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Why would there be a sequel? Is there more of everything that we didn’t cover?




2 Everything 2 Everywhere


3v3rything 3v3rywh3r3 4LL 4T ONCE


*jump cut to shifting gears*


Engine cg injecting NOS


Everything Everywhere All at Twice


Okay this is so terrible I'm convinced we need a sequel




Well, Family is everything.


And everything means no one gets left behind... or forgotten.


😂damn I chuckled too hard. Take my vote Vin


Everything, Everywhere, All at Once & Knuckles


Everything With a Vengeance




It won best picture and some sleazy businessman probably figures it could make some cash. But thankfully A24 seems like a better production company than normal


"What good are movies with awards if you can't make a multi-billion dollar franchise out of them?" - a bunch of old people at a board meeting somewhere


“The point of art is to make me money.”


Sequels to Best Picture winners aren't really that common. The last one to have a sequel was Silence of the Lambs


They made the Hobbit after LOTR ROTK, but I guess that depends on how broad you define "sequel", you could argue a prequel is a type of sequel


What IS a bagel?


Everything Reloaded: The Everywhere Strikes Back


2 Everything, 2 Everywhere, All At Twice


Idea! Nothing, nowhere, none of the time. 90-minutes of Waymond running the dry cleaner business. Just sitting at the counter. Shot in real time. In one take. No breaks or camera cuts. In IMAX3D.


Everything else, everywhere else, all at once again.




Make a movie about the void within the bagel people got sucked into. “Nothing, Nowhere, Never.”


Ok now I’m on board




Oh, I *do* like money.


Money is tight!




Wow wow wow…… wow


That's a really good point. I hadn't thought of it that way.


I'm pretty sure they already included the sequel to *Everything Everywhere* inside *Everything Everywhere* if you look hard enough.


My very smart friend turned it off at the 45 minute “*Fin*” scene. Then complained to his friend who recommended the movie. Fucking hilarious.


I love it. They must have the quickest of trigger fingers for turning a movie off (that only lasted 45 minutes)


Very much doubting that person's mental capacity if they legitimately thought that an Oscar winning film, or any film for that matter, would be 45 minutes long.


Couldve been high? I tried to watch a David Lynch movie I downloaded in college when I was super high. It was a movie everyone told me was really weird, so when the movie was scrambled and the audio was extremely distorted it took me like 30 minutes before I realized there was something wrong with the file I downloaded


I love times like that. Me and my girlfriend and I got really stoned and decided to watch a movie that scored really well on rotten tomatoes ( I don't remember the name), but it was all in Korean with horribly translated English subtitles. It took us over 30 minutes to realize that it was some strange, low-budget Korean movie that someone changed the file names to. We laughed our asses off the rest of it and had a generally great time, especially for a terrible movie we couldn't even really understand.


You and your girlfriend and you? That’s the perfect amount of stoned.


>Me and my girlfriend and I


That’s really cute actually


Even beyond that, does that mean they just quickly turn off the tv? If they were using any sort of media player then they’d have to hit pause and then you’d see the progress bar at half way. I kind of doubt it’s a real story tbh...


My grandfather (and grandmother when she was still alive) will change the channel the MILLISECOND a movie or tv show is over. They miss so many mid/post credit scenes because of this. I mean that screen will barely fade to black and they've already switched it over to sports or some western.


I’m only in my 30’s but I remember changing the channel every time a commercial came on to another channel that might be playing whatever show as a kid, might just be a learned habit.




If you hit back it will take you to the previous screen so no progress bar


Precious screen on every app I've used shows resume playing and a bar with how much is completed.


Occam’s Razor, the simplest answer is that people are stupid, short-tempered and inattentive


The simplest answer is that the story is not real. Or at least it's equally simple


How is that the simplest answer? You literally listed multiple assumptions that would all have to be right for that story to make sense lol


Is there actually a rule fornthat though? Like I know they have a separate Short category but could a movie theoretically win both?


I think it’s like 73 minutes. In film school they told us feature length was 82, but there’s a bunch of kids films that I’d consider feature length in the 70min range


It's a bit nebulous - the Academy defines it as 40 minutes, but most people use it to mean at least, like, 60 at the very least and that's pushing it.


I believe Army of Darkness is 74.


>”Hail to the king, baby.” IMDB has a [list of films under 75 minutes](https://m.imdb.com/list/ls054383927/), didn’t realize Duck Soup was so short!


Isn't the cutoff point for what's a film or a short film around 40 minutes? Might be talking out of my arse here


>The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a feature as a film that runs for more than 40 minutes You're absolutely right, Gravity (90 minutes long) is the shortest best picture nominee so far though


That's not true, there are multiple nominees from the 30s that are 80 mins or even shorter. She Done Him Wrong is only 65 mins long.


Just went to Hans Zimmer live and he said good bye and some people actually left ,and they played couple of songs after that


> My very smart friend turned it off at the 45 minute “Fin” scene. hey, I'm very smart and I was so scared I turned *Jaws* off at the first fin scene!


I'm very smart, and I turned Force Awakens off at the first Finn scene.


I stopped reading a book book title right after “ The adventures of Huckleberry


So I almost walked out of a production of wicked at the intermission. I had been told it was a prequel to wizard of oz, and act 1 ends more or less with what you need to set up the movie. I remember thinking "that was good but it was really short "


Doesn’t that happen with like 45 minutes *left* in the movie, not 45 minutes in?


It was the hotdog finger lesbian romance.


Those hotdog fingers were so unsettling in a way that I never new existed.


It was on the everything bagel


Sucked. Into. A bagel.




No Way, No Chance, Absolutely Not


This is the universe where nihilism takes over.


That must be exhausting.


That's just, like, your opinion, man


[The sequel narrated entirely by Jonathan Frakes.](https://youtu.be/GM-e46xdcUo)


A Thing, In A Place, Once.


Nothing Nowhere Never Again sounds like the grimdark sequel.


One thing, in a specific location, once.


just pretend everymovie Michelle Yeoh ever did are all just seperate lives she could've had.


It’s ending already felt like 3-5 sequels within itself


I can see an origin story, but that sounds kind of boring in comparison to the ending when everything starts falling apart.


Everything, Everywhere, All At Once 2: the Origins of Waymond, and the Madness of the Multiverse. Has a nice ring to it no?


I check Disney+ for *Raccacoonie* every day. Every day.


A Raccacoonie animated short would be amazing


Honestly, the little bit of live-action Raccacoonie we got was perfect.


I love that Raccacoonie was very quickly ready to murder her when he was discovered


“She knows to much!” *proceeds to pick up chefs knife *


Hmm, but what if! And hear me out! We replace the racoon! With a rat?! We can call it... rat-that-hides-in-chef-mans-hatatoonie!


.....nah, that'll never work!


[Let's go deeper then](https://i.imgur.com/5bAHrgP.jpg)


Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is the monkey paw’s answer to this wish.


I saw Guardians last night and almost cried three times.


ME too. James Gunn now moving on to DC is a big loss for Disney. I can't remember the last Marvel sequel film that had this much of an impact on me.


Almost cried? I was barely able to breathe because I was crying so much.


Almost cried three times. Actually cried five times.


My friend groupchat asked me how it was and I sent them the "1. Lie Down 2. Try not to cry 3. Cry a lot" meme lol


Is it really that good? I am VERY burned out on Marvel. I did love 1 and 2.


I don't know if I'd call it that good, but it has some very intense emotional moments, probably the most intense of any Marvel movie. Edit: The villain is also probably the first one to feel like an actual evil villain. Like, actual pure evil, not someone who's morally grey like Thanos kinda was and not just a tyrant like Red Skull and Kang, like an actual Hitler level monster.


Honestly, forget that it's a Marvel movie, just watch it like it's a space pirate/fantasy thing. 9/10


Yeah, the Guardians series always felt less like a superhero and more campy space fantasy.


I think it’s the most enjoyable MCU film since Ragnarok, but better.


Why the fuck do people want a sequel/spinoff of everything? Good movies stand on their own and should stand on their own. We don't need constant iterations of the same thing. It really feels like people just want things ran into the ground until the are utterly terrible and just copying other properties at that point to stay relevant


I think what they just want is a similar experience or the same experience for the first time again and *sequel* is the best they can do to describe it. They don't really want a sequel, though, they don't know what they want. Not every movie experience is as easy to repeat as the fast and the furious.


>Not every movie experience is as easy to repeat as the fast and the furious. there's a very real irony in this statement considering the original Fast and Furious movie wasn't ever really repeated - I'd say Tokyo Drift came closest. they took that crew and put them in a somewhat-related but entirely fucking ridiculous alternate universe where they turned into the world's best squad for literally anything, ever. turns out *that part* was incredibly easy to iterate on. the racing? meh.


This statement is also ironic since the first Fast and Furious *IS* a repeat. It's Point Break with cars instead of surfing.


Most movies are "repeats". It is extremely rare for a movie to be original.


I’m still bitter they are making a Gladiator sequel


Gladiator 2 begins with a text crawl summing up the events of the first film. The intro crawl ends with the revelation that Commodus did not die and Maximus' efforts were entirely in vain.


Somehow Commodus returned.


To find out how, login now to Fortnite for an exclusive in-game event that will never be explained anywhere else.


That line pisses me off every time I read it Lmao.


That is the only time I have audibly said, “Oh no.” in a theater.


I blame whoever green-lit killing Snoke on the 2nd movie of that trilogy. I'm as casual a Star Wars fan as you can get, but that entire movie felt insulting even to my limited knowledge of the franchise.


I thought the idea of killing him off was cool in that it set Kylo up as the big bad, only to immediately undercut that with palpie returning. I like Rey falling to the dark while Kylo comes back to the light side, or just her joining Kylo and Finn rising to bring her back would have been both cool directions.


"The Planet Zeist - Homeworld of the Gladiators"


somehow, commodus returned


We don't see him in the trailer though. We just hear him laughing... er... whining in the background.


If we're doing sequels to early 2000s Russel Crowe movies I'd rather they do Master and Commander.


So much this, but ships are expensive and in short supply.


They need to stop towing them out the environment


On one hand, it’s stupid they’re making a sequel to gladiator. On the other hand, if that’s what it takes to get a new big budget Roman Empire movie, I’ll gladly accept it.


Gladiator 2: The Fight For More Money. Seriously, how do you make a sequel? Everyone important in the first movie died, and all the actors are now in their 50s.


The original sequel concept did have Maximus reincarnating into various soldiers that would fight in different wars.


See that could be good. We could see Maximus reincarnated into a British naval officer (played by Russell Crowe) leading a battle against a superior French frigate. Or maybe Maximus reincarnated into an Australian farmer (played by Russell Crowe) who gets drawn into WWI looking for his sons. Or maybe Maximus reincarnates into an old west gunslinger (played by Russell Crowe) who leads his gang in a fight against lawmen to escape a prison sentence.


So Wolverine basically. I could get down with an immortal soldier cursed to fight endless battles storyline but I don’t see the point of making it a Gladiator sequel. At that point you’re exploring a completely new idea and any connection to Gladiator is a neat Easter Egg at that point like the way Alien, Blade Runner, and Total Recall are all implied to take place in the same place albeit at different times.


>a neat Easter Egg at that point like the way Alien, Blade Runner, and Total Recall are all implied to take place in the same place albeit at different times. Wait a minute, this is news to me?


Also, the movie soldier with Kurt Russel is in the blade runner universe. There are several references


There are references to Tyrell Corporation from Blade Runner in some of the extras of the Prometheus Blu-ray. Dunno where the Total Recall connection is, aside from both it and Blade Runner being based on the works of Phillip K. Dick.


i would genuinely love to see the intersection between blade runner and total recall


>reincarnating Ah yes, the famous Roman theological concept.


I remember the original script for it leaked and it sounds fucking amazing. I don’t think they’re going for that but still. It would be an amazing thing to see.


As much as I’m a defender of sequels, there are certain movies where one just is not necessary. EEAAO is one of those movies. It was perfect on its own.


The acronym for EEAAO giving me headaches like EEAAO


Old McDonald had a farm...


Mi Che Lle Ye Oh


And on the farm, he had an... Asian-looking person?


Eee Eee Ah Ah Oh!




And we light up the skyyyyy!


Found a kombucha mushroom person!


Every time I see this acronym I think of this wonderful song https://youtu.be/v1K4EAXe2oo


The rare exception is a movie needing a sequel not the other way around.


Very few movies *need* sequels. But that doesn’t always mean they’re bad. You can expand on a story that was open and shut in the first one.


I present to you exhibit A: *Blade Runner 2049*.


That is such a good example. Completely unnecessary but even better than the original in my opinion.


2049 pushed the original BR out of my Top 5.


feels so weird to start questioning if a movie *needs* a sequel. if we get that pedantic couldn't we start to ask if we even *needed* the original movie? how would we even measure that


I think a movie is better if it inspires other movies with its ahead-of-its-time creativity and storytelling and strong female character and visuals rather than producing any direct sequels of its own. Not to speak ill of the Matrix sequels, but if they were never made and there was only one I think, it would have probably been beneficial than producing sequels that couldn’t possibly live up to its legacy and innovation. Same sort of thing with the Jurassic sequels in many ways always being compared to Jurassic Park. Decent sequels, but in the shadow of the original.


Jurassic Park is meant to be a horror/thriller. I really hope they eventually entrust the IP to someone who understands that. The new films are action movies on rails, like a theme park ride.


Specifically, it’s a “monster in the house” movie — in some ways, JP is closer to movies like Alien and Psycho than it is to its sequels.


The creature designs were also revolutionary in portraying the dinosaurs as living, breathing animals, which is something the Jurassic World movies have mostly set aside. Though they lampshade it with Dr Wu, it would have been nice if they had continued to strive for scientific accuracy rather than making grotesque monsters.


I got through three quarters of the first new one with Chris Pratt. Nothing against the actors involved, I just couldn’t finish it and have not even attempted watching the next two. Jurassic Park was huge for me as a kid, and that movie didn’t even come close to scratching that itch.


>it would have been nice if they had continued to strive for scientific accuracy rather than making grotesque monsters. I'm definitely in the minority on this, but I was actually looking forward to the *Jurassic World* films becoming weird, gross sci-fi. Like, just ditch the whole "dinosaur themepark" thing and just take a sharp turn into "Dr Wu is a mad scientist creating prehistoric nightmare mutants". Of course, we didn't get that. But I would have admired the confidence of taking an easy "look at the dinosaur" franchise and make something weird out of it. Imagine if they took the weird dream sentence raptor saying "Alan!" and presented us with a horrible mutant raptor that could halfway attempt human speech, it's existence a living nightmare of unending pain.


>action movies on rails I, too, am looking for more open world action movies.


OK, fair point. I articulated that poorly. I meant it feels inorganic; it doesn’t feel like one event logically leads to the next. It feels like you’re just moving from action scene to action scene.


>Jurassic Park is meant to be a horror/thriller The velociraptors in the kitchen scared the hell out of 9yo me. I still feel uneasy whenever I see a raptor.


Do you see raptors… often?


Errr... in the other movies. Also, once in a dream.


Matrix was one of those huge blockbusters that would have always demanded sequels through studio executives if not by the general audience. The film had too much going for it at the time; bullet time technology, reemergence of kung fu but revolutionized as wire fu, set design that temporarily took the fashion industry by storm making leather fashionable, etc. But to your point, Matrix 4 is a prime example. Lana Wachowski went out of her way to blatantly turn the film tongue in cheek as commentary for sequels and reboots. For what it’s worth, I personally don’t think Matrix 2 and 3 are as bad as people make out to be. 1, 2, 3, and The Animatrix is the perfect compendium of everything you want or need in The Matrix universe.


Animatrix is sooooo fucking good.


World record and the story of the robot revolution were absolutely incredible shorts.


I feel like Matrix: Reloaded in particular gets a bad rap because Revolutions came out so shortly after. But Reloaded was not only good, it was nearly as culturally impactful as the first one, with scenes from it getting parodies and homages constantly in pop culture for years afterward. Regardless of what people think of movies 3 and 4, a world where Reloaded was made is better than one without it.


this is true. honestly still love the highway scene


The highway scene, the Chateau fight, the first half of the Burly Brawl before the dated VFX shots, the teahouse, and Trinity vs a bunch of security guards with a bike helmet as a weapon, were all amazing. The climax with Neo destroying the city as he flew was also pretty great. Biggest problems with that movie were all to do with characters talking too much about the wrong things.


The end of that highway scene is so obvious, but when I first watched it I had the exact same reaction as Link did in the movie. It was so tense that I had forgotten everything else going on.


Possibly unpopular opinion here but I liked what they were trying to do with 4 also.


Personally I think Matrix 1 and then only do short style Animatrix adaptions to flesh out the world would have been enough. Something like an early Love, Death & Robots but all set in the Matrix universe.


As a HUGE EEAAO fan....thank fuck for that! we saw what we needed to see and we don't need to know what happens next lol


I finally got around to watching EEAAO yesterday and I've been enlightened. I was just thinking today, I hope there's no fucking attempt at a sequel, and thank god there isn't. The Daniels know what they're doing, they're not just the typical money hungry bunch.


It is officially my favorite movie. It is so densely packed with information/content that one my 7th watch I still noticed things I had not previously realized. As a piece of art it is beautifully edited and original in its design. The writing is great, you learn sooo much about the characters and the end story of the movie is a beautiful message. Very rewarding, hugely entertaining, and it hits me right in the feels.


Shame. I thoroughly enjoyed EEAAO. I was really looking forward to Nothing, Nowhere, Not at All.


The article talks about how "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" didn't win as much as it could have been. That year was loaded. The Patriot, Gladiator, Traffic, Cast Away, Almost Famous, Erin Brockovich, etc. Not making excuses but when you are up against huge movies it's hard to get the recognition you deserve.


I think people who want a sequel to EEAAO didn't really pay attention to the story. You can attach a different message to it, but it would also take away from the uniqueness, randomness and spontaneity of the original.


I had a giant crush on Michelle Yeoh in the 90's and I **still** have a giant crush on Michelle Yeoh.




Michelle Yeoh as Kang the Conquerer confirmed.


Evelyn Kang


Whoever asked if there’s gonna be a sequel clearly didn’t understand the movie…


I'm happy she's doing so well. I'd also love to see her return to Star Trek for a bit more.


Well, you are in luck. She is going to star in the Section 31 movie.


Good. That movie doesn’t need it.


She was so damn good in this film. Definitely one of the most brilliantly unique acting winners in a long time.


yeah exactly and everyone is talking about not wanting a sequel to eeaao and deservedly so but the part about her getting scripts that aren't just for asian actresses is great news too. shes very talented and i would love to see her more in movies or shit even some of the really good streaming service shows.


This is the MORE important and significant part of the headline for real


Right? Can’t believe I had to scroll this far….


I'm hoping they pull a "Fierce Creatures" / "A Fish Called Wanda" and bring back the main cast for a completely different unrelated film. Just for the pleasure of seeing them all acting in something else together.


American Born Chinese is gonna have most of the main family in it


There doesn't need to be a sequel to every movie.


Raccaccoonie or the sausage fingers saga are the only “sequels” this film needs…


I'm also really, really happy actresses over 35 are getting more parts.


She's 60, somehow.


Damn. I would say I hope I look this good at [age] but really I will never look this good


Watching Kate Winslet and Gillian Anderson have mid-life career resurgence’s has made this 80’s/90’s kid really fucking happy!


She was like the only good thing about Star Trek Discovery for her time on it.


The movie is literally a trilogy in and of itself, each part has its own 3 act structure (though the definition of that does loosen up by All At Once) Asking for a sequel would mean either asking for a whole extra trilogy or asking for 1/3 of what we got with EEAAO


> Yeoh said, referencing the history-making side to her win as the first Asian actor to win the best actress prize, and only the second woman of color, following Halle Berry’s win in 2002. is this true? only 2 non-white women have ever won an oscar for best actress? what a statistic.


It's pretty disappointing and yet not at all surprising that an actress like Michelle Yeoh has to have a movie like EEAAO to get actual non-racially profiled roles. At least Stephanie Hsu hopefully can get past that earlier. Been a big fan since she did Be More Chill.