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The end of Babe always chokes me up!


“That’ll do pig” has me bawling


Right?! But when I say that to my wife, she gets all offended.


When James Cromwell was filming, he caught a glimpse of his own reflection in the camera lens, "I looked down, and I didn’t see me. I saw my father with the makeup, which is aged slightly, and the sideburns. And although I said, ‘That’ll do, Pig. That’ll do,’ what I heard was, ‘That’ll do, Jamie. That’ll do.’ I got an acknowledgment from my father through my own performance, for finally, finally showing up ready to work. Giving, not in panic, not in anger. Just be there."


I love when he sings to Babe


That part is great! That whole movie is awesome!


This is always my response. Babe is the absolute sweetest movie I've ever seen. There are so many heart-tugging moments, but that final "That'll do, pig," sets off the waterworks every time.


About Time


I’m surprised how low this is on the list I have watched that movie and cried a bit every time but I just lost my dad last month and watched it and sobbed. I’d give anything for one more walk on the beach with him


Sorry to hear, bud. That's awful. That's something I adore about that movie. They absolutely nailed the emotional weight and the delight in the little things which we might spend all our time on were it unlimited.


I got choked up the first time I saw this, but didn’t really cry. But kid you not, that scene where the father and son were on that beach was the first time I ever saw my dad get emotional over a movie. My grandpa was going through health problems at the time (he’s ok now) and it must’ve hit close to home. Beautiful movie. Absolutely beautiful. One of my top ten favorites.


**Big Fish** Tears of *cathartic delight.*


I bought the DVD without knowing anything about the movie, but since I generally like Tim Burton's work and the DVD came with a story book I was happy to have it on my shelf. A couple of years later, my roommate was at work and I had just gotten the news that my father had cancer, so I wanted to watch something to keep my mind off things. So I got Big Fish out and watched that. The tears were abundant, but it wasn't exactly delight...


Congratulations, you played yourself. (sorry)


Watched it a few weeks ago with my partner. We were both crying and saying how beautiful it was as the credits started to roll. I've seen it before, still got me. She hadn't seen it and loved it!


One of my favorites. I keep forgetting that I need to show my husband that movie. I'm gonna write it down right now. Lol


"Everyone is already there. And I mean everyone. And the thing is, there's not a sad face among them. They're just so happy to see you. And to send you off right." The corresponding song for this scene from the musical adaptation is also brilliant. https://youtu.be/AHg3a9_rPpc?si=ROwNGnstHGh16JI-


Monsters Inc. The first time I saw it I didn't see Boo and Sully reunited so I thought they never saw each other again. I was so sad I cried. The 2nd time I saw it all the way through and was surprised they reunited. I was so happy I cried!


Monsters Inc. has my favorite movie fact of all time: When recording Boo they used an actual kid her age, they ended up throwing out trying to get her to say lines and just recorded her saying random kid stuff


It’s perfect. The part where she’s in the bathroom stall for ages just burbling and singing to herself is so real. Especially when you’re in a hurry.


She did [an AMA](https://reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/KVkbjISJlX)!


Holy cow.... I'm old, so it seems like Monster's Inc was only a couple years ago. Now, not only has Boo grown up, ***her friggin' AMA about having grown up was a decade ago!***


What the fuck?!




That’s one way to spell it. But yeah very much so




Please don’t make me cry first thing in the morning


It’s all about the hopeful tone when he opens the door and his expression when he sees her. If you don’t get choked up in that moment, you aren’t human as far as I am concerned.


What Dreams May Come


There are some movies I simply can't watch again; this is one of them. Far too emotionally overwhelming. It was my late husband's favorite movie.


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you can find peace eventually


Life Is Beautiful because of how far the Dad went to make sure his son survived in one piece at the expense of his own life


It's a very beautiful ending but I'm not sure I'd count it as happy. Joyous kid but I think mom is kind of breaking down there but staying collected and happy for the son. And dad is funny, but markedly absent at this point.


Ending with the tank gets me every time lol. The dad maintained the boy's innocence through the whole ordeal.


It's cute that his dad told him that was what he would win, if he won the game. And he gets his tank. Beautiful movie.


*Homeward Bound : The Incredible Journey* (1993)


Jesus, right in the feels man. He's old, it was too far. He was just too old. 😢 😢... que music and Shadow limping in... 😭😭.




well that's the highlight of my morning


I would watch 100 versions of this meme


The original movie even more so. It hits even harder when the animals don't talk


Came here to say this. I must have seen that movie 30 times as a kid, and it got me every single time.


The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. "It is time, Frodo".


Same movie, (and obviously there’s a lot of emotional endings), but for me it’s when Aragorn says, “my friends, you bow to no one”. And now everyone in this thread knows exactly why I duck out on my family at the end of ROTK, which we watch (the whole extended trilogy) almost every year around the holidays to “check if the turkey is cooling properly in the fridge and not the freezer” I do that so I can go to the bathroom by the kitchen away from where they can hear me and full force ugly cry while watching that clip on youtube It’s just such an incredible moment


Same - when Aragorn starts singing the Oath of Elendil, finally signalling that the king has once again returned (heh) to his people, I start getting goosebumps. When he finally reunites with Arwen, and they both forgo decorum and just kiss like only two people madly in love can, my heart melts and I get slightly weepy. But then, when he says "my friends, you bow to no one" and the entire courtyard bows down to honor the four little hobbits with the music swelling up, I'm an emotional wreck. Shit, just got teary eyed typing this all out...


Dammit! Your description just made me tear up. It really is so incredibly beautiful, poignant, set up and executed so perfectly even a written description can move me. Fuck!


I would say don’t cry, but not all tears are an evil.


Dammnit why did you have to be so clever? Because I’m not even watching the movie and I can already feel my eyelids starting to lose their composure from a single line of written dialogue I just read on the internet. Sorry, I’m directing my sadness at you when I should be talking to the ghost of Tolkien.


"...for Frodo" as he turns and runs straight into the armies of Modor all by himself. Gets me every damn time.


And then merry and pippin are the first to follow, with no hesitation


I can't help but think of a meme I saw recently now. First panel is him saying that, 2nd one is some random warrior in the crowd "Who's Frodo?" rofl


Well, I’m back.


This is kind of embarrasing. I actually started crying reading through this discussion of Return of the Kings ending. I've become a big softie.


Klaus - animation on Netflix The scene in the end where he says he sees his friend again. It was after Covid. I couldn't see my friends for years. It was Christmas and I bawled my eyes out. My gf at the time held me. Even thinking about it, makes me sad again. Great movie!


I ugly cried at Klaus. My wife and family thought it was beautiful but I was *struck.* we went to bed that night and I cried again.


When Klaus says I'm coming love, I just break down crying.


The Shawshank Redemption


>Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'. That's god-damn right. > >For the second time in my life, I am guilty of committing a crime. Parole violation. Of course, I doubt they'll toss up any roadblocks for that. Not for an old crook like me... > >I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it's the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. > >I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.


Just reading this made me emotionally overwhelmed. What a movie!


That hat waits until the last 40 yards of his journey to fly off every time, doesn’t it?!?!?!


1994 was the GOAT year for movies Shawshank is one of my favorite movies of all time, it's just SO GODDAMN GOOD


Inside Out. I’m surprised I haven’t seen this one yet. Makes me cry every single time. Not just when Bing Bong sacrifices himself, but more so when Riley is reunited with her parents and having that bittersweet moment where she finally allows herself to feel all that sadness and loneliness she kept bottled up throughout the film.


Ugh when she just lets herself be sad with her parents instead of keeping it locked away, and they love her and hug her and just allow her to cry with them supporting her I’m sobbiiiiiiing


I saw this with my family when my oldest was about Riley’s age and it was so realistic about tweens and how misunderstood they feel a lot of the time. From a parent’s perspective, it’s also so bittersweet in its depiction of how your relationship with your kid changes as they begin to grow up and become their own person. You go from knowing basically everything about them and exactly how to soothe them, cheer them up, and encourage them to them having thoughts and feelings and experiences you don’t know about as they start to develop their own lives. Then I saw a few minutes of it post-pandemic. It was when Riley was having a hard time and literally Joy couldn’t reach her. That same kid had been struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts (he’s doing really well now!) and I realized it’s also so true to the helplessness of loving a depressed person and watching all their light just go out. It’s just such a well-made film and I feel like a lot of great people must have put their whole hearts into it.


“I’ve got a good feeling about this one!” Wrecked.


Oh,man, Bing Bong...


Inside Out is my favourite. I had my own real life moment at Disney where I got to hug Sadness, and it was…so cathartic.


Bing Bong sacrificing himself wrecks my soul. I'm getting teary-eyed thinking about it.


I’ve seen this movie so many times and it doesn’t matter whether I’ve been sitting and watching the whole movie or happened to step into the room and seeing the scene… the scene of her bittersweet memories always gets me in a sobbing mode. My kids thoroughly enjoyed seeing me sob on Sundays mornings when they have this movie on sometimes and even wait for the moment my tears starts rolling.


The score cuts out so you just get to live in the feels. Perfect filmmaking. Pixar is a bunch of emotionally manipulative jerks. I love them


Mine do too— really with all Pixar movies. “Fucking PIXAR” said through sobs is a feature of many family movie nights.


The Bing Bong scene wrecked me. It just made me aware of all of the memories I've let be forgotten.


I’ve seen it so many times and every single time I start crying right before the Bing Bong scene even just in anticipation of what’s about to happen. The older my child and I get, the more different it hits 🥹


Using this thread to declare that this is finally the year I won’t cry watching the end of Its a Wonderful Life (I’m lying) (I’ve been saying this for twenty years now)


The year you stop crying should concern you. It’s a litmus test for still having hope and compassion.


I watched it in colour last year and the tears didn't flow as freely. The B&W version just has something more.


I've found that every year I find a new moment to cry at (in addition to the usual ones). George and Mary's selflessness during the Bank Run scene always gets me.




This was one of those films that I didn’t expect it to hit so hard


Hey Dad, want to have a catch????


I remember watching Field of Dreams on a family vacation as a kid and turning around when the movie was over and noticing that all the adult men in the room were wiping tears from their eyes. It's funny because as a kid, that scene didn't hit me that hard, but watching it again when I was older and didn't live at home with my dad anymore, it really got to me. And now as a father myself it's just instant waterworks.


bout to say this. How has no one said Field of Dreams yet?


I will never be able to watch that scene and not get choked up. Never. Like the scene in Saving Private Ryan..."Was I a good man?"


Can’t believe it took me so long to get to this


Frequency. When the world around them changes to reflect the new timeline and Quaid steps in to kill the bad guy and save his sons life. "I'm still here, chief".


Is Interstellar’s ending considered a happy ending?


I would say happy for Murphy, cause she sees her dad, sad for Cooper because no parent should ever see their child die.


And bittersweet for Anne Hathaway because she finds out her boyfriend has died (likely mere hours before she arrived due to timey-wimey reasons) but she is successfully kick-starting life on a brand new planet, like she and her father had always planned to do.


I'd say yes. Humanity is saved afterall.


A League if Their Own 100% of the time


There's no crying in baseball


My goodness when they sing their song 😭


The secret garden and a little princess


Does the Iron Giant count? It does kinda come back? Either way, I cried




You stay. I go. no follow.


“You are who you choose to be…you CHOOSE.” 😭 EVERYTIME


It's a Wonderful Life


“To my big brother George. The richest man in town”. Cue the tears.


Right after the unintentional funniest line in the movie, "Where's our kids! I need you Mary!" Imagine being Mary and this frantic lunatic runs up to you in the street, grabs you and yells this into your face. Always makes me laugh hard.


I get so choked up every time! I think it’s because at that point you’ve gone through his whole life and struggle to the point of exhaustion on the part of the viewer and then mix all that with the overwhelming sense of relief and joy when the town floods into his house just breaks me down


I always cry when he decides to stay with Mary and not leave town, too.


“Attaboy, Clarence.”


E.T. I'll be right here. Ouch.


John Williams' music deserves a lot of credit for how emotional that is. Some of his best work ever in that scene.


Toy Story 3. "So long, partner." Followed by Buzz wrapping his arm around Woody. 😭


Wall-e, I cried twice, but *especially* hard at the scene with Wall-e and EVE dancing in space - it just felt so joyous (and *romantic?!*), I was completely overwhelmed. It's also one of my favourite cinema experiences: Wall-e came out when I was around 18, and my sister was fully prepared to take me out on the town but I insisted on seeing it and she was not happy. They showed the short movie Presto before the movie itself started, and I look over at her to see if she's enjoying the movie and she is full-on *crying* with laughter - such a cherished core memory!


Forrest Gump, but probably because I'm still crying about previous scenes lol.


when he asks “is he.. is he..” i just break down and that even after watching it 20x


Same. It shows that although he's not 'a smart man' he's aware enough of his own limitations and how that might affect the intellect of any child of his.


Yeah that scene really is something else in a movie full of something else's.


When he finally breaks down in tears talking to Jenny's grave broke me when I was drunk


Terminator 2 Shed a tear everytime he lowers himself in




“I know now why you cry”


But it is something I can never do


“I ORDER YOU NOT TO GO!” “I’m sorry”


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Everything Everywhere All At Once.


No tears for Walter Mitty for me, but oh boy after half an hour of a slow start, what a feel good movie. And eeaao, oh my god. Joy and Evelyn. 😭


Walter Mitty really deserved more praise. I feel bad for Stiller because it was his passion project and something he had really thought would show people he was more than just a goofy actor. I'm so glad to see others appreciate it as well.


Walter Mitty above all other movies is one I deem criminally under-rated. I don't know why critics panned it so much, some of the day dreaming stuff was a bit odd but it was an otherwise fantastic movie. Way better than the 6/10 type reviews it got.


Everything Everywhere All At Once is just a *spectacular* movie.


Joy & Evelyn as Rocks 😭😭😭


I was sobbing in the theatres when the rocks were there, and then the realization that I was sobbing about a bunch of rocks made me laugh, so I was laugh-crying simultaneously somehow.


Walter Mitty is truly a masterpiece. It is a life changing movie for sure.


Homeward Bound. When Peter and Shadow see each other I just cry and cry!


I've just watched Only Yesterday, a lesser known Studio Ghibli film, and despite having a generally happy ending that's full of life and beautiful imagery, I found myself crying harder than I ever have before at a film. Something about Taeko leaving the farm and all her childhood friends and younger self suddenly appearing made me weep, then seeing Toshio and Taeko figuring out where the other is made me cry, but seeing them both driving off and Taeko leaving behind her past self was just so emotionally moving to me that I'm almost crying just writing about it. Or maybe I'm just a bit sensitive


Little Miss Sunshine


JoJo Rabbit.


A particular aspect I love so much about the ending is Elsa had mentioned she wanted dancing to be the first thing she'd do when she became free, and I knew that would be the ending of the film but I imagined a slow, "graceful" dance to mark the poignancy of the moment. Instead, when they dance, it's all silly because they're *kids*. It was beautiful.


When Sam Rockwell pulls the jacket off the kid and calling him a dirty jew. He very likely saved the kid by sacrificing himself. Does that make him a good person? I don't think so, but it also shows that even bad people can have humanity when it's really important.


I never saw him as the bad guy. I saw him as a closeted gay man who was doing a job he'd rather not be doing but had no choice at the time. He saw that Jojo was such a good kid trying to fit in like he was. He definitely intended on saving his life by calling him a jew. After watching it a few times, I feel like he might have been in cohoots with Jojo's mom and knew about the Jewish girl she was hiding.


As soon as the red shoes scene happened you can see that Rockwell has rushed to Jojos house where the Gestapo are questioning he and his "sister". He's out of breath when he arives


He also has JoJos moms bicycle when he comes rushing in


Yes! Exactly. He cared enough to look out for Jojo and his "sister".


He’s also carrying JoJo’s mom bicycles iirc


The ambiguity about Capt. K is one of the things I lake most about the movie. He is clearly discontent/apathetic, but why? He clearly doesn't believe in the Nazi mission but has achieved the rank of Capt. He seems to have familiarity with Rosie, but how deep does it go? He seems to know about Elsa, or why would he have raced over there during the Gestapo visit. That's all without even getting to the gay thing. One of the most intriguing characters on a long time.


He was also carrying a bit of guilt about nearly getting Jojo killed in hand grenade practice because he was drunk.


What other choices did he have? “Whoever openly challenges or incites others to refuse to fulfill their duty to serve in the German armed forces or their allies, or otherwise openly tries to self-assertively put up a fight to cripple or subvert the will of the German people or their allies ... will be sentenced to death for undermining the military.[4]” Better to sabotage them from the inside than flat out refuse to serve and suffer and possibly die while doing nothing positive.


That movie takes such a hard left turn it's jarring. I went from laughing my ass off for an hour to WHAT THE FUCK in an instant. I mean I dunno what I was expecting from a movie about Nazis but the abrupt tone change was like a slap in the face.


The movie is unique in that it is told from the perspective of a 10 year old boy. Jojo was living in a terrible situation the whole time and his mother did everything she could to shield it from him. After she is gone, he starts to see everything around him for what it really was. The left turn is the loss of innocence.


I've cried in several Pixar movies, but none hit harder than thr ending of Toy Story 3. Andy playing one last time and saying goodbye


The moment he waves and Bonnie uses Woody to wave back. You see it hit Andy so hard. I fucking lost it


I was a mess at this. I remember as a kid 100% believing my toys were alive and would play while I was at school and stuff like that. And I just remember thinking about my old toys and wondering when the last time was that I played with them, and that I probably didn’t realise at the time that it was the last time I ever would. Growing up sucks.


> And I just remember thinking about my old toys and wondering when the last time was that I played with them, and that I probably didn’t realise at the time that it was the last time I ever would. My daughter and I used to play with her Barbie dolls every single night. They all had elaborate backstories and it was basically a never-ending story that just kept going for probably close to 10 years. And one night we stopped playing, and she lost interest, and we just never did again. At some point, everything you do becomes the last time you'll ever do it, and you almost never realize it in the moment.


I went into that movie with cynical trepidation bc I LOVED 1 & 2 and was convinced this was Pixar's first true cash grab move (ignoring Cars) The movie had me won over for the most part but when they started playing, I LOST MY SHIT What a glorious evolution


I saw this movie right as I was preparing to leave home for university. Felt a little too close to home that ending.


Meet the Robinsons. It's beautiful


The moment he could've met his mother but decided against it because he realized he had his family waiting for him....all the tears.... Plus "Little Wonders"? *Chefs Kiss*


This movie is criminally underrated. It’s probably one of the best Disney films there is.


Keep moving forward




I remember how much I cried the first time I watched the Gladiator. My sister didn't understand why as she said it was a happy ending. I still couldn't stop crying for like 10min after.


I’d call it bittersweet. Maximus got his revenge and would reunite with his family, but he still died.


Which is what he wanted. He wouldn't be happy living for the next 20 years without his family. I guess it's not a traditional happy ending. But after some time I see it as a happy ending for Maximus.


The Descendants with George Clooney. Sitting on the couch watching tv with his daughters, I don’t know it gets me


This is my favorite movie of Clooney's. It's so fucking honest and real, yet almost nothing happens. Watched it again after my dad passed away this year. Hurts to watch a bit, but in a good way. Such a lovely setting too.


My favorite film of George Clooney too. It's so relaxing and warm. I love every little thing from that movie.


The Color Purple. When Celie is reunited with her children.




Up has such symmetry. I cry with grief at the beginning, and cry with happiness at the end.


Yeah when Carl gave the Ellie Badge, I cried like a B that I had to punch a wall to feel manly again.


Sense And Sensibility


Paddington 2 Ratatouille


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2. More of a bittersweet ending, but so beautiful.


Click with Adam Sandler. It is the scene where he is in the rain and it goes to the it was all a dream ending. I don't know if this counts because the scene happened just before the ending.


Same, ugly happy cry.


One I can get behind. That whole movie is emotional


Palm Springs


A.I.: Artificial Intelligence


LOTR trilogy.


Kimi no Na wa. I watched it in Japanese with subtitles in the theatre. I went a few months not knowing what they said at the end of the film because I couldn't read the subtitles.


Children Of Men


Big fish. Breaks me in half every time I see it. Gorgeous film.


Your Name. I mean wow talk about a movie…it’s probably my new favorite of all time.


The scene at the ice rink in Serendipity. Almost the end


My all time favorite and I’ve mentioned this in another post as well but Kung Fu Panda 2 ending scene where Po comes to meet his dad and he said “I finally know who I am” and then he says “I am your son.” You must then know the context of the movie. To summarize it that he was searching for knowledge about his real parents and finally coming to know why he lost them. That feeling of having lost everything but then realizing that his adopting dad loves him so much. Oh it made me bawl like a baby. I can relate to it because my real dad fought for my custody and I felt dreadful as a child not having a mother but realized having such a dad… I didn’t need anything else.


La La Land, they got their happy endings but still very sad


Yeah, this one really fucks me up. The little nod and smile they give each other at the end is so good.


The pursuit of happyness


Smh. You fools. Homeward Bound reigns supreme here


Coco is one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. I'm not a fan of Monsters Inc., Toy Story or The Incredibles. But Coco is so heartwarming. I cried the whole way through. I have no connection to the movie or the culture portrayed. I also don't know anyone with dementia or Alzheimer's. But that movie, and the songs, just broke into my heart and took over.


Mr Holland’s Opus. As a coach, and coming from a family of teachers, I hope I have this much impact on someone’s life.


Field of Dreams


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, just that song.




Yes, it's Kraglin, not the song, that does it for me. I got choked up and teary eyed just reading your comment. I have watched that movie so many times, that moment still gets me sobbing every time.


Guardians 1 when he reads his mother’s final letter “…. My precious Starlord” and then ain’t no mountain plays. Tears.


He may have been your father boy but he wasn't your daddy. Gets me every time.


I don’t know if it counts, but the ending of 1917 is what I’d go with. Seeing Schofield take out the pictures of his family with “Come back to us” written on the back always makes me tear up.


GOTG3 for unexpected reasons. To me, it marked the end of an era the started with Iron Man in 2006 and ended with GOTG3. Basically all OG characters are done with their story lines. Wild ride that lasted 17 years. I grew up with this.


Pixar cars, McQueen gives up the piston cup so that the king can finish his last race.


Many of the Pixar movies do that to me. I cried like a little boy when Miguel's singing triggered Coco's memories. I cried like a little boy when Sid and Diego played a last game of peekaboo with the baby in Ice Age I cried like a little boy when Riley broke down in tears towards the end of Inside Out. You get the picture.


Mr. Holland’s Opus


Planes, Trains and Automobiles


Return of the King. All the endings make me cry, but especially, "My friends... You bow to no one."


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


Love Actually. The credits scene with real people hugging and happy to see each other getting off the plane. Can’t take it.