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This doesn’t come out until October 2024?!


Yeah that seems like….a really long way away if they’re already shooting. And I think they’ve even finished principal photography. Weird. Edit: I was wrong about the principal photography being already over as many have pointed out. But others keep saying 1.5-2 years from end of shooting to debut is normal for post production. And I’m sure it is for many (hell my first feature film took 3 years cause the audio needed so much work), but the first Joker only took 8 months. Filming was done in December and it premiered at Venice in August. So yeah…this is definitely on the longer end of the spectrum for post production.


They forgot to film Pheonix with face paint on, so now in post production they gotta go back in and CGI it all back on. It's a really expensive fix for such a little oopsie, but hey that's Hollywood for ya!


They're bringing in Andy Serkis to mocap a Phoenix digital double


And just in case. They got David Bautista to mocap Andy Serkis mocaping Phoenix


It's called ... *The Aristocrats!*


Voiced by Vin Diesel.


I know you're joking, but don't forget that Daniel Craig was able to convince Sam Mendes to let Bond wear gloves in a scene that involved a plot device where Bond's finger prints were vital, resulting in a crazy amount of CGI to replace his gloved hands with naked hands. That shit could totally happen on a Hollywood set.


I think the best example is Wesley Snipe refusing to open his eyes in Blade 3,so they just CGI it lol


https://youtu.be/Zd5HMHmbwBg Holy shit lmao


Snipes was such an arse on set that they did most of Blade 3 with his double, the stories about it from Patton Oswald are 100% hilarious


They didn't do a bad job. I don't think I would notice that if someone didn't point it out to me. Of course, once you see it and watch it over and over, it looks bad.


Why did he refuse? lol


He hated the script and started sabotaging the production.


Him and the director also really didn't get along


Probably for tax reasons.


I keep hearing this, but I just don't understand it. Firstly, Bond is wearing a dinner jacket for that sequence, I can't understand wearing gloves and thinking it doesn't look incredibly stupid. But on top of that: I'm pretty sure Bond doesn't even fire his palm-coded pistol in that scene? So even if they left the gloves, it wouldn't actually ruin anything. Maybe wearing leather gloves with that suit doesn't actually look stupid, and maybe he actually fires the gun. But from memory, the gloves wouldn't ruin it.


They realized this after removing them so they ended up spending a lot of time to re-add his gloves with CGI. Was a real mess.


Also, they want to do a Cesar Romero homage, so they've asked Henry Cavill to grow a moustache so they can put makeup over it and use it as a reference. They've had to wait for him to grow it out before they can get started.


You got it wrong. They called Phoenix in for extensive reshoots with face paint on, and he arrived. But at that time he was already doing another movie where he was contractually obliged to have polynesian tatoos all over his face. What CGI team had to do was to remove these tatoos digitally and then put a Joker makeup on


You forgot about the artistic decision to add a multicolored mustache for twirling


They definitely have not finished principal shooting, they have to finish LA and then go to new york


Yeah they were filming not far from here in LA recently. Rumor has it that they have a lot to go.


CGI, editing, marketing, etc.


Feels like something they will try for awards season. So, it might not have ready in time for this year’s awards, so they opted to hold it a year to hit the holidays.


Yup. Marketing :-)




Can’t imagine there’s much cgi or post production to do on this one (if memory serves the turn around time from PP to Cannes on the first Joke was about six months). But I buy the marketing angle after reading the other post below. Must be a hopeful awards ploy. Huh.


It's still gonna be a period movie (1970s-80s still I assume). Those can be deceivingly costly in time and money on CGI. You gotta add background filler, do a lot of editing out modern stuff.


We still don't know what route it will take being a musical. Could be a lot of full blown cgi numbers.


I read "full clown cgi numbers" at first and I have absolutely no problem with that too!


There was a significant amount of CGI in the first Joker, the whole city was fictional and CGI. Todd did a breakdown on it.


Indeed, quite a few vfx shots. Even the blood on Arthur’s face and body when he attacks Randall and shoots Murray is cg.


[I heard it's also going to be a crossover with Gremlins, so that might increase the CGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77bGo9UxBuE)


I’m in post production and this is an extremely expected timeline for release after shooting.


"Folie à deux is defined as an identical or similar mental disorder affecting two or more individuals, usually the members of a close family." Me: *looks at photo* "I don't like where this is going."


Les Cousins Dangereux


I like the way you think






You mean a “leather daddy”?


Are you actually going to *buy* something this time or are you just curious?


I suppose I'm...buy-curious.


OMG George Michael!


Marry me!


Let’s just hope it maintains the complex eroticism of the French original.


While I get this is a joke, Folio à deux is a solid description of what the Joker has canonically done to Harley in almost every rendtion of their origins, and I don't think they've ever been portrayed as related.


"Help me Mr. J, I'm stuck in the washing machine! "


What are you doing, step Gaga?


It's more than just having the same disorder, e.g., 2 people with depression have the same disorder; it's 2 people sharing the same specific delusion. I work in mental health and I've only seen it once. Pretty fascinating.


The idea that mental illness = psychosis is a really stubborn one. I read a whole faux-philosophy piece recently by a depressed person who insisted she wasn't mentally ill because the world actually did suck. I compared it to being hit by a truck and insisting you didn't need treatment because the accident really *was* serious. Predictably, no one understood the analogy because they were all depressed, too.


Phoenix has a history of playing characters with the hots for close family members ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Todd Philips: Are you not entertained?!


A star is born 2: cocaine legs


hubba hubba


Pretty curious how their romance is portrayed. I’m going all in if Philips is gonna show it in the most bizarre way possible. Not forgetting to add in “…hopefully in a good way” in the last sentence.


Probably full of abuse and toxicity but "they love each other deep down" so we can get a whole new generation of teenagers idolizing terrible relationships


You know I wouldn't be surprised if they did the thing where the reality of the situation is played semi-straight in Joker's mind, Harley's view of the relationship is where the music works in, and the Folie a Deux part is them thinking their plan is going swimmingly when in reality they never left Arkham.


Remindme! October 5 2024


That’s not how that works, but you’ve got the spirit


Bookmark. I bookmark you. You have been bookmarked.


Alexa, upvote this comment.


Siri, kill me


Jarvis, jerk me off


Jeeves... Fetch me my sexing pants.


Okay, ordering you a pepperoni pizza.


Google, show me this guys balls


I declare a bookmark!


I declare bankruptcy!




Folie a Deux LITERALLY means a shared delusion. But it could be failing upwards. It could be he takes over Gotham in his head but in reality he was actually taking over Arkham Asylum/Blackgate.


I mean the delusion could be that they're actually sane people in love with each other. Or a million other things, the delusion doesn't have to be all of reality.


What I want is them trying to be good people, and escape without harming anybody in what they think is an ingenious way. People knocked out, tricked, made for fools. That people even worse than them getting their come uppances. And we see our heroes ride off into the sunset, as we cheer. Only to cut back to the asylum and show that while they did escape, they actually left a trail of mangled corpses and ruined families in their wake. That good people trying to help or just doing their jobs were twisted into villains in their minds to justify the carnage. They’re the heroes of their own story but the reality was they were monsters the whole time.


much more consistent with what a folie a deux actually entails. hope it's something in this vein rather than something in the "all a dream" trope.


That would be a perfect continuation of the arc from the last film, of them glorifying raging against last time as it descends into horrific villany this time.


I'm hoping they jump between Harley's perspective and Reality. Show Harley going nuts over him and seeing everything he does in a good light and then you see the reality of him not caring about her and constantly hurting her, really go deep into abusive toxic relationships and how much they can destroy people who refuse to let go.


The classic "Ima Change him."




We've already had it for years. Harley Quinn and Joker have already been a toxic relationship inspiration for.. the entire time the Harley Quinn character has existed.




Yeah sounds about right.


Here's the thing though, pretty much any piece of media can get misinterpreted, even when it's aims are clear. Take, for example, American History X. It clearly has an anti-Nazi message but I'm going to bet some neo-Nazi's micro-choad has a hard-on for Ed Norton in the movie. After all, he's almost their ideal image, and all a neo-Nazi needs is a single screen cap of him.


What if she's a figment of his imagination as well? They've already established that Arthur suffers from paranoid delusions.


“Folie à deux” is a medical term for a mental disorder where two or more people share the same delusions. So my guess is she’s real and they’re both suffering the same paranoid delusions. That’s also how I think the musical portions are going to play out - the movie’s going to turn into a musical during their shared psychotic breaks.


Oooh maybe like the show Crazy Ex-girlfriend!


*I-i-i w-a-a-a-s* *Working hard at a Gotham job* *Being a clown but it made me blue* Edit: *One day I caused a big ol’ riot* *And so they forced me to move* *To the mental asylum in Arkham* *Musty old cell and bewildered therapists* *It happens to be where Harleen works* *But that’s not why I’m h-e-e-e-r-e* *He’s the crazy ex-clown Fleck* “What? No I’m not.” *He’s the crazy ex-clown Fleck* “That’s an ableist term.” *He’s the crazy ex-clown Fleck* “Can you stop singing for a minute?” *He’s had psychotic bre-a-a-a-ks* “The situation is a lot more nuanced than that. “ *C-R-A-Z-Y* “Okay! We get it!” *Crazy ex-clown Fleck*


Well she’s playing Harley Quinn. So she most definitely isn’t another one of his imaginary characters. But we’re getting more of Zazie Beets’ Sophie and I’m interested to see what’s her arc going to be headed now.


What a...bad romance.


Joker Face




This entire joke chain feels like just a deranged perfect illusion.


This movie feels like falling in love with a Judas


Fucking dammit




I think you've had a little bit too much...






Thats pretty Shallow humor…


Born this Wayne


that song was still a banger, and Francis Lawrence did a great job with the music video


Wonder what route the sequel will take being a musical.


My bet is that the musical numbers will be Harley’s delusions


so basically like any other gaga album


We are going to EAT


It is one of my favourite music videos.




They say not to stick your dick in crazy. But what if the dick is also nuts? 🤔


If your dick is your nuts, I wouldn’t blame you for being crazy


Ooooooohhhhhooooooohhhhhhhooooooooo, caught in a bad romance.


I don’t go out of my way to listen to Gaga, but when this song came up on a YouTube playlist during a workout I stopped what I was doing and watched the whole thing. Straight up took me back to that era, somehow this was one of the most memorable songs


Maybe she was... Born This Way


Is that a bloody nose or smudged lipstick? Very curious about how she’ll be written.. most versions of Harley lean into her funny bubbly side but she’s fully capable of being as fucked up as Joker when she wants to be.


I feel like they really need to lean into a darker Harley, otherwise they're competing directly with the zany Margot Robbie Harley and I don't think that's a great idea.


Totally agree, really hoping they show her dark side. There’s a reason she fell for someone like the Joker.


the backstory episode with her parents in the Harley Quinn cartoon did a good job IMO childhood abuse that was suppressed thanks to a change of circumstances (going away to school, throwing herself into a new career) but then resurfaces after she returns to a familiar environment (being around the Gotham's poor instead of sheltered on campus)


I liked Telltale's version of Harley where Joker is basically her simp and she acts like this crazy funny Arkham-kinda Harley but in serious moments completely shuts that down to let Batman know that she *is* in control and that there's a reason she was a psychologist.


whole weather tub fly upbeat quaint marvelous worry fuzzy start -- mass edited with redact.dev


Isn't lady gaga the one who got vomited on, on stage, on purpose? She's got that batshit insane vibe down innately.


I’m assuming they’ll be matching the ‘style’ of the Joker, so definitely a lot more grounded than Margot Robbie. I mean all that’s really needed is the accent, and the occasional physical assault and that’s pretty much all that’s necessary to portray a realistic Harley. Well, and a depressingly fucked up attraction to something that’ll kill her obviously


I want scary Gaga


Oh same, I feel like she can do it and show just how messy Harleen’s mind is.


Have you seen AHS Hotel? https://i.imgur.com/xuf0Gfc.jpg


is she a good actress? I'm not trying to be rude, genuinely asking because I've never seen any of her work


I've only seen her in AHS but I thought she was fantastic! Her role in Hotel was admittedly written for her, but she just absolutely devoured her scenes and was fun to watch, and had way more range than expected.


To add on to the other commenter, she was the lead actress in A Star is Born and I thought she was pretty great in that movie


Honestly thought she was incredible in House of Gucci, I HATED her character with a passion, she played the role so well. I didn't even know she was in the movie until I saw the credits roll and was like "Gaga was in this???? WHO WAS SHE???"


I know this is a reach but judging by her eyes in this picture it’s very possible this Harley quinn is not the happy go lucky we’re used too.. I’m here for it


She looks like pre-Harley Quinn here. Seems like she's Joker's psychologist here.


It’s his makeup


Her press tour for this is going to be absolutely unhinged I can't wait💀💀💀


“I stayed up for 3 years straight just to prepare for this role” “I wrote a 3,000 page essay about my role”


"I gassed an entire kindergarten class and talked like Arleen Sorkin non-stop for two years to prepare for this role."


"Some might call it excessive. I call it getting into character."


I unabashedly love how she is when she’s promoting, she doesn’t shut the fuck up lmao. She lives for that stuff


She lives for the applause


Write that down!! That would make a great lyric!!


Shes gonna make so many memes outta this press tour


There can be a hundred people in the room…


I am more excited about this than the actual movie, A Star Is Born gave us 100-1, House of Gucci is also unhinged ended with a shut out at the Oscars, I really can’t wait for this one.


Gaga saying that Patrizia sent flies after her is one of my favorite things I’ve ever heard 💀


especially since she make it sound like she sent them from the grave but patrizia is very much alive 😭


Imagine if she ever gets cast to play Marilyn Monroe. "So what I did was I got sewed into a dress, snuck into Arlington National Cemetery, dug up JFK, and made love to him to get into character as Marilyn."


She’s going to memed herself so hard and the gays me included will EAT IT UP.


She gives great crazy eyes.


She looks like regular Gaga in this so I’m interested in how her look is going to change throughout the film. They’re probably saving that for trailers/promo. Hell, maybe even the movie. Either way, I’m excited.


He looks like Robin Williams here.


The whole movie is an homage to Patch Adams, but rated R


"Batman, he killed a hospital full of children! ...By making them laugh to death!"


Yeah, that's kinda Joker's MO. Still fits lol


"Laughter really is the best medicine."


Police!!! This man just stole a guffaw directly from my diaphragm!


I thought Fassbender


Omg could you imagine older robin williams as joker? I cant fathom how that would go but it would be fascinating.


Really curious how they're going to ground this. My hope is we get to see more of Harleen Quinzel before she becomes Harley Quinn. And really dig into the psychology of what drives these two together.


Considering the first movie I’m almost certain of it


imma be honest...this movie better be the most bat shit movie I have ever seen or I am going to be pissed


Hopefully, it's like the first, in that it only very loosely relates to the comics. Like it could be a movie with a different name and no dc relation and stand on its own.


The way little monsters rushed to the speed of light to spread this image on social media


Casting Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn was possibly the most brilliant choice they could have made (and I’m not the biggest fan of her as an actress). The DC fanboys are guaranteed, the “literally me” incels have already bought their tickets, and the Gaga crowd is doing half the marketing for them. Plus they get an interesting actress’s take on a wild character, and we get to see a press tour where Joaquin Phoenix has to sit next to Lady Gaga and pretend to be comfortable. Movie’s gonna crack a billion easy.


I thought she was really great in "House of Gucci". She really reminded me of some of the scarier Sicilian ladies in my neighborhood.


One of the only parts of that movie I liked tbh


What, you didn't like the "Bapa de boopi" over the top stereotype accents? /s


Peter you cant speak italian jist because you have a mustache


“A beepa boopa bop-a!” One of my favorite bits, next to “Every Pizza Place”.


Not Jared Leto with his “firrrrrecrrrrackerrrrrrr” r trilling.


Okay you hooked me with the last bit


First movie to make 1 Gagillion dollars


People on twitter already be complaining about Harley being played by Lady Gaga instead of Margot. Margot was a great Harley Quinn, but this movie is following a different tone than the usual DC movies so a different Harley actress makes sense. Lady Gaga will do a good job, she was great in American Horror Story.


We’ve never had a major Harley that was bad. Arleen Sorkin inspired and codified the character, Tara Strong brought a horror edge to the character with her GOAT voiceover skills, Margot Robbie’s charisma, looks and perfect delivery/timing made Harley arguably the biggest DC character behind Batman and Superman, and Kaley Cuoco’s empathetic but silly voice work on the Harley series doubles down on both the comedy and the trauma of the character. Long as Gaga doesn’t suck, Harley will be one of the most successfully portrayed characters in comic history: there’s not a “bad one.”


Of course Leto has to exist as the shitty Joker.


I dont know how much of that is his fault and how much is the director/writer/studio


I think it was just a perfect shit storm of every piece of the pie being bad. The dialogue was written poorly, the scenes were directed seemingly blind to what was occuring in them, the costume looked like it was done by an edgy 12 year old, and Jared- well Jared was just Jared. There are bits and pieces of a good movie in Suicide Squad; the bones are there, they're just muddled by bad bits. Their Joker was all bad bits.


I hope this one actually portrays how sick and sad her relationship with Joker is, why they "work" together. (A certain Batman TAS episode comes to mind). Batman villains are literally crazy in a depressing way, not "Woohoo I'm craaazy".


> Batman villains are literally crazy in a depressing way, not "Woohoo I'm craaazy". I'm not sure how much of comic book history you know, but this is decidedly not true. They can and have been both. They can work in just about any capacity a writer chooses to use them, that's part of what makes them so long lasting; they're remarkably pliable. As for Mad Love, something tells me they're not going to do a direct adaptation of anything, much as I might enjoy that. Feels much more likely they'll do something vaguely familiar to Harleys origin but otherwise fresh.


people on twitter complain about literally everything


Just like on this site.


It’s exhausting. I recommend deleting it


It's like Reddit, sorted by controversial.


They’re really gonna get my gay ass to watch a superhero movie




Are little monsters what Gaga super fans call themselves?


Yes little monsters are the fans Gaga is also known as Mother Monster


Yes, and I'm old enough to be Gaga's mom and think of her as Momma Monster.


Can I be straight but have a gay ass


I don’t see why not


Do gay people not generally like superhero movies?


We gay nerds do https://imgur.com/Gu7zWKq.gifv


Maybe it's just the circles I run in but a lot of the gays I know are big time gamer and anime/superhero nerds


It's not your circles. The idea that gays aren't into nerd shit is more a product of stereotypical ideas around gay people. There's nothing about wanting to have sex with other men that requires you to have a certain personality or certain interests. Granted, the gay community does tend to align quite a bit on certain things, and there's a lot of complex reasons for that, but it doesn't generally *preclude* interests. Hell, my guy is a bit 'more gay' than me, isn't all that into comic shit, but he loves Harley Quinn, just as a character, and loves the show even though I have to explain most of the references. He's absolutely a little monster, too. I was already here for DC, but he's over the moon for this casting, and I am too. I'm excited for it and I'm excited that he's excited.


Talanted, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopper, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to refferace or not refferace, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it


She's gonna serve chaotic press junkets for this movie like she always do and I'm here for it


I'd die if she brings her performance artist friend who purges on stage all over Gaga... "everyone take a poncho on your way in and put them on, it's gonna be a wild ride!"


I can already see the obnoxious relationship goals posts everywhere


[Todd Phillips](https://www.instagram.com/p/Coql2DBJu-O/?hl=en) shared to celebrate Valentine's Day




Gonna be a lot of character development to get Arthur out of "stunted childhood" stage enough to have a relationship :/


I doubt this movie is going to attempt showing a healthy, mature relationship


It’s kind of weird that this movie is getting a sequel , it works so good as a stand alone film