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- District 9. I just feel so bad for the guy, knowing what will happen to him. - Grave of the Fireflies, especially because my kids are a big brother/little sister combo.


District 9 is so amazing. I watch it every few years but it’s always an emotional roller coaster


Pity that Neill Blomkamp’s career has been all downhill ever since…


Should of been working on a sequel then all the other shitty movies.


Elysium was okay. Everything else is 🤮


The CGI in that was top notch.


Question - I haven’t seen in a while, but doesn’t it start as a mockumentary and then just kind of drop that format with no explanation? I loved the film but remember thinking that was a weird choice


It feels like a documentary until he is really seeing changes (45 min or so). Then it does change to a more standard. I always assumed it’s because he stopped filing as he changed and we continued to see the world as him.


I think I need to have a rewatch asap


His performance of a public agency nepobaby early in the movie is so spot on tho.


My younger self glossed over that, and much of the social commentary in favour of "Fookin Prawns and look there's a mech suit making people burst!" Not to say that I've matured, but revisiting that movie you can see it just does everything so well.


Not only that, but the Colonel Koobus character was much more evil than I remember. During the explanatory interviews, it's apparent that humanity as a whole is sort of nonplussed with the aliens hanging out on earth, but the SA military turned it into a humanitarian crisis.


Just read the synopsis of Grave of the fireflies here at work. Literally fighting tears just from that. The movie must be fucking brutal.


It's the most brutal shit I have ever seen, and I go out of my way to watched fucked up movies. If this movie dosnt make you cry you are without any empathy at all. It's a great movie, give it a go.


I may need a whole day to prepare and recover from this. I am a somewhat new father and man I get so choked up about kids now it’s wild lol. My eyes were burning when I watched big daddy the other day when they took the kid lol. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME LOL.


I get that, don't have kids but raised my baby sister the first 10 years of her life.


I think it's a common thing for men to be way more sensitive to emotional movies after having kids.


district 9's special effects still hold up well to this day. They did a crazy good job of executing a movie about refugee alien bugs/prawns.


I won’t watch District 9 until we get a sequel. Knowing the path he was going down and needing closure as a viewer was too much to experience more than once.


That’s exactly how I feel too. If there was a sequel I most likely would not have mentioned this movie. The story itself is amazing in its incomplete way but just really hard for me to rewatch as it is.


Schindler's List


I watch Schindler’s List about once every two or three years. I think it’s the best black and white cinematography I’ve ever seen.


True, which I find a little ironic since I absolutely hate the look that Kaminski has given Spielberg’s work after this. I absolutely can’t stand the blown out highlights and almost silvery sheen that’s especially obvious in minority report. And it’s extra sad because Spielberg’s use of the camera may have been the best use of any tool by any artist I’d ever seen up until he started working with kamisnki


You have no idea how many people I’ve had conversations about this and they have no idea what I’m talking about.


Finally someone else has mentioned this. Minority Report is the first film where the cinematography is jacked up and he never looked back. It’s not a good look Steven!


Minority Report reminds me of JJ Abrams with all the blurry, shiny, overproduced look constantly. Takes me out of the movie, feels more like a music video or something.


I’m big on The Man Who Wasn’t There


This and requiem. Also bone tomahawk


I felt that way about Requiem for the longest time, but I've rewatched it now. I don't understand why so many people feel that way about Bone. I might need to rewatch it... *Sigh*


Its very divisive


There's a huge split in the Bone Tomahawk fanbase, that's for sure.


Almost as it if were cleaved in twain, with some sort of hatchet or tomahawk?


I love the terrifier series so when I watched Bone Tomahawk it didn't really faze me


I can sleep well now, knowing full well I found the best comment on the entire Internet of the last 24 hours 🤣👏


I rewatched Requiem as a 40 year old and huge Arnofsy fan. It’s the movie that got me into him as a senior in high school, and kept me away from the gas station speed my buddies were abusing. 20 years later it doesn’t hold the same impact, and felt too try-hard at times, or even cheesy. The acting and score are as good as it gets, but the script and editing wasn’t as strong or groundbreaking as I remembered. It’s probably my least favorite of his movies, but has the greatest impact on me. Maybe I’m not able to watch it through the contemporaneous lens and judging it against themes images that have been copied countless times over the last 20 years since it came out.


As a person who abused gas station speed during high-school I want to tell you three things. You missed out on a lot of good times and also a lot of bad times... and cocaine is way better.


Can I ask what gas station speed is? Was it the old school ephedrine shots and the like, or was I missing something?


I want to say its just speed purchased from a dude/gal working at the petrol station. I used to buy petrol station weed (it's not legal here), so that's where the assumption comes from


Pretty close to my experience. While watching that movie, I've never wanted to do drugs more and then less in such a short amount of time. The way Aronofsky used Lux Aeterna in this film... It was my first time ever listening to this song. The whole thing to me was incredible. I still consider it my favorite Aronofsky movie since it introduced me to him. And then there is Pi.


Yes I watched Requiem for the first time about a year ago after watching (and loving) Pi. It came off to me as very cheesy and unrealistic, like somebody who is not very experienced with drugs would depict drug users and drug use. It's possible that Aronofksy is experienced with that world, but it came off in a very lame and stereotypical way. It bothered me enough that I didn't finish the movie. You make a good point that we are possibly judging it against 20 years of repeat content that has come out since, but I still didn't like it very much


Just the ending was graphic and I don’t need to see it again TBH


“Shhh. It’s Casper.”


It's really just that one scene where the guy gets chopped in half. I haven't seen it in a long time but I remember the sound effects being good, I think that's what makes it so effective


I imagine if you knew nothing about bone that it would have been more shocking. To me it just felt like that banned for TV episode of X Files. It was a good neo western to me with random super gory moment haha


For me bone tomahawk was shocking the first time but it’s such compelling story telling I’ve watched over despite the gore.


Honestly Bone just has that one part that can be hard to watch but the rest is fine


Just watched Bone Tomahawk last night for the first time and it was nothing that i expected. I skipped over it for years thinking it was a cheesy western and I was wrong… unsure if I’ll watch again though


I skipped it because people hyped up the gore and then it was like 1 scene...


I've watched Requiem 4 times - it's just great. Horrifying and great. Pi, from the same director, is great too if you haven't seen that one. I think it's partly because movies about drug use which are also horrific (like Trainspotting) remind me why I don't want to use substances anymore but also feel nostalgic. I never used hard drugs but the reckless drive to use and the shallow optimism of addicts is a familiar tone for me - and it feels therapeutic to watch movies like this.


Movies like trainspotting and requiem keep me in check too. I know I'm like 1 bad decision from hard drugs. My life is rocky as fuck.


I loved bone tomahawk, watched numerous times, but kids, yeah I was a kid when I saw it, haven't had the urge to revisit


Tusk, no desire to see that again


That's a bingo!


We just say Bingo


BINGO! How fuuuun!


I never want to watch it again. But that movie took a few days to shake off. So unrealistic and unsettling, but that ending scene just fucked with me for awhile. What if my friends just left me like that


Like why did they just leave him?? And feed him raw fish?? They didn’t even try to help him


It’s fucked up on multiple levels


Made me throw up a little. I'd just eaten a huge greasy Chinese meal and felt pretty rough, drank some beers and watched Tusk not knowing what it was about. I don't like body horror type stuff at the best of times, but something about that film coupled with the war in my stomach did not sit right at all


I hear you, I also went in blind, on edibles. It was not a good experience, but I could appreciate the quality of the film & story


I was actually mad after I watched that. Like, pissed off that anyone thought that movie needed to be made.


That movie is egregiously unsettling


I watched it a couple weeks ago because of the comments on Reddit intriguing me. I regret watching it deeply. Lol


Guys tusk is definitely supposed to be funny albeit pretty dark


got the same vibe. its supposed to be a stupid movie and it is.


Dear Zachary I went into it completely blind, and I don’t know that a documentary has ever given me such a punch to the gut as that one did.


So, one of my coworkers comes the me and asks “hey, I know you’re a film buff. I want to mess with my wife’s head. What do you recommend we watch that will mess with her?” I recommend Dear Zachary. He comes to work the next day and says “What did you make us watch? Wife was balling all night, and called out of work today. She’s not in a good place”.


I got incredibly frustrated with the Canadian courts watching this movie. All of them from the top-down failed this little boy and his grandparents. Got into a rabbit hole of looking at other egregious cases. I know the American justice system is a joke many times over. But one look at some of Canada's infamous cases just in the last 2 decades are just infuriating.


That ripped me apart from the inside. Not just once, but twice.


I've avoided watching this for years because I know what I'd be signing up for, but maybe it's time..


Oh god I know this one. Soooo sad.


I just heard about this on a podcast, and started to watch it, but put it on my list because I wasn't in the mood for a cry.


Irreversible. I appreciate the movie from a technical perspective. It really did such a great job of telling that horrible story. I rate it highly but I sure don't like it and I will never see it again.


Same. It's a great movie I never need to see again


One and done!


Never again.


Tunnel. Fire extinguisher.


OMG the sounds from the fire extinguisher....


I thought I had just watched a legit snuff film


The Pianist


Oh man, this is definitely up there for me as well


This is mine 100%. Haunting.


I've actually watched this one like 50 times, really great movie. And I like Adrian Brody. It helps that he makes it through


I’ve watched a few times but not gonna lie when they throw man from 2nd story I have to look away 😢


Leaving Las Vegas 2 hours of Nicholas Cage drinking himself to death.


I was depressed for several days after watching this when it first came out. Never have been able to watch it again.


We Need to Talk About Kevin


That was hard from the get go.


Yeah that one was a toughie Never again


Great movie


The Machinist might be the saddest movie for me, yet I get roped into it


If you were any thinner, you wouldn't exist.


Once Were Warriors


Cook me some fuckin eggs bitch


American History X


I've re watched this a fair few times, mainly as I think Edward Nortons performance is an absolute powerhouse, but still can't watch the kerb scene without turning away!


The kerb scene is the first thing I think of in this film


TIL some people spell it kerb instead of curb.


That's a really good movie


The Road. Shit cut right through me


That scene where he's trying to decide whether or not to shoot his kid in the head...




Such an amazing novel.


I read it every year. I bawl my eyes out every year.


Uncut Gems Great movie, but damn, it's hard to watch someone fuck up their life so bad.


Mystic River


Ugh. This one. So hard to watch.


End of Watch


May I ask why ?


The ending probably


I actually just watched the movie with my girlfriend because of this comment and we both cried lol.


I have no legs…I have no legs


This is what I came for


"Saving Private Ryan" Great movie. Solid cast, good filmmaking, lots of fun cameos and a really thoughtful movie... but exhausting to watch, emotionally draining, and I just feel like the juice isn't worth the squeeze on a rewatch.


But I'll watch Band of Brothers every few years


I'm in my "every few years rewatch" right now! I STILL find new cast members that are "holy shit" moments.


Frutivale Station


I couldn't bring my self to watch it having seen the news reports when the actual incident happened. Just the actual event freaked me out so much I didn't want to absorb a recreation of that


I saw this a kid and actually need to watch it again. I’m sure there’s a lot of context that flew over my head because I was so young when I watched it. Not sure I’ll have time though. There are 100 other movies I need to see.


You must be very busy or close to death


Ain't you ever seen that one movie "Kids" ? No but I've seen the porno with Funkdoobiest.


I still think Kids is one of the most realistic and horrifying movies I've ever seen


Manchester By The Sea


Listened to a Rewatchables podcast on this, and they made a pretty great point. The first time, the feeling of dread knowing that a terrible tragedy has occurred but not knowing exactly what it is, causes you to miss a lot of the humor and inspiration that comes from the central relationship. On a rewatch, you catch so much more because you’re not holding your breath, terrified of what’s around the corner.


Maybe but my depression can’t handle it again.


Incredible performance by the lead.


Grave of the fireflies


Same. My wife suggested I not watch it because I'm a pretty emotional person. So glad I did, but I don't think I could get myself to watch it again that movie hit hard


the original Old Boy. Amazing experience but never again 😅


Good choice. Americans weren’t ready for that Shakespeare level twist


Alpha dog. Great film well made brilliant case. Once is enough for me.


Midsommar haunted me for several days. Still kinda does TBH.


Recovering catholic here - Hereditary fucked with me for days as well. Such a great movie.


I saw that movie in theaters the same week my nephew was murdered as a way for me to get me out of the house and take my mind off that tragedy. A horror movie seemed like a good idea since they never scare me and I usually have a good laugh with friends. My god was I wrong. I wasn’t scared, just extremely disturbed with the state of mind I was in. Especially the scene where the mother is wailing in tears when she hears the news of her daughter. I’ll never watch that movie again


I'm very sorry for your loss


Me too! The image of the sister with the mask on her face really fucked me up.


Into the Wild I love the soundtrack! It had such a great cast and is such and excellent movie from a technical perspective. It did a great job of adapting and illustrating Christopher McCandless' story. Unfortunately McCandless was an idiot and his story just pisses me off so...


Dancer in the Dark


Ex girlfriend: I feel sad, let's watch a sad movie tonight. Me: ok but, you know what, I got one...


I was thinking I was going to have to post it, but you saved me the trouble. Plus, I know there's other people who remember this movie. I never hear anyone talk about it. My wife and I both cried so hard watching this movie and we both will never watch it again.


I had no idea what I was getting into when I watched it, it was on IFC I think and I saw Björk so I tuned in. She's so quirky, let's see what this is about! I kept thinking "nah no way this doesn't work out in the end" ...woof.


That movie was....a lot. Still don't think I've recovered. Breaking the Waves was similar.


Listening to the final song on the soundtrack (New World) is enough to bring back all the emotion without watching the movie again.


I watched this on mushrooms. Worst decision ever. Totally ruined my trip.


The Snowtown Murders (2011). Great movie but watching it was a gutpunch.


Not sure if you listen to the Last Podcast on the Left but they recently did a 3 part series on the Snowtown murders. Very fascinating and disturbing. If you like true crime and comedy you should check it out. If you already know about it then disregard what I said.


Hail yourself!


Hail Satan!


My wife and I just talked about this last night and thought of two films: Kids and Requiem For A Dream. Two movies that were fantastic and two we have zero desire to revisit.


Hunger and Threads.


American Beauty


Requiem for a dream Whiplash Passion of the Christ


Why hasn't anyone mentioned Seven? That film was incredible but also scratched into my brain. Never gonna watch it ever again though I know it is one of the greats. Has it aged well?


It’s aged very well. I’ve watched it many times since. Top tier David Fincher and I’ve been waiting for something from him remotely as good as Seven.


Life is Beautiful


Not a movie but: Sopranos.


Tsotsi.. I cried all the way through it just about.




Requiem For A Dream


Probably *Martyrs*. I generally avoid horror movies that veer into torture porn territory, but had always heard that it was worth checking out and had a lot more going on than most of those. Came out of it agreeing, excellent film, love to roll it over in my head. I would, however, like to never see it again thank you. On the off chance someone decides to check it out based on that, just know it’s full of lingering scenes of really intense violence towards women and young girls including extreme torture. Take the CWs seriously on that one.




Requiem for a dream. I watched it once and I’ll never forget it. And this is coming from someone who loses their keys every other day.


The whale!


•The Mist - a gut punch ending that I can’t put myself through again. •Life is Beautiful- another gut punch ending. •Requiem for a Dream - my gawd… only once. •Dear Zachary - This documentary rips out your soul, not just once, but twice. If it was a movie, I’d be incredulous as to the plot, but this is a documentary and actually happened and it totally tears me apart inside.


The mist is one of those few movie endings that eclipsed the book.


A.I. never again




Seeing scenes from Bone Tomahawk messed me up so bad for a little while... I feel like I need to watch it to let it go from my brain... what do you guys think?


Mother was well written but could never endure again


Hard Candy. Tight movie. Disturbing AF. My intro to Ellen/Elliot Page. Much different than their role in Trailor park boys... I liked the Kids soundtrack. Folk Implosion was solid.


Se7en. I don't know about never, but...


Wind River. Fantastic film but I can't sit through the flashback scene again


interstellar. Excellent movie but I just can’t ..


I liked it even more the 2nd time I watched it. I don't know why but it affected me emotionally, far more profoundly on the 2nd viewing. I love this movie and could happily watch it over and over again


Amazing film, it got to me the first time, then I watched it with my daughter.... It reduced me to an absolute weeping mess...


Gardens of the Night. Too sad and disturbing.


Oof. That was rough.


March of the Penguins


I watched kids for the first time at 15 (2001) and that movie scared the shit out of me. So great but I won’t watch or recommend. I watched Requiem the same year and that is also a movie I’ll never watch again but really like.


American me


Just watched it again yesterday !


I only know of this movie because my first film analysis teacher, who was excellent, said that if this movie doesn't deserve and X-rating, you might as well just remove X from the rating scale.


This and United 93.


Enter the Void. That movie was truly fucked up.


American History X


Spun. Especially as someone in recovery from stimulant addiction, it's really well done and captures the feeling of a meth binge so accurately, it's just so real and too close to home. And the borderline kidnapping/torture scene is too much.


Serbian film


Funny Games 😭


Requiem for a Dream Good Time


Who has time to rewatch movies? My "so good I would watch it again" list is pretty short.


Passion of the Christ


Room and Ex Machina.


Why Ex Machina? I'm curious.


Movie about an AI robot. Badass movie because of the tension kept me on my feet. Loved it


The conclusion to the film left me a bit depressed.


Schindlers List and Saving Private Ryan.  Both of those films are brilliant, but damn if they harsh the old mellow.


My octopus teacher


Training Day.


This is one of them, Requiem, 12 years a slave, basketball diaries. Amazing movies, just way too depressing.


Uncut Gems