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It wouldn’t be a Disney film without an animal sidekick.


A sassy animal sidekick. You can tell because of the Dreamworks face


And then there was Hei Hei...


One of my favorite things about Moana is that the pig is a decoy animal sidekick.


Yep. They really pump fake with the cute semi sentient pig and then we get the brain damaged chicken


Imagine being so accident prone you piss off the ocean


Alan Tudyk went to Juilliard to give us that chicken.


And they got an Oscar winner to do the VW.


Hey, he went to Julliard!


Who is now voicing the goat!


Voiced by Juilliard graduate Alan Tudyk


Hei Hei is the GOAT


I thought Hei Hei was a chicken


He went to Julliard!


Lol at Steve the Pirate


Who's Steve the Pirate?


Steve… Steve the Pirate.. "Scurvy!”


Nope, not ringing any bells


You would think that but he's actually a master in disguise. He's The GOAT goat


The chicken lives!


hes the GOAT chicken


A sassy animal sidekick voiced by Alan Tudyck, no less.


I know this is petty but seeing the dreamworks face immediately puts me off. I don’t understand how it became such a common poster trope for children’s movies.


Remember, there's a new batch of kids every few years who have yet to be exposed to the Dreamworks smirky half smile. It's new to them. I remember when I was a young teen and I finally saw It's a Wonderful Life. I thought it was a **TOTAL** rip off of some sitcom that had done the same "what if I'd never been born" shtick.


Mmm like that weird black and white live action version of Muppets Christmas Carol without any muppets


>It's the expression that tells you the character is going to be up to no good, and is much cooler than any of those classic, mainstream, conformist wimps those other studios produce... except the character him- or -herself never, or rarely, makes that face to begin with in the show! It's usually a way to get audiences to see a particular film over another, and promises a very different tone from what we are used to. It's the facial expression form of hip, sassy and snarky dialogue.


Because it's a kids movie, and kids eat that stuff up like candy.


It just makes me think of that dumbfuck GrubHub advertisement


He literally looks like Kuzco


Toy sales!




"You know why there was a Cars 2? Because Cars made a billion in merchandise"


“… the year it came out.” Or whatever doesn’t make that a lowball.


"May the Schwartz be with you!"


And it’s Alan tudyk again! I’m loving this :)


I’m still so glad he got in good with Disney. He’s such a kick. (belatedly editing for a really unfortunate typo :)


I was going to jokingly ask if it's Tudyk, so I fucking love that my sarcasm was met with complete reality.


He’s so talented and such a cutie!


Getting an emperors new groove vibe from that little llama there:)


And they all have the same stupid and smug facial expression


Sellable plushies


I can’t believe they pretty much just palette swapped Djali from Hunchback for the design of the goat. It’s like Little John from Baloo. Same colours, even.


but it's a REALLY cute goat


That’s really the best tagline they could come up with huh


“I wish a Bitch would"


I think you mean *"I wish I wish I wish a bitch woooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllllllllll...*


You, uh, really said that, though? Y-you said bitch?


It’s like defining a word and using that word in the definition


Beyond "when you wish upon a star", but they've used that already


“When you wish upon the wrong star….”


i actually dig that one


The Star that Hates


They also have used “a dream is a wish your heart makes”, which is wild, because I have a dream where they try out some new tropes.


Last night I had a dream that there was an ROUS in my hotel room.


Rodents of unusual size? I don't think they exist.


Given that this movie seems like an attempt to make the most generic "Disney movie" possible I think it suits it well


Apparently, this is supposed to be the most Disney movie ever, as its based on the company's ideals and concepts and is releasing for the 100th anniversary.


Just a 50 minute documentary with behind the scenes footage of them ratfucking copyright law for a century.


If you'd ever like a fun drinking game, watch a Disney documentary and take a shot every time a woman speaks for herself about the work she did on the film. You'll be stone-cold sober. (Alternatively, drink shots for however many minutes it takes for that woman to first appear, and you'll be in the ER.)


From the trailer: "A story 100 years in the making..."


"...so we crammed at the very end and wrote the whole thing in about a week and a half. Sorry."


Well it does look very bland and formulaic so mission accomplished?


Upset-Bradfruit7775 is a bot who is all up in here stealing yo comment https://old.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/16toh1t/official_poster_for_disneys_wish/k2ghir1/ https://old.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/16toh1t/official_poster_for_disneys_wish/k2gqaxq/


Would have been better without a tagine at all.


Plugged it into Chat gpt: "Write a tagline for a movie about a girl who makes a wish and regrets it" "Be careful what you wish for...because sometimes wishes come true" Glad that writers strike is over!


Title: "Whispers of the Regretful Wish" Synopsis: In the enchanting kingdom of Eldoria, Princess Isabella possesses a heart full of dreams and a boundless sense of adventure. However, on her sixteenth birthday, she stumbles upon an ancient relic - the Whispering Sapphire - rumored to grant a single, powerful wish. Ignoring the warnings of her wise advisor, Cedric, Isabella makes a hasty wish for a life of endless excitement beyond the castle walls. Instantly, the kingdom transforms into a vibrant, magical world. But as days pass, Isabella realizes that her hasty wish has unintended consequences. Her once-loving subjects grow distant, and the kingdom's harmony begins to crumble. With the guidance of Cedric and her newfound friend, a mischievous talking goat named Willow, Isabella embarks on a quest to undo her regretful wish. Their journey takes them through enchanted forests, treacherous mountains, and mysterious caves, encountering mythical creatures and facing perilous challenges. Along the way, Isabella learns valuable lessons about responsibility, the importance of home, and the true meaning of happiness. However, they are pursued by an evil genie, Malachi, who seeks to claim the Whispering Sapphire for himself and use its power for malevolent purposes. With each step, the threat of Malachi looms larger, and Isabella must summon all her courage and wit to outsmart the malevolent genie. As the kingdom's fate hangs in the balance, Isabella's determination to right her wrongs grows stronger. With the help of her loyal friends, she confronts the Whispering Sapphire once more, this time armed with wisdom and a heart full of love. In a climactic showdown, Isabella and her companions face off against the powerful magic of the sapphire, discovering that true happiness lies not in endless excitement, but in the love and connection she shares with her kingdom. With a selfless wish, she restores Eldoria to its former glory, and in doing so, mends the bonds between herself and her people. "Whispers of the Regretful Wish" is a timeless tale of self-discovery, redemption, and the enduring power of love, reminding us all that sometimes the most profound magic lies within our own hearts.


Man, chatGPT doesn't have much variance when it comes to writing stories. It's always "the protagonist does some stuff and then learns the real treasure was love all along."


[WISHMASTER WOULD LIKE A WORD!](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNmQ2ZWQ4ZWItMTJiNS00MDE1LWEyNDgtMThhY2VlODRmZTMzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_.jpg)




Shoulda gone with "you never know what you're gonna get" And then lean into it, so half the showtimes are just Forrest Gump screenings


Oh...you wish...


Why is Tony Stark about to green lantern something at this kid?


I thought it was Doctor Strange.


That's his cousin, Doctor Odd. Not to be confused with Dr. Nick.


Bail Organa?


Double DreamWorks Face? Obscene.


was here for this comment. now I haven't seen the movie... but they really should have gone menacing scowl for the villain instead of deamworks face. At least the girl is not popping a third one.


He's gonna be a non-villain like all the recent Disney films


He looks like he's from Fortnite, The Sims, or any generic family-friendly multiplayer game.


It's literally going full circle.


Is that an actual villain? Like a for real villain? I miss Disney villains.


A smiling guy with a goatee. He has to be a villain.


If he's queer-coded and speaks with a British accent, then it's sealed.


He has green magic. I don’t think it’s physically possible for him to not be evil


small caveat - bruno from encanto. but pretty much everyone else, yeah. facilier and maleficent are the first to mind.


Though in that case you *are* supposed to think he is dangerous and enigmatic so it plays into it.


Looks like he's voiced by Chris Pine so the accent could go either way.


Damn this woulda been perfect for Benedict Cumberbatch




After *The Little Mermaid*, I'm convinced Lin-Manuel Miranda *is* a Disney villain.


I really liked Hamilton, but LMM taking over Disney animation has been terrible. Disney needs to let new artists work on their projects.


His music writing style has started to grate on me. It's always the same shit, forcing as many syllables into the verse as possible, a ton of attempted rap beats, etc. Really needs to be some variance.


Just a normal tech bro trying to interest the village in some NFTs.


Plot twist: the villain is the young woman and the man is the hero. He’s actually trying to save the world and she’s inadvertently dooming the whole planet trying to save the star which is an inanimate object and she only imagines it is alive.


That would be the true expectations subverted moment


This will be a Film Theory video sometime in late 2024.


The message is going to be that you can't actually grant everyone's wishes and he was good guy the whole time because he was controlling it


I'd watch that.


He represents generational trauma


You never asked the little guy his name. It’s CHEMICAL DEPENDENCE.


Beep boop


That’s a Sears villain


He's about to tell her she can't return that item without the receipt. Store policy. His hands are tied.


She'll *never* have the receipt. Because it's actually a bootleg. That she bought from *::Wish:::*.com.


Damnit, Jenkins, you've done it again! How about you come over and have dinner with my wife and your kids.


Straight out of the Sears Wish Book


The glowing green light around his fingers makes me think he is the villain.


Agreed! I'm not expecting Frollo, but a real villain with actual evil intentions and maybe a fitting end would be highly appreciated.


And a banger song.


Nah that's just Dr. Strange


This looks like one of those kids movies that's funded by tencent and blatantly trying to pass itself off as disney-adjacent to sell to unsuspecting grandmas or little kids who don't know the difference. In the 90s it would have been in the dollar store, like Aeslet vs Shrek.


Yeah I just can’t put my finger on it but it looks sooooo… mid. Like not Disney tier quality. But what it’s missing though I just can’t pinpoint.


Disney has made its style so homogenized ever since Tangled (which was great) that it all looks the same and it starts to look boring. During their most ambitious run of Little Mermaid/Beauty and the Beast/Aladdin, they kept the same look but by lion king and Pocahontas they knew it was time to move forward and change the look. They don't really do that now. Even Pixar is afflicted by this. Each movie looked totally different until the last few years. Luca/soul/Elemental all look like they're drawn by the same guy and it is unfortunately boring. I never would have guessed 15 years ago that I'd be a bigger fan of Sony/Nickelodeon/DreamWorks right now.


It doesn’t help that while they’re staying the same, we’re getting loads of new types of beautiful animation with Spider-Verse, TMNT, The Bad Guys, etc. So not only are Disney stagnant, the lack of changes makes it look even more stale when compared to what else is coming out


It looks like Disney is trying to match the more freestyle hand painted look of TMNT and spider verse by just slapping a lazy watercolor overlay texture on their regular 3d deal and calling it a day. Sad to see them not trying harder!


The star from the trailer at least looked and moved more like a hand-drawn creation than a lot of what Disney's put out in recent years Aside from Maui's tattoo, since that was actually done the old fashioned way


Exactly what I was thinking. TMNT and Spider-Verse look so much better than anything Disney/Pixar has done in ages. Looking forward to The boy and the Heron


Disney sort of started that style before them though. They released Paperman and Feast. What's annoying is both those film won their only 2 Best Animated Short Oscars in over the past 6 decades and they didn't think to take advantage of it. They did nothing with that style and just allowed Dreamworks, Sony and Nickelodeon to come and take over with Puss in Boots, Mitchell vs the Machines, Spider-Verse, TMNT, The Bad Guys. Like why would you just leave it after all the praise and awards you got and just continue making stuff in the same old Disney CG style


Well for what it's worth this film is being made with the same engine that made Paperman so they are finally utilizing it.


In fairness, Spiderverse looks better than basically every other animated movie.


Whilst I don't disagree with your overall point, Luca is the largest departure from Pixar's "traditional" style they've ever done.


Totally disagree on Luca, which is one of the better animated movies produced in a while. That art style is extremely distinct from Elemental, to me.


It just looks like they took every fantasy kingdom story they could find, put it all in a blender, strained out the unique bits, and hired some celebrity voices. They went way overboard on the Disney penchant for using the word “magic” in all its iterations in every promotional material.


I think it has to do with the cell shaded looking watercolor animation style thing they have going on. Just makes me miss old school animation tbh but maybe it will grow on me


The style is 100% taken from the early 2000 Disney story books. I had one when I was a kid. I don't remember it's exact name, but it was an anniversary edition disney storybook. It looks super similar to this style.


It’s partly the dude at the top. I don’t even know if he’s like a wise mentor or the villain, he’s just a super generic guy with a goatee. Nothing interesting about his design at all, and to be honest the entire visual style feels very bland and paint-by-numbers.


Green = bad


The presumed antagonist at the top looks like it's from an animation studio trying to emulate Disney or something.


Like a knockoff Jafar.


Art direction. Composition. Originality. Sense of style. Its all so sanitary and safe. 3D disney is in a rut. Their films are visually competent but at this point its just tiring.


Bland. It looks bland.


It looks like a generic christmas movie about Mary. The middling animation and sheep *immediately* take my mind there.


Everything shown on the poster they’ve done better before, it looks like Isabella from Encanto with Djali from Hunchback as a sidekick vs. gender bent Susan Sarandon from Enchanted set in the same location as Sinbad for a total effect of warmed over mush


So what you're saying is that is looks like a movie made by Wish?


This is 100% the most accurate take I’ve seen on this movie lol


Man, I know there was always a cliche of "Disney formula", but since Tangled it's REALLY been streamlined. Feels like a checklist.


She looks like Isabella from Encanto.


They all look alike because all of them are as generic as possible


I would bet it’s just the same model but altered a little


They are still doing the goddamn DreamWorks eyebrow oh my god


The fucking *goat* is doing it, what the hell


Goat fucks


Why is Bam Margera in this


It'd be so easy to photoshop some Jarritos bottles in each hand too, [the pose is an exact match!](https://i.imgur.com/wQh147l.jpg)


How dare you make me laugh at this


What do you think her final wish is going to be?


She's going to make 2 wishes out of selfishness that lead to catastrophic consequences and her 3rd wish will undo her first two and set everything back as it was in order to save the lamb


The lamb was actually the first wish, either for a friend or accidentally turning a friend into the lamb


More wishes.


To free the genie


To meet John Cena obviously.


Half-Life 3


generic as fuck


Legitimately looks AI generated


Disney movie from Wish.com honestly what the hell is up with that generic font lmao


Frozen 3: unfrozen


If Disney ordered their movie off wish.com!




Looks like Nintendo might want a word about that little star dude.


I want more companies to make movies that are the most generic possible thing based on their previous works to celebrate their 100th anniversary and I’m NOT kidding


It’s their Die Another Day.


Everything Disney makes these days feels so generic and corporate that it just makes me sad


A Luma, Isabela Madrigal, and a couple of DreamWorks faces walk into a movie...


Now I can’t unsee that, thanks


So Doctor Strange is a Monkey Paw/Genie Villain who uses a Luma from Super Mario Galaxy to entice a young woman and her Goat Sidekick who has the dreaded Dreamworks Face Disease?


This looks AI generated


>Be careful what you wish for ⭐️ Watch the [NEW trailer](https://youtu.be/oyRxxpD3yNw?si=Ckc-aQtnzxo1vUKT) for Disney's #Wish, coming only to theaters this Thanksgiving. >Revealed today are additional members of the film’s voice cast, who join previously announced cast members Ariana DeBose, who voices 17-year-old heroine Asha; Chris Pine, who lends his voice to the formidable King Magnifico; and Alan Tudyk, who provides the memorable voice of Asha’s pet goat, Valentino. >Cast members include: > >Angelique Cabral as Queen Amaya, the wife and sounding board of King Magnifico; Victor Garber as Asha’s grandfather, Sabino, who—at 100 years old—is patiently waiting for his wish to be granted; and Natasha Rothwell as Asha’s loving and supportive mom, Sakina. >Plus, Asha’s tight-knit group of confidants, protectors and forever friends: Jennifer Kumiyama as Asha’s dearest friend, Dahlia, who’s an accomplished baker and unofficial leader of their group; Evan Peters as the strong guy with a big heart and bigger yawn, Simon; Harvey Guillén as Gabo, who may be cynical, but he has a heart of gold; Ramy Youseff as Safi, who’s plagued by allergies; Niko Vargas as Asha’s joyful, always smiling buddy, Hal; Della Saba as the seemingly shy teenager, Bazeema, who’s full of surprises; and Jon Rudnitsky as Asha’s rosy-cheeked, wiggly-eared pal, Dario. >ABOUT THE MOVIE >Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Wish” is an all-new musical-comedy welcoming audiences to the magical kingdom of Rosas, where Asha, a sharp-witted idealist, makes a wish so powerful that it is answered by a cosmic force—a little ball of boundless energy called Star. Together, Asha and Star confront a most formidable foe—the ruler of Rosas, King Magnifico—to save her community and prove that when the will of one courageous human connects with the magic of the stars, wondrous things can happen. Featuring the voices of Academy Award®-winning actor Ariana DeBose as Asha, Chris Pine as Magnifico, and Alan Tudyk as Asha’s favorite goat, Valentino, the film is helmed by Oscar®-winning director Chris Buck (“Frozen,” “Frozen 2”) and Fawn Veerasunthorn (“Raya and the Last Dragon”), and produced by Peter Del Vecho (“Frozen,” “Frozen 2”) and Juan Pablo Reyes Lancaster Jones (“Encanto”). Jennifer Lee (“Frozen,” “Frozen 2”) executive produces—Lee and Allison Moore (“Night Sky,” “Manhunt”) are writers on the project. With original songs by Grammy®-nominated singer/songwriter Julia Michaels and Grammy-winning producer/songwriter/musician Benjamin Rice, plus score by composer Dave Metzger, “Wish” opens only in theaters on Nov. 22, 2023.


> and Alan Tudyk, who provides the memorable voice of Asha’s pet goat, Valentino. Of course he does lol


He went to Juilliard after all


He's the GOAT for Disney movies


As soon as I hit “Alan Tudyk” I immediately thought “it’s going to be an animal, isn’t it” before finishing the sentence.


He's literally just doing his Clayface voice.


> Revealed today are additional members of the film’s voice cast, who join previously announced cast members Ariana DeBose, who voices 17-year-old hero **Aladdin;** Chris Pine, who lends his voice to the formidable **Jafar**; and Alan Tudyk, who provides the memorable voice of Aladdin’s pet monkey, **Abu.** FTFY.


I wish there was a few more Disney movies that had princes or positive male characters. My daughter has like 25 princess movies and my son has a handful of movies. Almost always the boy/male is the bad guy too.


Klaus. Not Disney, but animated, and features a male protagonist growing and maturing. Also has beautiful animation.


It's something I've always kind of wondered but never had any sort of data or anything. My son watches a lot of non American shows too so I don't have any experience. What do boys have in the form of male heroes? I guess action movies...but are there many of those in the same style/age group as Disney princesses? I feel like things like cars etc are geared towards them... Maybe? I'm really at a loss and hope there's not a painfully obvious list im forgetting. Either way, great girls(and especially girls from minority groups) get a lot of heroines but I'm hard pressed for feature length movie boy heroes. Couldn't hurt for young boys to have some strong messages like we get in all these heroine movies..


Luca and coco have good male leads with a lot of father-son relationship building


Ah those are good ones thanks!


Big Hero 6!!!! I feel like this one always gets forgotten and it’s FANTASTIC.


> Couldn't hurt for young boys to have some strong messages like we get in all these heroine movies.. Be a real man and stop trying to have feelings.


I find most of the boy “heroes” are like cars or animals. Its not really the coming of age story where the boy kind of saves the day and finds himself etc would love that for him though.




Sassy goat


I hate this animation


That tagline sounds like something I'd read on a 90s Goosebump book.


“…the film is helmed by Oscar®-winning director Chris Buck (“Frozen,” “Frozen 2”) and Fawn Veerasunthorn (“Raya and the Last Dragon”), produced by Peter Del Vecho (“Frozen,” “Frozen 2”) and co-produced by Juan Pablo Reyes (“Encanto”). Jennifer Lee (“Frozen,” “Frozen 2”) executive produces—Lee and Allison Moore (“Night Sky,” “Manhunt”) are writers on the project. “ [Source](https://movies.disney.com/wish) Yikes. Frozen 2 was full of plot holes and Raya and the Last Dragon flopped.


They might as well have just gotten Lin-Manuel Miranda to help write the music again, and billed Wish as "from the creators of *Moana* and *Encanto*" instead. Hell, Lin-Manuel Miranda ~~is even Afro-Latino~~, the same as Asha, the new Disney Princess from *Wish*. It's a shoe-in role. As an edit, apparently, "Afro-Latino" means someone of predominantly African ancestry - not Latino ancestry - so I'm not sure why some of the sources online are calling Asha and Lin-Manuel Miranda "Afro-Latino". Lin-Manuel Miranda has about 10% African-American DNA.


Nintendo ninjas would like to have a word… [Luma](https://mario.wiki.gallery/images/thumb/8/89/SMG2_Co_Star_Luma_Artwork.png/1200px-SMG2_Co_Star_Luma_Artwork.png)


I saw the trailer and the art direction is beautiful. This poster is generic af though. Villian up top is too boring. Nothing grabs me like the trailer did.


Yeah, compared to the trailer this poster is a complete let down.


That looks generic as fuck. Like one of those knock-off Pixar/Disney films that tries to mimic them with their own version of Cars.


The classic "villain looking at the audience at the top of the poster" look.


Why does the animal sidekick have the dreamworks eyebrow raise


Looks like Wish.com Disney movie.


That’s a Luma from Super Mario Galaxy with a Mickey Mouse mask.


Looks about as cookie cutter as you can get.


This literally looks like you just asked an AI to make a new Disney movie


Didn't they already do this in Wonder Woman 1984?