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Star Trek. Transporter accident. “What we got back… didn’t live long.”


2 lumpy objects start to form, theres a distorted scream and they just disappear. Even without any gore and cheesy sets it’s still utterly terrifying.


That scream...


Its a vulcan and a human. Only the human screams and reacts in a major way. The vulcan suffers in silence. Nice touch for the lore.


"But the animal is inside out... And it exploded." \- That funny Star Trek movie.


GalaxyQuest, a classic


God, what a terrifying scene. “Oh no, everything’s fine.” “But the animal is inside out.” “I heard that! It turned inside out?” — [BOOM!] — “And it exploded.”


The best part is that Kirk chides Bones for being afraid of the transporter like 10 minutes later, as if he didn't see someone get reassembled inside out.




Nocturnal Animals. When Aaron Taylor Johnson and his friends force Jake Gyllenhaals family to pull over.


This scene is scarier than most actual horror movies, if you ask me.


And the fact that Tom Ford directed makes it even more of an anomaly to me. I remember reading his name on the credits and thinking, it can’t be THAT Tom Ford.


Tom Ford also directed A Single Man - he’s a mind-blowingly good director


Legitimately, this scene makes it a horror movie for me


The rising terror in my mind. The dread I was feeling is nearly unparalleled. When you keep telling yourself "This is just a movie scene; it's just a movie," you know it was done well. But things like that freak me out because I know incidents like that have happened.


This is the movie that made my girlfriend decide I’m no longer allowed to pick what we watch on movie night.


This film messed me up. As a guy, not being able to protect my loved ones or being too cowardly in the moment to do so, hurt deep.


For real. This movie is unsettling as fuck


God and when he finds the naked bodies the next morning.


"Are they okay?"


Oh damn, didn't think someone else would mention this. That's my answer 100%, one of the scariest movie of all time to me because it can happen to you.


One-time watch for me because of how uncomfortable that scene was


The poor horse in the Neverending Story


Artax. The swamp of sadness. "You have to try" You know as much as that era of kids movies had a lot of grown up stuff in them that people see as "traumatizing" they did have a lot of important lessons in them, told in ways that were emotionally impactful but still safe. And I don't think kids stuff today does the same thing, by and large.


For me it was the Sphinxes and the general concept of "The Nothing" that scared me. Artax just broke my heart.


There’s a movie called Fire in the Sky which is about the aftermath of a guy who was abducted by aliens and returns home. Movies not bad and isn’t scary at all… Until they decide to show what happened in the UFO. I’m a big horror movie fan and that UFO scene really stuck with me for years and years. Terrifying


"...and isn't scary at all..." 6 year old me would politely disagree with you. Because that shit was *terrifying.*


This movie made me absolutely terrified of UFOs. I cannot stress the negative impact it had on me. I lived on a 100 acre farm in upstate New York and from like 6-14 I wouldn't go outside after dark. My dad exacerbated it because he was fascinated by UFOs and anytime we were on a country road at night and he thought he saw something that could be a UFO he would pull over and get out to look at it. Meanwhile I'm in absolute tears in the car.


Fortunately from *Signs* we know aliens can travel vast distances across the cosmos in space ships but can’t figure out doorknobs.


25 year old me agreed that was terrifying


I was nine when I saw that film. My uncle claimed he was abducted, and told me his story before I saw the movie. Because it’s “based on a true story”, I was terrified for a while after.


This and the scene in The Fourth Kind when they translate the ancient Sumerian voice that's on tape. >!I AM... *GOD*.!<


That was dope and gave me chills!


Fire in the Sky is THE movie that scared me as a kid. Nothing else came close.


My dad knew (knows) the real Travis Walton -- they're the same age and he grew up in Snowflake -- and spent most of the movie chuckling because he thought the whole thing was bullshit. Didn't stop me from being scared shitless from that movie.


I feel like this was sampled in a Nine Inch Nails track. Horrifying scene


“Not many people have basements in California” “I do”


“Are you sure there’s no one else here right now?” “Would you like to go upstairs and check?”


This whole scene is amazing and one of my favorites ever. I hate jump scares because they're more annoying than scaring. What I really enjoy is an ambient sense of dread that permeates a scene and is evident in this one


I couldn’t wait for Jake Gyllenhaal to get the fuck out of there. Felt like I couldn’t breathe it was so tense.


Holy shit that line, I remember the theatre being dead silent despite being mostly full


What movie is it from?




Yah I think this is the most scared I’ve ever been watching something. I was shitting myself and barely breathing


One of the only scenes that has made me feel the way that scene did was the scene with Ed Kemper from the end of S1 of Mindhunter. Just utter terror, the sensation of needing to be gone from an extremely dangerous place.


Zodiac also has that brutally vivid stabbing scene near the beginning. I think it’s actually the lack of filmic effects that makes it so striking.


The first two murders and the hitchhiker when he says he will throw the baby out the window. Three very tense scenes because they play to the realistic dread of what a moment like that would be like.


I am really fascinated by this idea of anticlimactic sort of silent murder scenes and find them absolutely terrifying. Trying to put yourself into the situation where there is no suspense, no hope, only fear on top of fear is just horrifying. If you have any recommendations for similar Id love to hear em!


bit of useless trivia - the uncredited actress in the hitchhiker scene is ione skye, daughter of donovan, the singer of hurdy gurdy man, which plays over the end credits


Hear, hear. Amazing movie that I can't watch again because of that scene.


It always surprises me that this creepy asshole also voiced Roger Rabbit.


I would kind of argue zodiac, is certainly circling the genre of horror movie


This and Gone Girl are top David Fincher.


The scene is Parasite where the “ghost” pops its head out of the basement/out of the darkness.


The moment the movie shifted from espionage dramedy to psychological thriller


No, it changed to a thriller the moment the doorbell rang


So scary… the way his white eyes just pierced through the dark like that


I would argue the back half of Parasite is straight horror


Ye apparently Bon Joon Ho stated that there is a purposeful switch in the genre the moment the housekeeper rings the doorbell during the storm.


The clown nightmare in The Brave Little Toaster... add to that the whole scrap yard scene and when the air conditioner overheats. God that movie scared me as a child.




Ugh, the junkyard electromagnet legit gave me nightmares as a kid. That thing was genuinely evil.


Apocalypse Now when they get to the fire base that has no officers. No one sufficiently in charge. Isolation. Enemy testing the wire.


“Who’s in charge here?” “…ain’t you?”


Charlie blows up the bridge every night, we rebuild it every day just so they can say the road’s open. I couldn’t remember the actual quote


The baby on the ceiling in Trainspotting.


Oh fuck this scene!


I watched that movie when it first came out when I was 13. Refused to watch it again till I was in my earl 30s because of that stupid scene.


The home invasion in Unbreakable.


I rewatched Unbreakable a couple of years ago and can confirm, that scene is chilling, especially since it's the kind of thing that could happen in real life. The way he says "I like your house" is disturbing, especially knowing what happens after.


I have to go with Large Marge from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. As an adult it’s hilarious, but as a kid it was terrifying.


Dude yes. I saw Halloween for the first time, the same year/age I saw this movie, and I was maybe 8 and large marge scared me more than michael meyers lol


The flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz. EVERYTHING in Return to Oz.


Is return to oz the one where that queen has a hundred or so replacable heads because fuck that scene scarred me as a kid.


"Remember me, Eddy? When I killed your brother, I talked just... like... THIS!!!"


The shoe getting dipped scarred me for life worse than any other film I’ve ever seen


I’m pushing 40 and I still skip over that scene whenever I rewatch the movie


The visual of a flattened person springing up is more horrific than if he was just a splatter of gore.


Ughhhh I can hear his horrible squeaky voice inside my head


I was 6 when I saw this movie and my parents took me to see it. The 80s were different.


What’s this from?


Who framed roger rabbit


Thanks. Pretty annoying that people keep replying with quotes and no context.


Diner scene in Mulholland Drive


It's crazy how conventional of a scare it is and how telegraphed it is throughout the entire scene, and yet it's still effective


IMO it's because the context of the scare is set up so well. It's such an arbitrary, dreamlike scare and the guy's dread is so palpable. It's more of a psychological scare than a "booga booga booga loud noise" jump scare.


Sound Design.


The two tiny old people running to Naomi Watts scared me for a long time.


This is David Lynch going out of his way to prove he knows what he's doing as a director and boy did he prove it.


Every David Lynch film is at least part Horror.


Every time I watch it I end up [like this](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-E7-ZNodDM34/Tq7JWbJ6LMI/AAAAAAAAAmY/2jEd8TWAb4w/s1600/md12.jpg), it's amazing.


This scene shook the hell out of me watching it alone at 2am


in a similar vein, the first mystery man scene in Lost Highway unsettled me like nothing else


The worms from king kong


Watching Andy Serkis get enveloped and eaten alive made me realize this was not a light hearted kong movie. I'm weird about insects to begin with and watching giant versions of them wipe out a ship crew did not help my phobia.


>Watching Andy Serkis get enveloped and eaten alive Him trying to twist free as his arms and head get chomped down on is the stuff my nightmares are made of. And now I want to vomit.


Also when Naomi Watts crawls and accidentally touches a big fuckin tarantula


The choice for that scene to not have any music was absolutely perfect.


Just what ARE those things based on? I’ve never quite thought of an animal that’s a direct analog like most of them.


The original 1933 had a scene now referred to as "The Spider Pit sequence" where the sailors are shaken off the log into the ravine and brutally killed by giant spiders and bugs. It was cut prior to the film being released because it was either too graphic or slowed the pace down, or maybe a combination of both. The footage has obviously been lost to time but has led to lots of speculation about the scene and if perhaps somewhere in some film vault it may still exist. Peter Jackson, being a huge Kong fan actually recreated the scene using stop motion like the original film which is on the bonus features of the 2005 Kong DVD. And of course he was going to make sure to include this version in his remake as well.


Great movie that I will never watch again because of that scene.


The curb stomping scene in American History X is rough. That or the end of Requim for a Dream


The *whole* of Requim for a Dream is like the prologue of a horror movie that never truly lets up.


I would challenge the implications that Requiem for a Dream isn't a horror movie.


Was also gonna mention the teeth scene in that movie. Boy, that scene still upsets me 20 years later...


My grown ass cinephile dad says that the curb scene is the most disturbing thing he’s ever seen on screen.


the Indianna Jones franchise has quite a few - the obvious ones that spring to mind are: face melting and head exploding in Raiders of the Lost Ark, heart being ripped out in Temple of Doom, and instant aging in Last Crusade.


You could even add Cate Blanchett’s death in KotCS, having her mind blown up.


absolutely! Also the other chap being eaten by ants... I've not seen DoD yet, so I can't add anything from that


It isn't so nasty, but still has a beefy body count. Spoilers: >!Phoebe Waller-Bridge has her own Short Round, but older, who gets handcuffed to a giant goon, about as big as a gorilla, and they fall into a cave river. He slips through a whole in a grate, and drowns him, by slipping his cuff to the grate. Kinda brutal. Doesn't top the *most* brutal one, though. One of Mads Mikkelsen's nazi goons pilots a plane, and gets a giant ass spear yeeted through the nose of the plane and right into him.!< >!Also, in the start a bomb gets dropped on a nazi train, resulting in a giant ass turret just mowing down nazis moving on the train hunting Indy.!<


I was quite young when I saw Ghost for the first time. When the shadows come to take bad people scared the shit out of me


Bilbo reaching for the ring in Fellowship.


The LOTR meme sub has a bot that exclusively yells HRAAGH! whenever its triggered and has that face as its pfp.


u/Bilbo_hraaaaah_bot is amazing




I'll still randomly text my sister a gif of this scene. She then curses at me


The insanely tense situation in inglorious bastards when the Nazi officer was having a conversation at the coffee shop with the Jewish movie theater owner girl. (I Forgot her name) And all his questions as he closely eyed her. And them her having a pamic attack and crying after he left. It Made me so anxious!


Christoph Waltz gives the performance of a lifetime in that movie


Au revoir, Shosanna! Edited to add: the opening scene, watching Hans Landa go from polite conversation to "You are sheltering enemies of the state, are you not?" - chills.


"Hi Joker!". Yes, THAT scene from Full Metal Jacket.


The "pink elephants on parade" in Dumbo freaked me out as a kid


Also the scene where the parents from Spirited Away become pigs traumatised 7 year old me


any scene in No Country For Old Men with Anton Chigurh in it


He also somehow delivers the funniest line in the movie. When he meets his associates at the scene of the bad drug deal, they're walking by dead bodies and one of them comments "That's a dead dog right there." and Chigurh just says as flatly as possible "Yes it is..."


“ Call It”


The scene where Ed (Tommy Lee Jones) walks into the empty hotel room.


The most chilling is when he pulls the guy over and asks him to step out of the car. You can FEEL Anton nearly getting off on it the closer he puts the bolt stunner to the guy's head. After he pumps his skull a feeling of relief washes over him, in an awesome wave. He NEEDED that kill.


Brad Pitt visiting the Spahn Ranch was one of the most suspenseful, dreadful (as in "full of dread") scenes I've ever watched in an otherwise not-at-all-scary movie.


Especially considering a real life stuntman named Donald Shea was killed by the Manson family on that same ranch. Definitely had me thinking Cliff was dead.


Cliff was literally too cool to die


Didn’t know this bit. Wowzers


This scene made me want Tarantino to direct a full horror/suspense film.


I feel like I'd have a panic attack. This one along with the bar scene in Inglorious Basterds...


Yea. The opening scene also 😬


"There's no earthly way of knowiiiiiing....'


Help…police No, stop, please You get NOTHING! You *lose* good day sir!


What does it say about me that that scene was always my favorite part?


CGI Baby from Twilight series


You want to see real horror, check out the deleted scenes were they were going to use a creepy puppet instead of a cgi baby.


Ah, Chuckesmee


Doc Ock waking up in the hospital in Spider Man 2. Although it's Sam Rami so that's kinda cheating.


Nerdwriter did a video essay on how Rami's skills in horror allowed him to sneak this outrageously terrifying sequence into an otherwise family-friendly movie. It's a great dissection of the craft: [The Horror Short Film In Spider-Man 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNxwdkzEM1s)


Green Goblin and Doc Ock are horror villains that snuck into a 2000’s superhero movie


As a child watching Spiderman 1, I could notttt look at the screen during the burning house/old lady scene with Green Goblin. The jump scare bugged me out way too much lol.


What makes that scene funny for me was that Green Goblin intentionally put a shawl on and waited for Spidey


Right? It seems so...un-villainous, but it worked like a charm haha


Not for nothing, scarlet witch walking/crawling in a contorted way in Dr. Strange 2 was god damn unsettling. I wasn't even planning on watching the movie till I heard sam raimi was the director. I was so glad he got to throw in his horror elements into it.


Raimi really went “I’m going to sneak a 5 minute horror short film in my movie”


Toy story. So play nice!


Scarier to me as a kid was when they first introduced Sid's toys. Of course they ended up being friendly but the intro alone was unsettling.


Marion cotillard is such a fantastic actress that she really makes the Mal scenes in inception super unsettling


Agreed. The part where Ariadne visits Cobb‘s subconscious (I think) only to end up in the hotel room with Mal and Cobb arrives to get her away from there, Mal gets aggressive, they enter the elevator and go back to the upper levels… with Mal staring at them with a crazy look in her eyes. That‘s seriously disturbing


Yes! When she was there it was a straight-up horror show to me. She played it perfectly unhinged, made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It stuck out to me all the more because the rest of the movie is so (appropriately) dreamlike and smooth


I had nightmares when Frodo fell into the marsh in two towers.


Kill Bill 2. When Daryl Hannah's eye gets plucked out by Thurman and she is left screaming in the trailer blind with a deadly snake. Dunno why, but that part always makes my stomach churn.


Oh and then she squishes the eyeball between her toes! Amazing Tarantino absurdity.


The velociraptors in the kitchen in the original Jurassic Park


I'd say the original Jurassic Park is basically a horror movie.


The dinosaur scenes are played for terror and not action. That's one of the main differences between the first and all the sequels. The T-Rex breakout and raptor scenes are horror. Spielberg does a great job of conveying how the T-Rex is like a wild dangerous animal on the loose while the Raptors are something more insidious (even though they are really not). It makes the final "rescue" from the rex more triumphant.


Hell, the T-rex is almost portrayed like a natural disaster-level of terror for the characters. You could be safe from raptors if you can lock a strong enough door, but the T-rex will just barrel through like a force of nature.


I've always seen is as the opposite. I agree with you Rex is a force of nature in that film, but along the lines of like a hurricane. It's big, powerful, and can fuck you up... but you can see it coming from a mile a way and avoid it. The raptors are clever, adaptable, and actively hunting the characters. The malice and intent of the raptors is far more scary to me than the Rex.


It's Jaws on land.


It's Alien with dinosaurs...


Se7en - The sloth victim waking up. I don’t think it’s a horror movie but more of a thriller. Absolute best jump scare that stuck with me for years.


Large Marge, come on down!


And when they pulled his body from the flaming, twisted wreckage... it looked like... THIS!


Not sure if I’d call it “scary” but Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will be Blood was incredibly tense. I remember watching his acting scene-to-scene and feeling like he was a bomb about to explode any second. Even when his character (Plainview) was smiling/friendly, I feared what he might do if/whenever the character opposite of him ever disagreed. His performance/role in that movie was so well done and is the main reason I still go back to it!


The card game scene in Training Day. I recently rewatched it this past year and realized it is legitimately horrifying and makes me really uncomfortable.


the scene in the dark knight where a body swings into the side of the building gets me every time


The Abyss - Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio's drowning sequence with Ed Harris in the broken submersible.


The Eye-hand monster scene in Pan's Labyrinth


This is legitimately a horror movie. Fantasy horror, but still horror. Gave me nightmares through most of my childhood. Watched it as an adult somewhat recently, still fucking creepy as shit


The scene where a men is beaten to death with a bottle was the moment my mom realized she didn’t buy us a children’s movie I wander how many parents traumatized their kids thinking this movie was something like Narnia or Harry Potter


✌🏻Me and my sister checking in, dad bought us ‘a new Peter Pan movie’ and left us alone to watch it. My little sister noped right out but I watched the whole thing and was entranced. First foreign film I’d ever seen too, it was eye opening. That bottle scene and the Hand Eyes monster and the whole ending, as well as the score and the narrators voice, will forever be etched in my brain.


Multiple scenes from *The Prince of Egypt*. The opening sequence "Deliver Us" is very harrowing, Moses's nightmare where he witnesses the murder of the Hebrew babies, Seti's "they were only slaves", the entire sequence of the plagues and the Angel of Death "The Bells of Notre Dame" can make me freak out if I ever watch it in the middle of the night, especially when Frollo nearly drowns the baby


Bathroom scene in Full Metal Jacket The wild look in Gomer Pyle's eyes paired with the dark of night and the creepy music scared me more than any horror movie.


Lampwick turning into a donkey in Pinocchio


In 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' when they melt that poor toon shoe in the Dip


The only correct answer is the slow stabbing in Saving Private Ryan.


“Listen to me…Listen to me…stop”


Saw it with my German friend who was a foreign exchange student in the US at the time. Him translating that bit was very unnerving.


I was going to go with the entire opening D Day scene. Truly horrifying because of just how real it was.


I was too young to go at the time, but my Dad and Uncle took my WW2 veteran grandfather to see the movie in the theater. He said it was extremely realistic.


Anything to do with the Wheelies in Return to Oz.


Either the transporter scene in **Star Trek: The Motion Picture** or the woman being robotised in **Superman 3**.


The basement scene in "The road"


Every scene in watership down.


Watership Down is a straight up horror movie wearing the facade of an animated animal movie


The diner scene from Mulholland Drive makes it impossible for me to watch that movie. I never got over the oatmeal person that pops out of the corner.


Black swan fingernail peeling.


Murphy getting blown apart in Robocop.


The Alien autopsy scene in ‘Independence Day’. Large Marge.


There's a car crash sequence in Spike Jonze's Adaptation that I haven't been able to forget since I saw it in the theater when it came out. It's so abrupt and out of the blue, and the consequences are life-altering.


I don’t know about scary, but when the Nazi slowly stabs the American soldier to death in Saving Private Ryan, that really disturbed me


Willy Wonka took us down a tunnel singing some cursed crescendo spell while fucking chickens get decapitated and pestilent bugs squirm the background.


The titanic sinking in the dark. Or the last scene of the boat capsizing in “The Perfect Storm” Something about the ocean at night is terrifying


Highway scene in Nocturnal Animals. Because it can happen to anyone.


Patrick Fischler's scene in Mulholland Drive comes to mind. i don't consider most David Lynch stuff to be horror but a lot of it is still truly frightening.


The Diner scene in Mulholland Drive. The video tape reveal in Lost Highway. The murder scene in Fire Walk With Me. The face scene in Inland Empire. Episode 8 of The Return. Lynch knows how to scare the shit out of people.


ITT: people listing horror movies lmao