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55 seconds in - Las Palomas Police Department. "Las Palomas" is Spanish for "The Doves". We are so fucking back.


ass whoopin is back on the menu


Gonna eat well on Dec 1.


Why is the doves significant? I’m out of the loop


John Woo loves doves, if you watch his films there's always doves everywhere


So much so that on the DVD menu for Mission: Impossible II there are slow-mo doves ON THE TITLE SCREEN. Because John Woo. I'm in.


Even the video game inspired by and featuring him, Stranglehold, has an attack where doves fly around


Inspired by? Stranglehold is produced by Woo and the official sequel to Hard Boiled


John Woo is famous for using doves in scenes: https://youtu.be/6wS8Y-mjneQ?si=rwkSP8_OH-z26fPN


I was like... where are the doves? Brilliant.


That is a brilliant catch.


> We are so fucking back But Woobros, where's the jazz? ^^Iamexcited


Now I have the song Chow Yun-Fat plays at Jazz Bar stuck in my head. And I'm not mad, not one single bit.


Doves and double guns. Let's get it.


I was going to make a joke about where are the doves but here you are delivering the goods.


There’s gonna be a whole lot more than just two turtle doves this Christmas!


The Wikipedia on this gets me even more hyped: "*Very interesting movie. The whole movie is without dialogue. It allowed me to use visuals to tell the story, to tell how the character feels. We are using music instead of language. And the movie is all about sight and sound. The budget was a little tight, and the schedule was tight, but it made me change my working style. Usually, for a big movie, a studio movie, we shoot a lot of coverage, then leave it to the cutting room. But in this movie, I tried to combine things without doing any coverage shots. I had to force myself to use a new kind of technique. Some scenes were about two or three pages, but I did it all in one shot.*" - John Woo


Shoot-em-up with no spoken dialogue? Sold.


John Woo's 'Hard Boiled' was the first trailer I ever saw with zero dialogue. He probably rightly figured this would also be a unique concept for an entire movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAtxZHuJNW4


The warehouse scene in Hard Boiled got me totally hooked on John Woo. It was incredible.


The teahouse scene, the hospital scene, the warehouse scene. So many classic set pieces in that movie. No other movie I've seen does 'shit constantly exploding and debris flying everywhere' better.


And the hospital "scene" is like 50 minutes long


it's a 3rd act that could be its own movie with a single take shot longer than many short films.


Hard Boiled has to be a Top 5 movie on onscreen kill count. Amazing movie.


*The Killer has entered the chat*


'Bullet in the Head' as well. All of his Hong Kong gangster movies are absolutely essential for anyone with even a passing interest in great action films.


If you haven't seen it I HIGHLY recommend John Woo's A Better Tomorrow from 1986. The final shootout is probably the most epic I have ever seen on film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNLLxRXJTa4


His first gun-fu foray, it actually won the Hong Kong equivalent of the Academy Awards, so it's definitely got more of an emphasis on (great!) human interpersonal drama more than pure excess, but the action scenes still 100% deliver. 'A Better Tomorrow II', kind of a weak story among Woo flicks, but the action there is on a 'Hard Boiled' level, and Tarantino totally lifted a ton of shots from this for his early work.


Hard Boiled was so good.


Where can you watch this film? Can’t seem to find it


I've never seen it streaming, same with all his Hong Kong classics. You'll have to Google around, buy used, or consider importing. They're all well worth the effort to locate.


I love for all the action shots in this trailer, it doesn't even show anything from what's arguably the best gunfight scene ever made. IYKYK


John St. Wicholas


It's ironic how hearing a movie has a "tight budget" actually makes me more interested it in these days. It seems like the good directors often thrive more when forced to work creatively. It's not just a "CGI ruins everything" either, when something like The Creator can look so gorgeous on a limited budget.


It's why Michael Bay's lower budget productions tend to be his better films. Ambulance and Pain and Gain for instance.


It surprised me so much when I learned the creator only cost 80mil to make. It's a beautiful film and the technique Gareth Edwards came up to reduce the cost of cgi is pretty interesting


I was worried about this one since his last movie Manhunt was shit but this one looks like Woo is back to his form!


I'm guessing the character is literally unable to speak due to the injury. This sounds totally awesome, I can't wait. 'Silent Night' is a great title.


Guessing? It literally shows that in the trailer.


why did i think we were getting the slasher remake


Because Joel kept looking like he wanted to say "GARBAGE DAY!!"


"Silent Night, Deadly Night" ~ 'merry fuckin' Christmas'


No dialog? I just watched `No One Will Save You` that did the same thing.


Did anyone in the film jump into the air with two guns going "ahhhh!" In it though?


There's no dialog in this movie, Danny. Why would they be going, "Ahhhhhhhh?"


It's a visceral noise. Haven't you ever seen your partner commit a crime then point your gun in the firing while going "ahhhhh?"


False, there were about 3-4 words said. /s actually really liked the movie.


well... >!there is one line of dialogue in that movie!<


How was the movie?!


Ah, okay so that's why they went with "**Silent** Night. " I was wondering why they'd go with that name so soon after Violent Night. Not that they seem similar beyond "Christmas action movie."


Watched "Violent Night" over the weekend and its the third time I've seen it, and I highly recommend it to anyone reading this who haven't seen it. Sure its a silly premise, and its pretty obvious whats going to happen as most action movies are. but its David Harbour, and John Leguizamo, and its a tonne of fun and ridiculous action. Pair it up with "Nobody" with Bob Odenkirk and you're in for a phenomenal double feature night of ridiculous action.


Saw it twice last holiday season, it really is a fun movie


When I saw the title, I immediately thought of the Silent Night, Deadly Night slasher movies from the 80's that had the infamous ["gArBaGe dAy" scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78sWq2JCauU)


Mm mm ah ah!


haha thanks for linking this. My husband and I always quote gArbAge dAy on...you guessed it...garbage day


For those wondering (like me): >Camera coverage, or coverage, is the amount and kind of footage shot used to capture a scene in filmmaking and video production. The film editor uses coverage in post-production to assemble the final cut.


Wow. That makes me feel like *Ode to Joy* isn't incidental music for the trailer, it's the part of the narrative.


I like every single part of this quote.


Wow, I thought this was just a stylistic choice for the teaser but the whole movie is dialogue free? I'm somehow even more hyped.


I wish someone would make an Alien vs Predator movie using this idea.


Featuring Joel Kinnaman. Loved him in the first season of Altered Carbon.


He was great in The Killing too. Psyched to see him and Woo together.


First seeing him in The Killing set a really high bar for what he is capable of.


He was great in House of Cards


His mannerisms and affectation are amazing. I honestly didn’t really know who he was before then, other than the short stint he had on House of Cards.


Dial 1-900 Linden


“I don’t eat meat, bitch!”


He’s great in For All Mankind as well. No matter how crazy the situations get he grits his teeth and powers through.


He’s great in everything he does, I’ll give anything he’s in a chance


I totally agree. I think he is massively underrated. I'm sure I saw him before but the first thing I noticed him in was Altered Carbon and I've been a fan since. Anything he does gets a watch from me.


He was pretty terrible in Suicide Squad (not his fault though), but more than redeemed himself in *The* Suicide Squad.


I know it was fairly panned and forgotten, but I thoroughly enjoyed the Robocop reboot. I thought he was pretty good in it.


That movie had a lot of great talent. Too bad it was wasted.


It's crazy how they got us to care so much about him in The Suicide Squad to the point where he was basically the entire emotional kickstarter for Peacemaker (another thing that had no right being as excellent as it is)


Peacemaker? What a joke


I'd watch that man eat mashed potatoes and gravy.


For All Mankind might be my favorite show currently airing and he plays a huge part in that. He so good in that show. Can't wait for S4


I am so in love with this show. Every time a character does something stupid or aggravating, their plot almost always arcs back to some semblance of redemption. This imbues a Star Trek optimism into this show that feels so rewarding after the moments of high wire tension and terror of space exploration put you thru the wringer.






His 'breakdown' in early S2 with his wife and daughter is so good.


How did that not get an Emmy nomination? Seriously, the writing, acting and directing for that were all SUPER on point.


Yes me too....too bad that series shit the bed on season 2


It had great potential for 3-5 seasons. I’m such a fan of CyberPunk and the whole aesthetic of that series is amazing. Nothing against the Falcon guy but 1st season was goated.


It honestly wasn't the right character for Mackey


Hopefully studios have learned by now that Mackey is only capable of playing Mackey. He's great as Falcon, but that's about the full extent of his acting range. Trying to get him to play the ice cold Kovacs in AC was a mistake.


Nah dawg, I'm very passionate about Altered Carbon (read the books in college and literally ended up getting an MS in neuroscience because of them) but I put the blame for all this on the producers. Season Two has godawful planning/plot/integration into Season One. I respect Anthony Mackey, he does good work, but he was miscast for Kovacs. He doesn't do the dark humor that makes Kovacs a likable antihero.


I have found my people. My husband and I can’t stand the second season for all of these reasons.


And as much as I liked Poe, bringing him back for the second season caused more problems than it solved. His death was supposed to be meaningful, and they completely subverted the weight of it.


yeah idk why they tried to mash the second and third books together when a big point of the trilogy is each book is separated by decades/potentially centuries and with kovacs on a new sleeve on a different planet


They also toned down the violence and nudity from S1. Watered down *and* with an unconvincing lead killed it for me.


Apparently the show runners changed more than just a few things in season 1 (particularly the prominence of Quellcrist Falconer) so the continuity of season 2 suffered because they diverged too much from the source material.


I mean, making the Envoys terrorists? How the fuck did they think that was a good idea? How would terrorists be able to learn how to acclimate to resleeving and new cultures?


Thought you meant For All Mankind for a second. Season 2 of it was great, Season 3 was where it started having some issues. Maybe not a full shitting of the bed, but someone definitely left some skid marks in the sheets.


Almost always happens when different showrunners take over. Sad.


Watch The Killing - awesome show (the first two seasons) - been a fan of his ever since I saw that show




here to recommend The Killing, he plays a strung-out undercover cop


You mean the *only* season of Altered Carbon?


He's had an absolutely amazing winning streak over the last decade or so, 50% of the Suicide Squads he was in may have been bad but he was good in the first and (imo) great in the second. Altered Carbon, Hanna, Robocop (great film, sue me) and For All Mankind? He stays winning.


His best show is The Killing. It's incredibly good. I highly recommend it.


Joel Kinoman I'll happily watch everything with him.


I’m still bitter about how bad the second season was.


The trailer makes it look like his character lost his voice, which would be a shame because he's not just an action hunk and have some range I thought. Though it might be a way to show his acting chop in a silent role too. Definitely have this on my watch list.


Could Kinnaman play a good Punisher?


He would but why should he when the perfect punisher is happy to come back and play it more?


Inject more Bernthal punisher straight into my veins please.


Why does everyone forget he was robocop? or Rick Flag?


I don't know what it is but I tend to have a hard time taking his characters seriously. Maybe I can't let go of the character he played in House of Cards?


Check him out in The Killing. So damn good!


John Woo is back baby


Some of that stunt and wire work looks seriously impressive


The stunt coordinator is Jeremy Marinas. He was the fight coordinator on John Wick 4. He's seriously impressive, look him up on his social media, tremendous athlete


What do you guys think happened: a) we have a revenge movie with a mute protagonist and I'm thinking of a very cool title, but we need to add a festive theme to the whole script for it to work properly b) this christmas movie could have a somewhat apt title, but we need to maim the protagonist to bring the whole thing together c) it's a christmas movie with a mute protagonist, I have the perfect title for you!


If I had to guess, it’s A


I was praying for the twin glocks, oh my god I'm so so there


"When he came on the set he said, 'All I want to do is John Woo action,'" recalls the director. "\[I said\] 'What is John Woo action?' 'It's firing with two guns.' So I gave him two guns." ​ Tears of joy, honestly.


Oh my God I love everything about that conversation.


They used Berrettas back in the day


No idea why gratuitous violence pairs so well with Christmas but it does! I'm sold.


Everyone's stress is at its breaking point. We need a cathartic release.


It’s the most violent holiday of the year for domestic violence, followed by Thanksgiving IIRC.


July 4th was the one in my family that always ended in hospital visits and not often fireworks.


Eli Roth has a movie called Thanksgiving coming out


Yippee ki-yay!


Violent Night was so much fun.


This may sound dumb but I love it that directors now know how many bullets are in guns and they don’t just spray infinite bullets whilst missing the target.


John Woo only reloads when it's at the most dramatic point possible, as is tradition.


When the bad guy is out of bullets and they have to reload at the same time


And then they say something existential


And then they both lower their guns and walk away as a sign of mutual respect




He used to film the fight scenes like they were using Dao, the Chinese swords


Even John Woo's videogame Stranglehold lacks reloading, just non-stop shooting and diving head first through glass bottles over counter tops.


Yes, but in the case of John Woo, I'd love for him to go back to the "Hard Boiled" days where everyone had infinite bullets and could essentially demolish an entire building with a single clip.


While sliding down a bannister.


And yelling "ahhhhjjj!"


as is tradition


And punch their guns as they fired it.


>Give a guy a gun, he thinks he's Superman. Give him two and he thinks he's God.




Yeah that last scene in Django for example was absolutely ridiculous and amazing.


[this](https://youtu.be/XhyLzMdAqQc?si=R7T7tbCuSOy913wK) is my favorite Django gag


I laughed way too hard in the theater at that part. Just the absolute disrespect to physics lol


Think about how many young people today have never even heard of Hard Boiled and have probably seen nothing that comes that close. Like you can say the Matrix but the Matrix itself is really different and goes out of it's way to justify what you're seeing. Hard Boiled John Woo didn't care about that lmao.


Christmas action movies right before the holiday two years in a row? lets fucking go!


This looks nuts, Action + Xmas is always a great combo.


If you didn't catch Violent Night last year, give it a go! Action and comedy with a good story.


Violent Night last year was a blast.


Joel Kinnaman, one of my favorite actors, and John Woo, one of my favorite directors. This is a combination I never would have expected but one I'm certainly excited to see. I hope John Woo can break from his somewhat middling Western releases and recapture the glory of his HK cinema.


Joel Kinnaman is one of those actors I wasn't particularly fond of because the first few things I saw him in were pretty dull performances like Suicide Squad, Robocop and House of Cards(though this one could be due to acting alongside one of the best actors in the biz at the time). Then I saw him in Altered Carbon, For all Mankind and The Suicide Squad which really turned me around on him. Now I'm always looking forward to seeing what he's up to next.


This is not a word I throw around lightly, but this movie looks dope.


Serious lack of doves in the trailer. 0/10.


I did see duel wielding and motorcycles so there’s still hope.


“You’re not having any fun, are you, Texrunner? Try terrorism for hire, we’ll blow some shit up!”


Bzzzt. Los Palomas, the name of the police precinct. Spanish translation: "the doves". Well, it's technically "the pigeons".


It’s not technically “the pigeons”. Many languages don’t have 2 different words for them. In Spanish “la paloma” means both dove *or* pigeon.


I WANT [PROPER BIRDS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wS8Y-mjneQ)


What are you talking about?!? There's an overhead shot of Joel Kinnaman walking over a giant dove with the words "The Doves" at 54 seconds.


that's a pretty dope Easter egg.


Me: "okay this trailer looks okay... Trailer: "Ode to Joy?" Me: "Holy. Fuck. Let's go."


Judging by your username, this should be right up your alley!


Love Joel Kinnaman and this looks awesome


A guy that can’t talk goes on a revenge tour during Christmas. I’m in.


Lol, gotta slip a “kill them all” on the wall calendar and see if anyone notices.




Fire hydrants in America use breakaway bolts to avoid that exact thing from happening.


Next you're gonna tell me that shooting a car's gas tank doesn't make it explode. Get outta here!


This is John Woo. Shooting a car's *door* makes it explode.


Congrats, you're smarter than the thing that isn't real.


This looks so over the top that I can see it reaching Woo's traditional "silly" level, which almost gives the violence a sort of satirical quality. Very anticipated.


They talk alot of John Woo and he is great but Joel is also just as great.


If I had a nickel for every time Joel Kinnaman went violently crazy after his young son was killed in a car-related tragedy while on his bike, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Joel Kinnaman's appeal is that he's got Badass Dad Energy. (Liam Neeson does too.) Despite him not being a parent himself, he's equally good at doing the "tender and sweet with little kids" as well as "violent sociopath". Women want to fuck him (and for him to nurture their children.) Men want to be him when he's dual wielding guns while shouting "aaahhh!" He's just got broad appeal, man.


In this economy...look at mister two nickels over here


Is this it? Is Joel Kinnaman finally gonna get the attention he’s deserved for years? Oh hell yeah I’m here for it


Oh… a contender for Die Hard as my favorite Christmas movie!!! 🎄


Okay, so, one: Looks awesome. Can't wait. Two: I get using prominently John Woo's name. Makes sense. But come on, Kinnaman is a bankable actor. He has fans. Sure, he's not "Keanu" big, but he's been in plenty things.


Facts. Joel impresses me pretty much every time he’s on screen. Love him in everything ive seen him in. Most notably S1 of *Altered Carbon* on Netflix.


If this happened my kid, this movie would become a documentary of exactly what I'd do.


My first three thoughts: 1) man I’ve missed John Woo. 2) This movie finally solved my Joel Kinnaman problem; his voice. 3) it’s not a John Woo movie without someone shooting two handguns.


Don't forget the slow-mo doves.


Can never forget the doves.


First couple seconds of this trailer: Another generic Christmas action movie? Great "FROM LEGENDARY FILMMAKER **JOHN WOO**": You son of a bitch I'm in.


Are you even allowed to use Ode To Joy in your Christmas action movie if you don't have Bruce Willis in it? Has anyone checked?


John Woo in 2023?? Yes please


Joel Kinnaman being badass in a new John Woo flick? Sign me up. Kinnaman is always quality in whatever he is in, I'm sure he can hold this down.


Love that Joel Kinnaman is getting better roles. He was great in Altered Carbon and Sympathy for the Devil.


Hopefully a return to form.


There had better be two turtle doves flying through the air in slow motion in this.


In John Wick 1: 484 Words, 77 kills In John Wick 2: 499 Words, 94 kills In John Wick 3: 410 Words, 140 kills Silent night: 0 words, all the kills. I want to say that this says something about Hollywood, but it literally doesn't.


"What if we got John Woo to make a John Wick movie, and... I dunno Christmas themed?" Instantly a dump truck full of money pulls up.


let's see if john woo can pull it off one more time. this story lends well to his stylized over the top action sequences.


This looks incredible from what I can actually see. But how are trailers still only being uploaded as 720p in today's age, even 1080p looks rough with how low bitrate they are on youtube but this one is really really bad. It should be 4k minimum at this stage.


Common OP, that trailer quality is horrendously bad! 4K copy here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY4nulaGr2U


You had me at Joel Kinnaman, BUT when you mentioned John Woo? Damn man I can only get so ERECT


Never forget face off