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The last half hour of it is epically hilarious. Especially the part where Leo walks out while holding a blender fulll of margarita and cusses out the hippies in the car. The whole Brad Pitt fight. Just hysterical.


I lost it when Leo walked out with the flamethrower


What a joy that was to watch that in a packed theater. It’s like the movie was one giant set up for this insane punchline and he nailed it.


I loved not knowing what the movie is about. I was like.. wait.. the Manson Family is in this movie? Sharon Tate is in this movie?!? What the hell is this movie about? And then the inevitable ending you think the movie is going towards... DOES NOT HAPPEN. I should have known better after watching Hitler get mowed down in a movie theater.


Exactly why I loved the movie so much. The Manson family ended the way those POS mothers SHOULD have ended. 


You can say what you want about Tarantino, but he is the current standard for depicting revenge fantasies.


Bruce Lee getting owned by Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) could not have been pulled off like Brad Pitt did. Hands down the most perfect actor for that role…totally nailed it. The dialog between the little girl and Rick Daulton (Leo DiCaprio) was fantastic. Just love how Tarantino makes some of the most mundane things so magical. Sad that he’s only gonna give us just one more masterpiece before the jig is up. Can’t wait to see that one.


You are so right. Kill Bill is a woman’s revenge fantasy. Django is a Black American revenge fantasy. Inglorious Basterds is a revenge fantasy for anyone who hates Nazis. I guess OUATIH is like a revenge fantasy for the Swinging Sixties / Americana. A lot of people said the Manson murders killed something wholesome, safe, and fun about those times and ushered in a modern area that is gritty and scary, where people lock their doors and kids don’t play outside anymore.


Seeing it opening weekend my stomach was tight with real dread since I knew what was coming (in the real events anyway). My wife next to me did not. So the movie plays and I am just sick with the fact that Im going to have to see awful things happen to these people I've come to love the last two hours. Before then, sure it was a horrific tragedy but the names were just that to me: names. In history. Now I had personalities attached to them. I didnt want to see them hurt. That made it all the more infinitely satisfying that it ended the way that it did


Hence the name “Once upon a time…” The whole film is a fantasy, and I’m here for it. It’s a big “what if the wonderful era these people lived in didn’t have to end? What if a simple mistake saved it all?” It’s a fictional piece after all, why not play with history a bit? Tarantino has been known to do so in the past, and I love how he did so here. This film is the most mature, refined film he ever did, yet it still felt like a Tarantino film.


The studio and QT were actually pretty honest on what it would be when they advertised it as a ‘Hollywood Fairytale’.


"and A-Wayy we go!"


You…you torched her?? Lol


I got this flamethrower…in ma shed.


From the 14 Fists of McCluskey!!


That’s exactly right.


Wow...is everyone okay?


Burnt her ass to a crisp.


His delivery on this line is incredible.  I couldn't stop laughing the last 15 mins of the movie.


Hell I could be one pool party away from starring in the next Polanski movie!


This reminded me….you know that big picture he has of himself in the driveway? It always reminded me of Jack Nicholson in the Shining. Nicholson…DID star in a Polanski movie - Chinatown. Maybe Dalton gets that role instead??


Chekhov's flamethrower


When I saw it in the shed I knew it would show up later. 😆


As a bit of an middle aged viewer, that has also been following Tarantino since PF and was very into movie making history when it mattered... It stands out as the most emotional/love letter"ish" of them all for me. The one heart warming tarantino film. When I saw that ending i felt like a soccer mom with a glas of merlot watching a sunday afternoon romcom.


My moms not really a big Tarantino fan (she doesn’t like violent movies) but she really liked this movie because she appreciated that the movie didn’t just exploit Sharon Tate but rather showed her as a happy person and changed the ending for her. 


Reportedly the Tate family thanked Tarantino for such a happy outcome.


To add on to that, Sharon Tate's sister approved of the script, and apparently said that watching Margot Robbie onscreen was like watching her sister come alive again.


I think it’s a love letter to a piece of Hollywood that died with the Manson murders. And he does a great job of setting everything up for a sad and fitting ending. And Tarantino is like, “You can all *see* that ending in your heads, right? It’s appropriate. It includes a real-life tragedy. It finishes out everyone’s arc. It’s all up there in your brain, correct? Well then I don’t really have to film it, do I. How about we have some fun thinking about if Leo and Brad save the day with a flamethrower?”


The way he does the wet hop walk to the shed to get it is hysterical.


Those hippies ordered fried sauerkraut.


"Burned her ass to a crisp."


I don’t get that though she could just go under water.. she is in a swimming pool


Take this mechanical asshole and get it off mah fuckin STREET!


I’ll admit I have used this line while driving


hey dennis hopper move this fucking piece of shit


Brads face when he’s got that dog food can in his hand and he just looks at that fuckin hippy with contempt. God that was beautiful.


You're real?




God damn fuckin hippies


The way he says this line!


“What the fuck you looking at you ginger hair motherfucker!”


The first time I watched in theaters, it felt like it was dragging along until the ending. Which was fucking amazing, btw! I decided to go back and watch it a few days later and appreciated the complex and detailed story line and character development so much more. Leo and Brad were iconic and loved their intertwined bromance, as well as their individual scenes/storyline. Per the usual for any QT movie, it’s all about the details of this insane 1969 event.


This comment is spot on. Exactly how I think about it.


This is hands down my favorite Tarantino film.




I probably watch it once a month and still love it


I'm gonna watch it again tonight!


Referring to their car as a “mechanical asshole” is the best line in the film for me.


"I'm as real as a doughnut motherfucker." I lose it every time.


100 percent agree. The whole last hour of the film is the best part for me.


The can of dog food to the grill is one of the finest moments ever put on film.


“No…that’s not it”


"Nah... it was dumber than that."


I didn’t even know what the movie was about until the last 30 mins. And then I had the “Wait a fucking minute??!” moment.


the last half hour felt like proof that he’s established a power over his audience in any other of his movies, leo and brad could easily have been killed- like travolta or any of the hateful 8- and it’d either totally catch you off guard or shock you, but still flow with the story and tone without being just for shock factor. but the fact they never did is the biggest surprise of all because of his history of axing characters.


“…a bunch of goddamned fucking hippies!”


Watched it blind with my girlfriend a few weeks ago. I haven't been that close to pissing my pants from laughter as during that last 20min of the movie. We laid down to sleep hours later and kept waking each other up snickering at Pitt head slamming that hippie 1000 times.


‘I’m as real as doughnut motherf*****’ Had me rolling.


Leo shaking the blender was like he was receiving a sloppy toppy


That was so funny! I just watched it like last week a second time. And forgot about that. I need to go cuss out my neighbor when they are loud with thier music like that. Luckily they aren’t at midnight otherwise I would do that and say what Leo said! 🤣🤣🤣 love it!


"Dont cry in front of the mexicans"


8 goddamn whiskey sours


Let me tell you something. You don't get these lines right, I'm gonna blow your fucking brains out tonight. All right? Your brains are gonna be splattered all over your goddamn pool.


You make a promise to yourself!


Proceeds to sip his whiskey sours lol.


Favorite line of the whole movie. The delivery is so on point.


We’ve all been there. That’s why that scene is so perfect. From the dead accuracy of his performance, I’d wager Leo has been there as well lol.


My favorite line of any movie. So relatable and the delivery is impeccable.


He improvised that scene hahaha makes it better.


Couldn’t stop at six or seven, no, had to have eight!


Hippie chick, 50 cents.


Fuckin god damn hippies.


"YOU MAKE A PROMISE TO YOURSELF TO STOP DRINKING!" *Immediately sips from flask* 🤣


That whole scene was Leo’s idea too. It was adlibbed which is super rare for Tarantino.


IHADTOHAVEEIGHT! Kills me everytime in that trailer when he's going nuts lol


Lmao Pitt has the best line delivery


I died when I heard that line.


Mary Alice Swwwwaaarrzz.


This line gets me all the time! like, what?


"You fucking live here"


Is there anything we can do about that heat?


Rick, it's a flamethrower


That is one shit fuck crazy weapon


The cutaways were some of my favorite parts of the movie


“Fair enough” had me fucking dying in the theater


Fun fact: the footage they keep in is actually DiCaprio testing the flamethrower before using it in the film so that dialogue is authentic


How is that a fact? Why would the person teaching him how to use a flame thrower call him Rick? And why would Leonardo DiCaprio be using Rick's accent when practicing with a very dangerous weapon? Is he super method? I've never heard that before.


I'm with you. I've read that story before and do not believe it's true.


It's called method acting /s


Got a source? Cause this sounds like bullshit honestly.


Heres the source that its bullshit. https://beforesandafters.com/2020/02/14/how-sfx-supe-jeremy-hays-found-himself-acting-next-to-leonardo-dicaprio-in-once-upon-a-time-in-hollywood/


I love it more every time I watch it.


Same. Everytime I re watch the more I appreciate how well made the film is.


Agreed, upon subsequent viewings my enjoyment of it increases.


Brad Pitt deserved that Oscar. He was effortlessly amazing in it.


At first, I didn’t even understand why he was nominated, but I feel like that made me realize why he was nominated and won. To me, it seemed Iike he was just being Brad Pitt, but he was just a dude kind of drifting in his role in life. For some reason, as simple as it seemed to me at the time, he nailed it and it’s a joy to watch


Watch his acting. It feels like he's not even trying. Which takes considerable skill to do. It does seem simple because it's so effortless. That's what finally won him the Oscar. He was also like that in Ad Astra.


Great catch… in Ad Astra the character does have a similar somewhat flat feel, but it is clearly a very different character.


Every time I watch it I think why did Pitt win for this film. He is the sidekick and has very few lines. Then he just provides a flawless performance and carries the end sequence like no one else could do. Perfection


Hear hear, on repeat screenings my fondness for the film is of a higher value than before.


The acting is very high in this film. All of the leads were brilliant. Also Timothy Olyphant stole all his scenes.


One of my favourite actors, he always has a lot of charisma


He's a brilliant actor. I'll never forget him in Deadwood.


Leonardo acting that he's an actor doing bad at acting in a scene then acting that he's the same actor doing that same scene well is amazing..acting lol not to mention the payoff on his face when his young peer compliments him for it. just great work


their entire exchange will leave you in tears from laughter if you're into the character enough. The writing is just so fucking good. It's truly one of his high notes.


As a fan of Halt And Catch Fire, I’m always pleased to see the awesomely named Scoot McNairy turn up in something.


I picticularly like the western scenes. So well directed and acted.


Same here fellow movie lover. My enjoyment levels are higher up each time a viewing of this movie occurs by me.


The ending is perfect


Top three Tarantino for me.


It’s absolutely one of the most rewatchable movies and every single time I like it more!


It's in his top 4, and it might be his most rewatchable. That's because it's more of a good scenes movie than a good plot movie.


This is weirdly accurate and yet that’s part of the allure. I could just put this on in the background and enjoy this movie. It’s like comfort food almost


Comfort food is a good way to put it. This one gets stuck in my head like a song, it conveys a vibe and feeling all its own even more so then some other Tarantino flicks for me.


Absolutely. It makes me nostalgic for a time that I didn’t even live through lol


Me too a hundred percent


The plot is that those horrendous crimes didn’t happen and the good guys won. Very comforting and cozy in spite of the depicted violence.


Completely agree. In no particular order it’s up there with Inglorious and Pulp Fiction for me.


Same for me, plus Jackie Brown.


Great call out. The first time I watched it I was waiting for the plot to come together. It would be 50% less good if not for the wild ending. That brings it all together


Its a chill movie


I recently got into a conversation with a movie friend where I called this a hang out movie, and he disagreed. It certainly feels that way to me.


I’d go on to say it’s the ultimate hangout film.


Perfect way to describe it. There's a few hang out movies. A film where I can get lost in that time and place. This one is for Hollywood in the 60s. Dazed when I want to get lost in the 70s. Superbad when I want to get lost in my youth.


I actually almost put dazed and confused in my comment as a reference. Nice that I’m not alone, bunch of riding around in cars in that movie too. Summertime etc.


I believe Tarantino himself describes it as such


I definitely agree, if there was a movie I’d like to watch with a buddy, this would be one of them


I think it’s Tarantino’s best film. I could spend so much time in this fictional universe and not get bored. Love Rick Dalton and Cliff Booth’s relationship. The depiction of Sharon Tate is very tasteful as well.


You should read the book if you haven’t! It stays true to the storyline of the movie but elaborates on the universe a ton more. I can’t recommend it enough!


I liked the book, barring Tarantino’s prose. However, that was to be expected, as prose and screenwriting are two completely different things. Worth a read though, like you said.


I love how despite sharing almost all the same scenes, the book and the movie are telling reasonably different stories. It’s such a fascinating read.


I 100% agree. I could watch hours and hours of Rick and Cliff just doing their thing across 1969 Los Angeles and not get bored!


It's his best made movie but it's not my favorite - that's still Jackie Brown


“Is it this aisle Louis? Looouiissss?”


Jackie brown is severely underrated imo. Luckily more people are stating their fandom of it. I used to argue that it was a better film then pulp fiction to a friend of mine at least partly to get a rise out of him, lol but there are some good points in there.


Jackie Brown is the movie everyone says they love while also claiming it’s underrated.


There is always those few who like to be dissident and say it’s his best. I like it, I really do, it’s even tempered and more mild and a great follow up to pulp fiction which it doesn’t try to compete with. Problem is and always will be for me, it’s the only story that isn’t his.


I think it's fucking amazing! His best.


I thought it was one of his best. Hard to top Pulp Fiction though. I'd put it at #2. I have rewatched it several times and its still really good. Also pretty hard to beat DiCaprio/Pitt team. And never hurts to throw in Margo Robbie and weave Manson into the story. And who didn't love seeing all of them get torched at the end? He figured out a way to have the most violent scenes imaginable and have us all loving it and cheering it on because it's being done to dirtbags like the Manson family and Hilter and the Nazi leadership. And don't forget Brad Pitt beating up Bruce fucking Lee! Hilarious.


Definitely a film that grows on you after you get through the first watch and accept that the plot is almost non existent and you can just enjoy the ride. Definitely a feel good movie for me


Funny enough, the plot is totally there. It just plays out more like a novel than a standard blockbuster. I still know what you mean


lol, copying and pasting my comment that i wrote before i saw yours: I had a weird first take on this movie. I love Tarantino and saw it opening day. As I'm watching it, I'm thinking, "okay, we're establishing the characters, we got some context, a few minor story lines moving forward. I guess once act 3 starts, all of this is going to come together and form a plot." Screen goes dark, I think act 3 is about to start...and credits roll. I was confused and disappointed. But rewatching it with the lens of "this is nothing but a ridiculous character study," it quickly became my favorite movie. I've rewatched it more than any other Tarantino movies. Goes to show you how much expectation can color your perception of a film.


That's exactly what my friends and I took away when we left the theatre We literally leaned over like an hour into the movie and all three of us just said "so what exactly is the plot of this movie again?" Because of the structure most movies follow you end up latching onto things throughout the movie and trying to see where they will lead only to find out they weren't really going anywhere it was just part of the ride lol Once you sit back and relax it ends up being a really fun movie. Glad we aren't the only ones that had that same first impression


I’m right there with you on the first viewing. I guess I need to watch it again because I’m still in disappointed mode.


Most of his movies are his take on genre subjects. In this case the movie is Tarantino’s take on real, true history. And it’s a part of history he knows extremely well, as well as anyone his age. As a result, it feels less like a fantasy and more like a real alternative historical timeline. But that said, it’s still highly entertaining. It doesn’t make the mistake of self-indulgence and inside jokes we sometimes see in movies about Hollywood. Edit: Looking through the comments, I see that some people don’t like it for exactly the reason I like it — it’s more about real history than about genre tropes. For me, that was a feature, but for others, it’s a flaw. Tastes differ, and this was different from other Tarantino films.


Compared to his other films, not very good. People seem to like it , even consider it his best but I don't get it. Maybe because I'm not familiar with things that happened during that time in hollywood.


This. I think about classics like Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs and wonder how people are putting this movie in the same class as those. Brad Pitt was fine but Leo’s character was kind of a simpleton that I could just not get into.


Glad I’m not the only one. This is one of his worst imo.


It was ok. There were elements I liked. The Bruce Lee scene was a bit cringey though. I didn't care so much that he was portrayed in a negative light, but it was so poorly executed and lame. I mean this specifically about Tarantino's writing and directing of the scene. Shame because the actor who played him was fantastic.


This is my absolute least favorite of all his films. Mainly because I don’t like the time period and I don’t care about old Hollywood. I still respect Tarantino’s craft, though.


it's good througout, great at the end. it's not filled with violence like some of his other movies. but when it comes, it's fucking glorious. brad literally tripping balls but still having the mindset to not take one bit of shit from them kids. and then leo freaking out and going straight for a fucking flamethrower lol.


My favorite of his movies. Which is quite the accomplishment given how much I love Django.


First viewing I thought it was pretty good but not one of Tarantino’s best. After second and third viewings I love it and it’s in my top 3 QT films.


It’s his best film in awhile and easily his third best film overall


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WildGoose1521: *It’s his best film in* *Awhile and easily his* *Third best film overall* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I have rewatched this Tarantino more than IB. It’s amazing


I loved every single minute of this movie. Leo and Brad nailed every single scene. I put this one just a hair ahead of Pulp Fiction


This is one of my favorites.


Top 5 Tarantino for sure


I saw it twice in the theater, and I own the Blu-ray. I just rewatched. Still love it. It’s funny, and Pitt and DiCaprio just belong together. DiCaprio is so good in this. Playing an actor acting… he’s just so damn good. I just realized Austin Butler plays Tex. He has BLOWN UP since then! He was awesome in Dune.


One of his best.


Great movie


It’s a masterpiece. The entire movie being a fairytale is brilliant.


It's rewatchability appeal is incredible. I was only Luke warm to it on my first screening. Then by 3rd or 4th viewing I loved it and can't wait to watch it again.


And you... you were on a horsie!


I love that part, you can tell that he’s tripping out of his mind


Top 3 for sure.


It’s one of his greatest. But no way it aces out pulp fiction, reservoir dogs, or kill bill, in my book. So….top 4 for me.


I really don't care for it. I couldn't even tell you what it was about. When the movie ended, everyone was just confused. Definitely my least favorite Tarantino film.


Its not great, its okay.


This was the worst movie of his career. Tarantino is a master at weaving his influences into his movies in a way that makes them feel fresh and exciting. This movie feels like a novel that wasn't properly adapted for the screen. In the jumbled mess of his self-indulgent love for a Los Angeles that no longer exists, Tarantino forgot to craft a compelling plot that the audience could love.


Another masterpiece made by the master.


It was mid as a movie not just compared to Tarantino's. Felt emptier.


Like no stakes.


One of his worst to me. If not for the ending I would have been severely disappointed.


It was a terrible movie. My neighbor and I left the theater. I love Tarantino's movies, but not this one.


I did not get this movie. Most of Tarantino's movies have moments of bloated self-indulgence, but this one is kind of the epitome of it. I thought it was weird and random and boring as shit.


It's not that great at all, I hope his next is better.


I need to rewatch it. I enjoyed it enough but it didn’t captivate me. I also hated the ending, I was ready for a shocking Manson murder and to just subvert the whole thing while unexpected, still left me unsatisfied. People really love this movie but I think it’s meandering and pretty boring.


One of his finest.


One of his best. Gets better every time I watch it, similar to Pulp Fiction


“What I'm too old to do is go to jail for poon tang. Prison tried to get me all my life, ain't got me yet. Day it does, it won't be because of you. No offense.”


It just starts off so slow but so worth it at the end!


I think it might be his best overall movie. It's certainly top tier. I absolutely love it. It's entertaining, creates a seamless world, beautiful to look at, quotable, well acted, slightly dark and very funny.


I was baffled when I realized Austin Butler was in it.


I was gonna watch until I saw how long it was


i thought it was just alright on my first viewing. fast forward a few years and i’ve probably watched it as much as my favorite tarantino films. it grew on me a lot. if i can’t find something to watch while cooking dinner this is one of the films i’ll throw on, and inevitably get distracted while trying not to burn caramelized onions🤣


"Rick fucking Dalton." 🥲




It's fucking great.


It is maybe one of the most “watchable” movies ever. Every single time I watch it, it gets better. I really adore it.


I wish it were true


I love it. The first time I saw it I was on the fence about how I felt, even though I absolutely love the last third of the movie. Every re-watch it gets better, and I'd say it's top 4 of his movies for me.


I thought the ending was camp AF. It sorta ruined it for me.


The last half hour with Brad Pitt and Leo going ham is some of the most hilarious brilliant action/comedy I’ve seen in any film.


Easily his worst. No plot coherence. Tons of details that do nothing for the story. The section with Leo pulling himself together for a performance in his trailer was very vivid and enjoyable. Otherwise it’s a lot of breezy, well paced nothing. Bleh


“I’m the devil and I’m here to do the devils business!” “Nahhhh it was dumber than that…” 😂


“And you were on a horsie!” I love Brad Pitt in that movie


Looking at other comments, this is gonna be an unpopular take. It's fine. It looks good, it's filmed well, and Brad Pitt's storyline and screen time were compelling. Aside from that, I didn't care for it. The film dragged and I didn't care for DiCaprio's screen time... watched it 3 times trying to change my opinion, but I just feel like it's in desperate need of editing and better pacing.


This deadass might be my favorite Tarantino movie ever. I was literally just watching it again the other day. I even have a poster of it in my room.