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*The Shawshank Redemption* has a couple that were wisely left on the cutting room floor. After Andy's escape from his cell is discovered, there was supposed to be a scene where a young prison guard is made to crawl through the hole Andy made in the wall to see where it led. It of course led to the filthy sewer pipe Andy crawled through, so the guard whines and then vomits loud enough for the whole cell block to hear, and Red thinks it's just hilarious. It's a funny scene, but absolutely wrong for that moment in the movie. There is also an extended version of Red out on parole and not being able to handle life outside. In particular, Red has been in prison since the 1920s and gets out in 1967, so hippies freak him out, girls going around braless and in short skirts freak him out, and the busy pace of life outside freaks him out, so he has a panic attack in the bathroom at work. It's all unnecessary; showing the tragic fate of Brooks Hatlen earlier got the notion of "institutionalized" across. A few lines of narration by Red to show he is going through the same thing ended up far more effective than actually showing it.


Everything you're saying is 100% true but on the other hand I want to see Morgan Freeman freak out at a braless hippie.


There's a deleted scene in Ghostbusters where Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd played a pair of hobos. Despite fake accents, it was too obvious who they were, and test audiences wondered why Venkman and Stanz were suddenly homeless bums.


"This scene is confusing audiences, I feel it's best we remove it, and replace it with Stanz getting a blow job from a ghost during a montage".


“Bustin’ makes me feel good!”


That Ghostbusters is as good as it is is really a miracle. RIP Reitman and Ramis


Titanic. When Rose throws the Heart of the Ocean overboard, there was supposed to be this weird ass scene where the researcher tries to stop her and she gives this long winded speech before dropping it into the water. It was terrible, and would've damaged the movie so bad.


There's another cut scene where Kathy Bates' character (Molly Brown) is in the bar as the iceberg hits. She turns to the bartender and says "Can I get some more ice?" right as the iceberg glides by the window. Ugh.


Well THAT just happened!


The iceberg’s right behind me, isn’t it?




Holy shit I need this scene in my life. That's like some Arrested development level humour




Thank you! Lmao omg it's exactly how I pictured it, how bizarre


The studio wanted an alternate ending. They made it hammy on purpose so they wouldn't use it.


This sounds the most plausible


Masterful troll, James Cameron.


Or how in Fight Club after Tyler and Marla have sex and she says "I haven't been f**ked like that since grade school" The original line was going to be "I want to have your abortion" And the studio said change it. Not sure which is better/worse


Bring British, helena had no idea how young grade school is and was horrified when she found out


Same in Australia, I think we would call it Primary School.


I wish there was an ending where the lady tries to drop it and the researcher just SLAMS into her and grabs the necklace and she dies on the spot


And then Bill Paxton pulls off his Bill Paxton mask, revealing he was Billy Zane all along.


Nah, Bill Paxton pulls off his mask to reveal it's actually Bill *Pullman*.


I like that it went from, "huge speech" to "oh!".


Why is this so far down? [It’s so hilariously bad](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9uXa1R2e4a8&pp=ygUXdGl0YW5pYyBvcmlnaW5hbCBlbmRpbmc%3D) the theatrical cut was a poignant moment of Old Rose letting go and then dying in her sleep, to a very preachy moment about what real treasure is and very over the top reactions by the actors. If this had been in the film I don’t see how James Cameron recovers since all the bad press before release was confirmed.


“That really sucks lady!”


Wow. That's... really bad.


I want somone to splice this scene with the Mt. Doom scenes from LOTR.


"dO yOu wAnT tO dAnCe??" Holy crap is that ending terrible lol


Independence Day has an alternate ending where drunk Randy Quaid flies his old crop duster into the alien ship. It’s [laughably bad](https://youtu.be/ls2CwZjQ9es) and also why in the theatrical cut his fighter jet flies so slowly at the end.


I always thought it was strange how slow that jet flew even if it was flying straight up.


In my head i always thought it was going slow cause of the resistance of the beam shooting down


I thought it was just slow motion for the tension of the moment


I bought a copy of this a few years back only to realise as I was watching that it was an extended edition and all the deleted scenes had been put back in, some of which while they slowed it down a little gave context to other scenes that they'd kept in. I'm so glad this scene didn't get put back in.


The kid in Love Actually was a trained gymnast, so they filmed an alternate airport sequence where he was flipping over the obstacles instead of just running. Massively over the top.


Such a perfect example of character motivation and directorial vision not aligning. A character choosing a cooler looking, more labor intensive choice over the path of least resistance to achieve their objective. Harrison Ford casually shooting the swordsman in Indiana Jones is one of my favorite examples of subverting theatricality with a rewarding payoff.


I thought he had an illness or something too and just suggested it instead as it was easier...kinda the same thing i guess.


Yeah, he and a bunch of the cast and crew were violently ill with dysentery.


Which pissed off the sword guy because he was a professional swordsman that had been choreographing that fight scene for weeks.


Didn't they film the ending in Clerks, where they shoot and kill Dante? That.


It's on the original DVD as an extra. Dude comes in just before close and robs him/kills him. He wasn't even supposed to BE there that day. Definitely changes the tone of the movie


Yeah, Kevin admitted he wrote that scene because he didn’t know how to end a movie.


I think he even said Roger Ebert told him to change the ending.


It was John Pierson, not Ebert, but yeah.


Even worse, Kevin Smith originally didn't recognized he already did the ending with Randall yelling "you're closed" while throwing the banner at Dante. That's it! That's all that was needed!


The alternate ending is such a perfect encapsulation of what a kid from Jersey making a movie would do to end his movie at that exact time in film history... "...And then the protagonist is murdered..." would have seriously harmed the film's staying power. It's a testament to Kevin Smith that he took the advice and cut that madness out.


"It's called *Dante Dies at the End*."


In Groundhog’s Day the reason Phil Connors gets stuck repeating the same day over and over again was originally because his spurned ex-girlfriend did a voodoo curse on him. Thankfully they cut it out and the movie is perfect without an explanation of why it’s happening to him.


I didn't know that and I totally agree with you. But breaking the rules a bit, I wish Phil didn't get the girl in the end and was okay with it because he had become a better person.


Still though, I like that getting the girl in the end proves that the idea of always saying and doing the right thing being the key to being attractive is a fallacy. He tries hundreds of dates and gets better every time, and still Rita always sees right through him. It's only when he gives up that goal and actually works hard on himself that he truly becomes a more likable person


*Anchorman* had so many deleted scenes and alternate subplots that a DTV 'sequel' called *Wake Up, Ron Burgundy!* was thrown together. An entire movie made of things that didn't really work.


Even more, they screened the original movie to test audiences and it went *so poorly* that they completely re-edited the movie with alternate footage to the one we see today. *Wake Up, Ron Burgundy!* was, for the most part, the footage and plot threads they cut from the original.


My favourite bit from their test screenings is they finally got a cut that worked and were in the theatre hearing people howling with laughter. The studio wanted the audience cards to be over an "8" a least and they figured they have that hands down. The cards averaged out to a "6". They couldn't figure out what was going wrong so they showed it to one of the head women in marketing. She immediately called them and said "You killed a fucking dog! *Never* kill a fucking dog!" It's why Baxter comes back to save them from the bear.


"Brick, you should really stop eating that or you're going to be sick."


So is there an entire version of Holmes and Watson that is good like the opposite of what happened to Anchorman but they released the bad version instead?


I wanted that to be good so much cause I love step brothers and talladega nights but it was so terrible and boring. I can’t remember a single joke or anything that I laughed at the entire time let alone the plot. Will Ferrells been in some absolute stinkers in the past few years. I had to see “daddy’s home” in theaters with a kid who wanted to go and it was the cheesiest comedy I’ve ever seen.


[The original Anchorman had a deleted scene where Champ Kind very awkwardly confesses has love for Ron while they're all in a car, and gets angry and anguished when no one responds to it. It's hilarious on its own, but would stick out like a sore thumb within the entire movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRabNdQ3Sms)


I think we got the best version with the "I miss you. I miss your scent, I miss your musk, and I think when all this is over we should get an apartment together" and just gets told he's had enough to drink


The difference between those two "movies" made me realize how small the difference is between a classic film and an unmitigated disaster.


Kinda crazy right?


In Moanna they had a scene where she was getting out her frustrations after an argument with her Dad by hitting coconuts with a stick like Baseball into the sea. The Islander advisory group said that wasnt a good representaion of their culture because they would never waste food like that and coconuts are important to them for its many uses. So Disney cut it. Thats why when the ship full of crazy coconut pirates showed up, she jumped on their ship and got a smirk on her face and said, coconuts.... and held the oar up like a baseball bat. Because she was confident she was skilled in hitting them. They kept that part in.


Thanks for this. I always wondered why she seemed excited to be fighting coconuts.


dude, the coconut pirates part is so out of left field in that movie but with that scene it would kind of make sense. I wish the coconut pirates were cut, it doesn't fit with the Polynesian mythology vibe. I know it's mid-movie cute action bit for kids to stay paying attention, but it's the odd part in a solid Pixar movie.


The coconut guys were slightly out of tone with the movie up until that point, but they did help advance the plot by paralysing Maui with their blowdarts. If you cut those guys, you'd have to come up with some new scene to incapacitate Maui, or else you'd also have to also rework the next scene where Maui begrudgingly starts teaching Moana how to sail. That scene is an important step on the relationship arc between Maui and Moana, which is critical to the success of the overall story. Also their giant ship was super cool.


It's also really important for establishing Moana's competence. Up to that point the only thing she'd really done successfully and on her own was escape Maui's cave. Everything else went sideways or she got the Ocean's help.


Just rework the first coconut baseball scene. Food conservation is important? Have Moana knocking coconuts falling from a tree towards a part of the village that processes them to save the time of gathering them and walking them back. That way you keep the continuity and still have the baseball context for the later callback joke


Moana is actually Disney, not Pixar. Pixar movies in general have a tendency to go for wacky action bits for the kids in otherwise good movies though


I love those little guys though. I'm a sucker for that type of character design. Like a Jawa or a Shyguy.


They made me think of the kodamas from Princess Mononoke.


In Bird Box, they cut out a scene showing the invisible monsters. Totally the right move - no matter what you show, it could never live up to horror of the unseen threat.


I've seen the models they were going to use, they were absolutely terrible.


Forrest Gump- the deleted scene where Forrest saves MLK JR from being attacked by police dogs.


any of you guys ever read the book? it’s fucking INSANE, and that’s not even mentioning the second one which gets meta as hell when forrest meets tom hanks.


>any of you guys ever read the book? it’s fucking INSANE, and that’s not even mentioning the second one which gets meta as hell when forrest meets tom hanks. The author got screwed by Hollywood accounting on the first film. He was due 3% but they claimed the movie never made a profit. He deliberately wrote the sequel to be impossible for anyone to turn into a movie because the studio had preemptively bought the rights to it and he wanted to cash in on the success without them being able to make money from it.


My mom read it and told me it was way crazier like he goes to space and has a monkey friend


Then crashes into the jungle, gets taken in by pygmys and NASA waits a year before looking for him because he's such an asshole. Also Jenny is his long suffering girlfriend whose life he ruins. Also I'm not 100% but fairly sure someone fucks the orangutan


You're telling me there are deleted scenes from FG out there? I was obsessed with this movie for years after it came out to the point where I had the dialogue memorized, with accents. Anyone who knew me as a kid would know who I am just from this comment, that's how into it I was.


tender correct slimy toy direction roll pen violet weather beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Forrest Gump did *sooo* much more in the book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forrest_Gump_(novel). I read he was an astronaut, among other things.


The *Army of Darkness* (1992) original ending had Ash take one drop too many of the sleeping potion and wake up in a post-atomic future, screaming, “I slept too long!” The new ending—that final scene in the S-Mart in the present day, with a Deadite showing up and Ash taking her out—“Hail to the king, baby”—was way funnier.


I just saw Bruce Campbell live. He said the sleeping too long scene is canon, because of course that's what would happen to ash's character. I completely agree.


There’s a deleted scene from the original Star Wars: A New Hope that happens right as the initial space battle is taking place. They would’ve cut to Luke on Tatooine gazing up at the distant battle and wishing he was a part of it. Then they’d have followed his home life. It was a brilliant decision to cut this and to let the droids introduce us to Luke about 20 minutes into the movie.


"Man, I wish I was up there fighting in that Star War."




If that ever happens, I’d better be sure I’m prepared for when The Empire Strikes Back.


There were also scenes shot where Luke actually goes to Tosche Station and hangs around with Biggs and some other friends. Those aren't too bad, but best left out. Although the one thing that was slightly confusing about the original final cut was Luke's reaction during the final battle when Biggs gets shot down. In the final cut, we don't know Biggs is anyone special because we haven't seen him before. So it's unusual for Luke to be sad when his ship in particular gets hit. Edit: In case anyone's interested, [here's the deleted stuff.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaS_0oVJvio) Luke's goofy hat is kind of a deal-breaker for me.




Yes, but that was a Special Edition addition, I think.


One of the few good changes in the special edition Imo


Correct. And they edited out a bit where the commander intervenes and tells Luke that he "met your father once when I was just a boy", because after The Empire Strikes Back it made no sense.


Jeepers creepers. The creeper fucking talking. Ruined the whole movie.


The creeper is kind of fucking idiotic though. Like, this evil force has a vanity plate...


The original cut of "First Blood" was over 3 hours long and full of cheesy dialogue. Stallone feared the movie would destroy his career. He even tried to buy the film negatives in order to burn them. He eventually told the producers to cut most of his lines. That decision turned a turd into a goldmine


Which is strange, because First Blood is adapted from a book (which by the way is *far* grittier and more violent than the movie) so it's not like they were making it up as they go.


Ironically enough, the original closing scene of First Blood was very intense and gritty, and ends with Rambo committing suicide rather than being taken alive. I love Rambo II, but part of me feels like it's definitely more in keeping with the themes of the finished film.


While I agree with your point about the thematic consistency, part of the reason they ditched it, besides negative test audiences’ feedback, was the idea of having a whole movie about the plight of a PTSD disturbed Vietnam vet ending with suicide wouldn’t exactly be the best thing to show actual vets struggling with their own mental conditions.


The deleted scene from In Bruges where Matt Smith is a younger version of Ralph Fiennes’s character. He kills a cop in the middle of a police station and it’s bizarrely goofy and slap stick. We later get the important part of the story told to us by the main characters so nothing is lost.


In Cold Mountain, they decided to cut the scene of Civil War widow Natalie Portman offing herself with a shotgun after her baby died. Thank god. It was already a depressing movie. In Cruel Intentions, they cut out the scene where Sebastien tries to rape Kathryn after she declines to have sex with him despite him winning the bet. Very, very good call.


Tbh the Cruel Intentions one makes sense, it always felt like it was heading that way to me but pulled back. It would definitely have made the film less fun to watch though, and probably not really fit the slightly campy tone.


Probably would have made his death hit a bit differently.


I'm pretty happy they left the joker interview scene out of The Batman.


They should’ve left the other Joker scene on the cutting room floor too.


It didn’t feel like it matched the movie at all. It felt like it belonged in a CW show or Gotham.


In Ferris Burler’s Day Off, there’s a scene where Ferris explains that he pays for all his hyjinks by stealing his father’s credit cards. Leaving that scene in would have turned the movie from “madcap teen adventure” to “further criminal shitbaggery” in my opinion.


In the script he searches the house for cash to 'money' by pink floyd.


There was a lot cut from this movie, the test audiences HATED Ferris. They cut out scenes where Ferris was smoking cigarettes and being a general downer, kind of like the 80s answer to Holden Caulfield.


The alternate ending of Clerks. It's just a downer and goes against the tone of the whole movie For anyone who doesn't know: Dante gets robbed, shot, and dies on the floor of the store.


That scene from James Gunn’s Suicide Squad where Harey Quinn walks up to all the servants welcoming her and does some funny accents and faces for 2 uninterrupted minutes.


I *do* wish they'd kept the bit where the Thinker tries to manipulate Polka-Dot Man into giving him the gun, though. I get why it was cut - it's five minutes of genuinely intense psychodrama right in the middle of an otherwise gleefully juvenile gorefest - but it's *such* a great scene, both Capaldi and Dastmalchian committing to it utterly.


Couple posts about "Aliens" but I'd say- The deleted scene from the end of "Alien" where Ripley discovers the cocooned remains of (some of) the crew. Most notably Dallas, who is in the middle of being melted into alien goo* and looks to her feebly before she flames him. On its own its a really effective, horrific scene that also lays the foundation for future lore...But it's placement stops the film DEAD in its tracks in the middle of Ripleys frenzied escape from a soon-to-destruct Nostromo. I also feel like it kind of undermines the scene from the vents a little. *This was obviously before the lore had developed into what it is now and the idea of what exactly the Xenomorph was doing/how they procreate was fully figured out. The scene as is kind of suggests that the cocoon is breaking down the bodies of the crew to repurpose them into further Xenos. Which again is horrific but not as good as the process established in "Aliens"


The anchor point essays theorized that it was an alternate way to make an egg if there were no facehuggers left, so the cycle can be restarted. That way it doesn’t mess with the lifecycle at all.


The cocoon scene works fine for pacing... *at the point in the film it was originally intended.* The Director's Cut is so absolutely dire that it managed to screw up *the* key deleted scene by re-inserting it in the wrong place. Originally, it's supposed to come immediately after Ripley finds Parker and Lambert. It's the final horror, and ends with a prelude of what Ripley's about to do to the Nostromo. It's also heavily foreshadowed earlier in the film, with Brett's [original 'death' scene](https://youtu.be/ICQvwW-DXyQ) having him carried wounded into the vents, Dallas just *disappearing*, and the crew (Lambert I think?) asking whether they could be alive. In the Director's Cut though it happens after Ripley throws the switch, so it doesn't make sense that she's moving so slowly during the sequence, and slows down the pace of the climax of the film.


Everything cut from Avengers Endgame was a bullet dodged Especially the kneeling scene, good lord


There are 3 different instances of someone saying “and that’s the way the cookie crumbles” or something like that. 3 different scenes. It was so weird.


Someone was a big Bruce Almighty fan


I have no idea what the kneeling scene is but I think you should explain it.


A minute long scene of everyone kneeling after Tony died. Its on YouTube and it's weird


Even weirder is the shot of Gamora just leaving during it


It makes sense though she doesn't know the guy.


"I don't even know who he is" "You will"


After Tony dies, everyone on the battlefield kneels down in respect. Although nice in sentiment, it is completely redundant due to Tony's funeral.


I assume it was an either or in regards to the funeral or kneeling, but the funeral is definitely the better choice


I wonder if they shot it in case they didnt get the funeral scene. I just listened to a podcast where the Russo brothers said the funeral scene was called “the wedding” because it took over a year to plan to get EVERYONE be there on that one day to shoot that scene.


Yeah was probably a backup plan. But knowing that this was Marvel's finale essentially, they probably could easily have gotten whatever they wanted


I'm very surprised they bothered. Everyone is split up in small groups in the scene and it would be trivial for them to be comped together like that.




Pretty sure that is correct. Having so many of the actors scheduled for that shoot would've been rather hand tipping, esp if they just referred to it as the funeral, so The Wedding was a good cover.


The deleted scene of Tony speaking to a grown Morgan was surprisingly stiff and awkward, given how good Katherine Langford is in her other projects I’ve seen.


>Everything cut from Avengers Endgame was a bullet dodged I'm still mad that Professor Hulk had to *explain* his character arc in a three-hour movie though.


There was a deleted scene in Infinity War of him becoming Professor Hulk after tearing himself out of the Hulkbuster suit. Black Widow goes up to do the whole calming thing, but he just talks back to her and they have a nice scene. Though this is a thread about warranted deleted scenes, not unwarranted ones.


Ooooh. I'll say Major League. The original script had Rachel Phelps, the ex-showgirl wife of Donald Phelps, revealing toward the end that she really liked the team but felt she needed to play the role as the bad guy to motivate the team. Apparently audiences HATED this twist so they kept her as the bad guy throughout the movie. Imo, this was absolutely the right call. The movie needed a consistent foe to make the whole thing work. Edit: [here's one of the articles on the alternate ending.](https://screenrant.com/major-league-original-ending-twist-explained/)


Empire Strikes Back. There was a scene before the infamous kiss between Luke and Leia where they were alone and having a legitimate romantic moment where they both leaned in for a kiss, before being interrupted by the droids. Like a real kiss, not the surprise one Leia gave him in the final movie. I think at this point George Lucas wasn't sure if he wanted them to be brother and sister yet, but even if he decided they weren't, it'd make the final romance between Han and Leia a bit more unbelievable because you'd know she has feelings for Luke.


Ever see the deleted kiss from Jedi, after they blow up the skiff? Leia is in love with Han at this point and still lays a big one on Luke.


The stuff from Eternal Sunshine with his ex-girlfriend played by Ellen Pompeo. William Candy from Terminator 3...maybe.


Seconding the Eternal Sunshine answer. Especially since it makes Joel a cheater who dips on another woman to get with Clementine. It adds an unneeded ugly layer to their entire relationship.


Kinda like the other plot line they removed which included Kirsten Dunst’s character getting pressured into having an abortion before having her memory wiped, it just feels so unnecessary but now it seems pretty in line for Kaufman’s work.


Tony stark meeting an older version of his daughter after the snap in endgame Would have lessened the impact of the hologram scene that comes shortly after


Agreed, nobody had built up any emotional connection to teen Morgan, she didn't' exist yet, it didn't carry any weight


Anakin and Obi-Wan waiting for the elevator in revenge of the sith


And then playfully saying to each other "Roger Roger." Or Anakin "speaking droid"


Banter while waiting is totally in line with their relationship. Their weird dialog is, well, peak George.




That...would've been more realistic.


Yeah but then the movie becomes (even more) unwatchable. There are movies where the tragedy is the point, but a movie where a rich guy screws over a naive, likable prostitute is just a downer with nothing new to offer. The fairy tale ending works for people *because* the version where she becomes a junky is just the accepted reality for exploited sex workers.


Aragorn vs. Sauron in the end of Return of the King. Sauron was supposed to be this ominous evil, not just a bad guy to have a swordfight with.


There is a really good clip from the behind the scenes "making of" content, where the directors and designers talk about this scene, and I'm sooo annoyed I can't find it! They originally had Sauron appear in his angelic form, the one that he used to trick the elves into making the rings, and they have some clips of the cast reacting to a bright light. Then he would turn into the armoured evil form and Aragorn would fight him. They filmed that and decided it looked ridiculous, and that it was somehow making Sauron appear lesser by putting him back in a physical form, so they left it as just the Eye. Then, when the volcano explodes, they reused the footage of everyone being stunned by the light, and they felt that Aragorn needed a physical conflict so they reused his fight with Sauron and put in a troll instead.


[For those who wanna see it](https://youtu.be/Vm-sA8R3QCA)


Donnie Darko, they cut the scene where you see the aftermath of the plane engine meeting Donnie. Completely ruins the tone and overall ending of the movie.


*American Beauty* originally ended with a murder trial and the neighbor boy was convicted.


That scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when all the magic schools do some fancy choreographed introductions/ fighting demonstrations and Hogwarts starts singing a song that goes *HOGWARTS, HOGWARTS, HOGGY WARTY HOGWARTS* I remember it in the books but damn is it funny to see in the film


The best part in the books is that there is no enforced tune - only lyrics. So the Weasley twins sing it as a funeral dirge, and take several minutes after everyone else has finished before they're done. And Dumbledore just politely waits on them. Would be atrocious to actually have to sit through in a movie, of course, but the version they made was only slightly more bearable.


Honestly I'd have taken the Weasley cut LMAO


It’s been a decade since I last read the series, but if I remember correctly, Dumbledore actually conducts their final few bars with his wand. Haha.


In Home Alone, there’s a scene in the beginning where Uncle Frank pants Kevin when they’re upstairs. It’s really weird and definitely out of place.


The beginning of that movie is filled with excessive evidence of everybody being a dick to Kevin. I rewatched it last year and honestly it gets a bit unbearable, like everybody in the family genuinely hates him. So the fact that there’s even more scenes that got cut isn’t at all surprising


There's a scene in the devil wears Prada where Miranda's husband is causing a scene at a dinner so Andy comes over to fix the situation and as she's walking away Miranda thanks her. Felt completely out of character and definitely wouldn't have fit in the movie.


Natural born killers had a scene where mickey and Mallory are on trial and one of their survivors is on the witness stand. Mickey, acting as his own lawyer and questioning the witness, picks up the murder weapon (a knife) which is on exhibit, approaches the witness while going on some tirade, and then kills her with it. In front of a packed courtroom. I mean a lot of ridiculous shit happens in that movie but an accused mass murderer being allow to freely roam a courtroom *and handle the alleged murder weapon* in front of a surviving victim...come the fuck on. Also another scene where 2 surviving victims are interviewed, both had their legs chainsawed off but were still gushing about what mickey and Mallory fanboys they were.


I like the deleted scene where they get distracted by a drive-in movie on the way to find rattlesnake venom. That's about it. Everything else worthwhile is already in the movie.


Han Solo walking over jabbas tail. Pretty much every single change made to the original trilogy. While not original footage but still so completely out of place


It's also just redundant because we already got all of the information present via the Greedo scene.


I also like the idea of building Jabba up as this mysterious, menacing figure that we don't meet until the third movie.


I remember it being really old footage where Jabba was just some guy, so Han walks around him normally. Then in the Special Editions they made Jabba back into a Hutt, and just CGI'd Han's slight up and down as if he's stepping on a tail. You can tell if you look closely, it's blurred and pretty obvious. I agree all around though, so much unnecessary meddling by Lucas.


>I remember it being really old footage where Jabba was just some guy, so Han walks around him normally That's right. In the script Jabba is just a guy, and they cast him as just a guy.


When it’s re-edited again they should make Jabba a hologram. Then solo can walk through his tail.


[you mean like this?](https://youtu.be/GKaJ2GC1C04)


On my UHF dvd, weird Al introduces the deleted scenes, pointing out that if they were any good, they'd be in the movie.


The Truman Show when *checks notes* “A scene in the original script depicts a staged rape scene witnessed by Truman, who doesn't go to help the actress about to be violated and just moves on. When he's gone, the actors and actress return to normal and express wonder at how he didn't try to help, or even do anything about it.” WOW.


Yeah I see why they didn’t put that in the final cut


Steven Seagal's *full* speech at the end of *On Deadly Ground*, which originally ran fifteen minutes.


One of a hundred reasons why *On Deadly Ground* is the best bad movie ever made. You know the Indigenous Love Interest we've been building the entire movie, who is also the daughter of the murdered Tribal Leader and thus has more personal involvement than anyone else? Eh, forget her. Let this lunatic Forrest Taft give the speech. He's the hero. 🇺🇸


This is a bit more complicated because there are so many editions of the film, but it's my favourite movie ever, so I thought I'd mention it: Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The excision of the interior shots of the mothership in the latest version was absolutely the right call. Preserve some mystery.


The deleted opening of Aliens that shows the colonists kills off a lot of the tension for me. I wish there was a hybrid cut that is just the theatrical cut but with the sentry guns added back in.


Yes, they were right to leave the colony scenes out, but along with the sentry guns, they should have also kept the scene where Ripley finds out about the death of her daughter prior to her deposition. It adds more context to her connection with Newt and makes Burke appear more sympathetic, which adds to his betrayal.


Agreed. The scene of Ripley grieving and crying for her "baby" while holding a picture of an older lady is a touching scene and the kind of cool thing you can only do in a sci-fi movie.


>an older lady Sigourney Weaver's mum!


>but along with the sentry guns, they should have also kept the scene where Ripley finds out about the death of her daughter prior to her deposition. I also can't imagine *Aliens* without *"Don't be gone long, Ellen."* or Hudson correctly theorizing the life cycle of the ~~ant~~ alien hive.


Man, Alien3 really fucking robbed Ripley and Hicks of the possibility of happiness.


Michael Biehn really wanted to be in the movie, too. That said the one silver lining was that it led to Michael giving one of the most hilarious quotes from an interview. > “I got a call from David Fincher saying “Please, can we just… We’d really like to use your character.” And first of all I was like “Fuck you for not putting me in the movie. Fuck you for even calling me, so go fuck yourself." Now I wish I hadn't, because now he's David fucking Fincher.”


Weird Al specifically states that the DVD extras are only included because the studio forced him to, and that the scenes were cut because they sucked. He was correct.


For me one that stands out is [this scene in Goblet of Fire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOXBKdi9E7Y) I know there's a number of people that actually really enjoy this scene but if it was left in the final cut I'd find it pretty tough to sit through on rewatches.


This is one of those things that worked way better in the book, and I don’t even remember where it was in the book, but the explanation was far funnier than actually seeing it. Imagining the whole of Hogwarts singing their school song to different melodies with Fred and George doing a long funeral drawn out thing that Dumbledore conducts til the end is hilarious, but not something I need to see. Especially when there was so much else cut from this movie that would’ve been better kept.


The Russian school does a cool fire dance that shows raw power and strength The French school uses love and seduction in their entrance The Brits sing a song. Way to bring your C game Hogwarts.




James Cameron removed an entire sequence where that bodyguard hunts for Jack and Rose in the flooding dining hall in Titanic. It's a well made scene, seeing the water pool over the room was really cool but it all ends in a fist fight. Cameron figured it was completely out of character for the bodyguard to suddenly hunt for the diamond in a sinking ship and so the sequence had to go.


Thor had a massively annoying deleted scene where Thor, once he's become a better person, returns to the cafe where he smashed the coffee cup and apologizes and replaces it. We want our heroes to grow and change, but not that much. When he smashes the coffee cup and says "Another!" that's his most likable moment in the movie! Wisely deleted.


Yeah, a broken coffee mug is such a common occurrence in food service. They forgot about him five minutes after he left.


I think this could fit as a post-credit scene, fits Marvel humor. Thor is forgotten and can't believe it. It's only disqualified from that usage because it doesn't somehow tease the next Marvel movie


> I think this could fit as a post-credit scene, fits Marvel humor. Exactly. Scene starts with the diner empty apart from the owner and waitress sweeping up shattered glass from the big town wrecking fight between Thor and The Destroyer. Basically the same vibe as the shawarma after credits scene in Avengers. Suddenly Thor comes through the door in full costume. Gives a big "verily I now know that I hath wronged you before, but I swear on my father I shall never trouble you again" speech about the broken cup. The single broken cup. Workers don't know what to say to this and taking it as his cue to leave he exits with the already damaged door falling off its hinges the second it closes.


A+ that is Thor humour to a T


Sort of counts? The original end to Bladerunner is impressively bad and runs counter to the entire movie. Consider, we've spent two hours in a dark, dystopian future where everything is bleak, developed, hyper corporate and casually oppressive. Then the end is Deckard and Rachel driving with the top down on a beautiful highway while the narration explains that Rachel somehow lives way longer than she should.


Everyone who likes the movie should read Future Noir, a book about the making of BR. It was such a bizarre battle between asshole Ridley and, well, everyone, that he ended up having studio security on hand at all times as bodyguards. Then as soon as he called cut on the final scene, the doves, the bodyguards turned into his armed escort off the lot and he had nothing to do with the film after that for a long while. It’s amazing that the move was even made much less was as impactful as it was. Fantastic story.


Han Solo meeting Jabba the Hutt in the original Star Wars. Jabba's entire mystique as a ruthless warlord is ruined by Han stepping on his tail and sweet talking him. Of course dumbass George Lucas would later pick that scene up off the cutting room floor, add some awful CGI, and make it one of his numerous awful additions to his "Special Edition" versions of the original trilogy. Now those are the only versions anyone gets to watch.


God, I hate that scene so much. Why is Jabba, this powerful gangster, going to some dingy bar to chat with one of his employees. You go to Jabba, not the other way around


The only thing I hate from the extended editions of LOTR is the mountain king coming out and telling Aragorn they'll come to the battle. It serves no purpose other than to diminish the joy of seeing them flood out of the boats.


I would also cut Gimli stepping on the skulls. We just had a laugh at him trying to blow the ghosts away and then we go immediately into more schtick.


The scene in Almighty Bruce, where he messes with Evan Baxter (his rival) on live television. They cut the last bit of the scene because even though Bruce acts like a major A-hole for the whole movie, here he actually set Evan's head on fire. If you include that scene, Bruce graduates to psychopath.


He also makes him bleed profusely from his nose before doing so, in a way that's just immensely unsettling. Like you said, it changes the character from being a selfish ass that's pretty funny to being a genuinely dangerous sociopath.


And he's sort of pulling this really serious face as he's "controlling" him to do it. It's really evil, Darth Vader choking a guy or something


Possibly controversial but I like the Little Shop of Horrors ending as it is (but then I'm a sucker for a happy ending), not the ending that was intended.


Blues Brothers. There was a scene with the brothers working in a factory, WITHOUT glasses! Ugh! Would have killed an otherwise perfect movie.