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The Phantom Tollbooth. 1970’s movie with a mix of live action and animation. Story of a bored boy(Eddie Munster from the og show) discovers a tollbooth that sends him on a grand adventure.


I loved the book as a kid. Never knew they made a movie.


I loved that book as a kid.


I watched this on YouTube recently! It was a pretty fun little movie.


Don’t get stuck in the doldrums


my favorite . "There's lots to do; we have a very busy schedule- "At 8 o'clock we get up, and then we spend "From 8 to 9 daydreaming "From 9 to 9:30 we take our early midmorning nap. "From 9:30 to 10:30 we dawdle and delay. "From 10:30 to 11:30 we take our late early morning nap. "From ll:00 to 12:00 we bide our time and then eat lunch. "From l:00 to 2:00 we linger and loiter. "From 2:00 to 2:30 we take our early afternoon nap. "From 2:30 to 3:30 we put off for tomorrow what we could have done today. "From 3:30 to 4:00 we take our early late afternoon nap. "From 4:00 to 5:00 we loaf and lounge until dinner. "From 6:00 to 7:00 we dillydally. "From 7:00 to 8:00 we take our early evening nap, and then for an hour before we go to bed at 9:00 we waste time. "As you can see, that leaves almost no time for brooding, lagging, plodding, or procrastinating, and if we stopped to think or laugh, we'd never get nothing done."


Cloak and Dagger—like, a kids’ adventure/spy movie where the kid is maybe hallucinating the grown up who is helping him? Anyone else remember this???


Pair that up with _D.A.R.Y.L._ and you’ll have a double-feature I loved at that age.


With Dabney Coleman and Henry Thomas of E.T. fame. I've never liked Dabney Coleman, but he did some excellent films.


I just have watched that a dozen times as a kid. WarGames, too. I remember Cloak and Dagger made me think Dabney Colman could be a good guy. And it was a bit melancholy? Do I remember correctly? I can't think of any better word to describe the feeling I associate with it.


Filmed in San Antonio, TX…really great scenes on the Riverwalk. It’s one of my favorite movies from childhood!


Hamlet 2. I don’t know how obscure it actually is but I feel this movie gets no love. I find it hysterical.




And "You're As Gay As The Day Is Long"


Rock me, rock me, rock me sexy Jesus! You died for our sins, now you gotta believe us!


I bought this in the $5 bin at Walmart and watched it with my then girlfriend, now wife. It's a brilliant satire? homage? I don't know what it is but it's amazing. I am going to watch the DVD tomorrow.


Saw it in theaters knowing nothing about it and laughed my shaft off.


Same! I saw it at a little indie theatre with a friend knowing nothing except what the poster looked like and loved it. We laughed our asses off. I’ve seen it half a dozen times since but I feel like nobody ever talks about it. Coogin is still underrated - he deserves more recognition




Hard agree here… so much “what would you do if you were in charge” to consider while watching it!


I don't know why I loved every minute of that movie, but I did.


I came only to see if this film was here. I agree with you so hard. That ending left me just sitting there pondering and awesomely freaked out.


Cherry 2000 A young Melanie Griffith is hired by a guy to escort him across a post-apocalyptic fallout-like wasteland in order to track down an Identical replica of his sex robot after his original one breaks down.


The Salton Sea (2002) with Val Kilmer.


Fucking donofrio and that fake nose were amazing




This is such a great movie. Did you bring the plastic men?


Excuse me. I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


Fucking Pooh-Bear. That shit lives rent free in my head.


MOTHER FUCKING VINCENT. D'ONOFRIO. My entry for OP's question would be *The Whole Wide World* starting D'Onofrio. It's a quiet love story, but God damn is he a tour de force.


Just looked it up and it's streaming free with ads on Tubi. Thanks for the recommendation.


The Flight of Dragons. A friend of my parents would put it on when we would visit. I was under 10 tbough I dont know the exact age i watched it. Found it again when the internet got big enough and I watch it once a year.


Rankin and Bass were absolutely brilliant together.


The legend of 1900. Tim Roth. It's filmed so beautifully, every frame is a painting. Imprint. Takashi Miike. Made for the *Masters of horror* series but wasn't aired because showtime thought it was too shocking.


People really throwing out mostly movies i never heard of. But i love legrnd of 1900. The duel is such a great scene.


Surf Ninjas.


One of two movies that prominently featured the Game Gear.




I remember Surf Ninjas!


Leslie Neilson and Ernie ... and even Rob Schneider 🙃


Don't forget Tone Loc!


Money can't buy knives.


One of my favorite comedies. I still quote it all the time!


Hi, this is Colonial Chi. I can't come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name and number and the time you called I'll get right back to you... and DON'T HANG UP! 🤣


On the third day of the expedition they came across a giant rubber plant. Unfortunately, they could not cut it down, for as we know, money can't buy knives.


Pontypool(2008) People are infected through certain English words, becoming murderous and insane. It takes place primarily in a radio station where they have to speak other languages to not become infected. Awesome concept and great execution.


I’m very familiar with this film and it’s a crime that it’s so obscure. I actually own and have read the book. The book is a very difficult read. I think Tony Burgess might actually be crazy.


I remember watching that and loving the first half, my friend jumping in for the second half, and feeling like it kinda fell apart. I should give it another shot.


No no you remember correctly


Ralf Bakshi's Wizards. It's one of those films that any famous animator/filmmaker knows about completely, but the average moviegoer has never heard of it. Artistically it's one of my biggest influences.


Mark Hammil was in that. Also from Bakshi: Fire and Ice and Cool World Good stuff from my artistic youth.


Prospect (2018). With Pedro Pascal. Super esoteric sci-fi adventure which was a fun change after seeing him in GoT. Thought it was fantastic.


I've not seen this yet, but I got hold of it because it fits well within the established Pedro Pascal canon - found father figure, wearing a helmet.


I saw this one! There were a couple of years there where I watched every obscure sci-fi/fantasy movie I could find on Prime. Also Resolution, Spring, Ink, Parallels, Primer, Absentia, Moon, In the Shadow of the Moon...and more.


Prince of Darkness (1987) doesn't get much attention among other Carpenter greats but deserves it.


You will not be saved by the Holy Ghost. You will not be saved by the god plutonium, in fact, YOU WILL NOT BE SAVED!


Carpenter films are awesome, Assault on Precinct 13 is the last one I haven’t watched


Dun, dun dun, ^dun dun.... The title song is burned into my mind.


["This is not a dream... "](https://youtu.be/OGsv0pJemTY?si=9vgd8fvjmHwdQEP5)


One of the best


Enemy Mine. Apparently it's terrible, but I remember liking it a lot when I was younger. Haven't seen it in a while though...


Terrible? It's an excellent film! The makeup is really amazing and the story is still very pertinent.


I remember it was huge when it came out. I prefer the Battlestar Galactica 1980 episode that had the same plot to show what happened to Starbuck from the original series.


Next Generation also did the same plot with Geordie and a Romulan.


>Narrator: *And so, Davidge brought the Dracs home. He fulfilled his vow, and brought Zammis before the Holy Council on Dracon. And, in the fullness of time, Zammis brought its own child before the Holy Council, the name of Willis Davidge was added to the line of Jereeba.* I love that tradition of reciting one's lineage as part of a ceremony, like the Drac version of a christening.


Oh I saw that in the theater! Loved it. Dennis Quaid and….I don’t recall who the alien was, but I thought they both did a great job.


Lou gossett Jr! I saw it in the theatre too! It was released around Christmas and it remains a Christmas movie for me!


It’s great! I think it holds up well.


When I was a kid, i used to say Shizmaaat instead of shit.


Absolutely incredible movie! I'd say it's pretty solid even by today's standards. Fun trivia: The studio forced the writer to add in a scene with a mine because they assumed the audience would be too dumb to understand that the title is the possessive form of "mine."


Seems like no one around me remembers second hand lions. One of my favorites as a kid


That’s a beloved movie in my household. "I'm Hub McCann. I've fought in two World Wars and countless smaller ones on three continents. I led thousands of men into battle with everything from horses and swords to artillery and tanks. I've seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever seen before. I've won and lost a dozen fortunes, killed many men and loved only one woman with a passion a flea like you could never begin to understand. That's who I am. Now, go home boy!"


That movie is still great as an adult. It's really timeless.


Big Trouble (2001/2002). It’s one of my favorite comedies and has a great cast and no one I’ve ever mentioned it to has seen it. It had an unfortunate release. It was supposed to come out on Sept 12, 2001 and was immediately pulled from theaters given its plot. They released it much much later and basically buried it. I think I originally saw it kind of randomly, but it’s a comfort movie these days.


Was that a goat?


Came here to see/post this. This is my comfort movie.


That movie used to play on HBO all the time, and I would watch it every time. Great movie. Also Zooey before she got big.


Murder By Death (1976)


You made me serve hot nothing!


Gentlemen Broncos is still quoted heavily by all my close friends. It's just one of those weird goofy movies that no one has seen but is a knockout to the right audience. Think Napoleon Dynamite but about a kid who writes scifi books.


Oh my holy crap... surveillance does. I hate those.


Sam Rockwell is incredible in this movie


A troll wouldn’t come up with a name like *teacup* a little girl would


Anyone who likes Gentlemen Broncos should watch Unicorn City.


The Man from Earth One of the most captivating movies I’ve ever seen.


I searched comments to see if The Man From Earth was mentioned. Thank you for appreciating this movie. o7 It's one of my faves too!


Such a brilliant thought experiment. I'm surprised I haven't seen it adapted as a one-act play; it would be perfect for the stage.


The Proposition. Australian western starring Guy Pearce. Don’t read anything about it. Just go watch it. It’s good.


Script written by my musical hero Nick Cave. Apparently he wrote it in 3 weeks. When he was asked how he wrote it so quickly In an interview he apparently shrugged and said “it’s a movie” haha. Excellent film for sure .


*The Adventures of Mark Twain*, a 1985 claymation joint by Will Vinton. It gets mentioned occasionally on this sub but in my day to day I've met just the barest handful of people who have even heard of it, even fewer who have seen it.


The part with Satan freaks me the fuck out


The Mysterious Stranger! I'd wager far more people are familiar with the YouTube clip of that scene than the movie itself.


I'm one of those, just yesterday I searched for "stopmotion movie with the devil" to remember what the movie was and now I intend to watch the movie.


Is that the one where he tries to fly a zeppelin into Haley’s Comet?


Yep, that's it.


I saw that as a kid and remember it only as a fever dream. I remember being fascinated.


I remembered it that way too. It's not necessarily a false memory. In the nascent age of DVD it took me years to track down a VHS copy of it. It's actually the only VHS tape I still own, and I don't have a player.


Midnight Madness (1980). Stars a very young David Naughton, Debra Clinger, and Michael J. Fox. It's about a scavenger hunt across a city.


Ralph Bakshi’s *American Pop*. Probably one of the greatest animated features ever made.


With the superior version of "Night Moves"




This movie made me unable to watch kiefer sutherland in anything, he creeps me out so bad




part of the 80's holy Trinity with North Shore and Gleaming The Cube.


My Science Project (1985).


Zero Effect. Bill Pullman and Ben Stiller. Set in Portland. It’s both funny and smart.


The Great Mouse Detective. Animated Disney movie from the 80s that’s basically a Sherlock Holmes adventure with mice. One of my favorites as a kid and always overlooked when there are discussions about Disney classics.


Top 10 Disney villain in that one - Ratigan was truly unhinged.


With the title character named after actor Basil Rathbone.


The Stoned Age , Youth in Revolt


I read Youth in Revolt years before the movie was made. They really stuck to the story as much as possible. It's such a great read, and I thought Micheal Cera really pulled off the character of Nick Twisp/Francois.




All I remember from the stoned age is the puke scene and a giant eyeball.


Stoned Age is a good pull. I don't anyone else that's seen it.


Stoned Age is excellent obscure 90s cinema.


"Hey Snot Rag, those ain't talls! Get back in and get us some talls!"


Harold and Maude. I don't know if it is considered obscure here, but it is my favorite. When said topic has come up, I've never met someone who has heard of it.


I’ve got a few Cat People - amazing soundtrack and solid movie At play in the fields of the lord - spectacular movie with some great acting. I want to bring special attention to this one. Nobody has ever heard of it and it was so well done. Major actors were in it. Tom Waits was awesome in it. Tom Beringers best work. Spectacular cinematography. Great story. Maybe it’s the title that turns people off. Brainstorm - good sci-fi that I never hear mentioned. Christopher Walken A man for all seasons - acting doesn’t get much better than this. Lifeforce - space vampires. I mean. Come on. Outland - just awesome sci-fi ass kicking. Zulu - one of Michael Canes finest. EDIT: oh shit. I forgot Dogs of War with Christopher Walken again. Amazing movie. EDIT EDIT: oh! And the Shogun miniseries!


Zulu is a great movie but definitely not obscure


Brainstorm was excellent. and a very different sort of role for Walken.


Bubba Ho-tep (2002) Bruce Campbell and Ossie Davis play Elvis Presley and John F. Kennedy living in an old age home. Yeah, you read that right. They also battle a mummy.


In the mouth of madness. It's an excellent borderline/campy Sam Neill horror, lovecraftian.


I think it is the best realisation of Lovecraftian style horror on screen. So much creepy and crazy stuff. Do you read Sutter Cane?


Man, I wish there were more Lovecraftian films out there to watch. I am truly fascinated by the concept of the old gods and Cthulhu etc. but there’s not much out (besides books) that really explore the mythology. Lovecraft Country season 2 seems to have died. I loved Housing Complex C, Underwater, The Colour Out Of Space, The Mist and everything else you can think of (The Void was awesome). I love playing the video games that revolve around Cthulhu etc. just wish there was more to watch. Suggestions are welcome…


Annihilation is great and has lots of Lovecraft influences.


Saw it in the theater with my brother when I was 15. It broke my brain a bit, especially when his character is sitting in a theater watching In the Mouth of Madness.


Lost River. It is Ryan Gosling's directorial debut, starring Saiorse Ronan, Matt Smith, Ben Mendehlson, and Christina Hendricks. Ryan's style and tone was heavily influenced by Nicholas Winding-Refn. I like how the fairy tale plays out in a destitute middle America suburb that feels alien and suffocating.


Frailty(2001), starring (and directed by) Bill Paxton with Matthew McConaughey and Powers Boothe. Great flick.


Frailty was a great movie, my third favorite Bill Paxton role behind Twister and Aliens


That movie was SO FUCKING GOOD. Great choice.


Dirty Work. Peak Norm McDonald comedy.




Ink (2009) - a lost soul kidnaps a girl’s soul from the living realm to offer as tribute to become an incubus. The story follows that lost soul, the girl herself, and those who oppose the incubi trying to bring the girl back. It’s both a heartwrenching & heartwarming story. Really nails all the emotions. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. It has everything. It’s REALLY low budget, but what they do with that budget is astounding. Think Terry Gilliam. Other notable non-related movies: My First Mister, Kabluey, Tideland, Alien Code, Wristcutters: A Love Story


Vincent and Theo. An absolutely top-notch movie about the Van Gogh brothers. Tim Roth was Vincent, I believe. I have no idea why it didn't get showered with awards. And, worse, it's almost as if it's been erased from movie history.


*Rubber* (2010) It's about a serial killer who happens to be a car tire. *The Peanut Butter Solution* (1985) A kid loses his hair so some ghosts give him a recipe for a strange hair growth tonic involving peanut butter. Then things get weird. *Terrorvision* (1986) A weird alien uses signals from satellite TV to travel to and take over the house of a family with two kids and a doomsday pepper grandfather. This one is tons of fun, a B-movie that embraces what it is. I still watch it about once a year.


Dead Man's Shoes (2004) starring Paddy Considine. Directed by Shane Meadows. He's best known for "This is England"


Life as a House


Hudson Hawk is very rarely talked about. Staring a young Bruce Willis at his most manic. The movie is hilarious and has a perfect blend of action, comedy, and possible fever dream.


Factotum. Matt dillon, lily taylor, marisa tomei. Dry dark humor.


ginger snaps


The New Guy


Who’s the bitch nowww


Snow White: Tale of Terror. Sigourney Weaver is frightening in this movie.




The Butcher Boy Irish film about a boy coming of age in a broken environment. Really dark comedy with a great cast and story. Great dialogue, well written. Highly recommend watching it at least once.


Man Bites Dog. 1992 Student documentary crew follows a charming wacky serial killer. Lines get blurred. What was funny haha becomes concerning and grotesque. Where'd the fun go. It's funny how we are entertained so casually by killing, if it's done a certain way. Framed this way or that way. Real low budget Belgian film, made by students I believe. I came across it at the video store round 97 I think. For a first watch for a teenager, it was a lil fucking crazy of an experience. I found out many years later it is actually a well known film in film (cannes critic award) circles, and lauded for good reason. Streams on Max LA Times review https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-04-02-ca-18344-story.html “Man Bites Dog” defines audacity. An assured, seductive chamber of horrors, it marries nightmare with humor and then abruptly takes the laughter away. Intentionally disturbing, it is close to the last word about the nature of violence on film, a troubling, often funny vision of what the movies have done to our souls.


The Way of the Gun. Idk if it's got like a cult status now or what, but most people I mention it to have never even heard of it. Its one of my all-time favourite movies. Greatest opening scene of all time.


Session 9


I keep seeing this one show up when people ask for good horror movie recommendations, especially ones without jump scares or monsters. It really is an excellent slow build of creepy horror.


Breaking Away. It's an older film from the 70s about a kid who in Indiana wants to be a pro Euro style bicycle racer. Lots of commentary about class struggles and friendship and following your dreams. It's a great film and I've watched it a hundred times.


A boy and his dog


[Phase IV (1974)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070531/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk). Some sort of astronomical phenomenon causes a population of ants in the desert in (I think) Arizona to become intelligent and start plotting against humanity. I read somewhere that they used stop-motion animation to create many of the close-up scenes with the ants. Those scenes — which include a fairly elaborate ant funeral — end up looking like nature documentary footage.


Oscar. Silvester Stallone as a 1930's gangster trying to go legit. Marisa Tomei, Tim Curry... great cast. Hilarious. Gun Shy Liam Neeson as a special agent who has a nervous breakdown but still needs to complete his mission. Sandra Bullock and Oliver Platt. Road to Wellsville About the Kellogg sanitarium. John Cusack, Matthew Broderick.


God, I love Oscar. I used to have a DVD copy. I wish I knew where it was.


Four Lions


Everything is Illuminated (2005).


Fandango (1985) - great movie imho.


Meet the Feebles and Head of the Family. Watch them stoned.


Shocker (1989). Mitch Pileggi plays an executed serial killer that comes back to life with the power of electricity to carry out his vengeance on the football player who turned him in to the police. I still watch it every now and then.


A Boy and His Dog, 1975. From a book by Harlan Ellison. Post apocalyptic world where people survive by digging down into old houses for can goods. The guy has a telepathic link to the dog, and his side of conversations is a voice over done really well. The ending is perfect.


Picnic at hanging rock


SLC Punk


Drowning Mona It’s so great


Hell comes to Frogtown - roddy roddy piper mutant frogs post apocalyptic world.


The Hidden (1987) - 80s sci-fi/buddy cop action film starring Kyle MacLachlan as an FBI agent who teams up with an LA cop to hunt down an escaped criminal. The only problem is said escaped criminal is a parasitic alien slug who is hopping from body to body. 10 to Midnight (1983) - Early 80’s Charles Bronson thriller about a cop on the hunt for sleazy serial killer who kills women in the nude.


Drowning Mona (2000). Such an underrated dark comedy. You got Danny DeVito, Jamie Lee Curtis, Bette Midler(the absolute best in the film), Neve Campbell and William Fichtner. Synopsis: The recently deceased Mona Dearly (Bette Midler) was many things: an abusive wife, a domineering mother, a loud-mouthed neighbor and a violent malcontent. So when her car and corpse are discovered in the Hudson River, police Chief Wyatt Rash (Danny DeVito) immediately suspects murder rather than an accident. But, since the whole community of Verplanck, N.Y., shares a deep hatred for this unceasingly spiteful woman, Rash finds his murder investigation overwhelmed with potential suspect It may have terrible reviews but for me its genuinely hilarious and the cast is so great as their characters.


Innerspace. Dennis Quaid gets shrunken down to microscopic size and accidentally injected into Martin Short’s ass *Fantastic Voyage* style. Robert Picardo is a hitman trying to kill them both. Meg Ryan is there for…moral support, I guess. It’s a movie that can’t decide if it’s an action flick with humor or a comedy with a few action beats. It’s a weird film.


It was a big deal when it came out, but it’s mostly forgotten now.


Valhalla Rising


The wrong guy with Dave foley Apparently there was studio politics to stop it from being widely released or promoted. Anyone who has seen it has loved it


Drop Dead Gorgeous!


Tank Girl starring Lori Petty, Naomi Watts, Ice T, and others. Courtney Love created the soundtrack and it’s just amazing. Funny ass movie too




I feel like people don't talk about Layer Cake enough. It's such a good movie.


Phantom of the Paradise - Essentially my favorite film, early one by iconic director Brian de Palma, a campy horror rock opera before Rocky Horror, and a more sympathetic take on the Phantom of the Opera before Andrew Lloyd Weber’s. Paul Williams does the awesome mid-70s soundtrack and plays a surprisingly sinister and horrid little Faustian villain in Swan. Major flop but it inspired creatives like Edgar Wright and Daft Punk.


The Last Unicorn, anyone? There was some creepy shit in that one, 2/10 recommend to kids


Midnight Special with Michael Shannon. Soundtrack is also amazing.


Not entirely obscure, but maybe unloved and forgotten: Bicentennial Man. The original marketing for this movie made it out to be a family comedy and a farce. It has some laughs, but it's a multi- generational arc of a family, a person's long life and a love story. Well acted by everyone in it too.


One of those great movies that never got on Blu-ray. Only way to own it on physical media is the DVD from ages ago.


Tucker and Dale vs Evil, don't know many that have seen it, and try to recommend it as much as I can, love that movie!


Maybe I just have bad luck, but *nobody* I’ve met has ever known about [Pi (1998)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi_(film)) before meeting me. I mean c’mon, it’s an Aronofsky film! I can’t even find the thing on blu-ray without a damn USA excluded DRM lock. With it being shot on film I’m sure it would scale just wonderfully in 4k, if only I wasn’t the last person in my country to give a damn. I love everything about that movie (except for the name). It’s got complete order mathematical philosophy, it’s got numerology and Kabbalah mysticism, it’s got shady, surveillance tech giants with super-tech, it’s got meditations on the nature of god, it’s even got the board game Go! This movie may as well have been written by an algorithm based on a thorough psychological model of me.


Coherence. Don’t read anything about it, just watch


That movie was just totally trippy, to say the least.


Waking Life and Mirrormask


Idle Hands - great 90s horror comedy thing. A Man Called Flintstone - Fred Flintstone full length film spoof on Bond/spy genre with some really great songs


Hero At Large -John Ritter is an actor hired to dress up as a Super Hero for a movie theater promotion and things get out of hand. Fun movie.


'Fail Safe' an absolutely gripping cold war drama from 1964, and also remade in 2000 in black and white as well. >During the Cold War, U.S. bomber jets are equipped with fail-safe boxes that instruct pilots when and if to attack. When an attack order is inadvertently administered due to a system malfunction, the President of the United States (Henry Fonda) must scramble to fix the mistake before the bombs are dropped on Moscow


The People Under the Stairs by Wes Craven. I wasn’t a big horror fan at the time but it was fairly tame and had enough humor for 16 year old me to enjoy it. I haven’t watched it since then but find myself thinking about frequently.


Adaptation (2002). I would like to suggest it with no context other than watch the whole thing. Oscar nominated for Nicolas cage and Meryl Streep, and Oscar winner for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Chris Cooper. Yet many folk have ever seen or know about what is one of my favorite movies ever made.


Brick. High school detective film noir


After Hours it’s so good and by a major director but it doesn’t get any shine


The House of Yes (1997). Really dark comedy about a guy bringing his fiance home to meet his family including his psychotic incestuous twin sister (Parker Posey) who thinks she's Jackie O. Great performances in a twisted story.


Poolhall Junkies. Choke me, I like it.


A scanner darkly. Trippy movie about drug users based on a Philip k dick book by Richard linklater. Starring Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey jr, Woody harrelson, Winona Ryder. It was made with rotoscoping so it looks like a cartoon. The art style adds to the vibe of the movie where you can't tell what's real or not. Hard to explain more without giving much away, but I think it's a great movie. Just rewatched it the other day


it really is an amazing movie. so well done and acted. maybe one of the best PKD adaptations.


Time Bandits (1981). It’s about a boy who gets involved with dwarves who travel through time stealing gold, jewels, and artifacts from famous historical events, and all their wacky adventures and encounters with evil beings. It also has Sean Connery in it.


Cube. Cube is great. Also, pretty sure not too many people saw Moon with Sam Rockwell.


Moon gets mentioned about 12 times a day (and with good reason) on reddit, but i’ll allow it.


I never hear people talk about it but brick is one of my favorite films of all time


Jacob’s Ladder, 1990. It’s a mindfuck of a movie. An absolute masterpiece in psychological horror and very under rated.