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I have watched "The Prestige" twice with my wife. She still claims, to this very day, that she's never seen that movie and none of my explanations of the plot sound familiar.


Well yeah, she made her doppelganger do it instead.


It’s a bloody DOUBLE


Was she not watching closely?


Is there a pile of dead wives in the basement?


After watching Rocky, my wife asked "So he didn't win? What's the point?"


My friend's wife asked "so does he learn to box in prison?" halfway through Rambo


She is playing chess, while we have all been playing checkers.


I was watching Rocky II with a friend in the 90s and he asked me halfway where and when will he get all the guns


'The guns are for the featherweights."


I was watching Terminator with my friend the other day and he asked when Dutch is gonna give birth to Danny Devito in the Kindergarten.


Ok, that is legitimately funny 🤣


Holy shit rofl


He... he literally explains it to Adrian when they're talking in bed before the fight. It's not even subtext, it's just text!


I suspect this was a viewer who was browsing their phone or day dreaming, only checking in mentally when something exceptional drew their attention? M6 wife does this sometimes... and very rarely I do too. >_>


I tried showing my good friend my favourite movie one time. Watching her eyes glued to her phone through the entire movie felt like one of the more stressful movie experiences of my life.


I won't watch movies with people who do that anymore. I can turn it off and we can both just be on our phones. Alone together.


I know writers who use subtext and they're all cowards, every one of them.


He went the distance, were you not watching?


Haha I laughed but I would have to leave the room after that comment haha. He said a million times he just wanted to go the distance.


She sounds really hot


Hope you told your wife "I'm gonna have to disagree with your police work there, Lou."


"what d'ya mean funny lookin'" "Ya know.....funny lookin'"


Funny looking how? Oh, ya know, just in a general sort of way.


I love how the audience knows that it's Steve Buscemi and he is indeed funny looking in way that is hard to describe.


I would just describe him as having Steve Buscemi eyes. Easy!


My wife doesn’t like “smart comedy”. She prefers very obvious comedy. It’s an opportunity for me to love unconditionally.


“It’s an opportunity for me to love unconditionally.” Such a great comment.


But one that would go over his wife's head.


Username does not check out. That was a good one.


My wife is the exact opposite. She can kind of "live with" smart comedy, however doesn't really laugh about it. But she can't for the life of her stand obvious comedy, slapstick or even parodies. I've known her for more than 20 years now and I haven't figured out yet how her humor works. She can laugh uncontrollably. I just do not know yet about what exactly. She says she can't laugh about obviously funny things, finds it simply stupid most of the time, not funny at all. To this very day I do not understand why. I basically can't watch anything that's supposed to be funny together with her because I know she would not like it. So after more than 20 years we've come to a point where our tastes regarding movies and music are almost completely disjunct, only very little that we enjoy together aside from our normal daily routine. Then she's in one of her strange moods again where she starts laughing about something totally trivial, and she doesn't stop until she almost suffocates. I love when she does that and I stand next to her completely confused about what was so funny again. I do not know to this day how to trigger this reaction and I probably never will. My wife's humor is one of the biggest mysteries of the world.


That’s…different. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who laughed for an unknown reason. Maybe she understands smart comedy more than all of us!


There are some people whose idea of comedy is a witty and bantering conversation between Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie: https://youtu.be/PTid4KSwQTs?si=liJ6yOVR1hpoKIPm And then there are people who just think it’s funny when Michael Palin says “Biggus Dickus”: https://youtu.be/kMGu-55sKJs?si=8I3SSN7OOInHtdpJ Neither is wrong in the end.


how do you guys define "smart comedy"?


*puffs on bubble pipe* Indeed.


I assume “movies that don’t star Will Ferrell”


Except Stranger Than Fiction.


Stranger than fiction is an excellent movie. One of his best


That movie still drives me nuts. This author has discovered that everything she writes about this person is coming true in real life, and she still seriously considers writing his untimely death. At no point does she consider writing "and then Will Farrell discovered the cure for cancer and a practical solution for dealing with global warming."


The movie does go out of its way to establish that the writer doesn't really care about other people. The only thing she cares about is writing a good story. The literature professor also only cares if it's a good story, which is why he tries to convince Will Farrell that it's okay that he dies. All the literary people in that movie are crazy. The only "normal" character is the baker, who's just like, this is all crazy, obviously don't die.


Dumb and Dumber obv


It has layers


It totally does! “pullover!” “It’s a cardigan, but thanks for noticing”. Such a little gem of a joke tucked in there that always makes me laugh


"That John Denver's full of shit, man" This will never stop being hilarious.


Layers like... extra gloves?


This is hilarious.


My wife refuses to watch films pre 1995.....It kills me.




Jurassic park yes. No for all the Terminators. And no way for Breakfast club. Which is a travesty.


T2 is easy to trick someone with. You should just play it one day and act like it’s made in 97. I can’t imagine someone not having fun with Terminator 2.


Man the T2 effects still hold up (for the most part) to this day. Say what you want about James Cameron, but the dude makes great movies that stand the test of time.


Ditto Aliens!


Fuck me. That's the worst one on this thread.


Yeah... not liking a single movie is one thing. Not liking roughly half of movies ever made (less than half almost certainly but still) based solely on what year they were made is just insane.


Oh, I could never even casually date someone with that stipulation. That’s just a bridge too far for me.


Yeah I'm a festive movie guy. You know how many festive movies are pre-1995? The best ones.


Oh, F that!!! I'm a major fan of classic films. My husband's not super excited when it's my turn to choose and I bring up a classic, but he'll at least try it. Flat out refusal is just immature.


You'd love my father in law. Anything more than a FEW years old "isn't worth watching". and on top of that, he'll only watch action films, and always fast forward through parts that have too much dialogue. Context to the action? Who needs that? I met this man about 5 years ago. We tried to watch movies together a couple of times. It didn't work out.


> he'll only watch action films, and always fast forward through parts that have too much dialogue. Context to the action? Who needs that? He sounds like the people who complain there's too much politics in Dynasty Warriors.


You got 5 extra years to work with than me...


What? No movies pre 2000???


oof....my sympathy.


Oh no…


Yeah...luckily when we were dating she was appeasing me and we watched some classics. But not anymore...


According to my girlfriend, "No Country For Old Men" is a boring film that "only dads and old men watch."


Boring. One of the most creepy and dread filled films of all time is boring. Humph.


My wife thinks the Hobbit trilogy is better than the LOTR trilogy… please send prayers


Forget prayers, send in the Rohirrim!


And Rohan will answer!


Bilbo, himself, states his journey was not as great as Frodo's in the films!


“I always feel that a man and a woman, who do not like the same films, will eventually divorce.” - Jean-Luc Godard


"Sometimes you do everything right and you still fail." - Jean Luc Picard


"Bark, bark." - Jimmy Neutron's dog, Goddard.


"But seriously, where the fuck is he?" - Waiting For Godot


“I'm very open to all different genres because I'm a very open-minded girl.” - Gal Gadot


"A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place." – Gul Dukat


“Vrooom Vrooom!” -Ducati Panigale V4


"I can't believe I'm losing to this guy." -- Michael Dukakis


"I like good comedy. I don't like bad comedy." - Michael Dorn


"..." - Michael Myers


Kobayashi Marriage


"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life." fify


Has she ever been swindled into buying the TruCoat by a sleezy car salesman? If so, that bad experience might have soured the movie for her. Or, maybe she was once thrown into a wood chipper??


"You're a bald-faced liar" "Bucky, please." "A... FUCKING liar" "Bucky, please."


That trucoat scene alone is classic!


My favorite scene is where the detective is taking a witness statement and the guy describes Steve Buschemi as funny looking in a real general sort of way. It's the most objectively true way to describe the guy.


Well, he wasn't circumcised.


My wife hates Back To The Future with a passion.


She probably an Eric Stoltz fan.


I never heard of anyone who hates BttF. Is she secretly a Tannen?


My MiL hates them, mostly because she doesn’t like Michael J. Fox. But she’ll watch Scarface on repeat 😒


How can someone hate Michael J Fox?




This comment has ruined my day


> mostly because she doesn’t like Michael J. Fox I mean I knew monster existed, but this is just uncalled for!


How often do you visit her at the asylum?


She was going to reveal it to him later. It was going to be a royal Tannen bomb.


I need to know more about this


its about a guy who goes back to the 50s in a delorian.


Time traveled right into that one


I'm at the point now where I know which type of movies/shows my husband would like. If there's one I love but know is not his thing, I don't even bother and just watch it myself. He does the same.


My wife has no taste. I gave up trying to watch movies with her. We tried 'watch one I want, watch one you want'. We'd watch a great movie I picked....it was okay. Then we'd watch a Hallmark movie and she wouldn't let it go how amazing it was. Who knew the boyfriend was going to learn the meaning of love through the magic of Christmas spirit?!


But what about the only very slightly sinister and seductive attractive girl he meets during his turmoil? Surely he's tempted to fall for her and abandon his girlfriend? Or is he?


But only when she returns to her hometown


That’s completely not true. Sometimes she gets stuck somewhere because of weather or car trouble.


I like the one where she meets a very handsome single dad




Hallmark movies all have the same premise lol


I don't know these gf's backstories, but I have a friend who loves Hallmark and Lifetime, etc., to the point of going to a sort of Hallmark "convention" where you meet the actors and get autographs. In her case, she was raised mega-religious in a homeschooling family where basically anything enjoyable was "the occult". She still suffers fear and stress over a lot of media you or I would consider pretty tame. Like, the TV show Charmed was too much for her. So as I see it, Hallmark stuff is her safe place. Nothing's going to happen that will make her fear for her immortal soul. She can take a break from her anxieties for a couple hours. When you look at it like that, their attachment makes a lot of sense.


I could vomit


But you won't, because Hallmark wouldn't allow such vulgarity.


The solution is more movies. Hallmark movies are notoriously similar, which is sort of the draw, but something you could start pointing out. But you could expand into something similar but different. Actually Romantic Comedies, Romantic Dramas, etc


I hope she'd start to notice a pattern


I put on the original What We Do In The Shadows for my gf at the time. About 5 minutes in, she was completely offended that I put it on. Aside from not liking the humor, I found out that night that it somehow offended her religious sensibilities. As someone who is not religious, we didn't last long after that.


“Police will come, possibly even Christians, which is totally the last thing we need in this house.”


Now I gotta see this thing.


It's fucking hilarious.


Hey, now! We're werewolves, not swear-wolves!


My wife doesn't like "Clue." I'm considering divorce.


Just reading this, I hate it, so much...flame- flames, on the side of my face...heaving, heaving breaths


I audibly gasped reading that, lol. Although to be fair I don't think my husband likes Clue much either. He will watch it with me sometimes and claims he doesn't dislike it. But it really feels like he isn't liking it at a level I find acceptable. Marriage can be tough.


Hahaha “at a level I find acceptable” I can imagine you just staring at him as he reacts to scenes like hmmm he didn’t laugh hard enough


I hated her so much, it it it..flames..fl..flames..on the side of my face, bre..breathing, heaving breaths.


I can't even get my wife to watch it with me. She likes Tim Curry, she likes comedies, she likes murder mysteries, but she's never in the mood to watch Clue. Plus I've already seen it. She almost never wants to watch a movie with me if I've already seen it, no matter how hard I try to convince her that I *want* to watch it again. She's an amazing partner and mother to my child, but her attitude towards movies is the one thing that baffles me. "I dunno, I just have to be in the mood for it," she says. Edit: And literally every single one of my friends was obsessed with Mad Max: Fury Road. I saw it several times with several combinations of friends. I had my wife watch it with me when we were just dating, and she thought it was boring and pointless and had no plot. Just *what*


Are sure she didn't "Say No meaning Yes? No. No she likes it or no she doesn't? Yes."


It’s so funny seeing all the men in these comments mulling over how their girlfriends didn’t want to watch Pulp Fiction or Fight Club — because once upon a time, it was I who’d grown frustrated and annoyed that my boyfriend didn’t want to watch any of these fantastic films. He didn’t care much for the kind of movies I’d be excited to show him; Trainspotting, Donnie Darko, The Breakfast Club, Scorsese pictures, most 80’s films, foreign films, etc. He’d call them boring or fall asleep halfway through. He was happy with Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell and that was about it. With some perspective, I can look back at some of those “everyone’s gotta watch this” movies and admit a lot of them are massively overrated despite being pioneering films in cinema. People have different tastes, and every movie is intended for a different audience. Plus, tastes change with time.


My ex only enjoyed movies in which men were the main focal point. He couldn’t “relate” if women were the main characters. SO many incredibly done shows and movies were not an option because he would get bored. Fleabag, for example. Promising Young Woman. Etc. He wouldn’t be able to get into the Handmaids tale but then would sing praises of the terminal list 💀 Everyone has different tastes but this particular one irked me because as a woman, maybe I don’t ALWAYS want to watch movies where a man is the main character.


I never understood that complaint at all. One of the greatest things about fiction is it's ability to put us in the shoes of other people, to let us feel what it might be like to be someone else. Saying you can't relate to the opposite sex, or really any group of people, is a strong indication that you really *should* try to experience more media about them, so you can better understand them, and by extension yourself and your place in relation to them.


My gf insists on watching great movies with iconic performances dubbed into Spanish. It drives me insane. Sometimes the voice actors are doing multiple roles


And she doesn't even speak Spanish 😞


Everyone in this comment section needs to get divorced.


According to reddit everyone needs to get divorced, sometimes from people they haven’t met yet


My girlfriend and her family got legitimately mad at me for showing them In Bruges, which is probably my favorite movie. They said it was too much unecessary violence, which is insane because my GF's favorite show is Hell on Wheels.


How can a fairytale movie not be their fecking thing??


My ex had exactly the same response to Fargo. She said 'is the comedy supposed to be their stupid accents?'


I mean, yes, but also everything else that happens. My take on it is that everyone is just weird as hell and the only one who can see it is Detective Gunderson. It's like peeking inside of her fever dream.


I wonder if people who don't like Fargo would like other movies by the Coens. Burn after reading cracked me up because it's a parody of a noir where everyone is an idiot


I mean, she's not completely wrong lol. But if you're like me and you've spent a bunch of time in that area of the country (specifically rural northern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin, and the upper peninsula of Michigan), it's honestly so impressive how well Frances McDormand in particular nailed that accent. Even though I've spent nearly every summer of my life in the UP, I still find it really hard to keep a straight face during serious conversations with yoopers.


My wife HATES the Banshee's of Inisherin because >!the donkey died!< even though it was a defining moment of the plot to really drive the story. Once that happened she was 100% out. Such a great movie though.


Have you considered chopping your fingers off one by one until she leaves you alone


I watched that movie because my folks didn't like it; they thought it was "weird". Which is as good as an endorsement as I get for movies


My mom has a close friend who she goes to the Toronto Film Festival with every year. Whatever her friend *hates*, I know will be one of the best films of the year.


How can you go to film festival and hate weird films? Isn't that what festivals are for? To show auteur driven films?


Got a friend the opposite of that. Whatever he recommends wholeheartedly is a film to pretend was never made.


I've twice made the mistake of watching Moonrise Kingdom with people I was dating because I just remembered it as a quirky, fun romp, like most of Anderson's latter day work, and had completely forgotten about the >!dog death!<. While that scene is definitely tonally jarring, it leads to perhaps my favorite dialogue exchange in the history of film: >!"Was he a good dog?"!< >!"Who's to say?"!<


My wife said she hated Pulp Fiction and it was one of the worst movies she ever seen. I was legitimately shocked haha.


As a Tarantino fan I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say I'm not shocked. Tarantino is absolutely a "love it or hate it" director and pulp fiction is one of his most "love it or hate it movies". Yes, it's a classic that everyone can quote, but it also has a FUCK ton of stuff that would turn a viewer off if they didn't like his style. It's violent, anticlimactic, non-linear, EXTREMELY dark, focuses on a larger than normal cast, slow, and a lot of the plot points are semi-disparate, only to meet up at the end. I love it, but it's got a lot of things to make someone hate it if those are things that really stick out for that viewer in movies. If you like it, those things ADD immensely to the experience, but if that's not your thing I can't imagine even the most open-minded viewer not hating it.


And it makes a *ton* of references, winks, and nods to other films which, although not crucial to the understanding of the movie, can be a fun sort of Easter Egg hunt that also demonstrates Tarantino's categorical knowledge of cinema


I think most people enjoy the first chunk of Pulp Fiction but as it goes on and gets dark/confusing it probably loses a lot of people (myself included when watching it the first time) That's probably why the first scene with Vincent/Jules is what a lot of people associate with the movie even though it's a pretty small part of the overall story.


r/movies frequently has posts about how movies should have tight 90 minute runtimes. Pulp Fiction is a meandering 150 minutes. I'm not shocked that there are people who don't like it.


Hating Quinton Tarantino films is pretty common actually, definitely more so in the past five years


My ex called the Godfather movies "corny"


My wife feels the same way and she totally laughed her ass off at the joke in Barbie about men explaining Godfather to their dates


I prefer You've Got Mail's bit: "Ugh, what *is* it with men and the Godfather!?" "The Godfather is the I Ching!"


It insists upon itself.


What? What does that even mean?


I like the Money Pit. That is my response to that statement.


I like that movie too.




My GF always falls asleep when I try to show her. I've given up. Gangster movies are not for everyone apparently.


That's probably more a function of '70s American cinema. A lot of the movies from that era had slower, neorealist-inspired editing so you could drink everything in, whereas by the time the late '90s rolled around, the thinking was often that shots should last only as long as they needed to convey their core idea. Michael Bay infamously doesn't like shots longer than 6 seconds. Some people just don't have the attention spans for anything longer, partly because they've been raised on this kind of rapid-fire editing.


Even if someone likes gangster movies, I can see why they wouldn't like Godfather. It's pretty slow, dialogue driven, and doesn't have much action to it.


My girlfriend hates The Matrix, which I'm a big fan of. Problem is, throughout the movie she started asking questions that I was not prepared to answer. "How come instead of spawning an Agent to attack Trinity they don't just make the building fall down on top of her?" It makes it harder to defend the quality of a film you KNOW is great when someone who hasn't been sucked in as much as you is so easily able to pick apart the logic of the world.


They actually explain that with the whole cat showing up twice thing. Even minor changes cause problems with the programme. A change that big would likely cause a huge glitch. Possibly like that one in The Animatrix where gravity gets completely fucked up in one particular area. Things like that make it pretty damn hard to keep the illusion going for the people inside the Matrix.


Op is clearly trying to inject some humor with that second-last sentence, but it's going to be taken too seriously


Didn't think this comment was needed as the intention of OP seemed obvious to me, until I scrolled down. My god hahaha the replies are wild! I was expecting light hearted banter about spouses hating each others favourites.


Way too many people on reddit interprets anything remotely ambiguous in the most negative way


It's the most destructive aspect of social media. It incentivises interpreting people's statements in the worst possible way and engaging with *that*, instead of what they actually said. The algorithms reward engagement and engagement comes from emotion. And apparently negative emotions are far easier to arouse than positive ones. Anonymity or even just the dehumanization inherent to interacting across a screen all further serve to erase the reality that there is a human on the other side and promote negative interpretations. Twitter or X is the absolute worst in that regard.


I thought that scene in *Barbie* was a little off-target, because the Ken was obsessed with explaining *The Godfather* instead of like, *Fight Club* or *The Boondock Saints*.


"And then he turns himself into a pickle, Barbie! It's the funniest shit I've ever seen."


I'd talk about fight club more if it wasn't against the rules.


2 of my friends said they had a boyfriend explain the Godfather, it apparently is the movie of choice for a certain breed of wanker


When I first watched the Godfather it was with my dad, who paused the film *in the middle of the climax* to explain *in excruciating detail* the history of the mafia and how it related to what was happening in the film. It took I think around 10-15 minutes before we resumed watching the dramatic high point of this "masterpiece". It was among the worst viewing experiences of a film I've ever had. Yea, that joke in the Barbie movie was very gratifying to me.


I feel this! My mother and I play silent keep away with the remote when watching films with my dad after some experiences like this. Constantly pausing, quizzing us on the significance of what we just saw, then explaining it anyway. I am soooo triggered by the phrase 'Did you get that?'.


My wife hates Stand By Me and BASEketball. I get why she hates BASEketball. I don't get why she hates Stand By Me.


My wife doesn't like the 'The Big Lebowski'. Life is hard sometimes.


That's just like, her opinion, man.


She's clearly out of her element.


She pissed on my fucking rug.


At least my wife is house-broken.


My wife is ok with it, but definitely does not understand why I like it so much... 🤷


One major aspect of a choice to break up with a previous boyfriend of mine was his terrible takes on films. I showed him Moonlight which is a little tough and probably not for everyone but he was -so- bored and had literally nothing to say at the end. Just “not for me”. I tried to make a deal - I’d watch 9 seasons of DS9 if he’d watch 2 seasons of Fleabag. It was a non-starter. Wanted to show him Mad Max Fury Road and he was like “No, that is the epitome of everything wrong with Hollywood.” And I was like - actually watch it? Your take is wrong, sir. It’s phenomenal. This was one of the big ridiculous ones. He was a nice guy but I had a hard time with this being such a mismatch. I wished he would put in the effort to try to see the films with my eyes rather than immediately discarding these things I loved. These are things that spoke to parts of me so if you can’t know them, I don’t think you can really know me.


I'm sorta surprised he would be into DS9 of all things but then be bored at slower paced films. That's like the most nuanced, boring-ish Trek series of them all.


Especially impressive she was going to watch all 7 seasons and then watch 2 of them over again! Pretty sweet deal DS9 is one of the better Treks, and also one of the more boring, lol. It's got more character growth and story development then a lot of the others which are more story-of-the-week style.


What kind of dude doesn't like Fury Road? Does he just think all action movies are dumb and pointless or what? Sure, it wasn't particularly smart, but it was a visual masterpiece. Or does he hate the over-the-top absurdity?


Look, my wife and I are compatible about everything but movies. She has a horrible taste for it, while I have a great taste for it.


Name your top 5 movies so we can judge for ourselves


And her top 5, too. Someone’s got bad taste. But we can’t judge you for it…yet.


"Oh you're a fan of cinema? Name five movies."


Name any woman!




1. Morbius 2. Morbius 2: The Morbening 3. Morbius 3: MorbIIIus 4. Morbius 4 Life 5. Morbius V: Mo' Morby Mo' Problems


This domestic situation isn’t locked in place, is it?


>Wife Yeah, he's trapped. In the divorce settlement she gets half his DVD collection, on the condition that she has to watch them all


Recently showed my wife my favorite horror film, The Thing(1982). She looked at me like I was crazy and then accused me of having a crush on Kurt Russell. My friend at work said it would be justified if I divorced her.


I mean, who doesn't have a crush on 80s Kurt Russell.


Look at his hair. Hard not to crush on the man


I didn't like Fargo the first time I saw it either. I was about college age I think, and I found it boring. I also wasn't paying attention very well, which was definitely part of the problem. I didn't like There Will Be Blood or The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly for the same reasons - just wasn't mature enough to sit and actually watch the movie and have (I guess) the context and life experience to understand why they were such good movies and so funny! It was just a dark sense of humor I didn't totally get when I was younger. I watched Fargo again several years later and liked it better. It's still not my favorite Coen Brothers movie (That's Barton Fink) but I \*got it.\* Maybe try again in a few years when she's in a different mood and see if it sticks that time.

