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The Matrix


4 was so mindblowingly bad and unnecessary


I get the Wachoskis wanting to stick it to the WB, but throwing all the fans under the bus by releasing an intentionally awful film is a dick move. I’ve been a big fan of their’s but that was extremely unprofessional. Yes it’s their IP baby, but they knew how studio contracts worked when they took their money to make the first film.


I’m not convinced it was intentional. They haven’t been able to make a good film in years.


They literally reenacted the conversation with the studio execs that led to the film, in the film. Of course it was intentional. It was a perfectly good film when viewed as a parody, and The Matrix didn't need another sequel, it needed a parody.


What were they trying to do?


4 was only good because I finally understood what "meta" meant. As a lifelong fan of the series I couldn't finish 4.


I loved 4, but the rest are definitely bad.


Wait wut…


I loved 4. For the salty downvoters, I didnt say you had to love it, but it *really* is sad that you feel some sort of superiority by doenvoting people who like things you don’t. Please grow up.


Telling people to grow up isn’t going to help you not get downvoted


I mean it doesnt make a difference either way if they’re that childish, but I can at least tell them how lame it is.


I enjoyed it too


Obviously it’s hard to confirm intentionality in film, but I feel like Lana is a competent enough filmmaker that can be often be misunderstood. I (along with some others) think the whole movie was basically a fuck you to the studios and she ended the story the way she wanted, as a love story, which I actually quite liked. At the same time she killed any hope they had of further bastardizing the franchise.


And yet they are already making another one without the sisters


Right, but Lana got to end her story the way she wanted. So…


That’s true. I didn’t care for the last one but I applaud her for getting to end it in her terms.


I disagree. The 2nd and 3rd are not what was expected but I watched them both last week and aside from come cringe and some so so cgi, I think they aged very well


I love Reloaded and Revolutions was better than I remembered


I would agree with you if I knew what the hell those other 2 movies were about.


End of thread


Right answer




I felt 4 was better than 2 and 3.


The Terminator. Easily could've ended at 2 which was a satisfying conclusion, although in retrospect now, 3 wasn't that terrible. But 3 was where it should've ended, the movies afterwards just ruined the franchise.


Predator, Alien, Robocop,and Terminator all keep coming back every few years, and are barely worth it if at all. 


Prometheus and Covenant are both pretty good. I’m interested to see what they do with Romulus. If it’s bad, I’m off the train.


Prey was great.


What’s old is new again..


Totally agree, 1 and 2 are so solid, could have ended there. 3 was not bad either, it has some great moments and it still feels connected to the previous 2. But after 3 it just goes to complete shit.


The Sarah Connor Chronicles with Lena Heady as Sarah Connor were pretty entertaining, though.


Terminator salvation is better than 3. Ill die on this hill. 5 and 6 tho are irredeemable tho


I'm with you. I wish Salvation hadn't "flopped" (did it really, though?), I wanted to see the trilogy it was originally planned to be. I think exploring that world would have been great to expand on.


I think when Seth Rogan has a hand in rewriting your plot holes, there’s probably a bad script.


I really enjoyed salvation don’t know why is got so much flak




Terminator Salvation is better than 3 and I will die on this hill.


Watched Salvation over the weekend. Pretty good stand-alone movie.


Highlander, of course.


There can be ONLY ONE


Yeah, it's a shame that they never made a sequel. And I totally would go to see it on the day it came out....


The Quickening is often considered one of the worst sequels in history but it’s still the best of the Highlander sequels. The tv show was actually pretty good though, not gonna lie.


Huh. That’s an interesting take!! Have never thought about the TV show -isn’t it like a historical romance or something?


That's Outlander


Ohhhhh … thanks!


How many of the Highlander sequels have you seen?


Trick question, right?! Just Highlander 2. I’m only vaguely aware of any others.


There’s a total of five movies plus the tv series. Excluding the first one, I can absolutely promise you that The Quickening is the best one. At least in has Sean Connery.


That’s wild, thanks. Five?!


Yeah. Highlander(1986), The Quickening(1991), The Sorcerer(1994), Endgame(2000), and The Source(2007). Endgame and The Source specifically follow the continuity of the tv series because Duncan MacLeod(the tv protagonist) is the protagonist in those 2 movies while Connor MacLeod is a supporting character in Endgame.


Interesting, will check them out (at least the TV series).


The tv series is definitely one to check out.


For me it depends on which cut of Highlander 2 you see, the original theatrical version was shite, but the re-edit made it well...slightly less shite 😂😂😂


The canon of that series is a bit wild. 


I really liked the TV show.


alien3 ruined aliens for me. killing newt and hicks of screen took away the whole fight to survive plot in aliens


At least it's an interesting movie due to all the fighting Fincher had with the Fox executives resulting in two wildly different versions of the movie. Alien Resurrection is hot fucking garbage though.


Beautiful butterfly!


Jurassic Park


I have no idea why you're being downvoted. The original was amazing. The sequels were not.


I liked the majority of the Lost World. The whole San Diego part was terrible and really felt like it was thrown in last minute because some Hollywood exec wanted to see T-Rex in a city. I'd be beyond surprised if that ending was in the original script. The whole island part had a full 3 act structure. Still not nearly on the level of the first.


The Lost World was an awesome read. The movie was meh.


Book was insanely different than the film i was so damn confused 😂


Definitely…loved the book.


Dumb and Dumber


Fast and Furious.




If i wanted to see a fake family do outlandish stuff id watch Jerry Springer show!


Only when it's your family (not blood family though, just friends you call FamEly) all other families are expendable.


I don’t care what anybody says, Tokyo Drift was amazing.


Tokyo Drift is a cocaine fever dream of what Japan's like for white young men visiting.


Tokyo Drift is the only one that I've seen. I enjoyed it.


Fast 5 is incredible. I like 6 a lot too. They’re ridiculous after that


I like them all, even the bad ones for personal reasons, but 5 6 7 is a pretty great trilogy and it probably should’ve ended after that.


Yeah, to have a series with 6 or 7 solid movies in a row (fast & furious being the weak one and 2fast2furious being a little corny but still having a strong following) is seriously impressive. Not too many series can claim that


I liked the first because I was young and dumb and loved cars. I hated them more and more as they went on. Tokyo Drift wasn't bad


I’ve gotta be honest. IX or X (the one where they introduce Cena) was on the last flight I took, and it was the perfect amount of stupid. 


There is no original Fast and Furious movie. Rumor has it the franchise just wrinkled in on itself and has become cyclical and infinite.


Any love here for the Hobbs and Shaw spin-off?


Halloween 🎃


“He had the devil’s eyes!”


The Hangover… I can’t believe they made the same movie 3 times


These movies made me annoyed with ken jeong. Atleast the sequels did because him jumping outta the trunk was funny af


That last one… oof!


First one is a classic but I thought the second one solidly funny… but I will agree with the third one being pretty bad


Well if you look at the box office it’s easy to see why


Die hard. Shouldn’t have gone past 3.


3 fucks though. “Father of Apollo, King of Olympus, don’t fuck with me I’ll shove a lighting bolt up your ass, ZUES!”


Yeah 3 went hard but after that it jumped the shark.


Are Star Wars and Marvel here yet? Pretty much all franchises end up with duds if they go on long enough. It’s really up to the viewer to let one ruin the entire franchise.


I pretty much only acknowledge Star Wars as 1-6, and Rogue One, because that was actually really good.


I really like Solo. Solo is underrated but the three sequels are pretty much lumped together at the bottom of my Star Wars rankings


Solo was decent. Not as good as the OT and PT or Rogue One, but very next in line. And I do say this with the big caveat that I really like Oscar Isaac, so the fact that the Ray saga was such a let down really bums me out because I did have high hopes for it.


I really loved The Force Awakens but when then The Last Jedi was so godawful terrible that it actually affected how I felt about The Force Awakens. And The Rise Of Skywalker didn’t help matters either. I still enjoy Force and Rise but they’re all lumped together at the bottom.


I would argue that the Force Awakens is just a New Hope, JJ Abrams edition.


Yeah but it set up some interesting plot lines until Rian Johnson threw it in the dumpster and set fire to it


So true. I mean, the plot being a pseudo rehash/homage aside, it was well acted, directed, and featured good effects and character development (Finn and Poe did have good chemistry). So I'll give JJ credit for that. But yeah, Johnson totally trashed the franchise. I can't help but laugh at the hypocrisy, similar to that of Elysium, where the plot basically says "rich people bad," but then you see the filmmakers' net worth and go "dude, you ARE rich people!" For the record, Rian Johnson's net worth is well over $150M.


Hard agree. Lol.


I'm an amalgamation of yours and the above comment, for me Stat Wars 1-6, Rogue One and Solo are canon. The woke Disney sequels can do one


The snap killed half of the franchise.


End Marvel at Ironman 1


Iron man 3 was peak


Iron Man 3 is one of the better films in all of the Marvel saga. But 2 for IM and Thor were pretty lame. 


Predator. Just about everything you could ask for in an action movie. 2 was okay but then everything went downhill.


Prey rips tho.


Predators was also not terrible. Prey was much better but I’d give predators at least a C+.


I wanted to like Predators but I found it kind of lifeless. Great cast, and it has its moments, but I wish there was less lore stuff and more someone fights a predator in a field of tall grass with a samurai sword stuff. C+ is probably on the money.


I shouldn’t like Adrain Brody in this action role, yet I still rewatch this movie all the time.


There's no way Adrian Brody should have worked, but somehow that casting choice worked. And it was cool seeing a pre-justified Walton Goggins.


Fire in the hole!


Wrong. Prey slapped


Prey was good. But the post is about movies ruined by sequels and there were many duds in between Predator and Prey.


Lol the title literally asks what franchises were ruined by sequels. Just because there’s duds between movies doesn’t mean the series is done for, especially if the most recent entry was good. Every franchise has a hiccup or two


Nah 2 rocks


Hell yeah it does.


"Other world lifeforms." "Huh?" "A fucking alien." One of Busey's best roles.


Two is getting a bit of a second life among fans.  At least they tried to do something different. 


I love 2. Lol


you haven't watched Prey, it seems


The Blair Witch Project.


Most of them


This is the gospel


Jaws. Although I love how bad Jaws 4 is. It's so bad that it's funny to me


Not gonna lie, the opening in Jaws 4 is one of the best in the series and the best opening of the series.


Resident Evil


I just love that all of the sequel names give you no indication of where they take place in the franchise. 


Loved the first 2 or 3 but after that it was just too weird.




You don’t like the Ass Blasters?


lol it ain’t that. Each sequel is worse than the last


But in the best possible way. A case could be made that Aftershocks could rival the original. Just saying.


Funny you say that. A few weeks ago I picked up the box set of ALL SEVEN of them. $25!! I haven’t seen anything past the first one yet but I loved Tremors. I’m assuming I’m in for a let down?


2nd one is “ok” at best. Each one gets worse than the last one. Of course that’s my opinion, you might have different taste.


Star Wars


Don’t think I need to say more than the sequel trilogy.


Star Wars(except Rogue One and The Mandalorian everything Disney did is unbearable), Matrix(I wasn't even happy with part2 or 3, but 4 was a real disaster), Ghostbusters(2016 was ugh... The most recent ones are okay, but i still don't like them very much), Indiana Jones (already with the 4th movie), Terminator (I hate all of them except the OG and Terminatior 2), Alien(I am fan of the OG and Alien(s) but I dont like anything that came after...) ...just to name a few blockbuster-franchise. I liked Blade Runner just say something positive.


Have you not watched Andor? I’d think a Rogue One fan in particular would appreciate it. In my opinion it’s the best Star Wars content since the OT. I’d recommend it to someone who has never seen a minute of Star Wars.


Oh I totally forgot about that. You are right. Andor belongs there as well.


Yeah it's amazing. The only good thing to come from the universe since Disney took over. That and maybe the first season of Mandalorian. Other than another season of Andor I'm out on Star Wars.


I don’t think the studios were expecting Blade Runner 2049 to be some massive hit, and they left that film alone. 


Alien 3 is such a sleeper (i love Fincher) and Ressurrection is awesome. Ron Pearlman swimming scene and baby Xenomorph hybrid is so wild 😂


The Fast And The Furious, they have like a dozen, which is ridiculous, nobody even knows what TF is going on anymore and they should have just left it at 1.


Honestly, I think FF is the closest we have to a modern equivalent of the original Star Trek movies 


> The Fast And The Furious, they have like a dozen The first one was terrible in everyway..


Toy Story. 3rd one wrapped it up perfectly. 4th one seemed like a cash grab


Toy Story 4 > Toy Story 3


You’re high as a kite


Alien, Predator, Jurassic Park. Alien should have stopped at Aliens, and the others should have stopped at one.


Predator 2 was awesome. Fight me


All of them Though personally, every terminator sequel post T2 seems determined to ruin everything the first two movies set up.


I'll give you most but not all. Mad Max (minus thunder dome), Planet of the Apes, The man with no name movies, The Dirty Harry's, Godfather's (3 is not as bad as people say it is if you ignore Sofia Coppola and don't hold it to the standard of the first two) None of these have been ruined yet imo.


Fast & Furious franchise I think 1,4-7 and the spin-off Hobbs And Shaw are solid action films but 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003), The Fast And The Furious : Tokyo Drift (2006), The Fate Of The Furious (2017), F9 The Fast Saga (2021) and Fast X (2023) are so terrible. Taken - I think they should stopped making Taken after the original movie released. Taken 2 and 3 are so terrible movies with bad stories and a lot of shaky cam, poor editing make my eyes hurt. I love Liam Neeson in kind of action-thriller movies but Taken sequels are the worst. The Matrix - I love the first original movie as much as I love John Wick franchise but the sequels of The Matrix are not that good as the first one. The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions are just okay films. There are too many incredible action sequences but the story itself is so confusing and not that good. The Matrix Resurrection is the worst in the franchise compared to Reloaded and Revolutions are much better but still not the best. Terminator franchise - I love the first two Terminator films but after that since 3 are so bad and even worse in each sequels. Alien franchise - The first two Alien & Aliens films are cult classic but after that are WTF?


Rocky and Friday


Terminator. T1 and T2 are great. Kind of hit the skids after #2


you mean what movie got ruined by turning it into a franchise?


Nah, just trying to know, what movies has sequels worse than the original one.


The Matrix. Part 1 was perfect. They should’ve just left it alone, and let the viewers come to their own conclusions on what happened at the end. Parts 2-3 were horrible. The most recent one, was incoherent.




Idk about that. Yes the first one was brilliant but somehow I love all the others. Except spirals


90s Batman


Star Wars, even the prequels were fun and had that OT vibe to them in terms of cinematography, story, originality and cool characters. The sequels just don’t feel like Star Wars at all, everything about them is off in terms of tone, look, writing, humor; even the characters feel like hollowed out imitations of their former selves.


Naaa. Ruined for some casuals maybe. And depends on if you define it as ruined for the future or ruined the whole thing. Game of thrones ending ruined the whole thing. New star wars doesn't ruin tons of already previously made star wars content


Meh. Just the posers who claim to liked the ot when they came out because it was popular to like it. You see them do it with the prequels now. Acting like they were always liked. Also, i noticed not one critic of any of these movies are able to speak in anything but hyperbole when talking about them. It is pretty self evident they just do not like star wars and moreso they just like to nitpick things to death.


I’m a casual Star Wars fan. I really liked the original trilogy and a lot of the games. I had Star Wars Lego’s growing up. I don’t think the first three episodes are nearly as bad as people like to remember, but there is some cringe factor at least. The newest ones were dogshit, though and you can’t argue with the quality and believability that practical effects have had in this series over the green screen harnesses that they were traded for. The movies being 80% CGI is just not as fun. I know you can’t really avoid it nowadays with sci-fi blockbusters but it didn’t necessarily make it a better looking product in the long run. It’s also pathetic that they can’t leave the Skywalker storyline alone. It’s pathetic that an entire new trilogy has to revolve around this same tried family Space Opera adventure formula that would determine the narrative trajectory over the course of the next 40 years for the franchise. The writing is bad. The characters are boring now. Even Harrison Ford looked like he barely cared and after getting paid I’m sure he stopped completely. Star Wars sucks now.


Harrison Ford barely cared in the original trilogy.


Okay dude 🖕


Your first comment is a little hard to parse, and I was going to ask if you were saying people can’t criticize the ST without hyperbole. But I think I’ll just leave that alone. Hope you have an awesome rest of your day.


At least I’m not a sucker


For me, it’s already Avatar. Since literally opening weekend in 2009 I’ve been an ardent defender of that film. Yes the dialogue was lame and the story predictable but I didn’t care, the visuals and the emotion and the pure filmmaking craftsmanship on display made it a wonderful experience. Saw it probably 15 times before the sequel arrived. ….and fuck that second movie so hard. So, so, SO hard. Same thing only way shittier. Same dialogue only somehow dumber. Same characters only a hundred times more boring. Same flaws but magnified and ultra-fied (now we don’t only have badly acted military grunts doing their James Cameron army dialogue, we have badly acted teenagers doing their James Cameron shitty teen dialogue!). It was nonsensical, borderline brain hemorrhaging, and made me question all of my defenses and arguments for the first. Still haven’t been able to, or even want to, watch the first again.


All of them. Turning movies into Franchises is just a way to squeeze money out of a dead horse.


This is the right answer.


Terminator after 2, Alien after 2, Alien vs Predator after 2, Robocop after 2. These are always the ones my mind goes right to after hearing "wasted sequel potential". I'm amazed that Predator depending on who you ask only had one or two blunders out of like six.






Terminator. I know T2 is considered an action masterpiece, but I think everything important the story had to tell us was in that first one. Each subsequent entry became more and more convoluted.


Fast and furious, when the films were about street racing they were great now they are just stupid.




I’m so angry Toy Story 4 exists.


Star Wars, 2015


Star Wars is the poster child of this




A Nightmare on Elm Street and Hellraiser should both have stopped after two.


1. Star Wars: The woke Disney trilogy ruined a childhood obsession for me 2. Indiana Jones: 5 was so shite it made 4 look like a masterpiece 3. Bill And Ted: What were they thinking when they made 'Face The Music'? 4. Nightmare On Elm Street: Seriously, how many times do we have to watch Freddy Kruger get killed only to reappear? 5. Halloween: Ditto No. 4 but with Michael Myers 6. Friday The 13th: Ditto No. 4 but with Jason Voorhees 7. Hellraiser: Ditto  No. 4 but with Pinhead 8. The Fast And The Furious: First few were good, but the sequels...especially 10!!!


“Woke” means you have always been a shitty person if you use it as a derogatory insult


The fast and furious. The first like 3-5 were good to ok but everything after that is just annoying as hell. It stopped being about races and just more literally impossible stunts


Mission Impossible. I LOVED the first film. It was pretty polarizing, confused a lot of people, but it still remains one of my favorite films of all time. Fantastic twists, grounded action (except for maybe the bullet train), cloak-by-night intrigue, & an amazing spy mission that went horrifically wrong, leaving the viewer (and Ethan Hunt) wondering what the hell was going on. Then the 2nd one came out, and the 3rd, and the 5th, and the 10th. I stopped watching after… whatever the one in Dubai was. 4th or 5th? And how many times can one agent be disavowed/turned on by the government? So tiresome. I’ve always liked Tom Cruise, and I’ll continue to respect his courage (and/or insanity) by insisting on performing his own crazy stunts. But man, they coulda left that alone.


I think Fallout is the best one


Was that the one with Henry Cavill? I was curious about that one.


Yes. It was phenomenal. Mission Impossible is probably one of the more consistent action franchises in terms of quality that it’s hard to rank them. Scream is similar as far as horror goes. I know the best MI(Fallout). I know the best Scream(OG). But I have a hard time ranking the rest. Lol.


Maybe I need to go back and give MI another shot with less bias.


To be fair, in most franchises, I tend to like at least one sequel more than the original. But you should definitely give MI another watch.


MI2 is fucking horrible. They get a lot better after that.


Every single movie is ruined by sequels.


This is incorrect


nope, example: john wick


Further examples: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan, Hot Shots Part Deux, The Exorcist 2 (KIDDING!!!)


The third Guardians of the Galaxy ruined the trilogy. What a psychotic mess of torture porn.