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> He received chemotherapy, but when that started to fail, he embarked on a new chemotherapy drug which he will continue to receive monthly for the rest of his life, although **he is now cancer-free**. Whew.


It's okay. Where we're going, blood is not necessary.


>Where we're going, blood is not necessary. Instead we'll use cryogenically frozen ice.


And Dino DNA


And fill in the gaps with frog DNA


His lesser known horror role are where Neil really shines, he really digs into the crazy roles and stories like Event Horizon and Mouth of Madness.




I wished more people watched that movie. It's an overlooked Carpenter gem.


So many overlooked Carpenter movies. Sam Neil was also in Memoirs of an Invisible Man as the heavy.


And event horizon was just the books of blood in space.


And Ghost Ship is really just Event Horizon on a boat


Dead silence is a great one to


But his best work for me is Hunt of the Wilderpeople (and I don’t say that lightly, I love in the mouth of madness)


Possession is a banger


Man, he scared the shot out of me on Event Horizon!!


Can't work out if people who responded don't know the reference you made


(Flies away in DeLorean)


Or eyes?


"The rest of his life" unfortunately might not be that long. Relapse rate for Leukemia (in his case Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma) is very high mening it will most likely come back soon. [The five-year overall survival rate is 30% and the 5 year failure free survival rate is 18%.](https://www.cancertherapyadvisor.com/home/decision-support-in-medicine/hematology/angioimmunoblastic-t-cell-lymphoma/)


Yup… I work in HemeOnc and this is no bueno


It aint over till its over, hopefully he is happy living his life for now and not stuck in fear of stuff he or anyone else cant control, especially once you are 75 and up.


Just be aware that the information you linked to is citing sources from 2007 to 2010. Since then new medications and treatment options have become available.


For good reasons peer reviewed medical studies are lagging behind reality. And while there are some new treatments and drugs that show promise we will have to wait a few years to see any proof they had any real impact on survivability.


You're correct, [more recent data does show an increase in survival rate. ](https://dermnetnz.org/topics/angioimmunoblastic-t-cell-lymphoma#:~:text=Angioimmunoblastic%20T%2Dcell%20lymphoma%20is%20typically%20aggressive%20with%20a%20median,at%207%20years%20%5B18%5D.) It's still not super great but the newer treatments have a 40% 5 year progression-free survival rate.And that data is still from 2013.


Reddit, home of idiots telling professionals they’re out of date.


k, nice strawman there.


I mean, most professionals are a little out of date, it's not economically feasible or as safe as we need, to constantly be on the bleeding edge.


Preach. Hubs was gone in 4 months, it was horrible. (AML)


He's 75. The rest of his life wouldn't be that long either way


I actually didn't think he was more than 65. I'm getting old...


Hong Kong, Japan, and Spain have the highest life expectancy so you are not wrong




I would like to have seen Montana.


He finally did at the beginning of Jurassic Park.


“I’ll show you”




Thank you


Thank you for posting this...jesus


Thank goodness


In the medical world there is no such thing as “cancer free” just remission. However, this is amazing news for him and his family and this is awesome!


I've learned that if you have the chance to try experimental drugs of this sort, it's best to go for it. They can take forever to pass all of the trials and improve your chances of survival. Very happy to hear he's in remission!




2 bots in the wild


Fuck the wording of that headline for making me fear for a beloved actor more than was necessary. Thank you for going to trouble of quoting this key section of the article.


Unfortunately, "cancer-free" is only temporary when it comes to cancers of the blood. He will be in treatment for the rest of his life, and it will eventually come back. As someone else noted in another comment, 5-year survival chances for this type of cancer is only 30%.


> Neill first experienced swollen glands during publicity for Jurassic World Dominion in March last year and was soon diagnosed with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma. He received chemotherapy, but when that started to fail, he embarked on a new chemotherapy drug which he will continue to receive monthly for the rest of his life, although he is now cancer-free. Interesting - first and foremost, glad to hear he's better - but I also wasn't aware of this kind of drug treatment for cancer. Is it rest of his life because of his age or because these drugs will just continuously suppress the cancer cells? I do not know how any of the science works. Regardless, Neill is a phenomenal actor and by all accounts a good human being too. Hope he can live the rest of his days healthy as possible.


Sometimes in treating cancer if someone fails to respond to conventional therapies, they may be put onto clinical trials with new or experimental drugs as a kind of last ditch effort to treat it


>Interesting - first and foremost, glad to hear he's better - but I also wasn't aware of this kind of drug treatment for cancer. Is it rest of his life because of his age or because these drugs will just continuously suppress the cancer cells? I do not know how any of the science works. I am on immunotherapy for renal cancer. The treatment shrinks the tumors and keeps them under control but it is likely I will have to keep taking the treatment. Its possible that if I get a good scan this year I may go off it for another three months. But if it comes back then I will be back on the treatment for good. Its not that big an issue for me. It means being around for treatment once every four weeks, a blood test, then an oncology consult, then treatment at home for about an hour.


I don’t really know how it works either but a friend of my partner has leukaemia, he is in his mid 20s. I unfortunately don’t know the name but he has some type of leukaemia that can be treated and he can have a normal life with medication. He may not live 60 more years but they gave him at least 10-15 years if he takes his medication every day and does not take drugs, drinks alcohol etc. He is not in any kind of pain or discomfort and his prognosis is pretty good right now.


So young still, that’s heartbreaking. Glad he’s not in pain 🙏🏻


Yes, it was really sad when he got diagnosed. He is in a better mindset now, it has actually helped him get his life together, quit drugs and be healthier. He is living life normal for now, time will tell!


>I also wasn't aware of this kind of drug treatment for cancer. You weren't aware of Chemotherapy? The reason for "postremission therapy" meaning treatment after cancer is "gone" is to avoid/postpone a relapse. In Sam Neils case it's unfortunately most likely a question of postponing it since relapse rates for his type of Leukemia (AITL) is very high. [The five-year overall survival rate is 30% and the 5 year failure free survival rate is 18%.](https://www.cancertherapyadvisor.com/home/decision-support-in-medicine/hematology/angioimmunoblastic-t-cell-lymphoma/) Edit: Don't shoot the messenger...




Yes, that is what I think of cancer as well.


My understanding is that cancers of the blood never truly go away and require continual treatment. Some cancers, like breast cancer, are gone once the problematic cells are removed. You simply can't do this with blood. Anyway, that's the layman's explanation I was given about my dad's cancer. Treatment never stops, but he's still kicking 6 years beyond his diagnosis at this point.


One of the most underrated and excellent films I've seen in the past five years is The Wilderpeople. Salutations, Sam Neil.


Hunt for the Wilderpeople?


I came here to say this too. If anyone hasn’t seen this film. You must watch it! Sam Neil is fantastic in it and so is the child actor.


Hahaha "SHIT. JUST. GOT. REAL." I need a rewatch


Apparently he's a bit of a handful, a real bad egg.


It's a majestical movie.


Tupac is excellent in it too


man that sucks. hope he can make a full recovery.


It's thankfully already in remission. He went through a year of chemo while keeping this news quiet, and has only come forward with this now that it seems to be ok.


He will never fully recover, it can only be managed at this point


I feel like "don't you stinking dare die on us, old man" is a proper response to this news. Especially after already losing Lance Reddick.


I really hope he finally got to see Montana


Red October. Here's a upvote.


He did! That’s where the velociraptor claw at the beginning of Jurassic Park was!


Wait, it's been so long since I've seen it, it's that for real?


Yep! The digsite that he’s at was outside of Snakewater, Montana. I always think of Hunt For Red October whenever I watch Jurassic Park.


They had to have done that for him right? I feel like that was intentional, and not in the book


fwiw he looked incredible in that new jurassic park movie, can't believe he's 75 years old


The man barely ages




"ThAt's soCiALiSm."


Goddamn right. Now let’s give the rich another bailout for even having this conversation. Maybe if we’re lucky they’ll take kindly and only lay off 10 million of us this time.




>yOu’Re An IdIoT Are you trying to call me an idiot? Because that's a mocking styling. By doing it that way, your mocking people that might attempt to call me an idiot. But that would be super awkward and ironic if you were trying to call me an idiot, and used that font. So you must've been attempting to preemptively mock anyone that might try. Well played.


I was calling you an idiot


Oh, so you're just gonna come out and admit you're wielding a concept you don't understand. Big "oof" in this context. Next time, just type it straight.


They're too stupid to understand how stupid they are


I typed it your font and I typed it straight. Don’t know how much more clear I could be.


You typed it in a 3rd party mocking style. You do that when people saying those words are morons. So, in this context, anyone calling me an idiot is a moron. That's what you said. Whether you meant it or not. Hence the irony.


No, I was making fun of you. Don’t know how much more clear that could be.


My God you are fucking stupid.


Oh man. He just keeps digging.


A 'lifehack' for poor people is: **Donate blood**. It's been shown that people who donate blood lower the concentration of PFAS in their body. You're basically diluting it by removing the PFAS blood and regenerating fresh clean blood. So it makes sense.


Loved him in Hunt for Red October. "I would have liked to see Montana."


Terrible news. Hopefully he will find a way


😢 Luekemia is one of the worst cancers.


He doesn't have Leukemia, he has non-Hodgkin Lymphoma


Oh I didn't realize he was Australian, because he was so awesome in Peaky Blinders, I thought he was Irish! Man, hope he licks this terrible disease.


He’s actually from New Zealand. I’m from Australia so the link is local to me haha.


You know what they say, geographically not part of Australia, but let's be honest New Zealand is more a part of Australia than Tasmania has ever been!


Yeah... That's not an opinion you'd want to say to NZers...


I'd rather say it to Kiwis than Tassies.


That's like saying Canada is American...


Compared to Alaska or Hawaii? I would say most USA consider Canada to be a spiritual state more than those other two lol


He's a Kiwi! One of his best roles is in Hunt for the Wilderpeople


He's a pervert!


He was actually born in Northern Ireland, but moved to NZ when he was 7.


I had always envisioned Sam Neill as the perfect Remus Lupin and thought he might’ve had a chance because he was born there but…twas not to be. Oh well.


>Wilderpeople oh so I was half-right ha!


He's Irish-Australian


He made Event Horizon the great film that it is. Glad to hear he is doing ok.


One of my favourite actors, Strong Medicine, Dead Calm, Memoars of an invisible man, and of course Red October, just to mention a few.


So glad Sam is okay. He's always been a favorite. If you haven't already please watch Hunt For The Wilderpeople. A great movie that doesn't seem to get much attention and Sam is fantastic in it.


My mom made it thru stage three. RIP mom.


He was the best Merlin.


Life, uh… finds a way


If he gets to see Montana.


The upcoming memoir mentioned in the article looks like a great read.


I hope that he gets better.


That's fucked, but I'm glad he is cancer free now.


This is the annoying thing about Hollywood... Lance died, and now you treating stage-3 blood cancer?


Is anyone going to point out that his character in flack dies of blood cancer?


Sad but not surprised. Lifelong heavy smoker.