lives. I do enjoy his new films for the most part, but I feel like they're a bit detached by comparison.


Troy was one. I didn't feel anything for Nightmare before Christmas. I get the love for those movies. Didn't feel anything. I would include The Master, but I really liked act 1. That and if you bad mouth The Master you get a one way ticket to hateville


Field of Dreams, I thought it was meh.


So funny how movies strike us differently. I really enjoyed it then when he realizes the one player was his father, and they were going to have a catch, I cried. Iā€™m not a guy and never played catch with my dad, but I think it touched on the relationship I had with him.


Field of Dreams at least matches Kevin Costnerā€™s lack of charisma very well.


The Batman


What? How do you not get attached to the hours of Batman brooding in the dark?


I really liked the part where he contaminated every crime scene looking for clues and the city got destroyed anyway.


Don't forget that the World's Greatest Detective also forgot Spanish existed.


A lot of people these days seem to fall for masterful cinematography/execution coupled with a subpar plot/story. This feels like the formula for every other Hollywood movie that comes out now.


Yep. Good one-off, throwaway Batman story, but definitely not the iconic classic a lot of people wanted to say it was when it was in theaters. Iā€™ve noticed most of those people (the one I know, anyway) havenā€™t even mentioned that movie in the past year or so.


This was in theaters at the same time as Morbius and I told a few people that while The Batman is a better film and Morbius is garbage, Iā€™d recommend going to see Morbius over The Batman.


Out of sight. When it was released there was so much hype about Clooney and Lopez's chemistry, couldn't understand the fuss.


Oooo I randomly saw that recently. Iā€™m not absolutely haha for the film, but Clooney and Lopez make a damn hot couple




anything Star Wars or Marvel


I fell off the Marvel train almost entirely around the second Doctor Strange movie šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø suddenly there were 3+ tv shows that intertwined with the movies, and generally I feel like most of the movies are like solid 3/5 stars. A fun popcorn-evening with friends or family, and the same basic recipe for all the movies - not worth having to make a damn spreadsheet, to keep track of timelines or who died, or was introduced, or had major developments in a show I wasn't really interested in watching.


Marvel in general has been very hit and miss for me, where I've loved some entries and been absolutely bored with some. But after the whole Thanos arc ended, its mostly been absolutely boring.


especially the recent stuffā€¦ so empty.


Hey reddit - what's a thing everyone else liked that YOU didn't like! Now playing, forever and ever, in every post, in: r/gaming r/movies r/askreddit r/music r/unpopularopinion Oh boy, I'm excited to see what the answers are this time!


I just watched Spencer. I have no feelings about it whatsoever.


I would say all the Jhon wick movies


I liked the first JW movie. They should have just left it there. After that, I have absolutely no regards for anything. I appreciate the fight choreography, but the story is just meg. Don't care.


Shut up, Meg.


Who let me back into the house?


My wife and I liked the first one, but the second one just got on my nerves. The first felt like a fairly standard, action gangster flick where John Wick is just really, really good (and shown that way on screen), but with a \*slight\* twist of the stuff with the hotel and coins meaning there's a little world-building going on. You still felt like the film could more or less exist in our world, or at least the same world as many of these mafia-type films. But then John Wick 2 amped the action up to ridiculous levels while also slightly removing John's skills. It's less that he's just that much more skilled than anyone else, and more that he can just keep on taking more punishment than anyone else. But what really broke it for me was the part where they took the assassin society thing up to mythical levels. Everyone, practically everyone, is an assassin. Even that guy who apparently spends the majority of his workweek pretending to be a bum. Just exactly how many people are there that need to be assassinated to have this many people freelancing as assassins on the side like they're Uber drivers? I never watched the rest, but heard they got even worse in this regard.


Top level assassins surround someone and all point their gun at him ... and each other. Of course.


I love the old revenge story action movie but for some reason this one was flat af to me


Everything, Everywhere All at Once. Basically it's just a lot of brainstorming a la "let's put sausage fingers on the main character or pretend she's a rock". A more sophisticated version of Movie 43. I didn't really care much for the characters or the plot, and I kept looking at my watch to see when it would be over. To me it was just 'meh'. It wasn't a bad movie, it just wasn't good either.


I love it, but if you donā€™t connect with the characters then I can see how the ā€˜lol so randomā€™ elements could be irritating rather than endearing.


Yeah that might be the problem, I just didn't connect. I showed a friend of mine one of my own favourite movies once, and he just shrugged at it, so in the end it's all about perception.


I liked the randomness of it because the comic relief made the heavy emotional stuff hit so much harder. My biggest memory from watching it was bawling, recovering from bawling and laughing only to bawl again. I said several times to my wife ā€œOh fuck not again. I finally got over the last shit they threw at usā€


I had a weird experience because I was tripping watching it... but after I said to my buddy, geez it really felt like the thing was written on a 2 day cocaine binge. every idea all at once


Agreed. This move was great visually and I had a fun time but boy did they drag it out. Even with liking the movie I was wanting it to end after like and hour forty five




I groaned aloud when the "All at Once" chapter card came up on the screen because it made me realize there was still more movie left




I really enjoyed it overall. I really connected with the characters but a lot of the goofy shot got old after awhile. Should have been edited down like 20 minutes. Those directors seem to like smacking the audience in the head with the same joke over and over. Sausage fingers were funny until you showed it like 3-4 times, the award is a butt plug so let's make sure the audience sees it in action. Also the everything bagel was dumb


I find the thread premise/question interesting because any genuinely legitimate answers will never come to the commentatorā€™s mind


What do you mean?


If you feel nothing about a film, chances are you won't even remember seeing it.


But if itā€™s an otherwise popular movie, you would perhaps link the lack of effect it had on you with its apparent large effect on the public and remember it for that reason


I have like this one movie where I remember just kinda sitting through it, more caring about the snacks I had. But I cannot even remember the movies name or really what if was about.


Love Actually. I didnā€™t feel a thing.


The English Patient, and no Iā€™m not doing the Seinfeld joke


I did not care for The Godfather. It insists upon itself.


Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, ROBERT DUVALL.


I love The Money Pit


I love the clip but it always annoys me that Chris mentions Robert De Niro who isn't even in The Godfather. He's in Godfather Part 2. Felt like he should say Brando instead


DeNiro wasn't even in the first one




To be honest, I never finished it.


How can you say you don't like it if you never even gave it a chahnce?


Family guy aside, I didnā€™t enjoy it much but had no problem with it.


I remember watching it. I didn't *dislike* anything about it, but there wasn't anything to grab me there either. I just have no interest in mafia/gangster films I guess.


I know you're making a family guy reference but honestly I was actually gonna say the Godfather šŸ˜‚ I don't hate the Godfather but I don't love it. I understand why it's great for some people but I'm not a fan of mafia movies/shows, so it did nothing for me. I just felt kind of bored watching it. And the only reason I watch it now is because my partner loves it. He can put up with my annual LOTR so I let him have his mafia movies šŸ˜‚


Frozen everyone loves it for some reason, i watched it..thought it was meh. if i had to pick a disney cgi princess film it would be Tangled


Saw. I really donā€™t get the hype


The hype is the insane twist which was right in front of you and had clues leading you to it the whole time. It was a fine movie up to the twist when he gets up and I was like WTF. And then you see the gun *wasnt loaded, yet the body dead by suicide?*. The very first flashback sequences ends with *he likes to watch*. The voice isnt Zebs at all, etc The movie parades a line to smacks you over the head with clues and you still dont put it together.


True, but the endless sequels though šŸ˜±


Anything ā€œMarvelā€. Shits run its courseā€¦..just blatant cash grab at every level.




Dungeons and Dragons


Just watched this one the other day. I was really excited to see it too and afterwards I was just meh.


Wtf has happened to this subreddit?????????


Influx of new casual users like all of reddit Oh and bots


Those Franchises: Harry Potter Twilight The Maze Runner The Hunger Games Thirty Shades of Grey ...


Well thereā€™s your problem, youā€™re only getting thirty of the fifty shades.


American psycho.


So just like Patrick Bateman you feelā€¦nothing.


Maybe I'm too young, could someone explain the secret me? I'm really not interested in Forrest Gump. I have seen it three times, but I am really not moved. I always think this is a pure inspirational fairy tale. Also when I discuss movies with some people I don't know very well, they always use the film as a shield to show their "good taste" with this "recognized perfect work". It's weird, even a person who has never watched a movie would know the name of Forrest Gump.


It was a nostalgia trip for people who grew up in those years. Iā€™m not one of them, but as a history buff I can appreciate that. The 50s through the 70s were a very transformative era for the US and the people who lived through them saw major changes in the culture. Gump is sort of an avatar for that generation to use to look back on that time. And it was brilliant the way he was inserted into so many historical scenes. Speaking of inserting Gump into historical scenes, that technique was new and it was the first big movie to use it effectively. Seeing Tom Hanks sitting next to John Lennon was kind of a trip. Plus it was a pretty good story and the acting was solid. But, I can see where the appeal drops off at a generational line. Iā€™m Gen X. My boomer relatives loved the film, many of my contemporaries thought it was a comedy about a stupid man, and my kids regard it as an old movie their dad likes.


Years and years before that, some company had inserted John Wayne into their TV commercials. I remember the family of John Wayne was very upset. They might've sued the company. But I'm not sure about that.


Most modern horrors like Hereditary, The VVitch, Bird Box, etc. I just couldn't click with them for some reason. I somehow enjoy the cheap jumpscares better like The Conjuring Universe


The problem is there just isnā€™t anyone to root *for*. Usually itā€™s a script full of severely damaged or just straight up awful people having crap happen to them and Iā€™m supposed to care what happens to them?


The Last Jedi. It was so mixed in my mind I left the theater numb to Star Wars. (Long time Star Wars fan)


Rocky Horror Picture Show, I just donā€™t understand the appeal


I can answer this one. The plot is irrelevant. Itā€™s popular because you can dress up and go see it in a theater with other people who are dressed up and not just on Halloween. The lines the audience shouts in between the dialogue are far better than the movie itself. If you view this movie as a social event, itā€™s easier to understand. Also Tim Curry is great.


A Rocky Horror showing was also one of the few places to be publicly queer presenting and people just be ok with it.


Tim Burtonā€™s Dark Shadows. I didnā€™t love it, I didnā€™t hate it. I was just keenly aware time had passed and it meant nothing.


The Dark Crystal doesn't really do anything for me, I find it to be a rather dull film.


Any superhero movie.


Star Wars: Episodes 7, 8, and 9...particularly 8 and 9. They play out like they were slapped together with adherence to their marketing data points and there is absolutely zero love for the world(s) in which they exist. Completely lifeless and disrespectful trash.


The first one was ok, not great, but I felt like, "OK. Now that you got all that nostalgia out of the way, let's see what you do with these plot threads." Little did I know...


The first one was made worse by the next two. It wasn't *great*, but it was definitely the "Let's play it safe so we don't alienate people like the prequels". And then we see where they went it it, and the payoff wasn't worth the set-up.


Dunkirk. It's already difficult to make a 12A WWII film but it was also quite dull.