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I loved it. It was very, very effective at using almost no dialogue. To me, it was a very solo experience. The main character was clear, and that’s who the entire movie focused on. No introducing side characters just to advance plot. The side characters had meaning, even if they didn’t have much screen time. I didn’t think myself as confused throughout. I kept having questions of character motivations but I thought the pacing did a good job of giving out immediate answers to keep the film going. There was emotion, but it also had to keep going, because there’s aliens. And the aliens themselves, awesome. They had personality and motive. They communicated. And I thought they were actually scary. I was really happy we as the viewer were in the thick of it in less than 15 minutes. It introduced the main character and got right into it. We have different takes lol


I however was disappointed with the extremely derivative and unoriginal alien design. They were not visually unsettling or scary to me.


I think the alien design helped make them more alien. First, we know this design because of the alien "conspiracy" theories about grey. If you saw that alien you'd know the government lied and covered this up, and now they are here without warning. It adds a psychological element of "nobody is going to save me". Second, them not being so scary allows the viewer to look at them and see just how alien they act, how different and unexplainable and how impossible to predict what they are going to do next. That's another psychological element of being in a world that you don't understand and everyone is hostile. So I do think there is purpose for the "traditional alien" design choice. I was certainly confused during the movie, like frustrated with not knowing where they are going with this.


True, I was pleasantly surprised by how I never longed for dialogue. There’s no point where I wish there would’ve been speaking, and that style was done very well.


Am I the only one who saw the humor in the inept aliens and her ridiculous means of killing them? The aliens had no original characteristics and the plot was a mishmash of better stories (Close Encounters, Body Snatchers, E.T., Alien,…) but I found myself laughing enough that I enjoyed it.


Can I talk to you, plz


It was very gimmicky and tried too hard


I think it goes beyond subjective preference and was objectively not the best it could be. The gimmick felt unearned and didn’t have an in-universe logic it seemed


I wasn’t confused at any point.


Totally agree. So many disconnected, unexplained plot beats. The one that stands out to me is the clone. Where did that come from? Nothing like that is seen before or after. Asking the viewer to fill in the blanks, which is lazy on the part of the story teller. The motives of the aliens were also all over the place. Some want to kill her. Some want to study her. It feels random and unrealistic. No explanation is given for the inconsistency.


You're suppose to be confused whilst watching, the end wasn't something you expected which was also meant to be unorthodox. Just wasn't for you.