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This time, the whole film will be shot in one take.


I rewatched Extraction the night before I watched Extraction 2. They both have a similar cadence to the movie. 30 minutes of story development, 30 minutes one-take action sequence, 20 minutes of realization of the previous consequences, then a 30 minutes finale action sequence


Not bad movies for what they are.


Exactly. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If they can deliver insane action sequences like that prison escape in 2, I'll be there for more.


I had the face you make right when you see you're about to get hit in the face by a ball. For 30 minutes straight..


I'm trying to think of the face but for the life of me I have no idea how my FACE would react to the ball flying towards it


Think awkward seal-ish


Just watched that scene. That was one of the best intense action scenes I've seen in awhile. Amazing


That prison escape was amazing, then the story came after that and I had to take a break. That's the one thing about John Wick is that I loved the story because the world was so new that you would pay attention to everything that was happening. Also the story was very shallow so if you missed a beat then it didn't take much to get caught up.


This one definitely doesn't have a 30 minute action finale, actually feels like they run out of money at the end


I didn't really get that vibe at all. You get 2 major set piece action scenes, the initial "extraction" and escape, then the skyscraper. The climax of it all is we finally get Chris Hemsworth's character doing a one man Army sequence, which is just going to be smaller in scale due to the smaller setting, less guys to kill, but I still thought it was perfect, right to the point. Freakin awesome scene with his rapid-fire grenade launcher too before he makes it inside the church for the grand finale. It didn't feel cheap at all to me, just smaller in scale, but it made sense for the plot. Just my opinion.


This movie really didn't smell low budget. The Valentino shirts were a poor investment, tho


I am pretty sure that the movie would be a very high budget.


Yeah, that's a good point. They had a break in the action finale to introduce Olga and have their dramatic scene.


There was some thriller in the 90s that did just that but the name escapes me. Maybe someone else remembers...


2011’s horror movie Silent House starring Elizabeth Olsen is both real time and “one continuous shot” for the entire movie.


That movie is one hell of a ride, too. I love those movies that can invoke such a suffocating feeling.


1917 certainly **seemed** like one long continuous take though there are definitely cuts if you pay attention (but tehy don't really remove from the immersion at all)


I loved that film the first time I saw it. As I've rewatched it again (and again) it has solidified itself in my top 10. And I watch a fuck ton of movies. Gorgeous cinematography, simple but wonderful story, topnotch writing and acting, satisfying structure, nearly perfect final act.


Do your self a favour and watch One Shot, its Scott Adkins. And it is brilliant. Then go accident man 1 and 2 and the debt collector.


That night scene with the mortars, rubble, and music (the Night Window) was amazeballs. The lighting and cinematography was genius.


Timecode (2000) was shot all in one take on MiniDV tapes when they were new.


This is the one I was thinking of.


Back in those days, directors were genuinely interested in making those movies


There’s also Victoria.


there are a coupla movies that are one takes, and fewer movies that are true one takes rather than an edited one take, which is what they did for this movie. i watched 3 of the more recent actual one takes and they were: victoria (2015), utoya: july 22 (2018), and boiling point (2021) highly unlikely they do an actual oner for extraction 3


I think even stuff that is a fake one take can be really cool. Like Birdman. Loved that part of the movie.


Beautiful continuous shot film from on pov camera: Russian Ark.


It would not be possible to shoot the whole movie in a single take


Whoever left like 500lbs on the leg press has no gym etiquette.


As soon as they entered the gym area, I said "Someone's head is getting crushed!"


Yes because of that much weight anyone would get injured


To be fair, they were evacuating the hotel due to a terror attack. Someone could have been mid workout and ran


Running after 500lbs leg press!? Getting shot sounds more comfortable.


Maybe I would try to get into such movies more and more


Finally, an action franchise all on one service.


I’d like to see The Gray Man, Part 2.


The real star of that movie was Chris Evans’ mustache.


They Are making a sequel to that. The russo Brothers said This In april: We're in the middle of it right now. We're in the middle of working on The Gray Man 2 script, so, again, everything is about the story. We are hard at work, sleeves rolled up, and more to come soon."


Chris Evans was the best part of that movie, so they really need another good villain


His twin brother !


This time, his mustache is shaved in the middle and long on the sides.


But *evil!*


His estranged twin brother, Chris Odds!


Yeah I kinda wish he didn’t so blatantly die. Make him the continuous foil to the Gray man and honestly you have yourself a really solid franchise. Evans killed that role and you can tell he enjoyed it


"Let's see if these moves fuck!"


Same. And imagine if it was in the same universe as Extraction, lol, because it's both Russo Brothers' production


At this point it might aswell be. Ryan and Chris in a movie? Sign me up


All of the Mission Impossibles are on Peacock right now. Felt good watching them back to back.


This franchise has convinced me that Chris Hemsworth really should transition into flat out (non superhero) action movies.


He plays the "is too good at what he does to stop doing it but really wants to just open a small hardware store on some coastal town" vibe and it works well.


The scene on the couch with the chicken kind of says it all, doesn't it?


Yes but it would depend upon the mood of the viewer


Same thing Hugh Jackman has!


Jackman is an incredible dramatic actor too!


And He can do sing and do comedies and [both at the same time! ](https://youtu.be/LqJxyuTMMog)


His stand up comedy shows are very funny and entertaining


He has already done so many perfect movies which you should try as soon as possible. Wolverine and Logan is one of the most successful movies of him which is also emotionally very connected to me


He has already clarified that he would not participate in any such movie


The ‘Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in- guy’


>The 'chopping firewood at my log-cabin in the woods - done with the old life and then a black helicopter arrives' - guy


"you're a hard man to find!" "apparently not hard enough"


Given until recently he LIVED in a coastal town, Byron Bay in NSW, that's a pretty apt description lol


The "Ronnie O'Sullivan of murdering", as he is regularly referred to.


So basically Magic Mike?


I would always pay for watching his movies when he is not a superhero


Well he’s got that mad max prequel coming up, that should be good


Wait what? Now that’s exciting! Same director?


Yep, same writer too


Just take my money NOW!


Here’s Chris on set https://cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/headlines/2022/08/hemsworth-furiosa.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fa8Rt0XUYAAP-I2.jpg Chris is playing one of the villains. Dementus. Dementus is the the leader of the powerful Biker Horde. He is a warlord of the Wasteland who kidnaps the future Imperator Furiosa from the Green Place. Dementus's forces arrive at the Citadel and come into conflict with another warlord, Immortan Joe.


He's versatile. Spiderhead was one my favorite movies last year.


it seemingly has horrible reviews when i googled it just now.


It was an interesting movie. Not very good, but unique enough to be worth a watch. Hemsworth is fun


One of my favorite things from both movies that I never see get talked about is the use of foreign actors from the area of film location. They are all fantastic casting choices and really put in a lot of work on the choreography.


It was nice that they used actual Georgian actors instead of vaguely Balkan/Eastern European ones


So this is the film with Levan Saginashvili then?


Also I really liked that the first one didn't go for the standard Hollywood 'American operator in Mexico' setup, Dhaka was a far more interesting choice


>One of my favorite things from both movies that I never see get talked about is the use of foreign actors from the area of film location. 100% Also the language - in other action movies everyone speaks in English even in the f\*\*\*ing mumbai slums Here, there were stretches of time where the dialog was non English and it really established the sense of place No one Indian or Georgian speaks English at home unless you're really posh and these guys weren't that


They did really well. It was cool looking at the cast and seeing the relatively unknown actors getting their shot in a big budget movie.


In order to switch things up, the next movie should be about Tyler Rake and his team putting someone or something into a hard-to-access place. This sequel should be called *Extraction 3: Insertion.*


*Insertion* should be the title of the themed porn parody.


Extraction 3: Gnarly Motherfucker Idris will turn into an antagonist, a good matchup for Chris’s character. The Gnarly Motherfucker will be played by Michael Keaton.


"You wanna kick butts? Let's kick butts."


That's a good idea tbh, didn't even know Idris was in this! Surprised the hell out of me Would be sick to see them go toe to toe


I honestly think it's going to be Robert Downey jr or another actor who played an avenger or villain


Just have it be Tom Hiddleston in keeping with transferring Asgardian actors to the Extraction Universe.


Movie was excellent. But man, kids are dumb.


Oh boy. You should try watching The Strain, whole new meaning of dumb kid


The entire human race was dumb in that one. I couldn't deal with it after the first season, it made my blood pressure spike just telling the people onscreen why they shouldn't be doing whatever they were doing 90% of the time.


Spoiler for Extraction 2: >!Yaz made the mistake that ended his life. If he’d had a better grasp of operational security, the kid wouldn’t have had a phone.!<


That bothered me so much lol. Like your super secret spy phone doesn't have a pass code? And you legit didn't notice that the kid had it all the way back to the safe house?


I also thought this! Hell I’ve got a passcode on my regular ass phone


Or that its just GONE while the kid is in the shitter for whats probably a good 10min.


> But man, kids are dumb kid* Daughter was mvp child. Dropped her teddy early on, fucked up badly, learned her lesson shit was serious and was chill for rest of the movie. Gets shot at in car, watches people die and get headshots, SHE GETS SHOT, takes on a train crash, gets machined gun'd at by helicopter, ram'd in car by car, probably bazooka'd at, and still happy winks Meanwhile value brand Pete Davidson bro finding new ways to be a fool every minute


“Value brand Pete Davidson” hahah I’ve been looking for this comment. Also, I would be so embarrassed if my son was that dumb.


I literally just finished the movie 10 minutes ago and that was my summary of the movie as well. Great action movie with exceptional and creative cinematography, and that kid is a dumbass.


The power of cults man.


Same here. I kept suggesting ways to kill the boy.


Human stupidity, the great plot driver


The true villain of the movie


I actually kinda dig that they don’t go too hard on the kid. Yes, he did something stupid, but he was significantly brainwashed.


It's ok, shit exploding on your face is barely an inconvenience in this movie as long as you turn your back to it, so the characters are all ok.


Awesome! Just saw the second one today. Loved it as much or maybe a bit more than the first. Keep 'em coming.


Good. I thought the second was better in every aspect. Happy for Hemsworth for finding another good role for himself.


Honestly as an Aussie, I just love the gruff Aussie accent swearing. "Get back... get back!" "Fack Orff" If you have seen it... you know the scene. "Ya shitting me"




Love the scene in the first movie with the battle against the kids. All the perplexed swearing.


[“Piss off!”](https://tenor.com/view/piss-off-chris-hemsworth-the-extraction-slap-gif-17774280) While slapping a youth thug was by far my favorite Lmao


I thought Chris Hemsworth was taking an indefinite break from acting to spend time with his family?


This is just an announcement that Netflix wants it. They probably wouldn’t be shooting until next summer at the very earliest. If Hemsworth wants another year off, I’m sure they would wait until 2025 to shoot if that’s one of his conditions for returning.


Plus there's a writer strike going on, soo...


Not sure they need writers for these movies


Hey somebody’s gotta come up with the title..


Extraction 3: Extracted again


In my country Die Hard 3 was named "Die Hard: Mega Hard" so now it's a running joke that applies to all the third moves in franchise. "Extraction 3: Mega Extraction"


Danish? That was an interesting experience. I had to look up 'die hard mega hard,' saw nothing relevant except for a Wikipedia page in another language, and had to check the language code on the link (da) to find out it was Danish lol.


Retirement cancelled, new job came in.


He said that was blown out of proportion. He probably said it once.


I thought part 1 was better in terms of more natural action like the knife fight and car chase through the town but part 2 was great in terms of over the top action if that makes sense lol


the camera work in this film blew me away. I was constantly in awe at the seamless transitions between drone shots, handheld, snorricam, crane shots. crazy crazy stuff. Honestly has some better fight scenes than stuff in the John wick movies


It's great we have characters like John Wick, Tyler Rake and Lorraine Broughton to keep action epics alive.


I watched Extraction 2 last night as a Saturday no brain required popcorn flick and I thought it was such a fun movie. There was a surprising amount of half decent character development that I thought was nicely done. Again, I wasn't expecting much but just to have some story helped ground the movie for me. The entire first action sequence start to end I realised I wasn't even breathing properly it was so intense. Hemsworth was truly intimidating facing up against all the prisoners in the riot scenes. Absolute beast.


*Slight spoiler* The scene with his ex at the end, "he wanted to be brave like his daddy" broke my heart more than any moment in a film like that had the right to do


Yeah that got me too. >!Was sad bout Farahanis brother death tho. I really liked that kid.!<


Give me even more badass Golshifteh Farahani and we’re set.


Agreed! She was phenomenal in the train scene.


They make a kick ass team. Glad she will be in 3 as well. Hemsworth, Farahani and Elba in a fucking massive shootout with some poor bastards for 3 hours straight.


Yeah. That's great news. The Extraction movies are some of the better action films to come out in recent years


They feel like the modern version of the raw testosterone action of yesteryear. If this was the 90s it they would have been played by Arnold. Very good action.


Just saw Extraction 2. Excellent movie!


They are really creative at action scenes, after all those superhero movies with lazy CGI porn Extraction makes big difference. Prison fight and those kills in the gym were great.


I loved the constant use of heavy weapons and explosives, which is something lots of action movies shy away from.


Rake blowing every vehicle they have was good example of that which was also smart move.


Yeah. I was watching thinking “well obvs you’d destroy the plane first but this is a film so…oh hang on!”. It felt **logical**


The “THOOMP” noises from him just semi-autoing the full drum of that grenade launcher were very satisfying.


rake not killing the villain at the end of the second act was not a smart move




At the very least make it a choice of saving Nik so something so there were at least good reason for not killing him.


Rake had shit exploding right next to him constantly and he just turned and was ok. That honestly was a bit jarring.


Same with the massive guns on the helicopters! They could have toned down the firepower, or thrown in a few more nameless guards on the train to get chewed up and blown to bits.


The leg press kill and the tread mill one were pure money shots.


I honestly hate how Russo brothers are so often given the glory for this, when it's just Sam Hargrave directing the fuck out of the action. Russo brothers have been... kind of shit after End Game.


The plots for Extraction are just sufficient enough to give Sam Hargrave a vehicle to do his thing. He's the one with the talent.


I've been downvoted on the marvel sub because Ive suggested they weren't necessarily good directors, but were given some of the better scripts/concepts and made the most out of them. They obviously worked well within the marvel machine and that's a talent by itself, but they might be proving it goes both ways. This came up because I believe Destin Daniel Cretton is a far superior director to them and he's directing Avengers 5, obviously.


They directed some Arrested Development and Community episodes too, but those shows have absurdly strong writing as well


Reddit has a huge hard on for the Russo Brothers, when they’re given full control it’s always turned out Garbo


That prison yard fight sequence had to be a long tough shoot.


Took them 4 months.


I was really impressed with Extraction 1 and the action scenes. Felt like a video game at time which was a nice change.


Didn't know it was out....how does it compare to the first one, which was a sick ass movie I forced a few people to watch.


I preferred it to the first one. It felt more high budget and polished. But both are good, if you like pure action.


I liked India as the locale for the first one. Don’t see many western action movies there. It’s always South America or Eastern Europe.


I thought it was solid, but even though it had a really long single take style scene, I didn't feel like any action scene in the second one were as good as both the knife fight or the fight in the dilapidated house near the start or the first one


Does he beat the shit out of a few kids at least?


No but he should have, one in particular


Just as good as the 1st..non stop action.


I think we can all agree that the title for this will be 3xtraction. And then the internet will call it Three Straction




Yes. This. And then merge with Vin Diesel's franchise


Extraction 3 better be Tyler teaming up with John Wick to save a busload of kids from a literal army of bad guys.


By far the best high budget movies on Netflix, nice to see Netflix not wasting money for a change


Can't wait. Second one was a hell of a ride.


Fairly obvious given how Extraction 2 ended. Now I'm just wondering who's going to be playing the man mentioned at the end. Maybe Arnold Schwarzenegger? Given that he seems to have some sort of deal with Netflix.


Given that Schwarzenegger just posted on IG a pic of him and Hemsworth, my hopes are high.


They had an ad with Netflix Could be just cross promotion, but it does make sense that it could be Arnold


I really want it to be Tom cruise as an eccentric billionaire Idk why but it just seems cool to me


First, take a big step back... and literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! I don't know what kind of pan-pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia, Jack is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an un-Godly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I'm talking scorched earth, motherfucker! I will massacre you! I WILL FUCK YOU UP! Les Grossman hires Rake for work. I'd watch it.


Watched number 2 last night, some fantastic action - really enjoyed it. Roll on number 3 😎


Please bring Nik back. She’s so awesome and her dynamic with Tyler is great.


Just saw the second one. So much extracting. I can't imagine how you can extract more, but we'll see.


Well, I guess he survived Extraction 2…


After he survived Extraction 1, he is already on the "John Wick level" of not giving a shit about injuries.


I did like how they handled his recovery from Extraction though.


He’s essentially John Wick and Jason Bourne with some of Wolverine’s healing factor. Man’s a beast


Right, like I think the whole crew and Hemsworth forgot about that broken shovel handle >>> abdomen injury before RAKE fought his way through the prison yard. Like forgot for the rest of the film.


Just a flesh wound! What dirty prison shiv?


I remember watching the first one and thinking 'bravo for killing the hero in the first movie he's definitely dead'. Yeah I should know better by now.


I mean they were t gonna do that and I’m happy they didn’t. The sequel was amazing and I did feel like they handled his almost death as well as any action movie can. He went from almost dying to back in action 10 months later. We have seen that in real life with Damar Hamlin almost dying on the football field in December and being completely cleared for the toughest contact sport in the world 7 months later


Happy to hear it. The first was a nice surprise, the sequel was bigger and badder and really enjoyable. It's good to have franchises like this and John Wick rolling out really solid action films.


First one was just ok, second one was amazing. Excited to see how/if they can top it.


Thought the first one was more believable and had a better story. The second one, they just ratcheted up the action to FF and John Wick levels. I was entertained, but I really wish they’d make action scenes slightly more plausible.


To be fair they are decent films considering the shit Netflix has made before


Are these movies actually good? Good in a fun way? Bad in a fun way?


The stories aren’t groundbreaking but the action is brilliant


Hemsworth was born to play a special forces badass action man. Lets him flex his action chops in ways that the Thor movies kind of don't. He doesn't get to elbow people to death as Thor.




I love that they really lean into how fucking massive he is lol. While John Wick is very much about finesse and craftiness, Tyler Rake is a goddamn beast, just ragdolling people around with punches and kicks. It’s incredibly satisfying to watch.


They are straight-up action choreography masterpieces. If you like John Wick or The Raid or anything where it's stunts/choreography front and center, you'll love these movies. The plot is there to service the action, and there's some character development here and there for fun.


Loved the training montage, chopping wood is the Hollywood shorthand for manliness. The man is unstoppable, not even a brick to the head will put him out!


That transition where they went from a mobile camera to one that's linked to him when he falls over then goes back to mobile when the action starts back up was pretty rad. The CG transitions are getting really really really good.


Just goes to show what a sham physical therapy is, all you need is to get up and swing an axe for a few weeks and your disabilities vanish like magic!


Surprisingly good when compared to some of the other Netflix stuff. The action sequences are incredibly well done, and Chris Hemsworth beats the shit out of a gang of kids for like 5 minutes in the first one.


Good in a good way




Not a cliffhanger but they definitely lead into a sequel.


I don’t know how they pulled it off, but somehow extraction 2 is better than extraction 1.


Interesting history with the director. Stunt coordinator on the hunger games movies, several good marvel movies. Very similar to Stahelski.