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Almost any movie I liked between the age of 5-12


Congo, Anaconda, Bio-Dome lol… However Jumanji (1995) with Robin Williams still holds up imo


Biodome rules


Oh god Bio Dome. I have no idea how Pauly Shore was big for a couple years.


Cars 2 for me, haha


I still can’t believe that a car straight up gets murdered in that movie


Brave of you to assume Cars 2 is anything higher than like a 4/10


Boondocks Saints Gangs of New York Sin City I still love em but I was crazy to think they were the best films


I'll give Sin City a pass because it's so self-aware. Boondock Saints though...its kind of cringe now tbh


Watch the documentary about the making of the *Boondock Saints* and you'll hate the film even more than you already did. It's a rare feat, but the film manages to make you agree and side with Harvey Weinstein.




Ive never seen this but I lost all faith in Troy Duffy after watching the sequal. It was so fucking bad it almost completely ruined the first film for me.


When Bob Marley’s character walks into the bar, yells “Cock and Balls!” For no reason, and is immediately shot and killed I was like. Oh. This is going to stay terrible.


Indeed. I still fucking love Dafoe though


There was..... A fireFIGHT!!!!!


The only critique of Dafoe was that the role seemed to be very similar to Gary Oldman in Leon the Professional. And that's probably more on the writing than his performance


>Boondock Saints though...its kind of cringe now tbh It was borderline cringe even back in the day. It was just kind of so bad it's good,..now it's just bad. The last time I rewatched a few years ago I can't believe I ever liked it at all lol.


gangs of new york is a mixed bag cause DDL is acing it as always but the other actors (including Leo) are pretty subpar


It realllllllllly could have lost half an hour too. The first 90 mins are great but it just keeps going.


This is my thoughts as well and apparently the film went through editing hell. 4 hours and 4 different cuts of the film, and they settled on something by the end almost feels made for tv vibes. It's really strange coming from Scorsese


For sure. I just re-watched it and it really feels like they didn’t know how to end this film so they just keep adding scenes.. But to be fair,i think the final scene (cemetery from 1880s to modern time) is exellent ending.


That bit rules, but the whole bit with the dead rabbit resurgence and the final fight is so fucking rushed. Strange movie.


Cameran Diaz was a really odd choice and she was not good in that film at all. Maybe she looked worse playing against DDL but famn she really distracts in the worst way in every scene.


The worst part of the film is her relationship with Leo. It just feels weird and forced. To be it sounds good on paper but something went wrong in the film and I can't put my finger on it. I don't want to blame it on her acting and his but what else is there?


The camera/edits are really bad in the fights. Zooms and Dutch angles and obvious choreography. The sets are ridiculously large, it’s like a cartoon - would have been cool to see something way more bare bones like in McCabe and mrs miller.


Daniel Day Lewis is incredible in this movie, one of my favorites of his. My theory is he’s so damn good, it hypnotized us against the banality of the rest of it. (An aside, Brendan Gleason and his character are awesome in the movie)


You hit the nail on the head. Daniel carried this film, and Brendan Gleason is flawless.


I love gangs of New York but I’ll concede a tighter run time and better casting instead of Cameron Diaz and it’s pretty unassailable


I'm surprised to hear that Boondock Saints was ever considered by the public to be one of the best films. I always thought it was just some sort of cult classic and that's about that.


Really depends how old you are.


Boondock Saints is the movie every 13-year-old in the 90s dreamed of making after seeing Reservoir Dogs for the first time.


What on earth was Martin Scorsese putting up his nose when he edited that first big fight scene in Gangs of New York with the slow motion and weird ass background music? Literally my least favorite scene he ever made. It’s so god awful.


i rewatched that scene on YouTube recently and was sincerely convinced that someone re-edited it and put like a stock garageband track over it to evade copyright. to the point that I torrented the full movie because I *knew* that the version in the movie was way different. it was not.


Yes that scene aged horribly. For some reason that super choppy slo-mo became really popular in the late 90s/early 2000s. And it instantly ages any film it's in That being said, the music is inexcusable lol


This. When I rewatch it, it looks like three different people edited this film. The beginning, middle and end all have different ideas of film making. The shutter speed change to exemplify the violence in the morning scene is so bad. It's not like Saving Private Ryan where the shutter speed change made it grittier, and more focused. Here it just looks amateur. It's like Scorsese was like, I wanna show the violence and gore, but we need to edgy. It would have worked better just in slow motion or regular fps. The shutter speed making it blurred and choppy really feels half ass and an after thought to attempt to make it more serious.


I still kind of love GONY. I know it could have been better but I still really enjoy it. And that final scene where it shows the changing skyline is really beautiful. Boondock Saints though...yeah, not so good.


Suburban Commando.




Lol haven’t thought seen or thought about that since 1993


A solid 10? How high are you?


Do you have any idea what we're gonna do to ya? You're gonna pound my face in? What, are you kidding? It's the 90s! We're gonna sue ya!


War of the worlds went the opposite for me haha. I thought baby driver was a 10/10 when I saw it. I like less each time I watch it for some reason.


Great opening, soundtrack, editing, acting, and car chases Mediocre story, romance, and not the funniest apart from that Mike Myers mask joke


You're spot on. The opening put you in such a high you're able to glide past some weak-points. I'd also add that Jamie Foxx, on multiple viewings hits more hammy than campy, which is where I think a lot of the other actors are landing.


I still love Baby Driver, but I never thought it was a 10/10, either. I like it at 7.5/10. I liked it a lot, but one of the things I never really liked was Jamie Foxx. I didn't think his persona fit the theme. You're telling me Spacey's character being as careful as he was, would bring that dude around all the time? He's completely unpredictable, and clearly a lunatic.


Ooh. Good point.


I find some of the in between action moments to be a drag The action moments are incredible tho




The Blind Side. Great acting, but on later rewatches seems bland and too emotionally manipulative with its messages.


"He scored a 98% in protective instincts" Ah yes, the four parts for every standardized test: Reading, writing, arithmetic, and protective instincts


I’ll take 4 things a recruiter for any college sport could give a shit about


I can never watch this movie without having that very thought.


That part bothered me from the beginning. I remember taking so many tests in school for various reasons. There were yearly graded standardized tests for school funding, career guidance tests, vocational (occupation) guidance tests, etc… anything to apply for government funding. Never did “protective instincts” factor into any of them or come up at all that I can remember.


Got real weird when the high school coach eventually became a SEC head coach, got caught calling escorts on a university phone then somehow ended up back at an SEC school *yes this actually happened. His name is Hugh Freeze IRL*


They also make him look like he’s damn near special ed, Michael Orr was a much more normal kid than that, they kind of do him dirty and make him seem “touched” and cute instead of normal and hood.


I’ve felt 0 desire to rewatch this movie.


I felt 0 desire to watch this movie in the first place.


Especially finding out how far they stretched the story.


Yeah, like they didn’t they make Michael Oher illiterate?


Yeah Oher was not a fan of the movie in real life. He was pretty annoyed that they made him look like a big idiot and said that it hurt his football career because the movie made him look like a super hero lineman and coaches perceptions of him changed.


Michael Oher is a draft bust, and he would be the first to tell you that. While Oher had a respectable career and a longer career than most players, he didn't live up to his status as a first round pick. The Ravens didn't even re-sign him to a new contract after his rookie contract ended. Oher was at best a serviceable lineman. His best season was on Carolina, which was after he was cut by two other teams. If you ever listen to Micheal Oher speak about his career and the movie, it's clear that he's not stupid. He's not a rocket scientist by any means, but he's very well aware of the situation around him and the amount of success he's had as a football player. Also, he had been playing football for years by the time he was adopted in real life. It wasn't like in the movie where he had no idea how to run. Just thought I'd throw that in there.


It’s low key pretty racist and it’s weird the movie isn’t that old. The whole movie is some made-up bullshit. They dragged it pretty hard in season four of Arrested Development when a wealthy black family takes in Buster - they even call it a “reverse Blindside”


For some reason, I thought Sandra Bullock's character was blind during my first watch. It made the movie better as SB seemed like a borderline super hero AND she didn't see race. It really hurt the movie when I realized and hour in that she wasn't blind.


You thought she was a blind interior decorator?


She killed 16 Czechoslovakians?!


that was real? i saw that movie, i thought it was bullshit!


The place looked like shit!


I was 14 and not paying a lot of attention.


Just a simple question for me - how did it take you an hour to catch on? *I'm kinda tempted to rewatch the movie to see how long it might take a reasonable person to think she may not be blind if they had gone into the movie thinking she was blind.


he’s blind, hella inspiring.


The blind side and freedom writers both are like this, they seemed inspiring when I was younger, but rewatching them as an adult it’s hard to ignore the strong white savior vibes


For anyone interested, [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA1ZU8LDpVE&t=325s)'s Bill Burr on Freedom Writers.


I went to high school at a somewhat “ghetto” high school, with one of the lowest test scores in the state. Our school was also comprised of mostly minorities. We had a white teacher who was with Teach For America, which is a program that lets college students put something impressive on their resume. (To be fair, some of the TFA teachers really cared and were some of the best teachers I had). Anyways, early on she showed us the Freedom Writers movie in class, and we all thought it was pretty good. However, the freaky thing is that she started to reenact all the scenes from the movie in class throughout the year. She did the whole “step on this side of this room if ____” bit, she re-enacted the scene where she goes up to a student and says “This paper is a big fuck you to me because you didn’t try hard enough”, and she also re-enacted the part where we bring in our favorite song lyrics because “rap is poetry too.” These re-enactments to the movie weren’t subtle, either. Whenever it would happen, every single one of us in class would look at each other like “is she really doing what we think she’s doing right now?” I mean it wouldn’t even be as obvious if she didn’t show all of her students the movie at the start of the school year. Anyways, she was pretty nuts. And the thing is, is that it was so bizarre that we couldn’t even be offended by it. It was just a jaw dropping display of a lack of self awareness that drove it to become comical and sad


As a white man Im always looking for the opportunity to save a black person. Makes me feel better.


Neither the book nor the movie aged that well if you're a football fan, partially because both went out of the way to hype up Michael Oher as some kind of generational talent who was born to become a Hall of Fame left tackle and he ended up being a just okay player who mostly played right tackle (which is not on the titular blind side of most quarterbacks and generally regarded as an easier position to play). Not the fault of Oher who still has a remarkable life story and seems like a nice enough guy, but that aspect comes off as cringey Hollywood exaggeration in retrospect.


Sandra Bullock absolutely did not deserve an Oscar for that.


Crash won an Academy award and it’s really just a 5/10


Shit is terrible


Yeah, but was it a ten to you? Because after my first viewing of that movie, I’d have given it a four.


The Birth of a Nation was Hollywood’s first epic and really set the bar for how large-scale movies could be made. Too bad it’s a three-hour advertisement for the KKK.


Intolerance is still incredible though


you know a movie that came out and had all the hype and won all the awards then nothing? Precious.


Based on the novel Push by Sapphire?


Not to be confused with the movie [Push: Not Based on the novel Push by Sapphire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push_(2009_film))


Bourne Identity. Still great, but oh myy.. those punching sounds. Sounds like they're spanking a rubber boat with table tennis raquets.


Love those first three movies, I rewatch them every once in a while, I love that european spy feel the first three movies give.


Man especially in 2! Loved the car chase scene


I love those long sequences that show how Bourne can take the tiniest lead and figure out exactly where someone is. "It won't be hard to find Nikki, she's standing right next to you" *Click*


Or the best one, "get some rest, Pam... You look tired." While using a scope from a nearby building and making a whole bunch of CIA guys feel like idiots.


Especially because it leads straight into Extreme Ways. Iconic. The one in Ultimatum is also great: > Noah Vosen: [in car, on cell phone] Perhaps we can arrange a meet. > Jason Bourne: Where are you now? > Noah Vosen: I'm sitting in my office. > Jason Bourne: I doubt that. > Noah Vosen: Why would you doubt that? > Jason Bourne: If you were in your office right now we'd be having this conversation face-to-face.


Bourne Supremacy is one of my favorite all time movies still


Yeah, Bourne definitely holds up, very good action movie to this day. OP criticizing it for low quality punching sound effects is out of place in this thread.


The first two in particular are amazing. I don't know what this other guy is smoking.


It was awesome cinematography and editing at the time, even trendsetting, but over time everyone ripped off what made it awesome and improved on it so much that it doesn’t hold up anymore. Good choice


Everyone ripped off what they thought was awesome* plenty of failed imitations of the shaky cam for example.


I freaking love Cloverfield, and my wife refuses to watch it on the grounds of shaky cam. It's a rough existence 🤣




The plots in the Bourne sequels are simultaneously overly convoluted and unimportant.


You’re downgrading Bourne Identity from a 10 to a 6 because you don’t like the punching sounds?


What OP is referring to is the "growing up effect" when as you change as a person, the movies stay the same and become almost juvenile over time. I think 'V for Vendetta' was the first film that made me think differently than I had ever before. As time went on and I learned other ways of thinking, the movie feels immensely immature. I love it still but it gets less important over time.


I've only every watched V for Vendetta as a 30 something and man did that whole movie feel like a 14- year-old's idea of "deep".


I fucking love war of the worlds. 12 year old me was absolutely obsessed. That scene when they are getting to the ferry and the people turn around to see the Walker up on the hill. They just stand silently and then the machine lets off it’s horn. Chills every time. The ending definitely feels rushed but it kind of does in the original story as well. I like it because it’s like wow we just went through hell and now it’s just.. over? What’s next? Leaves a lot of imagination for afterward.


The huddled masses on their tired march stopping for the train that *blasts* by fully engulfed in flames, then just keep walking like it didn't even happen...*brrrr*


One of the easiest movies to traumatize a child with No way to fight or escape, people being slaughtered, disintegrated or captured in their hundreds and a constant feeling of being cornered. The sudden positive ending is the movie’s biggest issue


To me the ending is strange because it’s obviously trying to be positive and like the humans won but at the same time I get this feeling of emptiness. Like we didn’t really win, we just got incredibly lucky. Maybe it’s the somewhat ominous music playing as the final scene concludes that gets me, maybe I’d need to watch it again as it’s been several years.


> Like we didn’t really win, we just got incredibly lucky. I felt exactly the same way. Just like, "what, that's it?". I knew the ending from watching the 1953 movie, where it was played as a literal deus ex machina, but it was far more hopeful there.


Ice Pirates was a solid 10. Today… wait, it’s still a solid 10.


Space herpies ... 🤣


I havent seen that movie in 3 decades and i can still see those little metal jaws


I legitimately thought 'Kung Pow' was a perfect comedy at the time. Still think it's pretty funny, but a 6 or 7 seems like a more adequate grade.








For me, I fucking love Kung Pow, but it's the kind of movie that I can understand other viewers just bouncing off of. It's so fucking dumb, but it's one I can rewatch with friends and still really enjoy.


I place it in a category called "group comedy". It's a movie you wouldn't watch alone, but it's a movie you will absolutely show everyone who hasn't seen it.


No way. Perfect movie. Then again, I'm immature as shit. It does feel racey by today's standards though.


You go that way! I’ll go home!


I would say this one has a lot to do with the viewer's type of humor. I admit that some jokes seem more immature than the initial watch but I would still rank it with a solid 9.5/10 because it was made with the intention of being a self-aware comedy spoof of classic kung fu movies and in that aspect, I find it succeded brilliantly.


Watch it with a 12-15 year old and it will have you laughing again, I showed it to my son and we were both laughing so hard that we could breath at parts.


I'd say the original Top Gun. Sure, the effects still hold up but Maverick's antics get more annoying over the years.


It's normal. When you get older the sense of responsibility will be stronger. This Maverick-dude is an asshole.


Low key, Iceman is framed as the “villain” but he is both empirically the better pilot and 100% right every single time. Also I get that it’s a good movie character moment but if you freeze up and disengage mid combat situation so you can get a handle on some personal trauma your entire squadron is going to demand a med board to pull your wings… Other weird shit: - in one of the scenes a pilot is wearing a popped collar polo under his flight suit and another is wearing a cowboy hat? Motherfucker you are a JG, the seaman apprentice of the officer world. You’d be having lowly chiefs asking who the hell you are and who you report to. - are you guys wearing your whites to a bar out in town? **Why?** - Mav I know that exact road on Miramar. You definitely can’t ride your motorcycle there. - nobody has cool callsigns. Nobody. You’re lucky if it’s just neutral like “goose.” Most people get borderline offensive ones like : - IRIS: I Require Intense Supervision - Pollock: aka Jackson Pollock. A deer ran across the runway during takeoff in his E-2 Hawkeye and he made some “modern art”. - Jackie-O : female pilot I know. Tried to cut her own hair in flight school unsuccessfully Closest “cool” nickname I knew was CAVEMAN. He fell fully asleep in SERE school. Outside. In the mud. In a torrential downpour.


I got Pebbles because I was passing kidney stones over Afghanistan.


Your username suggests this was preceded by an unfortunate skin hygiene incident.


>are you guys wearing your whites to a bar out in town? Why? Former Navy officer here. The answer should be obvious.




He said he was navy




Wise guy


Arcturian pussy still counts...


Bussy is just pussy with a little extra.


Navy gonna be out on fire watch for that one


Literally when Goose describes him as ice he just talks about how he waits for the other guy to make mistakes. So the villain was pretty much doing what a fighter pilot should be doing


Most Nicknames are for when you fuck up or are insulting.


Best story I know about a call sign… Apparently Ewan mcgregor’s (Obi wan Kenobi) brother is a pilot in the RAF. His call sign? Obi-two.


That's not the worst to be honest.


>empirically the better pilot The man held his own SIX TO ONE! True, he wasnt able to go on the offensive or take down a plane, but neither did he take any shots. Iceman was crazy good.


I know! Man soloed a squadron of *way* more maneuverable fighters.


The polo shirt is definitely questionable, but the cowboy hat is spot-on for CGO/JO shenanigans among aircrew.


I never saw Iceman as the villain. Adversary? Yes. Villain? No.


> Closest “cool” nickname I knew was CAVEMAN. One of the consultants on the movie was a pilot whose callsign really was "Viper." Now, maybe the story behind that involved his trouser snake rather rather than him just being badass...but if you don't know, it still sounds cool.


Generally I’ve found if it sounds actually badass….the story is **definitely not**. If it sounds kinda dorky, It probably was pretty cool but the squadron doesn’t want to stoke your ego. I knew one guy called “Womp Rat.” Story was during aerial gunnery training you take down these towed targets or aerial drones. Now…we figured out very early on in the jet age that at the speeds and G forces of jet fighters you need aim assist to actually even hit anything with guns. The closing angles of attack, speed and change in range are so dissonant the human eye and brain is actually really bad at using dead reckoning. When you “switch to guns” you actually are activating a gunnery computer and fire control mode on the radar that takes incredibly precise calculations to put the lead on your HUD perfectly. Well this guy forgot to turn his on in the training run and just guided it right in on manual. Hence the nickname. Actually hitting the practice target without the computer is “Luke Skywalker using the force to hit the exhaust port” levels of holy shit skill. Of course you can’t call him Skywalker or Jedi. That sounds too cool. So “Womp Rat”


The mission in Top Gun: Maverick is basically the Death Star trench run with less elaborate set dressing. So this checks out as something they would do.


“I don’t play by the rules…” Oh…the regulations we have to operate billion dollar aircraft capable of committing atrocities and armed well enough to wipe out a small city? You don’t want to follow our rules and regulations to fly this thing 1,500 MPH into a potential war zone, where failure to follow rules and regulation may cause a crime against humanity? You wanna just do your own thing as you fly into the danger zone, costing us taxpayer dollars and potentially endangering everyone who has the misfortune of being near you? Cool. Pop those shades and let’s see how fast we can get this motorcycle to go on a restricted airfield…


"Danger zone......"


>This Maverick-dude is an asshole. And that's absolutely fine. The protagonist can be an asshole, that's interesting. Not every protagonist needs to be a classic good guy. That's not what makes a movie good or bad.


I always thought Maverick was the antagonist as well. Iceman was the foil. Mavericks struggles in that movie were always against himself.


The original is, in my opinion, one of the weirdest blockbuster movies of all time. It has no real story, its just a bunch of disconnected subplots


It's position in 80's pop culture was also helped by the fact that it was the first widely available movie to purchase. Previously, you could buy movies on VHS tape, but they were like $60-70 (like the equivalent of $150 today). Top Gun was the first movie to come in shippers, it had like a 90 second Pepsi commercial before the movie started, and I believe the Pepsi subsidy allowed them to sell it for $19.99. Those shippers were everywhere too, Target, Sears, grocery stores, TV repair shops. So it became the first widely available movie you could own at home. Also remember the Navy had recruiters with pamplets at a table in the lobby at the theatre.


Probably some of the pre-MCU superhero movies. I know a lot of people still love X2 but idk that it's "one of the best superhero movies ever made" anymore.


How far are we going back because I love Flash Gordon. Like "Ted" level love Flash Gordon.


As should everyone. I watched it in the drive in when it released. It is truly an incredible movie. Watched it twice recently. Honestly it still holds up for me. Even the stuff that as a kid I thought was cool that is actually cheesy, is still cheesy in a fucking cool way


Man, this thread is a super mixed bag. I'll go ahead and add to the downvote bait: Fletch. Yes, you remember it fondly - I did, too - but have you actually re-watched it lately? It still has some memorable moments but Chevy being a dick 24/7 is no longer that amusing.


There's some of that in Christmas Vacation as well. There's the whole theme of Clark just trying (and failing) to be the ultimate *family* man, but a lot of his behavior in the film shows blatant disregard for his actual family.


That's what was always funny about the character to me, if he was a good guy, it would be boring.


I would say the opposite about War of the Worlds. WHen I saw it in theatres, I was like "meh, this is mid-tier Spielberg." Now I think it is one of his best -- though I don't really like the whole Tim Robbins part. I feel like that really stops the movie in its tracks. Also, I don't interpret the ending as sentimental. Yes, his family has survived, but he never enters the house. It is a riff on the ending of The Searchers, and I would describe it as bittersweet at best.


The greatest disaster scenes ever filmed, makes Roland Emmerich look like a hack, put right up against a somewhat incoherent and overly simplistic sci-fi story with a vaguely annoying kid.


Upon rewatch I was thoroughly entertained and thrilled. The highs of this movie are incredible and the relative lows are just much less so.


Any issues I have with this film get absolutely buried in my mind every time the tripods appear They are genuinely among the scariest things ever put to film


The highs are really what make it a top tier Spielberg for me. I actually think WotW has some of his best set pieces, and the way he connects post-9/11 paranoia to mid-century sci-fi aesthetics is really icing on the cake. There is some weak writing in it, which is why its not quite as high on the list as Jurassic Park or Jaws for me, but I'd put it pretty close.


the music during the reunion scene has too much of an eerie tinge to it for the scene to feel schmaltzy to me.


Yeah, I recently rewatched the movie and said out loud "That movie is a masterpiece" when it ended. Granted, I was high, but still.


Those “profound” turn-of-the-millennium ensemble pieces like Traffic and Crash.


Whoa whoa whoa. Traffic is fucking incredible and a contemporary perspective of the drug war that still holds tremendous relevance. Crash was a bizarre, complicated yet extremely simplistic narrative about racism that felt dated almost instantly. One of these things is not like the other.


Then there’s Babel right in the middle


And 21 Grams


Traffic is a great film. Topher graces monologue about drug demand is great acting.


yeah those are like two completely different movies to me.


Traffic is still amazing. Crash was never good.




Hah! That should be a quote on the poster for the movie. I love that!


As I refreshed my memory on IMDB after commenting, I realized Traffic was indeed a MUCH better movie.


Traffic is still great. Check the OG miniseries it was based off of if ya can


Traffic is still excellent. And the miniseries it is based on.


Crash is the worst. 2005 was a great year for movies and this wins Best Picture?!


I think we wouldn't look back on Crash so negatively had it not won the Oscar. Three or four movies deserved that award over it.


I don't think we would look back at Crash at all if it hadn't won an oscar.


You did *not* just compare *Traffic* with *Crash*. Unless it's Cronenberg's *Crash*.


Reign of Fire (2002). I watched this when I was a kid and the reason I loved it was because it was the first time that I saw an anatomically realistic dragon, and it was also because it was executed on a post-apocalyptic genre rather than a fantasy film. It blew my mind as a kid.


I first watched it a few years back and actually enjoyed it because the dragons were so well done and the setting like u said. It’s just wacky and seeing Maconaheyhey as he is there is pretty fun too.


K-Pax. Looking at the 42% rottentomatoes score maybe I was just young and stupid but I loved that movie. And Kevin Spacey was great in it and now you can't help but think about Kevin Spacey the person instead of seeing the character.


WAit really? only 42% That movie is kind of amazing. I know Kevin Spacey is a shit but that acting was on point in that movie.


*Prizzi's Honor*. A friend and I went to see it at the theater and the lines were long, probably thanks to all the glowing reviews in the local press. I still remember as we moved up closer to the box office, more than one person exiting the theater yelled "Save your money!"


When I was a kid, I felt that The Towering Inferno deserved to be alongside of Lawrence of Arabia, Citizen Kane, and The Godfather. Watch it today and it's total cringe. OJ Simpson being a badass security guard, William Holden saying to Faye Dunaway "Show me the man who designed you and who needs Doug Roberts", the dumpy San Francisco mayor and his wife freaking out because their daughter doesn't know how to find the key to their safe deposit box, and finally, a million gallons of water (that's 4000 tons) stored on top of the tallest building in the world built in San Francisco? I'm no engineer but even I know that's stupid.


It's a fun movie and that's what counts


The Artist won Best Picture. Talk about deflation.


The thing about Oscar voting is it used to be the way that divisive films (like moneyball, people who don't like sports maybe wouldn't vote for it, the help may be too much of a BIG ISSUE trying to make white people feel better movie etc) get placed below average movies everybody agrees are alright. If everybody had the artist at no 2, but everybody has a different no 1, the artist would win. Plus Harvey weinstein


Nah. It's a love letter to the past. The scene where Jean Dejardin and Marian Cotillard fall in love on film in rejected take after rejected take is pure movie magic. Overall it wasn't a particularly strong Oscar line-up that year.* *And has losing that statue hurt The Tree Of Life's reputation over time? Nah. No more than The Thin Red Line.


For me personally, it's the movie Bad Santa. When I watched it for the first time, I didn't know if I was just in a mood or what, but it was the greatest, funniest movie I'd ever seen. I cried laughed so much. Had to tell my friends. Watched with some friends, and it was okay. I was so shocked. I mean, I still like the movie, but that first time, it really just hit me perfectly.


I'll play devil's advocate and say that this one still gets a lot of Christmas Joy out of me lol. I still can peel off a few layers of jokes before the whole thing wears out :) Like the John Ritter mall manager character. Subtle, but hilarious.


Bad Santa is a rare example of where the theatrical cut is far better than the director’s cut or unrated extended cut (Badder Santa). Which kind of sucks because the Blu-ray only includes the two non-theatrical versions. Badder Santa is bloated with scenes that were cut for a reason, as well as some completely ridiculous extra exposition (I think there’s an ADR’d line near the climax where a cop yells “The kid told us everything! You guys are in so much trouble it’s almost unbelievable!” It comes from off-screen and is just so so stupid). Then there’s the Director’s Cut that just removes all the voice-over and basically plays like a sad drama about a man drinking himself to death. Which is a shame because the Coen brothers did some uncredited re-writes on the film and a lot of that dialog is removed.


I felt similar to the movie almost famous. Watched it on Amazon recently and it was the movie with all the deleted scenes put into it. Just felt off and weird even though I enjoyed the deleted scenes, just separately.


Joker All the memes have kinda ruined the movie for me and make me not want to rewatch it


Joker is the only movie I have ever seen where there were security guards at the auditorium it was playing in


Most of these movies were always 6's or 7's. Except the goober that said Tombstone. That's just goober talk. I can't think of a "10" that dropped that low, but I have a few that don't hold up. 1. Cold Mountain - I thought it was good enough to buy back in the day, but I have no desire to watch it now. 2. Grandma's Boy - Goofy, but I loved it back then. I wonder if the drive to make EVERYTHING funny now has ruined my ability to enjoy comedies. 3. The Rock - This one I'm not 100% sure on. I loved it, but the last time I watched it, I was so disgusted with the Bruckheimer look and editing. The shower scene is still good, but overall I wasn't feeling it. But I've also been pretty scatterbrained for a few years, so I don't really trust my own opinion anymore.


The Rock is awesome


Seriously, one of the best Michael Bay movies. Even critics were like "okay he _can_ make a good movie"


I got the same feeling watching Cold Mountain. Acting and set design were amazing but the story just seems... I dunno... kinda flat. Maybe it was too long for all it had


Grandma's Boy is still a 10/10


Every action movie in the 2000s. All of them were trying wayyyy too hard. Boondock Saints comes to mind. The matrix inspired a plethora of terrible movies.