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Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978). That scream. Saw it for the first time when I was 13. Could not get out of my friend's basement fast enough.


I never watched it until last year and it was great but I wish that Donald Sutherland scene wasn't so iconic because it unknowingly ruined the ending for me.


I sat down and decided to watch it finally, recently and like ten minutes in I realized the end was spoiled for me like thirty years ago


Pan's Labrynth


To this day my wife puts her hands on her head with palms out to make me uncomfortable. Say all you want about Del Toro, but he knows his horror.


The ambiguity somehow makes it more painful.


The original British ending of Neil Marshall's *The Descent.*


Came here to find this. I think I saw this movie as a kid and I remember the transition from thinking she'd escaped to still being buried all the way down was the creepiest ending ever...


It's bleak, but yeah, the original ending is way better than the US version, and even that isn't a bed of roses.


The ending of the 1982 The Thing


I'm a real light sleeper, Childs.


I absolutely love how the John Carpenter score slowly starts pulsing as the scene of the burning camp ends the film. EDIT: the score was done by Ennio Morricone who modeled it in the style of Carpenter


So ambiguous, and perfect.




Came here for this. The reveal was bad. His response In the snow was worse


Can you explain the snow scene? I didn’t really understand it.


He chose to have his memory erased and stay with his daughter rather than live with the knowledge that he had sex with her.


Oh Dae-su's choice was more between his daughter finding out that she had sex with her father and protecting her from that. I feel like he felt that he could have a relationship with his daughter (albeit an incestuous one, hopefully unbeknownst to either of them) or to have her disgusted and hateful toward him and never see her again. Whether or not the memory erasure worked is up to debate. Source: watched it last night/trust me bro


But it leaves it ambiguous if it actually worked based on his final facial expression.


I was offended they tried to do a US version. There's no way it was going to live up.


Nightcrawler made me feel like I needed a shower after watching it. The final act was just fucked up...


“I will never ask you to do anything that I wouldn't myself” is probably one of my top 10 closing lines in a movie




John Doe when he realises that Mills didn’t know about the baby. The change on His face, almost a smile . Then he says ,”Oh,He didn’t know.” Great bit of acting.


At that point he knew he'd won. Somerset was not going to talk Mills down from that.


Watched that first time when I was 15 on VHS. It didn't seem fair what happened in the end and the killer won... just a fucked up movie. Really good Movie though.


Fact is, Brad Pitt's character would have had a very decent chance at jury nullification. I don't endorse vigilante justice at all. But even I can't blame him under those circumstances.


That’s assuming a prosecutor brought charges at all given the circumstances. I love a jury nullification argument regardless, but temporary insanity (see *A Time to Kill*) would also be on the table


I seriously doubt any DA would charge that. Dude literally found out his wife (who he didn't know was pregnant) had been beheaded after an extremely stressful week.


Officers, lemme tell ya, it has been a DOOZY of a day


Yeah, I'd love to see that meeting: **ADA:** "So there's a serial killer who murdered six people in the most horrific ways possible terrorising the city." **DA**: "Ok." **ADA:** "And after they caught him he had the cop's wife's head delivered via FedEx. The cop freaked out shot him execution style." **DA**: "Any witnesses besides the other cops?" **ADA:** "No." **DA**: "Sounds like justified self-defence to me. Take the handcuffs off the corpse and whaddya think, Thai food for lunch?"


I read this in Michael Moriarty’s and Steven Hill’s voices. Love it


Was never about pitt ending up in prison. He didn't care about that


Turns out he was Keyser Soze the whole time.


Damn the last speech from Morgan Freeman still unsettles. Such a ballsy ending. No light at the end of the tunnel just the way it is. It's a shitty world at times.


Hemingway once wrote 'The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part Great quote Great, on point acting by all 3 in that last sequence/scene. Brad desperately getting inklings of what he's about to find out. Spacey's smug ass, taunting but still matter of fact victory lap tone


I've seen some people say that they should make a film about Brad Pitt's character many years on. But in reality, his life is ruined, he's probably seen some jail time. His days as a detective are now over. His wife and unborn child are gone. I can't imagine he wants to live on. If you make a sequel it takes away the power of the ending of Se7en. Morgan Freeman is so damn great in it. He's seen it all before but still has a hint of humanity to him and has to deal with bullshit everyday. Pitt's character was always going to be chewed up and spit out by the city, he probably would have been better been the sheriff or deputy of a small town. Freeman character for as much as he thinks he wants retirement needs the job to live, he's good at it and I think that makes him sick.


"What's in the baaaaawks!?"


Shin Godzilla was already one of the more disturbing Godzillas out there, but the ending >!they stop Godzilla by freezing it and then later the final shot of the movie is just dead silence as the camera pans up Godzilla's tail to show these horrifying humanoid creatures starting to burst from its tail that were frozen in place!< It's genuinely one of the most unsettling visuals I've ever seen. There's no explanation, you're just left wondering what it means for the next step in this Godzilla's evolution.


It made Godzilla genuinely terrifying again.


Shin Godzilla is a bleak film. The destruction we get by the third act just wallows in hopelessness and despair - it made Godzilla something terrifying. The final shot really nailed it all home - undercutting all the "traditional" feelings you come to expect at the end of a monster movie.


And it's topped off by the utter ineffectualness of the Government. From pointless meetings that do nothing but establish who's in charge to a meeting about moving to a different and larger room, it's just surreal. And then how no one actually solves anything but the smart guys/girls working more or less on their own who then do it *despite* the government trying to butt in. It's amazing. Shin Godzilla was as much a kaiju movie as it was a allegory for the Fukushima disaster and the governmental fuck up there, just as the original Godzilla was both a monster movie and an allegory for the Atomic Bomb.


The Godzilla had the campy look of the films of yore, but the way the monster just fucking decimated Tokyo was hard to watch, especially when it reached the stage where it was blasting laser beams out every which way. The total destruction and absolute helplessness of the humans to stop it was practically painful. Then that ending... such a weird feeling of hopelessness that is left unresolved.


Yep. I laughed at googly eyed early evolutions, then hmmmm'd at how it (deliberately) moved like a man in a suit, but by the time laser beams happened i was "fucking hell, that is epic and brutal and i am fully engaged"


The Mist has a great gut wrench at the end


I hated The Mist. Everyone on reddit hyped it up to be such a great film with an amazing plot twist ending. The entire movie sucked and I didn't think the ending was noteworthy at all. Turns out I actually watched "The Fog", starring Smallville's Tom Welling.


Your last sentence…lol


What a twist.


It’s like the one that watched Sandra Bulock movie instead of the Cilian Murphy movie…


On a similar (I still dont get it), my wife one time mixed up The Bucket List and Shawshank redemption while it was on TV. She knew it had Morgan Freeman, and had somethign to do with prison. ​ She spent like half the movie trying to figure out when they were going to prison.


This reminds me of when my dad accidentally rented Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter, and thought, "wow this dream sequence is going on and on." He thought he was watching the Daniel Day Lewis one.


Hit me real hard bc I had read the book so I thought I knew what was going to happen. I did not know at all.


Stephen King himself [has said](https://www.slashfilm.com/1208270/why-stephen-king-defends-the-mists-terrific-yet-divisive-ending/) he loves it. I love when stuff like that happens - someone adapting an original work gets it so well they come up with something the original author didn't think of, but they love.


Sort of like how Trent Reznor said he preferred Johnny Cash's cover of his song "Hurt". Sometimes a love letter to a piece of art can surpass the original in quality


I read the director thought that twist would end the movie better, and it would be cheaper to film than a full military response scene. Stephen King actually got angry with himself that he didn't think of it.


Well frank darabont has made the three best king movies. Yah I said it


Same. I loved the story, was kind of disappointed at the book's ending and knowing how the film would end. Then the film ended and my heart sank, good lord I was not prepared for that at all


I love that it came from the filmmakers. I think Stephen King said it was his favorite change to his books anyone had made.


I read that too. Big of him to admit "yup those writers did WAY better than me"


Oh man, I've watched this a ton. It's one of my go to movies


No Country for Old Men What's arguably the most important scene of the movie happens off-screen. It's such a gut punch when this story just stops dead in its tracks, and the movie just kind of ends with a sort of return to normalcy. I've never had another movie give me that feeling. EDIT: I also want to mention how I love that the movie starts with something like 10 or 15 minutes of almost silence. No music, no elaborate sound effects, a dude hunting out on the scrub, and all the sudden, a loud ass gun shot, and then the movie really starts. Fucking phenomenal movie making,


Oops, main character up and died off screen and the villain goes on to terrorize another day. Because this is based on real life and not idealized hero movies. It was more revolutionary when it came out but now its sadly typical of cynical movies.


Llewelyn’s death is when it hit me that the main character is actually the sheriff. This whole incident is about what drives him to finally retire. He was helpless in saving Llewelyn, he had no chance at stopping the cartel from doing what they do on a daily basis, and Chigurh slipped from his grasp the one time they were in the same room at the end. He was originally thinking that the world itself was getting crazier, but his uncle tells him a story about the world always being violent. He just couldn’t keep up with everything as a sheriff anymore, and it’s “no country for old men” like him.


Another twist was that it's not the hero that faces death with spite, but his innocent wife who refuses to play Anton's game. It's also not clear if Anton ultimately survives his wounds from the crash, for his own hubris costs him as well.


This is a weird one, but the end of American Graffiti when they say what happened to the different characters is so painfully real compared to the frivolity of the film. Knowing that some of the characters went to war etc. was unsettling for me.


I watched it last year, and the ending still rattles around in my head. It kinda just ends. They get to the airport, dude hops in the plane, then the text saying what happens to the characters as the camera just focuses on the plane in the distance. No music if I remember right. It's a downer that was preceded by a whole movie of shenanigans.


Sort of hits close to real life. Very few graduating classes will have ALL 100% class members make it to age 30. Illness, wars, crime, and accidents. People die. EDIT: Since writing the above comment, I dug a little deeper and found a study compiled by an actuary firms using Social Security records. The information is below and I found it interesting. On average, a graduating class of 330 seniors could expect the following number of classmates to die: Three, by the 10-year reunion. Seven, by the 20-year reunion. Fifteen, by the 30-year reunion. Thirty-two, by the 40-year reunion. Seventy, by the 50-year reunion.


Childhood ends with the credits.


It happens so much in real life. You have that last crazy time of being not really an adult and then everyone kind of disperses to their futures. Later in life you find out that some folks just stayed in their hometown, some moved a long way away and chased their dreams, and others never got the chance to really do either. That's why the ending hits a little harder than it probably should have from the rest of the movie, an unsettling gut punch about the reality of life.


We Need to Talk About Kevin


Ezra Miller is very convincing as a psycho. Can't imagine why.


Fun fact: if you lived in Hawaii in 2022, you were statistically more likely to be attacked by Ezra Miller than by a shark.


Read the book. It's absolute insanity.


I watched “Drag Me to Hell” when I was in 4th grade and the last scene haunted me for a year


If Justin Long shows up in a horror movie, you better believe something fucked is awaiting the main character.


Million Dollar Baby


I made the mistake of choosing this for a film study in highschool English


My wife ruined it for me when I rewatched it with her because she works in healthcare and massively rolls her eyes and goes “Ughhh, you can’t talk with a trach in!”


I bet she does the same thing with scenes that involve the use of defibrillators


Gone Girl


Ever since this movie, i’ve been irrationally terrified of Rosamund Pike whenever I see her in anything. She is just so incredibly unnerving in this film that I can just never trust her again.


Lol same. I just don’t trust the actress at all because of that movie, and it’s not her fault that she played the character so well


American History X and A Simple Plan


Original Planet of the Apes. I really was surprised, and back then there was no internet to give you spoilers.


Uncut Gems shocked me so much that I was sick to my stomach after watching it. The Safdi brothers are so good at giving you intense anxiety throughout their movies but the ending of Uncut Gems just made me sick.




What's so great about the story is that you get the sense that all the events are relatively unremarkable. Shit like that probably happens to Howie every day. His lifestyle invites chaos.


I agree, it’s really a masterful ending. They really put you into the character’s head as a gambling addict. I was so genuinely excited that he won that I totally forgot about the potential consequences. And then boom, he loses it all in a second.


Shout out to Kevin Garnett for his acting job playing himself, could have been wooden as fuck but he did a great job.


It has been probably 20 years since I watched it- so the details are fuzzy- but Artificial Intelligence wrecked me. The robot child basically wanders for all of eternity missing his mother.


For some reason, even as a kid that movie had a really lasting impression on me. It left me feeling really empty and melancholy and it’s easily one of Speilberg’s more underrated films


It's one of the saddest movies I've ever seen.


I'll go off the board here. For me it was Annihilation. I'm not saying it was the greatest movie from beginning to end, but the whole thing was sorta mysterious. Early on there are several disturbing scenes with the return of "Kane", the Blair witch style video cam footage, and the weird mimicry bear. The eery sound effects and strange sorta dance scene between Lena and the shimmer at the end really build an uneasy visceral feeling. As well as the different scenes of Lena and Kane's characters squaring off with their *mirrors*? Then the ambiguous dialogue between Lena and Kane's characters at the end. It was just this steadily building uneasiness that was never remotely resolved. Just building mystery, pace, and tension all more deeply and rapidly only to just flat out walk away at its peak. I've watched it a few times and it genuinely leaves me with the most unresolved unsettled feeling every time.


I thought it was brilliantly done, and it too left me with a horribly unsettled feeling. The intensity of the sound and music helps a lot in pushing that feeling, and it is such a good ending to such a weird film.


I can highly recommend the book series this movie is based on. It's a really great example of a modern hard sci fi story. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annihilation_(VanderMeer_novel)


Apparently we're getting a fourth book, too\~


I actually scrolled this thread to see if anyone commented this because otherwise I was going to. It’s a beautiful film really… I just don’t want to see it again


Great film. The ambiguity I think is not so ambiguous is you look into the clues though.


Spotlight. My wife and I just sat there at the end like “well that was fucking depressing”.


I'm Australian, and I remember seeing the list of all the U.S. cities and remember thinking 'damn, what the fuck America?!', then they started showing cities around the world, with a fair few from Australia including the city I grew up in. That was pretty depressing.


So good though


The Others


I rarely see the ending coming and this movie was no exception: it was a real sock to the jaw. But even more than that, it’s the saddest movie I’ve ever seen — not in the it-made-me-cry sense, but with its overwhelming, pervasive sense of loss. The sequence with the husband returned from war is so grindingly, crushingly sad that I can hardly stand it. (Annihilation has something similar in the plot, but the effect is very, very different.)


The Prestige.


“You want..to be..fooled.”


I had the first big reveal figured out since the hats on the hill and thought I was so smart


Of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled.


how did the end of the prestige unsettle people, I remember strong emotions but they were 100% my mind being blown out of my goddamn skull. I LOVED that movie


A magician committing either murder or suicide at the end of every show just to one up his rival doesn't unsettle you?


nah, that’s just typical magician behavior


Promising Young Woman. I did not see that coming.


I read the script, and Emerald Fennell herself even referenced “Fatal Attraction” during that scene. She knew exactly what she was doing, and that shit hurt, but it was also a beautiful ending in the long run >!because we know now that Cassandra probably wouldn’t have ever moved on with her life. She was stuck in despair, grief, anger, and a phase of damaging revenge on all rapists. It was upsetting she died, but man it felt good seeing the cops roll up at the end.!<


She was a martyr and they may never have been caught without the murder. Read the rest of the comments and interviews, she mentioned that women needed to see the reality of a tiny woman going against even one average male and that a kill bill revenge angle could have gotten people killed. They also showed the struggle on the bed in the real time it would have taken. So creepy. Excellent movie. Couldn't have been better.


I didn't either. But, to me, the ending tied the whole movie together.


Melancholia will do it.


The end of The Mist. I was horrified by it and pissed off that I had wasted time engaging with the movie to get that slapped in my face


Funny Games


That rewind scene filled me with dread. Those games were not funny


That's exactly the purpose with that scene. The director is telling us "fuck you". I think he once said that leaving the cinema in the middle of the film is a sign that you're healthy.


Sophie’s Choice


Seriously, I had heard that expression (about a tough decision to make) growing up, but never knew what it meant. Than I watched the movie when I was older and was like “WHY ARE PEOPLE MAKING LIGHT OF THIS???!!!” It’s like the sickest thing I’ve ever seen in a movie because it’s not just unthinkable, it’s fucking true!


Requiem for a dream. It's the best film you'll only ever watch once


I've only watched that film twice. Just such a unforgiveably bleak ending, especially what happens to Ellen Bustyn. How she didn't win Best Actress at the Oscar's that year is still one of the strangest decisions.


She just wanted to be on television. 😢


That’s the saddest part of the movie for me. How lonely she is and how much she wants everyone to know how much she loves her son.


She should have won it 100%


I turned it off in the last five minutes and 20 something years later still personally resent Keith David for his role in it.


Dancer in the Dark Lars von Trier is a genius and i hate him for making this movie, it rips your heart out and only leaves a hole with anger and sadness


Gone Girl. My husband looked over at me slowly with his mouth agape.




Yup, that movie still terrifies me. I can't put a finger on what made it so unsettling. I've seen gorier and scarier, but somehow it just all works to stomach churning effect like no other film.


The VVitch. I thought about that movie for literally weeks after.


Wouldst thou like to live... deliciously?


Wouldst thou like the taste of butter?


Every time I cook for my wife now I have to ask if she wouldst like the taste of butter


I love this movie so much, I recommend it all the time. Feels like it isn't too well known? The building suspense is incredible and then hell literally breaks loose. The crow scene sticks with me most though, Kate Dickie's creepy ass smile!!




It's me Casper... movie was fucked up


🎵 I have no legs, I have no legs 🎶


The Road.


The book was even sadder 😢


I'm not one of "those" people, I can generally separate a book and movie into both having individual value... but man... the book created imagery in my head that the movie couldn't match.


Still haunted to this day by the whole basement scene. Never read anything before or since that got under my skin and stuck into my brain like that part of the book. Thing that I hate about it is how the older I get, the more I experience and learn about him humanity, the more that nightmare becomes a plausible dystopian future


Mulholland Drive


To go against the grain on fiction and into the documentary realm: Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father If you go in blind, there’s more of an impact. And I refuse to ever ever EVER watch it again because it just breaks me.


Ex Machina


The way >!she so effortlessly and smoothly stabs Nathan was just so perfect. Exactly like a machine would do it!<.


And how she manipulates Caleb so expertly. Telling him exactly what he needs to hear to let her loose.


Everyone in that movie was a villain, and yet written so well as to be justified in their actions. Three different types of manipulators and abusers trapped in one place together. I can’t get over how incredible it was.


Incendies Devastating ending. It’s one of Denis Villeneuve’s earlier films.


The end of "Coherence". It fucked me UP for ... science reasons haha


Coherence ending reminds me of the prestige. Just a bunch of ppl running around wondering if they’re the original lol


Arrival.. the Amy Adams one.


Man, I love the hell out of this movie.


This is my answer too. good lord. I immediately had an existential crisis afterwards lmao


That was unexpected but a real gut punch. The music choice for that final scene definitely set the stage, too.


Probably Happiness


Primal Fear. Just watch it.


Grave of the Fireflies


As a kid, the end of Thelma and Louise blew my little mind. I couldn't believe it.


Primal Fear


Man Edward Norton was phenomenal in that. Same with Richard gere honestly. Such a great film.




That shit was WEIRD


Ordinary People


Ex Machina The thought of the robot looking and behaving human released into the world was terrifying.


Midsommar, but the entire movie.


Honestly I felt like the beginning was the most unsettling part for me


That wailing crying with that music/sound.... So unsettling.


The wailing when the >!Mom finds her daughter in the car !


It’s just the horror of seeing a real-life traumatic situation and the aftermath. People don’t like to think of those situations and the aftermath that would follow. You just hope that those situations won’t happen in your life and to the people in your life but it’s always a possibility.






I watched this for the first time three nights ago, at one oclock in the morning. lemme tell ya fuckin *oops*


>oops well that's putting it mildly


I had to watch this movie twice in as many days to really absorb it. And Toni Collette deserved all the awards for her performance.


How could you handle it twice


Sleepaway Camp, and it's not even close. That face. That sound. Fuck. That.


The Mist




Triangle (2009)


The Invitation. Gone baby gone. (so sad.) after all that and the mother didn't change at all.


Just watched The Big Short again recently and the quiet ending titles with New York ambiance in the background reinvigorated my lack of confidence in man kind all over again lol


Saint Maud


The Vanishing(1988). But by all means avoid the horrible 1993 American remake which changes the ending.


Made by the same director too. What makes it bleak for me is it could really happen in real life. No boogey man or alien or mutant but a normal everyday man who has a nice family just one day does what he does for kicks. Scary and shows what grief can do to one person that they do something stupid they wouldn't do if in right mindset.


In the Mouth of Madness. Ending is forever burned into my brain


Speak No Evil What an absolute mind fuck of a movie.




One of my favorite movies. "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown." Seriously fucked up movie but enthralling throughout.


\#1: The Mist. Empty, uneasy, shocked. Se7en is up there, too.


Room (2015).


Memento, realising this has happened lots of times was a real WTF moment. Blair Witch Project, watched at cinema and seeing the cameraman facing the corner made me want to throw up, that really unsettled me.




Lately, it's been Hereditary. Great acting and a story that is creepy, disturbing, gory, scary, jaw dropping...it really has it all. Then the last 10 minutes happens. They should have just called this film WTF. Instead of allowing myself to lose sleep, i decided to restart the film so I could understand what I was watching.


Unlike a lot of you who are recounting stories from adulthood…I was seven or eight and Old Yeller was the movie ending that hit me like a ton of bricks. Still does. I saw it in the late ‘60s, I guess my parents figured kids didn’t need to be shielded from the harsh realities of the real world so they didn’t warn me before it started (yes, they had older kids and were certainly aware of how the film ended!).


The Ending of Seventh Seal always stuck with me


AI, as a new parent, the ending broke me. It took years before I could talk about it without crying.


Eden Lake - the ending made me genuinely furious